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- Policies
Rules of Behavior
The Concord Free Public Library strives to provide a comfortable and welcoming atmosphere. All residents and visitors have the right to use the library services and materials safely and freely. With this right comes the responsibility for conduct that allows each patron to study, read and work without interference. The Library has established these Rules of Behavior to ensure the rights and safety of library users and staff, and to preserve and protect the library’s materials, equipment, facilities, and grounds. These rules, along with other library policies, will be applied in a fair and reasonable manner.
Respect for other library users and library staff members shall be maintained at all times. Disruptive or inappropriate behavior that infringes on others’ use or right to use the library shall not be permitted. The library staff reserves the right to determine if other actions not listed below constitute “disruptive or inappropriate behavior.” Individuals who will not respect these expectations may be asked to leave the library, have library privileges suspended, or be subject to legal action.
Examples of disruptive or inappropriate behavior include (but are not limited to):
- Solicitation on library premises, including distributing written leaflets within the library facility, in the parking lot, or on walkways immediately adjacent to the library entrances.
- Smoking, vaping, using electronic cigarettes, consuming alcohol* or any other controlled substance while on library property. (*Use of alcohol is only permitted during Library Corporation sponsored events.)
- Use of profanity, running, throwing things, fighting, pushing or shoving.
- Stealing, damaging, altering, or inappropriate use of the library facilities, collection, or technology.
- Using personal electronic equipment, such as computers and cell phones, in a manner that disturbs other library users, such as loud audio equipment and playing or listening to music without headphones.
- Using the public restrooms for bathing, laundry, or any other unintended purpose.
- Excessive public displays of affection.
- Indecent exposure/public indecency.
- Interfering with others’ use of the library, its services and materials.
- Interfering with library staff members’ ability to perform their responsibilities.
To ensure that the Library is welcoming and comfortable for all:
- Covered beverages are permitted in most areas of the library. They are not, however, allowed in Special Collections or at the public computers.
- Food is limited to the Teen Lounge and Commons at the Main Library, and the Meeting Room at Fowler, or in other designated spaces during library sponsored events.
- Shirts and shoes must be worn in the library at all times.
- Walkways throughout the building and access to library materials should not be obstructed. Power cords should not cross pathways or be used in ways that create a trip hazard. Bulky objects brought into the library should not obstruct access to library materials nor block walkways.
- Animals, except for service animals, are not permitted.
- The use of study rooms and meeting rooms is limited to those who have signed up.
- Personal belongings should not be left unattended. Library staff members are not responsible for patrons’ personal property. Police may be called to remove items that appear to have been abandoned.
- The library reserves the right to inspect all bags, purses, briefcases, backpacks, etc., for concealed library material.
- Patrons should not bring personal property into the library that the library staff considers to be hazardous. The library staff may refuse to permit a patron to have access to the library in such circumstances.
- The telephones at all service desks are business phones. They may only be used by patrons, with staff permission, in cases of emergency.
- The material and equipment in the library are here for patron and staff use. Any purposeful damage done to the material, equipment, furniture, building or property of the library is against the law and will be reported to the police.
- Use of personal transportation devices (including bicycles, skateboards, or roller-blades) on library property is not allowed.
- The storage of personal transportation devices (including bicycles and scooters) inside the library is not allowed. Such devices should be placed in the designated location outside.
- Guns and other weapons are not allowed in the building at any time (except by law enforcement officers).
- Solicitation activities, including distributing written leaflets, may be conducted on public sidewalks a reasonable distance from the library entrances, but shall not impede entrance into and egress from the library.
- Single person restrooms should only be used by one person, unless a parent or other caregiver is required.
Approved by the Concord Free Public Library Committee, March 18, 2014.
Revisions Approved by the Library Committee on August 18, 2020, November 15, 2022
Additional Library Policies
Art Gallery & Jury
The Art Gallery of the Concord Free Public Library is administered by the Friends of the Library and by representatives from the local art community. An art jury is held once to several times a year in order to select work of qualified artists for display in the art gallery.
The Concord Free Public Library does not charge for the use of the gallery, and takes no commission from any sales. It carries NO insurance on its content and CANNOT accept responsibility for the theft or damage to any property accepted on loan from the artist. Setting up and taking down the exhibit is the responsibility of the artist(s). Each exhibit is displayed for approximately four weeks.
Art jurors ask for five representative pieces that exemplify the body of work planned for an upcoming exhibit; i.e., five pieces representing one complete show, instead of a sampling of all of an artist’s work.
In addition to the exhibition of art or photography, the Concord Free Public Library exhibits material from its own collection, as well as any material that may be of general interest to the community.
Bulletin Board
The Concord Free Public Library bulletin boards are a resource for local information and community activities and events, both sponsored by the Library as well as groups/individuals serving the Concord community.
Public Board:
The public is permitted to post items on the Public Board. Postings are encouraged to be a single sheet 8.5” x 11” or smaller. Staff will attempt to accommodate larger posters as space allows, but larger items will be the first to be removed if additional space is needed. Postings will be date stamped and kept posted for up to one month, but may be removed sooner as spacing warrants. Submissions are not saved or returned.
All postings should be of topics related to/of interest to the Concord community and should clearly display at least one contact person/organization.
Town and Library Board:
The Town and Library Board is limited to use by library staff only, for postings provided by the Town of Concord, the Concord Free Public Library and its official partners, The Friends of the Concord Free Public Library, and the Library Corporation. Submissions should be given to library staff at the Circulation Desk for placement on the board.
The Library reserves the right to remove any posting, at any time, for any reason.
Approved by the Library Committee on July 26, 2022.
