Participant to Passed

A Concordance to the Collected Essays of Ralph Waldo Emerson
Compiled by Eugene F. Irey

participant, adj. (2)

    CSC 10.375 18 ...Edward, Palmer, Jones Very, Maria W. Chapman and many other persons of a mystical or sectarian or philanthropic renown, were present [at the Chardon Street Convention], and some of them participant.
    PPr 12.388 2 ...we at this distance are not so far removed from any of the specific evils [of the English State], and are deeply participant in too many, not to share the gloom and thank the love and courage of the counsellor [Carlyle].

participant, n. (1)

    UGM 4.11 18 ...the constituency determines the vote of the representative. He is not only representative, but participant.

participate, v. (1)

    Pt1 3.26 3 Why should not the symmetry and truth that modulate these [aspects of nature], glide into our spirits, and we participate the invention of nature?

participated, v. (1)

    HDC 11.62 24 In the great growth of the country, Concord participated...

participator, n. (1)

    EurB 12.375 19 sentiment from the heart of God been spoken by [the novel of costume or of circumstance] the reader had been made a participator of their triumph;...

participators, n. (1)

    Lov1 2.170 12 ...this passion of which we speak [love]...makes the aged participators of it not less than the tender maiden...

particle, n. (29)

    Nat 1.43 13 Each particle is a microcosm...
    AmS 1.85 14 Far too as her splendors the mass and in the particle, Nature hastens to render account of herself to the mind.
    SR 2.87 13 The same particle does not rise from the valley [of the wave] to the ridge.
    Comp 2.97 11 The entire system of things gets represented in every particle.
    OS 2.269 9 ...within man is...the universal beauty, to which every part and particle is equally related;...
    Nat2 3.196 19 That power...which makes the whole and the particle its equal channel...distils its essence into every drop of rain.
    Pol1 3.199 16 ...the old statesman knows that society is fluid;...any particle may suddenly become the centre of the movement...
    Pol1 3.206 7 every particle of property belongs its own attraction.
    NR 3.228 20 The magnetism which arranges tribes and races in one polarity is alone to be respected; the men are steel-filings. Yet we unjustly select a particle, and say, O steel-filing number one! what heart-drawings I feel to thee!...
    PNR 4.86 27 There is no lawless particle...
    SwM 4.121 10 In nature, each individual symbol plays innumerable parts, as each particle of matter circulates in turn through every system.
    Pow 6.78 12 The way to learn German is to read the same dozen pages over and over a hundred times, till you know every word and particle in them...
    Wsp 6.203 16 A self-poise belongs to every particle...
    Wsp 6.222 1 ...the police and sincerity of the universe are secured by God's delegating his divinity to every particle;...
    Bty 6.294 14 There is not a particle to spare in natural structures.
    Farm 7.143 26 No particle of oxygen can rust or wear...
    Suc 7.305 8 ...if [Sylvina] says [Odoacer] was defeated, why he had better a great deal have been defeated than give her a moment's annoy. Odoacer, if there was a particle of the gentleman in him, would have said, Let me be defeated a thousand times.
    QO 8.182 13 The Bible itself is like an old Cremona [violin]; it has been played upon by the devotion of thousands of years until every word and particle is public and tunable.
    PC 8.223 25 Nature is an enormous system, but in mass and in particle curiously available to the humblest need of the little creature that walks on the earth!
    Grts 8.306 1 'T is gratifying to see this adaptation of man to the world, and to every part and particle of it.
    Imtl 8.333 10 The ground of hope is in the infinity of the world; which infinity reappears in every particle...
    Edc1 10.131 10 ...always the mind contains in its transparent chambers the means of classifying the most refractory phenomena, of...subordinating them to a bright reason of its own, and so giving to man...the very highest property in every district and particle of the globe.
    SovE 10.183 11 There is a kind of latent omniscience not only in every man, but in every particle.
    MoL 10.247 21 Air, water, fire, iron, gold, wheat, electricity, animal fibre, have not lost a particle of power...
    Thor 10.472 22 ...not a particle of respect had [Thoreau] to the opinions of any man or body of men...
    EWI 11.128 9 For months and years the bill [on emanicipation in the West Indies] was the first citizens of England, the foremost men of the earth;...every particle of evidence was sifted and laid in the scale;...
    EWI 11.134 12 ...the reader of Congressional debates, in New England, is perplexed to see with what admirable sweetness and patience the majority of the free States are schooled and ridden by the minority of slave-holders. What if we should send thither representatives who were a particle less amiable and less innocent?
    EWI 11.136 25 One feels very sensibly in all this history [of emancipation in the West Indies] that a great heart and soul are behind that this cause has had the power to draw to it every particle of talent and of worth in England...
    SHC 11.430 12 ...the irresistible democracy-shall I call it?-of chemistry, of vegetation, which recomposes for new life every decomposing particle,- the race never dying, the individual never spared,-have impressed on the mind of the age the futility of these old arts of preserving.

particles, n. (14)

    Hist 2.37 14 One may say a gravitating solar system is already prophesied in the nature of Newton's mind. Not less does the brain of Davy or of Gay-Lussac, from childhood exploring the affinities and repulsions of particles, anticipate the laws of organization.
    Comp 2.101 2 ...the universe is represented in every one of its particles.
    Prd1 2.234 19 There is nothing [a man] will not be the better for knowing, were it only...the the prudence which consists in husbanding...particles of stock and small gains.
    OS 2.269 6 We particles.
    Nat2 3.179 16 [Efficient Nature] publishes itself in creatures, reaching from particles and spiculae through transformation on transformation to the highest symmetries...
    SwM 4.109 16 Gravitation, as explained by Newton, is good, but grander when we find chemistry only an extension of the law of masses into particles...
    NMW 4.223 8 It is Swedenborg's theory that every organ is made up of homogeneous particles;...
    Wth 6.101 10 ...a mass is an immense centre of motion [said the Marseilles banker], but it must be begun, it must be kept up:--and he might have added that the way in which it must be begun and kept up is by obedience to the law of particles.
    PLT 12.4 22 Every creation, in parts or in particles, is on the method and by the means which our mind approves as soon as it is thoroughly acquainted with the facts;...
    PLT 12.23 17 The affinity of particles accurately translates the affinity of thoughts...
    PLT 12.27 9 A man has been in Spain. The facts and thoughts which the traveller has found in that country gradually settle themselves into a determinate heap of one size and form and not another. That is what he knows and has to say of Spain; he cannot say it truly until a sufficient time for the arrangement of the particles has elapsed.
    PLT 12.44 12 If you cut or break in two a block or stone and press the two parts closely together, you can indeed bring the particles very near, but never again so near that they shall attract each other so that you can take up the block as one.
    II 12.87 10 One polarity is impressed on the universe and on its particles.
    Mem 12.99 1 ...[the loadstone] gains new particles all the way as you move it, but one falls off for every one that adheres.

particular, adj. (123)

    Nat 1.15 15 ...where the particular objects are mean and unaffecting, the landscape which they compose is round and symmetrical.
    Nat 1.25 6 Particular natural facts are symbols of particular spiritual facts.
    Nat 1.32 8 We are thus assisted by natural objects in the expression of particular meanings.
    Nat 1.40 1 ...[man] is learning the secret that he can reduce under his will not only particular events but great classes...
    Nat 1.49 9 It is the uniform effect of culture on the human mind, not to shake our faith in the stability of particular phenomena...
    AmS 1.82 25 ...there is One Man, - present to all particular men only partially...
    AmS 1.102 20 ...some ephemeral trade, or war, or man, is cried up by half mankind and cried down by the other half as if all depended on this particular up or down.
    AmS 1.108 1 ...a man, rightly viewed, comprehendeth the particular natures of all men.
    LE 1.172 16 ...any particular portraiture does not in any manner exclude or forestall a new attempt...
    MN 1.201 3 Nature can only be conceived as existing to a universal and not to a particular end;...
    MN 1.204 2 ...the spirit and peculiarity of that impression nature makes on us is this, that it does not exist to any one or to any number of particular ends...
    MN 1.206 6 [Every child] a demon or god thrown into a particular chaos...
    MN 1.206 9 Each individual soul is such in virtue of its being a power to translate the world into some particular language of its own;...
    MN 1.213 27 You will not understand [the Intelligible] as when understanding some particular thing...
    MN 1.215 10 ...[the disciple] attached the value of virtue to some particular practices...
    MR 1.227 2 I wish to offer to your consideration some thoughts on the particular and general relations of man as a reformer.
    MR 1.249 3 The power which is at once spring and regulator in all efforts of reform is the conviction...that all particular reforms are the removing of some impediment.
    MR 1.256 12 ...the great man [is] very willing to lose particular powers and talents, so that he gain in the elevation of his life.
    Con 1.299 14 ...[conservatism] thinks there is a general law without a particular application...
    Hist 2.5 25 It is the universal nature which gives worth to particular men and things.
    Hist 2.15 16 A particular picture or copy of verses, if it do not awaken the same train of images, will yet superinduce the same sentiment as some wild mountain walk...
    SR 2.46 27 The eye was placed where one ray should fall, that it might testify of that particular ray.
    SR 2.66 12 the universal miracle petty and particular miracles disappear.
    SR 2.77 16 Prayer that craves a particular vicious.
    Comp 2.104 13 The particular man aims to be somebody;...
    Comp 2.111 20 All the old abuses in society, universal and particular...are avenged in the same manner.
    SL 2.131 19 All loss, all pain, is particular;...
    Lov1 2.169 6 Nature...anticipates already a benevolence which shall lose all particular regards in its general light.
    Lov1 2.182 16 In the particular society of his mate [the lover] attains a clearer sight of any spot, any taint which her beauty has contracted from this world...
    Fdsp 2.197 5 [A man who stands united in his thought] is conscious of a universal success, even though bought by uniform particular failures.
    Prd1 2.234 27 invested, is liable to depreciation of the particular kind of stock.
    Hsm1 2.251 1 ...a different breeding, different religion and greater intellectual activity would have modified or even reversed the particular action...
    OS 2.268 23 The Supreme Critic on the errors of the past and the present... is...that Unity, that Over-Soul, within which every man's particular being is contained...
    OS 2.275 12 This is the law of moral and of mental gain. The simple rise as by specific levity not into a particular virtue, but into the region of all the virtues.
    OS 2.276 9 ...the heart which abandons itself to the Supreme Mind...will travel a royal road to particular knowledges and powers.
    OS 2.280 11 If we...see how the thing stands in God, we know the particular thing, and every thing, and every man.
    OS 2.280 17 ...beyond this recognition of its own in particular passages of the individual's experience, [the soul] also reveals truth.
    OS 2.293 5 [God's presence] inspires in man an infallible trust. He has...the sight, that the best is the true, and may in that thought easily dismiss all particular uncertainties and fears...
    OS 2.297 4 will come to see that the world is the perennial miracle which the soul worketh, and be less astonished at particular wonders;...
    Cir 2.304 21 Every general law [is] only a particular fact of some more general law...
    Cir 2.321 8 Character dulls the impression of particular events.
    Int 2.336 27 Not by any conscious imitation of particular forms are the grand strokes of the painter executed...
    Art1 2.364 2 Already History is old enough to witness the old age and disappearance of particular arts.
    Exp 3.57 5 A man is like a bit of Labrador spar, which has no lustre as you turn it in your hand until you come to a particular angle;...
    Exp 3.77 25 ...the longer a particular union lasts the more energy of appetency the parts not in union acquire.
    Nat2 3.176 18 There is nothing so wonderful in any particular landscape as the necessity of being beautiful under which every landscape lies.
    Pol1 3.199 7 ...every law and usage was a man's expedient to meet a particular case;...
    NR 3.228 10 Young people admire talents or particular excellences;...
    NR 3.229 17 We are amphibious creatures...having two sets of faculties, the particular and the catholic.
    NR 3.239 15 In every conversation, even the highest, there is a certain trick, which may be soon learned by an acute person, and then that particular style continued indefinitely.
    NR 3.243 22 ...the divine Providence which keeps the universe open in every direction to the soul, conceals all the furniture and all the persons that do not concern a particular soul, from the senses of that individual.
    NER 3.253 10 [Other reformers] assailed particular vocations...
    PNR 4.86 10 ...the fact of knowledge and ideas reveals to [Plato] the fact of eternity; and the doctrine of reminiscence he offers as the most probable particular explication.
    SwM 4.102 27 Over and above the merit of [Swedenborg's] particular discoveries, is the capital merit of his self-equality.
    SwM 4.114 26 Every particular idea of an image and effigy of him.
    SwM 4.129 23 Whether from a self-inquisitorial habit that he grew into from jealousy of the sins to which men of thought are liable, [Swedenborg] has acquired, in disentangling and demonstrating that particular form of moral disease, an acumen which no conscience can resist.
    MoS 4.182 1 These particular griefs and crimes are the foliage and fruit of such trees as we see growing.
    GoW 4.265 18 The ambitious and mercenary bring their last new mumbo-jumbo... and...easily succed in making it seen in a glare; and a multitude go mad about it, and they are not to be reproved or cured by the opposite multitude who are kept from this particular insanity by an equal frenzy on another crotchet.
    ET1 5.21 5 [Wordsworth] alluded once or twice to his conversation with Dr. Channing, who had recently visited him (laying his hand on a particular chair in which the Doctor had sat).
    ET8 5.133 14 It was no bad description of the Briton generically, what was said two hundred years ago of one particular Oxford scholar: He was a very bold man, uttered any thing that came into his mind...
    ET8 5.133 18 It was no bad description of the Briton generically, what was said two hundred years ago of one particular Oxford scholar: He was a very bold man...and would often speak his mind of particular persons then accidentally present...
    ET9 5.144 9 Every individual [in England] has his particular way of living...
    ET14 5.251 4 It would be easy to add exceptions to the limitary tone of English thought, and much more easy to adduce examples of excellence in particular veins;...
    ET15 5.269 27 Every slip of an Oxonian or Cantabrigian who writes his first leader assumes that we subdued the earth before we sat down to write this particular [London] Times.
    F 6.17 14 'T is frivolous to fix pedantically the date of particular inventions.
    F 6.26 19 [The mind] does not overvalue particular truths.
    Wsp 6.205 9 In all ages, souls...are born, who are rather related to the system of the world than to their particular age and locality.
    Wsp 6.227 11 Young people admire talents and particular excellences.
    Wsp 6.235 6 ...[Benedict said] in all the encounters that have yet chanced, I have not been weaponed for that particular occasion, and have been historically beaten;...
    Ill 6.314 13 ...a friend of mine complained that all the varieties of fancy pears in our orchard seem to have been selected by somebody who had a whim for a particular kind of pear...
    Art2 7.45 16 much is there that is not original in every particular building...
    Elo1 7.65 4 That...which eloquence ought to reach, is not a particular skill in telling a story...
    WD 7.179 21 ...him I reckon the most learned scholar...who can unfold the theory of this particular Wednesday.
    WD 7.181 26 We do not want factitious men, who can...turn their ability indifferently in any particular direction by the strong effort of will.
    OA 7.323 8 Under the general assertion of the well-being of age, we can easily count particular benefits of that condition.
    PI 8.15 11 ...all particular natures are tropes.
    Comc 8.158 27 The perpetual game of humor is to look with considerate good nature at every object in existence...enjoying the figure which each self-satisfied particular creature cuts in the unrespecting All...
    Comc 8.159 2 Separate any object, as a particular bodily man...from the connection of becomes at once comic;...
    Comc 8.165 4 ...the more overgrown the particular form is, the more ridiculous to the intellect.
    Grts 8.308 1 In morals this [individual bias] is conscience; in intellect, genius; in practice, talent;-not to imitate or surpass a particular man in his way, but to bring out your own new way;...
    Grts 8.312 21 ...the highest wisdom does not concern itself with particular men...
    Dem1 10.6 2 This feature of dreams deserves the more attention from its singular resemblance to that obscure yet startling experience which almost every person confesses in daylight, that particular passages of conversation and action have occurred to him in the same order before...
    Dem1 10.9 27 It is no wonder that particular dreams and presentiments should fall out and be prophetic.
    Dem1 10.15 13 The belief that particular individuals are attended by a good fortune which makes them desirable associates in any enterprise of uncertain success, exists not only among those who take part in political and military projects...
    Dem1 10.23 11 a particular circle and knot of affairs [the fortunate man] is not so much his own man as the hand of Nature and time.
    Aris 10.35 17 The superiority in [my companion] is inferiority in me, and if this particular companion were wiped by a sponge out of Nature, my inferiority would still be made evident to me by other persons...
    Chr2 10.101 25 every serious mind Providence sends from time to time five or six or seven teachers who are of first importance to him in the lessons they have to impart. The highest of these not so much give particular knowledge...
    Chr2 10.104 18 Every particular instruction is speedily embodied in a ritual...
    Edc1 10.156 24 I confess myself utterly at a loss in suggesting particular reforms in our ways of teaching.
    Supl 10.170 7 The farmers in the region do not call particular summits... mountains, but only them 'ere rises...
    SovE 10.201 4 You have perceived in the first fact of your conscious life here a miracle so to...leave you no need of hunting here or there for any particular exhibitions of power.
    Schr 10.280 11 When a man begins to dedicate himself to a particular function...the advance of his character and genius pauses;...
    LLNE 10.353 1 [Fourier's] mistake is that this particular order and series is to be imposed...on all men...
    LLNE 10.353 9 Could not the conceiver of [Fourier's] design have also believed...that the method of each associate might be trusted, as well as that of his particular Committee and General Office...
    EzRy 10.384 2 [Ezra Ripley] and his contemporaries...were believers in what is called a particular providence...
    EzRy 10.384 4 [Ezra Ripley] and his contemporaries...were believers in what is called a particular providence,-certainly, as they held it, a very particular providence......
    Thor 10.480 2 ...[Thoreau] seemed haunted by a certain chronic assumption that the science of the day pretended completeness, and he had just found out that the savans had neglected to discriminate a particular botanical variety...
    LS 11.4 24 Having recently given particular attention to this subject [the Lord's Supper], I was led to the conclusion that Jesus did not intend to establish an institution for perpetual observance when he ate the Passover with his disciples;...
    LS 11.20 11 The importance ascribed to this particular ordinance [the Lord' s Supper] is not consistent with the spirit of Christianity.
    LS 11.20 23 exalt particular unreasonable...
    HDC 11.44 18 In 1635, the [General] Court say, whereas particular towns have many things which concern only themselves, it is Ordered, that the freemen of every town shall have power to dispose of their own lands and woods, and choose their own particular officers.
    HDC 11.44 23 In 1635, the [General] Court is Ordered, that the freemen of every town shall have power to dispose of their own lands and woods, and choose their own particular officers.
    Humb 11.457 7 Humboldt was one of those wonders of the world...who appear from time to time...a universal man, not only possessed of great particular talents, but they were symmetrical...
    FRep 11.528 25 ...a pew in a particular church gives an easier entrance to the subscription ball.
    PLT 12.24 12 ...the nervous and hysterical and animalized will produce a like series of symptoms in you...though you are conscious that they...are a sort of extension of the diseases of this particular person into you.
    PLT 12.38 2 At a moment in our history the mind's eye opens and we become aware...of rights, of duties, of thoughts,-a thousand faces of one essence. We call the essence Truth; the particular aspects of it we call thoughts.
    PLT 12.40 14 Insight assimilates the thing seen. Is it only another way of affirming and illustrating this to say that it sees nothing alone, but sees each particular object in just connections,-sees all in God?
    PLT 12.40 17 In all healthy souls is an inborn necessity of presupposing for each particular fact a prior Being which compels it to a harmony with all other natures.
    II 12.70 21 [Inspiration] is...a public or universal light, and not particular.
    Mem 12.101 1 Apprehension of the whole sentence aids to fix the precise meaning of a particular word...
    CL 12.135 10 The land, the care of land, seems to be the calling of the people of this new country, of those, at least, who have not some decided bias, driving them to a particular craft...
    CW 12.179 13 ...there is a general sense which the best knowledge of the particular alphabet [of Nature] leaves unexplained.
    MAng1 12.218 1 All particular beauties scattered up and down in Nature are only so far beautiful as they suggest more or less in themselves this entire circuit of harmonious proportions.
    ACri 12.305 18 Criticism is an art when it...looks at...the essential quality of [the poet's] mind. Then the critic is poet. 'T is a question...of...not particular merits, but the mood of mind into which one and another can bring us.
    MLit 12.309 5 When we flout all particular books as initial merely, we truly express the privilege of spiritual nature...
    MLit 12.330 13 The least inequality of mixture [of Truth, Beauty and Goodness], the excess of one element over the other, in that degree...makes the world opaque to the observer, and destroys so far the value of his experience. No particular gifts can countervail this defect.
    AgMs 12.363 2 [The Agricultural Surveyor] is the victim of the Reports, which are sent him, of particular farms.
    EurB 12.375 4 In this class [novel of costume or of circumstance], the hero, without any particular character, is in a very particular circumstance;...
    EurB 12.375 5 In this class [novel of costume or of circumstance], the hero, without any particular character, is in a very particular circumstance;...
    PPr 12.382 9 It is not by sitting still at a grand distance and calling the human race larvae, that men are to be helped...but by doing unweariedly the particular work we were born to do.
    Trag 12.408 7 destiny, it is not the good of the whole or the best will that is enacted, but only one particular will.
    Trag 12.408 24 ...the essence of tragedy does not seem to me to lie in any list of particular evils.
    Trag 12.414 10 Particular themselves to human calamities;...

