Library News

Annual Book Sale 2021

The Friends of the Concord Free Public Library Annual June Book Sale has been rescheduled for September 11, 2021 from 10:00 a.m. - 3:00 p.m. on the Main Library front lawn with a rain date for September 18. If you would like to volunteer for the Book Sale, please sign up here

Covid-19 safety note: While the Book Sale is an outdoor event, if you are not fully vaccinated we ask that you please wear a face mask at the event. Please remember to give each other space. Thank you for your cooperation.

The Friends' Holiday and June Book Sales are the Friends' biggest sources of revenue as well as being much loved community events. The heart and soul of this year-round operation is a team of over a dozen enthusiastic volunteers who sort the many volumes donated to the Friends each year and prepare them for the Book Sales. 

The proceeds from the Book Sales fund the Library's Children's programming, large print and audio-visual collections, eBooks, museum passes, Friends author talk, film, poetry and music series and more.