Children's Use of the Library
The Concord Free Public Library welcomes children of all ages and strives to create a welcoming, fun and safe environment for children to develop a love of books, reading, and libraries. We hope that families will take advantage of the tremendous resources the Concord Free Public Library has to offer. We request that parents and caregivers partner with us in this effort by adhering to the following guidelines:
- Parents and guardians, not Library staff, are responsible for the actions and safety of children visiting the Library.
- Children aged 9 years and younger must be accompanied and supervised by a parent/guardian or designated caregiver (aged 13 or older) at all times in the Library.
- If children aged 9 years and younger are attending a Library program, their parents or guardians must remain in the Library building.
- Children aged 10 and older may use the Library without a parent or guardian present. They must have a way to contact a parent or caregiver when they are unattended in the Library.
- If a child becomes separated from their parent or guardian, Library staff will try to locate the missing caregiver. If a parent or guardian cannot be located within a reasonable time, the librarian in charge will call the Concord Police Department, who will remain with the child until a parent or guardian arrives.
- If the child’s parent or guardian cannot be located after the Library has closed, two Library staff members will stay with the child until the police arrive.
- Library staff members are prohibited from transporting children from the Library to any other location.
The Children’s Library and Children’s Room at Fowler are accessible to all, but the spaces are primarily intended for children up to 8th grade and for individuals for whom that space is developmentally appropriate. We strive to ensure that the space is safe, relaxing, and responsive to the needs and interests of children from 0 - 13 years old. For this reason, children aged 0 - 13 years old will be given priority for service and for the use of the space, including the furniture and computers.
Adults are permitted in the Children’s Library and Children’s Room at Fowler when accompanied by a youth or if the adult is actively using the collection/space in a way deemed appropriate by the staff. Unaccompanied adults may be encouraged by Library staff to use the facilities, services, and equipment in the adult sections of the Library. If the individual does not comply with staff direction or repeatedly violates this policy, the individual will be asked to leave. This policy has been developed out of concern for the safety of children in the Library.
Approved by the Concord Town Manager and Concord Free Public Library Committee, November 3, 2009
Revised February 15, 2022
Collection Development
Mission Statement and Goals
Our mission is to inspire lifelong learning and to actively promote personal enrichment by connecting community members to information, ideas, culture, unique historical resources, and each other in a tradition of innovation and excellence.
The Collection Development Policy reflects the library’s intention to provide library materials in a variety of formats that:
- Inform the public of timely issues and timeless ideas
- Empower citizens to explore diverse opinions on current and historical matters, and research topics of interest
- Inspire people to learn, create and discover
- Reflect the unique history and literature, local life and landscape, and evolving role of Concord in national and regional history, thought, and politics, and support the contextual exploration of American and New England history and leisure
- Entertain all ages seeking recreation and leisure
Purpose of the Collection Development Policy
The Concord Free Public Library is committed to serving the informational, educational, cultural, and recreational needs of all its patrons. The collection development policy is intended to guide staff and to inform the public of the principles on which collection development and management decisions are based. Collection development is the ongoing process of locating materials for purchase or for licensing; and making the decision, first, on their inclusion, and second, on their retention. Adherence to and utilization of this policy will ensure responsible use of funds, define the purpose of the collection, and establish limits and priorities on collection parameters.
The Concord Free Public Library’s commitment is to provide services to all patrons regardless of age, education, background, personal philosophy, religious belief, occupation, economic level, ethnic origin, and human condition. The library’s mission is to make available a broad range of library materials, to provide current and accurate information and is organized to provide free access to patrons within the limitations of space and budget. Included in the collection are works of enduring value and timely materials on current issues or interests as well as items purchased in response to significant patron interest.
The Library’s commitment to serving the public includes the adoption of the American Library Association’s guidelines for public access to information as cornerstones of this policy, and as guidelines for the acquisitions and management of the collection. The links to these guidelines are:
The staff of the Library strives to provide equal service to all library users. Children and adults are equally free to use the entire library and to borrow all materials in the circulating collection. It is the responsibility of parents to monitor the materials their children borrow or use in the library.
Materials are selected by the Library staff, based on the criteria outlined in this policy. Designated staff are responsible for specific areas of the collection. The responsibility for selection and retention ultimately rests with the Library Director, operating within the framework of this policy as voted by the Library Committee.
The development of Special Collections holdings is distinct from the overall Concord Free Public Library collecting policy. Per the Library Agreement, Special Collections materials owned, given to, or purchased by the Corporation are under the supervision of the Curator of Special Collections in communication with the Library Director.
Staff contributes to the development of patron-oriented collections by:
- Engaging in open, continuous two-way communication with library patrons and recognizing that individuals have different ways of expressing their needs based on age, language, economic status, culture, or other characteristics
- Interacting with patrons with understanding, respect, and responsiveness
- Handling all requests equitably
- Working in partnership with one another to understand and respond to community needs
- Understanding and responding to rapidly changing demographics, as well as societal and technological changes
- Recognizing that materials of varying complexities and formats are necessary to satisfy the diverse needs of library users
- Balancing individual needs and broader community needs in determining the best allocation of collection budget for acquiring or providing access to materials and information
- Seeking continuous improvement through ongoing measurement
- Reviewing the collection regularly to identify areas of community interest that may need to be strengthened
Scope of Collection
The Library seeks to develop an outstanding collection for a diverse population within the constraints of budget allocations and shelf space and taking into consideration the availability of network transfer, interlibrary loan or online sources. It strives to provide materials in a variety of formats for a variety of audiences, reflecting multiple perspectives. The collection contains a wide range of popular and classic fiction for children, young adults, and adults, as well as non-fiction materials, covering a wide range of subjects. There are smaller collections in world languages, in both print and audiovisual. The collection is designed to meet the interests and information needs of the community.