Particular Metre, Short, n. (1)

    Bost 12.201 25 There is a little formula...I 'm as good as you be, which contains the essence of the Massachusetts Bill of Rights and of the American Declaration of Independence. And this...was said and every note of Old Hundred and Hallelujah and Short Particular Metre.

particular, n. (28)

    Nat 1.37 1 Our dealing with sensible objects is a constant exercise in the necessary lessons...of ascent from particular to general;...
    Nat 1.63 11 Nature is so pervaded with human life that there is something of humanity in all and in every particular.
    LE 1.165 7 ...what hinders [men] in the particular is the momentary predominance of the finite and individual over the general truth.
    LE 1.180 4 ...[Napoleon] neglected never the least particular of preparation...
    Con 1.316 20 ...what holds in particular, holds in general...
    SR 2.55 18 There is a mortifying experience in particular...I mean the foolish face of praise...
    Fdsp 2.206 15 Friendship may be said to require natures...each so well tempered and so happily adapted, and withal so circumstanced (for even in that particular, a poet says, love demands that the parties be altogether paired), that its satisfaction can very seldom be assured.
    OS 2.271 15 All reform aims in some one particular to let the soul have its way through us;...
    Exp 3.56 16 The child asks, Mamma, why don't I like the story as well as when you told it me yesterday? Alas! child, it is even so with the oldest cherubim of knowledge. But will it answer thy question to say, Because thou wert born to a whole and this story is a particular?
    Chr1 3.114 11 The ages have exulted in the manners of a youth...who, by the pure quality of his nature, shed an epic splendor around the facts of his death which has transfigured every particular into an universal symbol for the eyes of mankind.
    Nat2 3.189 19 As soon as [a man] is released from the instinctive and particular and sees [his speech's] partiality, he shuts his mouth in disgust.
    NER 3.261 17 ...society gains nothing whilst a man, not himself renovated, attempts to renovate things around him; he has become tediously good in some particular but negligent or narrow in the rest;...
    SwM 4.120 16 A man is in general and in particular an organized justice or injustice...
    ET13 5.225 3 The bill for the naturalization of the Jews [in England] (in 1753) was petition from the city of London, reprobating this bill, as...extremely injurious to the interests and commerce of the kingdom in general, and of the city of London in particular.
    F 6.49 2 If in the least particular one could derange the order of nature,- who would accept the gift of life?
    Wth 6.111 15 ...the subject [of economy] is tender, and we may easily have too much of it, and therein resembles the hideous animalcules of which our bodies are built up,--offensive in the particular, yet compose valuable and effective masses.
    OA 7.327 25 He is serene...whose condition, in particular and in general, allows the utterance of his mind.
    PI 8.4 1 ...the most imaginative and abstracted person never makes with impunity the least mistake in this particular,--never tries to kindle his oven with water...
    QO 8.188 23 The mischief [of quotation] is quickly punished in general and in particular.
    PC 8.222 25 [Newton's] law was only a particular of the more universal law of centrality.
    Dem1 10.16 23 This the particular of lucky days and fortunate persons, as frequent in America to-day as the faith in incantations and philters was in old Rome...runs athwart the recognized agencies...which science and religion explore.
    MMEm 10.398 11 They whom [Lucy Percy] is pleased to choose are such as are of the most eminent condition both for power and employment,-not with any design towards her own particular...
    LS 11.4 24 far from the [Lord's] Supper being a tradition in which men are fully agreed, there has always been the widest room for difference of opinion upon this particular.
    II 12.87 13 Obedience to its the particular of faith;...
    Bost 12.190 1 Massachusetts in particular, [John Smith] calls the paradise of these parts...
    Milt1 12.249 16 These writings [Milton's tracts] are wonderful for...the subtility and pomp of the language; but the whole is sacrificed to the particular.
    PPr 12.391 13 The other particular of magnificence is in [Carlyle's] rhymes.
    Let 12.395 20 It were fit to forbid concert and calculation in this particular, if that were our system...

particularities, n. (1)

    ET11 5.186 11 ...[English nobility] see things so grouped and amassed as to infer easily the sum and genius, instead of tedious particularities.

particularized, v. (1)

    PLT 12.40 22 The game of Intellect is the perception that whatever befalls or can be stated is a universal proposition; and contrariwise, that every general statement is poetical again by being particularized or impersonated.

particularizing, v. (1)

    SMC 11.368 12 Fredericksburg...Lieutenant-Colonel Prescott loudly expressed his satisfaction at his comrades, now and then particularizing names...

particularly, adv. (4)

    NMW 4.250 23 [Bonaparte] delighted in the conversation of men of science, particularly of Monge and Berthollet;...
    ET8 5.130 22 [The English]...shake their heads if [a man] is particularly chaste.
    LS 11.11 7 is not a little singular that we should have preserved this rite [the Lord's Supper] and insisted upon perpetuating one symbolical act of Christ whilst we have totally neglected all others,-particularly one other which had at least an equal claim to our observance.
    War 11.151 11 Looked at in this general and historical way, many things wear a very different face from that they show near by, and one at a time,- and, particularly, war.

particulars, n. (66)

