Weiber to Wentworth
A Concordance to the Collected Essays of Ralph Waldo Emerson Compiled by Eugene F. Irey
Weiber, n. (1)
MoS 4.153 17 [The men of the senses] hold that Luther
had milk in him
when he said, Wer nicht liebt Wein, Weiber, Gesang,/ Der bleibt ein
sein Leben lang;/...
weigh, v. (14)
Nat 1.39 16 ...weigh the problems suggested concerning
Light, Heat...and
judge whether the interest of natural science is likely to be soon
Lov1 2.185 11 [The lovers] try and weigh their
Exp 3.64 11 [Nature's] darlings, the great, the strong,
the beautiful...do not
come out of the Sunday School, nor weigh their food...
Pol1 3.205 13 Cover up a pound of earth never so
cunningly...it will always
weigh a pound;...
MoS 4.151 23 On the other part, the men of toil and
trade and luxury,--the
animal world...and the practical world...weigh heavily on the other
MoS 4.153 7 ...[the men of the senses]...weigh man by
the pound.
ET4 5.65 10 I suppose a hundred English taken at random
out of the street
weigh a fourth more than so many Americans.
F 6.14 3 ...if you could weigh bodily the tonnage of
any hundred of the
Whig and the Democratic party in a town on the Dearborn balance...you
could predict with certainty which party would carry it.
Wsp 6.218 25 Man has learned to weigh the sun...
WD 7.183 7 ...[Newton] used the same wit to weigh the
moon that he used
to buckle his shoes;...
Grts 8.311 22 [The scholar's] courage is to weigh
LLNE 10.329 2 In science the French savant......travels
into all nooks and
islands, to weigh, to analyze and report.
GSt 10.499 3 Who, when great trials come,/ Nor seeks
nor shunnes them; but doth calmly stay/ Till he the thing and the
example weigh:/ All being
brought into a summe/ What place or person calls for he doth pay./
LS 11.22 4 ...although for the satisfaction of others I
have labored to show
by the history that this rite [the Lord's Supper] was not intended to
perpetual; although I have gone back to weigh the expressions of Paul,
feel that here is the true point of view.
weighed, v. (8)
SL 2.158 2 In every troop of boys...a new-comer is as
well and accurately
weighed in the course of a few days and stamped with his right number,
if he had undergone a formal trial of his strength, speed and temper.
ET2 5.28 1 Our ship was registered 750 tons, and
weighed perhaps, with all
her freight, 1500 tons.
ET5 5.86 1 ...Wellington, when he came to the army in
Spain, had every
man weighed, first with accoutrements, and then without;...
Comc 8.166 17 ...[the saints] maturely having weighed/
They had no more
but [the cobbler] o' th' trade/ (A man that served them in the double/
Capacity to teach and cobble),/ Resolved to spare him;.../
HDC 11.44 6 [The colonists'] wants, their poverty,
their manifest
convenience made them bold to ask of the Governor and of the General
Court...to certain purposes, sovereign powers. The townsmen's words
heard and weighed...
EWI 11.128 9 For months and years the bill [on
emanicipation in the West
Indies] was debated...by the first citizens of England, the foremost
men of
the earth; every argument was weighed...
AsSu 11.248 8 The whole state of South Carolina does
not now offer one or
any number of persons who are to be weighed for a moment in the scale
with such a person as the meanest of them all has now struck down.
Wom 11.405 17 I think [women's] words are to be
weighing, v. (2)
Ctr 6.132 7 The physician Sanctorius spent his life in a
pair of scales, weighing his food.
SlHr 10.446 5 ...so entirely was [Samuel Hoar's]
respect to the ground-plan
and substructure of society a natural ability...that it was...like one
of those
opaque crystals, big beryls weighing tons...not less perfect in their
and structure, and only less beautiful, than the transparent topazes
weighs, v. (6)
ShP 4.216 21 ...[solitude] weighs Shakspeare also, and
finds him to share
the halfness and imperfection of humanity.
CbW 6.245 22 The judge weighs the arguments and puts a
brave face on
the matter...
Ill 6.312 21 [the dreariest alderman] wishes the bow
and compliment of
some leader in the state or in society; weighs what he says;...
Farm 7.140 14 In the great household of Nature, the
farmer stands at the
door of the bread-room, and weighs to each his loaf.
Boks 7.195 17 There has already been a scrutiny and
choice from many
hundreds of young pens before the pamphlet or political chapter which
read in a fugitive journal comes to your eye. All these are young
adventurers, who produce their performance to the wise ear of Time, who
sits and weighs...
Clbs 7.236 23 [Dr. Johnson's] obvious religion or
superstition, his deep
wish that they should think so or so, weighs with [his company]...
weight, n. (86)
Nat 1.33 6 The axioms of physics translate the laws of
ethics. Thus...the
smallest weight may be made to lift the greatest...
Nat 1.33 7 The axioms of physics translate the laws of
ethics. Thus...the
smallest weight may be made to lift the greatest, the difference of
being compensated by time;...
LE 1.180 1 ...whilst he believed in number and weight,
[Napoleon] believed also in the freedom...of the soul.
SR 2.70 20 ...war, eloquence, personal weight, are
SL 2.136 16 ...why drag this dead weight of a
Sunday-school over the
whole of Christendom?
SL 2.145 1 ...a few incidents, have an emphasis in your
memory out of all
proportion to their apparent significance if you measure them by the
ordinary standards. ... Let them have their weight...
Pt1 3.19 13 ...in a centred mind, it signifies nothing
how many mechanical
inventions you exhibit. Though you add millions...the fact of mechanics
not gained a grain's weight.
Chr1 3.89 13 We cannot find the smallest part of the
personal weight of
Washington in the narrative of his exploits.
Pol1 3.203 27 ...doubts have arisen whether too much
weight had not been
allowed in the laws to property...
Pol1 3.205 15 Cover up a pound of earth never so
cunningly...it will always
attract and resist other matter by the full virtue of one pound
Pol1 3.211 27 It makes no difference how many tons'
weight of atmosphere
presses on our heads, so long as the same pressure resists it within
the lungs.
Pol1 3.221 23 ...there are now men...to whom no weight
of adverse
experience will make it for a moment appear impossible that thousands
human beings might exercise towards each other the grandest and
NER 3.267 1 ...in a celebrated experiment, by
expiration and respiration
exactly together, four persons lift a heavy man from the ground by the
finger only, and without sense of weight.
PPh 4.75 20 ...[Plato] was able...to avail himself of
the wit and weight of
SwM 4.98 1 Shall we say, that the economical mother
disburses so much
earth and so much fire, by weight and meter, to make a man, and will
add a pennyweight...
MoS 4.169 23 [Montaigne says] Most of my actions are
guided by
example, not choice. In the hour of death, he gave the same weight to
MoS 4.183 7 All moods may be safely tried, and their
weight allowed to all
ShP 4.210 21 ...what [Shakespeare] has to say is of
that weight as to
withdraw some attention from the vehicle;...
NMW 4.225 23 [The man in the street] finds [Napoleon],
like himself, by
birth a citizen, who, by very intelligible merits, arrived as such a
commanding position that he could indulge all those tastes which the
common man possesses but is obliged to conceal and deny:...personal
NMW 4.227 1 ...Mirabeau...felt that these things which
his presence
inspired were as much his own as if he had said them, and that his
of them gave them their weight.
ET5 5.85 25 [The Englishmen's] military science
propounds that if the
weight of the advancing column is greater than that of the resisting,
latter is destroyed.
ET5 5.86 4 ...Wellington, when he came to the army in
Spain, had every
man weighed, first with accoutrements, and then without; believing that
force of an army depended on the weight and power of the individual
ET6 5.103 20 ...he who goes among [the English] must
have some weight
of metal.
ET10 5.156 1 It is [Englishmen's] maxim that the weight
of taxes must be
calculated, not by what is taken, but by what is left.
ET11 5.184 14 ...the existence of the House of Peers as
a branch of the
government entitles them to fill half the Cabinet; and their weight of
property and station gives them a virtual nomination of the other
F 6.5 21 [The Calvinists] felt that the weight of the
Universe held them
down to their place.
F 6.14 2 Probably the election goes by avoirdupois
F 6.16 7 We know in history what weight belongs to
F 6.20 20 ...the gods in the Norse heaven were unable
to bind the Fenris
Wolf with steel or with the weight of mountains...
F 6.34 2 [Steam] could be used to...compel other devils
far more reluctant... namely...weight or resistance of water...
F 6.38 23 Do you suppose [the new-born man] can be
estimated by his
weight in pounds...
Pow 6.56 3 With adults, as with children, one
class...whirl with the
whirling world; the others...are only dragged in by the humor and
of those who can carry a dead weight.
Pow 6.73 13 ...an ounce of power must balance an ounce
of weight.
Wth 6.102 3 [The farmer] knows that, in the dollar, he
gives you so much
discretion and patience, so much hoeing and threshing. Try to lift his
dollar; you must lift all that weight.
Ctr 6.132 19 ...nature has secured individualism by
giving the private
person a high conceit of his weight in the system.
Ctr 6.141 26 The best heads that ever
existed...were...quite too wise to
undervalue letters. Their opinion has weight, because they had means of
knowing the opposite opinion.
Ctr 6.143 12 [The boy] is infatuated for weeks with
whist and chess; but
presently will find out...that when he rises from the game too long
played, he is vacant and forlorn and despises himself. Thenceforward
it...has its due
weight in his experience.
Wsp 6.218 26 Man has learned to weigh the sun, and its
weight neither
loses nor gains.
Wsp 6.220 18 ...all things go by number, rule and
Wsp 6.240 4 The weight of the universe is pressed down
on the shoulders
of each moral agent to hold him to his task.
CbW 6.260 11 Charles James Fox said of England, The
history of this
country proves that we are not to expect from men in affluent
the vigilance, energy and exertion without which the House of Commons
would lose its greatest force and weight.
Bty 6.284 21 The collector has dried all the plants in
his herbal, but he has
lost weight and humor.
Bty 6.294 13 ...the bone or the quill of the bird gives
the most alar strength
with the least weight.
Ill 6.323 21 The permanent interest of every man
is...to have the weight of
nature to back him in all that he does.
Civ 7.32 13 ...when I...see...man acting on man by
weight of opinion...I see
what cubic values America has...
Art2 7.41 23 The slope of your roof is determined by
the weight of snow.
Art2 7.42 22 ...in our handiwork...we place ourselves
in such attitudes as to
bring the force of gravity, that is, the weight of the planet, to bear
upon the
spade or the axe we wield.
Art2 7.49 6 ...we do not dig, or grind, or hew, by our
muscular strength, but
by bringing the weight of the planet to bear on the spade, axe or bar.
Cour 7.263 15 ...every soldier killed costs the enemy
his weight in lead.
PI 8.12 4 ...nothing but great weight in things can
afford a quite literal
QO 8.196 7 It is a familiar expedient of brilliant
writers...the device of
ascribing their own sentence to an imaginary person, in order to give
QO 8.202 7 There is always in [originals] a style and
weight of speech
which the immanence of the oracle bestowed...
Imtl 8.346 23 ...only by rare integrity...can the
vision of [immortality] be
clear to a use the most sublime. And hence the fact that in the minds
of men
the testimony of a few inspired souls has had such weight and
Aris 10.49 9 I should like to see...every man made
acquainted with the true
number and weight of every adult citizen...
PerF 10.71 14 ...a gardener knows that [the loam] is
full of peaches, full of
oranges, and he drops in a few seeds by way of keys to unlock and
its virtues;...and by and by it has lifted into the air its full weight
in golden
Supl 10.166 27 Doctor Channing's piety and wisdom had
such weight that, in Boston, the popular idea of religion was whatever
this eminent divine
MoL 10.250 4 [Nature says to the American] I have
measured out to you
by weight and tally the powers you need.
LLNE 10.333 13 [Everett] abounded...even in a sort of
defying experiment
of his own wit and skill in giving an oracular weight to Hebrew or
Rabbinical words;...
Thor 10.458 14 No opposition or ridicule had any weight
with [Thoreau].
Thor 10.461 22 ...[Thoreau] could estimate the weight
of a calf or a pig, like a dealer.
Thor 10.465 1 At first glance [Thoreau] measured his
companion, and... could very well report his weight and calibre.
LS 11.19 15 Most men find the bread and wine [of the
Lord's Supper] no
aid to devotion, and to some it is a painful impediment. ... The
statement of
this objection leads me to say that I think this difficulty...to be
entitled to
the greatest weight.
HDC 11.31 21 Among the silenced [English] clergymen was
distinguished minister...Rev. Peter Bulkeley...adding to his influence
weight of a large estate.
HDC 11.47 1 In a town-meeting, the great secret of
political science was
uncovered, and the problem solved, how to give every individual his
weight in the government...
HDC 11.47 13 In this open democracy [in New England],
every opinion
had utterance; every objection, every fact, every acre of land, every
of rye, its entire weight.
HDC 11.86 10 The merit of those who fill a space in the
world's history, who are borne forward, as it were, by the weight of
thousands whom they
lead, sheds a perfume less sweet than do the sacrifices of private
EWI 11.114 13 It was feared that the interest of the
master and servant [in
the West Indies] would now produce perpetual discord between them. In
the island of Antigua...these objections had such weight that the
rejected the apprenticeship system...
EWI 11.127 10 These considerations [of trade], I doubt
not, had their
weight [in emancipation in the West Indies];...
EWI 11.127 14 These considerations...had their weight
[in emancipation in
the West Indies]; the interest of trade, the interest of the revenue,
good fame of the action. It was inevitable that men should feel these
motives. But they do not appear to have had an excessive or
EWI 11.133 6 ...perhaps I know too little of politics
for the smallest weight
to attach to any censure of mine...
EWI 11.134 19 ...if, most unhappily, the ambitious
class of young men and
political men have found out that these neglected victims are poor and
without weight;...then let the citizens in their primary capacity take
up [the
negroes'] cause on this very ground...
FSLC 11.179 24 There are men who are as sure indexes of
the equity of
legislation...as the barometer is of the weight of the air...
FSLC 11.193 27 Mr. Webster tells the President that he
has been in the
North, and he has found no man, whose opinion is of any weight, who is
opposed to the [Fugitive Slave] law.
FSLN 11.224 13 Four years ago to-night...Mr. Webster,
most unexpectedly, threw his whole weight on the side of Slavery...
FSLN 11.227 21 ...Mr. Webster and the country went for
the application to
these poor men [negroes] of quadruped law. People were expecting a
different course from Mr. Webster. If any man had in that hour
the weight with the country which he had acquired, he could have
the whole country to its senses.
FSLN 11.240 9 ...that is the stern edict of Providence,
that liberty shall be
no hasty fruit, but that...age on age, shall cast itself into the
opposite scale, and not until liberty has slowly accumulated weight
enough to countervail
and preponderate against all this, can the sufficient recoil come.
ALin 11.333 21 ...the weight and penetration of many
passages in [Lincoln'
s] letters...are destined hereafter to wide fame.
EdAd 11.388 17 The young intriguers who drive in
bar-rooms and town-meetings
the trade of politics...have put the country into the position of an
overgrown bully, and Massachusetts finds no heart or head to give
and efficacy to her contrary judgment.
EdAd 11.393 1 The health which we call
Virtue...resembles those rocking
stones which a child's finger can move, and a weight of many hundred
cannot overthrow.
Wom 11.409 27 [Women] are, in their nature, more
relative;...out of place
they lose half their weight...
FRO2 11.490 2 I submit that in sound frame of mind, we
read or remember
the religious sayings and oracles of other men...only for joy in the
identity which they open to us, and that these words would have no
with us if we had not the same conviction already.
FRep 11.519 26 Our great men succumb so far to the
forms of the day as to
peril their integrity for the sake of adding to the weight of their
character the authority of office...
Milt1 12.251 10 The weight of the thought [in Milton's
Areopagitica] is
equalled by the vivacity of the expression...
Milt1 12.277 3 It was plainly needful that [Milton's]
poetry should be a
version of his own life, in order to give weight and solemnity to his
ACri 12.296 24 Herrick's merit is the simplicity and
manliness of his
utterance, and, rarely, the weight of his sentence.
Trag 12.411 17 ...the frailest glass bell will support
a weight of a thousand
pounds of water at the bottom of a river or sea, if filled with the
weightier, adj. (1)
PPr 12.391 23 Whatever thought or motto has once
appeared to [Carlyle] fraught with meaning...is sure to return with
deeper tones and weightier
weightiest, adj. (1)
ShP 4.189 18 There is nothing whimsical and fantastic in
[the poet's] production, but sweet and sad earnest, freighted with the
convictions...which any man or class knows of in his times.
weightily, adv. (1)
LLNE 10.332 3 [Everett's learning] was so coldly and
communicated from so commanding a platform...that...this learning
instantly took the highest place to our imagination...
weightiness, n. (1)
SwM 4.123 21 What earnestness and weightiness [in
weights, n. (6)
NR 3.232 4 How wise the world appears, when...the
completeness of the
municipal system is considered! Nothing is left out. If you go
offices of sealers of weights and measures, of inspection of
will appear as if one man had made it all.
NMW 4.227 10 ...[a man of Napoleon's stamp] makes the
system of
weights and measures;...
F 6.35 17 ...if calamities, oppositions, and weights
are wings and means,- we are reconciled.
CbW 6.257 2 ...God hangs the greatest weights on the
smallest wires.
Farm 7.146 6 ...there is no porter like Gravitation,
who will bring down
any weights which man cannot carry...
Cour 7.254 15 Men admire...the power of better
combination and foresight, however exhibited, whether it only plays a
game of chess, or whether...a
cunning mathematician, penetrating the cubic weights of stars, predicts
planet which eyes had never seen;...
weighty, adj. (5)
LT 1.259 18 The Times...are to be studied...as sacred
leaves, whereon a
weighty sense is inscribed...
Bhr 6.190 21 Another opposes [a man who is already
strong] with sound
argument, but the argument is scouted until by and by it gets into the
of some weighty person; then it begins to tell on the community.
SlHr 10.440 25 The strength and the beauty of the man
[Samuel Hoar] lay
in the natural goodness and justice of his mind, which...after dealing
all his
life with weighty private and public interests, left an infantile
War 11.167 16 Since the peace question has been before
the public mind, those who affirm its right and expediency have
naturally been met with
objections more or less weighty.
RBur 11.440 24 The Confession of Augsburg...the
Marseillaise, are not
more weighty documents in the history of freedom than the songs of
Weimar, Germany, n. (1)
GoW 4.286 20 Of course the book [Goethe's Dichtung und
Wahrheit] affords slender materials for what would be reckoned with us
a Life of
Goethe;...a period of ten years...after his settlement at Weimar, in
sunk in
Weimar, Grand Duke of [Kar (1)
Prd1 2.229 9 The last Grand Duke of Weimar...said,--I
have sometimes
remarked in the presence of great works of art...how much a certain
property contributes to the effect which gives life to the figures, and
to the
life an irresistible truth.
Weimar, Grand Duke of, n. (1)
Grts 8.317 25 Goethe, in his correspondence with his
Grand Duke of
Weimar, does not shine.
Wein, n. (1)
MoS 4.153 17 [The men of the senses] hold that Luther
had milk in him
when he said, Wer nicht liebt Wein, Weiber, Gesang,/ Der bleibt ein
sein Leben lang;/...
weird, adj. (1)
LLNE 10.324 4 For Joy and Beauty planted it/ With faerie
cheered,/ And boding Fancy haunted it/ With men and women weird./
weirdes, n. (1)
Wom 11.406 5 Weirdes all, said the Edda, Frigga knoweth,
though she
telleth them never.
wel, adv. (1)
Aris 10.29 16 Here may ye see wel, how that genterie/ Is
not annexed to
possession,/ Sith folk ne don their operation/ Alway, as doth the fire,
lo, in
his kind,/ For God it wot, men may full often find/ A lorde's son do
and vilanie./
welcome, adj. (28)
AmS 1.100 8 ...labor is everywhere welcome;...
DSA 1.119 7 Night brings no gloom to the heart with its
welcome shade.
DSA 1.150 17 Two inestimable advantages Christianity
has given us; first
the Sabbath...whose light dawns welcome alike into the closet of the
philosopher, into the garret of toil...
LE 1.155 3 The invitation to address you this day...was
a call so welcome
that I made haste to obey it.
LE 1.175 21 ...welcome falls the imprisoning rain...
Con 1.303 25 You are welcome to try your experiments...
SR 2.78 19 Welcome evermore to gods and men is the
self-helping man.
Lov1 2.178 8 Beauty...welcome as the sun wherever it
pleases to shine... seems sufficient to itself.
Cir 2.313 21 Let the claims and virtues of persons be
never so great and
welcome, the instinct of man presses eagerly onward to the impersonal
Mrs1 3.140 5 ...the direct splendor of intellectual
power is ever welcome in
fine society as the costliest addition to its rule and its credit.
ShP 4.196 27 [The poet in illiterate times] is...little
solicitous whence his
thoughts have been derived;...from whatever source, they are equally
welcome to his uncritical audience.
ET14 5.232 12 ...[the English] delight in strong earthy
though spoken among princes, equally fit and welcome to the mob.