Library of Things
In addition to print and audiovisual materials, the Library may maintain a collection of physical and digital resources, including but not limited to tools, technology, and games, subject to the same selection and deselection criteria as traditional materials. The Library makes no commitment to offer individual instruction on the use of items in the collection. Individuals using the items in the collection are solely responsible for the safe, appropriate, and legal use of things borrowed, as well as their safety and health while using things borrowed. Unlike traditional materials, certain Library of Things items may require a safety waiver and be subject to specific terms of use.
General Selection Criteria
The collection contains popular works, classic works that have withstood the test of time, and other materials of general interest. Works are not excluded or included in the collection based solely on a subject matter or on political, religious, or ideological grounds. The materials for the collection are considered in terms of the criteria listed below. Not all criteria must be met, and no one criterion will be decisive. Additional criteria may be used to select materials for specific collections. Materials purchased for the collection are not an endorsement by the Concord Free Public Library of either the content or viewpoint presented by them. Self-published titles are generally not added to the collection unless there is a compelling reason to do so. Among the general criteria used to evaluate potential purchases, acceptance of gift materials, and retention or deaccession of materials are:
General Criteria:
- Present and potential relevance to community needs
- Suitability of physical form for library use
- Suitability of subject and style for the intended audience
- Cost
- Importance as a document of the times
- Relation to the existing collection and other materials on the subject
- Attention by critics and reviewers
- Potential user appeal
- Requests by library patrons
- Availability in the Minuteman Library Network
- Literary merit
- Representation of diverse viewpoints
Content Criteria:
- Authority
- Comprehensiveness and depth of treatment
- Skill, competence, and purpose of the author
- Reputation and significance of the author
- Objectivity
- Consideration of the work as a whole
- Clarity
- Currency
- Technical quality
- Representation of diverse points of view
- Representation of important movements, genres, or trends
- Vitality and originality
- Artistic presentation or experimentation or both
- Sustained interest
- Relevance and use of the information
- Effective characterization
- Authenticity of history or social setting
Role of the Branch Library
The selection of the materials in the Fowler branch collection is based on the profile and use patterns of the community. The branch collection targets the more popular circulating materials in several formats and basic research materials.
Collection Maintenance/Replacements/Deselection/Weeding/Discarding
Treatment and repair decisions will reflect an item’s frequency of use, structural soundness, and importance or uniqueness to both the Concord Free Public Library and the Minuteman Library Network. An item may be withdrawn from the collection for one or more reasons including:
- Item is misleading or factually inaccurate
- Item is worn beyond mending or repair
- Item is superseded by a new addition or better item on the subject
- Item is trivial or of no discernible literary or scientific merit
- Item is no longer relevant to the needs and interests of the Library’s community
- Item is available elsewhere and is easily obtainable from another library
In the interest of sustainability, whenever it is possible, items withdrawn from the collection will be donated, recycled, reused, or repurposed.
Gifts of Library Materials
The Library appreciates the generosity of the community members who donate materials to the Library. The Library accepts donations of books and other materials on behalf of the Friends of the Concord Free Public Library. The same selection and de-selection policies apply to gifts of books and other materials. A gift receipt form may be requested, but the Library staff will not place a value on any donated item.
Request for Reconsideration
The Library Committee of the Concord Free Public Library supports the guidelines by the American Library Association in its Library Bill of Rights (Library Bill of Rights), Freedom to Read Statement (Freedom to Read Statement), and Freedom to View Statement (Freedom to View Statement), and consider all materials selected under this policy to be constitutionally protected under the First Amendment of the United States Constitution. Any patron wishing to express concerns about an item in the collection may contact the Director using the Reconsideration of Library Materials form (see appendix).
The Library Director will respond in writing to an individual’s written request. Forms must be submitted by a Concord resident or property owner. Requests for reconsideration of materials with the same issue as requests previously resolved may be considered already fulfilled. The Library Committee will, upon written request, hear appeals of the Library Director’s response. Final decisions on appeals rest with the combined Director and Library Committee.
Revision of Policy
The collection development policy will be evaluated and revised periodically as time and circumstance require.
Approved by the Library Committee 9/20/2022
Updated 10/18/2022; 10/17/2023.-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Concord Free Public Library Request for Reconsideration of Material Form
The Library Committee of the Concord Free Public Library has established a materials selection policy and a procedure for gathering input about particular items. Completion of this form is the first step in that procedure. Forms must be submitted by a Concord resident or property owner. If you wish to request a reconsideration of a resource, please return the completed form to the Library Director.
Concord Free Public Library, 129 Main Street, Concord, Massachusetts 01742
Date _______________________________________________________________________________
Name ______________________________________________________________________________
Do you represent self? ____ Or an organization? ____ Name of Organization _____________________
1. Resource on which you are commenting:
___ Book (e-book) ___Magazine ___ Digital Resource ___ Newspaper
___ Movie ___ Audio Recording ___ Game/Video Game ___Display
_____Library of Things Item ___ OtherTitle_______________________________________________________________________________
2. What brought this resource to your attention?
3. Have you examined the entire resource? If not, what sections did you review?
4. What concerns you about the resource?
5. Are there resource(s) you suggest to provide additional information and/or other viewpoints on this topic?
6. What action are you requesting the committee consider?
Download Printable Version of the Collection Development Policy.
Computer Use and Public Internet Access
The Concord Free Public Library (“Library”) provides resources in a wide variety of formats to further its mission, including the use of Library computers and public Internet access.
