Old Hill Burying Ground
The Old Hill Burying Ground
Not to be reproduced without the permission of the Concord Free Public Library

Gravemarker Data
from the
South (Main Street) Burying Ground
and the
Old Hill Burying Ground,
Concord, Mass.

(October 2005)


The old burying grounds of Concord, Massachusetts contain important historical data. The Town of Concord recognizes that the historic burying grounds are a rich cultural resource and welcomes visitors and scholars who wish to gather information there. As part of its charge to oversee the maintenance and perpetual care of the burying grounds, Concord Public Works undertook a Gravemarker Preservation Program in 1999 to address the serious deterioration of many of the markers. As a starting point, a written and photographic record was created for every gravemarker in the South Burying Ground and the Old Hill Burying Ground. These inventories provide a valuable archive of the genealogical data contained on the stones as well as a record of the condition of each gravemarker as the baseline for a restoration plan. The Concord Free Public Library is pleased to make the database created from these records available for public use so that scholars and researchers may easily access the genealogical and other information that they contain.

The gravemarker inventory project was undertaken by a team of volunteers under the direction of Alicia Paresi, consulting archaeologist. The information was prepared by Paul Reinhardt, Management Analyst at Concord Public Works, with invaluable assistance from Sarah Chapin, Concord historian, and author.

Marker ID: Record identifier used only to link information in this inventory.

Marker #: Location and numerical designation for the grave marker. For example SBG-24/3. The letters identify the cemetery (SBG = South Burying Ground; OHBG = Old Hill Burying Ground). The first number is the section number, as shown on the Map of Sections for each of the historical burying grounds (each burying ground was divided into hypothetical 20 ft by 20 ft sections for the purpose of this inventory). The number after the slash mark is the number of the individual stone within each section.

Tolman#: Headstone number assigned in the summer of 1873 by George Tolman, a genealogist, and researcher who transcribed headstone inscriptions in the South Burying Ground and the Old Hill Burying Ground. Nineteenth-century Concord historian George Tolman assigned numbers to the gravestones in the Hill and South burying grounds and carefully recorded the epitaphs.  Tolman’s manuscript The Inscriptions from the Old Burying-Grounds in Concord, Mass. is held by the Concord Free Public Library and is there available on microfilm for research use.

     1. Slate (S)
     2. Marble (M)
     3. Sandstone (SS)
     4. Granite (G)
     5. Other ____

Condition [of carvings]:
     1. Sound
     2. Chipped
     3. Cracked
     4. Crumbled
     5. Eroded
     6. Biological Activity
     7. Tilted
     8. Sunken
     9. Fragmented
     10. Flaked
     11. Discolored
     12. Broken
     13. Soiled
     14. Exfoliated
     15. Fallen
     16. Delaminated
     17. Other_________

Dimensions: Height, width, and thickness are measured in centimeters.

Inscriptions are recorded exactly as they appear on the gravestones. Unfamiliar usages that may be encountered include relict = widow (from Latin, relictus, left behind) and aet. (abbreviation of Latin aetatis, [year] of age), decd, deceased.

Paresi, Alicia R., et al.
1999 Gravemarker Inventory of South Burying Ground, Concord, MA.,
Unpublished manuscript. On file at Concord Public Works.

1999 Gravemarker Inventory of Old Hill Burying Ground, Concord, MA.,
Unpublished manuscript. On file at Concord Public Works.

Copyright 2005, Town of Concord, Massachusetts, Dept. of Public Works. Not to be reproduced in any form without permission from the Town.
Draft version, mounted 22 Oct. 2005. rcwh.


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MarkerID Cemetery Marker# Tolman# #Graves Marker Type Footstone? FS Markings Material Carver ID Motif Condition Height Width Thickness Marker Notes Inscription
6 SBG 1/1 497 1 Headstone TRUE A.B. S None Urn/Willow 1 126 55 4 Sound, chipped, biological activity, flaked, discolored In Memory of Mrs. Lydia, wife of Mr. Amos Noyes, who died Nov. 15, 1825: AEt. 45, formerly consort of Mr. Andrew Conant.  When I lie buried in the dust, My flesh shall be thy care:  These withering limbs with thee I trust, to raise them strong and fair.
7 SBG 1/2 496 1 Headstone TRUE MR. A. CONANT S None Urn/Willow, Pillars 1 121 76 4 chipped, biological activity, sunken, oxidation ERECTED In memory of Mr. Andrew Conant who died Jan. 31, 1813 Aet 39 years
8 SBG 1/3 495 1 Headstone TRUE MRS. CATHERINE CONANT S None Winged head on a pillar 2 15 57 3 cracked, biological activity, flaked, mower scratches In Memory of Mrs. Catherine Conant wife of Mr. Abel Conant, who died March ye 24th, 1780; In the 29th year of her age.
Life is short but death is sure Sin is ye wound, Christ is the cure.
9 SBG 1/4 494 2 Obelisk FALSE   marble, granite None Lettering only 2 197 91 0 eroded, biological activity, flaked, discolored John Hosmer, Died Feb. 16, 1836 Aet 84 Although in arms at the Battle of Concord and a soldier of the Continental Army, he was in all his life after a man of peace.
Mary his wife, Died 17 of June, 1814. Aged 54, a prudent and faithful wife, she aided her
10 SBG 1/5 493 1 Headstone TRUE MR. MOSES BINNEY S None Winged Head, urn/willow 1 122 69 6 chipped, biological activity Erected In Memory of Mr. Moses Binney, who departed this life Sept. 21st. 1788: In the 28th year of his age. Here mix'd with earth his ashes must remain Till death shall die & mortals rise again.
11 SBG 1/6 492 1 Headstone TRUE E.B. S B. Day, Lowell Urn/Willow 1 139 61 6 chipped, cracked, biological activity In memory of Elizabeth Widow of Moses Binney, who died March 3, 1847, Aet 82. B. Day, Lowell 8:6
12 SBG 1/10 498 1 Headstone TRUE S.C. S None Urn/Willow and border 2 143 79 4 sound, algae, flaked, discolored, target practice Erected in memory of Miss Susannah Conant who died Sept. 9.1819 AEt. 59
13 SBG 1/11 499 1 Headstone FALSE   S None Urn 2 112 61 3 chipped, cracked, discolored, broken, oxidation possibly from repair In Memory of Andrew Conant, son of Mr. Silas & Mrs. Louis Conant, who died Feb. 8, 1803 aged 21 years. Who live'd defin'd & died lemented
14 SBG 2/2 515 1 Headstone TRUE MR. JONATHAN HERRICK S n/a Winged Skull, border 2 54 47 7 Chipped, cracked, flaked, discolored, exfoliated Here Lyes ye Body of Mr. Jonathan Herrick. Who Decd. July ye 29th 1724 in ye 53rd year of his age
15 SBG 2/6 514 1 Headstone TRUE RUTH CONANT S n/a face, spirals, rosettes 2 59 42 7 mold, algae, sound, chipped, flaked Here lies Buried The Body of Ruth Conant Dauter of Mr. Andrew & Mrs. Elisabeth Conant Who Died March ye 14 1760 In ye 15 year of Her Age
16 SBG 2/7 513 1 Headstone TRUE MRS. ELIZABETH CONANT S n/a rosettes, spirals, border; face without wings 2 90 57 5 sound, chipped, cracked, flaked, discolored, exfoliated Here lies Buried The Body of Mrs. Elizabeth Conant Wife of Mr. Andrew Conant Who Died Sept ye 10 1758 In Ye 54 year of Her Age
17 SBG 2/8 572 1 Headstone TRUE EPHRAIM BROWN sandstone n/a Winged Skull 4 101 71 9 crumbled, eroded, moss and mold, exfoliated Hr'd th ap E
[Inscription is almost completely missing but a US Veteran flag was placed at it, so someone knows whose stone it is. According to the Old Map, it should be Ephraine [sic] Browne, because it's between Hannah Browne and Elizabeth Conant. The 
18 SBG 2/9 511 1 Headstone FALSE   S n/a border,portrait, memento mori s 91 56 4 sound, chipped, cracked, bird droppings Memento mori
Here lies the Body of Mrs. Hannah Brown wife to Capt Ephraim Brown, who died June 30th 1768. In the 73rd year of her age. She was a gentle woman of a pious mind, and was Remarkably conversant with and knoing in the Holy Scripture.
19 SBG 2/10 N/A 1 Headstone FALSE   Marble n/a Lettering only 2 84 52 5 sound, chipped, eroded, biological activity, base reinforced Lydia Hosmer, Died Mar, 23m 1868, Aged 29 years.
20 SBG 2/11 487 1 Headstone TRUE S.H. marble n/a Lettering only 5,6,12,13 80 50 5 eroded, biological activity, soiled, broken Ly Hosmer Born of Elijah & Sarah G. Hosmer born Nov. 13, 1778 Died Sept. 19, 1855
21 SBG 2/12 488 1 Headstone TRUE Mr. N. Hosmer green slate n/a Urn/Willow, border n/a 95 64 4.5 Chipped, cracked, tilted, moss/bird droppings, flaked, discolored, exfoliated. ERECTED In memory of Mr. Nathan Hosmer who was drowned Dec. 25th 1777: Aet. 36 yrs.
Retire my friends dry up your tears, Here I must lie till Christ appears.
22 SBG 2/13 489 1 Headstone TRUE Mrs. B. Hosmer S None Urn/Willow 1 106 62 3 chipped, cracked, biological activity, flaked ERECTED In memory of Mrs. Beulah Hosmer who died Nov. 17, 1778. Aet 36 years. Retire my friends, dry up your tears Here I must lye till Christ appears.
23 SBG 2/14 491 1 Headstone FALSE   green slate n/a Urn/Willow 1 96 61 4 cracked, eroded very little, delaminated, biological activity ERECTED In Memory of Miss Beulah Hosmer, daughter of Mr. Nathan and Mrs. Beulah Hosmer who died May 10, 1787
24 SBG 2/15 490 1 Headstone TRUE S. Hosmer S None Urn 1 72 43 4 NO DAMAGE In memory of Stephen Hosmer, son of Mr. Nathan and Mrs. Beulah Hosmer, who died July 17, 1778; Aet. 2 months.
25 SBG 3/1 486 2 Double headstone TRUE S.H.E.H 1 n/a Urn/Willow 1 152 92 4 chipped, biological activity, flaked, discolored, delaminated, possible target Practice In memory of Mr. Elijah Hosmer who died May 31, 1828.