    Nat 1.14 12 ...there is no need of specifying particulars in this class of uses [of the useful arts].
    Nat 1.39 21 Passing by many particulars of the discipline of nature, we must not omit to specify two.
    Nat 1.56 1 In physics, when [discovery of natural law] is attained, the memory disburthens itself of its cumbrous catalogues of particulars...
    Nat 1.59 4 ...there is something ungrateful in expanding too curiously the particulars of the general proposition, that all culture tends to imbue us with idealism.
    DSA 1.122 2 The moral traits which are all globed into every virtuous act and thought, - in speech we must...describe or suggest by painful enumeration of many particulars.
    YA 1.373 17 It is because Nature thus saves and uses, laboring for the general, that we poor particulars...find it so hard to live.
    SR 2.55 8 This conformity makes [men] not false in a few particulars...but false in all particulars.
    SR 2.55 9 This conformity makes [men] not false in a few particulars...but false in all particulars.
    Comp 2.104 16 The particular man particulars, to ride that he may ride;...
    SL 2.144 22 It is enough that these particulars speak to me.
    SL 2.155 16 [The things the great man did] are the demonstrations in a few particulars of the genius of nature;...
    Lov1 2.175 1 our experience in particulars what it may, no man ever forgot the visitations of that power to his heart and brain, which created all things anew;...
    Fdsp 2.209 22 To a great heart [your friend] will still be a stranger in a thousand particulars...
    Pt1 3.3 12 [The umpires of tastes'] knowledge of the fine arts is some study of rules and particulars...
    Pt1 3.19 15 The spiritual fact remains unalterable, by many or by few particulars;...
    Exp 3.71 3 Underneath the inharmonious and trivial particulars, is a musical perfection;...
    Exp 3.73 27 particulars, our greatness is always in a tendency or direction...
    Mrs1 3.148 3 ...although excellent specimens of courtesy and high-breeding would gratify us in the assemblage [of the individuals who compose the purest circles of aristocracy in Europe], in particulars we should detect offence.
    Nat2 3.187 17 ...the cause is reduced to particulars to suit the size of the partisans...
    Nat2 3.195 6 ...though we are always engaged with particulars...we bring with us to every experiment the innate universal laws.
    Nat2 3.195 12 Our servitude to particulars betrays us into a hundred foolish expectations.
    NR 3.225 11 few particulars of [the genius of the Platonists] can I detach from all their books.
    NR 3.236 10 ...[nature]...insults the philosopher in every moment with a million of fresh particulars.
    NR 3.244 18 ...let us...infer the genius of nature from the best particulars with a becoming charity.
    NER 3.267 18 I pass to the indication in some particulars of that faith in man, which the heart is preaching to us in these days...
    NER 3.279 18 If it were worth while to run into details this general doctrine of the latent but ever soliciting Spirit, it would be easy to adduce illustration in particulars of a man's equality to the Church...
    UGM 4.22 4 ...if there should appear in the company some gentle soul who knows little...of Carolina or Cuba, but who announces a law that disposes these particulars, and so certifies me of the equity which checkmates every false player...that man liberates me;...
    PPh 4.40 7 is fair to credit the broadest generalizer [Plato] with all the particulars deducible from his thesis.
    PPh 4.52 8 A too rapid unification, and an excessive appliance to parts and particulars, are the twin dangers of speculation.
    SwM 4.140 1 The teachings of the high Spirit regard to particulars, negative.
    MoS 4.172 1 Skepticism is the attitude assumed by the student in relation to the particulars which society adores, but which he sees to be reverend only in their tendency and spirit.
    MoS 4.185 8 The lesson of life is resist the usurpation of particulars;...
    NMW 4.238 2 [Napoleon's] personal attention descended to the smallest particulars.
    NMW 4.241 17 ...there is in particulars this identity between Napoleon and the mass of the people...
    ET11 5.176 23 I have met somewhere with a historiette, which, whether more or less true in its particulars, carries a general truth.
    ET13 5.227 27, who are an honest man in other particulars [than conformity], know that there is alive somewhere a man whose honesty reaches to this point also that he shall not kneel to false gods...
    ET14 5.242 23 Not these particulars, but the mental plane or the atmosphere from which they emanate was the home and element of the writers and readers in what we loosely call the Elizabethan age...
    F 6.39 15 The ulterior aim...will not stop but will work into finer particulars...
    Wth 6.125 24 The merchant's economy is a coarse symbol of the soul's economy. ... It is to invest income; that is to say, to take up particulars into generals;...
    Ctr 6.160 20 There is a certain loftiness of thought and power to marshal and adjust particulars, which can only come from an insight of their whole connection.
    Bhr 6.174 4 Charles Dickens self-sacrificingly undertook the reformation of our American manners in unspeakable particulars.
    Wsp 6.204 20 In the last chapters we treated some particulars of the question of culture.
    CbW 6.277 24 It is inevitable to name particulars of virtue and of condition...
    Elo1 7.68 17 Set a New Englander to describe any accident which happened in his presence. What hesitation and reserve in his narrative! He tells with difficulty some particulars...
    DL 7.112 6 ...if you look at the multitude of particulars, one would say: Good housekeeping is impossible;...
    DL 7.112 22 If the children...are...schooled and at home fostered by the parents,--then does the hospitality of the house suffer;... ... If all are well attended, then must the master and mistress be studious of particulars at the cost of their own accomplishments and growth;...
    DL 7.113 1 The difficulties to be overcome [in housekeeping] must be freely admitted; they are many and great. Nor are they to be disposed of by any criticism or amendment of particulars taken one at a time...
    DL 7.117 7 ...if we begin by reforming particulars of our present system [of housekeeping]...we shall soon give up in despair.
    Cour 7.277 19 I am permitted to enrich my chapter by adding an anecdote of pure courage from real life, as narrated in a ballad by a lady to whom all the particulars of the fact are exactly known.
    Res 8.151 3 ...the subject [the physiology of taste] is so large and exigent that a few particulars...cannot satisfy.
    Comc 8.172 2 The Persians have a pleasant story of Tamerlane which relates to the same particulars [of the comedy of personal appearance]...
    Insp 8.281 10 ...I fancy that my logs...are a kind of muses. So of all the particulars of health and exercise and fit nutriment and tonics.
    Chr2 10.95 12 The moral element invites find his satisfaction, not in particulars or events, but in the purpose and tendency;...
    SovE 10.194 8 [Good men] do not see that particulars are sacred to [God]...
    SovE 10.194 11 [Good men] do not see that particulars are sacred to [God]...that these passages of daily life are his work; that in the moment when they desist from interference, these particulars take sweetness and grandeur...
    Plu 10.303 25 reading [Plutarch], I embrace the particulars...
    LLNE 10.366 5 ...the most punctilious in some particulars are latitudinarian in others.
    EzRy 10.389 23 ...[Ezra Ripley] repeated to me at table some of the particulars of that gentleman's [Jack Downing's] intimacy with General Jackson, in a manner which betrayed to me at once that he took the whole for fact.
    EzRy 10.389 26 ...[Ezra Ripley] repeated to me at table some of the particulars of that gentleman's [Jack Downing's] intimacy with General Jackson, in a manner which betrayed to me at once that he took the whole for fact. To undeceive him, I hastened to recall some particulars to show the absurdity of the thing...
    EWI 11.124 6 What if [slavery] cost a few unpleasant scenes on the coast of Africa? That was a great way off; and the scenes could be endured by some sturdy, unscrupulous fellows, who...need not trouble our ears with the disagreeable particulars.
    PLT 12.35 6 Instinct is a shapeless giant in the cave...Behemoth, disdaining speech, disdaining particulars;...
    CL 12.165 15 Swedenborg or Behman or Plato explain what rock, what sand, what wood, what fire signified in regard to man. They may have been right or wrong in any particulars of their interpretation...
    WSL 12.346 26 Mr. Landor's definitions are only enumerations of particulars;...
    PPr 12.383 12 ...the truth of the present hour, except in particulars and single relations, is unattainable.
    Let 12.395 23 But to be prudent in all the particulars of life, and in this one thing alone religiously forbearing;...and only abstinent when it is proposed to provide ourselves with guides, examples, lovers!
    Trag 12.408 21 The law which establishes nature and the human race, continually thwarts the will of ignorant individuals, and this in the particulars of disease, want, insecurity and disunion.

parties, n. (116)

    LT 1.260 7 Let us examine the pretensions of the attacking and defending parties.
    LT 1.266 22 ...we are not permitted to stand as spectators of the pageant which the times exhibit; we are parties also...
    LT 1.268 5 The two omnipresent parties of History, the party of the Past and the party of the Future, divide society today as of old.
    Con 1.295 1 The two parties which divide the state, the party of Conservatism and that of Innovation, are very old...
    Con 1.302 1 ...we must...suffer pair off into insane parties, and learn the amount of truth each knows by the denial of an equal amount of truth.
    Con 1.302 5 For the come at what sum is attainable to us, we must even hear the parties plead as parties.
    YA 1.381 1 These [Communities] great part from a feeling... that in the scramble of parties for the public purse the main duties of government were omitted...
    SR 2.88 18 The political parties meet in numerous conventions;...
    Comp 2.94 11 [The preacher]...urged from reason and from Scripture a compensation to be made to both parties [the wicked and the good] in the next life.
    SL 2.156 10 You think because you...have given no opinion on the times... on parties and persons, that your verdict is still expected with curiosity as a reserved wisdom.
    Lov1 2.172 11 ...what fastens attention, in the intercourse of life, like any passage betraying affection between two parties?
    Lov1 2.173 21 The girls may have little beauty, yet plainly do they establish between them and the good boy the most agreeable, confiding relations; what with their fun and their earnest, about...when the singing-school would begin, and other nothings concerning which the parties cooed.
    Lov1 2.186 16 life wears on, it proves a game of permutation and combination of all possible positions of the parties...
    Fdsp 2.199 27 ...both parties are relieved by solitude.
    Fdsp 2.206 16 Friendship may be said to require natures...each so well tempered and so happily adapted, and withal so circumstanced (for even in that particular, a poet says, love demands that the parties be altogether paired), that its satisfaction can very seldom be assured.
    Prd1 2.237 4 ...frankness...puts the parties on a convenient footing...
    OS 2.287 14 The great distinction between teachers sacred or that one class speak from within, or from experience, as parties and possessors of the fact; and the other class from without...
    Cir 2.310 15 The parties [in conversation] are not to be judged by the spirit they partake and even express under this Pentecost.
    Pt1 3.16 14 In our political parties, compute the power of badges and emblems.
    Chr1 3.100 11 ...the uncivil, unavailable whom all parties feel related...he helps;...
    Mrs1 3.133 26 We pointedly, and by name, introduce the parties to each other.
    Mrs1 3.139 27 [Society]...hates whatever can interfere with total blending of parties;...
    Pol1 3.202 4 One man owns his clothes, and another owns a county. This accident, depending primarily on the skill and virtue of the parties...falls unequally, and its rights...are unequal.
    Pol1 3.208 10 The same benign necessity and the same practical abuse appear in the parties...of opponents and defenders of the administration of the government.
    Pol1 3.208 13 Parties are also founded on instincts...
    Pol1 3.209 5 Ordinarily our parties are parties of circumstance, and not of principle;...
    Pol1 3.209 8 Ordinarily our parties are parties of circumstance, and not of principle;...parties which are identical in their moral character...
    Pol1 3.209 11 Parties of principle...degenerate into personalities, or would inspire enthusiasm.
    Pol1 3.209 16 The vice of our leading parties in this that they do not plant themselves on the deep and necessary grounds to which they are respectively entitled...
    Pol1 3.209 24 Of the two great parties which at this hour almost share the nation between them, I should say that one has the best cause, and the other contains the best men.
    Pol1 3.211 3 In the strife of ferocious parties, human nature always finds itself cherished;...
    Pol1 3.212 23 There is a middle measure which satisfies all parties...
    NR 3.226 3 Exactly what the parties have already done they shall do again;...
    NR 3.248 2 How sincere and confidential we can be, saying all that lies in the mind, and yet go away feeling that all is yet unsaid, from the incapacity of the parties to know each other...
    UGM 4.22 2 ...if there should appear in the company some gentle soul who knows little of persons or parties...but who...certifies me of the equity which checkmates every false player...that man liberates me;...
    MoS 4.164 17 In the civil wars of the League...Montaigne kept his gates open and his house without defence. All parties freely came and went...
    MoS 4.172 19 ...parties wish every one committed...
    ShP 4.215 11 Cultivated men often attain a good degree of skill in writing verses; but it is easy to read, through their poems, their personal history: any one acquainted with the parties can name every figure;...
    NMW 4.256 9 In describing the two parties into which modern society divides itself,--the democrat and the conservative,--I said, Bonaparte represents the democrat...
    NMW 4.256 15 ...these two parties [democrat and conservative] differ only as young and old.
    NMW 4.256 19 ...both parties [democrat and conservative] stand on the one ground of the supreme value of property...
    GoW 4.287 27 When [Goethe] sits down to write a drama or a tale, he collects and sorts his observations from a hundred sides, and combines them into the body as fitly as he can. A great deal refuses to incorporate: this he adds loosely as letters of the parties...and the like.
    ET1 5.5 12 ...I have copied the few notes I made of visits to persons, as they respect parties quite too good and too transparent to the whole world to make it needful to affect any prudery of suppression about a few hints of those bright personalities.
    ET2 5.25 13 The request [to lecture in England] was friendliest parties in Manchester...
    ET5 5.81 23 There is on every question [in England] an appeal from the assertion of the parties to the proof of what is asserted.
    ET11 5.194 7 Campbell says, Acquaintance with the nobility, I could never keep up. It requires a life of idleness, dressing and attendance on their parties.
    ET17 5.291 6 In these comments on an old journey [English Traits]...I have abstained from reference to persons, one or two cases where the fame of the parties seemed to have given the public a property in all that concerned them.
    F 6.44 7 The races of men rise out of the ground...and divides into parties...
    Wth 6.111 4 We cannot get rid of these [immigrant] people, and we cannot get rid of their will to be supported. That has become an inevitable element of our politics; for their votes, each of the dominant parties courts and assists them to get it executed.
    Ctr 6.161 4 A man who stands on a good footing with the heads of parties at Washington, reads the rumors of the newspapers...with a key to the right and wrong in each statement, and sees well enough where all this will end.
    Bty 6.293 19 All that is a little harshly claimed by progressive parties may easily come to be conceded without question, if this rule [of gradation] be observed.
    Ill 6.322 5 ...we are parties to our various fortune.
    Elo1 7.85 27 the examination of witnesses there usually leap out...three or four stubborn words or phrases...which sink into the ear of all parties...
    Elo1 7.86 15 That is what we go to the court-house for...the real relation of all the parties;...
    Farm 7.141 16 If it be true that, not by votes of political parties but by the eternal laws of political economy, slaves are driven out of a slave state as fast as it is surrounded by free states, then the true abolitionist is the farmer, who...stands all day in the field...making a product with which no forced labor can compete.
    Clbs 7.239 27 When Henry III. (1217) plead duress against his people demanding confirmation and execution of the Charter, the reply was: If this were admitted, civil wars could never close but by the extirpation of one of the contending parties.
    Clbs 7.247 26 a club met for conversation a supper is a good basis, as it disarms all parties...
    Cour 7.259 5 Those political parties which gather in the well-disposed portion of the community,--how infirm and ignoble!...
    PI 8.31 24 [The poet] affirms the applicability of the ideal law to...the present knot of affairs. Parties, lawyers and men of the world will invariably dispute such an application, as romantic and dangerous;...
    SA 8.89 17 and then we say things to our mates, or hear things from them, which seem to put it out of the power of the parties to be strangers again.
    SA 8.90 6 the company I am now considering, were no terrors, no vulgarity. All topics were broached...myself, thyself, all selves, and whatever else, with a security and vivacity which belonged to the nobility of the parties...
    SA 8.99 16 good conversation parties don't speak to the words, but to the meanings of each other.
    Comc 8.169 2 ...according to Latin poetry and English doggerel,--Poverty does nothing worse/ Than to make man ridiculous./ In this instance the halfness lies in the pretension of the parties to some consideration on account of their condition.
    Comc 8.169 14 The lie [in poverty] is in the surrender of the man to his appearance;... It affects us oddly, see a man in a high wind run after his hat, which is always droll. The relation of the parties is inverted,--the hat being for the moment master, the bystanders cheering the hat.
    PC 8.230 23 Here you are set down, scholars and idealists...amongst angry politicians...pledged to parties...
    PPo 8.264 19 [The birds] saw themselves all as Simorg,/ Themselves in the eternal Simorg./ When to the Simorg up they looked,/ They beheld him among themselves;/ And when they looked on each other,/ They saw themselves in the Simorg./ A single look grouped the two parties,/ The Simorg emerged, the Simorg vanished,/ This in that and that in this, As the world has never heard./
    Aris 10.37 14 We like cool people, who...can survive the blow well enough...if parties should be broken up...
    Aris 10.58 23 ...I know no such unquestionable badge and ensign of a sovereign mind, as that tenacity of purpose which, through all change of companions, of parties, of fortunes,-changes never...
    SovE 10.210 3 Here is contribution...of political support to oppressed parties.
    Prch 10.231 27 is impossible to pay no the stirring shouts of parties...
    Plu 10.300 13 Montaigne, whilst he grasps Etienne de la Boece with one hand, reaches back the other to Plutarch. These distant friendships...honor all the parties...
    LLNE 10.325 11 There are always two parties, the party of the Past and the party of the Future;...
    LLNE 10.365 15 It was a curious experience of the patrons and leaders of this noted community [Brook Farm], in which the agreement with many parties was that they should give so many hours of instruction...that in every instance the newcomers showed themselves keenly alive to the advantages of the society...
    EzRy 10.394 4 Was a man a sot...or was there any cloud or suspicious circumstances in his behavior, the good pastor [Ezra Ripley] knew his way straight to that point...and whatever relief to the conscience of both parties plain speech could effect was sure to be procured.
    SlHr 10.443 15 his own town, if some important end was to be gained... all parties combined to send Mr. Hoar to the Legislature...
    Thor 10.460 26 The hall was filled at an early hour by people of all parties, and [Thoreau's] earnest eulogy of the hero [John Brown] was heard by all respectfully...
    Thor 10.465 20 Visits were offered [Thoreau] from respectful parties, but he declined them.
    GSt 10.506 3 ...this sudden association now with the leaders of parties and persons of pronounced power and influence in the nation...never altered... one trait of [George Stearns's] manners.
    HDC 11.43 12 ...when, presently...parties, with grants of land, straggled into the country to truck with the Indians and to clear the land for their own benefit, the Governor and freemen in Boston found it neither desirable nor possible to control the trade and practices of these farmers.
    HDC 11.64 8 Some interesting peculiarities in the manners and customs of the time appear in the town's [Concord's] books. Proposals of marriage were made by the parents of the parties...
    HDC 11.75 11 The British, as soon as they were rejoined by the plundering detachment, began that disastrous retreat to Boston, which was an omen to both parties of the event of the war.
    LVB 11.92 7 We have looked in the newspapers of different parties and find a horrid confirmation of the tale [of the relocation of the Cherokees].
    EWI 11.120 8 The accounts [of emancipation] which we have from all parties [in the West Indies]...are of the most satisfactory kind.
    EWI 11.122 15 [Our] well-being consists in having...the excitement of a few parties and a few rides in a year.
    EWI 11.125 8 The moral sense is always supported by the permanent interest of the parties.
    EWI 11.134 15 If the managers of our political parties are too prudent and too cold;...then let the citizens in their primary capacity take up [the negroes'] cause on this very ground...
    War 11.157 6 the parties the knowledge that these enemies over sea or over the mountain are such men as we;...
    FSLC 11.182 25 [The crisis over the Fugitive Slave Law] showed the shallowness of leaders; the divergence of parties from their alleged grounds;...
    FSLC 11.207 21 Since it is agreed by all sane men of all parties...that slavery is mischievous, why does the South itself never offer the smallest counsel of her own?
    FSLN 11.220 15 I saw that a great man [Webster]...was able,-fault of the total want of stamina in public men,-when he carry parties with him.
    FSLN 11.225 20 Who doubts the power of any fluent debater to defend either of our political parties...
    FSLN 11.227 24 Angry parties went from bad to worse...
    FSLN 11.232 2 In vulgar politics the Whig goes...for the old necessities,- the Musts. The reformer goes for the Better, for the ideal good, the Mays. But each of these parties must of necessity take in, in some measure, the principles of the other.
    FSLN 11.243 8 I [Robert Winthrop] go then for such parties and opinions as have provided me with a working apparatus.
    JBB 11.269 5 The governor of Virginia has pronounced [John Brown's] eulogy in a manner that discredits the moderation of our timid parties.
    ACiv 11.308 16 ...this action [emancipation], which costs so little (the parties being injured by it being such a handful that they can very easily be indemnified) rids the world, at one stroke, of this degrading nuisance [slavery]...
    ACiv 11.308 21 ...this action [emancipation]...rids the world, at one stroke, of this degrading nuisance [slavery], the cause of war and ruin to nations. This measure at once puts all parties right.
    EPro 11.317 8 fair a reticent that his decision has taken all parties by surprise...the firm tone in which he announces it...all these have bespoken such favor to the act [Emancipation Proclamation] that...we are beginning to think that we have underestimated the capacity and virtue which the Divine Providence has made an instrument of benefit so vast.
    EPro 11.321 2 We confide [Lincoln]...has resisted the importunacy of parties and of events to the latest moment, he will be as absolute in his adhesion [to Emancipation].
    ALin 11.334 19 the Babel of counsels and parties, this man [Lincoln] wrought incessantly...laboring to find what the people wanted, and how to obtain that.
    EdAd 11.390 10 ...the insight which commands the laws and conditions of the true polity precludes forever all interest in the squabbles of parties.
    Koss 11.399 9 We [people of Concord] only see in you [Kossuth] the angel of freedom...crossing parties, nationalities, private interests and self-esteems;...
    Koss 11.399 15 ...hitherto, you [Kossuth] have had in all centuries and in all parties only the men of heart.
    Koss 11.401 9 ...when the crisis arrives it will find us all instructed beforehand in the rights and wrongs of Hungary, and parties already to her freedom.
    FRep 11.520 20 Parties keep the old names, but exhibit a surprising fugacity in creeping out of one snake-skin into another of equal ignominy and lubricity...
    FRep 11.544 11 I could heartily wish that our will and endeavor were more active parties to the work.
    II 12.80 20 Whence came all these tools, inventions, books, laws, parties, kingdoms?
    II 12.81 15 ...the races of men rise out of the ground...divided beforehand into parties ready armed and angry to fight for they know not what.
    II 12.84 27 ...all parties acquiesce, at last, each in a private box, with the whole play performed before himself solus.
    CInt 12.125 15 In the romance Spiridion...we had...the story of a young saint who comes into a convent for her education, and not falling into the system and the little parties in the turns out in a few days that every hand is against this young votary.
    CL 12.136 26 ...[Linnaeus] summoned his class to go with him on excursions on foot into the country, to collect plants and insects, birds and eggs. These parties started at seven in the morning...
    MLit 12.313 23 ...the single soul feels its summon all facts and parties before its tribunal.
    EurB 12.369 3 ...with a complete satisfaction [Wordsworth]...celebrated his own [life] with the religion of a true priest. Hence the antagonism which was immediately felt between his poetry and the spirit of the age, that here not only criticism but conscience and will were parties;...
    PPr 12.379 15 ...[Carlyle's Past and Present] is the book of a powerful and accomplished thinker, who has looked with naked eyes at the dreadful political signs in England for the last few years, has conversed much on these topics with such wise men of all ranks and parties as are drawn to a scholar's house...
    Let 12.396 9 It is not for nothing, we assure ourselves...that sincere persons of all parties are demanding somewhat vital and poetic of our stagnant society.

