What is Girls Who Code?

Our Girls Who Code club is part of a national non-profit that aims to close the gender gap in technology and to change the image of what a programmer looks like and does. Our participants (ages 10 to 14) meet weekly on Wednesdays at 5 PM from October to May to:

How Do I Sign Up?

Caregivers and potential participants are invited to learn more about the program at our Girls Who Code Info Session on Wednesday, October 2 at 5 PM.

Each participant should individually register for the Girls Who Code program series to receive an invitation to our club portal.

My Child is Non-Binary/Transgender/a Boy - Can They Join Girls Who Code?

Girls Who Code take a gender-specific approach to its curriculum. This means that the program keeps the focus on girls and considers the biases that might impact their experience. Girls Who Code delivers this by providing girls with safe, girls-focused spaces and centering curricula on women in tech so that girls can imagine themselves in computing roles. Any member–regardless of gender identity–who wishes to support that mission is encouraged to join the Sisterhood! Learn more about Girls Who Code's approach to its programs.