General Expenses.

Appropriation for this object, $865 00  
Overlay in assessing taxes, 201 66  
Military Bounty Money received from the State, 586 50  
Received for licensing sundry shows 11 00  
      “     from Assignee of P. How’s estate, 1 70  
      “       “    Fitchburg Railroad Co. 15 30  
Unexpended Balance of Appropriations for repairs

       of School-houses,
114 61  
Do. do. do. do. do. do. Roads, 160 41  
Do. do. do. do. do. Deficiency in

       1844 appropriations,
160 41  
Do. do. do. do. do. do. Bridges, 93 38  
    $2065 61
Deficiency of appropriation for payment of

       Town Debt,
523 90  
       “        “          “        “   purchase of

29 00  
Paid Cyrus Stow, for his services as Assessor, 36 00  
       Joshua Brown, do. do. 15 00  
       Elisha Wheeler, do. do. 15 00  
       stationary and postage for Assessors, 6 52  
       Otis Hayward, for entertaining Assessors, 10 00  
       Sam’l. Staples, for collecting taxes for 1845, 100 64  
          “        “       for posting town warrants, 4 75  
       the Selectmen, for making up this Report, 12 00  
       for stationary and postage for Selectmen, 2 93  
       John Wilson, for entertaining        “ 6 62  
       Otis Hayward,            “              “ 8 17  
       J.M. Billings, for horse hire for       “ 8 17  
       H.S. Warren, advertising Selectmen’s

       notices in Freeman
2 50  
       Light Infantry, bounty for military service, 329 50  
       Artillery, bounty for military service, 257 00  
       Light Infantry, the rent of their armory, 25 00  
       A.J. Barrett, for 6 stone guide posts and setting, 24 00  
       D.C. Emerson, painting and lettering the same, 10 28  
       Tilley Holden, for repairs on Schoolhouse

       in District No. 3,
2 00  
       Geo. E. Dean, for stove-pipe for Schoolhouse

       in District No. 6,
1 50  
       Geo. E. Dean, for stove-pipe for Schoolhouse

       in District No. 5,
1 85  
       Jesse Hosmer, for repairs on Schoolhouse

       in Dstrict No. 4,
7 44  
       John Melvin, for repairs on Schoolhouse

       in District No. 6
1 74  
       Cyrus Stow, for keeping town records, 6 00  
           “     “          recording births and deaths, 6 40  
       D.C. Emerson, for care of Engines, repairs

       oil, &c.,
50 72  
           “        “     for 4 sets of harnesses for

       Engines, ordered by Selectmen
14 00  
       Isaac F. Thayer, for fire-hook and repairs on

       Engine No. 2,
3 00  
           “           “      for 2 sets runners for Engines,

       ordered by the Firewards,
6 00  
       W.P.L. Badger, ironing and painting the same, 9 25  
           “        “      for repairs on the Engines, 9 50  
       M. & A. Holden, for bread furnished the

       Enginemen, by order of Firewards, when the

       Middlesex Hotel was burnt,
3 00  
       F. Potter, for refreshments on the same occasion, 2 50  
       C.B. Davis, do. do. do. do. do. do. 4 00  
       Sundry persons employed as watchers by the

4 50  
       John Wilson, for horses for the Engines at the

       fire at the Factory,
2 00  
       J.M. Billings, do. do. do. do. do. do. 2 50  
       Sam’l. Staples, abatements of taxes for 1844, 22 90  
               “                  “                “        1845, 42 00  
       F.C. Brown of Watertown, for damage by

       Upsetting near Col. Barrett’s,
30 00  
       N. Ball, one half the expense of a new

       Fence between his yard and the Centre

       School-house lot,
12 30  
       Asa C. Collier, for winding town clock, 15 00  
       Town of Carlisle, 1845 tax 1 52  
       J. Stacy, for books furnished poor children, 5 53  
       Jas. Adams, for care of Court-House to

       March 1st, 1845 tax,
1 52  
       E.R. Hoar, for professional services rendered

       the Town
9 00  
       Fay & Dakin, for repairing town pump, 2 50  
       Nathan Hosmer, for returning deaths to

       Town Clerk,
1 95  
       S. Buttrick, for his services as Town Treasurer, 10 00  
    $1719 03
Unexpended Balance,   $346 58