Ken Burns Event Lottery
This form is for Concord residents only to enter to win tickets to one of the April 17 Ken Burns events. Please read the details below very carefully before submitting.
Documentarian Ken Burns will visit Concord and Lexington on April 17 to discuss his new film, The American Revolution, timed to the start of the War of Independence on April 19, 1775. Seating for these events is free but extremely limited and restricted by residency at the request of the filmmakers. As such, the Library is distributing tickets via a lottery system.
Concord residents only may use this form to enter to win (1) or (2) tickets to one of the two Ken Burns events on April 17. Winners will be selected randomly. A registered Minuteman Network library card number registered to a verified Concord address is required for entry. Residents of Arlington, Lexington, and Lincoln may register for these events through their local Revolution250 organizers. Unfortunately, residents of other communities are not eligible for attendance.
The lottery will close on Friday, March 28 at 4 PM. We anticipate notifying lottery winners via email on Tuesday, April 1. Winners' tickets will be available for pick-up at the Main Library from 9 AM on Tuesday, April 1 to 5 PM on Friday, April 4. Any tickets unclaimed after this time will be redistributed.
All attendees must present a ticket for entry to the event. Lost tickets cannot be replaced. Absolutely no tickets or additional seats will be available on the day of the event. No exceptions.