The Internet is a global electronic network and the Library does not monitor Internet use, has no control over the information accessed through the Internet and cannot be held responsible for its content. The Library cannot guarantee the accuracy or completeness of information on the Internet. Parents are encouraged to supervise their children’s Internet sessions.
By using a Library computer or by using the public Internet access through the Library, you agree to the below guidelines.
Guidelines for Use
Use of the Library’s computers and Internet is governed by the rules of the Library, including the Library’s Patron Behavior Policy. Copies of these rules are available upon request at any reference desk. Persons who do not abide by these rules may be barred from the Library, prohibited from using Library computers or other Library equipment and/or prosecuted for illegal activities, under applicable law.
Use of the Library computers and Internet for illegal or abusive activities is prohibited. This includes, but is not limited to, activities such as:- accessing pornography,
- committing fraud or hacking,
- spreading libel or slander,
- transmission of chain letters, broadcast letters, or any form of junk mail
- transmission of threatening, obscene, or harassing materials
- transmission of computer viruses
- unauthorized access to local and remote computer systems
In addition, display of sexually explicit graphics is inappropriate in a public environment and is prohibited.
Patrons shall not:
- Install, delete or modify Library hardware or software.
- Move or change the arrangement of Library computers and attached equipment
- Make any attempt to damage computer equipment or software
- Make any attempt to cause degradation of system performance
- Misuse Library computers or other equipment and resources.
It is the responsibility of the patron to respect copyright laws and licensing agreements. Copyright restrictions may exist for individual electronic resources. Patrons may only make copies allowable by copyright law or licensed software agreements.
The Library reserves the right to control the time, place and manner of public Internet access and use to ensure that such use does not have a negative impact on the use of the Library by other patrons. The Library seeks to provide an atmosphere conducive to the best use of its resources. To this end, an effort will be made to balance the rights of users to access constitutionally protected information resources with the rights of patrons and staff to work in a public setting free from disruptive sounds and images.
The Library specifically disclaims any warranty as to information accessed on the Internet, including the information's accuracy, timeliness, authoritativeness, usefulness or fitness for a particular purpose. The Library assumes no liability for any damage to user data or loss of user privacy sustained while using the Library computers.
Approved by the Library Committee on July 16, 2013
The Concord Free Public Library creates Library Materials Displays and curates Exhibit Cases for the public’s browsing of the informational, cultural, and recreational holdings of the Library’s collections and formats.
Library Materials Displays include, but are not limited to, free standing bookcases, built-in displays and decorative elements found throughout the Main and Fowler Libraries.
Special Collections Exhibit Cases include free standing exhibit cases and built-in displays found throughout the Main and Fowler Library buildings. Exhibit Cases are curated by the William Munroe Special Collections, except for the Exhibit Cases in the Children’s Library which are curated by the Head of Youth Services.
Occasionally the Library may partner with outside organizations to populate a Library Materials Display or Exhibit Case, however, this is at the discretion of the Library Director or the Curator of Special Collections.
Library Materials Displays are filled with materials which have been purchased under guidelines of the Library’s Collection Development Policy. New acquisitions will be displayed as a matter of course, as well as titles and media which reflect the ever-changing interests, demographics and diversity of the community of Concord. “Staff Picks” titles are curated, rotating titles which reflect the personal taste and reading preferences of various individual staff members. Library Materials Displays may also include titles curated by Library Trustees of the Concord Free Public Library Corporation, members of the Library Committee, or Board Members of the Friends of the Concord Free Public Library.
The display or dissemination of materials in Library Displays does not constitute Town support, sponsorship or endorsement of the materials in the display or exhibit case, nor does the absence of materials in the display or exhibit case reflect non-support. Any requests for reconsideration should follow the Library’s Collection Development Policy.
Approved by the Library Committee on November 14, 2023
Library Cards
As members of the Minuteman Library Network, Concord adheres to the Minuteman policy of issuing only one library account per person for use at all public libraries in the network. Massachusetts residents may obtain a library card by presenting photo identification and confirmation of current address in accordance with the Minuteman Library Network’s identification requirements. Library card applications may also be submitted online. In order to complete the registration, you must present a photo ID and proof of address when you pick up your card. As a courtesy, new local residents without the required ID can be given a library card with a 2 item limit pending address verification.
Out-of-state residents, who meet the following requirements, may be issued a library card with sufficient identification: work or attend school in Massachusetts; own property in Massachusetts; are temporarily living in Massachusetts for more than 2 months. Out of state residents must provide identification showing their home/permanent address. Students must verify their status with a school ID. Temporary residents such as Au pairs must provide proof of temporary residence.
Children under the age of 12 must have a parent or legal guardian present to present a photo ID and proof of address when the child receives their library card. Parents or legal guardians are responsible for any charges incurred for materials borrowed by their minor children (age 18 and under).
A child’s library card is granted full privacy rights in accordance with Massachusetts General Laws (Chapter 78, Section 7) and the ALA Code of Ethics and Library Bill of Rights. Based on these standards, if a parent or guardian opens an account for their child, library staff cannot share information with parents/legal guardians regarding borrowed material on a minor’s card or make any changes to the account without permission from the child.
Approved by the Library Committee, December 9, 2014
Revised January 21, 2020.
Revised February 15, 2022
Meeting Rooms
The Library Corporation and the Library Committee welcome the use of the Library’s meeting rooms by Concord Town Committees or not for profit groups in the Concord community for cultural, educational and civic activities provided that (a) meetings are free and open to the public, (b) they comply with library policies, procedures and posted notices, and (c) the use is non-disruptive and consistent with normal library operations. All meeting room use must occur during the Library's normal operating hours except for events sponsored by the Library Corporation or the Friends of the Concord Free Public Library.