In memory of Mrs. Sarah, wife of Elijah Hosmer; who died March 22, 1827 Aet. 73

So Jesus stepid God's dying son, Pass'd through the grave ad blest the bed!
Rest here dear saint till from his thr
26 SBG 3/2 485 1 Headstone TRUE Ms Sarah Wheeler S n/a Winged Skull 1 58 46 7 chipped, moss, flaked, discolored Here lyes ye Body of Ms Sarah Wheeler, wife to Ensign Thomas Wheeler; who Decd August 5, 1728, in ye 63d year of her age.
27 SBG 3/3 484 1 Headstone FALSE   S n/a Rosettes, face, spirals 2 0 52 5 chipped,mold, biological activity, flaked, discolored HERE LIES BURIED YE BODY OF INSGN THOMAS WHEELER WHO DECD OCTOBER YE 2ND AD 1734 AND IN YE 75TH YEAR OF HIS AGE.
28 SBG 3/5 482 1   TRUE Ruth Wood 1715 S None Lettering only 3 29 28 5 chipped, eroded, biological activity, flaked Ruth Wood 1715 Died
29 SBG 3/4 483 1 Headstone TRUE Thomas Wheeler S n/a rosettes, face, spirals 2 65 51 5 chipped, biological activity, tilted, flaked, discolored, cement repair Here lies buried ye body of Thomas Wheeler ye son of Lieutn Thomas Wheeler & Mrs. Mary his wife who decd January ye 14th 1737 Age 13 years 11M& 20D
30 SBG 3/6 503 1 Headstone FALSE Ms. Mary Wright S n/a winged Skull,rosettes, border, feathers across tym 2 57 50 6 sound, chipped, flaked, soiled Here Lyes ye Body of Ms. Mary Wright wife to Mr. Samuel Wright who decd Decebr. 24th 1725 in ye 62nd year of her age
31 SBG 3/7 505 1 Headstone TRUE J.W. S n/a Winged Skull 2 49 35 4 chipped, tilted, flaked, no previous repair In Memory of Jonathan Wright son of Lieut Joseph and Elizabeth Wright, who Died Decbr 10th, 1744. His Age was 8 years 1 mo, & 18 Days
32 SBG 3/8 506 1 Headstone FALSE   S n/a Winged Skull, spirals 2 45 30 4 marker sound, chipped, cracked, mooss/algae, discolored In memory of Rebekah Wright Daur of Mr. Joseph Wright & Rebekah his wife, Died Augst, 27th, 1752 aged 2 years, 7 mo, & 7 ds
33 SBG 3/13 510 1 Headstone TRUE Mrs. Thankful Wright S n/a border, portrait, 1 82 54.5 6 condition chipped, cracked slightly, eroded, discolored, exfoliated. Oxidation of iron on the side and some strange indentations on the back. Memento mori
Here lies the Body of Mrs. Thankful Wright wife of Lieut Edward Wright who departed this Life Sept 9th, 1776 in the 36th year of her age. The finest of flesh is dust, Prepare for death for follow you must.
34 SBG 3/15 507 1 Headstone TRUE Mr. James Hosmer S n/a winged Skull, swirls above head and letters 1 113 70 5 condition chipped, cracked, mold, discovered, delaminated, no candalism Memento mori
Here lies the Body of Mr. James Hosmer, who depared this Life May 24th, 1760. In the 52nd year of his age.
35 SBG 4/1 500 1 Headstone FALSE   S n/a Border; portion of wing visible 2 60 35 6 condition chipped, flaked, discolored, broken. Engraving on tympanum and some inscription was broken off. In Memory (piece missing) Ruth Wright Daur of Lieu Joseph Wright & Mrs. Elizabeth his wife who died Oct. 10th, 1747. Aged 19 years 7 mo & 15 ds.
36 SBG 4/2 501 1 Headstone TRUE Mary Wright S n/a winged Skull, rosettes, border, waffle rosette 2 49 53 5 condition chipped, biological activity, tilted, sunken, soiled. No vandalism Here Lyes ye Body of Mary Wright Daughter of Mr. Samuel & Mrs. Mary Wright aged 22 years & 10 mo Died Octbr 13, 1716
37 SBG 4/3 502 1 Headstone TRUE Mr Samuel Wright S n/a rosettes, border, face, rosettes, spiral 2 82 68 9 condition chipped, discolored, exfoliated,biological activity, mower scratches Here lies buried ye body of Mr Samuel Wright who departed this life Octobr ye A.D 1741 age 80 years 5 M & 19 D
38 SBG 4/7 509 1 Headstone TRUE Asahel Smith S n/a Winged Skull 2 54 24 2 condition chipped, flaked, broken, fallen, biological activity. Masking tape on bottom. Headstone nas broken in half. Only left half is here. Memento
Here lies the
Asahel Smith t
of Mr. Jared Smi
Rebebeckah his . . . Who died Apr . . . A.D. 1776 Age . . .amonths and 7
39 SBG 4/8 508 1 Headstone FALSE   S n/a winged Skull, rosettes, border 2 95 61 5 condition chipped, cracked, eroded, flaked, biological activity, discolored. The eye area of the skull has completely eroded away. Here lies buried ye body of Lieu. Joseph Wright who departed this life April 5th A.D. 17.75. Aged 58 years & 3 Mo. So man lieth Down & riseth not, till the Heavens be no more; they shall not awake nor be rised out of their sleep: Job XIV:XII.
40 SBG 5/2 520 1 Headstone TRUE MR. S. CONANT S n/a Urn, rosettes, border 2,3 107 63 3.5 cracked, flaked, discolored, exfoliated, rubbing damage In Memory of Mr. Silas Conant who died April 5,1805, aged 65 years
41 SBG 5/3 519 1 Headstone TRUE L.C. S n/a urn, border 3 98 64 4 condition chipped, cracked, eroded, flaked, discolored, biological activity; used as target practice. In memory of Mrs. Lois Conant wife of Mr. Silas Conant who died Nov. 12, 18115 Aet 78. With heavenly weapons I have fought the battles of the Lord. Finished my course and kept the faith and wait the [something illegible].
42 SBG 5/4 518 1 Headstone TRUE MRS. RUTH CONANT S n/a portrait, sketch and birds 2 87 61 4.5 no vandalism, chipped, cracked, eroded, flaked, discolored, biological activity Memento mori
Here lies the mortal part of Mrs. Ruth Conant wife of Lieu Andrew Conant Junr who departed this Life February 3, 1770 In the 41st year of her age. Who was the Daughter of Mr. Thomas & Mrs. Hannah Brooks.
43 SBG 5/5 517   Headstone TRUE MR. LOT CONANT S n/a Winged Head, border, book 2 119 72 4.5 condition sound, chipped, flaked, discolored, biological activity: birds and algae. Damage from rubbing. Memento mori
I lay unto all watch Here lies Interred the Remains of Mr. Lot Conant who departed this life September 20th, 1767. In the 90th year of his age. The sin of Adam's laid me low, For sin hath wrought an overthrow; From dust I came to dust am com
44 SBG 5/10 529 1 Headstone TRUE E.C. S n/a Urn/Willow; pillars on sides 2 154 85 4 condition: sound, chipped, cracked, mold, algae, discolored, soiled, used as target practice, lawn mower scratches, damage from rubbing. Erected in memory of Mr. Ezra Conant. Who died January 21, 1805 Aet. 75 years.
45 SBG 5/11 528 1 Headstone TRUE L.C. S n/a Urn/Willow 2 135 79 8 Condition: cracked, moss, mold, flaked, discolored, broken, exfoliated,  glued back together, mower scratches Erected in memory of Lucy Conant relict of Ezra Conant who depart this life May 22, 1828 Aet 96 years.
46 SBG 5/12 527 2 Headstone TRUE L.C.E.C. S n/a Urn/Willow 2 136 63 4 Condition: chipped, tilted, moss, mold, flaked, exfoliated, leaning, no vandalism In memory of Miss Lucy[sic] Conant. Who died April 2, 1829. Aet. 72. Also Miss Elizabeth Conant. Died April 2, 1829. Aet. 68.
47 SBG 6/1 516 1 Headstone TRUE MS MARTHA CONANT S, purple N/A Winged Skull, Rosette, Border 1 62 48 5 condition sound, chipped, minorly cracked, tilted, flaked, discolored, exfoliated. Used as target practice. Here lyes ye Body of Ms Martha Conant wife to Mr. Lot Conant who Decd. Febry ye 13th 1725 in ye 44th year of her age.
48 SBG 6/4 525 1 Headstone TRUE MR. BOAZ BROWN purple slate n/a winged Skull, rosette, border 1 70 57 5 Condition: sound, chipped, discolored, exfoliated, biological activity, used as target practice Here Lyes Buried the Body of Mr. Boaz Brown; who Dec'd April ye 7th 1724 in ye 83rd year of His Age
49 SBG 6/8 524 1 Headstone TRUE ENS. THOMAS BROWN purple slate n/a Winged Skull, border 1 64 55.5 11.5 condition chipped, cracked, eroded, fungi, flaked Here Lyes Buried The Body of Ensign Thomas Brown Who departed This Life April ; ye 4th 1778 in the 67th year of His Age
50 SBG 6/9 523 1 Headstone TRUE THOMAS BROWN JR. S n/a winged Skull, rosette, border 2 53 56 4 Condition Sound, chipped, flaked, exfoliated, Biological Activity; no repair, no damage Here Lyes the Body of Mr. Thomas Brown jun who Deceased March ye 13th 1718 in ye 32nd Year of his Age.
51 SBG 6/12 526 1 Headstone TRUE Jean Prockter S n/a winged skull, rosette, border 1 61 50 4 condition sound, chipped, flaked, exfoliated Here Lyes ye Body of Jean Prockter daughter of Mr. Gershom & Ms Sarah Prockter Decd March 17, 1724 Aged 18 years
52 SBG 6/12 526 1 Headstone FALSE   S n/a winged Skull; rosettes, border 1 61 50 4 conditions: sound, chipped, flaked, exfoliated
lawn mower scratches. No previous repair
Here Lyes He Body of Jean Prockter Daughter of Mr. Gershom & Ms Sarah Prockter
Decd March 17, 1724 Aged 18 years
53 SBG 7/2 522 1 Headstone TRUE MRS. ELIZABETH HARTWEL S n/a winged Skull, rosette, border 2 57 46 5 condition chipped, tilted, flaked, moss and spores, fallen; no previous repair, no vandalism Here Lyes & Body of Mrs. Elizabeth Hartwel, wife to Mr. Jonathan Hartwel Aged 25 years 9 Mo. & 20 dayes Dec December 28th 1717
54 SBG 7/3 521 1 Headstone TRUE MARY HARTWEL S n/a winged skull, border 2 43 38 9 condition: chipped, cracked, tilted, sunken, moss, algae, flaked, exfoliated, no previous repair, no vandalism Mary Hartwel daughtr of Mr. Jonathon and Mrs. Elizabeth Hartwel aged 5 years 5 months & 25 days Decd March 9th 1719.
55 SBG 7/5 532 1 Headstone TRUE S.A. S n/a Urn/Willow 2 134 63 4 conditions: cracked, eroded, flaked, biological activity, discolored, soiled SACRED to the memory of Miss Sarah Abbott who died Nov 4, 1820 Aet. 33
56 SBG 8/1 531 2 Headstone TRUE John Howard
 Anna Howard
green slate n/a winged skull, rosette, border 1 54 74 5 conditions: sound, chipped, cracked, tilted, no previous repair, no vandalism Here lyes ye Body of John Howard Aged 78 years who died November the 22nd 1718
Here Lyes ye Body of Anna Howard wife to John Howard Aged 64 years died May ye 26th 1714
57 SBG 8/2 541 2 Headstone FALSE   S n/a winged skull, border 1 73 53 5 condition sound, chipped slightly, cracked, tilted, discolovered, flaked Here lyes ye Body of Mrs. Hannah Jones wife to Mr. Elnathan Jones who died Sept 19th 1730 in ye 29 Year of her Age Also Benjamian Jones thair son Born & Died Sept 3d 1730.
58 SBG 8/4 530 2 dblheadstone TRUE Rebeckah Wood
Anna Wood
S n/a Lettering only 1 58 59 7 conditions sound, cracked, flaked Here lies the Body of Rebeckah Wood. Daughter of Mr. Oliver and Mrs. Lucy Wood, who departed this life Novr 25th 1766. Aged 2 years & 6 months. And also the Body of Anna Wood Daughter of Mr. Oliver Wood & Lucy his wife, who died Janr. 18th 1758. Aged 15 d
59 SBG 9/1 540 1 Headstone FALSE   S n/a winged skull, rosette, border 1 52 32 3 condition: sound, exfoliated, no previous repair, no vandalism Rebeckah Jones Daughtr of Lieut. Elnathan & Mrs. Hannah Jones; Died Janry 3rd 1739/40 Aged 2 Months & 11 Days.
60 SBG 9/2 539 1 Headstone TRUE MR. CORD CORDIS S n/a winged head, winged portrait 1 107 69 6 conditions sound, chipped, tilted, flaked, exfoliated,
damage from rubbing, no previous repair
Memento mori
 Here lies buried the Body of Mr. Cord Cordis, who departed this life July 29th 1772. Aged 63 years
61 SBG 10/4 538 1 Headstone TRUE JHW S n/a urn/willow, border 2 106 57 5 condition chipped, biological activity, flaked, discolored, exfoliated, no previous repair, serious damage from rubbing, lawn mower scratches ERECTED IN memory of Mr. Joseph H. Whiting who died June 15, 1822: Aet. 20
Pause here my friends whose footsetps this may lend, Time is on the wing: soon will your moments end; Err this days gliding suns bright rays are o'er. Your youthful bloom may set 
62 SBG 10/6 568 1 n/a TRUE Mr. Jonathan Lee n/a n/a Winged Head 1 71 52.5 5 condition chipped, cracked, bird droppings, flaked, discolored, no vandalism, damage from rubbing, no previous repair Memento Mori
Here is intered the Remains of Mr. Jonathan Lee who departed this Life 7th day of July 1766 AEt 40.
63 SBG 11/1 537 1 Headstone TRUE MR. SIMON DAKIN S n/a rosettes, border, portrait 2 71 64 5 condition sound, chipped, fungi, flaked, discolored Here lies buried ye body of Mr. Simon Dakin who departed this life January ye 11th 1739 in ye 76 year of his age
64 SBG 11/3 566 1 Headstone TRUE Mrs. Ruth Lee S n/a rosettes, border, head 2 71 51 7 chipped, flaked, sound Here lies buried the body of Mrs. Ruth Lee consort of ye late Doct Joseph Lee decd who departed this life March ye 1761 Age 70 years.
65       1   FALSE                    
66 SBG 11/4 564 1 Headstone TRUE Doctr. Joseph Lee S n/a winged skull, rosettes, border 1 79.5 49 4 condition chipped, crumbled, fungi, flaked, no previous repair, used as target practice Here lyes Buried ye Body of Doctr Joseph Lee who Died Octor 5th Anno Domi: 1736 in ye 56 year of His Age
67 SBG 11/5 563 1 Headstone TRUE Mr. John Lee S n/a hourglass, rosettes, border, portrait 2 140 96 10 condition sound, chipped, algae, flaked,  soiled; no previous repair, used as target practice, damage from rubbing. Memento mori Here ye intered the Remains of Mr. John Lee who departed this Life Febry 7th A:D 1761 aged 43 years and 49 days Motto Who to his plighted Vows and Trust Had ever firmly stec [sic] Had tho' he promise to his Loss; He made his promise good. Who
68 SBG 11/7 562 1 Headstone TRUE Mrs. Mary Lee S n/a winged head,border, portrait 1 115 69 6 condition sound, cracked, discolored, broken, exfoliated. Bottom right corner broken off. No previous repair, damage from rubbing, lawn mower scratches. Memento mori
In memory of Mrs. Mary Lee wife of Mr. Jonas Lee who departed this life Decr 16th: 1777 In ye 30th year of her age
69 SBG 11/8 561 1 Headstone TRUE Mrs. L. L. S n/a urn/willow, 2 pillar caring on sides 2 129 82 4 chipped, cracked, bird droppings, flaked, discolored, exfoliated, no previous repair, damage from rubbing, lawn mower scratches SACRED to the memory of Mrs. Lucy Lee relict of Dr. Joseph Lee who died Janr 10, 1806 aged 88 "Her children rise up & call her blessed: Her hands while they her alms bestow'd Her glory's future harvest sav'd
70 SBG 11/12 536 1 Obelisk TRUE Rev. John Whiting marble, sandstone, granite A. Wentworth, Boston wreath, lyre. Relief, not carved. 2 255     obelisk width: 53,68, 89. Condition shipped, eroded, biological activity, flaked, no previous damage, used as target practice. Rev. John Whiting born June 20, 1681 ordained as Co --- 1712, died May 4, 1752 --of Rev. Joseph Whiting of /of/ Samuel Whting of / was a gentleman of -- of mankind
71 SBG 11/11 565 1 Headstone TRUE Silas Lee S n/a rosettes, face, flowers&spirals 2 67 41 6 condition sound, chipped, biological activity, flaked, exfoliated, no previous repair, damage from rubbing Here lies ye body of Silas less Son of Mr. Joseph & Mrs. Lucy Lee who died March ye 30 1759 Aged 7 months & 15 ds
72 SBG 11/12 567 1 Headstone FALSE   S n/a spirals 2,5 49 34 6 condition sound, chipped, algae, sunken, flaked Here lies the Body of Jonathan Less, Son of Mr. Jonas Less and Mrs. Mary his wife who died Febry 10th 1771. Aged 8 months & 14 days
73 SBG 12/1 533 1 Headstone TRUE E.A. S n/a urn/willow, border 2 115 61 6 condition chipped, cracked, biological activity, tilted, flaked, exfoliated. No previous repair, damage from rubbing In memory of Miss Eliza Abbott daughter of Mr. John and Mrs. Martha Abbott who died Dec. 8, 1812 aged 23.
74 SBG 12/2 534 1 Headstone TRUE M. L. S n/a Border 2 83 62 3 condition biological activity, sunken, flaked, discolored, fallen. Concrete poured to halt falling failed; no damage In Memory of Mrs. Martha Lee wife of Mr. Jonas who died May 27, 1813 Aet. 50
75 SBG 12/3 535 1 Headstone TRUE Ann Whiting purple slate n/a winged skull, rosette, border 2 37 26 4 condition chipped, cracked, flaked, exfoliated. No previous repair, lawn mower scratches. Here Lyes ye Body of Ann Whiting aged 1 year & 7 mo. Decd Feb ye 24th 1719/20
76 SBG 12/8 547 1 Headstone TRUE MISS E.C. green slate n/a urn/willow, border 2 99 62 4 condition chipped, flaked, discolored; no previous repair, no damage. In Memory of Miss Elizabeth Cordis daur of the late Capt. Thomas Cordis & Mrs. Elizabeth his wife who died Aug. 30, 1797 Aged 24 years. Early, bright, transient, chast as morning dew She sparkled. Was exhaled. And went to Heaven
77 SBG 12/9 554 1 Headstone TRUE N.A. green slate Samuel Kilborn, Concord Urn/Willow 1 99 57 3 condition sound, chipped, cracked, exfoliated; crack fixed, chip glued back on, lawn mower scratches In Memory of Miss Nancy Abbott, daughter of Mr. John & Mrs. Martha Abbott, late of Ashby, who died Oct. 20, 1811, Aet. 20. Engraved by Saml Kilborn, Concord
78 SBG 12/10 556 1 Headstone FALSE   S n/a urn/willow, border 2 89 62 5 condition eroded, biological activity, flaked, discolored; no previous repair, lawn mower scratches. In Memory of Miss Rebekah Lee, Daur of Mr. Jonas & Mrs. Elizabeth Lee who died June 26, 1807 AE. 22
79 SBG 12/11 555 1 Headstone TRUE H.L. S n/a urn/willow, border 2 93 60 4 condition sound, flaked, discolored, biological activity, exfoliated. No previous repair; damaged from rubbing, lawn Mower scratches. IN Memory of Miss Harriet Lee. Daur. Of Mr. Jonas & Mrs. Elizabeth Lee, who died March 16, 1807 AE 20
80 SBG 12/12 557 1 Headstone TRUE S.M. S n/a urn/willow, border 2 86 63 5 condtion chipped, flaked, discolored, exfoliated, no previous repair; damage from rubbing, lawn mower scratches. IN Memory of Mrs. Sally Munroe wife of Mr. Nathaniel Munroe & Daur of Mr. Jonas & Mrs. Elizabeth Lee who died Nov. 13, 1806. AE 23.
81 SBG 12/13 553 1 Headstone TRUE E.L. S n/a urn/willow, border 2 107 68 3 condition chipped, biological activity, tilted, flaked, exfoliated, no previous repair; damage from rubbing, lawn mower scratches In Memory of Mrs. Elizabeth Lee wife of Mr. Jonas Lee, who died Feb. 10 1808 AE 63
82 SBG 12/14 559 1 Headstone TRUE L.L. S n/a urn/willlow 2 95 61 4 condition tilted, biological activity, flaked, discolored, exfoliated; no previous repair. Lawn mower scratches In Memory of Miss Lucy Lee Daur. of Mr. Jonas & Mrs. Elizabeth Lee who died Decr. 13, 1803 AE 23
83 SBG 12/15 560 1 Headstone TRUE Doct. J. Lee S n/a urn/willow, border 2 145 92 6 condition sound, chipped, biolgocial activity, flaked, discolored, no previous repair, no damage SACRED In Memory of Doctr Joseph Lee, who died in hope of a glorious resurrection April 10th 1797 AE 81.
The longest life is short.
Happy the man who lives it to his God
No other life is worthy of our choice
What tho we wade in wealth or [indeciphera
84 SBG 13/1 546 1 Headstone TRUE Elnathan Jones Esq. S n/a urn/willow, border 1 107 74 6 condition sound, chipped, cracked, flaked, discolored, exfoliated; no previous repair. Used as target practice In Memory
E of
Elnathan Jones Esqr who died Feb. 27, 1793; Aged 57 years
85 SBG 13/2 545 1 Headstone TRUE CAPT. THOMAS CORDIS S n/a winged portrait, border 1 85 68 6 condition sound, chipped, flaked, exfoliated In memory of Capt. Thomas Cordis, who departed this Life June.10th. 1774 in the 32nd year of his age
86 SBG 13/3 544 1 Headstone TRUE Mrs. Katherine Jones S None border, broken 2 28 69 5 condition flaked, broken, repair: glue and indents where metal bars were, Glue is on top of stone. this life Apr--1772 Aged 33 year
87 SBG 13/5 543 1 Headstone TRUE L. Elnathan Jones S n/a winged head, border, rosettes 1 128 92 8 condition sound, flaked, discolored, exfoliated, cement at base to hold in place; no damage or vandalism Here lyes Buried Body of Lieut. Elnathan Jones who departed this Life May 6th Anno Domm. 1739 in ye 42nd year of his Age.
88 SBG 13/6 542 1 Headstone TRUE Mrs. Rebeckah Jones S n/a winged skull, rosettes, border 1 81 61 5 condition chipped, craked, fungi, bird droppings, flaked, discolored, no repair; used as target practice Here lyes ye Body of Mrs. Rebeckah Jones Wife to Lieut Elnathan Jones who Died February 8th AD 1732/3 in ye 22 year of her Age
89 SBG 13/10 - 1 Headstone FALSE   S n/a Border 3 47 46 6 This is a footstone and headstone, flaked, sunken, with fungi Lieut. Elnathan Jones Peter Hones his son __d Octr 6, 1736. Aged 3 months & 15 days
90 SBG 13/12 551 1 Headstone TRUE Mr. Samuel Wilson S n/a rosettes, border, face 2 70 59 5 Condition sound, chipped, cracked, tilted, sunken Here lies buried ye body of Mr. Samuel Willson who departed this life July ye 5th 1738 in ye 49th year oE his age.
91 SBG 13/13 550 1 Headstone TRUE Mrs. Sarah Wilson S n/a winged skull, border 1 80 41 2 condition: tilted, flaked; no previous repair, no damage or vandalism. Memento mori Here lyes Ye Body of Mrs. Sarah Wilson daughter of Capt. William & Mrs. Hannah Wilson who Died May ye 5th AD 1763 in ye 69th year of her age.
92 SBG 13/15 574 1 Headstone TRUE S.D. S n/a hourglass, rosette, border 2 48 40 9 condition sound, chipped, flaked, no repair, no vandalism Memento mori Fugit Hora
Here lyes the Body of Simon Davis who departed this life June ye 14th Day 1713 in the 77 year of his age
93 SBG 13/19 575 1 Headstone TRUE DR. JOHN DAVIS S n/a winged head, rosette, border, bones 2 131 77 8 Condition severely chipped, cracked, delaminated . . .aths Arrest no age is free Memento mori . . .emorial of Doctor [John] Davis who dyed Nov. 16th AD 1762 in the 73rd year of his Age. He lived desired & died lamented Halt passenger as you go past Remember time it runneth fast My dust in narrow bounds 
94 SBG 13/20 553 1 Headstone TRUE J.L. S n/a urn/willow. Border 1 110 63 5 condition sound, chipped, cracked, flaked, discolored, no previous repair; lawn mower scratches. Beneath this stone are deposited the remains of JONAS LEE Esqr. A native of Concord Mass. Who died April 2, 1819. Aet. 73
95 SBG 13/21 552 1 Headstone TRUE MRS. SARAH DAVIS S n/a rosette, border, portrait 2 88 63 8 condition chipped, flaked, cracked, delaminated on to, no previous repair; lawn mower scratches Here lies ye Body of Mrs. Sarah Davis who departed this life Octobr ye 15th 1751 Age 74 years & 10 mo She was late wife to Mr. Ebenezer Davis of Concord. Former wife to Deacn William French of Billerica.
96 SBG 14/3 548 1 Headstone TRUE Mrs. Sarah Willson S n/a winged skull, rosettes, border 2 53 50 9 condition chipped, tilted, discolored, bird droppings, no previous repair, no damage Here Lyes the Body of Mrs. Sarah Willson wife to Lieut William Willson Died Decembr the 19th 1717, in the 58th year of Her Age.
97 SBG 14/4 549 1 Headstone TRUE Cpt. William Wilson S n/a Winged Skull 1 59 56 3.5 condition chipped, mold, sunken, delaminated, no repair or damage Here lye the remains of Cap William Wilson who died August ye 17th, 1745 in ye 77th year of his age. He was a Gent endowed with many excellent qualifications much Improved in Civil and Military business. Several years represented the town at the General C
98 SBG 14/15   2 dbl headstone FALSE   S n/a winged skull, plain border 3 55 67 6 condition chipped, tilted, flaked, discolored (rust), fungi, faint scratches, bird droppings, no repair, lawn mower scratches. Big chip left shoulder of tympanum, may be slightly risen on R. side In memory of Elnathan Davis son of Mr Thomas & Sarah Davis died Octbr 30th, 1742. In ye 3rd year of his age.

In memory of Thomas Davis son of Mr. Thomas & Sarah Davis died June 3d 1745, in Ye 9th year of his age.
99 SBG 14/9 573 1 Headstone TRUE MRS. ANN DAVIS S n/a winged head, undescribed "other" 1 93 57 3 condition: sound, cracked, flaked, no repair; used as target practice. Memento mori Here lies Buried the Body of Mrs. Ann Davis consort of Mr. James Davis who departed this life in June 1760. In the 79th year of her age. Who lived a pious life & died a hopefull Death
100 SBG 14/10 572 1 Headstone TRUE MR. JAMES DAVIS S n/a winged skull, border 2 67.5 44.8 7 condition: sound, chipped, cracked, moss, discolored, rust colored stains, delaminated, no repari, no vandalism. Here lyes Buried ye Body of Mr. James Davis who Died Sept 16 1727 in ye 59th year of his Age.
101 SBG 15/1 570 1 Headstone TRUE Mr. Woodis Lee S n/a winged head border 1 54 56 4 condition chipped, bird droppings, sunken, flaked, discolored, broken, no repair; lawn mower scratches. In memory of Mr. Woodis Lee, who died Sept. 6, 1796, aged 77.
102 SBG 15/2 569 1 Headstone FALSE   S n/a winged skull, rosettes, border 1 12 52 4 sound, fragmented. F-2 in cemetery building. Only the base of the headstone remains in the burying ground. Top half is a fragment in Cemetery Building basement. In Memory of Miss Bathsheba Lee who died Oct 25 1791, age 70
103 SBG 15/5 - 1 Monument FALSE   S n/a NONE 1 132 61 6.5 This stone erected in 1968 by the entrance to the SBG by the Sleepy Hollow Committee. It serves as  a sign for the cemetery. Unfortunately, it has been marred by lawn mowver scratches and various pictures/graffiti has been drawn and etched into the slate. Here Lie the Early Settlers in the South Quarter Named: Barrett, Billing, Buss, Conant, Davis, Thomas Hartshorne (1697), Hayward, Holden, Hosmer, Hubbard, Jones, Less, Miles, Prescott, Potter, Whiting, Wheeler, Wood, Wright.