Bhr 6.170 20 There are certain manners which are
learned in good society, of that force that if a person have them, he
or she...is everywhere welcome...
DL 7.103 10 Welcome to the parents the puny
Clbs 7.245 4 The man of thought...the man of manners
and culture, whom
you so much wish to find,--each of these is wishing to be found. Each
wishes...to exchange his gifts for yours; and the first hint of a
select and
intelligent company is welcome.
PI 8.13 26 There is no more welcome gift to men than a
new symbol.
PI 8.55 11 Welcome, folded arms and fixed eyes/...
Grts 8.318 24 Abraham Lincoln is perhaps the most
remarkable example of
this class [of great style of hero] that we have seen,-a man who was at
home and welcome with the humblest...
Supl 10.166 2 The exaggeration of which I complain
makes plain fact the
more welcome and refreshing.
Plu 10.301 17 ...[Plutarch]...would be welcome to the
sages and warriors he
Plu 10.303 27 ...in reading [Plutarch], I embrace the
particulars, and carry a
faint memory of the argument or general design of the chapter; but he
is not
less welcome...
MMEm 10.416 4 ...joy, hope and resignation unite me
[Mary Moody
Emerson] to Him whose mysterious Will adjusts everything, and the
darkest and lightest are alike welcome.
HDC 11.38 6 ...in conclusion, the said Indians declared
satisfied, and told the Englishmen they were welcome.
ACiv 11.304 15 The war is welcome to the Southerner;...
SMC 11.359 8 The army officers were welcome to their
jest on [George
Prescott] as too kind for a captain...
ChiE 11.471 13 All share the surprise and pleasure when
the venerable
Oriental dynasty...suddenly steps into the fellowship of nations. This
auspicious event...is an irresistible result of the science which has
given us
the power of steam and the electric telegraph. It is the more welcome
the surprise.
PLT 12.28 20 [Nature] is immensely rich; [man] is
welcome to her entire
Milt1 12.252 19 We think we have seen and heard
criticism upon [Milton'
s] poems, which the bard himself would have more valued than the
recorded praise of Dryden, Addison and Johnson, because it...was...more
welcome to the poet than the general and vague acknowledgment of his
genius by those able but unsympathizing critics.
welcome, n. (13)
NR 3.248 22 Could [my good men] but once understand that
wished them God-speed, yet, out of my poverty of life and thought, had
word or welcome for them when they came to see me...it would be a great
UGM 4.7 19 ...each legitimate idea makes its own
channels and welcome...
GoW 4.269 4 ...men are cordial in their recognition and
welcome of the
intellectual accomplishments.
GoW 4.285 15 Enemy of [Goethe] you may be,--if so you
shall teach him
aught which your good-will can not, were it only what experience will
accrue from your ruin. Enemy and welcome, but enemy on high terms.
SS 7.15 7 ...ropes cannot hold me when my welcome is
Suc 7.301 11 We bring a welcome to the highest lessons
of religion and of
poetry out of all proportion beyond our skill to teach.
Suc 7.305 14 As our tenderness for youth and beauty
gives a new and just
importance to their fresh and manifold claims, so the like sensibility
welcome to all excellence...
Comc 8.163 6 Wit makes its own welcome...
Aris 10.39 19 I wish...men who are charmed by the
beautiful Nemesis as
well as by the dire Nemesis, and dare trust their inspiration for their
Schr 10.261 12 Literary men gladly acknowledge these
ties which find for
the homeless and the stranger a welcome where least looked for.
Carl 10.493 23 The literary, the fashionable, the
political man...comes
eagerly to see this man [Carlyle], whose fun they have heartily
enjoyed, sure of a welcome, and are struck with despair at the first
HDC 11.36 1 ...the rough welcome which the new land
gave [the pilgrims] was a fit introduction to the life they must lead
in it.
Bost 12.197 27 In the midst of [New England's]
laborious and economical
and rude and awkward population...you shall not unfrequently meet that
refinement...which...gave a hospitality in this country to the spirit
Coleridge and Wordsworth...before yet their genius had found a hearty
welcome in Great Britain.
welcome, v. (3)
LE 1.184 4 Show frankly as a saint would do, your
experience, methods, tools, and means. Welcome all comers to the freest
use of the same.
Fdsp 2.192 11 [The stranger's] arrival almost brings
fear to the good hearts
that would welcome him.
Wsp 6.233 21 [The faithful student] learns to welcome
welcomed, v. (2)
Clbs 7.230 4 [Men] kindle each other; and such is the
power of suggestion
that each sprightly story calls out more; and sometimes a fact that had
slept in the recesses of memory hears the voice, is welcomed to
daylight, and proves of rare value.
TPar 11.286 12 [Theodore Parker] elected his part of
duty, or accepted
nobly that assigned him in his rare constitution. Wonderful acquisition
knowledge, a rapid wit that heard all, and welcomed all that came, by
seeing its bearing.
welfare, n. (13)
Con 1.318 16 ...we are bound to see that the society of
which we compose a
part, does not permit the formation or continuance of views and
injurious to the honor and welfare of mankind.
YA 1.374 25 ...the existing generation are conspiring
with a beneficence... which infatuates the most selfish men to act
against their private interest for
the public welfare.
OS 2.293 8 [God's presence] inspires in man an
infallible trust. ... He is
sure that his welfare is dear to the heart of being.
ET8 5.143 4 [The English] choose that welfare which is
compatible with
the commonwealth...
WD 7.179 27 These passing fifteen minutes, men
think...are...the way to or
the way from welfare, but not welfare.
WD 7.180 1 These passing fifteen minutes, men
think...are...the way to or
the way from welfare, but not welfare.
Cour 7.265 23 Our affections and wishes for the
external welfare of the
hero tumultuously rush to expression in tears and outcries...
SA 8.89 6 Welfare requires one or two companions of
SA 8.103 27 That is the point which decides the welfare
of a people; which
way does it look?
Supl 10.168 6 All our manner of life is on a secure and
moderate pattern, such as can last. Violence and extravagance
are...distasteful; competence, quiet, comfort, are the agreed welfare.
Prch 10.224 1 The health and welfare of man consist in
ascent from
surfaces to solids;...
HDC 11.52 19 ...said [Tahattawan], all the time you
have lived after the
Indian fashion, under the power of the higher sachems, what did they
for you? They took away your skins, your kettles and your wampum...and
this was all they regarded. But you may see the English...only seek
FRep 11.541 10 Humanity asks...that democratic
institutions shall be more
thoughtful...for the welfare of sick and unable persons...
welkin, n. (1)
SS 7.1 23 ...As if in [Seyd] the welkin walked,/ The
winds took flesh, the
mountains talked/...
well, adj. (28)
MN 1.222 17 If knowledge, said Ali the Caliph, calleth
unto practice, well; if not, it goeth away.
MR 1.237 20 ...it is...the hunter, and the planter, who
have intercepted...the
cotton of the cotton. They have got the education, I only the
commodity. This were all very well if I were necessarily absent...
LT 1.270 16 ...it is well if government and our social
order can extricate
themselves from these alembics and find themselves still government and
social order.
Tran 1.356 27 ...it is well if [the Transcendentalist]
can keep from lying, injustice, and suicide.
Exp 3.65 19 ...do thou, sick or well, finish that
NR 3.244 9 ...men feign themselves dead...and there
they stand looking out
of the window, sound and well, in some new and strange disguise.
NER 3.257 20 It is well if we can swim and skate.
MoS 4.154 4 Life's well enough, but we shall be glad to
get out of it...
ET11 5.172 12 Many of the [English] halls...are
beautiful desolations. The
proprietor never saw them, or never lived in them. Primogeniture built
sumptuous piles, and I suppose it is the sentiment of every
traveller...It was
well to come ere these were gone.
Wth 6.124 1 ...'t is very well that the poor husband
reads in a book of a
new way of living...let him go home and try it, if he dare.
Wsp 6.214 9 The Spirit saith to the man, How is it with
thee? thee
personally? is it well? is it ill?
Wsp 6.239 1 Of immortality, the soul when well employed
is incurious. It
is so well, that it is sure it will be well.
Wsp 6.239 2 Of immortality, the soul when well employed
is incurious. It
is so well, that it is sure it will be well.
Bty 6.298 18 ...we see faces every day which have a
good type but have
been marred in the casting; a proof that we are all...should have been
beautiful if our ancestors had kept the laws,--as every lily and every
rose is
Elo1 7.84 16 It is well with [the audience] only when
[the orator's] influence is complete;...
Suc 7.293 3 Self-trust is the first secret of success,
the belief that if you are
here the authorities of the universe put you here...with some task
appointed you in your constitution, and so long as you work at that you
well and successful.
OA 7.320 17 Life is well enough...
PI 8.32 2 Free trade, [men of the world] concede, is
very well as a
PI 8.32 5 Chastity, [men of the world] admit, is very
well,--but then think
of Mirabeau's passion and temperament!
PI 8.32 7 Eternal laws are very well, which admit no
SA 8.104 1 That is the point which decides the welfare
of a people; which
way does it look? If to any other people, it is not well with them.
Res 8.152 7 Well for [the scholar] if he can say with
the old minstrel, I
know where to find a new song.
Imtl 8.329 15 The saying of Marcus Antoninus it were
hard to mend: It is
well to die if there be gods, and sad to live if there be none.
Aris 10.47 26 This is the whole game of society and the
politics of the
world. Being will always seem well;-but whether possibly I cannot
contrive to seem without the trouble of being?
LLNE 10.365 8 Married women I believe uniformly decided
against the
community. It was to them like the brassy and lacquered life in hotels.
common school was well enough, but to the common nursery they had
grave objections.
War 11.170 15 Men who love that bloated vanity called
public opinion
think all is well if they have once got their bantling through a
course of speeches and cheerings...
EdAd 11.389 4 We are not well, we are not in our seats,
when justice and
humanity are to be spoken for.
CL 12.158 25 ...I have sometimes thought it would be
well to publish an
Art of Walking...
well, adv. (697)
Nat 1.9 15 Nature is a setting that fits equally well a
comic or a mourning
Nat 1.15 14 ...perspective is produced, which
integrates every mass of
objects...into a well colored and shaded globe...
Nat 1.33 9 The axioms of physics translate the laws of
ethics. Thus, the
whole is greater than its part;...and many the like propositions, which
an ethical as well as physical sense.
Nat 1.37 24 ...Property, which has been well compared
to snow...is the
surface action of internal machinery...
Nat 1.73 1 ...there are not wanting...occasional
examples of the action of
man upon nature...with reason as well as understanding.
AmS 1.89 24 Books are the best of things, well used;...
AmS 1.92 26 One must be an inventor to read well.
AmS 1.93 2 There is then creative reading as well as
creative writing.
AmS 1.98 2 Years are well spent in country labors;...to
the one end of
mastering...a language by which to illustrate and embody our
AmS 1.99 10 A great soul will be strong to live, as
well as strong to think.
AmS 1.100 6 There is virtue yet in the hoe and the
spade, for learned as
well as for unlearned hands.
AmS 1.113 19 Every thing that tends to insulate the
individual...tends to
true union as well as greatness.
DSA 1.120 2 ...[the world] is well worth the pith and
heart of great men to
subdue and enjoy it.
DSA 1.121 11 When...[man] attains to say...Virtue, I am
thine;...thee will I
serve...that I may be not virtuous, but virtue; - then...God is well
DSA 1.140 12 ...[the poor preacher's] face is suffused
with shame, to
propose to his parish that they should send money...to furnish such
fare as they...would do well to go the hundred or thousand miles to
DSA 1.148 1 ...slight [the commanders], as you can well
afford to do, by
high and universal aims, and they instantly feel...that it is in lower
that they must shine.
LE 1.155 6 A summons to celebrate with scholars a
literary festival, is so
alluring to me as to overcome the doubts I might well entertain of my
ability to bring you any thought worthy of your attention.
LE 1.164 17 ...the soul has assurance...of all power in
the direction of its
ray, as well as of the special skills it has already acquired.
MN 1.207 2 When Chatham leads the debate, men may well
listen, because
they must listen.
LT 1.260 26 I wish to consider well this affirmative
side [Reform]...
LT 1.265 9 Let us paint...the woman of the world who
has tried and
knows;-let us examine how well she knows.
LT 1.265 20 Could we indicate the indicators...we
should have a series of
sketches which would report to the next ages the color and quality of
ours. Certainly I think if this were done there would be much to admire
as well as
to condemn;...
LT 1.274 5 [The wealthy man] entertains [the
divine]...lodges him; his
religion comes home at night, prays, is...sumptuously laid to sleep;
rises... and after...some well spiced bruage...his religion walks
abroad at eight...
LT 1.279 19 ...magnifying the importance of that wrong,
[men] fancy that
if that abuse were redressed all would go well...
LT 1.283 13 ...the current literature and poetry with
perverse ingenuity
draw us away from life to solitude and meditation. This could well be
borne, if it were great and involuntary;...
Con 1.308 22 ...I am very peaceable, and on my private
account could well
enough die...
Con 1.310 2 ...precisely the defence which was set up
for the British
Constitution, namely that...it worked well...the same defence is set up
the existing institutions.
Con 1.317 11 Rich and fine is your dress, O
conservatism!...your roads are
well cut and well paved;...
Con 1.317 12 Rich and fine is your dress, O
conservatism!...your roads are
well cut and well paved;...
Con 1.319 14 Sickness gets organized as well as
Con 1.319 15 Sickness gets organized as well as health,
the vice as well as
the virtue.
Con 1.322 25 I understand well the respect of mankind
for war...
Con 1.323 12 Those who rise above war, and those who
fall below it, it
easily discriminates, as well as those who, accepting its rude
conditions, keep their own head by their own sword.
Tran 1.334 26 ...let the soul be erect, and all things
will go well.
Tran 1.339 24 It is well known to most of my audience
that the Idealism of
the present day acquired the name of Transcendental from the use of
term by Immanuel Kant...
Tran 1.342 17 ...[Transcendentalists] incline...to find
their tasks and
amusements in solitude. Society to be sure, does not like this very
Tran 1.351 21 In other places other men have
encountered sharp trials, and
behaved themselves well.
Tran 1.353 14 Much of our reading, much of our labor,
seems mere
waiting; it was not that we were born for. Any other could do it as
well or
Tran 1.359 18 ...the thoughts which these few hermits
strove to proclaim
by silence as well as by speech...shall abide in beauty and strength...
YA 1.365 27 The continent we inhabit is to be physic
and food for our
mind, as well as our body.
YA 1.367 13 There is no feature of the old countries
that strikes an
American with more agreeable surprise than the beautiful gardens of
Europe;...works...which might well make the land dear to the citizen...
YA 1.377 1 ...as long as war lasts, the nobles, who
must be soldiers, rule
very well.
YA 1.381 12 The farmer...turns out often a bankrupt,
like the merchant. This result might well seem astounding.
YA 1.386 25 In every society some men are born to rule
and some to
advise. Let the powers be well directed...and they would everywhere be
greeted with joy and honor.
Hist 2.21 7 The mountain of granite [the Gothic
cathedral] blooms into an
eternal flower, with the lightness and delicate finish as well as the
proportions and perspective of vegetable beauty.
Hist 2.23 23 The primeval world...I can dive to it in
myself as well as grope
for it with researching fingers...
Hist 2.29 26 The advancing man discovers how deep a
property he has...in
all fable as well as all history.
SR 2.56 6 If this aversion had its origin in contempt
and resistance like [the
nonconformist's] own he might well go home with a sad countenance;...
SR 2.57 20 [The great soul] may as well concern himself
with his shadow
on the wall.
SR 2.62 18 That popular fable of the sot who was picked
up dead-drunk in
the street...owes its popularity to the fact that it symbolizes so well
the state
of man...
SR 2.69 8 The soul raised over passion...calms itself
with knowing that all
things go well.
SR 2.73 25 You will soon love what is dictated by your
nature as well as
SR 2.80 16 If [unbalanced minds] are honest and do
well, presently their
neat new pinfold will be too strait and low...
Comp 2.96 8 If a man dogmatize in a mixed company on
Providence and
the divine laws, he is answered by a silence which conveys well enough
an observer the dissatisfaction of the hearer, but his incapacity to
make his
own statement.
Comp 2.110 15 ...[every opinion] is a harpoon hurled at
the whale, unwinding, as it flies, a coil of cord in the boat, and, if
the harpoon is not
good, or not well thrown, it will go nigh to cut the steersman in twain
sink the boat.
Comp 2.110 27 Treat men as pawns and ninepins and you
shall suffer as
well as they.
Comp 2.111 25 [Fear] is a carrion crow, and though you
see not well what
he hovers for, there is death somewhere.
Comp 2.112 14 Experienced men of the world know very
well that it is
best to pay scot and lot as they go along...
Comp 2.120 19 The thoughtless say...What boots it to do
Comp 2.123 23 Look at those who have less faculty, and
one...knows not
well what to make of it.
SL 2.137 9 [Our society] is a graduated, titled, richly
appointed empire, quite superfluous when town-meetings are found to
answer just as well.
SL 2.138 8 One sees very well how Pyrrhonism grew up.
SL 2.142 6 The common experience is that the man fits
himself as well as
he can to the customary details of that work or trade he falls into...
SL 2.153 15 The argument which has not power to reach
my own practice, I may well doubt will fail to reach yours.
SL 2.158 2 In every troop of boys...a new-comer is as
well and accurately
weighed in the course of a few days and stamped with his right number,
if he had undergone a formal trial of his strength, speed and temper.
SL 2.164 25 ...let me do my work so well that other
idlers if they choose
may compare my texture with the texture of [Brant, Schuyler,
Washington] and find it identical with the best.
Lov1 2.177 18 ...men have written good verses under the
inspiration of
passion who cannot write well under any other circumstances.
Lov1 2.181 3 [What we love] is that which you know not
in yourself and
can never know. This agrees well with that high philosophy of Beauty
which the ancient writers delighted in;...
Fdsp 2.197 13 ...I see well that, for all his purple
cloaks, I shall not like [the
party you praise], unless he is at least a poor Greek like me.
Fdsp 2.201 23 Happy is the house that shelters a
friend! It might well be
built...to entertain him a single day.
Fdsp 2.204 11 ...a friend may well be reckoned the
masterpiece of nature.
Fdsp 2.205 3 I wish that friendship should have feet,
as well as eyes and
Fdsp 2.206 13 Friendship may be said to require
natures...each so well
tempered and so happily adapted...that its satisfaction can very seldom
Fdsp 2.215 16 ...I know well I shall mourn always the
vanishing of my
mighty gods.
Fdsp 2.215 19 ...next week I shall have languid moods,
when I can well
afford to occupy myself with foreign objects;...
Prd1 2.221 7 I have no skill to make money spend
Prd1 2.221 14 We write from aspiration and antagonism,
as well as from
Prd1 2.227 6 The domestic man, who loves no music so
well as his kitchen
clock...has solaces which others never dream of.
Prd1 2.231 19 We call partial half-lights, by courtesy,
which glitters to-day that it may dine and sleep well to-morrow;...
Hsm1 2.246 10 Let not soft nature so transformed be,/
And lose her gentler
sexed humanity,/ to make me see my lord bleed. So, 't is well;/...
Hsm1 2.253 27 The magnanimous know very well that they
who give time, or money, or shelter, to the stranger...do, as it were,
put God under
obligation to them...
Hsm1 2.255 17 [Greatness] does not need plenty, and can
very well abide
its loss.
Hsm1 2.255 21 It is a height to which common duty can
very well attain, to
suffer and to dare with solemnity.
Hsm1 2.258 1 Epaminondas, brave and affectionate, does
not seem to us to
need Olympus to die upon, nor the Syrian sunshine. He lies very well
he is.
Hsm1 2.261 8 Let us be generous of our dignity as well
as of our money.
OS 2.277 16 ...in groups where debate is earnest...the
company become
aware...that all have a spiritual property in what was said, as well as
OS 2.285 16 We know each other very well...
OS 2.293 20 ...there is a power, which, as it is in
you, is in [your friend] also, and could therefore very well bring you
Cir 2.307 18 I know and see too well...the speedy
limits of persons called
high and worthy.
Cir 2.312 12 The field cannot be well seen from within
the field.
Cir 2.315 4 ...he can well spare his mule and panniers
who has a winged
chariot instead.
Cir 2.315 22 The poor and the low have their way of
expressing the last
facts of philosophy as well as you.
Int 2.337 4 Without instruction we know very well the
ideal of the human
Int 2.337 24 ...the mystic pencil wherewith we...draw
[in unconscious
states]...can design well and group well;...
Int 2.337 25 ...the mystic pencil wherewith we...draw
[in unconscious
states]...can design well and group well;...its colors are well laid
Int 2.341 16 ...every man is a receiver of this
descending holy ghost, and
may well study the laws of its influx.
Int 2.346 25 Well assured that their speech is
intelligible...[the Greek
philosophers] add thesis to thesis...
Art1 2.357 16 When I have seen fine statues and
afterwards enter a public
assembly, I understand well what he meant who said, When I have been
reading Homer, all men look like giants.
Art1 2.361 12 When I came at last to Rome and saw with
eyes the pictures, I found that genius...was the plain you and me I
knew so well...
Art1 2.365 18 Life may be lyric or epic, as well as a
poem or a romance.
