NEW: Concord Journal and Boston Metro eResources
Sun, May 31, 2020The Library is pleased to offer Concord patrons free access to Concord Journal and Boston Metro Collection electronic resources available 24/7. [Read More]
Please note that due to staffing limitations, the Main Library's children's programs are operating on a reduced schedule this week March 10 to 14. See our children's calendar for up-to-date schedule information. We apologize for any inconvenience.
The Library is pleased to offer Concord patrons free access to Concord Journal and Boston Metro Collection electronic resources available 24/7. [Read More]
The Trustees of the Concord Free Public Library Corporation cordially invite you to an online premiere screening of The Making of Joe Wheeler: A Concord Story on Saturday, May 30, 2020 at 7:00 p.m. Advance registration is required. To register for this online event and to receive further details, please R.S.V.P. to:
The Novel Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) is a virus which is rapidly changing. Please visit the Center for Disease Control (CDC) for the most up to date information on COVID-19. For the local updates posted by the Concord Public Health Department, please click here.
Our library staff has selected a list of Hoopla movies for you to enjoy during library closure. They are movies that will lift your mood, let you lose yourself in a stranger world or alternative to "kids' movies" that parents can enjoy with children, and TV series that Concord loves (or will ). [Read More] [How to Use Hoopla] [View Hoopla eBooks and Audiobooks Selected for Adults] [For Teens] [For Tweens] [For Children] [For Early Readers]
The Concord Free Public Library has launched a reading incentive program for all ages during the library closure in response to the pandemic. [Sign Up Here]
The Williams Scholarship Committee, an initiative of the Concord Free Public Library Corporation, is now accepting scholarship applications from college-bound High School Seniors residing in Concord, MA for The Charles Williams Scholarship for Excellence in Music and The Charles Williams Scholarship for Excellence in the Visual Arts. The deadline for submissions for both scholarships has been extended to May 29, 2020. [Read More]
April is National Poetry Month. Our library staff has selected a list of Hoopla and Kanopy movies for you to enjoy as we celebrate poetry during library closure. [Read More]
From Monday, March 23 to Sunday, March 29, the Concord Free Public Library will partner with Concord’s Open Table community supper and food pantry services to offer a week-long Food for Fines Program. For each non-perishable item donated the Library will waive $1.00 in overdue fines.
Music from the Library Series will present American Brass Quintet on Saturday, March 21, 2020, 7:30 p.m. in the Main Library Rotunda. Generously sponsored by The Friends of the Concord Free Public Library. Free admission. Advance registrations are required. [Register]
Friday Flicks @ Fowler 2020 celebrates Germany through film from January 17 to March 20. This program is sponsored by The Friends of the Concord Free Public Library. Free admission. Open to the public. [View Film Schedule]
March events have been cancelled due to Covid-19 Virus Outbreak.