(Back) Erected 1968 Sleepy 
104 SBG 15/6 598 1 Headstone TRUE R.B. S n/a Urn/Willow 2,3 141 88 5.9 chipped, cracked, flaked, exfoliated. It is in good shape but it is very exfoliated, which makes it hard to read. In memory of Mrs. Rebeckah, widow of Mr. Humphrey Barrett.
105 SBG 15/7 597 1 Headstone TRUE H.B. S n/a urn/willow, border 2 142 86 0 condition sound, cracked, moss, mold, bird dropping.No repair, no damage. Very delicate carving. SACRED to the memory of Mr. Humphrey Barret, who died March 13,1827
106 SBG 16/1 596 1 Headstone TRUE H.B. M n/a Urn 3 118 66 4 eroded, no repair, no vandalism. In memory of Mr. Humphrey Barrett. Son of Mr. [indecipherable record; may be Abel] & Mrs. Lucy Barrett who died Jan 2, 1818 Aet. 20. He was (illegible) His youth (illegible) sphere whose steps a scantly figure trod By death's cold hand and home to God.
107 SBG 16/2 595 1 Headstone TRUE MRS. L. BARRETT S n/a urn/willow, border pillars 1 101 75 3 chipped, bird droppings,flaked, exfoliated, delaminated, no previous repair, damage from rubbing crayon, lawn mower scratches. Sacred to the memory of Mrs. Lucy Barrett wife of Mr. Abel Barrett, who departed this life Sep. 25th 1798. Aged 28 years. She left behind a pleasing boy His father's hope and grandest joy, She left behind a precious name, A character without a stain.
108 SBG 16/3 594 1 Headstone TRUE MISS REBECKAH BARRETT S n/a border, portrait, leafy design 2 83 52 3 chipped slightly, flaked, discolored, exfoliated on back, no previous repair; damage from rubbing In memory of Miss Rebeckah Barrett, daughter of Ens. John & Mrs. Lois Barrett, who died Nov. 17, 1793, Aged 28. Retire my friends dry up your tears, I must be here till Christ appears.
109 SBG 16/4 - 1 Headstone TRUE MRS. ELISABETH BINNEY S n/a winged head, border 1 125 70.5 5 sound, chipped, cracked, flaked, discolored on sides, no repair; damage from crayon rubbing ERECTED In memory of Mrs. Elisabeth Barrett, Relict of Lieut Humphry Barrett, and daughter of Capt Daniel Adams & Mrs. Elisabeth his wife who died June 5th, 1791; In the 70th year of her age. Bless'd are the dead, yea faith the word, That die in Christ th
110 SBG 16/5 592 1 Headstone TRUE MRS. DORCAS BARRETT S n/a border, portrait 1 100 64 4 chipped, flaked, discolored, exfoliated, bird droppings, no previous repair; lawn mower scratches Memento mori
Here lies interred the Body of Mrs. Dorcas Barret, wife of Mr. Thomas Barret June: who died the seventeeth day of April AD 1767. In the 29th year of her age. She was a virtous wife, a tender Mother, and was truly religious and exemplary in h
111 SBG 17/2 591 1 Headstone TRUE LT. HUMPHRY BARRETT S n/a winged head, hourglass, border 2 111 71 5 sound, chipped, flaked, delaminated, no repair; lawn mower scrached Memento mori
Here lies buried the Body of Lieut Humphry Barrett Son of Capt Joseph & Mrs. Rebecca Barrett, who departed this life March 24th, 1783: In the 68th year of his age.
112 SBG 17/3 590 1 Headstone TRUE ENS JOHN BARRETT S n/a winged head, border 2 99 65 5 chipped, discolored, flaked, biological activity; no repair; lawn mower scratches and scratches up higher from a knife or pen. In memory of Ensign John Barrett. Who died April 19, 1790. In ye 71st yr of his age. Hire in this Grave this lonesome Cave lies a beloved friend, A husband dear, a Parent near. Till time shall have an end. We hope & trust he'll rise from dust To everlasti
113 SBG 17/4 589 1 Headstone TRUE MISS LOIS BARRETT S n/a border, portrait 2 74 56 6 sound, cracked, flaked, discolored;  no repair; lawn mower scratches. Memento mori
Here rests in hope ye Body of Miss Lois Barret Daughter of Ensign John Barret & Mrs. Lois his wife who departed this life Novr 17,k 1778. In the 26th year of her age. She sleeps in death in Christ we trust And sees her saviour face to face H
114 SBG 17/5 588 1 Headstone TRUE MR.BENJAMIN BARRETT S n/a rosette, border, face, spirals 2 73 58 5 chipped, biological activity, flaked, discolored, soiled; no repair; lawn mower scratches. Here lies buried ye Body Of Mr Benjamin Barrett who died October ye 23rd An no [sic] 1738 Age 32 , 11 m & 8 D
115 SBG 17/6 587 1 Headstone TRUE CAPT. JOSEPH BARRETT S n/a rosette, border, skull  crossbones, 2 faces 1 107 88 8 sound, flaked, sunken; no repair; lawn mower scratches. Here lies buried the Body of Capt Joseph Barrett son of Deacon Humphry and Mrs. Mary Barrett, who died the 4th day of April, Anno Dom one thousand seven hundred and sixty three, In the eighty fifth year of his age.
116 SBG 17/7 586 1 Headstone TRUE MRS. REBECCA BARRETT1738 S n/a winged skull, rosettes, border 2 92 80 9 chipped, cracked, flaked, discolored; no repair; no damage. Here lyes Interred ye remains of Mrs. Rebecca Barrett late consort of Capt Joseph Barrett who departed this life June 23, 1728 Aet 54. A person of true piety & excellent vertue. Exemplary in her religious conservation & conduct, being a diligent instructe
117 SBG 17/8 585 1 Headstone TRUE MR. BENJAMIN BARRETT S n/a winged skull, border, rosettes 2 67 58 7 chipped, biological activity, flaked, discolored, exfoliated, delaminated; no repair; lawn mower scratches. Here lyes Buried ye Body of Mr. Benjamin Barrett who decd October 25, 1728. In ye 48th year of his age.
118 SBG 18/1 576 1 Headstone TRUE LYDIA FRENCH S n/a winged skull, rosettes, border 2 60 39 4 chipped, biological activity, flaked, soiled, exfoliated; no repair; lawn mower scratches. Here lyes ye Body of Lydia French Daugtr of Deacon William & Mrs. Sarah French of Billerica who Died Augst 2nd 1731 in ye 18th Year of her Age.
119 SBG 18/2 584 1 Headstone FALSE   S n/a winged head, 2 51 40 6 chipped, flaked significantly, discolored, no repair; lawn mower scratches. In Memory of Mary Barrett Daur of Thomas & Mary Barrett Died OC 30th 1755 In ye 14th year.
120 SBG 18/3 583 1 Headstone FALSE   S n/a Urn/Willow 2 48 35 4 chipped, delaminated, exfoliated; no repair; lawn mower scratches. Elisabeth E. Daug: of Mr. Daniel & Mrs. Elisabeth Barrett died March 9, 1820. AE 2 years.
121 SBG 18/4 582 1 Headstone TRUE DEACON HUMPHREY BARRETT S n/a winged skull, rosettes, border 2 56 38 6 chipped, tilted, flaked; no repair; damage from rubbing, lawn mower scratches. Here Lyes the Body of Deacon Humpery Barret aged 86 years who departed this life January the 3rd, 1715
The memory of ye just is Blessed.
122 SBG 18/5 531 1 Headstone TRUE MARY BARRETT S n/a winged skull, border, rosette 2 59 40 5 chipped, flaked, broken; no repair; lawn mower scratches Here Lyes ye body of Mary Barrett wife to Humphary Barrett died Novbr 17, 1713 In 58th yr of her age ye memory of ye Just is Blessed.
123 SBG 18/7 580 1 Headstone TRUE Mary Smedly S n/a winged skull, border, rosette 2 39 52 6.5 chipped, tilted, flaked, sunken, soiled, discolored, biological activity, fallen; no repair, no damage. Here Lyes ye Body Mary Smedly wife to James Smedly, Deceased July the 18, 1717 in ye 67th year of her age.
124 SBG 19/1 579 2 Dbl.Headstone TRUE S.D.T.D. S n/a urn/willow, border 1 105 88 5 chipped, tilted, flaked, discolored, soiled, exfoliated; no repair; lawn mower scratches. In memory of Capt. Thomas Davis who died Novr. 18, 1786. Aet. 80.

In memory of Mrs. Sarah Davis wife of Capt. Thomas Davis who died April 27, 1783, Aet. 75.

Blessed are the dead, who die in the Lord, they rest from their labours, and their works do
125 SBG 19/5 578 1 Headstone TRUE MR. JOEL DAVIS S n/a Winged Head 2 74 57 3 chipped, cracked, sunken, soiled. No previous repair; no vandalism Memento mori
Here lies Burid ye Body of Mr. Joel Davis, son of Capt. Thomas Davis & Mrs. Sarah his wife who departed this life April 23rd 1785. In the Prime of Life & In the [sic]
126 SBG 19/6 577 1 Headstone FALSE   G n/a Lettering only 4 58 79 6 chipped, cracked, crumbled, eroded, flaked,  discolored, broken; no repair; no vandalism Here Edward Wheelers child sera ag ers Decem
127 SBG 19/8 603 1 Headstone TRUE W.W. green slate n/a urn/willow, rosettes, border 1 116 76 4 flaked, cracked, discolored, exfoliated (beginning to oxidate). No repair; graffiti, lawn mower scratches, scratched by knife. In memory of Mr. William Wheeler who died Sept 1, 1818 Aet. 23
128 SBG 19/9 602 1 Headstone TRUE P.W. w n/a urn/willow, border 1 124 83 4 eroded, biolgocial activity,tilted, sunken, flaked, discolored, oxidation; no repair; obscene graffiti, scratches. In memory of Mr. Peter Wheeler who died May 14, 1813, AE 58
129 SBG 19/10 601 1 Headstone TRUE Cap. T.W. S n/a run, border, urn on 3 colums 1 103.51 68 4 chipped, cracked, soiled, discolored, biological activity; no repair; graffiti. In Memory of Cap Timothy Wheeler who died Sep. 26, 1795; in the 79th year of his age.
130 SBG 19/11 600 1 Headstone TRUE Mrs. Mary Wheeler S n/a winged head, border 1 63.5 68 4 chipped, no repair; good condition Here lyes the Body of Mrs. Mary Wheeler ye wife of Lieut Timothy Wheeler who departed this Life October ye 30th AD 1759 in ye 30 year of her age.
131 SBG     1   FALSE           0 0 0    
132 SBG 20/1 599 1 Headstone TRUE Mrs. Sarah Wheeler S n/a winged skull, border 1 65 51 5 chipped, moss, mold, bird droppings, flaked, discolored; no repair; no vandalism. Interesting border with curls. Memento mori
Here lyes the Body of Mrs. Sarah Wheeler ye wife of Mr. Timothy Wheeler who departed this life July the 29th AD 1743 in ye 34th year of her age.
133 SBG 22/6 615 2 dbl headstone TRUE L.H.J.H. S na/ urn/willow, border 1 144 91 4 cracked, flaked, discolored, exfoliated, no repair, lawn mower scratches. In memory of Mr. Josiah Hayward, who died Oct. 4, 1821 Aet. 84.

In memory of Mrs. Lucy, wife of Mr. Josiah Hayward, who died April 22, 1828 Aet. 88.

With patience Lord we bore thy hand, Till thou did'st set us free; Respgn'd our breath of thy comman
134 SBG 23/1 609 1 Headstone TRUE JOSEPH HAYWARD GREEN S N/A WINGED SKULL, ROSETTE, BORDER 1 0 0 0 SOUND, CHIPPED, BIOLOGICAL ACTIVITY, PRETTY GOOD CONDITION Here lyes ye Body of Joseph Hayward aged 71 who deceased October ye 13th 1714
135 SBG 23/5 610 1 Headstone TRUE JOSIAH HAYWARD S n/a Portrait 2 35.5 34 3 discolored, cracked, biological activity, no repair, no vandalism. Unknown white substance on stone. Here lies ye body of Josiah Hayward son of Mr. Josiah & Mrs. Mary Hayward who died August ye 3 1736 aged 2 years 9 months.
136 SBG 23/6 611 1 Headstone TRUE Simeon Howard green slate n/a winged skull, rosette, border 2 35.5 34 3 biological activity, extremely discolored, oxidation, no repair Memento mori
Here lyes ye Body of Simeon Howard Aged 55 years &  11months died Aug ye 18th 1719
137 SBG 23/7 612 1 Headstone TRUE Mrs. Rebekah Temple green slate n/a winged head, border, rosettes 1 92.5 41 6 chipped, cracked, biological activity, no repair, no vandalism Memento mori
Here Lies the Body of Mrs. Rebekah Temple formerly the wife of Mr. Simeon Hayward who departed this life March ye 29th AD1776. In ye 94th year of her age.
The Memory of ye Just is Blest.
138 SBG 23/8 613 1 Headstone TRUE Jonathan Whitney S n/a rosettes, border, head 2 69.5 41 6 chipped, eroded all around, biological activity, flaked, no repair, no vandalism. Here lies buried ye body of Mr. Jonathan Whitney who departed this life March ye 17th AD 1735 Age 76 4 M & 28 D
139 SBG 23/9 614 1 Headstone TRUE ASA HAYWARD S None winged head, border, head on pedestal 2 91.5 40.5 4 chipped, discolored, exfoliated, cracked, biological activity, no repair, no vandalism Here lies ye remains of Asa Hayward son of Lieut Joseph Hayward and Mrs. Abigail his wife who departed this Life Decr 3rd, 1777, Aged 19 years & 19 days.
He was an obedient & dutiful son, a Loving & tender brother. His life lamented. Much respected & dea
140 SBG 23/15 619 1 Headstone TRUE MISS ANNE BISCON S n/a winged skull, rosettes, border 2 62 67 3 chipped, cracked, mold, tilted, discolored, exfoliated, no repair; lawn mower scratches Here Lyes ye Body of Ms Anne Biscon  Wife to Mr Isaac Biscon Who Decd. June 4, 1723 in ye 58 year of her age
141 SBG     1   FALSE           0 0 0    
142 SBG 24/1 608 1 Headstone TRUE DEAC. JOSEPH DAKIN S n/a rosette, border, head, swirls 2 100 73 6 cracked, eroded, mold, bird droppings, flaked, discolored, delaminated, no repair, lawn mower scratches, round holes Here Lies buried ye Body of Deacn Joseph Dakin who departed this life March ye 13 AD 1744/3 In ye 75th year of his age
143 SBG 24/2 607 2 dbl headstone TRUE Mrs. Beulah Holdin S n/a winged skull, rosette, border, feather in circle 1 64 48 3 CHIPPED, MOLD, BIRD DROPPINGS, SOILED, DISCOLORED, NO REPAIR, NO VANDALISM Here lyes ye Body of Mrs. Beulah Holdin, wife to Mr Peter Holdin; who died Janry 26th, 1732/3 Aged 20 years & 10 mo.

Also their son Samuel, Died April 30th, 1738 Aged 6 years & 6 mo.
144 SBG 24/3 606 1 Headstone TRUE Abigail Holdin S n/a winged skull, border 1 44 42.5 3 sound, chipped, flaked, discolored, soiled. Excellent border, very delicate Abigail Holdin daugtr of Mr. John & Ms Grace Holdin, Decd Febry 27th 1724 Aged 3 months & 20 days
145 SBG 24/4 618 1 Headstone TRUE Mr. Richard Kaets S n/a winged skull, rosettes, border 1 57 69 13 eroded, cracked, in early states of erosion also large crack through entire face. No repair, lawn mower scratches. Here lyes buried ye body of Mr. Richard Kaets, aged 72 years, Decd March ye 20th 1717/18
146 SBG 25/1 605 1 Headstone TRUE Grace Holdin S n/a winged skull, rosettes, border 2 32.5 36.5 4 chipped, soiled, discolored, biological activity, exfoliated, no repair, vertical streaks, lawn maower scratches Here lyes ye Body of Grace Holdin Dautr of Mr. John and Ms Grace Holdin Decd. March ye 8th 1725 Aged 17 years 7 months & 10 das.
147 SBG 25/2 604 2 Headstone TRUE Hannah Holdin Josiah Holdin S n/a winged skull, rosettes, border 1 67 71 4 chipped, cracked, moss, bird droppings, tilted, discolored, no repair, no damage but stone seems to be very high above the ground, and a lot of the rough stone shows. In Memory of Josiah Holdin who died Febry 2nd. 1754 aged 9 years and 11 months

In Memory of Hannah Holdin who died March 12th 1754 aged 5 years and 5 months
The children of Mr. Josiah & Mrs. Hannah Holdin
148 SBG 25/5 616 1 Headstone TRUE Mr. Samuel Stratton S n/a winged skull, rosettes, border 1 44 43 5 chipped, mold, bird droppings, broken bottom right, discolored, a deep scratch, no repair, lawn mower scratches Here lyes ye Body of Mr. Samuel Stratton Decd Novbr 30, 1717 in ye 50th year of his age
149 SBG 25/6 617 1 Headstone TRUE Mrs. Elizabeth Stratton slate, gray n/a winged skull, rosette(double) border 1 68 40 7 biological activity, soiled, discolored, slight streaks, delaminated, no repair, no vandalism Memento Mori
Here lyes the Body of Mrs. Elizabeth Stratton widow to Mr. Samuel Stratton who departed this life April ye 19th 1762 in the 99th year of her age.
150 SBG 25/11 621 1 Headstone TRUE R.M. S n/a urn, border 2 95.5 62 2.5 chipped, cracked, discolored, soiled, no repairs, no vandalism In memory of Mrs. Ruth Miles relict of Capt. Charles Miles, who died Oct. 13, 1813, Aet. 79

My flesh shall slumber on the ground Till the last trumpet is joyful soud Then burst the bands with sweet surprise & in my Saviours imege rise
151 SBG 25/12 622 1 Headstone TRUE Capt. Charles Miles S n/a winged head, border, willow mint 102.5 64 3.5 chipped, biological activity, oxidation, no repairs, damage from rubbing. Sacred to the memory of Capt. Charles Miles, who died Nov. 2, 1790 in the 64 year of his age.