Art1 2.366 13 Men are not well pleased with the figure
they make in their
own imaginations, and they flee to art...
Pt1 3.17 22 Small and mean things serve as well as
great symbols.
Pt1 3.18 9 Day and night, house and garden, a few
books, a few actions, serve us as well as would all trades and all
Pt1 3.30 25 What a joyful sense of freedom we have when
announces the old opinion of artists that no architect can build any
well who does not know something of anatomy.
Pt1 3.39 21 ...the poet knows well that [what he says]
not his;...
Exp 3.56 2 How strongly I have felt of pictures that
when you have seen
one well, you must take your leave of it;...
Exp 3.56 12 The child asks, Mamma, why don't I like the
story as well as
when you told it me yesterday?
Exp 3.59 26 We live amid surfaces, and the true art of
life is to skate well
on them.
Exp 3.60 1 Under the oldest mouldiest conventions a man
of native force
prospers just as well as in the newest world...
Exp 3.60 17 Let us treat the men and women well; treat
them as if they
were real; perhaps they are.
Exp 3.68 21 ...the moral sentiment is well called the
Exp 3.73 7 I fully understand language, [Mencius] said,
and nourish well
my vast-flowing vigor.
Exp 3.75 12 The new statement will comprise the
scepticisms as well as the
faiths of society...
Exp 3.79 5 ...there is no crime to the intellect. That
is antinomian or
hypernomian, and judges law as well as fact.
Chr1 3.90 7 [Character] is conceived of as a certain
undemonstrable force... by whose impulses the man is guided...which is
company for him, so that
such men...can entertain themselves very well alone.
Chr1 3.92 8 There are geniuses in trade, as well as in
war, or the State, or
Chr1 3.93 9 In his parlor I see very well that [the
natural merchant] has
been at hard work this morning...
Chr1 3.103 19 Fear, when your friends say to you what
you have done
well, and say it through;...
Chr1 3.110 17 He is a dull observer whose experience
has not taught him
the reality and force of magic, as well as of chemistry.
Mrs1 3.122 22 ...our words intimate well enough the
popular feeling that
the appearance supposes a substance.
Mrs1 3.138 9 The flower of courtesy does not very well
bide handling...
Mrs1 3.138 13 To the leaders of men, the brain as well
as the flesh and the
heart must furnish a proportion.
Mrs1 3.155 3 ...I shall hear without pain that I play
the courtier very ill, and
talk of that which I do not well understand.
Mrs1 3.155 5 It is easy to see that what is called by
distinction society and
fashion has good laws as well as bad...
Gts 3.160 23 Necessity does everything well.
Gts 3.162 20 He is a good man who can receive a gift
Gts 3.164 15 ...our action on each other, good as well
as evil, is so
incidental and at random that we can seldom hear the acknowledgments of
any person who would thank us for a benefit, without some shame and
Nat2 3.176 8 In every landscape the point of
astonishment is the meeting of
the sky and the earth, and that is seen from the first hillock as well
as from
the top of the Alleghanies.
Nat2 3.184 16 The astronomers said, Give us matter and
a little motion and
we will construct the universe. ... A very unreasonable postulate, said
metaphysicians, and a plain begging of the question. Could you not
to know the genesis of projection, as well as the continuation of it?
Nat2 3.189 23 ...no man can...do anything well who does
not esteem his
work to be of importance.
Nat2 3.190 26 ...trade to all the world, country-house
and cottage by the
waterside, all for a little conversation, high, clear and spiritual!
Could it not
be had as well by beggars on the highway?
Pol1 3.205 3 Things have their laws, as well as men;...
Pol1 3.208 4 Good men must not obey the laws too well.
Pol1 3.211 21 Fisher Ames expressed the popular
security more wisely... saying that a monarchy is a merchantman, which
sails well, but will
sometimes strike on a rock and go to the bottom;...
Pol1 3.214 19 I can see well enough a great difference
between my setting
myself down to a self-control, and my going to make somebody else act
after my views;...
Pol1 3.216 10 [The wise man] needs no army, fort, or
navy,--he loves men
too well;...
Pol1 3.220 25 There is not, among the most religious
and instructed men of
the most religious and civil nations...a sufficient belief in the unity
things, to persuade them that society can be maintained without
restraints, as well as the solar system;...
Pol1 3.221 27 ...there are now men...to whom no weight
of adverse
experience will make it for a moment appear impossible that thousands
human beings might exercise towards each other the grandest and
sentiments, as well as a knot of friends...
NR 3.225 14 ...a society of men will cursorily
represent well enough a
certain quality and culture...
NR 3.233 2 What is well done [in books] I feel as if I
NR 3.235 20 Thus we settle it in our cool libraries,
that all the agents with
which we deal are subalterns, which we can well afford to let pass,...
NR 3.240 27 I think I have done well if I have acquired
a new word from a
good author;...
NR 3.244 11 Jesus is not dead; he is very well alive...
NR 3.248 24 Could [my good men] but once understand
that I...heartily
wished them God-speed, yet...could well consent to their living in
for any claim I felt on them,--it would be a great satisfaction.
NER 3.252 15 It was in vain urged by the housewife that
God made yeast, as well as dough...
NER 3.256 15 ...I am prone to count myself relieved of
any responsibility
to behave well and nobly to that person whom I pay with money;...
NER 3.262 9 Do you complain of the laws of Property? It
is a pedantry to
give such importance to them. Can we not play the game of life with
counters, as well as those?...
NER 3.262 10 Do you complain of the laws of Property?
It is a pedantry to
give such importance to them. Can we not play the game of life...in the
institution of property, as well as out of it?
NER 3.270 27 You remember the story of the poor woman
who importuned
King Philip of Macedon to grant her justice, which Philip refused: the
woman exclaimed, I appeal: the king, astonished, asked to whom she
appealed: the woman replied, From Philip drunk to Philip sober. The
will suit me very well.
NER 3.274 18 The heroes of ancient and modern
fame...have treated life
and fortune as a game to be well and skilfully played...
NER 3.275 21 ...having established his equality with
class after class of
those with whom he would live well, [a man] still finds certain others
before whom he cannot possess himself...
NER 3.278 6 If...we start objections to your project, O
friend of the slave... understand well that it is because we wish to
drive you to drive us into your
NER 3.283 23 ...whether thy work be fine or coarse...so
only it be honest
work...it shall earn a reward to the senses as well as to the
NER 3.283 25 The reward of a thing well done, is to
have done it.
UGM 4.21 15 If I work in my garden and prune an
apple-tree, I am well
enough entertained...
PPh 4.43 3 Every man who would do anything well, must
come to it from a
higher ground.
PPh 4.45 4 I am struck...with the extreme modernness of
[Plato's] style and
spirit. Here is the germ of that Europe we know so well...
PPh 4.59 1 One would say [Plato] had read the
inscription on the gates of
Busyrane,--Be bold; and on the second gate,--Be bold, be bold, and
evermore be bold; and then again had paused well at the third gate,--Be
too bold.
PPh 4.60 11 [Plato] could well afford to be generous...
PPh 4.74 4 ...Meno has discoursed a thousand times, at
length, on virtue... and very well, as it appeared to him;...
PNR 4.86 7 Plato is so centred that he can well spare
all his dogmas.
SwM 4.103 4 There is beauty of a concert, as well as of
a flute;...
SwM 4.103 5 There is...strength of a host, as well as
of a hero;...
SwM 4.116 21 [Swedenborg says] I intend hereafter to
communicate a
number of examples of such correspondences, together with a vocabulary
containing the terms of spiritual things, as well as of the physical
things for
which they are to be substituted.
SwM 4.127 9 [Swedenborg's Conjugal Love] came near to
be the Hymn of
Love, which Plato attempted in the Banquet; the love...which, as
celebrated, in its genesis, fruition and effect, might well entrance
the souls...
SwM 4.134 27 That Hebrew muse, which taught the lore of
right and
wrong to men, had the same excess of influence for [Swedenborg] it has
had for the nations. The mode, as well as the essence, was sacred.
SwM 4.139 11 ...we feel the more generous spirit of the
Indian Vishnu,--I
am the same to all mankind. ... If one whose ways are altogether evil
me alone...he is altogether well employed;...
MoS 4.153 20 [The men of the senses] hold that Luther
had milk in him... when he advised a young scholar, perplexed with
fore-ordination and free-will, to get well drunk.
MoS 4.154 17 There is so much trouble in coming into
the world, said Lord
Bolingbroke, and so much more, as well as meanness, in going out of it,
that 't is hardly worth while to be here at all.
MoS 4.180 24 [Some minds] may well give themselves
leave to speculate, for they are secure of a return.
ShP 4.195 23 The first play [Shakespeare's Henry VIII]
was written by a
superior, thoughtful man, with a vicious ear. I can mark his lines, and
well their cadence.
ShP 4.197 2 Other men say wise things as well as [the
ShP 4.197 10 ...[Homer, Chaucer, Saadi] are librarians
historiographers, as well as poets.
ShP 4.205 22 [Shakespeare] was...an actor and
shareholder in the theatre, not in any striking manner distinguished
from other actors and managers. I
admit the importance of this information. It was well worth the pains
have been taken to procure it.
ShP 4.206 10 We tell the chronicle of
parentage...celebrity, death; and
when we have come to an end of this gossip...it seems as if, had we
at random into the Modern Plutarch and read any other life there, it
have fitted [Shakespeare's] poems as well.
ShP 4.210 18 Had [Shakespeare] been less, we should
have had to consider
how well he filled his place...
ShP 4.213 6 ...[Shakespeare] is strong, as nature is
strong, who lifts the
land into mountain slopes without effort and by the same rule as she
floats a
bubble in the air, and likes as well to do the one as the other.
NMW 4.228 12 An Italian proverb, too well known,
declares that if you
would succeed, you must not be too good.
NMW 4.231 15 ...[Bonaparte] pleased himself, as well as
the people, when
he styled himself the Child of Destiny.
NMW 4.231 23 Nothing has been more simple than my
elevation [said
Bonaparte]...it was owing to the peculiarity of the times and to my
reputation of having fought well against the enemies of my country.
NMW 4.239 27 Those who had to deal with him found that
[Bonaparte]... could cipher as well as another man.
NMW 4.241 23 [Napoleon] knew, as well as any Jacobin in
France, how to
philosophize on liberty and equality;...
NMW 4.245 2 Natural power was sure to be well received
at [Napoleon's] court.
NMW 4.252 6 [Napoleon] could enjoy every play of
invention...as well as
a stratagem in a campaign.
NMW 4.255 4 For my part [said Napoleon] I know very
well that I have no
true friends.
GoW 4.263 14 ...as the good Luther writes, When I am
angry, I can pray
well and preach well...
GoW 4.263 15 ...as the good Luther writes, When I am
angry, I can pray
well and preach well...
GoW 4.265 26 [The scholar]...must also wish with other
men to stand well
with his contemporaries.
GoW 4.276 2 [Goethe] hates...to be made to say over
again some old wife's
fable that has had possession of men's faith these thousand years. He
as well see if it is true as another.
GoW 4.276 21 ...[Goethe] flies at the throat of this
imp [the Devil]. He
shall be real;...he shall dress like a gentleman...and be well
initiated in the
life of Vienna and of Heidelberg in 1820...
ET1 5.5 19 [Greenough's] face was so handsome and his
person so well
formed that he might be pardoned, if, as was alleged, the face of his
and the figure of a colossal Achilles in clay, were idealizations of
his own.
ET1 5.7 18 ...[Landor]...is well content to impress, if
possible, his English
whim upon the immutable past.
ET1 5.12 1 He (Coleridge) knew all about Unitarianism
perfectly well...
ET1 5.19 2 ...[Carlyle] named certain
individuals...whom London had well
ET2 5.28 7 It is impossible not to personify a ship;
every body does, in
every thing they say:--she behaves well;...
ET3 5.38 3 ...to see England well needs a hundred
ET3 5.38 5 ...what they told me was the merit of Sir
John Soane's Museum, in London,--that it was well packed and well
saved,--is the merit of
ET3 5.38 6 ...what they told me was the merit of Sir
John Soane's Museum, in London,--that it was well packed and well
saved,--is the merit of
ET4 5.51 20 In the impossibility of arriving at
satisfaction on the historical
question of race, and...the indisputable Englishman before me, himself
well marked and nowhere else to be found,--I fancied I could leave
aside the choice of a tribe as his lineal progenitors...
ET4 5.51 26 ...certain temperaments marry well...
ET4 5.53 22 These queries concerning ancestry and blood
may be well
ET4 5.63 14 The coster-mongers of London streets hold
cowardice in
loathing:--we must work our fists well;...
ET4 5.65 14 [The English] are round, ruddy and
handsome; at least the
whole bust is well formed...
ET4 5.69 5 [The English] have a vigorous health and
last well into middle
and old age.
ET4 5.71 17 The Englishman associates well with dogs
and horses.
ET5 5.84 11 [The English] are neat husbands for
ordering all their tools
pertaining to house and field. All are well kept.
ET5 5.88 17 [The English] cannot well read a principle,
except by the light
of fagots and of burning towns.
ET5 5.89 21 [The Englishman] would rather not do
anything at all than not
do it well.
ET5 5.96 15 The English trade does not exist for the
exportation of native
products, but on its manufactures, or the making well every thing which
ill-made elsewhere.
ET7 5.126 2 Defoe, who knew his countrymen well, says
of them,--In close
intrigue, their faculty's but weak,/ For generally whate'er they know,
ET8 5.129 2 ...a kind of pride in bad public speaking
is noted in the House
of Commons, as if they...thought they spoke well enough if they had the
tone of gentlemen.
ET8 5.131 16 Wellington said of the young coxcombs of
the Life-Guards, delicately brought up, But the puppies fight well;...
ET8 5.134 12 ...here [in England] exists the best stock
in the world...men
of...strong instincts, yet apt for culture; war-class as well as
ET8 5.134 13 ...here [in England] exists the best stock
in the world...men
of...strong instincts, yet apt for culture;...wise minority, as well as
ET8 5.138 24 Our swifter Americans, when they first
deal with English, pronounce them stupid; but, later, do them justice
as people who wear
ET8 5.142 6 ...to appease diseased or inflamed talent,
the [English] army
and navy may be entered (the worst boys doing well in the navy);...
ET8 5.142 18 ...[the English] like well to have the
world served up to them
in books, maps, models...
ET9 5.148 3 If one of [the English] have...a squeaking
or a raven voice, he
has persuaded himself...that it sits well on him.
ET10 5.167 3 There should be temperance in making
cloth, as well as in
ET11 5.178 8 [The English] proverb is, that fifty miles
from London, a
family will last a hundred years;...but I doubt that steam, the enemy
of time
as well as of space, will disturb these ancient rules.
ET12 5.199 12 ...I availed myself of some repeated
invitations to Oxford, where I had introductions to Dr. Daubeny...and
to the Regius Professor of
Divinity, as well as to a valued friend [Arthur Hugh Clough]...
ET12 5.203 4 ...the committee charged with the affair
[the purchase of
Thomas Lawrence's art collection] had collected three thousand pounds,
when, among other friends, They called on Lord Eldon. ... ...he said,
men have probably already contributed all they can spare; I can as well
the rest...
ET12 5.211 24 Charles I. said that he understood
English law as well as a
gentleman ought to understand it.
ET13 5.216 22 ...George Fox, Penn, Bunyan are the
democrats, as well as
the saints of their times.
ET13 5.221 9 A great duke said on the occasion of a
victory, in the House
of Lords, that he thought the Almighty God had not been well used by
ET13 5.226 8 If in any manner [the wise legislator] can
leave the election
and paying of the priest to the people, he will do well.
ET13 5.227 26 ...you must pay for conformity. All goes
well as long as you
run with conformists.
ET14 5.237 13 A man must think that age well taught and
thoughtful, by
which masques and poems, like those of Ben Jonson...were received with
ET14 5.253 10 The eye of the naturalist must have...a
to the heart as well as to the logic of creation.
ET14 5.257 1 ...if this religion is in the poetry, it
raises us to some purpose, and we can well afford some staidness or
ET14 5.259 25 I can well believe what I have often
heard, that there are
two nations in England;...
ET15 5.269 15 There is an air of freedom even in [the
London Times's] advertising columns, which speaks well for England to a
ET16 5.279 14 To these conscious stones [of Stonehenge]
we two pilgrims [Emerson and Carlyle] were alike known and near. We
could equally well
revere their old British meaning.
ET16 5.281 2 I stood on the last [the sacrificial stone
at Stonehenge], and [Mr. Brown] pointed to the upright, or rather,
inclined stone, called the
astronomical, and bade me notice that its top ranged with the sky-line.
Yes. Very well.
ET16 5.288 14 On the way to Winchester...my friends
asked many
questions respecting American landscape, forests, houses,--my house,
example. It is not easy to answer these queries well.
ET17 5.297 18 Who reads [Wordsworth] well will know
that in following
the strong bent of his genius, he was careless of the many, careless
also of
the few...
ET17 5.298 5 ...let us say of [Wordsworth] that, alone
in his time, he
treated the human mind well...
ET18 5.299 11 [The English] are well marked and
differing from other
leading races.
ET18 5.301 24 In Magna Charta it was ordained that all
merchants shall
have safe and secure conduct...to pass as well by land as by water...
ET18 5.306 25 It was pleaded in mitigation of the
rotten borough [in
England], that it worked well...
ET19 5.309 9 In looking over recently a
newspaper-report of my remarks [at the Manchester Atheneaum Banquet], I
incline to reprint it, as fitly
expressing the feeling with which I entered England, and which agrees
enough with the more deliberate results of better acquaintance recorded
the foregoing pages.
ET19 5.312 15 ...I was given to understand in my
childhood that the British
island from which my forefathers came was...a cold, foggy, mournful
country, where nothing grew well in the open air but robust men and
virtuous women...
ET19 5.313 13 I see [England]...well remembering that
she has seen dark
days before;...
F 6.1 6 Well might then the poet scorn/ To learn of
scribe or courtier/ Hints
writ in vaster character;/...
F 6.10 19 You may as well ask a loom which weaves
huckabuck why it
does not make cashmere...
F 6.21 23 ...we must...seek to do justice to the other
elements as well.
F 6.21 26 Thus we trace Fate...in thought and character
as well.
F 6.36 21 This knot of nature is so well tied that
nobody was ever cunning
enough to find the two ends.
F 6.38 5 [A creature] is not possible until the
invisible things are right for
him, as well as the visible.
F 6.43 25 Iron was deep in the ground and well combined
with stone, but
could not hide from [man's] fires.
Pow 6.53 19 ...[a man] can well afford to let events
and possessions and the
breath of the body go, if their value has been added to him in the
shape of
Pow 6.55 16 If Eric...has slept well...at his departure
from Greenland he
will steer west, and his ships will reach Newfoundland.
Pow 6.56 18 A man who knows men, can talk well on
politics, trade, law, war, religion.
Pow 6.58 21 ...Shakspeare was theatre-manager and used
the labor of many
young men, as well as the playbooks.
Pow 6.59 20 Nothing that [the weaker party] knows will
quite hit the mark, whilst all the rival's arrows are good, and well
Pow 6.59 26 ...when [the weaker party] himself is
matched with some other
antagonist, his own shafts fly well and hit.
Pow 6.60 7 Health is good,--power, life, that...is
conservative as well as
Pow 6.66 24 It is an esoteric doctrine of
society...that public spirit and the
ready hand are as well found among the malignants.
Pow 6.70 10 ...when you espouse an Orleans party...or
any other but an
organic party, though you mean well, you have a personality instead of
principle, which will inevitably drag you into a corner.
Pow 6.78 14 No genius can recite a ballad at first
reading so well as
mediocrity can at the fifteenth or twentieth reading.
Pow 6.78 20 The rule for hospitality and Irish 'help'
is to have the same
dinner every day throughout the year. At last, Mrs. O'Shaughnessy
learns to
cook it to a nicety, the host learns to carve it, and the guests are
well served.
Wth 6.83 9 ...well the primal pioneer/ Knew the strong
task to it assigned,/ Patient through Heaven's enormous year/ To build
in matter home for
Wth 6.86 25 We may well call [coal] black diamonds.
Wth 6.92 10 It is the privilege of any human work which
is well done to
invest the doer with a certain haughtiness.
Wth 6.92 12 He can well afford not to conciliate, whose
faithful work will
answer for him.
Wth 6.93 16 Power is what [men of sense] want...power
to execute their
design...which, to a clear-sighted man, appears the end for which the
universe exists, and all its resources might be well applied.
Wth 6.93 18 Columbus thinks that the sphere is a
problem for practical
navigation as well as for closet geometry...
Wth 6.95 8 [The rich] include the country as well as
the town...in their
notion of available material.
Wth 6.97 5 Goethe said well, Nobody should be rich but
those who
understand it.
Wth 6.100 2 Commerce is a game of skill, which every
man cannot play, which few men can play well.
Wth 6.106 18 ...for all that is consumed so much less
remains in the basket
and pot, but what is gone out of these is not wasted, but well spent,
if it
nourish [a man's] body and enable him to finish his task;...
Wth 6.108 20 All salaries are reckoned on contingent as
well as on actual
Wth 6.114 10 Pride...can talk with poor men, or sit
silent well contented in
fine saloons.