parting, adj. (3)

    PPh 4.76 3 ...expounding...the hope of the parting soul,--[Plato] is literary, and never otherwise.
    MoL 10.241 4 Gentlemen of the Literary Societies: Some of will receive the parting honors of the College.
    LVB 11.93 11 could we call...the land that was cursed by [the Cherokees'] parting and dying imprecations our country, any more?

parting, v. (6)

    Hist 2.13 9 Genius...sees the rays parting from one orb, that infinite diameters.
    SwM 4.95 23 The Arabians say, that Abul Khain, the mystic, and Abu Ali Seena, the philosopher, conferred together; and, on parting, the philosopher said, All that he sees, I know; and the mystic said, All that he knows, I see.
    ET16 5.290 22 Slowly we [Emerson and Carlyle] left the old house [Winchester Cathedral], and parting with our host, we took the train for London.
    ET19 5.312 26 Is it not true, sir, that the wise ancients did not praise the ship parting with flying colors from the port...
    EzRy 10.388 13 [Ezra Ripley] said, on parting, I wish you and your brothers to come to this house as you have always done.
    FSLC 11.206 13 If [the North and the South] continue to have a binding interest, they will be pretty sure to find it out: if not, they will consult their peace in parting.

partisan, adj. (1)

    Ctr 6.159 3 A man known to us only as a celebrity in politics or in trade gains largely in our esteem if we discover that he has some intellectual taste or skill; as when we learn...of a partisan journalist, his devotion to ornithology.

partisan, n. (10)

    AmS 1.106 24 What a testimony, full of grandeur, full of pity, is borne to the demands of his own nature, by...the poor partisan, who rejoices in the glory of his chief.
    Con 1.302 24 The reformer, the partisan, loses himself in driving to the utmost some specialty of right conduct...
    Prd1 2.238 22 If you meet a sectary or a hostile partisan, never recognize the dividing lines...
    OS 2.288 22 ...the partisan...does not take place of the man.
    CbW 6.257 25 The right partisan is a heady, narrow man...
    QO 8.201 11 ...however received, these elements pass into the substance of [the individual's] constitution...and tend always to form, not a partisan, but a possessor of truth.
    FSLC 11.193 6 There is not a manly Whig, or a manly Democrat, of whom if a slave were hidden in one of our houses from the hounds, we should not ask with confidence to lend his wagon in aid of his escape, and he would lend it. The man would be too strong for the partisan.
    FRep 11.519 3 The partisan on moral...questions, will choose a proven rogue who can answer the tests, over an honest, affectionate, noble gentleman;...
    FRep 11.519 6 The partisan on moral...questions, will choose a proven rogue who can answer the tests, over an honest, affectionate, noble gentleman; the partisan ceasing to be a man that he may be a sectarian.
    PLT 12.55 24 The right partisan is a heady man...

partisans, n. (4)

    Nat2 3.187 18 ...the cause is reduced to particulars to suit the size of the partisans...
    GSt 10.505 19 When one remembers...his immovable convictions,-I think this single will [George Stearns] was worth to the cause ten thousand ordinary partisans...
    EdAd 11.386 8 It is a poor consideration...that political interests on so broad a scale as ours are deft partisans, good cipherers;...
    Milt1 12.265 27 When [Milton] had cut down his opponents, he left the details of death and plunder to meaner partisans.

partisanship, n. (2)

    SovE 10.195 25 Truth gathers itself spotless and unhurt after all our surrenders and concealments and partisanship...
    Carl 10.494 3 Mere intellectual partisanship wearies [Carlyle];...

partition, n. (2)

    ET18 5.301 11 [The foreign policy of England] sanctioned the partition of Poland...
    Suc 7.305 22 An Englishman of marked character and talent, who had brought with him hither one or two friends and a library of mystics, assured me that nobody and nothing of possible interest was left in England,--he had brought all that was alive away. I was forced to reply: No, next door to you probably, on the other side of the partition in the same house, was a greater man than any you had seen.

partitions, n. (2)

    Prd1 2.225 10 Here is a planted globe...fenced and distributed externally with civil partitions and properties...
    Edc1 10.128 5 Here is a world...fenced and planted with civil partitions and properties...

partly, adv. (10)

    Nat 1.15 9 [The beauty of nature] seems partly owing to the eye itself.
    Pt1 3.22 23 Genius is the activity which repairs the decays of things, whether wholly or partly of a material and finite kind.
    Pol1 3.203 26 That principle [of calling that which is just, equal; not that which is equal just] no longer looks so self-evident as it appeared in former times, partly because doubts have arisen whether too much weight had not been allowed in the laws to property...
    ET1 5.23 11 [Wordsworth] replied he never was in haste to publish; partly because he corrected a good deal...
    Bhr 6.176 9 Manners are partly factitious...
    Bty 6.287 17 The ancients believed that a genius or demon took possession at birth of each mortal, to guide him; that these genii were sometimes seen as a flame of fire partly immersed in the bodies which they governed;...
    PI 8.31 3 Every writer is a skater, and must go partly where he would, and partly where the skates carry him;...
    GSt 10.505 14 When one remembers...the wide correspondence, presently enlarged by printed circulars, then by newspapers established wholly or partly at [George Stearns's] own cost;...I think this single will was worth to the cause ten thousand ordinary partisans...
    HDC 11.54 3 At the instance of [John] Eliot, in 1651, [the Indians'] desire was granted by the General Court, and Nashobah, lying near Nagog Pond, now partly in Littleton, partly in Acton, became an Indian town...
    HDC 11.54 4 At the instance of [John] Eliot, in 1651, [the Indians'] desire was granted by the General Court, and Nashobah, lying near Nagog Pond, now partly in Littleton, partly in Acton, became an Indian town...

partner, n. (2)

    MMEm 10.417 12 ...[Mary Moody Emerson] could hardly promise herself sympathy in her religious abandonment with any but a rarely-found partner.
    FRep 11.543 10 Justice satisfies everybody, and justice alone. No monopoly must be foisted coward compromise conceded to a strong partner.

partners, n. (4)

    PI 8.35 22 In a game-party or picnic poem each writer is released from the solemn rhythmic traditions which alarm and suffocate his fancy, and the result is that one of the partners offers a poem in a new style that hints at a new literature.
    Grts 8.304 11 You shall not tell me that your commercial house, your partners or yourself are of importance;...
    Grts 8.313 6 [Fame] is...that fine element by which the good become partners of the greatness of their superiors.
    LLNE 10.368 18 The society at Brook Farm existed...about six or seven years, and then broke up, the Farm was sold, and I believe all the partners came out with pecuniary loss.

partnership, n. (2)

    ET6 5.110 5 Terms of service and partnership [in England] are lifelong, or are inherited.
    LLNE 10.358 20 Why could not the like partnership be formed between the inventor and the man of executive talent everywhere?

partnerships, n. (2)

    Dem1 10.17 4 Heeded though [the belief in luck] be in many actions and partnerships, it is not the power to which we build churches...
    LLNE 10.358 27 Talents supplement each other. Beaumont and Fletcher and many French novelists have known how to utilize such partnerships.

partook, v. (4)

    LE 1.180 13 ...Bonaparte's army partook of this double strength of the captain;...
    OA 7.318 3 Saadi found in a mosque at Damascus an old Persian of a hundred and fifty years, who was dying, and was saying to himself, I said, coming into the world by birth, I will enjoy myself for a few moments. Alas! at the variegated table of life, I partook of a few mouthfuls, and the Fates said, Enough!
    HDC 11.50 27 ...the secret of [the Indian's] amazing skill seemed to be that he partook of the nature and fierce instincts of the beasts he slew.
    HDC 11.63 14 In 1689, Concord partook of the general indignation of the province against Andros.

partridge, n. (2)

    Comp 2.116 6 Commit a crime, and it seems as if a coat of snow fell on the ground, such as reveals in the woods the track of every partridge...
    Edc1 10.140 11 ...Jove and Achilles, partridge and through [the boy's] narrative in merry confusion, yet the logic is good.

parts, n. (153)