Room reservations may not be made earlier than 90 days before the requested date and reservation reconfirmation by the Library will be required, as per the below outlined procedures. Groups which meet regularly may be given the privilege of reserving a room at a specific time and date for an entire academic or calendar year.
The reservation and room usage form(s) will require the requesting group to designate the group's responsible party and contact information, the purpose of the meeting, its time and the number of expected participants as well as other requested information. No use may take place unless a reservation and room use form containing the required information has been fully completed in advance of the expected use date and accepted by an authorized Library staff member. All approved reservation requests shall be subject to the terms of this policy and a group's failure to comply with such terms shall be cause to terminate a group's use of a room and to deny any subsequent request for a room reservation. The Library assumes no responsibility for the safety or theft of any private property brought on the Library premises by the group using the meeting rooms or meeting attendees.
Reservation requests will be processed in the order received. Although efforts will be made to accommodate requests for particular rooms, times and dates, the Library reserves the right to designate room, time and date use as it deems appropriate and may limit a group’s use to no more than two evenings per month.
If on a given day an individual library patron desires to use an unoccupied and unreserved meeting room, such person may sign up at the reference desk on a first-come first-served basis for use of the room for a two-hour period. Parties of two or more will have priority over individual patrons. No advance booking is allowed for such daily individual or group patron use.
Use of rooms for Library programs or by the Library Corporation, the Town Library Committee or the Friends of the Concord Free Public Library shall take precedence over other all other uses. Any previously approved reservation may be cancelled by the Library Director or the Library Corporation on reasonable notice and immediately in the case of weather or other emergency.
Arrangements, such as the setting up of library chairs and tables are the responsibility of the sponsoring group and must be coordinated with library staff. The Library's audiovisual equipment shall not be used without prior approval of the Library staff. Any publicity regarding the meeting shall be the responsibility of the sponsoring group and any mention of the Library shall be limited solely to identify it as the location of the meeting and the acceptance of a reservation shall not imply the Library's endorsement or sponsorship of the group, program or event. Legal room occupancy limits shall be observed. Alcoholic beverages, use of open flames and smoking are prohibited. Groups may serve light refreshments. At the end of the meeting all chairs, tables and other Library equipment and materials shall be placed in their proper storage location as may be directed by the Library staff, all trash shall be removed and the room shall be left clean and in good order. Groups are responsible for damage to Library property and for excess cleaning expenses occasioned by a group's use of a meeting room.
Use of rooms for tutoring is subject to the Library's separate policy relating to this activity.
Any questions concerning this policy shall be directed to the Library Director who may refer them to the Library Corporation or the Library Committee as may be appropriate.
This policy is subject to change without notice.
Original Policy 11/17/76
Revised 5/6/93
Revised 10/13/99
Revised 6/30/05
Revised 4/1/11 -
Photography & Filming
Non-commercial photography, filming, and recording are welcome in most public areas of the Concord Free Public Library (the "Library") within the following guidelines:
- Photography, filming, and recording and any associated equipment shall not interfere in any way with Library operations;
- Photography, filming, and recording and any associated equipment shall not disturb members of the public;
- Photography, filming, or recording of other patrons shall only occur with their express consent (or consent of a parent or guardian in the case of a minor);
- No photography, filming, or recording of Library events shall occur without the approval of Library staff; and
- No photography, filming or recording shall occur in Special Collections without permission from Special Collections staff.
No commercial and media photography, filming, or recording (including formal, wedding, and engagement photography) shall occur without the written approval of the Library Director, the Concord Free Public Library Corporation, or their appointed designee.
Any consent granted pursuant to this Policy to permit photography or filming may be revoked by the Library Director or designee at any time.
Library staff reserve the right to escort individuals from Library property who are photographing, filming or recording in violation of this policy.
The Concord Free Public Library frequently photographs, films, or records programs and events for its own publicity and promotional purposes. Attendance at programs and events is considered consent to photography, filming, or recording, but Library staff will make an effort to inform patrons when photography, filming, or recording is occurring and to provide reasonable accommodations for those who wish to opt out of photography, filming, or recording.
Policy Approved by the Library Committee January 17, 2023; updated 9/19/23
Policy Approved by Library Trustees, February 8, 2023; updated 9/13/23
Download Printable Version of the Photography and Filming Policy.
The Concord Free Public Library offers programs intended to further the Library’s mission to “inspire lifelong learning and to actively promote personal enrichment by connecting community members to information, ideas, culture, unique historical resources, and each other in a tradition of innovation and excellence”. The Library functions as an information, recreational, and cultural resource for the community. Programs are a means through which the public can share experiences, explore ideas, appreciate special interests, exchange information, and connect with each other and with the Concord Free Public Library.
Library sponsorship of a program does not constitute an endorsement of the content of the program or the views expressed by participants. Program topics, speakers and resources are not excluded from programs because of possible controversy. Library programming will reflect a wide range of diverse perspectives and opinions.
In developing and delivering programs, Library staff utilize staff expertise, collections, equipment, facilities, and an awareness of sustainability’s triple bottom line: environmentally sound, economically feasible and socially equitable. The following criteria are used in making decisions about program topics, speakers, and accompanying resources:
- Community needs and interests
- Budget and cost of program
- Space required for program
- Presenter background/qualifications in content area
- Relevance/appropriateness of program to the Library’s mission
- Staff time
Performers, speakers, community members, etc. may use our Suggest a Program Form to let the Library know of programs that may be of interest to the Concord community. Priority is placed on community relationships and partnerships.