Wth 6.119 3 The farm yielded no money, and the farmer
got on without it. If he fell sick, his neighbors came in to his
aid;...well knowing that no man
could afford to hire labor without selling his land.
Ctr 6.135 25 Have you talked with Messieurs
Turbinewheel, Summitlevel, and Lacofruppees? Then you may as well die.
Ctr 6.145 19 Can we never extract this tape-worm of
Europe from the brain
of our countrymen? One sees very well what their fate must be.
Ctr 6.149 5 ...though [Thomas Hobbes] conceived he
could order his
thinking as well as another, yet he found a great defect.
Ctr 6.161 7 A man who stands on a good footing with the
heads of parties
at Washington, reads...the guesses of provincial politicians with a key
to the
right and wrong in each statement, and sees well enough where all this
Ctr 6.162 9 Try the rough water as well as the smooth.
Bhr 6.174 18 Manners...grow out of circumstance as well
as out of
Bhr 6.174 21 If you look at the pictures of patricians
and of peasants of
different periods and countries, you will see how well they match the
classes in our towns.
Bhr 6.174 22 The modern aristocrat...is well drawn in
Titian's Venetian
doges and in Roman coins and statues...
Wsp 6.202 20 We may well give skepticism as much line
as we can.
Wsp 6.208 4 The lover of the old religion complains
that our
contemporaries, scholars as well as merchants, succumb to a great
Wsp 6.215 23 ...a day comes when [a man] begins to care
that he do not
cheat his neighbor. Then all goes well.
Wsp 6.221 12 We owe to the Hindoo Scriptures a
definition of Law, which
compares well with any in our Western books.
Wsp 6.228 1 Among the nuns in a convent not far from
Rome, one had
appeared who laid claim to certain rare gifts of inspiration and
prophecy, and the abbess advised the Holy Father of the wonderful
powers shown by
her novice. The Pope did not well know what to make of these new
Wsp 6.230 13 I am well assured that the Questioner who
brings me so
many problems will bring the answers also in due time.
Wsp 6.232 23 A high aim is curative, as well as arnica.
Wsp 6.235 11 A man, says Vishnu Sarma, who having well
compared his
own strength or weakness with that of others, after all doth not know
difference, is easily overcome by his enemies.
Wsp 6.238 27 Of immortality, the soul when well
employed is incurious.
CbW 6.243 27 Of all wit's uses, the main one/ Is to
live well with who has
CbW 6.246 6 We like very well to be praised for our
CbW 6.257 16 ...one would say that a good understanding
would suffice as
well as moral sensibility to keep one erect;...
Bty 6.279 9 [Seyd] smote the lake to feed his eye/ With
the beryl beam of
the broken wave./ He flung in pebbles well to hear/ The moment's music
which they gave./
Bty 6.282 13 However rash and however falsified by
pretenders and traders
in [astrology], the hint was true and divine...that climate, century,
natures as well as near, are part of [the soul's] biography.
Bty 6.290 27 The dancing-master can never teach a badly
built man to walk
Bty 6.297 22 We all know this magic [of beautiful
women] very well...
Bty 6.299 9 The man is physically as well as
metaphysically a thing of
shreds and patches...
Ill 6.310 25 I own I did not like the [Mammoth] cave so
well for eking out
its sublimities with this theatrical trick.
Ill 6.317 20 Bonaparte is intellectual, as well as
Ill 6.318 2 Since our tuition is through emblems and
indirections, it is well
to know that there is method in it...
Ill 6.321 12 ...if we weave a yard of tape in all
humility and as well as we
can, long hereafter we shall see it was no cotton tape at all but some
which we braided...
SS 7.7 25 ...each of these potentates [Dante,
Michaelangelo, Columbus] saw well the reason of his exclusion.
SS 7.10 16 [A man] is to be dressed in arts and
institutions, as well as in
body garments.
Civ 7.17 14 Witness the mute all hail/ The joyful
traveller gives, when on
the verge/ Of craggy Indian wilderness he hears/ From a log cabin
Beethoven's notes/ On the piano, played with master's hand./ Well done!
he cries; the bear is kept at bay/...
Civ 7.34 18 Montesquieu says: Countries are well
cultivated, not as they
are fertile, but as they are free;...
Art2 7.37 10 [All the departments of life] are sublime
when seen as
emanations of a Necessity...dissolving man as well as his works in its
flowing beneficence.
Art2 7.53 7 We feel, in seeing a noble building, which
rhymes well, as we
do in hearing a perfect song, that it is spiritually organic;...
Elo1 7.68 9 ...we must be fed and warmed before we can
do any work
well,--even the best...
Elo1 7.70 16 The whole world knows pretty well the
style of these [Eastern] improvisators...in our translations of the
Arabian Nights.
Elo1 7.74 10 There is the glib tongue and cool
self-possession of the
salesman in a large shop, which, as is well known, overpower the
and resolution of housekeepers of both sexes.
Elo1 7.75 7 These accomplishments [of eloquence] are of
the same kind, and only a degree higher than...the vituperative style
well described in the
street-word jawing.
Elo1 7.79 8 Whoso can speak well, said Luther, is a
Elo1 7.79 24 ...there are men of the most peaceful way
of life...who are felt
wherever they go...and these examples may be found on very humble
platforms as well as on high ones.
Elo1 7.80 11 I know very well that among our cool and
calculating people... there is a good deal of skepticism as to
extraordinary influence.
Elo1 7.84 8 Pepys says of Lord Clarendon...though he
spoke indeed
excellent well, yet his manner and freedom of doing it, as if he played
it, and was informing only all the rest of the company, was mighty
Elo1 7.84 17 It is well with [the audience] only when
[the orator's] influence is complete; then only they are well pleased.
Elo1 7.86 17 ...it is the certainty with which,
indifferently in any affair that
is well handled, the truth stares us in the face...that makes the
interest of a
court-room to the intelligent spectator.
Elo1 7.87 22 The parts [in the court-room trial] were
so well cast and
discriminated that it was an interesting game to watch.
Elo1 7.87 24 The parts [in the court-room trial] were
so well cast and
discriminated that it was an interesting game to watch. The government
well enough represented.
Elo1 7.88 2 The judge [in the court-room trial] had a
task beyond his
preparation, yet his position remained real: he was there to represent
a great
reality,--the justice of states, which we could well enough see
beetling over
his head...
Elo1 7.88 5 The judge [in the court-room trial] had a
task beyond his
preparation, yet his position remained real: he was there to represent
a great
reality,--the justice of states...which his trifling talk...did not
impede, since
he was entirely well meaning.
Elo1 7.89 9 A crowd of men go up to Faneuil Hall; they
are all pretty well
acquainted with the object of the meeting;...
Elo1 7.91 16 ...we...might well go round the world, to
see...a man who, in
prosecuting great designs, has an absolute command of the means of
representing his ideas...
Elo1 7.99 11 [Eloquence] may well stand as the exponent
of all that is
grand and immortal in the mind.
DL 7.107 7 The household is the home of the man, as
well as of the child.
DL 7.112 21 If the children...are...schooled and at
home fostered by the
parents,--then does the hospitality of the house suffer;... ... If all
are well
attended, then must the master and mistress be studious of particulars
at the
cost of their own accomplishments and growth;...
DL 7.119 6 ...let this stranger...in your looks, in
your accent and behavior, read...your thought and will...which he may
well travel fifty miles...to
DL 7.122 18 I honor that man whose ambition it is...to
be a master of living
DL 7.129 24 ...whatever purifies and enlarges [the
dweller], may well find
place [in the household].
Farm 7.149 12 As [the farmer] nursed his Thanksgiving
turkeys on bread
and milk, so he will pamper his peaches and grapes on the viands they
best. If they have an appetite...even now and then for a dead hog, he
indulge them. They keep the secret well...
Farm 7.153 10 The farmer stands well on the world.
Farm 7.153 18 ...[the farmer] stands well on the
WD 7.165 20 I believe they have ceased to publish the
Newgate Calendar
and the Pirate's Own Book since the family newspapers...have quite
superseded them in the freshness as well as the horror of their records
WD 7.167 20 The poem [Hesiod's Works and Days] is full
of piety as well
as prudence...
WD 7.176 24 In daily life, what distinguishes the
master is the using of
those materials he has, instead of looking about for...what others have
WD 7.181 3 I remember well the foreign scholar who made
a week of my
youth happy by his visit.
Boks 7.194 13 ...the Bible has been the literature as
well as the religion of
large portions of Europe;...
Boks 7.212 10 Poetry...must be well allowed for an
imaginative creature.
Boks 7.213 18 [Men's] education is neglected; but the
circulating library
and the theatre, as well as the trout-fishing...make such amends as
they can.
Boks 7.218 9 ...I might as well not have begun as to
leave out a class of
books which are the best: I mean the Bibles...
Boks 7.219 22 [The communications of the sacred
books]...are living
characters translatable into every tongue and form of life. I read them
lichens and bark;...I detect them in laughter and blushes and
eye-sparkles of
men and women. These are Scriptures which the missionary might well
carry over prairie, desert and ocean...
Boks 7.220 14 In comparing the number of good books
with the shortness
of life, many might well be read by proxy, if we had good proxies;...
Boks 7.220 15 ...it would be well for sincere young men
to borrow a hint
from the French Institute and the British Association...
Clbs 7.228 6 Every time we say a thing in conversation,
we get a
mechanical advantage in detaching it well and deliverly.
Clbs 7.229 2 We remember the time...on a long journey
in the old stage-coach, where...people became rapidly acquainted, and,
if well adapted, more intimate in a day than if they had been neighbors
for years.
Clbs 7.232 4 I know well the rusticity of the shy
Clbs 7.233 15 There must be large reception as well as
Clbs 7.236 18 Conversation is the vent of character as
well as of thought;...
Clbs 7.238 1 Wafthrudnir asks [Odin] the name of the
god of the sun...etc.; all which the disguised Odin answers
satisfactorily. Then it is his turn to
interrogate, and he is answered well for a time by the Jotun.
Clbs 7.242 6 I have known persons of rare ability who
were heavy
company to good social men who knew well enough how to draw out
others of retiring habit;...
Clbs 7.243 8 It was the Marchioness of Rambouillet who
through the morgue of etiquette by inviting to her house men of wit and
learning as well as men of rank...
Clbs 7.243 20 We know well the Mermaid Club...
Clbs 7.244 11 Every scholar is surrounded by wiser men
than he--if they
cannot write as well.
Clbs 7.245 7 There are people who cannot well be
Cour 7.255 12 The third excellence is courage, the
perfect will...which...is
never quite itself until the hazard is extreme; then...all its powers
play well.
Cour 7.261 14 Each [new soldier] whispers to
himself:...only will the
benignant Heaven save me from disgracing myself and my friends and my
State. Die! O yes, I can well die; but I cannot afford to misbehave;...
Cour 7.263 6 It is the groom who knows the jumping
horse well who can
safely ride him.
Cour 7.267 26 There is a courage of the cabinet as well
as a courage of the
Cour 7.268 8 Merchants recognize as much gallantry,
well judged too, in
the conduct of a wise and upright man of business in difficult times,
soldiers in a soldier.
Cour 7.269 9 Morphy played a daring game in chess: the
daring was only
an illusion of the spectator, for the player sees his move to be well
and safe.
Cour 7.269 22 In all applications [courage] is the same
power,--the habit of
reference to one's own mind...which can easily dispose of any book
because it can very well do without all books.
Cour 7.273 2 Napoleon said well, My hand is immediately
connected with
my head;...
Cour 7.277 22 Men have done brave deeds,/ And bards
have sung them
well:/ I of good George Nidiver/ Now the tale will tell./
Suc 7.294 14 If the artist, in whatever art, is well at
work on his own
design, it signifies little that he does not yet find orders or
Suc 7.294 20 I pronounce that young man happy who is
content with
having acquired the skill which he had aimed at, and waits willingly
the occasion of making it appreciated shall arrive, knowing well that
it will
not loiter.
Suc 7.295 21 How often it seems the chief good to be
born...well adjusted
to the tone of the human race.
Suc 7.299 5 ...I have just seen a man, well knowing
what he spoke of, who
told me that [Wordsworth's] verse was not true for him;...
Suc 7.303 2 [The greatest men] may well speak in this
uncertain manner of
their knowledge...
OA 7.314 7 ...Lowly faithful, banish fear,/ Right
onward drive unharmed;/ The port, well worth the cruise, is near,/ And
every wave is charmed./
OA 7.315 4 On the anniversary of the Phi Beta Kappa
Society at
Cambridge in 1861, the venerable President Quincy, senior member of the
Society, as well as senior alumnus of the University, was received at
dinner with peculiar demonstrations of respect.
OA 7.319 26 ...the strong and hasty laborers of the
street do not work well
with the chronic valetudinarian.
OA 7.325 15 Little by little [age] has amassed such a
fund of merit that it
can very well afford to go on its credit when it will.
OA 7.333 22 [John Adams] spoke of Mr. Lechmere, whom he
remembered to have seen come down daily, at great age, to walk in the
OA 7.333 25 [John Adams] spoke of Mr. Lechmere, whom he
remembered to have seen come down daily, at great age, to walk in the
town-house, adding, And I wish I could walk as well as he did.
OA 7.334 2 E[dward] said [to John Adams]: I suppose,
sir, you would not
have taken [Mr. Lechmere's] place, even to walk as well as he.
OA 7.335 20 When life has been well spent, age is a
loss of what it can
well spare...
OA 7.335 21 When life has been well spent, age is a
loss of what it can
well spare...
PI 8.15 22 The poet accounts all productions and
changes of Nature as the
nouns of language, uses them representatively, too well pleased with
ulterior to value much their primary meaning.
PI 8.25 13 ...bring [people] Homer's Iliad, and they
like that; or the Cid, and that rings well;...
PI 8.25 16 Lear and Macbeth and Richard III. [people]
know pretty well
without guide.
PI 8.25 20 Give [people]...Chevy Chase, or Tam
O'Shanter, and they like
these well enough.
PI 8.36 14 [The poet] is very well convinced that the
great moments of life
are those in which his own house, his own body...have been illuminated
into prophets and teachers.
PI 8.41 7 These fine fruits of judgment, poesy and
sentiment...know as well
as coarser how to feed and replenish themselves;...
PI 8.43 16 Barthold Niebuhr said well, There is little
merit in inventing a
happy idea or attractive situation, so long as it is only the author's
which we hear.
PI 8.44 20 Ben Jonson told Drummond that Sidney did not
keep a decorum
in making every one speak as well as himself.
PI 8.53 5 Victor Hugo says well, An idea steeped in
verse becomes
suddenly more incisive and more brilliant...
PI 8.60 13 ...in Morte d'Arthur, I remember nothing so
well as Sir Gawain'
s parley with Merlin in his wonderful prison...
PI 8.61 5 [The voice said to Sir Gawaine] You were wont
to know me
PI 8.61 9 [The voice said to Sir Gawaine] Whilst I
served King Arthur, I
was well known by you...
PI 8.61 15 When Sir Gawain heard the voice which spoke
to him thus, he
thought it was Merlin, and he answered, Sir, certes I ought to know you
PI 8.62 8 ...said Merlin...I well knew that all this
would befall me...
PI 8.69 16 ...[Goethe's Faust]...accuses the author as
well as the times.
PI 8.74 12 One man sees a spark or shimmer of the truth
and reports it, and
his saying becomes a legend or golden proverb for ages, and other men
report as much, but none wholly and well.
PI 8.75 5 Men are facts as well as persons...
SA 8.80 24 I think Hans Andersen's story of the cobweb
cloth woven so
fine that it was invisible--woven for the king's garment--must mean
manners, which do really clothe a princely nature. Such a one can well
in a blanket, if he would.
SA 8.82 4 ...trying experiments, and at perfect leisure
with these posture-masters
and flatterers all day, [the babe] throws himself into all the
that correspond to theirs. ... Are they encroaching? he is dignified
inexorable. And this scene is daily repeated in hovels as well as in
SA 8.88 25 ...I have heard with admiring submission the
experience of the
lady who declared that the sense of being perfectly well dressed gives
feeling of inward tranquillity which religion is powerless to bestow.
SA 8.94 3 ...[Madame de Stael] knew all distinguished
persons in letters or
society in England, Germany and Italy, as well as in France;...
SA 8.95 21 A right speech is not well to be
distinguished from action.
SA 8.100 26 ...[there is in America the general belief
that] if [the young
American] have...quick eye for the opportunities which are always
for investment, he can come to wealth, and in such good season as to
as well as transmit it.
SA 8.102 4 I have been often impressed at our country
town-meetings with
the accumulated virility, in each village, of five or six or eight or
ten men, who speak so well...
SA 8.103 8 It is of course that [the American to be
proud of] should ride
well, shoot well, sail well, keep house well, administer affairs
SA 8.103 9 It is of course that [the American to be
proud of] should ride
well, shoot well, sail well, keep house well, administer affairs
Elo2 8.117 3 [The orator] knew very well beforehand
that [the people] were
looking behind and that he was looking ahead...
Elo2 8.118 27 Go into an assembly well excited...
Elo2 8.119 4 Go into an assembly well excited, some
angry political
meeting on the eve of a crisis. Then it appears that eloquence is as
as swimming,--an art which all men might learn, though so few do. It
needs that they should be once well pushed off into the water...
Elo2 8.124 16 ...in your struggles with the
world...seek refuge...in the
patriotism of Cicero, Demosthenes and Burke, as well as in the precepts
example of Him whose law is love...
Comc 8.166 4 Our brethren of New England use/ Choice
malefactors to
excuse,/ And hang the guiltless in their stead,/ Of whom the churches
less need;/ As lately happened, in a town/ Where lived a cobbler, and
one,/ That out of doctrine could cut use,/ And mend men's lives as well
Comc 8.167 10 I have been employed, [Camper] says, six
months on the
Cetacea; I understand the osteology of the head of all these monsters,
have made the combination with the human head so well that everybody
now appears to me narwhale, porpoise or marsouins.
Comc 8.171 22 A lady of high rank, but of lean figure,
had given the
Countess Dulauloy the nickname of Le Grenadier tricolore, in allusion
her tall figure, as well as to her republican opinions;...
Comc 8.173 22 We must learn by laughter, as well as by
tears and terrors;...
Comc 8.173 24 ...explore the whole of Nature, the farce
and buffoonery in
the yard below, as well as the lessons of poets and philosophers
upstairs in
the hall...
QO 8.181 6 ...[Swedenborg's, Behmen's, Spinoza's]
originality will
disappear to such as are either well read or thoughtful;...
QO 8.187 24 ...if we learn how old are...the alternate
lotus-bud and leaf-stem
of our iron fences,-we shall think very well of the first men, or ill
the latest.
QO 8.187 27 ...shall we say that only the first men
were well alive...
QO 8.189 8 In literature, quotation is good only when
the writer whom I
follow goes my way, being better mounted than I, gives me a cast, as we
say; but if I like the gay equipage so well as to go out of my road, I
better have gone afoot.
QO 8.189 22 Certainly it only needs two well placed and
well tempered for
cooperation, to get somewhat far transcending any private enterprise!
QO 8.189 23 Certainly it only needs two well placed and
well tempered for
cooperation, to get somewhat far transcending any private enterprise!
QO 8.190 2 Each man of thought is surrounded by wiser
men than he, if
they cannot write as well.
QO 8.191 7 If we are fired and guided by these
[inspiring lessons], we... shall return to [an author] as long as he
serves us so well.
QO 8.191 7 We may like well to know what is Plato's and
what is
Montesquieu's or Goethe's part, and what thought was always dear to the
writer himself;...
QO 8.194 16 ...a passage from one of the poets, well
recited, borrows new
interest from the rendering...
QO 8.196 13 ...Cardinal de Retz...described himself in
an extemporary
Latin sentence...and which told admirably well.
QO 8.196 21 ...many men can write better under a mask
than for
themselves; as...I doubt not, many a young barrister in chambers in
London, who forges good thunder for the Times, but never works as well
under his
own name.
QO 8.204 18 The divine gift is ever the instant life,
which...can well bury
the old in the omnipotency with which Nature decomposes all her harvest
for recomposition.
PC 8.207 12 We may be well contented with our fair
PC 8.210 16 Consider...what masters, each in his
several province...the
novel and powerful philanthropies, as well as agriculture...have
PC 8.223 11 I shall never believe that centrifugence
and centripetence
balance, unless mind heats and meliorates, as well as the surface and
soil of
the globe.
PC 8.230 5 I know well to what assembly of educated,
reflecting, successful and powerful persons I speak.
PC 8.232 3 Periodicity, reaction, are laws of mind as
well as of matter.
PC 8.232 15 ...wherever high society exists it is very
well able to exclude
PPo 8.259 23 The Moon thought she knew her own orbit
well enough;...
Insp 8.270 16 We must take [the aboriginal man] as we
find him,-pretty
well on in his education...
Insp 8.272 1 Inspiration is like yeast. 'T is no matter
in which of half a
dozen ways you procure the infection; you can apply one or the other
equally well to your purpose, and get your loaf of bread.
Insp 8.275 11 There is genius as well in virtue as in
Insp 8.280 26 A man must be able to escape from his
cares and fears, as
well as from hunger and want of sleep;...