Blessed are the poor in spirit For theirs is the kingdom of heaven Concord 1794
152 SBG 25/13 623 1 Headstone TRUE Mrs. Zervia Miles S n/a variation of winged skull, rosette, border 2 105 64 5 chipped, mold, moss, bird droppings, flaked, soiled, delaminated, oxidation, right shoulder has small square chunk cut in it may be repairs; no vandalism Here lies buried the body of Mrs. Zerviah Miles the wife of Mr. Charles Miles who departed this life July ye 12th, AD 1757 in the 30th year of her age; she was of a pleasant temper a respectfull wife and of a good conduct and behaviour in her life.
153 SBG 26/1 620 1 Headstone TRUE M.M. S n/a urn/willow, border 2 105 62 4 eroded, mold, bird droppings, flaked, soiled, discolored, delaminated on shoulders and top, no repair, no vandalism In memory of Miss Mary Miles daur of Capt Charles & Mrs. Ruth Miles, who died Oct 22,1815, Aet 44
Mark my gay friends the solemn toll Speaks the departure of the soul Let each one ask himself am I Prepar'd should I be cald to die.
154 SBG 27/1 629 1 Headstone FALSE   S N/A URN/WILLOW, BORDER 1 98 67 5 mold, flaked, discolored, no repair, possibly used as target practice, lawn mower scratches In memory of Miss Mary Breed daughter of Mr. William and Mrs. Mary Breed of Boston who died Augst 26th 1802 Aged 27 years
When the pale moon a second day has made, Let no rough foot her sacred grave pervade. May angels view the spot with sacred cures And
155 SBG 29/1 628 1 Headstone TRUE LYDIA FARRAR S n/a n/a 1 59.5 34 4 chipped, moss, flaked, discolored, exfoliated, no repairs, mower scratches Here lies the body of Lydia Farrar Daughter of Mr. Ebenezer and Mrs. Elizabeth Farrar who died August 14, 1774 aged 3 years & 6 months & 13 days
156 SBG 29/2 627 2 Headstone FALSE   S n/a winged skull, rosettes, border 2 66 60.5 6 chipped, cracked, eroded, bird droppings, moss, exfoliated, delaminated, no repair, damage from rubbing Here Lyes the Body of Mr. Jacob Farrar Decd April 29, 1722 Aged about 53 year
157 SBG 29/5 639 1 Headstone TRUE Samuel Meriam S n/a winged skull, rosette, border 2 75 59.5 6 cracked, moss, bird droppings, flaked, discolored, exfoliated, no repair, used as target practice, lawn mower scratches Here lyes buried ye body of Samuel Meriam, son of Capt Samuel Meriam & Mrs. Abiel his wife; who died March 10th Anno Domni 1735/6 in ye 29th year of his age
158 SBG 29/6 638 1 Headstone TRUE Mrs. Abigail Meriam S n/a rosettes, border, face 5 60 73 4 eroded, mold, sunken, flaked, exfolated Here lies buried the body of Mrs. Abi[g]ail Meriam wife of Deac Samuel Meriam who departed this life August the 29 AD 1756
159 SBG 29/7 637 1 Headstone TRUE Capt. Samuel Meriam S n/a Border 2 91 76.5 2 cracked, moss, flaked, discolored, delaminated, no repair, used as target practice, damage from rubbing, lawn mower scratches God said let there be light in it was life, and the life was the light of men
In memory of Capt Samu Meriam who departed this life in the 85th year of his age Natus Octr 27 AD1679 Mortuous Jun. 1st AD 1764 Our departed friend to whose memory this monumen
160 SBG 30/3 626 1 Headstone TRUE Mr. John Miles S n/a Winged Skull 1 77.4 21.3 5 sound, chipped, eroded, oxidation  Here Lyes the Body of Mr John Miles who Decd Augst the 23rd 1723 in the 45th year of his age
161 SBG 30/4 625 1 Headstone TRUE Mrs. Sarah Miles S n/a hourglass, rosette, border, portrait 2 114 74 8 chipped, moss, discolored, soiled, exfoliated, slightly risen Here lies interred the body of Mrs Sarah Miles the wife of Deacon Samuel Miles who departed this Life March the 13th AD 1756 in the 77th year of her age She was a prudent & virtuous wife, a kind & instructive mother and was conscientious and virtuous in h
162 SBG 30/6 635 1 Headstone TRUE Mrs. M. Miles S n/a urn/willow, pillars, and curtains 3 123 78 5 chipped, sunken, flaked, discolored, oxidation, no repair, no vandalism In memory of Mrs. Martha miles wife of mr. Oliver Miles who died Febr 4th 1813 AE 73 years. She lived to die and dead she lives While her blest Memory survives A tender Mother, wife and Friend She practised virtue to the end.
163 SBG 30/7 634 1 Headstone TRUE O.M. S n/a Urn/Willow - 140 76.5 3.2 sound, chipped, cracked, discolored Erected in Memory of Mr. Oliver Miles who died Nov. 3, 1820. Can reasons dictates be obeyed? So weak Alas! Her strongest aid; O let religion then be nigh. Her consolations never die.
164 SBG 30/8 636 1 Headstone FALSE   S n/a Winged Skull 1 41 37 7.5 sound, chipped, no repair, no vandalism Elizabeth Miles daughtr of Mr. John and Mrs Mary Miles aged 14 month & 2 weeks died January 2nd, 1716
165 SBG 30/11 633 1 Headstone FALSE   S N/A PORTRAIT, leafy design 3 0 0 0 chipped, flaked, discolored, delaminated, no repair, no vandalism William Miles, Son of Mr. James Miles jun. & Mrs. Lydia his wife died Aug. 23, 1798, aged 2 years & 8 months, Sleep on sweet baby and take your rest God call'd you home & and he knows what's best.
166 SBG 31/6 632 1 Headstone TRUE Mrs. Lydia Miles S n/a urn/willow, rosettes, border 1 86 61 4 chipped, cracked, tilted, flaked, discolored, no repair, lawn mower scratches In memory of Mrs. Lydia Miles wife of Mr. James Miles junr who died Apri 5, 1899 in the 43 year of her age
167 SBG 31/7 631 1 Headstone FALSE   S n/a urn/willow, border 2 0 0 0 chipped, cracked, flaked, discolored, no repair, used as target practice, lawn mower scratches In memory of Timothy B. Miles son of Capt Joseph and Mrs. Hannah Miles, who died Augt 14, 1821. Aet. 16
Death with his dart has piers'd my heart, when I was in my prime: When this you see greive not for me. T'was God's appointed time
168 SBG 32/2 630 1 Headstone TRUE Miss M. Prescott S n/a hourglass, two pillars 1 73 61 6 chipped, cracked, moss, discolored, delaminated, no repair, lawn mower scratches In memory of Miss Mary Prescott, daughter of Col. Charles & Mrs. Elizabeth Prescott, who died May 4, 1797, Aged 55.
169 SBG 32/3 648 1 Headstone FALSE   S n/a winged skull, rosette, border 3 84 45 3 chipped, cracked, moss, bird droppings, discolored, soiled, slightly risen, no repair, used as target practice. Stone in bad shape. Memento mori
Here lies the body of Mrs. Dorithy Stratton the wife of Mr. Hezekiah Stratton who departed this life May the 31st AD 1763 in the 49th year of her Age
170 SBG 33/2 643 1 Headstone TRUE L. P. S n/a winged skull, border, rosettes? 2 43 38 4 mold, bird droppings, chipped, eroded, exfoliated, no repair, no vandalism Lucia Prescott, daughtr of Jonathan Prescott Esq. & Mrs. Rebeckah his wife Decd April 20th 1723, aged 1 yr. 7 mo & 26 ds
171 SBG 33/3 645 1 Headstone TRUE D.P. purple slatae n/a winged skull, head, rosette, border 1 49 42 3 chipped,cracked, moss, flaked, discolored, exfoliated, red oxidation on back. No repair, damage from rubbing. Dorothy Prescott, daughtr of Jonathan Prescott Esq. & Mrs. Rebeckah his wife Decd Janry 5th, 1724 Aged 7 yrs 3 m &22 ds
172 SBG 33/5 644 1 Headstone FALSE   S N/A WINGED SKULL, ROSETTE, BORDER N/A 47 40 4 MOLD, BIRD DROPPING, FLAKED, DISCOLORED, EXFOLIATED, NO REPAIR, NO VANDALISM John -Lynde Prescott son of Doctr John Prescott & Mrs. Anne his wife Died March 3rd 1731/2 Aged 10 days
173 SBG     1   FALSE           0 0 0    
174 SBG 33/6 646 1 Headstone FALSE   S n/a winged skull, rosette, border 1 60 39 4 chipped, moss, mold, flaked, discolored, no repairs, damaged from rubbing Memento Mori
Here lyes ye body of John Prescott son of Colol Charles Prescott Esq. & Mrs. Elisabeth his wife who Decd September ye 12th AD 1753 aged 4 yers 10 months & 24 days
175 SBG 33/11 647 2 Headstone TRUE Dorothy Prescott
Jonathan Prescott
S n/a Winged Skull 1 97 69 2 chipped, fragmented (F-4, F-5, F-6) Here lies the body of Jonathan Prescott son of Doct Abel Prescot & [A]bigail his wife who [decd] April ye 13 AD - 6 yrs a

Here lies the body of Dorothy Prescot daughter of Doct Abel Prescott and Abigail his wife who dec'd March the 28th AD 1754 Aged 8 
176 SBG 34/1 664 1 Headstone TRUE LIEU. DANIEL DEAN S n/a winged skull, rosettes, border 1 75 72 5 sound, chipped, mold, bird dropping, exfoliated, no repair, mower scratches Here lyes buried the body of Lieut Daniel Dean who decd Novbr ye 29th 1725 in the 97th year of his age
177 SBG 35/1 642 1 Headstone TRUE DOCTOR EBENEZER HARTSHORN S n/a winged head, rosette, border 1 89 59 5 sound, chipped, cracked, bird droppings, flaked, discolored, mower scratches, possible repairs Here lies interrd the body of Doctr Ebenezer Hartshorn who was born Janr 29 1713 and dyed Janr 5th 1772
178 SBG 35/2 641 1 Headstone TRUE MH 1750 S n/a winged head, border is spirals 3 35.5 39 3 chipped, iron oxidation, flaked, discolored, broken, glued together, used as target practice, mower scratches, deep, deliberate scratches Here lyes the body of Mary late wife to Mr. Ebenezer Hartshorn Sr. who died June 9 1750 Aet. 63
179 SBG 35/3 640 1 Headstone TRUE THOMAS HARTSHORN S n/a winged skull, border 1 53.8 43.6 4.2 chipped, sound, discolored, oxidation, no repairs, mower scratches Here lyes ye body of Thomas Hartshorn son of Mr Thomas & Mrs. Sarah Hartshorn who Decd Novembr 17th 1697 in ye 14th year of his age
180 SBG 35/7 663 1 Headstone TRUE MRS. MARGARET DEAN S n/a winged skull, border 1 75 62 4 sound, chipped, flaked, discolored, oxidation, no repairs, mower scratches Memento mori
Here lies the body of Mrs. Margret Deen Relict of Lt. Daniel Deen who departed this Life May AD 1734, in the 68th year of hir age.
181 SBG 35/8 662 1 Headstone TRUE MR. JOHN ADAMS S n/a winged skull, rosette, border 1 63 53 7 sound, mold; no repair, mower scratches Here lyes the body of Mr. John Adams who decd October ye 25th 1725 in ye 29th year of his age
182 SBG 35/9 - 1 Footstone TRUE Mr. Samuel Bi
lling 1748
S n/a heart and circles 1 33 27 2 sound, exfoliated  
183 SBG 35/10 661 1 Headstone TRUE MRS. MARY BILLING S n/a rosette, face, sprials, 1 89 63 5 sound, no repair, no damage Here lies buried ye body of Mrs. Mary Billing wife of Mr. Samll Billing who departed this life April ye 6th AD 1747 Age 68 years
184 SBG 35/11 660 1 Headstone TRUE MR. SAMUEL BILLING 1748/9 S n/a winged head, vire(?) on border 1 76 61 4 sound, discolored, no repair, mower scratches In memory of Mr. Samuel Billing who departed this life March ye 10th, AD 1748/9, aged 82 years
185 SBG 36/1 n/a 1 Monument FALSE   purple slate n/a Lettering only 1 94 50.5 8.5 chipped, mold, flaked, no repair, graffiti, damage from rubbing In Memoriam. Nathaniel Billings. One of the earliest settlers in and supposed to be one of the founders of the town of Concord. Died Aug. 24, 1673. A patriot and a freeman, he was one of the signers to the memorial of 1664 to the General court, who pledge
186 SBG 36/2 657 1 Headstone TRUE MR. JOSEPH BILLING S n/a winged skull, rosette, border 2 67 46 5 chipped, cracked, bird droppings, flaked, discolored, fallen, no repair, used as target practice Memento Mori
Here lyes ye body of Mr. Joseph Billing who departed this life Septr ye 19th 1760 aged 58 years and 3 months
187 SBG 36/5 658 1 Headstone TRUE JEAN BILLING S n/a winged sjull, rosette, border 2 50 50 4 chipped, cracked, bird droppings, moss, flaked, discolored, delaminated, no repair, used as target practice, mower scratches. Jean Billing, Daugtr of Mr. Nathaniel & Mrs. Hannah Billing, Deced Febry 8th, 1728 in ye 14th year of her age
188 SBG 36/5 658 1 Headstone FALSE   S n/a sketch 2 50 50 4 chipped, cracked, bird droppings, moss, flaked, exfoliated, fallen, no repair, mower scratches Jean Billing daugtr of Mr. Nathaniel & Mrs. Hannah Billing, Decd Febry 8th, 1728 in ye 14 year of her age
189 SBG 37/5 656 1 Headstone TRUE MRS. E.D. S n/a urn/willow, border 3 0 0 0 cracked, flaked, discolored, no repair, mower scratches Here lies the remains of Mrs. Elizabeth Dakin wife of Mr. Samuel Dakin junr who departed this life Sept 2, 1792, in the 22 year of her age
As she lived much desired so she died greatly lamented
190 SBG 37/8 639 1 Headstone TRUE Lieu Richard Parks green slate n/a Winged Skull 1 70 68 3 sound, chipped, discolored, no repairs, mower scratches Here Lyes Buried the Body of Lieut Richard Parks who Decd June ye 19th 1725 in ye 58 year of His Age
191 SBG 38/1 655 1 Headstone FALSE   S n/a rosettes, border, sketch 1 83 67 6 chipped, cracked, moss, bird droppings, flaked, delaminated, no repair, mower scratches Here lies buried the Body of Mr. Peter Buss who departed this life Octobr 25, AD1752 in ye 72 year of his age
192 SBG 38/2 654 1 Headstone TRUE MRS. RACHEL BUSS S n/q rosettes, border, swirls 2 77 52.5 3 chipped, flaked, discolored, very delaminated, no repair, used as target practice Here lies buried ye body of Mrs Rachel Buss ye wife of Mr Peter Buss who departed this life March ye 19th AD 1743 in ye 59th year of her age
193 SBG 38/3 653 1 Headstone TRUE WILLIAM BUSS S None winged skull, rosetts, border 2 55.5 39.5 5 chipped, cracked, mold, flaked, discolored, exfoliated, no repair, mower scratches Here lyes ye body of William Buss son of Mr. Peter & Mrs. Rachel Buss who died Aust 25th 1734 in ye 18th year of his age
194 SBG 38/4 652 1 Headstone TRUE MR. NATHANIEL BUSS S n/a winged skull, rosette 2 48 50 8.5 chipped, cracked, mold, bird droppings, flaked, discolored, exfoliated, no repair, no vandalism Here lyes the body of Mr. Nathaniel Buss aged 74 yers Decd Decmbr 1717
195 SBG 38/5 651 1 Headstone TRUE MRS. MARY BUSS S n/a rosette, border, head, swirls 2 86 53 4 chipped, moss, bird droppings, flaked, discolored, no repair, no vandalism Here lies buried ye body of Mrs Mary Buss who departed this life February ye 4 AD 1737 in ye 66th year of her age
196 SBG 39/1 650 1 Headstone TRUE John Showvally S n/a winged skull, rosette, border 2 41.5 34.5 7 biological activity, discolored, oxidation Here lyes ye body of John Showvally aged 23 years & 6 mo Decd January 31st 1717/18
197 SBG 39/2 649 1 Headstone FALSE   green slate n/aq winged skull, border 1 66 40.5 5 biological activity, flaked, slight oxidation, no repairs, mower scratches no inscription recorded
198 SBG 39/5 669 1 Headstone TRUE W.P. S n/a urn, border 2 105.5 53 3 chipped, cracked, discolored, streak, biological activity, flaked, no repair, damage from rubbing In Memory of Mr. Willoughby Prescott who died April 15, 1808, Aet 65
199 SBG 39/7 672 1 Headstone TRUE S.P.P. S J. Park, Littleton urn/willow, border 2 94.5 42 4.5 biological activity, discolored, granite base behind leadstone, mower scratches ERECTED in memory of Mr. Samuel P. Prescott who died Sept. 2, 1820 Aet 51

3: 94
200 SBG 40/1 665 1 Tomb FALSE   sandstone, brick & mortar None Lettering only 2 185 81 86 mold,chipped, flaked, discolored, no repair, no vandalism Here lye the remains of Major Jonathan Prescot Esq. A gentn of virtue & merit, an accomplisht physitian, but excelling in chyrurgery of uncommon sagacity penetration and success in his practice & so of very extensive service his life ws much valued and hi
201 SBG 40/2 668 1 Headstone FALSE   S None urn, border 1 94 57 3 chipped, green moss, mold, flaked, discolored, exfoliated, no repair, possible destruction from target practice In memory of Mrs. Elizabeth Prescott, consort of Mr. Willoughby Prescott, who died Oct. 5, 1800, Aet. 53.
202 SBG 40/3 667 1 Headstone FALSE   S None Urn 2 90 55 3.4 sound, chipped, moss, no repair, no vandalism In memory of Miss Elizabeth Prescott, daur of Mr Willoughby & Mrs. Elizabeth Prescott who died Nov 28, 1795 Aet 24

203 SBG 40/4 666 1 Headstone TRUE A.P. S None Urn 1 98 54.6 3.4 sound, chipped, crack, broken, no repairs, used as target practice. In memory of Mrs. Ann Prescott relict of Coh John Prescott, who died May 12, 1795: Aet 88

204 SBG 40/9 671 1 Headstone TRUE Mr. J. Prescott S None border, winged portrait q 0 0 0 chipped, cracked, moss, discolored, no repair, no vandalism Here lies buried the body of Mr. Jonathan Prescott who departed this life April 13th 1800 in the 34th year of his age. He was a virtuous, peaceable, and useful member of society, desirable and pleasant in life and lamented in death.
Weeping friends dry u
205 SBG 40/10 670 1 Headstone FALSE   S None urn/willow, border, pillars 1 133 70 5 green moss, mold, flaked, discolored, exfoliated, no repair, mower scratches ERECTED In memory of Mr. John Prescott, who died March 19, 1821 Aet. 78
206 SBG 44/1 673 1 Headstone TRUE Mrs. Prudence Munroe S None winged head, rosettes, border 1 89 79 5.5 sound, chipped, eroded, no repair, mower scratches In memory of Mrs Prudence Munroe formerly the wife of Mr. John Estabrook of Lexington who departed this life June the 23 1778 in the 78th year of her age
207 SBG 46/1 682 1 Headstone TRUE Miss Martha Jones S None winged head, border 1 85.5 58.5 4 sound, flaked, discolored, exfoliated, no repairs, mower scratches Memento mori
In memory of Miss Martha Jones daughr of Mr. Thomas & Mrs. Martha Jones who died Febr 7th 1783 aged 28 years and 32 days
Whey should we mourn departed friends Or shake at deaths alarms.S Tis but the voice that Jesus send to call them to hi
208 SBG 46/2 681 1 Headstone TRUE Mrs. Martha Jones S None winged head, pillars, umbrella over head 2 96 62 0 chipped, cracked, roded, discolored, no repairs, mower scratches In memory of Mrs. Martha Jones consort of Mr. Thomas Jones who died July 28th 1795 aged 64 Let living friends her -- race Then they'll in glory see her face.
209 SBG 46/3 680 1 Headstone FALSE Mr. Thomas Jones S None urn/willow, pillars 2 55 74.5 2.5 chipped, moss, mold, bird droppings, cobwebs, flaked, discolored, eroded, broken no repaired. Note: the top part of the stone broke off and was buried. Front is sunken. Only the two lines are visible. In memory of Mr. Thomas Jones
210 SBG 46/4 697 1 Headstone FALSE   S None urn/willow, border 1 132 82 4 chipped, cracked, bird droppings, eroded, flaked, discolored, exfoliated Men drop so fast, 'ere life's midstage we tread Few know so many friends alive as dead. Youn This monumental stone is erected in memory of Mr. Samuel Jones Jr. who made his exit Nov. 6 1806 aged 36 years
His virtues were too many to be enumerated here bu
211 SBG 46/5 678 1 Headstone TRUE S.J. S None Urn/Willow, border 2 98.5 59 5 chipped, cracked, mold, eroded, exfoliated no repair, mower scratches Sacred to the memory of Capt. Samuel Jones, who died, May 6, 1812, Aet.71
212 SBG 46/6 677 1 Headstone TRUE W.J. S None urn/willow, border 3 107 56 4.5 chipped, cracked, moss, mold, flaked, discolored, exfoliated, cobwebs, bird droppings, no repair, no vandalism Here are deposited the remains of Gen. William Jones, he was born in Concord, educated at Cambridge, was a member of the Bar in the County of Middlesex. He subsequently removed to Noridgwalk, Maine, where he sustained Civil and Military offices, and ther 
213 SBG 47/1 676 1 Headstone TRUE W.J. S None urn/willow, border 2 107.5 56.5 5 chipped, cracked, discolored, exfoliated, delaminated, oxidation, no repair, damage from rubbing In memory of Mr. William Jones son of William Jones Esq. Who was suddenly called in the prime of life from the busy scenes ofthis world and the fond expectations of relatives and friends to the world of spirits, he died at Boston Feb. 19, 1825 Aet. 23.
214 SBG 47/2 672   Headstone TRUE H.B. S None border, urn/willow 1 119.5 58.5 4 chipped, biological activity, flaked, discolored, delaminated, streaks. No repair, mower scratches Sacred To the memory of Mrs. Hepzibah wife of Col. Roger Brown, formerly wife of Capt Samuel Jones, who died June 19, 1839; Aet. 85
215 SBG 47/3 674 2 Obelisk TRUE M.J. sandstone base, marble obelisk None Lettering only 3 119.5 34 3 chipped, eroded, tilted, discolored, weathered, no repair, no vandalism In memory of a beloved Mother Mary relict of William Jones died July 28, 1852 aged 74 y'rs
Blessed are the____who die in the____