At any Library sponsored event
- All programs are free and open to the public, with the exception of private events hosted by the Concord Free Public Library Corporation or the Friends of the Concord Free Public Library.
- Programs may be held on site at the Library, off site, or online.
- Decisions related to whether the program is in person, hybrid, or virtual are made by the coordinating staff in collaboration with the performer or speaker.
- A program may be converted to virtual as needed (weather, speaker issues, etc.).
- We will make every effort to let potential participants know about changes.
- Professional performers are selected by Library staff.
- Program attendance will not exceed the capacity of its space as determined by the fire code.
- Program attendance of virtual programs cannot exceed the capacity of the Library’s hosting account.
- Programs may be designed for and limited to a specific audience, age, or grade level. Standard age ranges for programs are:
- Children are defined as those 9 years of age and younger.
- Tweens/Teens are defined as being between the ages of 10 and 17 years old.
- Adults are defined as those 18 years of age and older.
- Family is defined as appropriate for all age and grade levels.
- In an effort to be inclusive, exceptions to age guidelines can be made for accessibility.
- Decisions concerning an event’s audience, registration, capacity, late arrivals, and allowable walk-ins will be made by Library staff supervising the event. Patrons will respect decisions made by Library staff with the presenter’s input regarding an event’s audience, registration, capacity, late arrivals, and allowable walk-ins.
- The safety of our patrons is our top priority
- All Concord Public Health protocols will be adhered to.
- If requested by a performer or speaker, we may require certain safety measures for specific programs.
Ticketing or Registration
- Some events may require tickets or registration. This is done in order to:
- Maintain necessary room or venue capacity.
- Allow the presenter to prepare for the number of people attending.
- All registered attendees will be sent a reminder about the upcoming event at least 24 hours in advance.
- We request that registered individuals notify the organizers as soon as possible if they are unable to attend in order to allow other people to register.
- In cases of high demand programs (such as limited seating craft programs), if a patron repeatedly doesn’t show with no prior notification, they may be blocked from registering for these types of events for up to 3 months.
- For high-demand events, we may create a waitlist in lieu of allowing walk-ins.
- The waitlist will be activated as soon as registration is full.
- Should spots become available, we will make every effort to notify waitlisted patrons in time for them to attend the event.
- If there is still space, walk-ins will be allowed.
Event Promotion
- The Library can only promote Library-sponsored programs.
- Library staff are responsible for program graphics. All external graphics must be approved for use by the supervising staff or Library Director in regards to collaborative programs.
- If time and space allows, the Library may share community program information.
- Please refer to the Library’s Social Media Policy and Bulletin Board Policy for more information.
Event Management
- Even in the event of preregistration, the Library does not guarantee seating once a program has begun.
- If the event does not have a waitlist, walk-ins may be allowed to fill unclaimed spots.
- In compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), we will make sure there is seating available for anyone who needs accommodation.
- The Library requests at least two weeks of notice for any accommodation such as an interpreter, listening devices, etc.
- All are welcome and we will do our best to make reasonable accommodations.
- Patrons causing a disruption of an in-person program may be asked to leave by the supervising staff or Library Director.
- Caregivers are responsible for their children’s conduct.
- Attendees causing a disruption during a virtual program may be muted or removed from the program.
- At all events we adhere to the Library’s other policies, such as the Rules of Behavior, Photography and Filming, Social Media and Meeting Room policies.
- Authors or booksellers may sell books as part of a Library program. Programs sponsored by the Library Corporation or the Friends of the Concord Free Public Library may include the sale of merchandise as a fundraiser to benefit the Library. Sale of any other products at Library programs is not permitted unless authorized by the Library Director or designee.
- Programs are not used for commercial purposes or for the solicitation of business. However, the presenter may leave business cards for participants to pick up after the program for anyone interested in purchasing items or services from the presenter.
Program Reconsideration
Any patron wishing to express concerns about a program may contact the Library Director using the “Request for Review of Library Program” form. Requests must be submitted in writing at least two weeks prior to a program.
The Library Director will respond in writing to an individual’s written request. Forms must be submitted by a Concord resident or property owner. Requests for review of a program with the same issue as requests previously resolved may be considered already fulfilled. The Library Committee will, upon written request, hear appeals of the Library Director’s response. Final decisions on appeals rest with the combined Library Director and Library Committee.
Revision of Policy
The Programming Policy will be evaluated and revised periodically as time and circumstance require.
Approved by the Library Committee on March 22, 2023.
-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Concord Free Public Library Request for Review of Library Program
The Library Committee of the Concord Free Public Library has established a Programming Policy and a procedure for gathering input. Completion of this form is the first step in that procedure. Forms must be submitted by a Concord resident or property owner. If you wish to request a review of a program, please return the completed form to the Library Director at Concord Free Public Library, 129 Main Street, Concord, Massachusetts 01742.