Insp 8.281 17 When we have ceased for a long time to
have any fulness of
thoughts that once made a diary a joy as well as a necessity...in
writing a
letter to a friend we may find that we rise to thought...that costs no
Insp 8.290 19 Every artist knows well some favorite
Insp 8.291 9 The times of force must be well
Insp 8.293 11 Homer said, When two come together, one
before the other; but it is because one thought well that the other
Insp 8.295 20 Fact-books, if the facts be well and
thoroughly told, are
much more nearly allied to poetry than many books are that are written
Grts 8.303 16 They may well fear Fate who have any
infirmity of habit or
Grts 8.303 21 If a man's centrality is incomprehensible
to us, we may as
well snub the sun.
Grts 8.309 26 As [the Quakers] express [self-respect],
it might be thus...if
at any time I...propose a journey or a course of conduct, I perhaps
find a
silent obstacle in my mind that I cannot account for. Very well,-I let
it lie, thinking it may pass away...
Grts 8.313 12 No aristocrat...can begin to compare with
the self-respect of
the saint. Why is he so lowly, but that he knows that he can well
afford it, resting on the largeness of God in him?
Imtl 8.322 1 Mute orator! well skilled to plead,/ And
send conviction
without phrase,/ Thou dost succor and remede/ The shortness of our
days,/ And promise, on thy Founder's truth,/ Long morrow to this mortal
youth./ Monadnoc.
Imtl 8.324 11 ...I know well that where this belief [in
immortality] once
existed it would necessarily take a base form for the savage and a pure
for the wise;...
Imtl 8.325 9 The chief end of man being to be buried
well, the arts most in
request [in Egypt] were masonry and embalming...
Imtl 8.328 23 ...spend yourself on the work before you,
well assured that
the right performance of this hour's duties will be the best
preparation for
the hours or ages that follow it...
Dem1 10.6 17 Our thoughts in a stable or in a
menagerie...may well remind
us of our dreams.
Dem1 10.8 13 Wise and sometimes terrible hints shall in
[dreams] be
thrown to the man out of a quite unknown intelligence. He shall be
two or three times in his life by the justice as well as the
significance of this
Dem1 10.9 22 Goethe said: These whimsical pictures
[dreams]...may well
have an analogy with our whole life and fate.
Dem1 10.13 13 For Spiritism, it shows that no man,
almost, is fit to give
evidence. Then I say to the amiable and sincere among them, these
are quite too important than that I can rest them on any legends. If I
have no
facts, as you allege, I can very well wait for them.
Dem1 10.13 26 Euripides said, He is not the best
prophet who guesses
Dem1 10.14 1 Euripides said...he is not the wisest man
whose guess turns
out well in the event...
Dem1 10.21 6 ...the fabled ring of Gyges...is simply
mischievous. A new or
private language...the desired discovery of the guided balloon, are of
kind. Tramps...descending...on...the bank-messenger in the country, can
well be spared.
Dem1 10.21 10 Before we acquire great power we must
acquire wisdom to
use it well.
Dem1 10.26 13 I say to the table-rappers:-I well
believe/ Thou wilt not
utter what thou dost not know,/ And so far will I trust thee, gentle
Aris 10.37 13 We like cool people, who...can survive
the blow well enough
if stock should rise or fall...
Aris 10.37 16 We like cool people...who can stand a
slander very well;...
Aris 10.39 14 I wish...men who see the dance in men's
lives as well as in a
Aris 10.39 17 I wish...men who are charmed by the
beautiful Nemesis as
well as by the dire Nemesis...
Aris 10.44 7 ...the philosopher may well say, Let me
see his brain, and I
will tell you if he shall be poet, king...
Aris 10.44 13 I see well enough that when I bring one
man into an estate, he sees vague capabilities...
Aris 10.45 4 If we see tools in a magazine...we can
predict well enough
their destination;...
Aris 10.50 6 When the lawyer tries his case in
court...his own merits appear
as well as his client's.
Aris 10.53 17 The best feat of genius is to bring all
the varieties of talent
and culture into its audience; the mediocre and the dull are reached as
as the intelligent.
Aris 10.59 2 [A grand interest] prospers as well in
mistake as in luck...
Aris 10.59 3 [A grand interest] prospers...in
obstruction and nonsense, as
well as among the angels;...
Aris 10.61 4 In the presence of the Chapter it is easy
for each member to
carry himself royally and well;...
Chr2 10.99 3 God sends his message, if not by one, then
quite as well by
Chr2 10.99 26 Some men's words I remember so well that
I must often use
them to express my thought.
Chr2 10.104 8 Chateaubriand said...If God made man in
his image, man
has paid him well back.
Chr2 10.112 27 ...Nature, moral as well as material, is
always equal to
Chr2 10.113 17 ...the education in the divinity
colleges may well hesitate
and vary.
Chr2 10.114 27 ...I include in [revelations of the
moral sentiment]...the
history of Jesus, as well as those of every divine soul which in any
place or
time delivered any grand lesson to humanity;...
Chr2 10.117 19 Men may well come together to kindle
each other to
virtuous living.
Chr2 10.118 18 In the present tendency of our
society...society is
threatened with actual granulation, religious as well as political.
Edc1 10.129 6 How [the desire of power] sharpens the
perceptions and
stores the memory with facts. Thus a man may well spend many years of
life in trade.
Edc1 10.139 20 If I can pass with [boys], I can manage
well enough with
their fathers.
Edc1 10.140 9 The young giant, brown from his
hunting-tramp, tells his
story well...
Edc1 10.141 13 ...[the boy] gladly enters a school
which...teaches by
practice the law of conversation, namely, to hear as well as to speak.
Edc1 10.149 1 The boy wishes to learn to skate, to
coast...and a boy a little
older is just as well pleased to teach him these sciences.
Edc1 10.156 3 ...as [the naturalist] is still
immovable, [the creatures of
nature]...volunteer some degree of advances towards fellowship and good
understanding with a biped who behaves so civilly and well.
Supl 10.166 6 ...I can well spare the exaggerations
which appear to me
screens to conceal ignorance.
Supl 10.169 26 When a farmer means to tell you that he
is doing well with
his farm, he says, I don't work as hard as I did, and I don't mean to.
Supl 10.174 13 I knew a grave man who, being urged to
go to a church
where a clergyman was newly ordained, said he liked him very well, but
would go when the interesting Sundays were over.
SovE 10.193 13 Others may well suffer in the hideous
picture of crime with
which earth is filled...
SovE 10.193 21 ...the habit of respecting that great
order which certainly
contains and will dispose of our little system, will take all fear from
heart. It did itself create and distribute all that is created and
distributed, and, trusting to its power, we cease to care for what it
will certainly order
SovE 10.194 8 [Good men] do not see that particulars
are sacred to [God], as well as the scope and outline;...
SovE 10.196 26 Have you said to yourself ever: I
abdicate all choice, I see
it is not for me to interfere. I see...that I have been a pitiful
person, because
I have wished...to dress and order my whole way and system of living. I
thought I managed it very well.
SovE 10.198 9 ...as we send to England for shrubs which
grow as well in
our own door-yards and cow-pastures.
SovE 10.210 9 If these [public actions] are tokens of
the steady currents of
thought and will in these directions, one might well anticipate a new
Prch 10.222 11 I cannot keep the sun in heaven, if you
take away the
purpose that animates him. The ball...is there, but his power...to
the heart as well as the atmosphere, is gone forever.
MoL 10.242 5 [The scholar]...is born one or two
centuries too early for the
rough and sensual population into which he is thrown. But the Heaven
which sent him hither knew that well enough...
MoL 10.249 8 ...the Church clung to ritual, and the
scholar clung to joy, low as well as high...
MoL 10.258 11 Slavery is broken, and, if we use our
advantage, irretrievably. For such a gain...one generation might well
be sacrificed;...
Schr 10.264 20 The men committed by profession as well
as by bias to
study...talk hard and worldly...
Schr 10.270 17 I, said the great-hearted Kepler, may
well wait a hundred
years for a reader, since God Almighty has waited six thousand years
for an
observer like myself.
Schr 10.283 19 Whatever object is brought before
[mother-wit] is already
well known to it.
Plu 10.306 10 We are always interested in the man who
treats the intellect
Plu 10.306 16 One asks sometimes whether a
metaphysician can treat the
intellect well.
Plu 10.316 24 ...[Plutarch] praises the Romans, who,
when the feast was
over, dealt well with the lamps...
Plu 10.317 15 ...it was [Plutarch's] severe fate to
flourish in those days of
ignorance, which, 't is a favorable opinion to hope that the Almighty
sometime wink at; that our souls may be with these philosophers
together in
the same state of bliss. The puzzle in the worthy translator's mind
his theology and his reason well reappears in the puzzle of his
Plu 10.319 17 [Plutarch] knew the laws of conversation
and the laws of
good-fellowship quite as well as Horace...
Plu 10.320 24 One proof of Plutarch's skill as a writer
is that he bears
translation so well.
Plu 10.322 2 Were there not a sun, we might, for all
the other stars, pass
our days in the Reverend Dark, as Heraclitus calls it. I find a humor
in the
phrase which might well excuse its doubtful accuracy.
LLNE 10.331 22 Let [Everett] rise to speak on what
occasion soever, a fact
had always just transpired which composed, with some other fact well
known to the audience, the most pregnant and happy coincidence.
LLNE 10.336 26 The religious sentiment...triumphed over
time as well as
LLNE 10.337 21 On the heels of this intruder
[Phrenology] came
Mesmerism, which...attempted the explanation of miracle and prophecy,
well as of creation.
LLNE 10.353 9 Could not the conceiver of [Fourier's]
design have also
believed...that the method of each associate might be trusted, as well
as that
of his particular Committee and General Office...
LLNE 10.358 13 Society in England and in America is
trying the [Fourierist] experiment again in small pieces, in
cooperative associations, in
cheap eating-houses, as well as in the economies of club-houses and in
cheap reading-rooms.
LLNE 10.358 24 Each man of thought is surrounded by
wiser men than he, if they cannot write as well.
LLNE 10.359 21 Mr. George Ripley was the President [of
the West
Roxbury Association], and I think Mr. Charles Dana (afterwards well
known as one of the editors of the New York Tribune) was the Secretary.
CSC 10.374 18 ...a great deal of confusion,
eccentricity and freak appeared [at the Chardon Street Convention], as
well as of zeal and enthusiasm.
EzRy 10.385 2 [Joseph Emerson wrote] Have I done well
to get me a shay?
EzRy 10.385 23 Trained in this [New England] church,
and very well
qualified by his natural talent to work in it, it was never out of
[Ezra Ripley'
s] mind.
EzRy 10.386 12 [Ezra Ripley's] prayers...are well
EzRy 10.386 26 ...I well remember [Ezra Ripley's] his
pleading, almost
reproachful looks at the sky, when the thunder-gust was coming up to
his hay.
EzRy 10.388 24 ...the Doctor [Ezra Ripley] presently
said, Mr. Merriam, my brother and colleague, Mr. Frost, has come to
take tea with me. I regret
very much the causes (which you know very well) which make it
impossible for me to ask you to stay and break bread with us.
EzRy 10.390 7 ...[Ezra Ripley] was...as I well
remember, a great
browbeater of the poor old fathers who still survived from the 19th of
April, to the end that they should testify to his history as he had
written it.
EzRy 10.391 8 ...[Ezra Ripley] knew the value of a
dollar as well as
another man...
EzRy 10.392 12 We remember the remark of a gentleman
who listened
with much delight to [Ezra Ripley's] conversation...that a man who
tell a story so well was company for kings and John Quincy Adams.
EzRy 10.393 9 The usual experiences of men...[Ezra
Ripley] studied them
all, and sympathized so well in these that he was excellent company and
counsel to all...
MMEm 10.411 13 In her solitude of twenty years, with
fewest books and
those only sermons, and a copy of Paradise Lost, without covers or
title-page, so that later, when she heard much of Milton and sought his
work, she
found it was her very book which she knew so well,-[Mary Moody
Emerson] was driven to find Nature her companion and solace.
MMEm 10.418 2 My [Mary Moody Emerson's] uncle has been
the means
of lessening my property. Ridiculous to wound him for that. He was
honestly seeking his own. But at last, this very night, the bargain is
closed, and I am delighted with myself:-my dear self has done well.
MMEm 10.420 26 ...sometimes I [Mary Moody Emerson]
fancy that I am
emptied and peeled to carry some seed to the ignorant, which no idler
can so well dispense.
MMEm 10.426 27 Never do the feelings of the Infinite
and the
consciousness of finite frailty and ignorance harmonize so well as at
mystic season in the deserts of life.
SlHr 10.440 20 ...[Samuel Hoar] said it was his
practice to pay whatever
was demanded; for, though he might think the taxation large and very
unequally proportioned, yet he thought the money might as well go in
way as in any other.
Thor 10.452 26 [Thoreau] declined to give up his large
ambition of
knowledge and action for any narrow craft or profession, aiming at a
more comprehensive calling, the art of living well.
Thor 10.461 21 [Thoreau] could estimate the measure of
a tree very well
by his eye;...
Thor 10.462 11 [Thoreau] had a strong common sense,
like that which
Rose Flammock, the weaver's daughter in Scott's romance [The
Betrothed], commends in her father, as resembling a yardstick, which,
whilst it measures dowlas and diaper, can equally well measure tapestry
cloth of gold.
Thor 10.463 5 ...[Thoreau] seemed the only man of
leisure in town, always
ready for any excursion that promised well...
Thor 10.463 15 [Thoreau] said...Nature knows very well
what sounds are
worth attending to...
Thor 10.464 27 At first glance [Thoreau] measured his
companion, and... could very well report his weight and calibre.
Thor 10.473 21 [Thoreau's] visits to Maine were chiefly
for love of the
Indian. He had the satisfaction of seeing the manufacture of the bark
canoe, as well as of trying his hand in its management on the rapids.
Thor 10.473 26 [Thoreau] was inquisitive about the
making of the stone
arrow-head, and in his last days charged a youth setting out for the
Mountains to find an Indian who could tell him that: It was well worth
visit to California to learn it.
Thor 10.474 4 ...[Thoreau] well knew that asking
questions of Indians is
like catechizing beavers and rabbits.
Thor 10.475 5 ...[Thoreau] would have detected every
live stanza or line in
a volume [of poetry] and knew very well where to find an equal poetic
charm in prose.
Thor 10.476 5 [Thoreau]...knew well how to throw a
poetic veil over his
Thor 10.481 25 [Thoreau] loved Nature so well...that he
became very
jealous of cities...
Carl 10.490 7 [Carlyle]...understands his own value
quite as well as
Carl 10.496 20 ...Carlyle thinks that the only
religious act which a man
nowadays can securely perform is to wash himself well.
GSt 10.504 7 [George Stearns's] examination before the
United States
Senate Committee on the Harper's Ferry Invasion...is a chapter well
GSt 10.507 24 ...there is to my mind somewhat so
absolute in the action of
a good man that we do not, in thinking of him, so much as make any
question of the future. For the Spirit of the Universe seems to say: He
done well; is not that saying all?
LS 11.20 18 ...the Apostle well assures us that the
kingdom of God is not
meat and drink, but righteousness, and peace and joy in the Holy Ghost.
HDC 11.35 4 All kinds of garden fruits grew well...
HDC 11.50 21 The man of the woods might well draw on
himself the
compassion of the planters.
HDC 11.59 4 ...when [King Philip] he was told that his
sentence was death, he said he liked it well that he was to die before
his heart was soft...
HDC 11.68 11 ...in answer to letters received from the
united committees
of correspondence...the town [of Concord] say: We cannot possibly view
with indifference the...endeavors of the enemies of this, as well as
mother country, to rob us of those rights, that are the distinguishing
and felicity of this land;...
HDC 11.72 27 A large amount of military stores had been
deposited in this
town [Concord], by order of the Provincial Committee of Safety. It was
destroy those stores that the troops who were attacked in this town, on
19th April, 1775, were sent hither by General Gage. The story of that
day is
well known.
HDC 11.76 18 ...you, my fathers [veterans of battle of
Concord]...may well
bear a chief part in keeping this peaceful birthday of our town.
HDC 11.84 12 ...for the most part, [our
fathers]...provide well for the
schools and the poor.
LVB 11.93 7 ...a crime [the relocation of the
Cherokees] is projected that
confounds our understandings by its magnitude,-a crime that really
deprives us as well as the Cherokees of a country?...
EWI 11.98 2 There a captive sat in chains,/ Crooning
ditties treasured well/
From his Afric's torrid plains./
EWI 11.99 14 I might well hesitate...to undertake to
set this matter [emancipation] before you;...
EWI 11.108 13 Thomas Clarkson was a youth at Cambridge,
England, when the subject given out for a Latin prize dissertation was,
Is it right to
make slaves of others against their will? He wrote an essay, and won
prize; but he wrote too well for his own peace;...
EWI 11.117 2 In June, 1835, the Ministers, Lord
Aberdeen and Sir George
Grey, declared to the Parliament that the system [of emancipation in
West Indies] worked well;...
EWI 11.121 7 All those who are acquainted with the
state of the island [Jamaica] know that our emancipated population
are...as well conditioned... as any that we know of in any country.
EWI 11.122 13 [Our] well-being consists in having...a
well glazed parlor, with marbles, mirrors and centre-table;...
EWI 11.124 20 ...unhappily, most unhappily, gentlemen,
man is born with
intellect, as well as with a love of sugar;...
EWI 11.124 21 ...unhappily, most unhappily, gentlemen,
man is born...with
a sense of justice, as well as a taste for strong drink.
EWI 11.124 22 ...unhappily, most unhappily, gentlemen,
man is born with
intellect, as well as with a love of sugar; and with a sense of
justice, as well
as a taste for strong drink. These ripened, as well as those.
EWI 11.125 10 It was shown to the planters that they,
as well as the
negroes, were slaves;...
EWI 11.126 12 It was very easy for manufacturers...to
see that...if the
slaves [in the West Indies] had wages, the slaves would be
negro women love fine clothes as well as white women.
EWI 11.133 22 I may as well say...that whilst our very
amiable and very
innocent representatives...at Washington are accomplished lawyers and
merchants...there is a disastrous want of men from New England.
EWI 11.146 3 There have been moments in [emancipation
in the West
Indies], as well as in every piece of moral history, when there seemed
for the infusions of a skeptical philosophy;...
War 11.160 17 The sublime question has startled one and
another happy
soul in different quarters of the globe,-Cannot love be, as well as
War 11.160 19 Cannot peace be, as well as war?
FSLC 11.179 8 We do not breathe well.
FSLC 11.192 17 The practitioners [of law] should guard
this dogma [that
immoral laws are void] well...
FSLC 11.201 21 [Webster] must learn...that the obscure
and private who
have no voice and care for none, so long as things go well...disown
FSLC 11.204 11 What [Webster] finds already written, he
will defend. Lucky that so much had got well written when he came.
FSLC 11.206 8 The North likes the South well enough,
for it knows its
own advantages.
FSLC 11.209 7 'T is said [buying the slaves] will cost
two thousand
millions of dollars. Was there ever any contribution that was so
enthusiastically paid as this will be? ... The father of his country
shall wait, well pleased, a little longer for his monument;...
FSLN 11.221 19 I remember [Webster's] appearance at
Bunker's Hill. There was the Monument, and here was Webster. He knew
well that a little
more or less of rhetoric signified nothing...
FSLN 11.222 8 ...[Webster] knew perfectly well how to
make such
exordiums, episodes and perorations as might give perspective to his
harangues without in the least embarrassing his march or confounding
FSLN 11.222 14 Though [Webster] knew very well how to
present his own
personal claims, yet in his argument he was intellectual,-stated his
pure of all personality...
FSLN 11.223 8 ...what [Webster] saw so well he
compelled other people to
see also.
FSLN 11.223 11 What gratitude does every man feel to
him who speaks
well for the right...
FSLN 11.231 15 We are all conservatives...in our
essences: and might as
well try to jump out of our skins as to escape from our Whiggery.
FSLN 11.236 22 Whenever a man has come to this mind,
that there is...no
Constitution but his dealing well and justly with his neighbor;...then
aids and allies will promptly appear...
FSLN 11.241 27 [The single defender of the right] may
well say, If my
countrymen do not care to be defended, I too will decline the
AKan 11.259 2 Who doubts that Kansas would have been
very well settled, if the United States had let it alone?
AKan 11.262 17 ...the Saxon man, when he is well awake,
is not a pirate
but a citizen...
JBB 11.267 3 Gentlemen who have preceded me have well
said that no
wall of separation could here exist.
JBS 11.281 10 Nothing is more absurd than...to complain
of a party of men
united in opposition to slavery. As well complain of gravity...
TPar 11.285 21 He whose voice will not be heard here
again [Theodore
Parker] could well afford to tell his experiences;...
TPar 11.289 12 One fault [Theodore Parker] had, he
overestimated his
friends,-I may well say it...
TPar 11.291 17 ...it is well known that [Theodore
Parker's] great
hospitable heart was the sanctuary to which every soul conscious of an
earnest opinion came for sympathy...
TPar 11.292 8 ...you [Theodore Parker] will already be
consoled in the
transfer of your genius, knowing well that the nature of the world will
affirm to all men, in all times, that which for twenty-five years you
valiantly spoke;...