    Nat 1.8 20 There is a property in the horizon which no man has but he whose eye can integrate all the parts...
    Nat 1.12 3 Whoever considers the final cause of the world will discern a multitude of uses that enter as parts into that result.
    Nat 1.13 9 All the parts [of nature] incessantly work into each other's hands for the profit of man.
    Nat 1.19 3 In July, the blue pontederia...blooms in large beds in the shallow parts of our pleasant river...
    Nat 1.32 25 Parts of speech are metaphors...
    Nat 1.33 2 The visible world and the relation of its parts, is the dial plate of the invisible.
    Nat 1.36 4 This use of the world [as a discipline] includes the preceding uses, as parts of itself.
    Nat 1.41 20 ...a conspiring of parts and efforts to the production of an end is essential to any being.
    Nat 1.47 5 To this one end of Discipline, all parts of nature conspire.
    Nat 1.47 20 The relations of parts and the end of the whole remaining the same, what is the difference, whether land and sea interact...or whether, without relations of time and space, the same appearances are inscribed in the constant faith of man?
    AmS 1.86 8 is nothing but the finding of analogy, identity, in the most remote parts.
    AmS 1.111 1 That which had been negligently trodden under suddenly found to be richer than all foreign parts.
    AmS 1.113 6 Especially did [Swedenborg's] shade-loving muse hover over and interpret the lower parts of nature;...
    MN 1.196 13 ...if you come month after month to see what progress our reformer has still find him...floating about in new parts of the same old vein or crust.
    MN 1.207 12 A link was wanting between two craving parts of nature...
    MN 1.211 17 This ecstatical state seems to direct a regard to the whole, and not to the parts;...
    LT 1.271 1 ...the [reform] movements are in reality all parts of one movement.
    LT 1.272 25 The new voices in the wilderness...have revived a hope...that the thoughts of the mind may executed by the hands. That is the hope, of which all other hopes are parts.
    Con 1.301 23 Our experience, our perception is conditioned by the need to acquire in parts and in succession...
    Tran 1.349 18 As to the general course of living, and the daily employments of men, [Transcendentalists] cannot see much virtue in these, since they are parts of this vicious circle;...
    YA 1.377 11 quickly as men go to foreign parts in ships or caravans, a new order of things springs up;...
    Comp 2.97 10 Whilst the world is thus dual, so is every one of its parts.
    Comp 2.101 27 ...God reappears with all his parts in every moss and cobweb.
    Comp 2.102 11 Justice is not postponed. A perfect equity adjusts its balance in all parts of life.
    Comp 2.113 6 [The borrower] may soon come to see...that the highest price he can pay for a thing is to ask for it. A wise man will extend this lesson to all parts of life...
    Comp 2.121 5 Being is the vast affirmative...swallowing up all relations, parts and times within itself.
    SL 2.143 12 The parts of hospitality, the connection of families...royalty makes its own estimate of, and a royal mind will.
    SL 2.144 15 [Those facts, words, persons, which dwell in a man's memory without his being able to say why] are symbols of value to him as they can interpret parts of his consciousness...
    Fdsp 2.197 12 I hear what you say of the admirable parts and tried temper of the party you praise...
    Fdsp 2.208 27 That high office [friendship] requires great and sublime parts.
    Prd1 2.219 3 [Prudence] Theme no poet gladly sung,/ Fair to old and foul to young;/ Scorn not thou the love of parts,/ And the articles of arts./
    Prd1 2.231 20 ...society is officered by men of parts, as they are properly called...
    Prd1 2.237 12 He who wishes to walk in the most peaceful parts of life with any serenity must screw himself up to resolution.
    OS 2.269 6 We parts...
    OS 2.269 17 We see the world piece by piece...but the whole, of which these are the shining parts, is the soul.
    Cir 2.311 26 If [the speaker and the hearer] were at a perfect understanding in any part, no words would be necessary thereon. If at one in all parts, no words would be suffered.
    Pt1 3.26 1 ...a summer, with its harvest sown, reaped and stored, is an epic song, subordinating how many admirably executed parts.
    Exp 3.70 24 Bear with...with this coetaneous growth of the parts;...
    Exp 3.77 26 ...the longer a particular union lasts the more energy of appetency the parts not in union acquire.
    Mrs1 3.138 11 The flower of courtesy does not very well bide handling, but if we dare to open another leaf and explore what parts go to its conformation, we shall find also an intellectual quality.
    Mrs1 3.139 2 The same discrimination of fit and fair runs out, if with less rigor, into all parts of life.
    Mrs1 3.139 15 This perception [of measure] comes in to polish and perfect the parts of the social instrument.
    Gts 3.161 2 I can think of many parts I should prefer playing to that of the Furies.
    Nat2 3.182 12 ...from any one object the parts and properties of any other may be predicted.
    NR 3.227 8 All our poets, heroes and saints, fail utterly in some one or in many parts to satisfy our idea...
    NR 3.227 27 The men of fine parts protect themselves by solitude, or by courtesy...
    NR 3.232 20 I am very much struck in literature by the appearance that one person wrote all the books; as if the editor of a journal planted his body of reporters in different parts of the field of action...
    NR 3.233 27 This preference of the genius to the parts is the secret of that deification of art, which is found in all superior minds.
    NR 3.236 15 You have not got rid of parts by denying them...
    NR 3.236 24 Nick Bottom cannot play all the parts, work it how he may;...
    NR 3.244 17 If we cannot make voluntary and conscious steps in the admirable science of universals, let us see the parts wisely...
    UGM 4.3 22 We travel into foreign parts to find [the great man's] works...
    UGM 4.14 9 Cecil's saying of Sir Walter Raleigh, I know that he can toil terribly, is an electric touch. So are Clarendon's portraits,--of Hampden, who was...of parts not to be imposed on by the most subtle and sharp...of Falkland...
    UGM 4.14 11 Cecil's saying of Sir Walter Raleigh, I know that he can toil terribly, is an electric touch. So are Clarendon's portraits,--of Hampden, who was...of parts not to be imposed on by the most subtle and sharp, and of a personal courage equal to his best parts;--of Falkland...
    UGM 4.17 3 ...these acts [of the intellect] expose the invisible organs and members of the mind, which respond, member for member, to the parts of the body.
    UGM 4.31 21 ...if any appear never to assume the chair, but always to stand and serve, it is because we do not see the company in a sufficiently long period for the whole rotation of parts to come about.
    PPh 4.42 27 [Plato] says, in the Republic, Such a genius as philosophers must of necessity have, is wont but seldom in all its parts to meet in one man...
    PPh 4.43 1 [Plato] says, in the Republic, Such a genius as philosophers must of necessity have, is wont but seldom in all its parts to meet in one man, but its different parts generally spring up in different persons.
    PPh 4.52 8 A too rapid unification, and an excessive appliance to parts and particulars, are the twin dangers of speculation.
    PPh 4.68 20 After [Plato] has illustrated the relation between the absolute good and true and the forms of the intelligible world, he says: Let there be a line cut in two unequal parts.
    PPh 4.68 21 ...Let there be a line cut in two unequal parts. Cut again each of these two main parts,--one representing the visible, the other the intelligible world...
    PNR 4.87 15 ...this well-bred, all-knowing Greek geometer [Plato]... marries the two parts of nature.
    SwM 4.103 13 Our books are false by being fragmentary: their sentences are bonmots, and not parts of natural discourse;...
    SwM 4.106 17 The thoughts in which [Swedenborg] lived were, the universality of each law in nature;...the version or conversion of each into other, and so the correspondence of all the parts;...
    SwM 4.121 10 In nature, each individual symbol plays innumerable parts...
    ShP 4.195 11 ...the amount of [Shakespeare's] indebtedness may be inferred from Malone's laborious computations in regard to the First, Second and Third parts of Henry VI....
    NMW 4.240 1 Those who had to deal with him found that [Bonaparte]... could cipher as well as another man. This appears in all parts of his Memoirs...
    GoW 4.270 13 ...[the nineteenth century's] poet, is Goethe, a man quite domesticated in the century...taking away by his colossal parts the reproach of weakness which but for him would lie on the intellectual works of the period.
    GoW 4.273 14 [Goethe] was the soul of his century. If that...had become, by population, compact organization and drill of parts, one great Exploring Expedition...this man's mind had ample chambers for the distribution of all.
    GoW 4.275 1 [Goethe] has contributed a key to many parts of nature...
    ET1 5.21 24 [Wordsworth] had never gone farther than the first part [of Goethe's Wilhelm Meister]; so disgusted was he that he threw the book across the room. I deprecated this wrath, and said what I could for the better parts of the book...
    ET3 5.38 26 The constant rain--a rain with every tide, in some parts of the island--keeps [England's] multitude of rivers full...
    ET3 5.39 13 one season, the country people [of England] say, the lakes contain one part water and two parts fish.
    ET4 5.45 26 The spawning force of the [English] race has sufficed to the colonization of great parts of the world;...
    ET8 5.137 9 ...[the English] administer, in different parts of the world, the codes of every empire and race;...
    ET12 5.203 25 On proceeding afterwards to examine his purchase, [Bulkeley Bandinel] found the twenty deficient pages of his Mentz Bible, in perfect order; brought them to Oxford with the rest of his purchase, and placed them in the volume; but has too much awe for the Providence that appears in bibliography also, to suffer the reunited parts to be re-bound.
    ET13 5.224 24 The bill for the naturalization of the Jews [in England] (in 1753) was resisted by petitions from all parts of the kingdom...
    ET14 5.240 8 Bacon, capable of ideas, yet devoted to ends, required in his map of the mind, first of all, universality, or prima philosophia; the receptacle for all such profitable observations and axioms as fall not within the compass of any of the special parts of philosophy, but are more common and of a higher stage.
    ET15 5.268 4 Of two men of equal ability, the one who does not write but keeps his eye on the course of public affairs, will have the higher judicial wisdom. But the parts are kept in concert...
    ET17 5.293 11 recollections of the best hours go back to private conversations in different parts of the kingdom [England]...
    ET18 5.302 16 We cannot go deep enough into the biography of the spirit who...delegates his energy in parts or spasms to vicious and defective individuals.
    ET19 5.312 17 ...I was given to understand in my childhood...that [Englishmen's] best parts were slowly revealed;...
    F 6.19 4 Famine, typhus, frost, war, suicide and effete races must be reckoned calculable parts of the system of the world.
    F 6.35 22 The direction of the whole and of the parts is toward benefit...
    F 6.37 2 ...where shall we find the first atom in this house of man, which is all consent, inosculation and balance of parts?
    Wth 6.100 11 Men...believe in magic, in all parts of life.
    Wth 6.121 18 How often we must remember the art of the surgeon, which, in replacing the broken bone, contents itself with releasing the parts from false position;...
    Ctr 6.150 2 The head of a commercial house or a leading lawyer or politician is brought into daily contact with troops of men from all parts of the country...
    Ctr 6.152 14 In an English party a man...with a face like red dough, unexpectedly discloses...personal familiarity with good men in all parts of the world...
    Bhr 6.169 10 Nature tells every secret once. Yes, but in man she tells it all the time, by form...face and parts of the face...
    Bty 6.289 10 We ascribe beauty to that...which has no superfluous parts;...
    Ill 6.313 11 I find men victims of illusion in all parts of life.
    Ill 6.324 24 In a crowded life of many parts and performers...the same elements offer the same choices to each new comer...
    Art2 7.45 21 much is there that is not is national or usual; as...the prescribed distribution of parts of a theatre...
    Art2 7.48 12 in art that aims at beauty must the parts be subordinated to Ideal Nature...
    Elo1 7.68 23 ...listen to a poor Irishwoman recounting some experience of hers. Her speech flows like a river...such justice done to all the parts!
    Elo1 7.87 21 The parts [in the court-room trial] were so well cast and discriminated that it was an interesting game to watch.
    Elo1 7.93 9 ...the main distinction between [the eloquent man] and other well-graced actors is the conviction...that the words and sentences uttered by him...fall from him as unregarded parts of that terrible whole which he sees...
    DL 7.106 12 [The child's] imaginative life dresses all things in their best. His fears adorn the dark parts with poetry.
    DL 7.121 20 In many parts of true economy a cheering lesson may be learned from the mode of life and manners of the later Romans...
    Farm 7.142 17 [The farmer's] machine is of colossal proportions;...and it takes him long to understand its parts and its working.
    Farm 7.145 16 The earth burns, the mountains burn and decompose, slower, but incessantly. It is almost inevitable to push the generalization up into higher parts of Nature...
    Suc 7.288 2 These [boasted arts] are local conveniences, but how easy to go now to parts of the world where not only all these arts are wanting, but where they are despised.
    PI 8.8 21 Natural objects...are really parts of a symmetrical universe...
    PI 8.9 11 ...[all things in Nature's] growths, decays, quality and use so curiously resemble [the student], in parts and in wholes, that he is compelled to speak by means of them.
    PI 8.22 25 ...Thomson's Seasons and the best parts of many old and many new poets are simply enumerations by a person who felt the beauty of the common sights and sounds...
    PI 8.43 3 All the parts and forms of Nature are the expression or production of divine faculties...
    PI 8.45 21 Architecture gives the like pleasure [of rhyme] by the repetition of equal parts in a colonnade...
    PI 8.48 27 ...when [people] apprehend real rhymes, namely, the correspondence of parts in Nature...they do not longer value rattles and ding-dongs...
    PI 8.60 11 There is in every poem a height which attracts more than other parts...
    Res 8.139 9 Our Copernican globe is a great factory or shop of power, with its rotating constellations, times and tides. The machine is of colossal size;... and it takes long to understand its parts and its workings.
    Res 8.141 24 When our population, swarming west, reached the boundary of arable land...on the face of the sterile waste beyond, the land was suddenly in parts found covered with gold and silver...
    Comc 8.164 4 In all the parts of life, the occasion of laughter is some seeming, some keeping of the word to the ear and eye, whilst it is broken to the soul.
    PC 8.227 5 Great men,-the age goes on their credit; but all the rest, when their wires are continued and not cut, can do as signal things, and in new parts of Nature.
    Insp 8.291 21 Allston...had two or three rooms in different parts of Boston, where he could not be found.
    Dem1 10.11 5 Secret analogies tie together the remotest parts of Nature...
    Dem1 10.22 13 A Highland chief, an Indian sachem or a feudal baron may fancy...that...when he dies, banshees will announce his fate to kinsmen in foreign parts.
    Dem1 10.27 15 ...the attraction which this topic [demonology] has had for me and which induces me to unfold its parts before you is precisely because I think the numberless forms in which this superstition has reappeared in every time and every people indicates the inextinguishableness of wonder in man;...
    Plu 10.320 15 Professor Goodwin is a silent benefactor to the book [Plutarch's Morals], wherever I have compared the editions. I did not know how careless and vicious in parts the old book was...
    LLNE 10.350 9 The hyaena, the jackal, the gnat, the bug, the flea, were all beneficent parts of the system;...
    CSC 10.374 11 The singularity and latitude of the summons [to the Chardon Street Convention] drew together, from all parts of New England... men of every shade of opinion...
    MMEm 10.408 8 [Mary Moody Emerson] is...a Bible, miscellaneous in its parts...
    SlHr 10.438 11 ...[Samuel Hoar] continued the uniform practice of his daily walk in all parts of the city [Charleston].
    GSt 10.503 15 In 1863 [George Stearns] began to recruit colored soldiers in Buffalo, then at Philadelphia and Nashville. But these were only parts of his work.
    HDC 11.42 23 Each of the parts of that perfect structure grew out of the necessities of an instant occasion.
    HDC 11.81 5 In 1786, when the general sufferings drove the people in parts of Worcester and Hampshire counties to insurrection, a large party of armed insurgents arrived in this town [Concord]...
    HDC 11.85 6 every part of this country, and in many foreign parts, [Concord's sons] plough the earth...
    EWI 11.145 5 the great anthem which we call history, a piece of many parts and vast compass...[the black race] perceive the time arrived when they can strike in with effect...
    War 11.156 1 In some parts of this country...the absorbing topic of all conversation is whipping; who fought, and which whipped?
    FSLN 11.222 21 [Webster's] power...was not in excellent parts, but was total.
    FSLN 11.241 24 It is a potent support and ally to a brave man standing single, or with a few, for the know that better men in other parts of the country appreciate the service...
    JBB 11.267 10 ...this sudden interest in the hero of Harper's Ferry has provoked an extreme curiosity in all parts of the Republic, in regard to the details of his history.
    Humb 11.457 8 Humboldt was one of those wonders of the world...who appear from time to time...a universal man, not only possessed of great particular talents, but they were symmetrical, his parts were well put together.
    FRO2 11.490 6 I find something stingy in the unwilling and disparaging admission of these foreign opinions,-opinions from all parts of the world,-by our churchmen...
    CPL 11.501 2 [Thoreau writes] I think the best parts of Shakspeare would only be enhanced by the most thrilling and affecting events.
    PLT 12.3 4 listening to Richard Owen's masterly enumeration of the parts and laws of the human could not help admiring the irresponsible security and happiness of the attitude of the naturalist;...
    PLT 12.4 21 Every creation, in parts or in particles, is on the method and by the means which our mind approves as soon as it is thoroughly acquainted with the facts;...
    PLT 12.20 21 ...mind, our mind, or mind like ours, reappears to us in our study of Nature, Nature being everywhere formed after a method which we can well understand, and all the parts, to the most remote, allied or explicable...
    PLT 12.44 11 If you cut or break in two a block or stone and press the two parts closely together, you can indeed bring the particles very near, but never again so near that they shall attract each other so that you can take up the block as one.
    II 12.71 26 The poet works to an end above his will, and by means, too, which are out of his will. Every part of the poem is therefore a true surprise to the reader, like the parts of the plant...
    II 12.74 21 ...the ancient Proclus seems to signify his sense of the same fact, by saying, The parts in us are more the property of wholes, and of things above us, than they are our property.
    II 12.89 8 ...the universe understands itself, and all the parts play with a sure harmony.
    Bost 12.183 23 There are countries, said Howell, where the heaven is a fiery furnace or a blowing bellows, or a dropping sponge, most parts of the year.
    Bost 12.189 19 John Smith writes (1624): Of all the four parts of the world that I have yet seen not inhabited, could I but have means to transplant a colony, I would rather live here [in New England] than anywhere;...
    Bost 12.190 2 Massachusetts in particular, [John Smith] calls the paradise of these parts...
    MAng1 12.220 5 The human form, says Goethe, cannot be comprehended through seeing its surface. It must be stripped of the muscles, its parts separated...
    MAng1 12.221 21 Those who have never given attention to the arts of design are surprised that the artist should find so much to study in a fabric of such limited parts and dimensions as the human body.
    Milt1 12.249 21 ...the piece [a tract by Milton] shows all the rambles and resources of indignation, but he has never integrated the parts of the argument in his mind.
    MLit 12.317 1 Of the perception now fast becoming a conscious fact...that Moses and Confucius, Montaigne and Leibnitz, are not so much individuals as they are parts of man and parts of me, and my intelligence proves them my own,-literature is far the best expression.
    WSL 12.348 15 ...[Landor] has not the high, overpowering method by which the master gives unity and integrity to a work of many parts.
    Pray 12.356 9 And being admonished to reflect upon myself, I entered into the very inward parts of my soul, by thy conduct;...
    EurB 12.368 21 [Wordsworth]...wrote Helvellyn and Windermere and the dim spirits which these haunts harbored. There was not the least show...that although London was the home for men of great parts, yet Westmoreland had these consolations for such as fate had condemned to the country life...
    PPr 12.381 11 As we recall the topics [in Carlyle's Past and Present], we are struck with the force given to the plain truths;...the exposure of the progress of fraud into all parts and social activities;...