Samuel J. Jones son of William & Mary died_____ Dec. 27 ___ aged 18 yrs
216 SBG 50/1 702 1 Headstone TRUE M.H. S None urn/willow, pillars 1 99.5 61.5 4 chipped, cracked, flaked, discolored, exfoliated, no repair, mower scratches In memory of Mrs. Millesent, wife of Mr. Daniel Holden'who died Oct. 15,1821 Aet. 77
217 SBG 50/3 708 1 Headstone TRUE Capt. Joseph Hubbard S None winged head, border 1 100 72 7 sound, exfoliated, delaminated, no repair, mower scratches Memento mori
Here lies buried the Body of Capt Joseph Hubburd, who departed this life April 10th 1768 In the 80th year of his age. He was a loving busband, a kind father, in life beloved and at death greatly lemented.
218 SBG 50/4 709 1 Headstone FALSE   S None winged head, border 2, 5, 6 54 54 2.5 chipped, mold, tilted, sunken, broken, no repair, no vandalism Here lies the body of Mrs. Rebecca Hubbard widow to Capt. Joseph Hubbard departed this life --ye 29th 1772 in ye
219 SBG 50/5 710 1 Headstone FALSE   S None   1 68 45 4 chipped, sound, eroded, oxication, no repairs, mower scratches In memory of Jonathan Hubbard son of Capt. Thomas Hubbard & Mrs. Abigail his wife who died April 29th 1776 in ye 15th year of his age
220 SBG 51/1 698 1 Headstone FALSE   S None winged skull, rosettes, border 2 69 49 5 chipped, biological activity, flaked, soiled, no repairs, no vandalism Here lyes the body of Hannah Sparks, wife to Henry Sparks, who died Febuy The 15th 1718 aged 38 years & 9 Mon
221 SBG 51/2 696 1 Headstone FALSE   S None Lettering only 1 57.5 34 4 sound, chipped, flaked, no repair, mower scratches Here lies the Body of William Cutler [ Jones] son of Lieut Ephraim Jones & Mrs. Allice his wife, who died May 17th, 1765 Aged 7 months and one day
222 SBG 51/3 697 1 Headstone TRUE Miss Alice Jones S None winged head, border 3 114 94 8 chipped, craked, fragmented, flaked, broken, soiled, exfoliated. Encased in cement, missing sections filled with cement, glued together with resign, damaged from rubbing Memento mori
Here lies buried the body of Miss Allice Jones daughter of Capt Ephraim Jones and Mrs. Allice his wife who departed this life Janr ye 17th 1783. In the 28th year of her age. Behold as you pass h As y Now so once was I. As I a must Bee Prepar
223 SBG 51/4 699 1 Headstone TRUE Capt. Ephraim Jones 1787 S None winged portrail 1 135 87 7 cracked, flaked, discolored, no repairs, mower scratches Sacred to the memory of Capt. Ephraim Jones who died Set 21st AD 1787 Aged 57 years
Retire my friend dry up your tears, Are I shall lie till Christ appears
224 SBG 51/5 700 1 Headstone TRUE Mrs. Alice Jones S None winged head, border 1 131 84 5 sound, chipped, cracked, flaked, discolored, exfoliated, no repair, mower scratches Memento mori
Sacred to the memor of Mrs. Alice Jones relict of Capt. Ephraim Jones who died Febr ye 28th 1792 Aged 62 years
Through life in virtuous paths she trod, In death her hope was plac'd in God
225 SBG 51/6 701 1 Headstone TRUE D.H. S None urn/willow, border 1 104 59 5 chipped, cracked, biological activity, flaked, discolored, no repair, mower scratches In memory of Mr. Daniel Holden, who died Jan. 21, 1803 Aet. 71
226 SBG 51/7 707 1 Headstone FALSE   S None Border 2 44 33 4 chipped, flaked, sunken, discolored, no repair damage from rubbing, mower scratches Here lies the body of Thomas Hubb'rd son of Mr. Thomas & Mrs. Abigail Hubburd who died January 3d 1768. Aged 5 months and 17 days.
227 SBG 51/9 706 1 Headstone TRUE Mr. Peter Hubbard S None winged skull, border 2 89 47 3.5 chipped, cracked, flaked, fallen, delaminated, no repair, damage from rubbing Memento mori
Here lies the Body of Mr. Peter Hubbard ye son of Capt Joseph & Mrs. Rebeckah Hubbard who departed this life April ye 16th AD 1753 in ye 26th year of his age
228 SBG 51/13 703 1 Headstone FALSE   purple slate None winged skull, border 2 83 56 5 cracked, tilted, exfoliated, delaminated, no repair, no vandalism Here lyes buried the body of Mr. Samuel Potter, Junr who departed this life April the 21st 1762 Aged 24 years.
229 SBG 51/14 704 1 Headstone TRUE Mrs. Elizabeth Potter S None Winged Head 2 85 64 3 biological activity, tilted, flaked,discolored, no repairs, mower scratches In memory of Mrs. Elizabeth Potter, wife of Mr. Samuel Potter; who died Nov. 28th 1790 aged 83 years
230 SBG 51/15 705 1 Headstone FALSE   S None willow 2 81 56 4 eroded, tilted, sunken, discolored, no repair, mower scratches. In memory of Mr. Samuel Potter who died Feb. 15, 1800 Aged 95
231 SBG 52/1 645 1 Headstone TRUE Ephraim Jones S None rosettes, winged head 1 111.5 78.5 8 sound, chipped, cracked, mold, flaked, discolored, no repair, no vandalism Here lyes Buried the Body of Capt. Ephraim Jones who departed this life Novbr ye 29 1756 in ye 51st year of his age
232 SBG 52/2 694 1 Headstone FALSE   S None Portrait, border 2 79.5 50 6 chipped, bird droppings, flaked, discolored, no repair, no vandalism Memento mori
Here lies the body of Mrs. Ruth Foot wife of Capt Malachi Foot and daughter of Mr. Samuel and Mrs Ruth Jones who departed this life June 29th 1734 in the 30th year at her age
233 SBG 52/3 693 1 Headstone TRUE Ephraim Jons S None winged skull, rosette, border 2 43.5 37 3.5 chipped, mold, flaked, discolored, no repair, mower scratches Here lyes ye body of Ephraim Jons aged 31 years died Octobr ye 7th, 1710
234 SBG 52/8 684 1 Headstone TRUE ENSIGN JON JONES S None winged skull, rosettes, border 2 74 25 5 chipped, cracked, flaked, discolored, broken, delaminated, no repair Yes the body of nsign Jon Jones who departed this life March the 12th AD 1762 in the 73rd year of his age Job 14-12 So man lyeth down & riseth not till the
235 SBG 52/4 691 1 Headstone FALSE   S None winged head, hourglass, rosette, border 2 108 82 7 chipped, cracked, flaked, discolored, delaminated, broken Memento mori
Here lies buried the body of Lieut. John Jones he died Augst 23rd 1772 in the 55th year of his age He was a kind husband a tender father a father of the poor & needy & ye most oblidging & compassionate of friends. Halt passenger as you go pa
236 SBG 52/10 690 1 Headstone TRUE Mrs. Anna Jones S None winged skull, rosette,border 2 100 56 3 chipped, eroded, discolored, soiled, exfoliated, no repair, mower scratches Memento mori
Here lyes the body of Mrs. Anna Jones the wife of Ensign John Jones who departed this life Jun the 9th AD 1753 in the 58th year of her age
237 SBG 53/4 688 1 Headstone TRUE Mr. Samuel Jones S None winged skull, rosette, border 2 90 56.5 6 chipped, cracked, mold, flaked, discolored, no repair, no vandalism Here lies interred the body of Mr. Samuel Jones who decd November ye 4 AD 1755 in the 82nd year of his age. He was diligent in his calling a loving and tender husband a kind parent Stady in his attendance on the publick worship & ordinances of God's hours
238 SBG 53/5 687 1 Headstone TRUE Mrs. Ruth Jones S None winged skull, rosette, border 2 80 56 6 chipped, moss, mold, bird droppings, sunken, flaked, exfoliated, soiled, oxidation, no repair, mower scratches  
239 SBG 53/6 686 1 Headstone TRUE Capt. Thomas Jones S None winged head, border 2 139 78.5 7 chipped, mold, flaked, discolored, no repair, damage from rubbing Memento mori Motto The Lord is good to ye soul that seeks him Here lies what was moral of Capt. Thomas Jones who departed this life Augt 3d 1774 Being 72 years of age. Capt Jones was a Gent of an unspotted character of a Hospitable mind & Practice Courtuo
240 SBG 53/7 685 1 Headstone TRUE Mrs. Mary Jones S None winged portrait, border   98 68 4 chipped, mold, moss, bird droppings, flaked, sunken, discolored, soiled, streaks through lighter stone, no repairs, damage from rubbing inscription omitted on inventory record
241 SBG 53/13 689 1 Headstone FALSE   S None Winged Skull 2 49.5 39.5 4 chipped, mold, bird droppings, flaked,discolored, no repairs, no vandalism Memento mori
Here lyes ye body of James Jones son of Capt Thomas & Mrs. Mary Jones who died February ye 13, AD 1754 age 2 years 3 months & 11 das
242 SBG 53/14 692 1 Headstone TRUE Mrs. HannahCocksedge S None winged skull, rosettes, border 1 0 0 0 sound, broken Here lyes the body of Mrs. Hannah Cocksedge wife to Mr. John Cocksedge, Aged 26 years died April 25, 1715
243 OHBG 1/1 1 1 Headstone TRUE Mr. William Russel S None winged skull, rosettes, border 2 53 51 5 chipped, biological activity, flaked, discolored, exfoliated, no repair, no vandalism Here lyes the body of Mr. William Russel died January the 27th 1717 in ye 51st year of his age
244 OHBG 2/1 2 1 Headstone TRUE Mr. James Russel S None Winged Skull, border 2 116 69 7 sound, chipped, cracked, flaked, discolored, no repairs, no vandalism memento mori
Here lies buried the body of Mr. James Russel who departed this life May the 5th AD 1773 Aged 77 years 3 months and 29 days. No house of pleasure here 'bove ground Do I expect to have. My bed of rest for sleeping found I've made the silent g
245 OHBG 2/2 3 1 Headstone TRUE Mrs. Susannah Russel S None rosettes, border, face, spirals 2 63 58 5 chipped, cracked, flaked, discolored, no repair, mower scratches Here lies buried ye body of Mrs. Susannah Russel ye wife of Mr. James Russel who decd August ye 1st 1738 & JN ye 37th year of her age
246 OHBG 2/3 4 1 Headstone FALSE   S None rosettes, border, face, sprals 22 70 51 2.5 chipped, cracked, flaked, discolored, exfoliated, no repairs or vandalism Here lies buried ye body of Jacob Russel son of Mr. James & Mrs. Susanna Russel who decd October ye 1st AD 1748 age 23 years 11 m & 7ds
247 OHBG 2/4 5 1 Headstone TRUE Capt. Eleazer Melven S None winged head, border 2 111 70 7 cracked, biological activity, flaked, discolored, exfoliated, delaminated, no repairs or vandalism Memento mori
Here lies the body of Capat. Eleazer Melven, who died October 18th 1754 In 52nd year of his age. His martial genius early engaged him in his countrys cause; under ye command of the Valiant Capt. Lovel; in that hazardous enterprise where in o
248 OHBG 2/5 6 1 Headstone TRUE Capt. David Melven SS None rosettte, border, face, spirals 1 86 65 6.5 chipped, cracked,eroded, flaked, discolored, no repairs or vandalism Here lies buried ye body of Capt David Melven who departed this life Novembr  ye 18th AD 1745 in ye 56th year of his age
249 OHBG 2/7 10 1 Headstone TRUE Daniel Meriam S None rosettes, border, face, spirals 2 49 43.5 4 sound, eroded, flaked, soiled, no repairs or vandalism Here lies buried ye body of Daniel Meriam ye son of Mr. John & Mrs. Hannah Meriam who decd May ye 3r 1740 age 7 years 1 M & 20 D
250 OHBG 3/1 7 1 Headstone TRUE Mr. Jonathan Melven S None winged head, border 1 0 0 0 chipped, biological activity, flaked, discolored, oxidation, no repair, damaged from rubbing Here lies the body of Mr. Jonathan Melven who died February 13, 1737 In the 49th year of his age. Job.XIV 12 So man lieth down and riseth not till the heavens be no more. They shall not awake, nor be raised out of their sleep.
251 OHBG 3/2 8 1 Headstone TRUE Mr. John Melven S None winged skull, rosettes, border 2 0 0 0 chipped, eroded, biological activity, no repair, damage from rubbing Here lyes buried the body of Mr. John Melven who Decd Augst ye 21st 1726 in ye 74th year of his age
252 OHBG 4/1 9 1 Headstone FALSE   S None border, portrait 2 76 55 6 chipped, mold, eroded, flaked, discolored, no repairs, mower scratches Memento mori
Here lies the body of Mrs. Mary Melven wife of Capt Eleazer Melven, who died November 20th 1754 In the 48th year of her age.
253 OHBG 4/2   1 Monument FALSE   slate on cement None Lettering only 1 125 71 6 chipped slightly, no rpair, graffiti, mower scratches Old Hill Burying Ground Graves of: Col. James Barrett, John Beatton, Capt. David Brown, Reuben Brown, Col John Buttrick, Hugh Cargill, Dr. John Cuming, Rev. William Emerson, John Jack, Joseph Meriam (1677), Peter Wright, Hon. Ephraim Wood, Erected 1968 Sl
254 OHBG 5/1 14 1 Headstone TRUE Mrs. Elezebeth   Maynard S None winged head, ribbon 2 0 0 0 chipped, biological activity, discolored, no repairs, rubbing damage, mower scratches Here lies the mortal part of Mrs. Elizabeth Maynard wife of Mr. David Maynard who departed this life April ye 30th 1785 aged 58 years and 3 months. She was a kind & a prudent wife an Indulgent parent Bennvolence was in all her actions toward her neighbour
255 OHBG 5/2 15 1 Headstone TRUE Mr. A.M. S None rosettes, border 1,2 0 0 0 chipped, eroded, discolored, oxidation, no repairs, mower scratches IN memory of Mr. Aaron Maynard, who died 23 May 1801, in the 32nd year of his age
256 OHBG 5/4 16 1 Headstone FALSE   S None urn/willow, rosette, border n/a 0 0 0 chipped, cracked, biological activity, discolored, no repairs, rubbing damage, mower scratches Erected in memory of Mr. Joseph Brown who died July 13, 1821 Aet 54 years The humble Christians rest is here. The bender parent fond and dear; A faithful husband was summonds home O peaceful grave, receive this day and keep it till the glorious day when o
257 OHBG 6/1 11 1 Headstone TRUE Mrs. Priscilla Adams S None border, portrait 2 89 57 6 chipped, cracked, eroded, bird drippings, mold, flaked, discolored, no repair, mower scratches Memento mori
Here lies the body of Mrs. Priscilla Adams the wife of Mr. Joseph Adams, who departed this life Janr 6th 1734 In the 29th year of her age.
258 OHBG 6/3 403 1 Headstone FALSE   S None rosettes, border 2 60 55 5 chipped, cracked, bird droppings, mold, no repairs no vandalism, flaked Here lies buried ye body of Mrs. Mary Parling ye wife of Mr. John Parling who Decd March ye 14th 1739 age 71 years & 1 M
259 OHBG 6/6 377 1 Headstone TRUE Capt. D.B. S None urn, border 1 113 80 3.5 chipped, bird droppings, mold, flaked, discolored, exfoliated, no repairs, rubbing damage Erected in memory of Capt. David Brown who died May 22, 1802. AE 69. He liv'd belov'd and died lamented
260 OHBG 6/7 718 1 Headstone TRUE Mrs. Elizabeth Munroe S None winged skull, rosette, border 2 76 61 10 chipped, cracked, flaked, discolored Mrs. Elizabeth Munroe wife to Mr. Thomas Munroe, who departed this life Janry ye 13th 1750 in ye 30th year of her age left a sorrowfull husband & ten children was emenently Meek in her Behaviour, virtuous & exemplary in her conversation in ye various rela
261 OHBG 6/8 156 1 Headstone TRUE Mr. T.B. S None urn/willow, border 1 100 68 5 chipped, cracked, bird droppings, flaked, froken, flaked, exfoliated, no rpairs, mower scratches Erected In memory of Mr. Thomas Brown; son of Capt David Brown & Mrs. Abagail his wife, he died Sept. 19, 1798, AE 27
262 OHBG 7/1 13 1 Headstone TRUE Mrs. Mary Parlin S None rosettes, border, face spirals 2 73 52 5 chipped, flaked, eroded, discolored, exfoliated, no repairs or vandalism Here lies buried the body of Mrs. Mary Parlin wife of Mr. John Parlin Juner who Died January ye 5 1754 In ye 63 year of Her Age
263 OHBG 7/3 20 1 Headstone TRUE Mr. Josiah Blood S None winged skull, rosette, border 2 123 104 9 chipped, cracked, flaked, discolored, exfoliated, no repairs or vandalism Here lyes buried the body of Mr. Josiah Blood, who departed this Life July 2d AD 1731 In ye 68th year of His age
264 OHBG 7/4 21 1 Headstone TRUE Miss Elizabeth Blood S None border, portrait 1 100 57 5 chipped, flaked, discolored, exfoliated, cement poured at base, no vandalism Memento mori
Here lifes the body of Miss Elizabeth Blood daughter of cornet Stephen Blood & Mrs. Mary his wife who departed this life Octr 12th 1775. In ye 34 year of her age. Affliction sore, long time I bore, physician was in vain, till God did please 
265 OHBG 7/6 22 1 Headstone TRUE J.K. S None rosettes, border 2 37 40 6 chipped, biological activity, flaked, soiled, no repairs or vandalism Here lyes ye body of Jonathan Knight who decesed March the 11th 1711/12 in ye 40th year of his age
266 OHBG 9/1 24 2 Headstone TRUE P.A. R.A. S None urn/willow, border 1 0 0 0 cracked, biological activity, discolored, no repair, rubbing damage Paul Adams, died Nov. 9, 1852 Aet. 78
Rebecca his wife died Mar. 5 1838 Aet. 71
267 OHBG 9/2 25 1 Headstone TRUE Mr. Hugh Cargill 1799 S None urn/ willow rosette border 3 0 0 0 cracked, discolored, soiled, no repair, mower scratches Here lyes Interred the remains of Mr. Hugh Carbill late of Boston who died in Concord Jany 12, 1799 in the 60 year of his age.
Mr. Cargill was born in Bellyshannon in Ireland. He came into this country in the year 1774 destitute of the comfort of life bu
268 OHBG 9/5 32 1 Headstone FALSE   S None Border 2 0 0 0 cracked, flaked, biological activity, broken, delaminated, exidation, no repairs, mower scratches In memory of Mrs. Martha Barker who died March 25, 1815 Aet. 72 Conc.d
269 OHBG 10/1 26 2 dbl headstone TRUE Mr. James Temple; Mr. Abraham Temple S None winged head, border 2 93 92 6 chipped, cracked, flaked, discolored, broken, no repair, no vandalism Memento mori Here lies the body of Mr. Abraham Temple son of Mr. Benjamin Temple & Abigail his wife who departed this life Novbr ye 25th AD 1756 in the 27th year of his age. Here lies the Body of Mr. James Temple son of Mr. Benjamin Temple & Abigail his w
270 OHBG 10/2 23 1 Headstone TRUE J.B. S None urn willow, border 2 88 57 4 cracked, eroded, flaked, discolored, exfoliated, no repairs, mower scratches In memory of Mrs. Jane Blood relict of Mr. Samuel Blood who died Sept. 27 1810 Aet. 73
271 OHBG 10/3 24 1 Headstone FALSE   purple slate None winged skull, rosette, border 2 41 39 5 chipped, biological activity, flaked, discolored, exfoliated, no repairs, mower scratches Susanna Flagg, daugtr of Mr. John & Mrs. Susanna Flagg died Febry 17th 1750 aged 5 years 11 mons & 23 Ds
272 OHBG 10/4 38 1 Headstone FALSE   S None winged skull, rosette, border 2 41 39 6 chipped, biiological activity, flaked, discolored, exfoliated, no repairs, mower scratches Mary Flagg daugtr of Mr. John & Mrs. Susanna Flagg, died Febry 20th 1750 aged 4 years & 3 days
273 OHBG 10/5 27 1 Headstone FALSE   S None wingd skull, rosette, border 2 42.5 36 4 flaked, biological activity, discolored, exfoliated, no repairs, mower scratches Sarah Flagg Daugtr of Mr. John & Mrs. Susanna Flagg died Febry 26th 1750 aged 2 years 4 mons & 23 Ds
274 OHBG 10/7 33 1 Headstone FALSE   S John New., Wrentham winged skull, border 2 71 58 9 chipped, cracked, flaked, discolored, exfoliated, delaminated, no repairs, mower scratches In memory of Dr. Richard Temple died Novbr 21st 1756 in ye 83rd year of his age.
John New. Wrentham
275 OHBG 10/9 34 1 Headstone FALSE   S None border, portrait 2 103 66 5 cracked, eroded, biological activity, discolored, exfoliated, delaminated, no repairs, mower scratches Memento mori Here lies the body of Mrs. Abigail Temple wife of Mr. Benjamin Temple who departed this life April 26th 1771 In the 77th year of her age
276 OHBG 10/10 35 1 Headstone TRUE Mr. Benjamin Temple S None winged head, rosette, border 2 82 66 7 cracked, eroded, broken, flaked, discolored, exfoliated Here lies the body of Mr. Benjamin Temple who departed this life March the 6th AD 1753 in the 64th year of his age.
277 OHBG 10/11 36 1 Headstone TRUE Mr. John Temple S None winged skull, border 2 76 87 7 chipped, cracked, flaked, discolored, exfoliated, no repair, mower scratches Here lyes buried ye body of Mr. John Temple who departed this life July 17th, Anno Domno 1734. In ye 54th year of his age
278 OHBG 11/3 30 2 dbl headstone TRUE Mrs. Sarah Wheeler
Ensign William Wheeler
S None rosettes, border, head, swirls 2 102.5 98 7 chipped, cracked, mold, bird droppings, flaked, discolored, soiled, delaminated, no repair, possible rubbing damage and unexplained round hole Here lies buried ye body of Ensign William Wheeler who departed this life May ye 29th AD 1752 age 87 years 3 M & 21 Ds The memory of the Just is Blessed

