Emeline (Emmeline) Barrett, a daughter of Nathan and Mary Jones Barrett of Punkatasset Hill, was born in Concord in 1809. She was the sister of Nathan Barrett, Jr. and the cousin and sister-in-law of his second wife Lucy (see #26). A genial and hospitable woman, she kept a popular boarding house that now stands at 30/32 Court Lane. Miss Barrett died in 1892. In his biography of Emeline Barrett's nephew Edwin Shepard Barrett in the Fourth Series of Memoirs of Members of the Social Circle in Concord (1909), John Shepard Keyes wrote of the lady and her well-known establishment: "Her boarding-house was an institution of Concord that deserves more than a passing notice. For forty years it held a warm place in the hearts of the many families and teachers and students that shared its hospitality and good cheer. It was a centre whence the news and life and gayety radiated through the village, and the kind care and comfort it afforded to the scores of its inmates made it a real home. So much so that on the eightieth birthday of 'Emmy,' as all called her, more than a hundred of her past boarders met from their near and far-off residences to offer their thanks and gifts to their old hostess." |