parts, v. (1)

    OS 2.273 1 Some thoughts always find us young, and keep us so. Such a thought is the love of the universal and eternal beauty. Every man parts from that contemplation with the feeling that it rather belongs to ages than to mortal life.

parturient, adj. (1)

    PLT 12.62 10 We have all of us by nature a certain divination and parturient vaticination in our minds of some higher good and perfection than either power or knowledge.

parturition, n. (1)

    PLT 12.18 6 Life is incessant parturition.

party, adj. (19)

    LT 1.277 13 [The Reforms] mix the fire of the moral sentiment with personal and party heats...
    Exp 3.58 25 A political orator wittily compared our party promises to western roads...
    ET5 5.93 24 ...the vigilance of party criticism [in England] insures the selection of a competent person.
    ET18 5.299 22 The history of Rome and Greece, when written by [English] scholars, degenerates into English party pamphlets.
    Wsp 6.212 16 Only those can help in counsel or conduct who did not make a party pledge to defend this or that...
    Elo1 7.95 21 ...the slight yet sufficient party organization [the resistance to slavery] offered, reinforced the city with new blood from the woods and mountains.
    HDC 11.66 12 Mr. [Daniel] his earnest sympathy with [George Whitefield], in opinion and practice, gave offence to a part of his people. Party and mutual councils were called...
    LVB 11.93 19 You [Van Buren] will not do us the injustice of connecting this remonstrance [against the relocation of the Cherokees] with any sectional and party feeling.
    LVB 11.93 24 We will not have this great and solemn claim upon national and human justice [the relocation of the Cherokees] huddled aside under the flimsy plea of its being a party act.
    FSLC 11.179 21 [Massachusetts laws] never came near me to any discomfort before. I find the like that class who take no interest in the ordinary questions of party politics.
    FSLC 11.184 4 What is the use of admirable law-forms, and political forms, if a hurricane of party feeling and a combination of monied interests can beat them to the ground?
    FSLC 11.184 27 Here are humane people who have tears for misery, an open purse for want; who should have been the defenders of the poor man, are found his embittered enemies, rejoicing in his rendition,-merely from party ties.
    FSLN 11.243 13 ...though I [Robert Winthrop] am now to deny and condemn you, you see it is not my will but the party necessity.
    AsSu 11.249 10 In Congress, [Charles Sumner] did not rush into party position.
    AsSu 11.250 3 I have heard that some of [Charles Sumner's] political friends tax him with indolence or negligence in bear his part in the labor which party organization requires.
    AsSu 11.251 10 ...when I think of these most small faults as the worst which party hatred could allege, I think I may borrow the language which Bishop Burnet applied to Sir Isaac Newton, and say that Charles Sumner has the whitest soul I ever knew.
    AKan 11.256 2 ...all party spirit produces the incapacity to receive natural impressions from facts;...
    FRep 11.514 5 In our popular politics you may note that each aspirant who rises above the crowd, however at first making his obedient apprenticeship in party tactics...soon learns that it is by no means by obeying the vulgar weathercock of his party...that real power is gained...
    FRep 11.519 18 We have seen the great party of property and education in the country drivelling and huckstering away, for views of party fear or advantage, every principle of humanity...

party, n. (172)