ACiv 11.299 6 ...the rude and early state of society
does not work well with
the later...
ACiv 11.306 4 We fancy that the endless debate...has
brought the free
states to some conviction that it can never go well with us whilst this
mischief of slavery remains in our politics...
EPro 11.317 19 [Lincoln] is well entitled to the most
EPro 11.325 23 It was well to delay the steamers at the
wharves until this
edict [the Emancipation Proclamation] could be put on board.
ALin 11.329 22 ...perhaps, at this hour, when the
coffin which contains the
dust of the President [Lincoln] sets forward...on its way to his home
Illinois, we might well be silent...
ALin 11.332 10 ...this man [Lincoln] was...all right
for labor, and liked
nothing so well.
HCom 11.343 3 [Our young men] said, It is not in me to
resist. I go [to
war] because I must. It is a duty which I shall never forgive myself if
decline. ... Only one thing is certain, I can well die but i cannot
afford to
HCom 11.343 25 ...when I consider [Massachusetts's]
influence on the
country as a principal planter of the Western States, and now, by her
teachers, preachers journalists and books, as well as by traffic and
production, the diffuser of religious, literary and political
opinion;...I think
the little state bigger than I knew.
HCom 11.344 9 A single company in the Forty-fourth
Regiment contained thirty-five sons of Harvard. You all know as well as
the story of these dedicated men...
HCom 11.344 10 A single company in the Forty-fourth
Regiment contained thirty-five sons of Harvard. You all know as well as
the story of these dedicated men, who knew well on what duty they
SMC 11.349 6 We are all pretty well aware that the
facts which make to us
the interest of this day are in a great degree personal and local
SMC 11.350 8 ...we...believe that our visitors will
pardon us if we take the
privilege of talking freely about our nearest neighbors as in a family
party;-well assured, meantime, that the virtues we are met to honor
directed on aims which command the sympathy of every loyal American
SMC 11.357 6 All sorts of men went to the [Civil]
war...men hitherto of
narrow opportunities of knowing the world, but well taught in the
SMC 11.357 23 One of our later volunteers...said, I go
because I shall
always be sorry if I did not go when the country called me. I can go as
as another.
SMC 11.358 24 The older among us can well remember
[George Prescott] at school, at play and at work...
SMC 11.361 8 ...the words [of Civil War letters] are
proud and tender...tell [Mother] not to worry about me, for I know she
would not have had me stay
at home if she could as well as not.
SMC 11.362 23 [George Prescott writes] This lieutenant
seems to think that
these men, who never saw a gun, can drill as well as he, who has been
West Point four years.
SMC 11.365 9 In the disastrous battle of Bull Run this
[Massachusetts] company behaved well...
SMC 11.369 3 I feel, [George Prescott] writes, I have
much to be thankful
for that my life is spared, although I would willingly die to have the
regiment do as well as they have done.
EdAd 11.389 17 ...we should think our pains well
bestowed if we could
cure the infatuation of statesmen...
Koss 11.400 6 This republic greets in you [Kossuth] a
republican. We only
say, Well done, good and faithful.
Koss 11.400 12 You [Kossuth] may well sit a doctor in
the college of
Wom 11.406 20 'T is [women's] mood and tone that is
important. Does
their mind misgive them, or are they firm and cheerful? 'T is a true
that things are going ill or well.
Wom 11.418 7 ...for the general charge [that women are
temperamental]: no doubt it is well founded.
Wom 11.420 25 If new power is here, of a
character...which...opens new
careers to our young receptive men and women, you [women] can well
leave voting to the old dead people.
Wom 11.426 14 ...when [man] is [woman's] guardian,
fulfilled with all
nobleness, knows and accepts his duties as her brother, all goes well
SHC 11.431 22 ...there is no ornament, no architecture
alone, so sumptuous
as well disposed woods and waters...
SHC 11.434 10 Sleepy Hollow. In this quiet valley...we
shall sleep well
when we have finished our day.
RBur 11.441 11 It was indifferent-they thought who saw
him-whether [Burns] wrote verse or not: he could have done anything
else as well.
Shak1 11.452 22 ...there are some men so born to live
well that, in
whatever company they fall,-high or low,-they fit well, and lead it!...
Shak1 11.452 24 ...there are some men so born to live
well that, in
whatever company they fall,-high or low,-they fit well, and lead it!...
Humb 11.457 8 Humboldt was one of those wonders of the
appear from time to time...a universal man, not only possessed of great
particular talents, but they were symmetrical, his parts were well put
Scot 11.463 15 I can well remember as far back as when
The Lord of the
Isles was first republished in Boston...
ChiE 11.473 21 I am sure that gentlemen around me bear
in mind the bill... requiring that candidates for public offices shall
first pass examinations on
their literary qualifications for the same. Well, China has preceded
us, as
well as England and France...
CPL 11.506 14 [Kepler writes] [The book] may well wait
a century for a
FRep 11.511 1 It is a rule that holds in economy as
well as in hydraulics
that you must have a source higher than your tap.
FRep 11.512 15 The wine-merchant has his analyst and
taster, the more
exquisite the better. He has also, I fear, his debts to the chemist as
well as to
the vineyard.
FRep 11.516 17 ...the nature and habits of the
American, may well occupy
FRep 11.523 19 ...[the people]...must have the means of
living well...
FRep 11.528 20 America was opened after the feudal
mischief was spent, and so the people made a good start. We began well.
FRep 11.536 14 A man for success...must obey ideas, or
he might as well
be the horse he rides on.
PLT 12.4 16 ...at last, it is only that exceeding and
universal part [of
Nature] which interests us, when we shall...see that what is set down
is true
through all the sciences; in the laws of thought as well as of
PLT 12.12 6 ...he who who contents himself
with...recording only what
facts he has observed...follows...a system as grand as any other,
though he... only draws that arc which he clearly sees...and waits for
a new opportunity, well assured that these observed arcs will consist
with each other.
PLT 12.20 21 ...mind, our mind, or mind like ours,
reappears to us in our
study of Nature, Nature being everywhere formed after a method which we
can well understand...
PLT 12.26 1 The botanist discovered long ago that
Nature loves mixtures, and that nothing grows well on the crab-stock...
PLT 12.30 9 I acquiesce to be that I am, but I wish no
one to be civil to me. Strong men understand this very well.
PLT 12.32 7 I know well what a sieve every ear is.
PLT 12.51 15 ...in learning one thing well you learn
all things.
PLT 12.63 1 I may well say this [identification of the
Ego with the
universe] is divine...
PLT 12.63 12 Socrates kept all his virtues as well as
his faculties well in
PLT 12.63 13 Socrates kept all his virtues as well as
his faculties well in
II 12.72 21 It is this employment of new means...that
denotes the inspired
man. This is equally obvious...in action as well as in fine arts.
Mem 12.100 10 ...men of great presence of mind...can
think in this moment
as well and deeply as in any past moment...
Mem 12.102 22 The memory is one of the compensations
which Nature
grants to those who have used their days well;...
Mem 12.108 20 The divine is...the life that can well
bury the old in the
omnipotency with which it makes all things new.
CInt 12.112 14 ...if to me it is not given/ To fetch
one ingot hence/ Of the
unfading gold of Heaven/ [God's] merchants may dispense,/ Yet well I
know the royal mine/ And know the sparkle of its ore,/ Know Heaven's
truths from lies that shine-/ Explored, they teach us to explore./
CInt 12.118 13 A farmer wished to buy an ox. The seller
told him how well
he had treated the animal. But, said the farmer, I asked the ox, and
the ox
showed me by marks that could not lie that he had been abused.
CInt 12.118 27 The emigration into America of British,
as well as of
Continental people, is the eulogy of America...
CInt 12.119 12 I value dearly the poet who knows his
art so well that, when his voice vibrates, it fills the hearer with
sympathetic song...
CInt 12.121 1 Need enough there is of such a band of
priests of intellect
and knowledge; and great is the office, and well deserving and well
the last sacrifices and the highest ability.
CInt 12.127 12 You all well know the downward tendency
in literature...
CInt 12.128 18 I would have you rely on Nature
ever,-wise, omnific, thousand-handed Nature...which can do very well
without colleges...
CL 12.133 1 The air is wise, the wind thinks well,/ And
all through which
it blows;/...
CL 12.144 20 We may well enumerate what compensating
advantages we
have over that country [Illinois]...
CL 12.154 13 We may well yield us for a time to [the
sea's] lessons.
CL 12.162 18 Sometimes the farmer withstands [the true
naturalist] in
crossing his lots, but 't is to no purpose; the farmer could as well
hope to
prevent the sparrows or tortoises.
CL 12.164 15 ...it is the best part of poetry, merely
to name natural objects
CL 12.165 3 Agassiz studies year after year fishes and
fossil anatomy of
saurian, and lizard, and pterodactyl. But whatever he says, we know
well what he means.
CL 12.165 6 [Agassiz] pretends to be only busy with the
foldings of the
yolk of a turtle's egg. I can see very well what he is driving at; he
men and women.
CW 12.174 17 In the arboretum you should have
things...which people who
read of them are hungry to see. Thus plant the Sequoia Gigantea...and
set it
on its way of ten or fifteen centuries. Bayard Taylor planted two -one
but I saw the other looking well.
CW 12.179 9 ...when [the man] sees this annual
reappearance of beautiful
forms, the lovely carpet, the lovely tapestry of June, he may well ask
himself the special meaning of the hieroglyphic...
CW 12.179 10 ...when [the man] sees...the lovely
tapestry of June, he may
well ask himself the special meaning of the hieroglyphic, as well as
sense and scope of the whole...
Bost 12.185 21 Give me a climate where people think
well and construct
well,-I will spend six months there, and you may have all the rest of
Bost 12.185 22 Give me a climate where people think
well and construct
well,-I will spend six months there, and you may have all the rest of
Bost 12.189 23 John Smith writes (1624): Of all the
four parts of the world
that I have yet seen not inhabited, could I but have means to
transplant a
colony, I would rather live here [in New England] than anywhere; and if
did not maintain itself, were we but once indifferently well fitted,
let us
MAng1 12.219 21 [Michelangelo] knew well that only by
an understanding
of the internal mechanism can the outside be faithfully delineated.
MAng1 12.238 11 ...just here [said Vasari's servant to
Michelangelo], before your door, is a spot of soft mud, and [the
candles] will stand upright
in it very well, and there I will light them all.
MAng1 12.240 27 [Condivi wrote] As for me...this I know
very well, that
in a long intimacy, I never heard from [Michelangelo's] mouth a single
word that was not perfectly decorous...
MAng1 12.242 4 In conversing upon this subject [death]
with one of his
friends, that person remarked that Michael [Angelo] might well grieve
one who was incessant in his creative labors should have no
MAng1 12.242 18 Michael [Angelo] admonishes
[Vasari]...that we ought
not to show that joy when a child is born, which should be reserved for
death of one who has lived well.
Milt1 12.250 5 We could be well content if the flames
to which [Milton's
Defence of the English People] was condemned at Paris, at Toulouse, and
London, had utterly consumed it.
Milt1 12.251 12 ...[Milton's Areopagitica] cheers as
well as teaches.
Milt1 12.256 9 [Milton] declared that he who would
aspire to write well
hereafter in laudable things, ought himself to be a true poem;...
Milt1 12.259 5 ...as far as possible [writes Milton], I
aim to show myself
equal in thought and speech to what I have written, if I have written
anything well.
Milt1 12.260 25 [Milton's] mastery of his native tongue
was more than to
use it as well as any other;...
Milt1 12.261 6 ...[Milton]...searched the kennel and
jakes as well as the
palaces of sound for the harsh discords of his polemic wrath.
Milt1 12.266 6 Few men could be cited who have so well
understood what
is peculiar to the Christian ethics [as Milton]...
Milt1 12.266 15 The indifferency of a wise mind to what
is called high and
low, and the fact that true greatness is a perfect humility, are
revelations of
Christianity which Milton well understood.
Milt1 12.267 2 [Milton wrote] For notwithstanding the
gaudy superstition
of some still devoted ignorantly to temples, we may be well assured
that he
who disdained not to be born in a manger disdains not to be preached in
Milt1 12.269 22 [Milton's] muse was brave and humane,
as well as sweet.
ACri 12.292 11 A Mr. Randall, M. C., who appeared
before the committee
of the House of Commons on the subject of the American mode of closing
debate, said, that the one-hour rule worked well; made the debate short
MLit 12.320 3 When we read poetry, the mind asks,-Was
this verse one
of twenty which the author might have written as well;...
MLit 12.320 7 ...the reason why [the true poet] can say
one thing well is
because his vision extends to the sight of all things...
MLit 12.322 21 Such was [Goethe's] capacity that the
magazines of the
world's ancient or modern wealth...he wanted them all. Had there been
twice so much, he could have used it as well.
MLit 12.329 10 [We can fancy Goethe saying to himself]
That all shall
right itself in the long Morrow, I may well allow, and my novel
Meister] may wait for the same regeneration.
WSL 12.340 8 ...we love the man [Landor], from sympathy
as well as for
reasons to be assigned;...
WSL 12.344 16 ...there is a noble nature within
[Landor] which instructs
him that he is so rich that he can well spare all his trappings...
Pray 12.350 24 Let us...have the prayers...of men in
all ages and religions
who have prayed well.
EurB 12.367 2 ...a palace might well be magnificent,
but first it must be a
EurB 12.369 12 ...the Court Journals and Literary
Gazettes were not well
pleased, and voted the poet [Wordsworth] a bore.
EurB 12.373 15 We are not very well versed in these
books [novels]...
PPr 12.383 7 ...the poet knows well that a little time
will do more than the
most puissant genius.
PPr 12.383 14 Each man can very well know his own part
of duty, if he
Let 12.397 25 More letters we have on the subject of
the position of young
men, which accord well enough with what we see and hear.
well, n. (6)
MN 1.196 3 Here comes by a great inquisitor with auger
and plumb-line, and will bore an Artesian well through our conventions
and theories...
Wth 6.123 1 The stone-mason who should build the well
thinks he shall
have to dig forty feet;...
Wth 6.123 18 The farmer affects to take his orders; but
the citizen says, You may ask me as often as you will...for an opinion
concerning the mode
of...sinking my well...but the ball will rebound to you.
Farm 7.141 6 He who digs a well...makes a
fortune...which is useful to his
country long afterwards.
Aris 10.66 5 ...the American who would serve his
country must...revisit the
margin of that well from which his fathers drew waters of life and
PerF 10.75 16 [Labor] is under the house in the
well, v. (1)
Art1 2.360 21 ...that house and weather and manner of
living which
poverty and the fate of birth have made at once so odious and so
serve as well as any other condition as the symbol of a thought which
itself indifferently through all.
well-advised, adj. (2)
OA 7.322 12 We still feel the force of Socrates, whom
well-advised the
oracle pronounced wisest of men;...
EWI 11.99 18 I might well hesitate...to undertake to
set this matter [emancipation] before you; which ought rather to be
done by a strict
cooperation of many well-advised persons;...
well-appointed, adj. (2)
Mrs1 3.126 7 Fortune will not supply to every generation
one of these well-appointed
CbW 6.266 25 ...who provoke pity like that excellent
family party just
arriving in their well-appointed carriage, as far from home and any
end as ever?
well-being, n. (20)
Prd1 2.236 14 The prudence which secures an outward
well-being is not to
be studied by one set of men, while heroism and holiness are studied by
Prd1 2.240 27 ...truth, frankness, courage, love,
humility and all the virtues
range themselves on the side of prudence, or the art of securing a
Hsm1 2.249 22 Let [a man] hear in season...that the
commonwealth and his
own well-being require that he should not go dancing in the weeds of
NR 3.243 3 As soon as a person is no longer related to
our present well-being, he is concealed, or dies, as we say.
GoW 4.269 2 Society has really no graver interest than
the well-being of
the literary class.
Wth 6.88 27 [A man]...is tempted out by his appetites
and fancies to the
conquest of this and that piece of nature, until he finds his
well-being in the
use of his planet...
CbW 6.278 25 The secret of culture is to learn that a
few great points
steadily reappear...and that these few are alone to be
regarded;...these are
the essentials,--these, and the wish...to add somewhat to the
well-being of
DL 7.110 27 [The citizen's] house ought to show us his
honest opinion of
what makes his well-being when he rests among his kindred...
DL 7.113 20 ...our idea of domestic well-being now
needs wealth to
execute it.
OA 7.323 7 Under the general assertion of the
well-being of age, we can
easily count particular benefits of that condition.
Imtl 8.330 14 Hear the opinion of Montesquieu: ...
Independently of
revealed ideas, metaphysical ideas give me a vigorous hope of my
well-being, which I would never renounce.
Supl 10.174 2 ...these raptures of fire and frost,
which...make the speech
salt and biting, would cost me the days of well-being which are now so
cheap to me, yet so valued.
SlHr 10.445 15 ...the vigor of [Samuel Hoar's]
understanding was directed
on the ordinary domestic and municipal well-being.
LS 11.22 17 ...that for which Jesus gave himself to be
crucified;...was to... teach us to seek our well-being in the formation
of the soul.
EWI 11.118 18 We sometimes observe that spoiled
children...seem to
measure their own sense of well-being, not by what they do, but by the
degree of reaction they can cause.
EWI 11.122 11 [Our] well-being consists in having a
sufficiency of coffee
and toast...
FSLN 11.217 21 My own habitual view is to the
well-being of students or
ACiv 11.297 17 ...standing on this doleful experience
[slavery], these
people have endeavored to reverse the natural sentiments of mankind,
to pronounce...the well-being of a man to consist in eating the fruit
of other
men's labor.
ACiv 11.307 27 Why should not America be capable of a
second stroke for
the well-being of the human race...
MLit 12.315 14 The great never hinder us; for their
activity is coincident... with all the activity and well-being of the
well-beloved, adj. (2)
Pt1 3.42 1 ...thou [O poet] must pass for a fool and a
churl for a long
season. This is the screen and sheath in which Pan has protected his
SHC 11.435 21 Our use [of Sleepy Hollow] will not
displace the old
tenants. The well-beloved birds will not sing one song the less...
well-born, adj. (8)
OS 2.275 20 To the well-born child all the virtues are
Nat2 3.175 22 The muse herself betrays her son [the
poor young poet], and
enhances the gifts of wealth and well-born beauty by a radiation out of
air, and clouds, and forests that skirt the road...
UGM 4.23 8 I like a master standing firm on legs of
iron, well-born, rich, handsome, eloquent...
Ctr 6.164 25 ...in an old community a well-born
proprietor is usually
found, after the first heats of youth, to be a careful husband...
Bty 6.287 2 ...the lofty air of well-born, well-bred
boys...we know how
these forms thrill, paralyze, provoke, inspire and enlarge us.
Edc1 10.144 19 Here are the two capital facts [of
education], Genius and
Drill. The first is the inspiration in the well-born healthy child...
Plu 10.298 10 Plutarch was well-born, well-taught,
FRep 11.536 20 ...I dread to hear of well-born, gifted
and amiable men, that they have this indifference, disposing them to
this despair.
well-bred, adj. (11)
Pt1 3.9 18 ...this genius [a recent writer of lyrics] is
the landscape-garden of
a modern house...with well-bred men and women standing and sitting in
walks and terraces.
Mrs1 3.132 13 A circle of men perfectly well-bred would
be a company of
sensible persons in which every man's native manners and character
PNR 4.87 12 [Plato's] thoughts, in sparkles of light,
had appeared often to
pious and to poetic souls; but this well-bred, all-knowing Greek
comes with command, gathers them all up into rank and gradation...
ET13 5.223 6 They say here [in England], that if you
talk with a
clergyman, you are sure to find him well-bred, informed and candid...
ET13 5.223 22 [The Anglican Church]...is perfectly
well-bred, and can shut
its eyes on all proper occasions.
ET14 5.256 3 How many volumes of well-bred metre we
must jingle
through, before we can be filled, taught, renewed!
ET15 5.262 13 England is full of manly, clever,
well-bred men who
possess the talent of writing off-hand pungent paragraphs...
Ctr 6.149 18 You cannot have one well-bred man without
a whole society
of such.
Bhr 6.183 13 A scholar may be a well-bred man, or he
may not.
Bhr 6.196 17 ...there is one topic peremptorily
forbidden to all well-bred, to
all rational mortals, namely, their distempers.
Bty 6.287 2 ...the lofty air of well-born, well-bred
boys...we know how
these forms thrill, paralyze, provoke, inspire and enlarge us.
well-bred, n. [wellbred,] (2)
SA 8.79 17 ...how impossible to...acquire good manners,
unless by living
with the well-bred from the start;...
CInt 12.122 3 ...it happens often that the wellbred and
refined...are more
vicious and malignant than the rude country people...
well-built, adj. (1)
Aris 10.44 24 ...the well-built head supplies all the
steps, one as perfect as
the other, in the series.
well-calculated, adj. (1)
Bost 12.199 5 When one thinks of the enterprises that
are attempted in the
heats of youth...we see with new increased respect the solid,
scheme of these emigrants [to New England]...
well-chosen, adj. (2)
LLNE 10.340 21 Dr. Channing repaired to Dr. Warren's
house on the
appointed evening, with large thoughts which he wished to open. He
a well-chosen assembly of gentlemen variously distinguished;...
