Will be sold at Public Auction on TUESDAY, APRIL 25th, 1893 at 11 A.M. on the premises in that part of Concord Massachusetts called Westvale, all the real estate of the


Consisting of about 10 acres of land with water power, a modern style brick mill and storehouse, wooden sawmill, repair shop and blacksmith shop, and other buildings including fourteen tenement houses, together with all the boilers, engines, machinery, tools, supplies, stock, raw, wrought, and in process, manufactured goods and all other personal property upon the premises or contained in the buildings

There are eleven sets of 40x40 cards. The real estate is subject to a mortgage held by the Middlesex Institution for Savings for $50,000 and accrued interest. The property is situated on the main line of the Fitchburg Railroad about half a mile west of the Concord Junction station.

Terms of sale -- $3,000 of the purchase money at the time of sale and the balance upon delivery of the deeds within ten days.

In case any bidder shall not comply with the terms of the sale, the property may be immediately put up for sale again.

For further information, apply to Prescott Keyes, Esq., Attorney, 42 Court Street, Boston, or to the Assignees in Insolvency of the Damon Manufacturing Company.

HENRY J. HOSMER, Concord, Massachusetts.

A. ALBERT SACK, Providence, Rhode Island.

April 13th, 1893. Assignees in Insolvency