    AmS 1.97 7 ...profession and party...must also soar and sing.
    AmS 1.115 15 Is it not the chief disgrace in the be reckoned in the gross...of the which we belong;...
    MR 1.243 27 I ought to be armed by every part and function of my my traffic. Yet I am almost no party to any of these things.
    LT 1.268 6 The two omnipresent parties of History, the party of the Past and the party of the Future, divide society today as of old.
    LT 1.268 23 ...the movement party divides itself into two classes...
    LT 1.276 15 [The Reformers] do not rely on precisely that strength which wins me to their cause;...not on a principle, but...on party;...
    LT 1.278 16 To the youth...the temptation is always great to lend himself to public movements, and as one of a party accomplish what he cannot hope to effect alone.
    LT 1.284 3 ...we begin to doubt...whether [Reform] be not...a paper blockade, in which each party is to display the utmost resources of his spirit and belief, and no conflict occur...
    Con 1.295 2 The two parties which divide the state, the party of Conservatism and that of Innovation, are very old...
    Con 1.295 6 The conservative party established the reverend hierarchies and monarchies of the most ancient world.
    Con 1.305 15 However men please to style themselves, I see no other than a conservative party.
    Con 1.310 12 [Existing institutions] have...left law but our law, to the ordaining of which you were no party.
    Con 1.318 18 The objection to conservatism, when embodied in a party, is that in its love of acts it hates principles;...
    Con 1.319 1 The conservative party in the universe concedes that the radical would talk sufficiently to the purpose, if we were still in the garden of Eden;...
    Con 1.322 13 ...if it still be asked in this necessity of partial organization, which party...has the highest claims on our sympathy,-I bring it home to the private heart...
    Tran 1.338 2 ...there is no such thing as a Transcendental party;...
    Tran 1.359 6 ...when every voice is raised...for a political party, or the division of an estate,-will you not tolerate one or two solitary voices in the land, speaking for thoughts and principles not marketable or perishable?
    Hist 2.3 9 Who hath access to this universal mind is a party to all that is... done.
    SR 2.54 10 If with a great party...I have difficulty to detect the precise man you are...
    SR 2.55 15 ...nature is not slow to equip us in the prison-uniform of the party to which we adhere.
    Comp 2.119 3 There is a third silent party to all our bargains.
    Lov1 2.173 18 The girls may have little beauty, yet plainly do they establish between them and the good boy the most agreeable, confiding relations; what with their fun and their earnest, about...who was invited to the party...
    Fdsp 2.197 12 I hear what you say of the admirable parts and tried temper of the party you praise...
    Fdsp 2.207 19 In good company the individuals merge their egotism into a social soul exactly co-extensive with the several consciousnesses there present. ... Only he may then speak who can sail on the common thought of the party...
    Fdsp 2.208 15 Friendship requires that rare mean betwixt likeness and unlikeness that piques each with the presence of power and of consent in the other party.
    Prd1 2.227 11 The application of means to ends insures victory and the songs of victory not less in a farm or a shop than in the tactics of party or of war.
    Prd1 2.238 3 In the occurrence of unpleasant things among neighbors, fear comes readily to heart and magnifies the consequence of the other party;...
    Prd1 2.239 8 What low, poor, paltry, hypocritical people an argument on religion will make of the pure and chosen souls! They will shuffle and crow...and not a thought has enriched either party...
    OS 2.277 9 In all conversation between two persons tacit reference is made, as to a third party, to a common nature.
    OS 2.277 10 In all conversation between two persons tacit reference is made, as to a third party, to a common nature. That third party or common nature is not social;...
    Cir 2.307 10 The love of me accuses the other party.
    Int 2.342 2 He in whom the love of repose predominates will accept...the first political party he meets...
    Pt1 3.16 20 Witness the cider-barrel...and all the cognizances of party.
    Exp 3.57 23 Something is conversing with so much folly and defect. In fine, whoever loses, we are always of the gaining party.
    Mrs1 3.126 26 [Fine manners] are a subtler science of defence to parry and intimidate; but once matched by the skill of the other party, they drop the point of the sword...
    Mrs1 3.132 3 ...the countryman at a city dinner, believes that there is a ritual according to which every act and compliment must be performed, or the failing party must be cast out of this presence.
    Mrs1 3.134 6 ...[a gentleman's] eyes look straight forward, and he assures the other party...that he has been met.
    Nat2 3.189 1 The friend coldly turns [the pages of a young person's diary] over, and passes from the writing to conversation, with easy transition, which strikes the other party with astonishment and vexation.
    Pol1 3.208 19 We might as wisely reprove the east wind or the frost, as a political party...
    Pol1 3.208 27 A party is perpetually corrupted by personality.
    Pol1 3.209 8 Ordinarily our parties are parties of circumstance, and not of principle; as...the party of capitalists and that of operatives...
    Pol1 3.209 12 Parties of principle, as...the party of free-trade...degenerate into personalities, or would inspire enthusiasm.
    Pol1 3.210 7 The philosopher, the poet, or the religious man, will of course wish to cast his vote with the democrat...for facilitating in every manner the access of the young and the poor to the sources of wealth and power. But he can rarely accept the persons whom the so-called popular party propose to him as representatives of these liberalities.
    Pol1 3.210 15 ...the conservative timid...
    Pol1 3.210 24 From neither party, when in power, has the world any benefit to expect in science, art, or humanity, at all commensurate with the resources of the nation.
    Pol1 3.219 15 [The movement toward self-government] was never adopted by any party in history, neither can be.
    Pol1 3.219 17 [The movement toward self-government] separates the individual from all party...
    NR 3.239 22 Hence the immense benefit of party in politics, as it reveals faults of character in a chief, which the intellectual force of the persons... could not have seen.
    NER 3.251 10 [The observer of New England's] attention must be commanded by the signs that the Church, or religious party, is falling from the Church nominal...
    NER 3.255 15 ...the country is full of kings. Hands off! let there be no control and no interference in the administration of the affairs of this kingdom of me. Hence the growth of the doctrine and of the party of Free Trade...
    NER 3.263 17 If partiality was one fault of the movement party, the other defect was their reliance on Association.
    NER 3.265 21 The candidate my party votes for is not to be trusted with a dollar...
    UGM 4.25 27 The like assimilation goes on between men...of one political party;...
    PPh 4.71 16 [Socrates] can drink, too;...and after leaving the whole party under the table, goes away as if nothing had happened...
    SwM 4.122 10 To the withered traditional church...[Swedenborg] let in nature again, and the surprised to find himself a party to the whole of his religion.
    MoS 4.155 1 The abstractionist and the materialist thus mutually exasperating each other, and the scoffer expressing the worst of materialism, there arises a third party to occupy the middle ground between these two, the skeptic, namely.
    MoS 4.172 18 ...neither is [the wise skeptic] fit to work with any democratic party that ever was constituted;...
    ShP 4.191 20 The Puritans, a growing and energetic party...would supress [dramatic entertainments].
    ShP 4.191 27 ...we could not hope to suppress newspapers now,--no, not by the strongest party...
    NMW 4.230 22 That common-sense which no sooner respects any end than it finds the means to effect it;...the prudence with which all was seen and the energy with which all was done, make [Bonaparte] the natural organ and head of what I may almost call, from its extent, the modern party.
    NMW 4.237 12 [Napoleon's] idea of the best defence consists in being still the attacking party.
    NMW 4.245 16 The Revolution entitled...every horse-boy and powder-monkey in the army, to look on Napoleon as...the creature of his party...
    NMW 4.256 12 ...Bonaparte represents the democrat, or the party of men of business...
    NMW 4.256 13 ...Bonaparte represents the democrat, or the party of men of business, against the stationary or conservative party.
    NMW 4.256 23 Bonaparte may be said to represent the whole history of this [democrat] party...
    GoW 4.278 20 We had an English romance unfold the political hope of the party called Young England,--in which the only reward of virtue is a seat in Parliament and a peerage.
    GoW 4.280 24 In England and in America there is a respect for talent; if it is exerted in support of any ascertained or intelligible interest or party...the public is satisfied.
    ET3 5.36 24 ...we have the same difficulty in making a social or moral estimate of England, that the sheriff finds in drawing a jury to try some cause...on which every body finds himself an interested party.
    ET6 5.112 14 When Thalberg the pianist was one evening performing before the Queen at Windsor, in a private party, the Queen accompanied him with her voice.
    ET7 5.122 17 In February, 1848, [the English] said, Look, the French king and his party fell for want of a shot;...
    ET9 5.149 17 An English lady on the Rhine hearing a German speaking of her party as foreigners, exclaimed, No, we are not foreigners; we are English; it is you that are foreigners.
    ET11 5.191 1 Of course there is another side to this gorgeous show [of English aristocracy]. Every victory was the defeat of a party only less worthy.
    ET12 5.211 21 ...pamphleteer or journalist, reading for an argument for a party...must read meanly and fragmentarily.
    F 6.13 7 ...[the individual] knows himself to be a party to his present estate.
    F 6.14 5 ...if you could weigh bodily the tonnage of any hundred of the Whig and the Democratic party in a town on the Dearborn could predict with certainty which party would carry it.
    F 6.14 7 ...if you could weigh bodily the tonnage of any hundred of the Whig and the Democratic party in a town on the Dearborn could predict with certainty which party would carry it.
    F 6.25 27 This insight [of truth] throws us on the party and interest of the Universe...
    Pow 6.59 14 The weaker party finds that none of his information or wit quite fits the occasion.
    Pow 6.61 15 A timid man...observing the profligacy of party...might easily believe that he and his country have seen their best days...
    Pow 6.70 8 ...when you espouse an Orleans have a personality instead of a principle, which will inevitably drag you into a corner.
    Pow 6.70 9 ...when you espouse...a Bourbon or a Montalembert have a personality instead of a principle, which will inevitably drag you into a corner.
    Pow 6.70 10 ...when you espouse an Orleans party...or any other but an organic have a personality instead of a principle, which will inevitably drag you into a corner.
    Wth 6.94 4 Is party the madness of many for the gain of a few?
    Ctr 6.152 10 In an English party a man with no marked manners or features...discloses wit, learning, a wide range of topics...
    Bhr 6.175 3 A keen eye...will...see in the manners the degree of homage the party is wont to receive.
    Bhr 6.186 6 Society is very swift in its instincts, and, if you do not belong to it, resists and sneers at you, or quietly drops you. The first weapon enrages the party attacked;...
    Wsp 6.230 7 ...if you cannot argue or explain yourself to the other party, cleave to the truth...and you gain a station from which you cannot be dislodged.
    Wsp 6.230 9 The other party will forget the words that you spoke...
    CbW 6.266 25 ...who provoke pity like that excellent family party just arriving in their well-appointed carriage, as far from home and any honest end as ever?
    CbW 6.267 1 ...who provoke pity like that excellent family party just arriving in their well-appointed carriage, as far from home and any honest end as ever? Each nation has asked successively, What are they here for? until at last the party are shamefaced...
    CbW 6.276 7 If you are proposing only your own, the other party must deal a little hardly by you.
    Ill 6.309 2 Some years ago, in company with an agreeable party, I spent a long summer day in exploring the Mammoth Cave in Kentucky.
    Ill 6.310 17 ...on looking upwards [in the Mammoth Cave], I saw or seemed to see the night heaven thick with stars...and even what seemed a comet flaming among them. All the party were touched with astonishment and pleasure.
    SS 7.8 15 Like President Tyler, our party falls from us every day...
    SS 7.14 22 Assort your party, or invite none.
    Art2 7.48 21 The artist who is to produce a work which is to be admired... by all a man of no party and no manner...
    Elo1 7.77 27 A greater power of carrying the thing loftily...might head any party...
    Elo1 7.82 21 ...[Columbus] can say nothing to one party or to the other, but he can show how all Europe can be diminished and reduced under the king, by annexing to Spain a continent as large as six or seven Europes.
    Elo1 7.86 8 In every company the man with the fact is like the guide you hire to lead your party up a mountain...
    Elo1 7.86 10 In every company the man with the fact is like the guide you hire to lead your party...through a difficult country. He may not compare with any of the party in mind or breeding or courage or possessions, but he is much more important to the present need than any of them.
    Elo1 7.98 2 ...[the moral sentiment] conveys a hint of our eternity, when [the hearer] feels himself addressed on grounds...which have no trace of time or place or party.
    DL 7.128 5 Happy will that house which character marries... Then shall marriage be a covenant to secure to either party the sweetness and honor of being a calm, continuing, inevitable benefactor to the other.
    WD 7.168 13 [The days] come and go like muffled and veiled figures, sent from a distant friendly party;...
    Boks 7.212 19 this rag-fair neither the Imagination...nor the Morals... are addressed. But though orator and poet be of this hunger party, the capacities remain.
    Boks 7.215 22 The question there [in Jane Eyre] answered in regard to a vicious marriage will always be treated according to the habit of the party.
    Cour 7.259 22 In ordinary, we have a snappish criticism which watches and contradicts the opposite party.
    Suc 7.292 16 The gravest and learnedest courts in this country...will wait months and years for a case to occur that can be tortured into a precedent, and thus throw on a bolder party the onus of an initiative.
    SA 8.83 7 'T is a great point in a gallery, how you hang pictures; and not less in society, how you seat your party.
    SA 8.94 18 Sainte-Beuve tells us of the privileged circle at Coppet, that after making an excursion one day, the party returned in two coaches from Chambery to Aix...
    SA 8.94 22 The party in the second coach, on arriving, heard this story with surprise;...
    SA 8.95 13 Politics, war, party, luxury, avarice, fashion, are all asses with loaded panniers to serve the kitchen of Intellect, the king.
    Elo2 8.109 1 He, when the rising storm of party roared,/ Brought his great forehead to the council board,/ There, while hot heads perplexed with fears the state,/ Calm as the morn the manly patriot sate;/...
    Res 8.145 26 ...coming among a wild party of Illinois, [Tissenet] overheard them say that they would scalp him.
    Comc 8.165 16 Smith...sent out a party into the swamp, caught an Indian, and sent him home in the first ship to London...
    Comc 8.169 22 ...the painter Astley...going out of Rome one day with a party for a ramble in the Campagna and the weather proving hot, refused to take off his coat...
    Aris 10.35 6 ...[the young adventurer] lends himself to each malignant party that assails what is eminent.
    Aris 10.52 3 To a right aristocracy...everything will be permitted and pardoned,-gaming, drinking, fighting, luxury. These are the heads of party, who can do no wrong...
    Aris 10.63 19 Let [the man of honor]...say, The time will come when these poor enfans perdus of revolution, will have instructed their party, if only by their fate...
    Chr2 10.118 17 In the present tendency of our society...when counties and towns are resisting centralization, and the individual voter his party,- society is threatened with actual granulation, religious as well as political.
    SovE 10.188 25 The wars which make history so dreary have served the cause of truth and virtue. There is always an instinctive sense of right, an obscure idea which animates either party...
    LLNE 10.325 11 There are always two parties, the party of the Past and the party of the Future;...
    LLNE 10.325 12 There are always two parties, the party of the Past and the party of the Future;...
    LLNE 10.341 6 Some time afterwards Dr. Channing opened his mind to Mr. and Mrs. Ripley, and with some care they invited a limited party of ladies and gentlemen.
    LLNE 10.344 2 ...[The Dial] was rather a work of friendship among the narrow circle of students than the organ of any party.
    EzRy 10.393 17 [Ezra Ripley's] conversation was strictly personal and apt to the party and the occasion.
    Thor 10.460 13 ...[Thoreau] paid the tribute of his uniform respect to the Anti-Slavery party.
    Thor 10.473 27 Occasionally, a small party of Penobscot Indians would visit Concord...
    Thor 10.483 9 Fire is the most tolerable third party.
    HDC 11.31 1 ...the town of Concord was settled by a party of non-conformists...
    HDC 11.61 19 When the Dutch, or the French, or the English royalist disagreed with the [Massachusetts Bay] Colony, there was always found a Dutch, or French, or tory party,-an earnest minority,-to keep things from extremity.
    HDC 11.74 1 The British following [the minute-men] across the bridge, posted two guard the bridge, and secure the return of the plundering party.
    HDC 11.74 7 ...Major Buttrick found himself superior in number to the enemy's party at the bridge [at Concord].
    HDC 11.78 7 [Concord's] little population of 1300 souls behaved like a party to the contest [the American Revolution].
    HDC 11.81 6 In 1786...a large party of armed insurgents arrived in this town [Concord]...
    LVB 11.92 5 We have inquired if this [rumored relocation of the Cherokees] be a gross misrepresentation from the party opposed to the government...
    EWI 11.135 2 ...government exists to defend the weak and the poor and the injured party;...
    War 11.170 23 The next season...the party this man votes with have an appropriation to carry through Congress: instantly he wags his head the other way...
    FSLC 11.184 22 Nothing proves...the absence of standard in men's minds, more than the dominion of party.
    FSLC 11.185 21 The learning of the universities...the respectability of the Whig party, are all combined to kidnap [the poor black boy].
    FSLC 11.203 20 ...very unexpectedly to the whole Union, on the 7th March, 1850...[Webster] crossed the line, and became the head of the slavery party in this country.
    FSLN 11.230 22 [Reasonably men] answered that they had no confidence in their strength to resist the Democratic party;...
    FSLN 11.230 24 [Reasonably men] answered...that...each was vying with his neighbor to lead the [Democratic] party...
    AKan 11.263 4, vast property...webs of party, cover the land with a network that immensely multiplies the dangers of war.
    JBB 11.271 13 ...the government, the judges, are an envenomed party...
    JBB 11.272 23 Is any man in Massachusetts so simple as to believe that when a United States Court in Virginia...sends to...Massachusetts, for a witness, it wants him for a witness? No, it wants him for a party;...
    JBS 11.281 9 Nothing is more absurd complain of a party of men united in opposition to slavery.
    TPar 11.290 22 By the incessant power of his statement, [Theodore Parker] made and held a party.
    EPro 11.324 7 The [Civil] war...brought with it the immense benefit of... disinfecting us of our habitual proclivity, through the affection of trade and the traditions of the Democratic party, to follow Southern leading.
    SMC 11.350 8 ...we...believe that our visitors will pardon us if we take the privilege of talking freely about our nearest neighbors as in a family party;...
    Koss 11.398 19 ...I may say of the people of this country at large, that their sympathy is more worth, because it stands the test of party.
    Wom 11.421 25 ...if any man will take the trouble to see how our people vote,-how many gentlemen...standing at the door of the polls, give every innocent citizen his ticket as he comes in, informing him that this is the vote of his party;...I cannot but think he will agree that most women might vote as wisely.
    FRep 11.514 8 In our popular politics you may note that each aspirant who rises above the crowd...soon learns that it is by no means by obeying the vulgar weathercock of his party...that real power is gained...
    FRep 11.514 10 In our popular politics you may note that each aspirant who rises above the crowd...soon learns...that he must often face and resist the party...
    FRep 11.519 14 Party sacrifices man to the measure.
    FRep 11.519 16 We have seen the great party of property and education in the country drivelling and huckstering away...every principle of humanity...
    FRep 11.520 5 Our politics are full of adventurers, who...think they can afford to join the devil's party.
    FRep 11.523 8 ...[Americans] take another step, and say, One vote can do no harm! and vote for something which they do not approve, because their party or set votes for it.
    FRep 11.523 10 ...[Americans...say, One vote can do no harm! and vote for something which they do not approve, because their party or set votes for it. Of course this puts them in the power of any party having a steady interest to promote which does not conflict manifestly with the pecuniary interest of the voters.
    FRep 11.527 26 Our institutions, of which the town is the unit, are educational... ... The result the predominance of the democratic party in the politics of the Union...
    FRep 11.543 9 Justice satisfies everybody, and justice alone. No monopoly must be foisted in, no weak party or nationality sacrificed...
    Bost 12.202 15 The soul of a political party is by no means usually the officers and pets of the party...
    Bost 12.202 16 The soul of a political party is by no means usually the officers and pets of the party...
    Bost 12.202 22 The soul of a political party is by no means usually the officers and pets of the party, who...spend the salaries. No, but...the men who are never contented and never to be contented with the work actually accomplished, but who from conscience are engaged to what that party professes...
    Bost 12.202 27 The theology and the instinct of freedom that grew here [in Massachusetts] in the dark in serious men furnished a certain rancor which... fed the party and carried victory.
    Milt1 12.270 20 ...drawn into the great controversies of the times, [Milton] is never lost in a party.
    Milt1 12.270 23 That which drew [Milton] to the party was his love of liberty, ideal liberty;...
    Milt1 12.270 25 That which drew [Milton] to the party was his love of liberty, ideal liberty; this therefore he could not sacrifice to any party.
    ACri 12.287 12 ...when a great bank president was expounding the virtues of his party and of the government to a silent circle of bank pensioners, a grave Methodist exclaimed, Fiddlesticks!
    ACri 12.287 15 ...when a great bank president was expounding the virtues of his party and of the government to a silent circle of bank pensioners, a grave Methodist exclaimed, Fiddlesticks! The whole party were surprised and cheered...
    MLit 12.325 22 There is a good letter from Wieland to Merck, in which Wieland relates that Goethe read to a select party his journal of a tour in Switzerland with the Grand Duke...
    EurB 12.378 16 [The English fashionist's] highest triumph invert the relation in which our sex stand to women, so that they appear the attacking, and he the passive or defensive party.
    PPr 12.385 9 Worst of all for the party attacked, [Carlyle's Past and Present] bereaves them beforehand of all sympathy...

Party, Peace, n. (1)

    EPro 11.322 27 It is wonderful to see the unseasonable senility of what is called the Peace Party...

Party, Whig, n. (1)

    FSLN 11.244 18 The Anti-Slavery Society will add many members this year. The Whig Party will join it; the Democrats will join it.

party-colored, adj. (1)

    Exp 3.57 19 The party-colored wheel must revolve very fast to appear white.

party-walls, adj. (1)

    ET8 5.128 20 ...I suppose never nation built their party-walls so thick, or their garden-fences so high [as the English].

parvenues, adj. (1)

    Int 2.346 5 ...wonderful seems the calm and grand air of these few [Greek philosophers], these great spiritual lords...dwelling in a worship which makes the sanctities of Christianity look parvenues and popular;...

parvis, adj. (1)

    SwM 4.113 23 Ex aurique putat micis consistere posse/ Aurum, et de terris terram concrescere parvis;/...

Pascal, Blaise, n. (7)

    SwM 4.97 10 All religious history contains traces of the trance of saints... The trances of Socrates...Pascal...will readily come to mind.
    SwM 4.99 3 of large calibre, though with some eccentricity or madness, like Pascal or Newton, help us more than balanced mediocre minds.
    Boks 7.219 3 After the Hebrew and Greek Scriptures...[the sacred books] are...the Chinese Classic, of four books, containing the wisdom of Confucius and Mencius. Also such other books as have acquired a semi-canonical authority in the world, as expressing the highest sentiment and hope of nations. Such are the Hermes Trismegistus...and the Thoughts of Pascal.
    OA 7.321 19 We have, it is true, examples of an accelerated pace by which young men achieved grand works;, Burns and Byron;...
    PC 8.228 25 It was the conviction...of Pascal...that piety is an essential condition of science...
    SovE 10.208 23 A new Socrates, or Zeno, or Swedenborg, or Pascal...may be born in this age...
    Milt1 12.255 22 The genius of France has not...yet culminated in any one head-not in Rousseau, not in Pascal, not in Fenelon-into such perception of all the attributes of humanity as to entitle it to any rivalry in these lists [with Milton].

pass, n. (12)

    ET5 5.76 25 The Scandinavian fancied himself surrounded by Trolls... divine stevedores, carpenters, reapers, smiths and masons, swift to reward every kindness done them, with gifts of gold and silver. In all English history this dream comes to pass.
    ET15 5.272 24 ...[if the London Times would cleave to the right] it would have the authority which is claimed for that dream of good men not yet come to pass...
    Wth 6.122 13 ...travellers and Indians know the value of a buffalo-trail, which is sure to be the easiest possible pass through the ridge.
    Ctr 6.154 26 How can you mind...even the bringing things to pass,--when you think how paltry are the machinery and the workers?
    Elo1 7.78 9 It was said of Sir William Pepperell...that, put him where you might, he commanded, and saw what he willed come to pass.
    WD 7.171 18 Could our happiest dream come to pass in solid fact,--could a power open our eyes to behold millions of spiritual creatures walk the earth,--I believe I should find that mid-plain on which they moved floored beneath and arched above with the same web of blue depth which weaves itself over me now...
    Cour 7.273 13 The meal and water that are the commissariat of the forlorn hope that stake their lives to defend the pass are sacred as the Holy Grail...
    PI 8.28 17 Lear...thinks every man who suffers must have the like cause with his own. What, have his daughters brought him to this pass?
    PI 8.61 1 Presently [Sir Gawaine] heard a voice which said, Gawain, Gawain, be not out of heart, for everything which must happen will come to pass.
    PLT 12.9 19 We must have a special talent, and bring something to pass.
    Pray 12.353 29 If but this tedious battle could be fought,/ Like Sparta's heroes at one rocky pass,/ One day be spent in dying, men had sought/ The spot, and been cut down like mower's grass./
    Let 12.397 9 ...discontent and the luxury of tears will bring nothing to pass.