Date: _______________________________________________________________________________
Program Title: _______________________________________________________________________________
Date of Program: _______________________________________________________________________________
Name of Person Requesting Review: _______________________________________________________________________________
Address: _______________________________________________________________________________
Telephone: _______________________________________________________________________________
E-Mail address: _______________________________________________________________________________
Do you represent yourself? ____ Or do you represent an organization? _____
Name of organization: _______________________________________________________________________________
What are your specific objections to this program? _______________________________________________________________________________________________
Have you read any reviews of this program or speaker? _______________________________________________________________________________________________
What do you recommend be done regarding this program? _______________________________________________________________________________________________
How did you become aware of this program or service? _______________________________________________________________________________________________
What do you know about its content and purpose? _______________________________________________________________________________________________
Have you attended the program (or another event with this presenter) or used the service? _______________________________________________________________________________________________
What do you believe might be the result of attending this program/using this service? _______________________________________________________________________________________________
Do you see any ways in which this program or service could be of value? _______________________________________________________________________________________________
Please suggest alternative events or services that could provide similar information on this topic or support in this area to the community. _______________________________________________________________________________________________
This policy outlines the general guidelines by which commercial activity (sales) can be conducted on the grounds of the Concord Free Public Library (CFPL), and the role that members of CFPL staff play in conducting sales. In no case shall CFPL staff assist in sales or the permitting, licensing, or documentation associated with any sales. Per the Library’s Rules of Behavior, solicitation on library premises is not allowed, including solicitation for the sales outlined below.
Writers, Musicians, and Other Performers
When contracted as a presenter by the Concord Free Public Library, the Friends of the Concord Free Public Library or the Concord Free Public Library Corporation, a presenter may sell books, recordings, or similar material related to the presenter’s presentation within the designated space of the event. Presenters are responsible for all elements of sales, including acquisition of any necessary permits, licenses and adherence to applicable sales tax laws. No merchandise may be stored at the library except during the advertised time of the event (including set-up and tear-down). Presenters may not solicit business, but may provide business cards or similar information on a table for patrons to choose to take.
When invited by the Concord Free Public Library to display artwork in one of the Library’s galleries, artists may post pricing lists and other sales information to facilitate the sale of the artwork on display. The artist is responsible for all elements of sales, including adherence to applicable sales tax laws.
Library Partner Organizations
The Concord Free Public Library Corporation and the Friends of Concord Free Public Library, may sell books, recordings, merchandise and related materials as part of the ongoing book sale housed in the Library, at the annual book sales, and at co-sponsored Library programs, festivals and events. The partner organizations may also sell materials and supplies for use in the Workshop makerspace, and collect applicable fees for publication rights or reproductions related to the William Munroe Special Collections. In addition, these partner organizations may occasionally engage in sales of tickets for special events they host or sponsor that are intended to benefit the CFPL. In all cases, members of these organizations are responsible for all elements of sales, including audits and refund requests, acquisition of necessary permits, licenses and adherence to applicable sales tax laws.
The Concord Free Public Library Corporation may offer space to third-party vendors for temporarily staffed, or long-term self-service, food and drink options including vending machines, food trucks, or pop up food service. In these instances, the vendors are solely responsible for handling payments and setting procedures for selling their products.
The Concord Free Public Library only accepts cash through coin and bill towers at the copy/print stations for the purpose of printing. The coin tower, not staff, makes change for these transactions. CFPL does not accept cash for payment of any other fee or fines, and is therefore not equipped to safely keep, store, or supply change for any cash business conducted on site. Any party permitted to conduct sales on site (as outlined above) is solely responsible for all aspects of the sales, including money collected on site.
Approved by the Library Committee 10/17/23.
Signs on the Library Lawn
The Library Corporation Board of Trustees only permits signs for library events and services hosted by the Library, the Library Corporation, the Library Committee, or the Friends of the Library. Signs may be displayed for library partnership organizations. From time to time, the Town of Concord may place signs of general interest and importance on the lawn.
An organization is considered a “partnership organization” if the Library, the Library Corporation, or the Library Committee, or the Friends of the Library is an advertised sponsor, the library is hosting the event, or is a significant contributor to an event or program.
Signs may be placed on the Main Library Lawn at the triangle formed by Sudbury Road and Main Street, or on the lawn by the Sudbury Rd entrance; for Fowler signs may be placed at the triangle formed by Church Street and Main Street in West Concord.
Approved by the Concord Free Public Library Corporation October 12, 2022
Approved by the Library Committee October 18, 2022 -
Social Media
To further the mission of the Library and to help connect the community to its resources and services, the Library maintains a variety of social media accounts. Accounts are used for announcements related to Library materials, events, scheduling, and industry-related information, as well as town, regional and general interest topics. Additionally, in designated instances, accounts may be used to host virtual or hybrid programs and events in accordance with the Library’s Programming Policy.
The Library reserves the right to monitor content on all of its social media accounts and to modify or remove from public view any messages, postings, or members that it deems, in its sole discretion, to be:
- In violation of the Library’s Rules of Behavior, the Town of Concord Social Media Policy, or the social media service’s policies;
- Obscene;
- Discriminatory;
- Harassing;
- Abusive;
- Threatening;
- Inciting or promoting violence or illegal activities;
- Potentially defamatory;
- In violation of copyright laws;
- Personal identifying information or sensitive information;
- Off-subject or out of context;
- Commercial promotions or spam;
- Political promotions or endorsements; or
- Violations of local, state, or federal laws.
The Library also reserves the right to edit or modify any content and to close comments on any post or account at any time in its sole discretion. Any messages or postings expressed on the Library’s social media accounts not originating from the Library do not reflect the views or positions of the Library or its staff. The Library is not responsible for the content of messages or postings originating from accounts other than the Library’s.
All social media content is permanent public record subject to Massachusetts Public Record Law, and may be disclosed to third parties.
Approved by Library Committee June, 2021; Updated 2/13/24.
Study Rooms
General Principles & Purpose
As part of its mission to inspire lifelong learning and promote personal enrichment, the Concord Free Public Library offers study rooms for use by members of the public. These rooms are available for quiet study or small group work. Study Rooms may not be used for commercial purposes with an exception for tutoring. Study Rooms may be used for tutoring so long as participants follow all library policies and do not disrupt the use of the library by other patrons or groups.
