That noted TAVERN, situated in the middle of Concord, known by the name of the Middlesex Hotel, now occupied by Mr. Ebenezer Thompson, with all the Barns, Sheds, and Out Buildings, and about one acre of Land, being one of the best stands for business in the county. Possession given the first day of April next. If not sold previous to that time to be leased for seven years.
Also, to be sold—a good TAN YARD, adjoining said premises, in complete repair, with vats sufficient to tan 500 hides and 500 skins yearly.
Also, about 40 acres of the first rate LAND, adjoining the Concord river, known by the name of the Bateman Farm.
Also, a small HOUSE with a Garden, near the Court-House now occupied by Mrs. Bliss.
Also, about 4 acres of LAND, near the estate of Mr. John Hosmer.
Also, about 25 acres of WOOD LAND, in said Concord, lying on the road leading to Stow, and also near the Bellows Factory.
Also, about 3 acres of LAND, in the Great Meadows.
Also, a PEW, in Concord Meeting-house.
All the above Estate to be sold on any credit with good security, to suit the purchaser. For further particulars, inquire of JOHN RICHARDSON, Newton.
Jan 15