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How Do I Use the Workshop?

Self-led, hands-on experimentation and iteration are essential to the maker experience, so by design, we don't offer one-on-one guidance or formal trainings of any kind during our weekly Open Maker Hours. Instead, we strive to create a safe learning space for you to explore, discover, and create on your own terms. Our current Open Maker Hours are:

Tuesday - Thursday 1 PM to 8 PM
Saturday 12 PM to 4 PM
Friday, Sunday, & Monday CLOSED

Walk-in's are always welcome, but especially if it's your first time using a tool, we strongly recommend reserving tools up to 2 weeks in advance of your visit to give you plenty of time to:

  • Review the Workshop Policy, any supporting tool documentation, and training videos (required for Trained and Expert Makers! Tools),
  • Complete a safety waiver (required for Expert Makers! Tools),
  • Gather any materials you might need to bring along, and
  • Plan out your project.

In addition to Open Maker Hours, we offer a variety of Workshop To-Go Kits for 4-week loan and regular project-based learning opportunities for all ages.

What Ages are Welcome in the Workshop?

The Workshop is an all ages makerspace designed to encourage intergenerational learning. To help keep the Workshop safe, we divide our tools into three categories:

  • All Makers! Tools can be used by any maker 10+ or makers under 10 under the direct supervision of any maker 13+ who agree to the Workshop Policy.
  • Trained Makers! Tools require viewing a pre-recorded video training session by one of your local librarians before use.
  • Expert Makers! Tools tools require both video training and a safety waiver on file with the Workshop, signed by an adult or guardian 18+. Waivers are kept on file for 365 days.

What Materials are Provided?

Materials needed to participate in any of our staff-led classes will always be completely free, and we've stocked the Workshop with a variety of scrap swaps to let you try out our tools without worrying about the cost. If you're planning a larger project - like sewing a shirt from scratch or 3d printing for over an hour - we ask that you either bring your own materials from home or donate a few dollars to the Workshop Fund to help us maintain our supplies for everyone.