ACri 12.286 20 Look at this forlorn caravan of
travellers who wander over
Europe dumb...condemned to the company of a courier and of the padrone
when they cannot take refuge in the society of countrymen. A
series of stereoscopic views would have served a better purpose...
well-clad, adj. (1)
SR 2.84 19 What a contrast between the
well-clad...American...and the
naked New Zealander...
well-concealed, adj. (1)
Mrs1 3.146 8 ...there is still...some well-concealed
well-conditioned, adj. (2)
Wsp 6.211 9 See what allowance vice finds in the
respectable and well-conditioned
Plu 10.298 10 Plutarch was well-born, well-taught,
well-directed, adj. (1)
ET5 5.86 22 Lord Collingwood was accustomed to tell his
men that if they
could fire three well-directed broadsides in five minutes, no vessel
resist them;...
well-disposed, adj. (4)
Wsp 6.212 6 Even well-disposed, good sort of people are
touched with the
same infidelity...
Cour 7.259 5 Those political parties which gather in
the well-disposed
portion of the community,--how infirm and ignoble!...
Aris 10.31 8 My concern with [Aristocracy] is that
concern which all well-disposed
persons will feel, that there should be model men...
GSt 10.505 19 When one remembers...his immovable
convictions,-I think
this single will [George Stearns] was worth to the cause ten thousand
ordinary partisans, well-disposed enough, but of feebler and
well-doing, n. (3)
Bhr 6.196 13 Special precepts are not to be thought of;
the talent of well-doing
contains them all.
Prch 10.223 23 I see that sensible men and
conscientious men all over the
world were of one religion,-the religion of well-doing and daring...
FSLN 11.237 17 ...as well-doing makes power and wisdom,
ill-doing takes
them away.
well-dressed, adj. (8)
ET13 5.220 25 When you see on the continent the
well-dressed Englishman
come into his ambassador's chapel and put his face for silent prayer
into his
smooth-brushed hat, you cannot help feeling how much national pride
with him...
Bhr 6.184 19 ...to earnest persons...we cannot extol
[dress circles] highly. A well-dressed talkative company where each is
bent to amuse the other...
Bhr 6.186 20 ...we sometimes dream that we are in a
well-dressed company
without any coat...
Wsp 6.210 19 It is believed by well-dressed proprietors
that there is no
more virtue than they possess;...
SA 8.91 7 That every well-dressed lady or gentleman
should be at liberty to
exceed ten minutes in his or her call on serious people, shows a
still rude.
Aris 10.36 4 ...we, certainly, have not come here to
describe well-dressed
Aris 10.62 14 ...[the gentleman] will find in the
well-dressed crowd... vulgarity of sentiment.
WSL 12.339 22 Before a well-dressed company [Landor]
plunges his
fingers into a cesspool...
well-educated, adj. (2)
ET12 5.208 18 ...at the universities, it is urged that
all goes to form what
England values as the flower of its national life,--a well-educated
ET12 5.210 23 Oxford sends out yearly twenty or thirty
very able men, and
three or four hundred well-educated men.
Wellesley, Arthur [Duke of (25)
UGM 4.15 12 Under this head [of the effects of
friendship]...falls that
homage...which all ranks pay to the hero of the day, from Coriolanus
Gracchus down to...Wellington...
ET1 5.4 14 Besides those [writers] I have named...there
was not in Britain
the man living whom I cared to behold, unless it were the Duke of
ET4 5.64 3 Flogging, banished from the armies of
Western Europe, remains here [in England] by the sanction of the Duke
of Wellington.
ET4 5.68 26 ...[the English] know where their war-dogs
lie. Cromwell, Blake, Marlborough, Chatham, Nelson and Wellington are
not to be trifled
ET5 5.85 27 ...Wellington, when he came to the army in
Spain, had every
man weighed, first with accoutrements, and then without;...
ET6 5.109 9 Wellington governed India and Spain and his
own troops...
ET6 5.111 9 Bacon told [the English], Time was the
right reformer;...and
Wellington, that habit was ten times nature.
ET7 5.118 18 The Duke of Wellington...advises the
French General
Kellermann that he may rely on the parole of an English officer.
ET7 5.120 1 Wellington discovered the ruin of
Bonaparte's affairs, by his
own probity.
ET7 5.123 3 When Castlereagh dissuaded Lord Wellington
from going to
the king's levee until the unpopular Cintra business had been
explained, he
replied, You furnish me a reason for going.
ET8 5.131 14 Wellington said of the young coxcombs of
the Life-Guards, delicately brought up, But the puppies fight well;...
ET11 5.184 7 ...why need [English peers] sit out the
debate? Has not the
Duke of Wellington, at this moment, their proxies...
ET11 5.194 19 When Julia Grisi and Mario sang at the
houses of the Duke
of Wellington and other grandees, a cord was stretched between the
and the company.
ET13 5.222 2 Wellington esteems a saint only as far as
he can be an army
ET18 5.307 12 ...restrospectively, we may strike the
balance and prefer one
Alfred, one Shakspeare, one Milton, one Sidney, one Raleigh, one
Wellington, to a million foolish democrats.
Ctr 6.151 4 How the imagination is piqued by
anecdotes...of Beethoven or
Wellington...passing for nobody;...
Cour 7.258 5 Lord Wellington said, Uniforms were often
Cour 2.271 23 ...Wellington and Soult...become aware
that they are nearer
and more alike than any other two...
OA 7.316 6 Wellington, in speaking of military men,
said, What masks are
these uniforms to hide cowards!
OA 7.323 3 We still feel the force...of Wellington, the
perfect soldier;...
QQ 8.184 15 I remember to have heard Mr. Samuel
Rogers...relate, among
other anecdotes of the Duke of Wellington, that a lady having
passionate wish to witness a great victory, [Wellington] replied:
Madam, there is nothing so dreadful as a great victory,-excepting a
great defeat.
Supl 10.167 8 An eminent French journalist paid a high
compliment to the
Duke of Wellington...
SovE 10.189 18 Savage war gives place to that of
Turenne and Wellington, which has limitations and a code.
Carl 10.496 11 Wellington [Carlyle] respects as real
and honest...
CInt 12.113 19 You shall not put up in your Academy the
Nelson or Wellington...
well-founded, adj. (2)
Tran 1.355 25 There is...a great deal of well-founded
objection to be
spoken or felt against the sayings and doings of this class
Suc 7.311 26 This tranquil, well-founded, wide-seeing
soul is no express-rider...
well-graced, adj. (1)
Elo1 7.93 4 ...the main distinction between [the
eloquent man] and other
well-graced actors is the conviction...that his mind is contemplating a
well-husbanded, adj. (1)
ET18 5.303 18 ...who would see...the explosion of their
forces, must follow the swarms which pouring out now for two hundred
years from the British islands, have sailed and rode and traded and
through all climates...
well-informed, adj. (4)
ET13 5.222 14 The most sensible and well-informed
[English] men possess
the power of thinking just so far as the bishop in religious matters...
Ctr 6.149 14 Boys and girls who have been brought up
with well-informed
and superior people show in their manners an inestimable grace.
Boks 7.198 22 The well-informed man finds himself
anticipated [by Plato].
Humb 11.458 24 ...Cuvier tells us of fossil elephants;
that Germany has
furnished the greatest number;...because in that empire there is no
without some well-informed person capable of making researches and
publishing interesting results.
Wellington, Duke of [Arthur (25)
UGM 4.15 12 Under this head [of the effects of
friendship]...falls that
homage...which all ranks pay to the hero of the day, from Coriolanus
Gracchus down to...Wellington...
ET1 5.4 14 Besides those [writers] I have named...there
was not in Britain
the man living whom I cared to behold, unless it were the Duke of
ET4 5.64 3 Flogging, banished from the armies of
Western Europe, remains here [in England] by the sanction of the Duke
of Wellington.
ET4 5.68 26 ...[the English] know where their war-dogs
lie. Cromwell, Blake, Marlborough, Chatham, Nelson and Wellington are
not to be trifled
ET5 5.85 27 ...Wellington, when he came to the army in
Spain, had every
man weighed, first with accoutrements, and then without;...
ET6 5.109 9 Wellington governed India and Spain and his
own troops...
ET6 5.111 9 Bacon told [the English], Time was the
right reformer;...and
Wellington, that habit was ten times nature.
ET7 5.118 18 The Duke of Wellington...advises the
French General
Kellermann that he may rely on the parole of an English officer.
ET7 5.120 1 Wellington discovered the ruin of
Bonaparte's affairs, by his
own probity.
ET7 5.123 3 When Castlereagh dissuaded Lord Wellington
from going to
the king's levee until the unpopular Cintra business had been
explained, he
replied, You furnish me a reason for going.
ET8 5.131 14 Wellington said of the young coxcombs of
the Life-Guards, delicately brought up, But the puppies fight well;...
ET11 5.184 7 ...why need [English peers] sit out the
debate? Has not the
Duke of Wellington, at this moment, their proxies...
ET11 5.194 20 When Julia Grisi and Mario sang at the
houses of the Duke
of Wellington and other grandees, a cord was stretched between the
and the company.
ET13 5.222 2 Wellington esteems a saint only as far as
he can be an army
ET18 5.307 12 ...retrospectively, we may strike the
balance and prefer one
Alfred, one Shakspeare, one Milton, one Sidney, one Raleigh, one
Wellington, to a million foolish democrats.
Ctr 6.151 4 How the imagination is piqued by
anecdotes...of Beethoven or
Wellington...passing for nobody;...
Cour 7.258 5 Lord Wellington said, Uniforms were often
Cour 7.271 23 ...Wellington and Soult...become aware
that they are nearer
and more alike than any other two...
OA 7.316 6 Wellington, in speaking of military men,
said, What masks are
these uniforms to hide cowards!
OA 7.323 3 We still feel the force...of Wellington, the
perfect soldier;...
QO 8.184 15 I remember to have heard Mr. Samuel
Rogers...relate, among
other anecdotes of the Duke of Wellington, that a lady having
passionate wish to witness a great victory, [Wellington] replied:
Madam, there is nothing so dreadful as a great victory,-excepting a
great defeat.
Supl 10.167 8 An eminent French journalist paid a high
compliment to the
Duke of Wellington...
SovE 10.189 18 Savage war gives place to that of
Turenne and Wellington, which has limitations and a code.
Carl 10.496 11 Wellington [Carlyle] respects as real
and honest...
CInt 12.113 19 You shall not put up in your Academy the
Nelson or Wellington...
Wellington Sound, n. (1)
ET4 5.68 17 ...Sir Edward Parry said of Sir John
Franklin, that if he found
Wellington Sound open, he explored it;...
well-intended, adj. (1)
Comc 8.157 19 The essence...of all comedy, seems to be
an honest or well-intended
well-knit, adj. (1)
Thor 10.461 14 [Thoreau's] senses were acute, his frame
well-knit and
well-known, adj. (14)
Nat 1.51 9 ...a portrait of a well-known face gratifies
MN 1.209 17 That well-known voice speaks in all
languages...and none
ever caught a glimpse of its form.
LT 1.265 14 Could we indicate the indicators...so that
all witnesses should
recognize a spiritual law as each well-known form flitted for a moment
across the wall, we should have a series of sketches which would report
the next ages the color and quality of ours.
Hist 2.15 24 [Nature] hums the old well-known air
through innumerable
ET8 5.128 2 ...[Englishmen's] well-known courage is
entirely attributable
to their digust of life.
Bty 6.287 5 ...the varied power in all that well-known
company that escort
us through life,--we know how these forms thrill, paralyze, provoke,
and enlarge us.
Elo1 7.86 19 ...it is the certainty with which...the
truth stares us in the face... a piece of the well-known human
life,--that makes the interest of a court-room
to the intelligent spectator.
DL 7.120 19 ...who can see unmoved...the cautious
comparison of the
attractive advertisement...of the discourse of a well-known speaker,
the expense of the entertainment;...
PI 8.5 21 ...we see...that the secret cords or laws
show their well-known
virtue through every variety...
LLNE 10.341 19 Margaret Fuller, George Ripley, Dr.
Convers Francis, Theodore Parker, Dr. Hedge, Mr. Brownson, James
Freeman Clarke, William H. Channing and many others...from time to time
spent an
afternoon at each other's houses in a serious conversation. With them
always one well-known form...
EWI 11.115 7 I will not repeat to you the well-known
paragraph, in which
Messrs, Thome and Kimball...describe the occurrences of that night [of
emancipation] in the island of Antigua.
FSLC 11.213 13 ...the sting of the late disgraces [the
Fugitive Slave Law] is that this royal position of Massachusetts was
foully lost, that the well-known
sentiment of her people was not expressed.
SMC 11.357 1 All sorts of men went to the [Civil]
war...the village
politician, who could now...amass what a stock of adventures to retail
hereafter...to the well-known companions on the Mill-dam;...
Shak1 11.447 13 ...it is to us [The Saturday Club] a
disappointment...that a well-known and honored compatriot...Mr. Charles
Sprague,-pleads the infirmities of age as an absolute bar to his
with us.
well-laid, adj. (2)
YA 1.367 27 A well-laid garden makes the face of the
country of no
Art1 2.355 18 Presently we pass to some other object,
which rounds itself
into a whole as did the first; for example a well-laid garden;...
well-made, adj. (1)
Ctr 6.134 20 He only is a well-made man who has a good
well-managed, adj. (1)
ET4 5.51 27 ...certain temperaments...by well-managed
contrarieties, develop as drastic a character as the English.
well-manured, adj. (1)
LT 1.289 23 The granite is curiously concealed...under
well-manured, arable fields...
well-marked, adj. (2)
PNR 4.88 1 ...a very well-marked class of souls...are
said to Platonize.
ET4 5.54 14 I found plenty of well-marked English
well-meaning, adj. (4)
Nat2 3.193 18 What shall we say...of this flattery and
balking of so many
well-meaning creatures?
GoW 4.268 17 It is not from men excellent in any kind
that disparagement
of any other is to be looked for. With such, Talleyrand's question is
the main one; not...is he well-meaning...but...does he stand for
EWI 11.139 6 [The statesmen's] vocation is a
presumption against them
among well-meaning people.
Wom 11.418 22 The answer that lies, silent or spoken,
in the minds of well-meaning
persons, to the new claims [of rights for women], is this: that
though their mathematical justice is not be be denied, yet the best
do not wish these things;...
well-mixed, adj. (2)
Exp 3.59 18 [Life's] chief good is for well-mixed people
who can enjoy
what they find, without question.
Aris 10.43 24 ...when the well-mixed man is born...then
no gift need be
bestowed on him...
well-nigh, adv. (5)
AmS 1.92 8 There is some awe mixed with the joy of our
surprise, when
this poet...says...that which I also had well-nigh thought and said.
LT 1.272 20 The new voices in the wilderness...have
revived a hope, which
had well-nigh perished out of the world, that the thoughts of the mind
yet...be executed by the hands.
PPh 4.72 17 ...there was some story that under cover of
folly, [Socrates] had, in the city government, when one day he chanced
to hold a seat there, evinced a courage in opposing singly the popular
voice, which had well-nigh
ruined him.
Scot 11.462 6 Our concern is only with the residue,
where the man Scott
was warmed with a divine ray that clad with beauty...every bald hill in
country he looked upon, and so reanimated the well-nigh obsolete feudal
history...of a barren and disagreeable territory.
MAng1 12.238 8 [Vasari's] servant brought [the candles]
after nightfall, and presented them to [Michelangelo]. Michael Angelo
refused to receive
them. Look you, Messer Michael Angelo, replied the man, these candles
have well-nigh broken my arm, and I will not carry them back;...
well-ordered, adj. (5)
MoS 4.171 2 One man appears whose nature is to all men's
conserving and constructive; his presence supposes a well-ordered
Elo2 8.110 7 ...whose mind soever is fully possessed
with a fervent desire
to know good things, and with the dearest charity to infuse the
of them into others, when such a man would speak, his words...in
files, as he would wish, fall aptly into their own places.--Milton.
Insp 8.286 20 ...in our good days a well-ordered mind
has a new thought
awaiting it every morning.
PLT 12.20 24 ...a well-ordered mind brings to the study
of every new fact
or class of facts a certain divination of that which it shall find.
Milt1 12.262 11 ...[Milton] said...whose mind soever is
fully possessed
with a fervent desire to know good things, and with the dearest charity
infuse the knowledge of them into others, when such a man would speak,
his words...in well-ordered files...fall aptly into their own places.
well-penned, adj. (1)
QO 8.184 4 When [the Earl of Strafford] met with a
well-penned oration or
tract upon any subject, he framed a speech upon the same argument...
well-principled, adj. (1)
Chr2 10.122 1 To a well-principled man existence is
well-proportioned, adj. (2)
Bost 12.189 27 [John Smith writes (1624)] The seacoast,
as you pass, shows you all along...great troops of well-proportioned
Milt1 12.257 9 Aubrey says [of Milton], This harmonical
and ingenuous
soul dwelt in a beautiful, well-proportioned body.
well-read, adj. (4)
ET12 5.212 10 The habit of meeting well-read and knowing
men teaches
the art of omission and selection.
Ctr 6.141 24 The best heads that ever existed...were
well-read, universally
educated men...
QO 8.178 2 Our high respect for a well-read man is
praise enough of
PPr 12.388 22 How well-read, how adroit, that thousand
arts in [Carlyle's] one art of writing;...
wells, n. (4)
ET8 5.134 14 ...here [in England] exists the best stock
in the world...men
of...strong instincts, yet apt for culture;...abysmal temperament,
wells of wrath, and glooms on which no sunshine settles, alternated
with a
common sense and humanity which hold them fast to every piece of
cheerful duty;...
Bhr 6.180 23 There are eyes...that give no more
admission into the man
than blueberries. Others are liquid and deep,--wells that a man might
Chr2 10.117 14 Religion is as inexpugnable as the
use...of wells...
HDC 11.43 21 What could the body of freemen, meeting
four times a year, at Boston, do for the daily wants of the planters at
Musketaquid? The wolf
was to be killed;...wells to be dug;...
wells, v. (1)
F 6.23 7 Forever wells up the impulse of choosing and
acting in the soul.
well-spoken, adj. (2)
SR 2.51 6 Every decent and well-spoken individual
affects and sways me
more than is right.
NR 3.230 2 England, strong, punctual, practical,
well-spoken England I
should not find if I should go to the island to seek it.
well-taught, adj. (2)
Plu 10.298 10 Plutarch was well-born, well-taught,
FRep 11.518 7 Hitherto government has been that of the
single person or of
the aristocracy. In this country the attempt to resist these elements,
it is
asserted, must throw us into the government...of an inferior class of
professional politicians, who...thrust their unworthy minority into the
place...of the good, industrious, well-taught but unambitious
well-to-do, adj. (1)
Schr 10.287 24 Give me bareness and poverty so that I
know them as the
sure heralds of the Muse. Not in plenty, not in a thriving, well-to-do
condition, she delighteth.
well-toned, adj. (1)
Elo2 8.120 20 Every one of us has at some time been the
victim of a well-toned
and cunning voice...
well-worn, adj. (1)
PI 8.49 26 Rhyme is a pretty good measure of the
latitude and opulence of
a writer. If unskilful, he is at once detected by the poverty of his
chimes. A
small, well-worn, sprucely brushed vocabulary serves him.
well-written, adj. (1)
Plu 10.298 20 ...[Plutarch]...declares in a letter
written to his wife that he
finds scarcely an erasure, as in a book well-written, in the happiness
of his
well-wrought, adj. (1)
ET16 5.278 18 I...was ready to maintain that some
cleverer elephants or
mylodonta had borne off and laid these rocks [of Stonehenge] one on
another. Only the good beasts must have known how to cut a well-wrought
tenon and mortise...
Welsh, adj. (7)
ET11 5.175 2 He that will be a head, let him be a
bridge, said the Welsh
chief Benegridran...
F 6.21 15 God himself cannot procure good for the
wicked, said the Welsh
Bty 6.303 14 ...the Welsh bard warns his countrywomen,
Half of their
charms with Cadwallon shall die./
Elo1 7.63 14 The Welsh Triads say, Many are the friends
of the golden
Boks 7.221 8 Another member [of the literary club]
meantime shall as
honestly search, sift and as truly report on British mythology...the
of Brut, Merlin and Welsh poetry;...
PI 8.57 21 I find or fancy more true poetry...in the
Welsh and bardic
fragments of Taliessin and his successors, than in many volumes of
Insp 8.295 16 ...read Hafiz and the Trouveurs; nay,
Welsh and British
mythology of Arthur...
Welsh Bards, n. (1)
PI 8.38 12 ...Milton, Hafiz, Ossian, the Welsh
Bards;--these all deal with
Nature and history as means and symbols...
Welsh Triad, n. (1)
PI 8.58 2 God himself cannot procure good for the
wicked. Welsh Triad.