Here lies buried ye body of Mrs Sarah Wheeler wife of Ens William Wheeler who departed this life Se
279 OHBG 11/5 37 1 Headstone TRUE Mr. Abraham Temple S None winged skull, rosettes, border 2 48 42 7.5 chipped, cracked, mold bird droppings flaked, discolored, oxidation no repairs, scratches Here lyes buried ye body of Mr. Abraham Temple who died Janry 4th 1738 aged 86 years & 7 months
280 OHBG 11/6 38 1 Headstone TRUE Mrs. Deborah Temple S None winged skull, rosette, border 2 50 45 5 chipped, mold, bird droppings, sunken, flaked, soiled, no repair, mower scratches Here lyes ye body of Mrs Deborah Temple widow of Mr. Abraham Temple [w]ho died Janry 28th 1743 in ye 94th year of her age
281 OHBG 11/7 39 1 Headstone FALSE   S None portrait leafy design 2 37 39 0 chipped, tilted, sunken, soiled, delaminated on top back, no repairs, no vandalism Here lies the body of Betty Temple daughter of Mr. Peter Temple
282 OHBG 13/1 120 1 Headstone TRUE J. Baker S None Urn/Willow 2 121 60 3 chipped, cracked, moss, flaked, no repair, mower scratches In memory of Mr. James Baker Jr who died Oct 22 1810 Aet 32 Retire my friends dry up your tears Here I must lie till Christ appears
283 OHBG 13/2 121 2 Headstone FALSE   S None flower 1 63 61 4.4 chipped, moss, sunken, broken, fallen, no repairs, no vandalism In memory of John and Joseph Bartlett, twins sons of Mr Sam & Mrs Mary Bartlett John died July ye 31st 1783 aged 9 months & 4 days Joseph died October ye 2d 1783 aged ll months and 4 days from deaths arrest no age is free Young children too must die
284 OHBG 13/5 132 1 Headstone TRUE Mr. Jonathan Blood S None winged skull, rosette, border   100 60 3 chipped, moss, flaked, discolored, delaminated, oxidation Memento mori
Here lyes the body of Mr. Jonathan Blood who departed this life January ye 5th AD 1758 aged 79 years 4 months and 5 days
285 OHBG 13/6 123 1 Headstone TRUE Jonathn Ball S None rosette, border, portrait 1 68 54 4 chipped, moss, otherwise sound Here lies buried ye body of Jonathan Ball ye son of Mr Jonathan & Mrs. Hannah Ball who died April ye 5th 1740 aged 18 years 8 M & 5 D
286 OHBG 14/1 124 1 Headstone TRUE Hannah Ball S None head, swirls, circles, rosette 2 60 49 4 chipped, cracked, discolored, no repairs, no vandalism Here lies ye body of Hannah Ball daughtr of Jonat & Mrs Hannah Ball who died March ye 25th 1724 age 4 years 7 M
287 OHBG 14/4 133 1 Headstone TRUE Sarah Blood S None winged skull, rosette, border   52 42 5 chipped, tilted, discolored, oxidized, no repair, no vandalism Here lyes ye body of Sarah Blood wife to Jonathan Blood Aged 21 years & 11 months died Novembr ye 14 1715
288 OHBG 14/5 126 1 Headstone TRUE Mr. Caleb Ball S None winged skull, rosette, border 1 53 49 5 chipped, cracked, tilted, discolored, delaminated Here lyes ye body of Mr Caleb Ball; who died Decbr 3rd AD 1734 in ye 46 year of his age
289 OHBG 14/6 127 1 Headstone TRUE Ebenezer Ball S None winged skull, border   68 50 4 chipped, fragmented, soiled, oxidation no repair, no vandalism Here lyes ye body of Ebenezer Ball, son of Mr. Nathaniel & Mrs. Mary Ball; who died Octobr ye 27th 1726 in ye 15th year of his age
290 OHBG 14/7 128 1 Headstone TRUE Mrs. Mary Ball S None winged skull, rosette, border 1 0 0 0 chipped, cracked, discolored, delaminated, exidation, no repair, no vandalism Here lyes ye body of Mrs. Mary Ball widdow of Mr NathanielBall who Dec Aug 2nd 1726 in ye 63rd year of her age.
291 OHBG 14/11 134 1 Headstone TRUE Mrs. Sarah Burge S None border, portrait 2 77 56 3 chipped, cracked, tilted, broken memento mori
In memory of Mrs Sarah Burge widow of Mr. John Burge of Chelmsford she departed this life March 15th. In ye 83rd year of his age. Blessed are the dead which die in the Lord they rest from their labours & their works do follow them
292 OHBG 14/12 135 1 Headstone TRUE L.B. S None rosettes, border 2 113 70 4 cracked, biological activity, fragmented, soiled, oxidation, no repair, no vandalism Sacred to the memory of Miss Lydia Ball who died Feb 24 1814 Aet 99. Within this peaceful grove lies one whose hope alone
293 OHBG 14/13 136 1 Headstone FALSE   S None winged head, rosette, border, circles 3 74 46 2 chipped, biological activity, discolored, fragmented, delaminated, no repairs, mower scratches Here lyes the body of Mrs. Abigail Blood the daughter of Mr Jonathan & Mrs. Abigail Blood who departed this life January ye 11th AD 1762 Aged 32 years 5 months and 1 day
294 OHBG 14/14 137 1 Headstone TRUE C. Ball S None border, urn 2 88 46 4 chipped, flaked, discolored, delaminated, no repair, rubbing damage In memory of Charlotte Ball, daughter of Mr. Reuben and Rebekah Ball, who died March 5 1801; aged 6 years & 6 mon.
My dady and my mammy dears dry up your tears hear I must ly till Christ appears
295 OHBG 15/1 129 1 Headstone TRUE Mr. Nathaniel Ball S None winged skull, rosette, border 2 55 68 3 chipped, cracked, mold, flaked, discolored, exfoliated, no repair, no vandalism Here lyes the body of Mr. Nathaniel Ball, who decd March ye 4th, 1725 in ye 62nd year of his age
296 OHBG 15/2 130 1 Headstone TRUE Mrs. Experience Ball S None winged skull, rosette, border 2 76 42 2.5 sound chipped flaked discolored no repair or vandalism Memento mori
Here lyes ye body of Mrs Experience Ball widow to Mr Caleb Ball who departed this life Jun ye 9th ad 1753 in ye 63d year of her age
297 OHBG 15/3 131 1 Headstone TRUE Mr. Benjamin Ball S None winged skull, rosette, border 2 68 47 6 chipped, cracked, mold, flaked, discolored, exfoliated, no repair, no vandalism Here lyes buried ye body of Mr. Benjamin Ball who died March 5th 1738/9 in ye 35th year of his age
298 OHBG 17/4 40 1 Headstone FALSE   S None winged skull, rosette, border 1 96 89 8.5 chipped, cracked, biological activity, flaked, discolored, exfoliated, no repair, mower scratches Here lyes buried the body of Mr. Edward Wright; who departed this life June ye 22nd Anno domini 1725 in ye 69th year of his age
299 OHBG 17/5 41 1 Headstone TRUE Mr. Peter Wright S None winged skull, rosette, border 2 97 87 8.5 cracked, eroded, flaked, discolored, leaning forward Here lyes buried the body of Mr. Peter Wright, who deceased Janry ye 15th 1717 in ye 52nd year of his age
300 OHBG 17/6 714 2 Headstone FALSE   marble None Lettering only 2 76.5 50 8 eroded, soiled Edward Wright died Aug. 28 1691
His wife Elizabeth died Feb. 15 1691
301 OHBG 17/7 42 1 Headstone FALSE   S None winged skull, border 2 55 46 4 chipped, flaked, discolored, soiled, no repair, mower scratches Here lyes ye body of Judeth ye wife of John Barker Aged 58 years Decd April ye 10th 1704
302 OHBG 17/8 52 2 Headstone FALSE   S None Winged Head 2 61 45 2 chipped, cracked, flaked, broken, fallen, repair with cement poured to prevent falling; mower scratches In memory of Purchase & Nathan Lee who died  Sept. 28, 1796. Sons of Mr. Nathan & Mrs. Rebecca Lee. Purchase aged 3 years 2 months & 27 days. Nathan aged 1 year & 2 months. These buds put forth serene & bright. But wither'd ere 'twas noon. Stop here ye ga
303 OHBG     1   FALSE           0 0 0    
304 OHBG 17/10 53 1 Headstone TRUE Mr. James Blood S None rosette, border, face , spirals 2 77 66 8.5 chipped, cracked, flaked, discolored, falled, no repaiar, mower scratches Here lies buried ye body of Mr James Blood who departed this life May ye 16 AD 1738 in ye 65th year of his agae
305 OHBG 18/3 43 1 Headstone TRUE L.T. S None urn/willow, border 2 116 73 4 sound, chipped, bird droppings, discolored, exfoliated, no repair, mower scratches In memory of Mrs. Louis Temple wife of Mr. Peter Temple who died March 19 1816 Aet. 69 Lord I commit my soul to thee Accept the scacred trust Receive this nobler part of me and watch my sleeping dust
306 OHBG 18/4 44 1 Headstone TRUE Miiss P.T. S None urn/willow, border 2 99 62 4.5 chipped, discolored, fallen, no repair, mower scratches In memory of Miss Polly Temple Daugr of Mr Peter and Mrs. Lois Temple who died Feb. 6 1807 aged 20
307 OHBG 18/5 45 1 Headstone TRUE J.T. S None urn/willow, border 2 105 60 1.5 chipped, bird droppings, eroded, discolored, exfoliated, flaked, no repairs, mower scratches In memory of James Temple son of Mr Peter and Mrs Lois Temple who died Decr 18 1806 aged 14 with direful sickness I was seies'd No help for me was fand Be with me o'er look here I'm -- the last --shall sand
308 OHBG 18/6 46 1 Headstone FALSE Mr. J.T. S None urn/willow, border 2 103 65.5 4 chipped, cracked, mold, eroded, flaked, discolored, exfoliated no repair, mower scratches In memory of Mr John Temple son of Mr Peter and Mrs Lois Temple who died Decr 13 1806 aged 26 death is a debt, to nature due which I have paid & so must you
309 OHBG 19/2 47 1 Headstone TRUE Miss L.T. S None urn/willow, border   102 63 4 sound, chipped, cracked, sunken, discolored, no repair, mower scratches In memory of Miss Lois Temple daught of Mr Peter and Mrs Lois Temple who died Dec 9 1806 aged 24 Welcome those Bonas which did unite my Soul to its Supreme delight Welcome that Death whose pains and strife [rest of inscription is under ground]
310 OHBG 19/3 48 1 Headstone TRUE Mr. P.T. S None Urn/Willow 3 102 63 4 chipped, cracked, discolored, exfoliated, oxidation, no repair, mower scratches In memory of Mr Peter Temple son of Mr Peter Temple and Mrs Lois who died Nov 13 1806 Aged 22 Whilst you stand Remember you must follow m
311 OHBG 19/4 49 1 Headstone TRUE Miss Anna Temple S None border, winged portrait 2 110 68.5 4 chipped, flaked, discolored, exfoliated, delaminated memento mori
Erected In Memory of Miss Anna Temple daughter of Mr Benjn Temple & Mrs Abigail his wife who Died Novr 18th 1783 aged 30 years 5 months & 22 days Hark from the tomb a dolful sound mine Eare attend the cry Ye living man come view ye ground wh
312 OHBG 19/5 50 1 Headstone TRUE Miss Abigail Temple S None border, winged portrait 2 109 68 5 chipped, flaked, discolored, slightly risen, no repairs or vandalism memento mori
Erected in memory of Miss Abigail Temple daughter of Mr Benjamin Temple & Mrs. Abigail his wife who died June 22d 1782. Aged 33 years 2 months & 7 days. Affliction sore, long time I bore, Physicians were in vain. Till God did please and deat
313 OHBG 19/6 51 1 Headstone TRUE Mrs. Abigail Temple S None winged head, border 2 113 67 4 sound, cracked, discolored Erected In memory of Mrs. Abigail Temple who departed this life Octr ye 7th 1786 In the 63rd year of her age Retire my friends dry up your tears Here I must lie till Christ appears
314 OHBG 19/12 55 1 Headstone TRUE A.D. S None Urn 3 79 54.4 6 eroded, discolored, fallen, tried to prop it up with cement slab, mower scratches This stone is designed by its durability to perpetuate the memory and by its colour to signify the moral character of Miss Abigail Dudley who died June 4, 1812, aged 73
315 OHBG 19/13 56 1 Headstone FALSE   S None winged head, border 2 82 66 4 cracked, bird droppings, delamited, oxidation Here lies the body of Mrs Mary Blood the wife of Mr. Stephen Blood Junr who departed this life Jun 14th AD 1766 in the 34th year of her age
316 OHBG 20/1 715 1 Headstone FALSE   S None winged skull, border 3 35 36 4 chipped, flaked, discolored, soiled, streaked [Jo]nathan Blood son of Mr Jonathan & Mrs. Abigail Blood, died Janry 19th 1723 aged 1 yr. 7 mo & 26 ds
317 OHBG 21/5 145 1 Headstone TRUE Mrs. Mary Chandler S None winged head,border 2 95 622 5 chipped, cracked, tilted, discolored, leaning, flaked, no repair, mower scratches Memento mori
In memory of Mrs. Mary Chandler Consort of Mr. James Chandler who died Decr ye 2d AD 1791 Aged 74 years and 7 months Death like an overflowing flood Doth sweep us all away
318 OHBG 21/6 146 1 Headstone TRUE Mrs. Mary Chandler S None winged head, border 2 117 61 4 chipped, cracked, flaked, exfoliated, leaning, soiled Memento mori
In memory of Mrs. Mary Chandler consort of Mr James Chandler who died May ye 22d AD 1753; aged 36 years and 4 months. Here mix'd with earth, her ashes must remain Till death shall die, and mortals rise again.
319 OHBG 21/7 147 1 Headstone TRUE Mrs. Mary Chandler S None winged head, border 2 111 61 4 cracked, eroded, flaked, discolored no repair, mower scratches Memento mori
In memory of Mrs. Mary Chandler, consort of Mr. James Chandler who died May ye 4th AD 1746. Aged 26 years 3 months & 4 days. Life is short but death is sure, Sin is the wound Christ is ye cure
320 OHBG 21/9 141 1 Headstone TRUE E.B. S None winged skull, corssbones, rosette, border 1 54 49 10 chipped, biological activity, flaked, soiled, exfoliated Here lyes ye body of Eleazer Ball aged 48 years died November 14, 1698
321 OHBG 22/1 138 1 Headstone TRUE B.B. S None urn/willow, rosette, border 2 0 0 0 chipped, cracked, no repair, mower scratches Sacred to the memory of Mr. Benjamin Ball who died May 23, 1811, Aet 85 The sweet remembrance of the just shall flourish when thy sleep is dust.
322 OHBG 22/4 144 1 Headstone FALSE   sandstone None Lettering only 2 0 0 0 chipped, cracked, biological activity, tilted, soiled, no vandalism; repair uncertain Luke Potter 1608, 1697
323 OHBG 22/5 148 1 Headstone TRUE Mrs. Abigail Brown S None border, portrait, flowers 2 0 0 0 chipped, cracked, biological activity, oxidation, soiled, discolored, no repair, rubbing damage Here lies the body of Mrs. Abigail Brown wife of Mr Eleazer Brown who departed this life March 29th 1766 In the 85th year of her age
324 OHBG 22/6 149 1 Headstone TRUE Mr. Eleazer Brown purple slate None winged skull, rosettes, border 1 66.5 53.5 4 chipped, green moss, mold, flaked, discolored, soiled, no repair, rubbing damage, mower scratches Here lyes buried the body of Mr Eleazer Brown who departed this life April 3d 1755 Aged 79 years
325 OHBG 23/1 139 1 Headstone FALSE   S None border, portrait, flowers 1 0 0 0 chipped, flaked, exidation, biological activity, discolored, no repair Here lies the body of John Allan son of Mr. James Allan & Mrs. Ruth his wife, who died June 1st 1769. In the 20th year of his age
326 OHBG 26/2 58 1 Headstone FALSE   S None hourglass, border, portrait 1 114 69 4 chipped, flaked, discolored, brokekn, delaminated, no repair, scratches: mower and intentional In memory of Mrs. Martha Porter the wife of Mr. Israel Porter who died 26 June 1795; aged 49 years
327 OHBG 27/1 57 1 Headstone TRUE W.B. S None winged skull, border, rosettes 2 34.5 29 7 tilted, discolored, exfoliated no repair, no vandalism William son of William and Hannah Bottrell born March ye 1st & died March ye 2nd 1713
328 OHBG 27/3 158 1 Headstone TRUE Mr. Jonathan Buttrick S None winged head, border 1 86 57 5.5 chipped, biological activity, flaked, discolored, no repair or vandalism Memento mori
In memory of Mr. Jonathan Buttrick, who departed this life May 18th 1775 In the 54th year of his age. He was a kind & loving companion tender & full of compassion to his children friendly peaceable & kind to all his neighbours his death was 
329 OHBG 27/4 159 1 Headstone TRUE Mrs. E Bu slate, purple None winged skull, rosette, border 2 60 60 5 chipped, cracked, flaked, discolored, exfoliated, no repair or vandalism Here lyes ye body of Ms Elizabeth Buttrick, wife to Mr Samuel Buttrick; who died March 7th 1733 in ye 78th year of her age.
330 OHBG 28/1 178 1 Headstone TRUE Miss Sally Wheeler S None winged head, border 1 63 45 5 shipped, grean mold, algae, discolored, fallen, no repair, scratches In memory of Miss Sally Wheeler dautr of Mr. Jotham 7 Mrs. Sarah Wheeler who died Octr 2d 1797 Aetat 22 Blessed are the dead who die in ye Lord
331 OHBG 28/3 177 1 Headstone FALSE   S None Urn   68 46 3 very chipped, cracked, mold, flaked, discolored Miss Rebekah L. Wheeler daughter of Mr. Abner and Mrs. Elizabeth Wheeler, died March 22d 1798 Aged 17 years
332 OHBG 28/6 160 1 Headstone FALSE   S None rosettes, border 2 48 68 5 chipped, cracked, mold, flaked, discolored, no repair, rubbing damage, mower scratches Here lyes ye body of Mr. Samuel Buttrick who decd Augr ye 8th 1726 in ye 72nd year of his age
333 OHBG 28/4 161 1 Headstone FALSE   S None winged head, border 1 106 75 6 sound, chipped, cracked, flaked, discolored, no repair, rubbing damaged Weep not for me Here lies the Body of Capt. Jonathan Butterick who died March 23, 1767 In the 77th year of his age. He liv'd a reputable & usefull life; In the field a good officer; In ye church a deacon grave & not duble-tongued. In private life a good C
334 OHBG 28/10 162 1 Headstone TRUE Mrs. Elizabeth Buttrick S None border, portrait, pillars 1 112 75.5 5 chipped, mold, flaked, discolored, soiled, no repair; rubbing and mower damage Here lies silent in the dust what was mortal of Mrs. Elizabeth Butterick late widow of Capt Jonathan Butterick who departed this life Janr 26th 1772 Aged 72 years. Mrs. Butterick was a gentlewoman of uncommon prudence, looking well to the affairs of her h
335 OHBG 28/14 151 1 Headstone TRUE Mrs. Dorcas Chandler S None winged head, border, umbrella 1 116 63 4 chipped, cracked, flaked, exfoliated, fallen, no repair or vandalism Memento mori
In memory of Mrs. Dorcas Chandler relict of Mr Samuel Chandler who died Janr ye 13th AD 1757; aged 84 year. Death is a debt to nature due, I have pay'd that debt and so must you.
336 OHBG 28/15 152 1 Headstone TRUE Mr. Samuel Chandler S None winged skull, rosette, border 1 87 73 4 chipped, cracked, mold, flaked, discolored, no repair, rubbing damage Here lyes buried the body of Mr. Samuel Chandler who departed this life April 27th Anno Domini 1743 in ye 70th year of his life
