Programme of an Entertainment for the Benefit of the Soldiers' Aid Society, at the Town Hall, Concord, on Monday Evening, Jan. 13th, 1862. Tableaux. Convent by Night. Courtship of Miles Standish. Ballad in Pantomime. The Mistle-Toe Bough. Tableaux. Game of Life. The Inconvenience of Single Life. - A Real Convenience. Husking. The Red Ear. Judith and Holofernes. Song in Character. Orange Girl. Burlesque Concert. A Poetic Interlude, (Prepared Expressly for the Occasion.) Liberty. Intermission. The Beautiful Comedy in Three Acts, The Ladies’ Battle. Doors open at 7; Curtain to rise at 7 ½ precisely. Admittance 25 cts.; Children under 14 yrs. 15 cts. Five Tickets for One Dollar. Tickets for sale at Stacy's Bookstore, and at the door. This entertainment will consist of the best selections from the one given at Boston Dec. 9th, which brought $450,00 [sic] - and the one at Lowell, which filled Mechanics' Hall two consecutive nights, at 50c admission, and although the same scenery will be used and no trouble will be spared to make it comprise the best parts of each, it will be offered at one-half the price, trusting to the good cause to make it a paying one. Committee of Arrangements. - Geo. Keyes, S.R. Bartlett, N.H. Barrett, A. Stacy, G.B. Bartlett.