Welshman, n. (1)
ET8 5.129 19 Commerce sends abroad multitudes of
different classes [of
Englishmen]. The choleric Welshman, the fervid Scot, the bilious
in the East or West Indies, are wide of the perfect behavior of the
and dignified man of family [in England].
wen, n. (1)
DSA 1.132 4 That which shows God out of me, makes me a
wart and a wen.
went, v. (163)
AmS 1.87 23 [Nature] came into [the scholar] life; it
went out from him
AmS 1.87 25 [Nature] came to [the scholar] short-lived
actions; it went out
from him immortal thoughts.
AmS 1.87 26 [Nature] came to [the scholar] business; it
went from him
AmS 1.97 19 ...those Savoyards...getting their
livelihood by carving...went
out one day...and discovered that they had whittled up the last of
their pine
LE 1.179 4 Napoleon...walked up to a soldier, took his
gun, and himself
went through the motions in the French mode.
LT 1.282 1 Our forefathers walked in the world and went
to their graves
tormented with the fear of Sin...
Con 1.296 11 Saturn...created an oyster. Then he would
act again, but he... went on creating the race of oysters.
Con 1.297 6 ...Saturn...went on making oysters for a
thousand years.
Con 1.297 11 ...[Saturn] feared again; and nature
froze, the things that were
made went backward...
Con 1.316 2 ...the Friar Bernard went home swiftly...
Con 1.321 6 ...the work went on prosperously.
YA 1.391 5 ...the wise and just man will always
feel...that if all went down, he and such as he would quite easily
combine in a new and better
Comp 2.108 3 ...when the Thasians erected a statue to
Theagenes, a victor
in the games, one of his rivals went to it by night and endeavored to
it down...
Lov1 2.181 6 ...[the ancient writers] said that the
soul of man, embodied
here on earth, went roaming up and down in quest of that other world of
own out of which it came into this...
Mrs1 3.155 12 I overheard Jove, one day, said Silenus,
talking of
destroying the earth; he said it had failed; they were all rogues and
vixens, who went from bad to worse...
Nat2 3.191 27 [The rich] are like one who has
interrupted the conversation
of a company to make his speech, and now has forgotten what he went to
NR 3.233 18 It is a greater joy to see the author's
author, than himself. A
higher pleasure of the same kind I found lately at a concert, where I
went to
hear Handel's Messiah.
NER 3.268 11 A man of good sense but of little faith,
whose compassion
seemed to lead him to church as often as he went there, said to me that
liked to have concerts, and fairs, and churches, and other public
amusements go on.
PPh 4.44 3 [Plato]...went to Megara...
PPh 4.44 5 [Plato]...accepted the invitations of Dion
and of Dionysius to
the court of Sicily, and went thither three times...
PPh 4.44 9 It is said [Plato] went farther, into
Babylonia: this is uncertain.
PPh 4.71 23 [Socrates]...never willingly went beyond
the walls...
PPh 4.72 25 [Socrates] wore no under garment; his upper
garment was the
same for summer and winter, and he went barefooted;...
SwM 4.101 6 ...[Swedenborg] went several times to
SwM 4.127 27 ...though the virgins [Swedenborg] saw in
heaven were
beautiful, the wives were incomparably more beautiful, and went on
increasing in beauty evermore.
MoS 4.164 18 In the civil wars of the
League...Montaigne kept his gates
open and his house without defence. All parties freely came and went...
MoS 4.179 22 ...[the young spirit] went with [his
thought] to the chosen
and intelligent, and found no entertainment for it...
ShP 4.192 22 At the time when [Shakespeare] left
Stratford and went up to
London, a great body of stage-plays of all dates and writers existed in
ShP 4.206 24 ...I went once to see the Hamlet of a
famed performer...
NMW 4.236 13 In the fury of assault, [Napoleon] no more
spared himself. He went to the edge of his possibility.
NMW 4.243 10 The necessity of [Napoleon's] position
required a
hospitality to every sort of talent, and its appointment to trusts; and
feeling went along with this policy.
GoW 4.273 3 The Greeks said that Alexander went as far
as Chaos;...
GoW 4.273 4 The Greeks said that Alexander went as far
as Chaos; Goethe
went, only the other day, as far;...
ET1 5.10 7 From London...I went to Highgate, and wrote
a note to Mr. Coleridge...
ET1 5.12 4 [Coleridge] went on defining, or rather
ET1 5.14 22 From Edinburgh I went to the Highlands.
ET1 5.18 3 We [Emerson and Carlyle] went out to walk
over long hills...
ET1 5.19 3 On the 28th August [1833] I went to Rydal
Mount, to pay my
respects to Mr. Wordsworth.
ET4 5.60 16 The Normans came out of France into England
worse men
than they went into it one hundred and sixty years before.
ET4 5.61 21 King Olaf said, When King Harold, my
father, went westward
to England, the chosen men in Norway followed him;...
ET4 5.63 22 Medwin, in the Life of Shelley, relates
that at a military school
they rolled up a young man in a snowball, and left him in his room
the other cadets went to church;...
ET5 5.77 12 Each vagabond that arrived [in England]
bent his neck to the
yoke of gain, or found the air too tense for him. The strong survived,
weaker went to the ground.
ET5 5.88 26 I know not from which of the tribes and
temperaments that
went to the composition of the people [of England] this tenacity was
supplied, but they clinch every nail they drive.
ET5 5.91 19 Lord Elgin, at Athens, saw the imminent
ruin of the Greek
remains, set up his scaffoldings...and, after five years' labor to
collect them, got his marbles on ship-board. The ship struck a rock and
went to the
ET7 5.125 12 I knew a very worthy man...who went to the
opera to see
ET9 5.152 20 Amerigo Vespucci...who went out, in 1499,
a subaltern with
Hojeda...managed in this lying world to supplant Columbus...
ET10 5.168 22 ...Pitt, Peel and Robinson and their
Parliaments...went to
their graves in the belief that they were enriching the country which
were impoverishing.
ET11 5.191 9 Grammont, Pepys and Evelyn show the
kennels to which the
king and court went in quest of pleasure.
ET11 5.195 11 Already...the English noble and squire
were preparing for
the career of the country-gentleman and his peaceable expense. They
from city to city...preparing for a private life thereafter...
ET12 5.199 13 ...I availed myself of some repeated
invitations to Oxford... and went thither on the last day of March,
ET15 5.265 12 I went one day with a good friend to The
[London] Times
ET16 5.285 2 We [Emerson and Carlyle] went out, and
walked over the
estate [at Wilton Hall].
ET16 5.288 8 As I had thus taken in the conversation
the saint's part, when
dinner was announced, Carlyle refused to go out before me,--he was
altogether too wicked. I planted my back against the wall, and our host
[Arthur Helps] wittily rescued us from the dilemma, by saying he was
wickedest and would walk out first, then Carlyle followed, and I went
ET16 5.290 2 [Winchester Cathedral] is very old: part
of the crypt into
which we went down and saw the Saxon and Norman arches of the old
church on which the present stands, was built fourteen or fifteen
years ago.
ET17 5.293 27 The like frank hospitality...I found
among the great and the
humble, wherever I went [in England];...
Pow 6.54 6 [All successful men] believed that things
went not by luck, but
by law;...
Pow 6.72 19 ...[Michel Angelo] went down into the
Pope's gardens behind
the Vatican, and with a shovel dug out ochres, red and yellow...
Wth 6.113 16 Montaigne said, When he was a younger
brother, he went
brave in dress and equipage...
Wth 6.121 23 Of the two eminent engineers in the recent
construction of
railways in England, Mr. Brunel went straight from terminus to
Bhr 6.193 23 ...such was the eloquence and good humor
of the monk [Basle], that wherever he went he was received gladly and
civilly treated...
Wsp 6.229 20 Not only does our beauty waste, but it
leaves word on how it
went to waste.
Wsp 6.235 20 When I went abroad [said Benedict], I kept
company with
every man on the road...
Wsp 6.236 10 Benedict went out to seek his friend, and
met him on the
CbW 6.255 17 I do not think very respectfully of the
designs or the doings
of the people who went to California in 1849.
CbW 6.255 21 Some of [the people] went [to California]
with honest
SS 7.4 24 [My friend] went to Vienna, to Smyrna, to
Civ 7.28 15 ...we managed...to fold up the letter in
such invisible compact
form as [Electricity] could carry in those invisible pockets of
his...and it
went like a charm.
Art2 7.46 14 The effect of music belongs how much...if
on the stage, to
what went before in the play...
Elo1 7.85 2 ...the splendid weapons which went to the
equipment of
Demosthenes, of Aeschines...deserve a special enumeration.
Elo1 7.96 13 [The sturdy countryman's] hard head went
through, in
childhood, the drill of Calvinism...
DL 7.124 21 I have seen finely endowed men at college
festivals... returning, as it seemed, the same boys who went away.
Farm 7.150 4 By drainage we went down to a subsoil we
did not know...
WD 7.162 22 Malthus, when he stated that the mouths
went on multiplying
geometrically and the food only arithmetically, forgot to say that the
mind was also a factor in political economy...
Boks 7.196 9 Dr. Johnson said he always went into
stately shops;...
Boks 7.210 16 ...Earl Spencer exclaimed, Two thousand
two hundred and
fifty pounds! An electric shock went through the assembly.
Clbs 7.248 22 ...it was when things went prosperously,
and the company
was full of honor, at the banquet of the Cid, that the guests all were
Cour 7.261 2 I am much mistaken if every man who went
to the army in
the late war had not a lively curiosity to know how he should behave in
Cour 7.262 12 Lieutenant Ball...whispered, Courage, my
dear boy! you
will recover in a minute or so; I was just the same when I first went
out in
this way.
Suc 7.285 19 [Columbus told the King and Queen] I
assert that [the pilots] can give no other account than that they went
to lands where there was
abundance of gold...
Suc 7.304 10 When [the lover] went abroad, he met, by
casualties, the one person he sought.
OA 7.322 21 We still feel the force...of Galileo, of
whose blindness Castelli
said, The noblest eye is darkened that Nature ever made,--an eye that
seen more than all that went before him...
OA 7.334 15 [John Adams said] I went [to hear George
Whitefield] with
Jonathan Sewall.
PI 8.60 20 [Sir Gawaine] came into the forest of
Broceliande, lamenting as
he went along.
Elo2 8.116 9 [The people] have sent their best men; the
young and ardent... went at the first draft, or the second...
Elo2 8.117 27 A worthy gentleman...went to [Dr. Hugh
Blair] and offered
him one thousand pounds sterling if he would teach him to speak with
propriety in public.
PPo 8.240 25 By [Simorg] Solomon was taught the
language of birds, so
that he heard secrets whenever he went into his gardens.
PPo 8.253 24 I have no hoarded treasure,/ Yet have I
rich content;/ The
first from Allah to the Shah,/ The last to Hafiz went./
Insp 8.277 22 Jacob Behmen said: Art has not wrote
here...but all was
ordered according to the direction of the spirit, which often went on
Insp 8.286 18 I remember a capital prudence of old
President Quincy, who
told me that he never went to bed at night until he had laid out the
for the next morning.
Chr2 10.110 27 [Voltaire] was like the son of the
vine-dresser in the
Gospel, who said No, and went; the other said Yea, and went not.
Chr2 10.111 1 [Voltaire] was like the son of the
vine-dresser in the Gospel, who said No, and went; the other said Yea,
and went not.
Edc1 10.146 3 [Fellowes] went back to England, bought a
Greek grammar
and learned the language;...
MoL 10.243 6 Lawyers [in California] went and came with
pick and
MoL 10.251 11 I chanced lately to be at West Point,
and, after attending
the examination in scientific classes, I went into the barracks.
LLNE 10.334 5 ...every young scholar could recite
brilliant sentences from [Everett's] sermons, with mimicry, good or
bad, of his voice. This influence
went much farther...
LLNE 10.348 16 [Fourier's] ciphering goes where
ciphering never went
EzRy 10.384 20 Part of the shay, as it lay upon one
side, went over my
wife, and yet she was scarcely anything hurt. How wonderful the
EzRy 10.384 23 Then again, May 5th [1735, Joseph
Emerson writes]: Went
to the beach with three of the children.
EzRy 10.387 12 ...the minister of Sudbury...being at
the Thursday lecture
in Boston, heard the officiating clergyman praying for rain. As soon as
service was over, he went to the petitioner, and said, You Boston
ministers, as soon as a tulip wilts under your windows, go to church
and pray for rain, until all Concord and Sudbury are under water.
EzRy 10.389 20 [Ezra Ripley] was the easy dupe of any
tonguey agent... who went by.
MMEm 10.400 4 [Mary Moody Emerson's] father...went as
chaplain to the
the American army at Ticonderoga...
MMEm 10.400 6 [Mary Moody Emerson's] father...went as
chaplain to the
the American army at Ticonderoga: he carried his infant daughter,
before he
went, to his mother in Malden...
MMEm 10.410 17 When her cherished favorite, Elizabeth
Hoar, was at the
Vale, and had gone out to walk in the forest with Hannah, her niece,
Mary [Moody Emerson] feared they were lost, and found a man in the next
house and begged him to go and look for them. The man went and returned
saying that he could not find them.
MMEm 10.410 24 [Mary Moody Emerson] exclaimed, God has
given you
a voice that you might use it in the service of your fellow creatures.
instantly and call Elizabeth till you find [Elizabeth Hoar and her
niece]. The
man went immediately...
MMEm 10.413 5 I [Mary Moody Emerson] walked yesterday
five or more
miles...just fit for the society I went into...
MMEm 10.428 24 [Mary Moody Emerson] made up her
shroud...and she... went out to ride in it...
SlHr 10.437 17 ...when [Samuel Hoar] saw the day and
the gods went
against him, he withdrew...
SlHr 10.437 20 At the time when [Samuel Hoar] went to
South Carolina... he was repeatedly warned that it was not safe for him
to appear in public...
Thor 10.454 8 ...[Thoreau] never went to church;...
Thor 10.458 19 On one occasion [Thoreau] went to the
University Library
to procure some books.
Thor 10.474 17 [Thoreau's] eye was open to beauty, and
his ear to music. He found these...wheresoever he went.
HDC 11.37 11 When you came over the morning waters,
said one of the
Sachems, we took you into our arms. We fed you with our best meat.
went white man cold and hungry from Indian wigwam.
HDC 11.37 16 The faithful dealing and brave good will,
which, during the
life of the friendly Massasoit, [the English] uniformly experienced at
Plymouth and at Boston, went to their hearts.
HDC 11.55 25 In 1643, one seventh or one eighth part of
the inhabitants [of Concord] went to Connecticut with Reverend Mr.
HDC 11.56 24 The college had been already gathered [at
Concord] in 1638. Now the schoolhouse went up.
HDC 11.63 25 ...nothing would satisfy [the country
people] but that the
governor must be bound in chains or cords, and put in a more secure
place, and that they would see done before they went away;...
HDC 11.76 3 Captain Charles Miles, who was wounded in
the pursuit of
the enemy [at Concord bridge] told my venerable friend who sits by me,
that he went to the services of that day, with the same seriousness and
acknowledgment of God, which he carried to church.
EWI 11.103 12 ...when [the negro] sank in the
furrow...he went down to
death with dusky dreams of African shadow-catchers and Obeahs hunting
EWI 11.108 21 [Thomas] Clarkson went to Bristol, made
acquainted with the interior of the slave-ships and the details of the
EWI 11.110 9 The [slave] trade, under false flags, went
on as before.
EWI 11.110 24 In attempting to make its escape from the
pursuit of a man-of-
war, one ship flung five hundred slaves alive into the sea. These facts
went into Parliament.
EWI 11.116 5 The [West Indian] planters informed us
that [the day after
emancipation] they went to the chapels where their own people were
War 11.172 6 The attractiveness of war shows one
thing...this namely, the
conviction of man universally, that...that [a man]...should be himself
kingdom and a state;...nothing daunted, and not really poorer if
government, law and order went by the board;...
FSLC 11.183 19 ...only persons who were known and tried
benefactors are
found standing for freedom: the sentimentalists went down-stream.
FSLN 11.221 10 ...[Webster's] arrival in any place was
an event which
drew crowds of people, who went to satisfy their eyes...
FSLN 11.222 6 ...[Webster] went to the principle or
FSLN 11.227 17 ...Mr. Webster and the country went for
the application to
these poor men [negroes] of quadruped law.
FSLN 11.227 24 Angry parties went from bad to worse...
FSLN 11.228 10 [Webster] did as immoral men usually
do...went through
all the Sunday decorums;...
FSLN 11.230 18 The plea on which freedom was resisted
was Union. I
went to certain serious men, who had a little more reason than the
rest, and
inquired why they took this part?
JBS 11.277 20 ...[John Brown] went bareheaded and
barefooted, and
clothed in buskskin.
HCom 11.342 16 [The war] charged with power, peaceful,
amiable men, to
whose life war and discord were abhorrent. What an infusion of
went out from this and other colleges!
HCom 11.342 23 It is easy to recall the mood in which
our young men... went to the war.
HCom 11.343 6 ...the infusion of culture and tender
humanity from these
scholars and idealists who went to the war in their own despite...had
signal and lasting effect.
HCom 11.344 10 A single company in the Forty-fourth
Regiment contained thirty-five sons of Harvard. You all know as well as
the story of these dedicated men, who knew well on what duty they
SMC 11.353 6 Every Democrat who went South came back a
SMC 11.353 8 Every Democrat who went South came back a
Republican, like the governors who...went to Kansas, and instantly took
the free-state
SMC 11.356 6 Our farmers went to Kansas as peaceable,
God-fearing men
as the members of our school committee here.
SMC 11.356 18 All sorts of men went to the [Civil]
SMC 11.357 8 All sorts of men went to the [Civil]
war...men hitherto of
narrow opportunities of knowing the world, but well taught in the
grammar-schools. But perhaps in every one of these classes were
idealists, men who
went from a religious duty.
SMC 11.358 13 I doubt not many of our soldiers could
repeat the
confession of a youth whom I knew in the beginning of the [Civil] war,
who...went to the field, and died early.
SMC 11.363 10 [The West Point officer] looked rather
ashamed, but went
through the drill without an oath.
SMC 11.364 9 ...I [George Prescott] took six poles, and
went to the
colonel, and told him I had got the poles for two tents, which would
twenty-four men...
SMC 11.366 7 Captain Humphrey H. Buttrick, lieutenant
in this [Forty-seventh] regiment...went out again in August, 1864...
SMC 11.366 21 In August, 1862...twelve men...were
enlisted for three
years, and, being soon after enrolled in the Fortieth Massachusetts,
went to
the war;...
SMC 11.368 18 Colonel Prescott's regiment went in [to
the battle of
Gettysburg] with two hundred and ten men, nineteen officers.
SMC 11.371 10 After Gettysburg, the Thirty-second
Regiment saw hard
service...crossing the Rapidan, and suffering from such extreme cold, a
days later, at Mine Run, that the men were compelled to break rank and
in circles to keep themselves from being frozen. On the third of
December, they went into winter quarters.
SMC 11.373 1 Early in the morning of the eighteenth
[the Thirty-second
Regiment] went to the front...
SMC 11.374 24 Those who went through those dreadful
fields [of the Civil
War] and returned not deserve much more than all the honor we can pay.
SMC 11.375 1 Those who went through those dreadful
fields [of the Civil
War] and returned not deserve much more than all the honor we can pay.
But those also who went through the same fields, and returned alive,
just as much at hazard as those who died...
PLT 12.20 7 This methodizing mind meets no resistance
in its attempts. The scattered blocks, with which it strives to form a
symmetrical structure, fit. This design following after finds with joy
that like design went before.
PLT 12.60 7 This premature stop, I know not how,
befalls most of us in
early youth; as if...the access to rare truths, closed at two or three
years in
the child, while all the pagan faculties went ripening on to sixty.
Mem 12.105 24 Abel Lawton knew every horse that went up
and down
through Concord...
CInt 12.116 21 ...those were the giddy times which went
before these...
CL 12.137 9 [Linnaeus] went into Oland, and found that
the farms on the
shore were perpetually encroached on by the sea...
CL 12.150 24 [The man] went forth again after the rain;
in the cold swamp, the buds are swollen...
CL 12.163 3 Before the sun was up, [my naturalist] went
up and down to
survey his possessions...
Bost 12.199 10 John Smith says, Thirty, forty, or fifty
sail went yearly in
America only to trade and fish...
Bost 12.199 13 John Smith says, Thirty, forty, or fifty
sail went yearly in
America...but nothing would be done for a plantation, till about some
hundred of your Brownists of England, Amsterdam and Leyden went to
New Plymouth;...
MAng1 12.220 18 Granacci, a painter's apprentice,
having lent [Michelangelo], when a boy, a print of Saint Antony beaten
by devils, together with some colors and pencils, he went to the
fish-market to
observe the form and color of fins and of the eyes of fish.
MLit 12.324 18 This is the secret of that deep realism,
which went about
among all objects [Goethe] beheld, to find the cause why they must be
they are.
MLit 12.328 1 Here was a man [Goethe] who...went up and
down, from
object to object, lifting the veil from every one, and did no more.
Let 12.403 3 A friend of ours went five years ago to
Illinois to buy a farm
for his son.
Wentworth, Thomas [Earl of (1)
QQ 8.184 2 ...we find in Southey's Commonplace Book this
said of the
Earl of Strafford: I learned one rule of him, says Sir G. Radcliffe,
which I
think worthy to be remembered.
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