337 OHBG 29/1 179 1 Headstone TRUE Mrs. Rebecca Wheeler S None winged skull, border 1 65 50 5 chipped, cracked, moss, discolored, fallen, no repairs Here lyes ye body of Mrs. Rebecca Wheeler wife to Mr. Benjamin Wheeler who departed this life April the 12th 1759 in ye 37th year of her age
338 OHBG 29/6 167 1 Headstone TRUE Mrs. Dorothy Brooks
S None winged skull, rosette, border 2 84 76 7 eroded, mold, moss, bird dropping Here lyes ye body of Mrs. Dorothy Brooks widow to Mr. Noah Brooks, who departed this life March ye 15th 1752, in ye 90th year of her age. The memory of ye just is blessed.
339 OHBG 29/8 165 1 Headstone TRUE Mr. Joseph Brooks S None rosettes, border 1 79 55 5 chipped, mold, exfoliated, no repair or vandalism Here lies buried ye body of Mr.Joseph Brooks who departed this life July ye 11th AD 1746 in ye 76th year of his age
340 OHBG 29/9 164 1 Headstone FALSE   S None urn/willow, pillars   111 64 2.5 cracked, mold, moss, bird drippings, eroded, discolored, soiled, flaked, delaminated, oxidation; crack filled with resin material, rubbing damage, mower scratches Erected In memory of Mrs. Sarah Lawrence wife of Mr. John Lawrence who died Nov. 15th 1810, Aet 65
341 OHBG 29/10 163 1 Headstone TRUE Mr. Joshua Lawrence S None winged head, border   0 70 4 cracked, flaked, oxication, no repair, rubbing and mower damage In memory of Mr. Joshua Lawrence who died Octr 17 1799 in ye -9 year of his age. My friends when this you see Remember me Prepare for death no age is free
342 OHBG 29/15 158 1 Headstone TRUE John Chandler S None winged skull, border 1 82 49 5 chipped, moss, mold, flaked, oxidation, no repair or vandalism; stone rise out of the ground Here lyes ye body of John Chandler son of Mr Samuel & Ms Dorcas Chandler who died May 3rd 1780 Aged 23 years
343 OHBG 29/17 154 1 Headstone TRUE Orpah Bryant S None urn, border 2 72 51 2.5 chipped, eroded, mold, moss, flaked, discolored, foiled, fallen, delaminated, water damage, no repair, rubbing damage Viven dilectissima Orpah Bryant Born, December 24, 1797 died, October 1, 1798 She was the joy of her father, and the delight of her mother mortua lachrymabillima
344 OHBG     1   FALSE           0 0 0    
345 OHBG 29/18 155 1 Headstone TRUE Roger Chandler S None winged skull, border 2 45 44 5.5 chipped, flaked, no repair Here lyes ye body of Roger Chandler aged about 80 years who died January the 11th 1716
346 OHBG 29/19 156 1 Headstone TRUE Elizabeth Chandler S None winged skull, hourglass, border 22 54 33 5 chipped, moss, mold, bird droppings, flaked, discolored, soiled, oxidation, no repair or vandalism Memento mori Fugit hora
Here lyes ye body of Elizabeth Chandler, daughter of Samuel & Dorcas Chandler aged 16 years Died Octbr 18th 1712
347 OHBG 30/5 168 1 Headstone TRUE Lieut. Hugh Brooks, 1747 S None winged skull, rosettes, border 2 137 92.5 6 cracked, biological activity, flaked, discolored, no repair, rubbing damage, mower scratches  Here lyes buried the body of Lieut. Hugh Brooks; who departed this Life Janry 18th Anno Domn 1747 in ye 70th year of his age
348 OHBG 30/6 169 1 Headstone TRUE Mrs. Abigail Brooks
S None winged skull, rosette, border 2 105 78 5 chipped, cracked, flaked, exfoliated, no repair, rubbing damage Here lyes ye body of Mrs. Abigail Brooks, widow to Lieut. Hugh Brooks who departed this life Septr ye 1st 1761 in ye 80th year of her age
349 OHBG 30/7 170 1 Headstone TRUE Ensign Daniel Brooks S None winged skull, rosettes, border 2 67 66 8.5 chipped, cracked, discolored, flaked, exfoliated, delaminated, no repair, mower scratches Here lyes buried ye body of Ensign Daniel Brooks; who died October ye 18th 1722 Aged 69 years 11 mons & 2ds
350 OHBG 30/8 171 1 Headstone TRUE Mary Brooks S None singed skull, rosette, border 2 57 37 4 chipped, cracked, flaked, discolored, exfoliated, no repairs, mower scratches Mary Brooks Dautr of Mr. Ebenezer & Mrs. Sarah Brooks; Died June ye 28th 1736. Aged 11 years 6 mo & 2 ds She was very excellent for reading and soberness.
351 OHBG 30/9 157 1 Headstone FALSE   S None winged skull, rosette, border 2 55 46 6 chipped, biological activity, flaked, discolored, exfoliated, no repair, mower scratches Here lyes ye body of Mrs. Jerusha Meriam wife to Mr. Samuel Meriam; who died Novbr 2d 1717 in ye 26th year of her age.
352 OHBG 32/1 172 3 Headstone FALSE   S None urn/willow, border na 142 61 3 discolored, biological activity, no repair, mower scratches, damage from rubbing In memory of Mr. Jonas Hartwell, who died Oct. 1, 1833 Aet. 51. Andrew Hartwell died Sept 25, 1876 AET 16 months Andrew Adams Hartwell died June 8, 1874 Aet 20 months.
353 OHBG 35/1   1 Tomb FALSE   bricks, and misc ctone None Lettering only 1 105 240 31 discolored, scratched, used for target practice, eroded, chipped, flaked, mold, soiled, flaked used as target practice Ephraim Wood's Tomb
354 OHBG 35/2 ? 2 Tomb FALSE   granite/slate None Lettering only 1 124 238 31 chipped, cracked, mold, bird droppings, flaked discolored, stains, glue of edges of epitaph 1749 Roger Brown 1840 Minuteman April 19 1775 Corpl. Capt. Micajah Gleasons Co. Framingham MM. Capt. Concord Light Infantry Co. to 1786 Colonel, Mass. Militia 1790 Selectman, Concord 1796-1800. Mary Hartwell, his wife 1749-1813
355 OHBG 35/3   1 Tomb FALSE   granite & slate None Lettering only 1 126 278 0 cracked, flaked, biological activity, scratches, apparent cement between blocks of stone. Ezra Ripley DD
356 OHBG 36/1 D 1 Tomb FALSE   granite & slate None Lettering only 2 0 0 0 eroded, flaked, discolored, no repair, no vandalism grass growing on tomb Peter & James Barrett
357 OHBG 36/2 E 1 Tomb FALSE   slate, marble, sandstone None Lettering only 1 0 0 22 condition not noted, no repair, no vandalism White, Kettell, & Thoreau
358 OHBG 37/1 59 1 Headstone TRUE Mr. Thomas Hodgman S None rosette, border, head 2 90 57 2 chipped, cracked, moss, discolored, no repair, no vandalism; rises out of the ground Here lies buried ye body of Mr Thomas Hodgman who departed this life Octobr ye 4 AD 1739 In ye 47th year of his age
359 OHBG 37/2 60 1 Headstone TRUE David Hodgman S None rosettes, border, head 2 71 46 3 moss, flaked, discolored, delaminated, no repair or vandalism Here lies buried ye body of David Hodgman ye son of Mr. Thoms Hodgman and Mrs. Abigail his wife who decd August ye 2nd AD 1738 in ye 10th year of his age
360 OHBG 37/5 F 1 Tomb FALSE   granite, slate None Lettering only 1 0 240 0 chipped, mold, crumbled, flaked, exfoliated, no repairs or vandalism Tilly Merrick's Tomb
361 OHBG 38/2 222 1 Headstone TRUE Mary Puffer S None winged skull, rosettes, border 2 63 51 2.5 chipped, bird droppings, mold, exfoliated, flaked In Memory of Mary Puffer Dautr of Mr. Jonathan & Mrs. Mary Puffer who departed this life Octor 19th 1756 Aged 15 years 1 month & 23 ds
362 OHBG 39/5 223 1 Headstone FALSE   S None Urn 2 60 47 3 chipped, flaked, eroded, discolored, no repairs, intentional scratches and mower scratches Sacred to the memory of Jonathan Hurd Loring, son of Mr. Henry & Mrs. Sally S. Loring, who died Jun 12, 1801 AE 2 years and 4 months
363 OHBG 39/7   1 Headstone TRUE Mr. Benjamin Whittemore, Junr purple slate None winged skull, rosettes, border 2 76.5 66 5 chipped, biological activity, flaked, discolored, exfoliated, no repair, mower scratches Here lyes buried ye body of Mr. Benjamin Whittemore, Junr who departed this life October ye 22nd Anno Domni, 1734 Aged 38 years 6 mo & 13 ds
364 OHBG 39/10   1 Headstone FALSE Lieut. Benjamin Whittemore S None winged skull, rosette, border 2 90 93 6 chipped, cracked, flaked, discolored, exfoliated Here lyes buried ye body of Lieut Benjamin Whittemore who departed this life Sept 8th, Anno Domni 1734 Aged 65 years & 6 days
365 OHBG 39/11 184 1 Headstone TRUE Mrs. Elizabeth Brooks S None border, portrait 2 86 56 5 chipped, eroded, flaked, discolored, exfoliated, no repair or vandalism Memento mori Here lies buried the body of Miss Elizabeth Brooks; daughter of Mr Samuel Brooks and Mrs Elizabeth his wife who died October 20th 1768. Aged 27 years, 8 months & 21 days
366 OHBG 39/12 183 1 Headstone TRUE Mrs. Marcy Brooks S None border, portrait 2 67 52 7 chipped, cracked, flaked, eroded, discolored, no repair, mower scratches Memento mori Here lies the body of Miss Marcy Brooks daughter of Mr. Samuel  & Mrs. Elizabeth Brooks who departed this life April 26th 1770 Aged 15 years.
367 OHBG 39/13 182 1 Headstone TRUE Mr. Elisha Brooks S None winged head, border 2 74 55 5 chipped, eroded, flaked, sunken, discolored, no repair or vandalism Memento mori Here lies the body of Mr. Elisha Brooks son of Mr Samuel and Mrs. Elizabeth Brooks who departed this life October 14th 1771 Aged 25 years 3 months & 5 days
368 OHBG 39/14 181 1 Headstone TRUE Mrs. Lucy Wheeler S None winged skull, rosettes, border 2 57.5 51.5 4 chipped, cracked, flaked, discolored, no repair, mower and other scratches Here lyes ye body of Mrs. Lucy Wheeler wife to Mr. Benjamin Wheeler who departed this life Decemr ye 28th 1767 in ye 42nd year of her age.
369 OHBG 39/ 15 180 1 Headstone TRUE Mr. Benjamin Wheeler S None winged head, border 2 106 66 5 chipped, flaked, discolored, exfoliated, no repairs or vandalism Erected in memory of Mr. Benjamin Wheeler who departed this life Sept ye 21st 1777 In the 69th year of his age
370 OHBG 40/1 185 1 Headstone TRUE Mrs. Anna Brooks S None border, portrait, 1 81 53 5 chipped, flaked, discolored, no repair or vandalism Here life buried the body of Mrs. Anna Brooks the daughter of Mr. Samuel Brooks & Mrs. Elizabeth his wife who died May 17th 1767 Aged 19years and 6 days
371 OHBG 40/2 186 1 Headstone TRUE Mr. Samuel Brooks 1758 S None winged skull, border 1 77 59 5 chipped, eroded, moss, flaked, delaminated, no repair or vandalism Here lyes buried the body of Mr Samuel Brooks who departed this life April ye 6th 1758 aged 63 years 10 months & 20 days The memory of ye ? Is blessed
372 OHBG 40/3 187 1 Headstone FALSE   S None border, portrait 2 88 54 5 Chipped, cracked, moss, discolored, delaminated, no repair, mower scratches In memory of Mrs. Elizabeth Brooks reliect of Mr Samuel Brooks, who departed this life Janry 31st 1782 aged 73 years 5 months & 10 days
373 OHBG 40/4 188 1 Headstone FALSE   S None urn/willow, border 1 130 87.8 2.6 chipped, cracked, flaked, discolored, oxidation, no repair, damage from rubbing Erected in memory of Mr. Samuel Brooks who died Jan. 12 1812, Aet 72
374 OHBG 40/5 217 1 Headstone FALSE   S None rosettes border head & circles 3 0 0 4 chipped, discolored, biological activity, no repair or vandalism Here lies ye body of Elizabeth Dafi of Mr. Ephrm & Elizabeth Hartwell who decd Octobr ye 27 1740 age 2 years 10m & 19 D
375 OHBG 41/1   1 Headstone TRUE [hraim Hartwell S None rosettes, border, face 1 53 43 4 cracked, eroded, flaked, discolored, no repair, rubbing damage Here lies ye body of Ephrm Hartwell son of Mr Ephraim & Mrs. Elizabeth Hartwell who decd Octobr ye 9th 1740 age 6 years 11 M & 10 D
376 OHBG 40/6 218 1 Headstone FALSE   S None rosettes, border 3 56 43 3 chipped, cracked, moss, discolored, no repair or vandalism Here lies ye body of Samuel Hartwell son of Mr Ephraim & Mrs. Elizabeth Hartwell who decd Octobr ye 11 1740 Age 5 years 6 M & 14 D
377 OHBG 40/7 217 1 Headstone TRUE Mr. Samuel Hartwell S None   2 78 60 4 chipped, moss, eroded, discolored, delaminated, flaked, no repair, mower scratches Here lies buried ye body of Mr Samuel Hartwell who departed this life Novembr ye 27th AD 1744 Age 78 years & 2 M
378 OHBG 41/2 226 1 Headstone FALSE   3 None winged head, border 2 104 61.5 6 chipped, cracked, flaked, discolored, exfoliated, no repair, rubbing damage Memento mori Here lies Interred the body of Mr. Jacob Taylor who departed this life October 17th 1767 in the 73rd year of his age
379 OHBG 41/3 227 1 Headstone FALSE   S None winged skull, border 2 100 54.5 6 chipped, biological activity, flaked, discolored, exfoliated, no repair intential scratches Memento mori
Here lies the body of Mrs. Sarah Taylor the wife of Mr. Jacob Taylor and daughter of Deacon William Patton of Billerica who departed this life Novbr the 5th AD 1764 aged 62 years and 11 months
380 OHBG 41/4 228 1 Headstone FALSE   S None urn/willow, border 1 127 69 5 cracked, biological activity, flaked, discolored,no repair, mower scratches In memory of Mr. Asa Brooks, who died Sept. 6, 1816 Aet. 71
381 OHBG 41/5 229 1 Headstone FALSE   S None winged head, border 2 120 82 5 biological activity, flaked, discolored, no repair, mower scratches, intentional scratches Be ye followers of them who through faith & patience inherit the promises. Here rests the mortal part of Mrs Ruth Brooks Consort of Mr. Asa Brooks who died Decr 24th 1791 aged 45 years. Blessed are the dead, the happy dead Who die in Christ their living h
382 OHBG 41/6 230 1 Headstone FALSE   green slate None winged head, border 2 109 64 4 chipped, cracked, flaked, discolored, exfoliated, round hole below tympanum filled with resin, mower scrateches In memory of Mrs. Abigail Brooks, wife of Asa Brooks, who died Sept. 24, 1795 aged 32
383 OHBG 41/7 231 1 Headstone FALSE   S None urn/willow, border 2 124 72 3 chipped, cracked, flaked, discolored exfoliated, no repairs, mower scratches Erected In Memory of Mrs. Mary Brooks, wife of Mr. Asa Brooks who died Aug. 24, 1812 Aet. 45
384 OHBG 41/9   1 Headstone TRUE   S None Lettering only 2 104 47 8 eroded, biological activity, discolored, ro repair, mower scratches Abel Brooks Died Apr. 17 1867 AEt. 79
385 OHBG 41/10 190 1 Headstone FALSE   marble A. M. Donuhl, Camb. Port Lettering only 2 115.5 59 5.5 eroded, biological activity, soiled, no repair, mower scratches Mrs. Mary wife of Abel Brooks died Sept 11 1850 Aet 52
386 OHBG 41/11 191 1 Headstone TRUE E.R. S None urn/willow, border 2 130 61 4 cracked, eroded, discolored, exfoliated, no repair, rubbing damage In memory of Mrs. Elizebeth widow of Mr. Joshua Reed who died Dec. 24, 1840 Aet. 74
387 OHBG 42/1 192 2 Headstone TRUE A.B. B.B. S None urn/willow, border 3 0 0 0 broken, discolored, no vandalism Sacred to the memory of Mr. Abel Brooks who died March 20 1804 aged 46 years Also Betsy Brooks daur of Mr. Abel and Mrs. Elizabeth Brooks who died Aug. 6, 1803 Aged 12 years.
388 OHBG 42/2 193 1 Headstone FALSE   S None urn/willow, rosettes, border, flowers 1 0 0 0 cracked, discolored, biological activity This monument is erected to prepetuate the memory of Mrs. Phebe Leathers, Relict of Mr. A  Leathers late of Charlestown who died April 1, AD 1812 Aet. 75 Go! Travel walk to God
389 OHBG 42/3 173 1 Headstone TRUE S.A.W. w None border, willow 1 0 0 0 biological activity, soiled, no repair, no vandalism In memory of Sarah A Warren daur of Mr. Silas & Mrs. Abigal Warren who died Janry 27th 1807 Aged 4 years & 4 months. How soon alas our comforts fly Our pleasure only blooms to die.
390 OHBG 42/4 174 1 Headstone TRUE A.E.W. S None willow, border 3 0 0 0 biological activity, flaked, discolored, scratched, no repair or vandalism In memory of Adaline E. Warren Daur of Mr. Silas & Mrs. Abigail Warren who died Janr 2 1805 Aged 11 months. The child that lives, its death [illegible transcription] the child that dies, its life [illegible]
391 OHBG 42/7 194 1 Headstone TRUE Mr. Thomas Brooks S None winged head, rosettes, border 1 0 0 0 cracked, discolored, oxidated, delaminated, no repair, mower scratches In memory of Mr Thomas Brooks at Lincoln who died Oec 22, 1790 in the 90th year of his age
392 OHBG 42/8 195 1 Headstone TRUE Mrs. Hannah Brooks S None winged skull, urns 1 0 0 0 chipped, cracked, flaked, discolored, no repair, no vandalism Here lies Interr'd the body of Mrs. Hannah Brooks wife of Mr Thomas Brooks, who on ye 2nd day of July in the year of our Lord 1784 ended an industrious virtuous religious peacable & charitalbe life. In the 80th year of her age as she Lived much beloved so
393 OHBG 42/9 232 1 Headstone FALSE   S None winged head, border, rosette, 1 0 0 0 chipped, biological activity, discolored, no repair, rubbing damage Here lies buried the body of Capt. Jonathan Brooks He departed this life June the 30th Ad 1776 In the 72 years of his age
394 OHBG 42/10 233 1 Headstone TRUE Mr. Job Brooks S None winged head, 4 0 0 0 eroded, biological activity, discolored, flaked, no repair or vandalism Sacred to the Memory of Mr. Job Brooks who died March 13, 1792 in the [illegible]  yr of his age
395 OHBG 42/11 234 1 Headstone FALSE   S None urn, 2 0 0 0 chipped, biological activity, flaked, discolored, no repair, no vandalism In memory of Mrs. Anna Brooks wife of Mr Job Brooks who died August 15 1798 Aged 75
396 OHBG 43/3 196 1 Headstone FALSE   S None winged portrait, border 1 138 73 6 eroded, biological activity, flaked, discolored, no repair, rubbing damage Memento mori In memory of Mr. Job Brooks who departed this life Octr ye 26th 1788; In the 91st year of his age. He lived in the belief of ye truths of the Gospel of Christ and died in hopes of salvation through is merits; and was considered by survivors a