Main Library (129 Main St.) has three study rooms:
- 1 technology-free room with a capacity for 2 people (Note: This room has weak internet signal and is not accessible.)
- 2 rooms with a capacity for 4 people
Note - When the Lower Level Meeting Room and Trustees Meeting Room are not in use, they operate as study rooms.
Fowler (1322 Main St.) has one study alcove:
- Quiet Study Alcove with capacity for 6 people. (Note: This space does not have a door.)
Use of Study Rooms
- Study Rooms are available for same day use on a first come, first served basis.
- Reservations must be made online with a valid Concord Free Public Library or Minuteman Library Network Card.
- Note - When the Lower Level Meeting Room and Trustees Meeting Room are not in use, they operate as study rooms and can be reserved for same day use by visiting the Reference Desk. The Study Alcove at Fowler cannot be reserved.
- Interviews - Concord students, teachers, and residents may book study rooms in advance for educational or career interviews by calling the Reference Desk.
- There is a two hour limit per day.
- No food is permitted in the Study Rooms; covered beverages are allowed.
- Power and wireless internet access are available in all rooms, unless otherwise noted.
- The Quiet Study Alcove (Fowler) is equipped with a monitor/display that can be used to share a laptop screen. HDMI cable and adapters are available for check out at the main floor service desk.
- The Library is not responsible for loss or damage to personal items. Do not leave personal items unattended if you leave a room for any reason.
- Public use of the Library’s Study Rooms must be subordinate to the need to provide a safe, peaceful, and respectful environment in which to read and study. No use of the Study Rooms will be allowed that is likely to disturb library patrons in their customary use of library facilities, impede library staff in the performance of their duties, or endanger patrons, staff, or the library building or collections.
Approved by the Library Committee on April 26, 2022; Updated January 16, 2024.
Approved by the Concord Free Public Library Corporation on February 7, 2024.
Use of the Teen Lounge
The Concord Free Public Library’s Teen Lounge is intended for use by visitors ages 11-18 and for individuals for whom that space is developmentally appropriate. Other individuals are welcome to visit the Teen Lounge briefly to retrieve books and other library materials or to request assistance from staff working in that space.
The Teen Lounge represents the Library’s intention to ensure that Concord’s middle and high school students have a place that is safe, relaxing, and responsive to their needs and interests. For this reason, use of the space, including the furniture and computers will be held exclusively for teenagers. The Teen Lounge is not an appropriate space for tutoring.
Approved by the Concord Free Public Library Committee, September 19, 2023.
Download Printable Version of the Use of the Teen Lounge Policy.
The Workshop
The Workshop offers a wide variety of tools for makers of all ages and experiences! To ensure the safety of the public and our equipment, we divide our tools into three categories:
- All Makers! tools may be used by any maker age 10 or older.
- Trained Makers! tools may be used by any maker 10 or older who has taken the video training in the tool. Makers under 10 may use trained maker tools under the direct supervision of a trained maker 13 or older.
- Expert Makers! tools may be used by (i) any maker 18 years or older who has taken the video training in the tool and has signed a written safety waiver, (ii) any maker from 10 to 18 years old who has taken the video training in the tool and has a written safety waiver signed by their parent or guardian, or (iii) makers under 10 under the direct supervision of an adult parent or guardian who has signed a safety waiver on their behalf.
Guidelines for Use
- All makers must check in when they enter the Workshop.
- All tools must be checked out to an individual’s active Minuteman Library card in good standing. For visitors from outside Massachusetts, guest passes may be available depending on demand.
- All makers must clean their workspaces and return tools in a clean condition to their original location in a timely manner at the end of their check-out period.
- Staff may institute limits on the time or manner of use of tools and materials based on demand, safety concerns, and the needs of the Library.
- Makers are responsible for the cost of any damages incurred to the Workshop’s equipment or property.
Rights and Release from Liability
- Neither the Concord Free Public Library (CFPL) nor the Concord Free Public Library Corporation (CFPLC) accepts responsibility if a project is destroyed, does not manufacture correctly, or does not function as expected.
- Workshop tools are housed and operated in a public area of the Library. Privacy and confidentiality of activity cannot be guaranteed.
- Workshop tools may not be used to manufacture weapons or items that pose a safety risk.
- Library staff may halt, delete, or disallow the use of any tool at any time.
- CFPL and CFPLC are not responsible for any personal injury or damage to, or loss or theft of, a patron’s property, including materials damaged or wasted due to tool malfunction, misuse, or shutdown.
- Makers are responsible for the safe and responsible handling of tools and equipment.
- Makers may not attempt to disassemble, modify, clean, or repair any makerspace equipment except as authorized by makerspace staff.
- Staff may require the use of personal protective equipment (PPE), including but not limited to gloves, glasses, aprons, or masks, for the use of some tools.
- Staff may restrict the types of materials (i.e. epoxy resins, ABS filaments, etc.) used in the Workshop to reduce the risk of harm to persons and equipment. Makers who bring their own materials or tools must present safety data sheets (SDS) and proof of purchase from an approved vendor to Library staff before use on Library property.
- Makers must immediately report any accident, malfunction, maintenance issue, incident, or unsafe behavior they observe to Library staff. Makers may not use malfunctioning or damaged equipment until it has been repaired.
- Use of any tools in a manner that is judged by staff to have the potential to harm a person, tool, or property, may result in immediate suspension or termination of privileges.
Approved by the Trustees of the Concord Free Public Library Corporation on March 8, 2023; Updated 4/12/23, 3/12/25. Approved by the Library Committee March 21, 2023; updated 2/4/25.