By S. Staples & W.A. Lane,
Middlesex Hotel, Concord, Mass.
On Thursday, Oct. 4, 1866, at 2 o’clock P.M., Will be sold at public auction, on the premises, that valuable property known as the Middlesex Hotel. Said hotel was built in 1846, is three stories high, size 50x80 feet, contains 44 rooms, besides a large hall for dancing, ample closets, convenient kitchen, large cellar, and wells. The house is as conveniently arranged as any hotel in New England. Two large stables are connected with the premises, capable of accommodating 50 horses, and ample room for 30 tons of hay; a large driveway, carriage house and office. Also a Bowling Alley, nearly new, with two good alleys. About 1¾ acres of excellent land are connected with the premises, on which are several nice fruit trees. All the buildings are in good repair.
The house has always had a very liberal patronage, and is one of the best country hotel stands between Boston and Keene. It is situated in the centre of the pleasant and old revolutionary town of Concord, nearly opposite the Court House, 5 minutes’ walk from the depot, on the line of the Fitchburg Railroad, only one hour’s ride from Boston, with railroad communication six times each day with the city distance from the same 18 miles, 14 from Lowell, 5 from Lexington, and offers to persons in pursuit of valuable and good paying property rare inducements.
Terms of sale - $500 cash at time of purchase, balance very liberal. For further particulars inquire of D. Webster King, 51 Kilby street, Boston, of Heman Newton or S. Staples, Concord, or of W.A. Lane, Bedford.
The above property will positively be sold at time specified to the highest bidder without any reserve.
Cars leave Boston for Concord at 6.20, 7.30 and 11A.M.; return at 6.30 P.M.
Heman Newton, Concord,
D.Webster King, Boston
Concord, MA, Sept. 15, 1866