397 OHBG 43/4 197 1 Headstone TRUE Mrs. Elizabeth Brooks S None winged head, border 2 140 78 5 chipped, cracked, tilted, discolored, flaked, no repair, rubbing damage Memento mori In Memory of Mrs. Elisabeth Brooks consort of Mr.Job Brooks; she departed this life Febry 21st 1786; In the 90th year of her age. After having lived with her said jusband upwards of 65 years she died in the belief of a resurection to a better
398 OHBG     1   FALSE           0 0 0    
399 OHBG 43/5 198 1 Headstone FALSE   S None urn, border 2 138.5 82 5 chipped, cracked, flaked, discolored, fallen In memory of Coln. Amos Wood. Who died Febr. 15, 1806. AE 69. The seet remembrance of the Just, shall flourish when they sleep in dust
400 OHBG 43/6 199 1 Headstone FALSE   S None urn, border 2 140 84 5 chipped, flaked, discolored, exfoliated, biological activity, no repair, mower scratches In memory of Mrs. Dorathy Wood who died Novr 13,1804 AE 68 wife of Col Amos Wood. She lived desir'd & died lamented.
401 OHBG 44/1 200 1 Headstone FALSE   S None border, portrait 1 91 56.5 4 chipped, eroded, flaked, discolored, exfoliated, no repair, rubbing and mower damage The memory of the Just & blessed Here lies ye body of Miss Mary Wood daughter of Capt. Ephraim and Mrs. Mary Wood who departed this life Dec. 11th 1773. In ye 32d year of her age.
402 OHBG 44/2 201 1 Headstone FALSE   S   Lettering only 1 61 37 4 chipped, flaked, discolored, soiled, no repair or vandalism Here lies the body of Amos Wood son of Mr Amos Wood and Mrs Dorothy his wife who died January 5th 1768 Aged 14 months & 13 days
403 OHBG 44/3 202 1 Headstone FALSE   S None winged head, rosettes, border 1 81 57 5 shipped, cracked, eroded, biological activity, flaked, discolored, no repair, mower scratches Memento mori
In memory of Mrs Mary Wood wife of Capt. Ephraim Wood who departed this life Sept. 11, 1781. In the 75th year of her age.
404 OHBG 44/4 203 1 Headstone FALSE   S None winged head, border   104 79 4.5 chipped, cracked, flaked, discolored, exfoliated, no repair, mower scratches In memory of Capt Ephraim Wood who departed this life March 20th 1789 In the 88th year of his age. With heav'nly weapons I have fought the battles of the Lord, finished my course & kept the faith, And wait the fure reward. God has laid up in heav'n for me
405 OHBG 44/6 175 1 Headstone TRUE Katherine Durant S None winged head, border 2 880 51.5 5.5 chipped, cracked, eroded, flaked, discolored, no repair, damage from rubbing and lawn mower Memento mori
Here lies buried ye body of Katherine Durant Daughter of Mr. Jonathan & Mrs. Keturah Durant who departed this life Janry ye 24th 1789 Agued 17 years & 7 Mo.
406 OHBG 44/7 204 1 Headstone FALSE   S None Lettering only 2 68 37 5 chipped, cracked, flaked, discolored, exfoliated, no repair or vandalism Here lies the body of Hannah Wood daughter of Cornt Ephraim Wood & Mrs. Mary his wife who died March 28th 1769 aged 8 months & 12 days
407 OHBG 44/8 205 1 Headstone FALSE   S None Winged Head 1 85.5 49 4 chipped, eroded, tilted, flaked, leaning, no repair, mower scratches Memento mori
Here lies buried the body of Elijah Wood son of Ephraim Wood Esqr & Mrs. Mary his wife who died Febr ye 11th 1785. In the 9 year of his age. A garden plant a morning flower Cut down and wethered in an hour
408 SBG 44/9 206 1 Headstone FALSE   green slate None winged head, border 2 96 66.5 6 chipped, cracked, eroded, biological activity, flaked, discolored, exfoliated, no repair, damage from rubbing and mower scratches In memory of Miss Hannah Wood, daughter of Ephraim Wood Esq. & Mrs. Mary his wife, who died Nov. 6, 1795 in the 26th year of her age.
409 OHBG 45/1 207 1 Headstone FALSE   S None willow, portrait 3 0 0 0 discolored, soiled, oxidation, no repair, mower scratches In memory of Molly Wood daughter of Mr. Daniel & Mrs. Hannah Wood who died Feb 9 1796, Aged 21 months & 5 days. A morng flower cut down and withered in an hour
410 OHBG 45/2 176 1 Headstone TRUE Nathaniel Stearns S None winged head, border 1 0 0 0 chipped, cracked, discolored, biological activity, oxidation. No repair, mower scratchess In memory of Mr Nathaniel Stearns who departed this life Novr 28th 1777 In the 42nd year of his age.
411 OHBG 48/1 61 1 Headstone FALSE   S None urn/willow, border   0 0 0 chipped, cracked, biological activity, discolored, no repair, mower scratches In memory of Mr Abiscar Flint. Who died April 28, 1807 Aet.-
412 OHBG 48/2 62 1 Headstone FALSE   S None urn/willow, border 2 0 0 0 chipped, cracked, eroded, sunken, flaked, soiled In memory of Mr. Luther Osborn who died June 2, 1818
413 OHBG 48/3 63 1 Headstone FALSE   S None Urn/Willow 1 0 0 0 chipped, cracked, biological activity, soiled, no repair, mower scratches In memory of Mrs. Patty Osborn, who died Feb. 5, 1827; Aet 54
414 OHBG 48/4 76 1 Headstone FALSE   S None winged skull, rosettes, border,   0 0 0 chipped, cracked, sunken, discolored, broken Here lyes ye Bod of Mr Samuel Clark, who died Janry 30, 1730 Aged 83 years 3 mo & 1 day
415 OHBG 48/5 77 1 Headstone FALSE   S None winged skull, rosette, border 2 0 0 0 cracked, biological activity, sunken, discolored, no repair, mower scratches Here lyes ye body of Mrs Rachel Clark wife to Mr Samuel Clark aged 68 year & 3 mo Decd Octobr 19 1722
416 OHBG 48/6 78 1 Headstone FALSE   S None Urn/Willow 2 0 0 0 chipped, cracked, eroded, soiled, no repair, graffiti, mower scratches, deliberately scratched In memory of Capt John Minott, who died July 22, 1790 Aged 39
417 OHBG 49/3 64 1 Headstone FALSE   S None urn/willow, pillar 2 97 64 4 cracked, discolored, delaminated, oxidation, no repair, rubbing damage, mower scratches, round holes In memory of Mrs. Sarah Minott, wife of Major John Minott, who died Febr 11, 1796 Aged 75
418 OHBG 49/4 65 1 Headstone FALSE   S None winged skull rosettes border, flowers 2 98 64 4 chipped, flaked, discolored, broken, mold, delaminated, back oxidized, no repair, graffiti, mower scratches Here lyes the body of Mr. Samuel Hubbard, who departed this life December ye 12th 1753 aged 66 years & 8 months
419 OHBG 49/5 66 1 Headstone FALSE   S None rosettes, border, swirls 3 80 67 6 eroded, biological activity, flaked, discolored, fallen, delaminted, no repair, mower scratches Here lies buried ye body of Mrs. Hannah Hubburd relict widow of Mr Jona Hubburd who departed this life April 9 AD 1747 In ye 89th year of her age. Memento mori
420 OHBG 49/6 67 1 Headstone TRUE Mr. Jonathan Hubbard S None winged skull, rosettes, border 2 63 67.5 3.5 chipped, eroded, biological activity, delaminated, no repair, rubbing damage, mower scratches Here lyes buried ye body of Mr. Jonathan Hubbard who decd July ye 17 1728 in ye 70th year of his age.
421 OHBG 49/7 68 1 Headstone TRUE Mrs. Hannah Temple S None winged skull, border 22 70 70 6 chipped, cracked, biological activity, flaked, discolored, oxidation, delaminated, no repair, rubbing damage Here lyes ye body of Mrs Hannah Temple, wife to Mr. John Temple, who decd May 23rd 1745 Aged 40 years
422 OHBG 50/2 69 1 Headstone TRUE Ms Sarah Hubburd S None Winged Skull 2 53 45 5 chipped, cracked, mold, discolored, exfoliated, no repair, rubbing damage, mower scratches Here Lyes ye body of Ms Sarah Hubburd, wife to Mr Samuel Hubburd; died July 24, 1720 aged 39 years & 10 days
423 OHBG 50/3 70 1 Headstone FALSE   S None hourglass, winged skull 2 80 66 8 chipped, cracked, mold, tilted, discolored, no repair, graffiti, rubbing damage Memento Mori Fugit Hora
Here lyes buried the body of Robert Meriam aged 72 years Died February 15 1681
424 OHBG 50/4 71 1 Headstone FALSE   S None hourglass, rosette, border, crossbones 2 70 56 7 chipped, cracked, mold, discolored, no repair, rubbing damage Here lyes ye body of Mary Meriam wife to Robert Meriam aged 72 year Died the 22 of July 1693
425 OHBG 50/5 72 1 Headstone FALSE   S None head, rosettes, border, 2 78 57 5.5 chipped, cracked, biological activity, tilted, discolored, fallen, exfoliated Here lies burnied ye body of Mr. John Meriam who decd February ye 27th anno 1724 & in ye 85th year of his age
426 OHBG 50/6 73 1 Headstone FALSE   S None rosettes, border 2 70 70 6 chipped, mold, cracked, eroded, flaked, sunken, exfoliated, glue on front covering cracks, mower scratches Here lies buried ye body of ye Widow Mary Meriam reliks of Mr. John Meriam who decd March ye 5 anno 1731 & in ye 86th year of her age
427 OHBG 51/1 255 1 Headstone TRUE Timothy Stow S None winged skull, border, rosettes 2 54 56 7 chipped, mold, moss, discolored, no repair, rubbing damage, mower scratches, fragment removed Here lyes ye body of Timothy Stow son of Mr. Nathanil Stow Junr & Mrs. Ruth, his wife. Who decd Sept ye 7th 1727 in ye 13th year of his age. He cometh Forth like a Flower & is cut down He fleeth also as a shadow & continueth not.
428 OHBG 51/2 256 1 Headstone TRUE Mr. John Stow S None Winged Skull 1 64 49 8 chipped, cracked, biological activity, flaked, discolored, delaminated, oxidation, no repair, mower scratches Here lyes the body of Mr John Stow who decd May ye 17th 1724 in ye 33rd year of his age
429 OHBG 51/7 305 1 Headstone TRUE Miss Dorothy Adams S None winged   46 47 1 chipped, eroded, discolored, broken, repaired with cement and granite but no vandalism Here lies the body of Miss Dorothy Adams daughter of Mr. Joseph Adams and Mrs. Dorothy his wife who died April 10th 1766. In the 20th year of her age
430 OHBG 51/8 G 1 Tomb FALSE   brick None Lettering only 1 100 50   sound, chipped, biological activity, oxidation, no repair or vandalism Jesse & Daniel Wheeler's tomb. 1802
431 OHBG 52/1 257 1 Headstone TRUE Mr. Nathaniel Stow Junr S None winged skull, rosette, border 2 65 56 5.5 chipped, discolored, flaked, exfoliated, no repaire, rubbing damage, mower scratches Here lyes the body of Mr. Nathaniel Stow Junr. Who decd Novbr 12th 1724 in ye 62nd year of his age
432 OHBG 52/2 256 1 Headstone TRUE Mrs. Ruth Stow green slate None Winged Skull   69.5 51 6 chipped, biological activity, flaked, discolored, exfoliated, no repair, rubbing damage, mower scratches Here lyes ye body of Ms Ruth Stow wife to Mr. Nathaniel Stow Junr. Who decd July ye 14th 1718 in ye 48 year of her age
433 OHBG 52/3 259 1 Headstone TRUE Mrs. Martha Stow green slate None rosette, border, winged skull 2 76.5 51.5 6.5 chipped, tilted, discolored, delaminated, biological activity, fallen, no repair, mower scratches Here lyes ye body of Ms Martha Stow wife to Mr. Nathaniel Stow who decd Debembr ye 26 1717 in ye 90th year of her age.
434 OHBG 52/4 260 1 Headstone TRUE Mr. Nathaniel Stow green slate None winged skull, rosette, border 2 81.5 57 5.5 chipped, cracked, tilted, flaked, discolored, exfoliated, no repair, rubbing damage, mower scratches Here lyes the body of Mr. Nathaniel Stow who decd in May 1684 in the 63rd year of his age
435 OHBG 52/5 302 1 Headstone FALSE   S None winged Skull border, rosette 2 40 33 4 chipped, tilted, discolored, soiled, exfoliated, no repair or vandalism John Stow last child of Mr Joseph & Mrs Elizabeth Stow; died Sept 22d 1730 in ye 4th year of his age
436 OHBG 52/7 303 1 Headstone TRUE Mrs. Elizabeth Stow purple slate None winged skull, border 2 60 54 5 cracked, tilted, discolored, flaked, biologicl activity, fallen no repair, mower scratches Here lyes body of Mrs. Elizabeth Stow ye faithful & loving wife of Mr. Joseph Stow who died Jany 23, 1757 in ye 73d year of her age. My redemmer liveth.
437 OHBG 52/12 H 1 tomb FALSE   slate, brick None Lettering only 1 102.5 0 37 chipped, discolored, no repair, no vandalism Jona Hildreths Tomb 1802
438 OHBG 52/9 438 2 dbl headstone FALSE   purple slate None Winged Skull 2 50 51 5 chipped, exfoliated, discolored, flaked, no repair, rubbing damage Hannah Stow died October 20th 1727 in her 6th year
Joseph Stow died October 21st 1727 aged 3 years
439 OHBG 52/13 I 1 Tomb FALSE   brick, mortar, granite None Lettering only 2 49 34 0 chipped, flaked, exfoliated, no repair or vandalism Francis Jarvis's tomb 1802
440 OHBG 53/1 I 1 Tomb FALSE   brick, mortar None Lettering only 1 0 0 0 chipped, discolored, no repairs no vandalism Thomas Hubbard Tomb 1802
441 OHBG 53/2 306 1 Headstone FALSE   S B. Day, Lowell Urn/Willow     0 0 biological activity, discolored, soiled, no repair, mower scratches In memory of Jacob Brown who died Dec. 28, 1847 Aet. 84
442 OHBG 53/3 307 1 Headstone FALSE   S None Urn/Willow 1 0 0 0 chipped, biological activity, eroded, flaked, discolored, no repair, rubbing and mower damage Mrs Elizabeth wife of Edward Farmer died June 5, 1834 in her 73rd year
443 OHBG 53/4 308 1 Headstone FALSE   S None rosette, border, urn/willow 2 0 0 0 chipped, cracked, flaked, soiled, no repair, mower scratches Sacred to the memory of Capt. Jacob Brown who died Decr 20 1816 Aet 80 Retire my friends dry up your tears here I must lie till Christ appears
444 OHBG 53/9 261 1 Headstone TRUE Mrs. Elizabeth Stow S None winged head and flowers 1 0 0 0 chipped, cracked, soiled, exfoliated, no repair or vandalism In memory of Mrs Elizabeth Stow wife at Mr Ephraim Stow who departed this life April ye 8th 1790 In the 78th year of her age. Depart my friends dry up your tears Here I must lie till Christ appears
445 OHBG 53/10 262 1 Headstone FALSE   marble None Lettering only 3 0 0 0 chipped, cracked, discolored, no repair, mower scratches Abel Brown died Oct. 28, 1841 Aet 61
446 OHBG 53/11 263 1 n/a FALSE   S None urn/willow, border 1 0 0 0 biological activity, discolored, tilted, soiled, broken, damage from rubbing and mower In memory of Abishai Brown Died Sep 19 1838 Aet 62
447 OHBG 53/12 264 1 Headstone FALSE   S Davis Williams(?) urn/willow, border 3 0 0 0 chipped, cracked, biological activity, flaked, discolored, soiled, no repair, rubbing and mower damage Sacred to the memory of Lieut. James Brown who died Nov. 8 1817 AET. 48
448 OHBG 54/1 265 1 Headstone TRUE D.B. S A. Davis, Littleton urn/willow, border 1 123 70 3 chipped, mold, bird droppings, eroded, discolored, exfoliated, no repair or vandalism Sacred to the memory of Mrs. Dorcas Brown wife of Lieut. James Brown who died Augt 12 1814 Aet. 39
449 OHBG 54/2 266 1 Headstone FALSE   S n/a urn/willow, border 1 118 70 2 chipped, cracked, mold, bird droppings, tilted, sunken, discolored, exfoliated, no repair, mower scratches Sacred to the memory of Mrs. Jerusha Brown wife of Major Abishai Brown who died Sept. 16, 1811 Aet. 64
450 OHBG 54/5 267 1 Headstone FALSE   S   urn, border 1 71 52 3 sound, chipped, mold, cracked, flaked, no repair, mower scratches In memory of Major Abishai Brown who died April 13, 1799 Aged 53
451 OHBG 54/11 309 1 Headstone TRUE M.B. S None border, urn/willow 1 90 76 4 sound, eroded, bird, mold, sunken, discolored, fallen, no repair, mower scratches Sacred to the memory of Mrs. Mary Brown wife of Capt. Jacob Brown who died May 30 1815. Aet 82. Diseases sore long time I bore Playsicians were in vain [obliterated] God did
452 OHBG 54/12 310 1 Headstone FALSE   S None Portrait 2 59 36 4 chipped, mold, bird dropings,s tilted, discolored, fallen, no repair, mower scratches Here lies ye body of Elisha Brown son of Mr. Jacob & Mrs. Mary Brown who died June 16th 1773 Aged 1 year 10 months and 16 days
453 OHBG 54/13 311 1 Headstone FALSE   S None border, portrait 2 64 43 2 chipped, mold, eroded, tilted, flaked, discolored, fallen, no repair, mower scratches Here lies the body of Ruth Brown daughter of Lieut Jacob Brown & Mrs. Mary his wife who died April 12th 1777 aged 10 years & 1 month
454 OHBG 54/14 312 1 Headstone FALSE   S None Portrait 2 63 37 4 chipped, mold, tilted, eroded, flaked, discolored, no repair, mower scratches Here lies the body of Elisha Brown, son of Lieut Jacob Brown and Mrs. Mary his wife who died Oct. 23rd 1778 aged 3 years 6 months, and 12 days
455 OHBG 54/15 313 1 Headstone FALSE   S None winged head, hourglass, border 1 89 70 3 chipped, cracked, biological activity, tilted, discolored, no repair, no vandalism Memento Mori
In memory of Mrs. Rebeckah Fletcher wife of Mr. Samuel Fletcher. She departed this life Febr ye 2d 1785. In the 77 year of her age.
456 OHBG 54/16 314 1 Headstone FALSE   S None winged head, border 1 117 69 8 chipped, cracked, flaked, discolored, exfoliated, no repair or vandalism Memento mori
Here lies the body of Mr. Samuel Fletcher who departed this life July 4th 1772 Aged 71 years 1 month and 26 days
457 OHBG 55/3 235 1 Headstone TRUE J.B. S None sword ? 2 112 61 4 chipped, biological activity, flaked, discolored, soiled, exfoliated, no repair, mower scratches, graffiti Here lies the remains of Mr. John Brooks who died Aug. 2, 1812 Aet. 90 He liv'd respected & died lamented
458 OHBG 55/6 270 1 Headstone TRUE Lieut. Daniel Hoar S unknown border, coat of arms 2 149 92 7 chipped, cracked, flaked, discolored, exfoliated, no repair, rubbing and mower damage Paternal coat of armor M.S. Lieut. Daniel Hoar Obt. Febr ye 8th 1773 Aet 93 By Honest Industry & Prudent Econemy he acquired a hand from Fortune for a man in Privet carrecter He injoy'd a long life & uninterrupted state of health Blessings that ever atten
459 OHBG 55/9 285 1 Headstone FALSE   S None winged skull, border 1 89.5 61 3.5 chipped, cracked, flaked, discolored, no repair, mower scratches Memento mori
Here lies the body of Mr. Thomas Hunt who departed this life January 31st 1767 In the 24th year of his age
460 OHBG 55/10 284 1 Headstone FALSE   green slate None Urn 2 56 44.5 5 chipped, cracked, flaked, discolored, no repair, mower scratches Mr. Thomas Hunt, died June 11, 1796 Aged 31
461 OHBG 55/11 283 1 Headstone