Pass, St. Gothard, Switzer (1)

    MLit 12.325 24 There is a good letter from Wieland to Merck, in which Wieland relates that Goethe read to a select party his journal of a tour in Switzerland with the Grand Duke, and their passage through the Vallais and over the St. Gothard.

pass, v. (155)

    Nat 1.71 5 When men are innocent, life...shall pass into the immortal as gently as we awake from dreams.
    Nat 1.76 1 Then shall come to pass what my poet said...
    AmS 1.104 24 ...[the scholar] will...find in himself a perfect comprehension of [fear's] nature and extent;...and can henceforth defy it and pass on superior.
    LE 1.158 25 pass into [the scholar's] mind...the grand events of history...
    LE 1.164 23 ...we must...pass, if it be possible...into the visions of absolute truth.
    LE 1.166 21 I pass now to consider the task offered to the intellect of this country.
    LE 1.184 16 When [the scholar] sees how much thought he owes to the disagreeable antagonism of various persons who pass and cross him, he can easily think that in a society of perfect sympathy, no word, no act, no record, would be.
    MN 1.195 24 How tardily men arrive at any result! how tardily they pass from it to another!
    MN 1.212 18 Every man who comes into the world [the stars] seek to fascinate and possess, to pass into his mind...
    MN 1.213 3 These beautiful basilisks [the stars] set their brute glorious eyes on the eye of every child, and, if they can, cause their nature to pass through his wondering eyes into him...
    MN 1.218 21 Behold! there is the sun, and the rain, and the rocks; the old sun, the old stones. How easy were it to describe all this fitly; yet no word can pass.
    LT 1.263 27 ...there is [no fact] that will not change and pass away before a person whose nature is broader than the person which the fact in question represents.
    LT 1.288 7 what port are we bound? Who knows! There is no one to tell us but such poor weather-tossed mariners as ourselves, whom we speak as we pass...
    Tran 1.332 17 One thing at least, [the materialist] says, is certain...if I put a gold eagle in my safe, I find it again to-morrow;-but for these thoughts, I know not whence they are. They change and pass away.
    Tran 1.342 9 ...whoso knows...these talkers who talk the sun and moon away, will believe that this heresy cannot pass away without leaving its mark.
    Tran 1.354 9 When we pass...into some new will please us to reflect that though we had few virtues or consolations, we bore with our indigence...
    YA 1.379 25 I pass to speak of the signs of that which is the sequel of trade.
    Hist 2.38 18 [Each man] too shall pass through the whole cycle of experience.
    SR 2.49 2 ...looking out from his corner on such people and facts as pass by, [the boy] tries and sentences them on their merits...
    SR 2.49 15 Ah, that [a man] could pass again into his neutrality!
    SR 2.51 10 If malice and vanity wear the coat of philanthropy, shall that pass?
    SR 2.58 21 We pass for what we are.
    SR 2.66 6 Whenever a mind is simple and receives a divine wisdom, old things pass away...
    SL 2.138 5 We pass in the world for sects and schools...
    Lov1 2.182 4 ...if...the soul passes through the body and falls to admire strokes of character, and the lovers contemplate one another in their discourses and their actions, then they pass to the true palace of beauty...
    Fdsp 2.194 7 ...I am not so ungrateful as not to see the wise, the lovely and the noble-minded, as from time to time they pass my gate.
    Fdsp 2.216 16 If [your companion] is unequal, he will presently pass away;...
    OS 2.269 1 The Supreme Critic on the errors of the past and the present... is...that overpowering reality which...constrains every one to pass for what he is...
    OS 2.269 4 The Supreme Critic on the errors of the past and the present... is...that overpowering reality...which evermore tends to pass into our thought and hand and become wisdom and virtue and power and beauty.
    OS 2.291 9 Nothing can pass [in the soul]...but the casting aside your trappings...
    OS 2.296 23 [The soul saith] I am somehow receptive of the great soul, and thereby I do overlook the sun and the stars and feel them to be the fair accidents and effects which change and pass.
    Cir 2.321 12 pass over [the great man] without much impression.
    Art1 2.355 16 Presently we pass to some other object, which rounds itself into a whole...
    Art1 2.366 20 Art makes the same effort which a sensual prosperity makes; do up the work as unavoidable, and, hating it, pass on to enjoyment.
    Pt1 3.41 26 ...thou [O poet] must pass for a fool and a churl for a long season.
    Exp 3.43 2 The lords of life, the lords of life,--/ I saw them pass,/ In their own guise/...
    Exp 3.46 14 All our days are so unprofitable while they pass...
    Exp 3.50 5 Life is a train of moods like a string of beads, and as we pass through them they prove to be many-colored lenses which paint the world their own hue...
    Exp 3.52 6 In truth [men] are all creatures of given temperament, which will appear in a given character, whose boundaries they will never pass;...
    Exp 3.56 27 Our friends early appear to us as representatives of certain ideas which they never pass or exceed.
    Chr1 3.92 6 Our frank countrymen of the west and to know whether the New Englander is a substantial man, or whether the hand can pass through him.
    Chr1 3.100 9 ...the uncivil, unavailable man...whom [society] cannot let pass in silence...he helps;...
    Mrs1 3.119 12 The house [of the inhabitants of Gournou], namely a tomb, is ready without rent or taxes. No rain can pass through the roof...
    Mrs1 3.131 20 A sainted soul is always elegant, and, if it will, passes unchallenged into the most guarded ring. But so will Jock the teamster long as his head is not giddy with the new circumstance...
    Mrs1 3.133 21 [Fops] pass also at their just rate;...
    Mrs1 3.143 27 There is not only the right of conquest, which genius pretends...but less claims will pass for the time;...
    Mrs1 3.144 22 Another mode [of winning a place in fashion] is to pass through all the degrees...
    Mrs1 3.147 10 we show beyond that Heaven and Earth/ In form and shape compact and beautiful;/ .../ So on our heels a fresh perfection treads,/ A power more strong in beauty, born of us/ And fated to excel us, as we pass/ In glory that old Darkness.../
    Mrs1 3.147 26 If the individuals who compose the purest circles of aristocracy in Europe...should pass in review...we might find no gentleman and no lady;...
    Gts 3.163 6 The gift, to be true, must be the flowing of the giver unto me, correspondent to my flowing unto him. When the waters are at level, then my goods pass to him, and his to me.
    Nat2 3.173 2 ...I go with my friend to the shore of our little river, and with one stroke of the paddle I...pass into a delicate realm of sunset and moonlight...
    Nat2 3.179 23 All changes [in Efficient Nature] pass without violence...
    NR 3.235 20 Thus we settle it in our cool libraries, that all the agents with which we deal are subalterns, which we can well afford to let pass,...
    NR 3.243 27 As soon as [a man] needs a new object, suddenly he beholds it, and no longer attempts to pass through it...
    NER 3.267 18 I pass to the indication in some particulars of that faith in man, which the heart is preaching to us in these days...
    UGM 4.22 9 ...if there should appear in the company some gentle soul who...apprises me of my independence on any conditions of country, or time, or human body,--that man liberates me; I forget the clock. I pass out of the sore relation to persons.
    UGM 4.31 15 We pass very fast, in our personal moods, from dignity to dependence.
    UGM 4.34 1 The genius of humanity is the right point of view of history. The qualities abide; the men who exhibit them have now more, now less, and pass away;...
    PPh 4.61 8 see in [Plato] their own dreams and glimpses are made available and made to pass for what they are.
    PPh 4.63 12 The soul which has never perceived the truth, cannot pass into the human form [said Plato].
    PNR 4.81 8 [Nature] waited tranquilly...for the hour to be struck when man should arrive. Then periods must pass before the motion of the earth can be suspected;...
    SwM 4.100 25 [Swedenborg's] rare science and practical skill, and the added fame...of extraordinary religious knowledge and gifts, drew to him queens...and people about the ports through which he was wont to pass...
    SwM 4.101 19 The genius [of Swedenborg] which pass the bounds of space and time...began its lessons in quarries and forges...
    SwM 4.113 1 [Swedenborg] noted that in [nature] proceeding from first principles through her several subordinations, there was no state through which she did not pass...
    SwM 4.124 15 ...what is real and universal cannot be confined to the circle of those who sympathize strictly with [Swedenborg's] genius, but will pass forth into the common stock of wise and just thinking.
    MoS 4.150 7 One class [predisposed to Sensation] conversant with... cities and persons, and the bringing certain things to pass;...
    MoS 4.170 13 We are persuaded that a thread runs through all things...and men, and events, and life...pass and repass only that we may know the direction and continuity of that line.
    MoS 4.171 21 Every superior mind will pass through this domain of equilibration [skepticism]...
    MoS 4.176 19 [The power of moods] is the second negation; and I shall let it pass for what it will.
    ShP 4.191 13 Great genial power, one would almost say, consists in... suffering the spirit of the hour to pass unobstructed through the mind.
    ShP 4.202 12 There is somewhat touching in the madness with which the passing age...registers every trifle touching Queen Elizabeth...and lets pass without a single valuable note the founder of another dynasty, which alone will cause the Tudor dynasty to be remembered...
    GoW 4.282 12 In the learned journal, in the influential newspaper, I discern no form; only some irresponsible shadow; oftener...some dangler who pass for somebody.
    ET14 5.251 5 ...if, going out of the region of dogma, we pass into that of general culture, there is no end to the graces and amenities, wit, sensibility and erudition of the learned class [in England].
    ET18 5.301 24 In Magna Charta it was ordained that all merchants shall have safe and secure pass as well by land as by water...
    ET18 5.306 7 [The English]...are like a dull good horse which lets every nag pass him, but with whip and spur will run down every racer in the field.
    F 6.12 4 Now and then one has a new cell or camarilla opened in his brain... which skill...serves to pass the time;...
    F 6.27 11 ...though we sleep, our dream will come to pass.
    F 6.35 7 ...when mature [the Neopolitan] assumes the forms of the unmistakable scoundrel. That is a little overstated-but may pass.
    Ctr 6.144 23 Balls, riding, wine-parties and billiards pass to a poor boy for something fine and romantic...
    Ctr 6.145 4 run away to other countries because they are not good in their own, and run back to their own because they pass for nothing in the new places.
    Ctr 6.158 14 I must have children...I must have a social state and history, or my thinking and speaking want body or basis. But to give these accessories any value, I must know them as contingent...possessions, which pass for more to the people than to me.
    Bhr 6.188 22 ...the sad realist knows these fellows [of position] at a glance, and they know him; as when in Paris the chief of the police enters a ball-room, so many diamonded pretenders...give him a supplicating look as they pass.
    Wsp 6.225 22 In every variety of human employment...there are, among the numbers who do their task...just to pass...the working men, on whom the burden of the business falls;...
    CbW 6.261 16 ...perhaps [the rich man] could pass a college examination, and take his degrees;...
    CbW 6.265 18 I know those miserable fellows...who see a black star always riding through the light and colored clouds in the sky overhead; waves of light pass over and hide it for a moment, but the black star keeps fast in the zenith.
    Art2 7.37 23 Every thought that arises in the mind, in its rising aims to pass out of the mind into act;...
    Elo1 7.74 5 I know no remedy against [an oiled tongue] but...the wax which Ulysses stuffed into the ears of his sailors to pass the Sirens safely.
    Elo1 7.95 17 ...wherever the fresh moral sentiment, the instinct of freedom and duty, come in direct opposition to fossil conservatism and the thirst of gain, the spark will pass.
    DL 7.127 3 ...let the hearts [our friends] have agitated witness what power has lurked in the traits of these structures of clay that pass and repass us!
    Boks 7.199 16 ...who can overestimate the images [in Plato]...which pass like bullion in the currency of all nations?
    Boks 7.210 6 pass over some details,--the contest [for the Valdarfer Boccaccio] proceeded...
    Suc 7.298 13 [The city boy in the October woods] is suddenly initiated into a pomp and glory that brings to pass for him the dreams of romance.
    Suc 7.310 26 Which of [the most sanguine] has not...found themselves awkward or tedious or incapable of study, thought or heroism, and only hoped by good sense and fidelity to do what they could and pass unblamed?
    PI 8.17 5 Poetry is the perpetual pass the brute body...
    PI 8.21 12 In certain hours we can almost pass our hand through our own body.
    PI 8.52 22 Let Poetry then pass, if it will, into music and rhyme.
    PI 8.60 23 Presently [Sir Gawaine] heard the voice of one groaning on his right hand; looking that way, he could see nothing save a kind of smoke... through which he could not pass;...
    SA 8.82 20 Intellectual men pass for vulgar...
    SA 8.87 15 To pass to an allied topic [to manners], one word or two in regard to dress...
    SA 8.95 16 Politics, war, party, luxury, avarice, fashion, are all asses with loaded panniers to serve the kitchen of Intellect, the king. There is nothing that does not pass into lever or weapon.
    Elo2 8.124 12 your struggles with the world...when priest and Levite shall come and look on you and pass by on the other side, seek the precepts and example of Him whose law is love...
    QO 8.201 9 ...however received, these elements pass into the substance of [the individual's] constitution...
    PPo 8.236 7 As Jelaleddin old and gray,/ [Saadi] seemed to bask, to dream and play/ Without remoter hope or fear/ Than still to entertain his ear/ And pass the burning summer-time/ In the palm-grove with a rhyme;/...
    PPo 8.241 14 ...when the Queen of Sheba came to visit Solomon, he had built...a palace, of which the floor or pavement was of glass, laid over running water, in which fish were swimming. The Queen of Sheba...raised her robes, thinking she was to pass through the water.
    Insp 8.273 22 To-day the electric machine will not work, no spark will pass;...
    Insp 8.293 22 By sympathy, each [party in good conversation] opens to the eloquence, and begins to see with the eyes of his mind. We were all lonely, thoughtless; and now...we see new relations, many truths; every mind seizes them as they pass;...
    Grts 8.309 26 As [the Quakers] express [self-respect], it might be thus...if at any time I...propose a journey or a course of conduct, I perhaps find a silent obstacle in my mind that I cannot account for. Very well,-I let it lie, thinking it may pass away...
    Grts 8.309 27 As [the Quakers] express [self-respect], it might be thus...if at any time I...propose a journey or a course of conduct, I perhaps find a silent obstacle in my mind that I cannot account for. Very well,-I let it lie, thinking it may pass away, but if it do not pass away I yield to it, obey it.
    Imtl 8.327 16 We shall pass to the future existence as we enter into an agreeable dream.
    Aris 10.47 10 We pass for what we are...
    Aris 10.52 5 To a right aristocracy...everything will be permitted and pardoned,-gaming, drinking, fighting, luxury. These are the heads of party...everything short of infamous crime will pass.
    PerF 10.84 7 Obedience alone gives the right to command. It is like the village operator who taps the telegraph-wire and surprises the secretsof empires as they pass to the capital.
    PerF 10.86 25 A boy who knows that a bully lives round the corner which he must pass on his daily way to school, is apt to take sinister views of streets and of school education.
    Chr2 10.100 22 It happens now and then, in the ages, that a soul is born which offers no impediment to the Divine Spirit...and all its thoughts are perceptions of things as they are, without any infirmity of earth. Such souls...simply by their presence pass judgment on [men].
    Edc1 10.139 17 [Boys] don't pass for swimmers until they can swim...
    Edc1 10.139 19 If I can pass with [boys], I can manage well enough with their fathers.
    SovE 10.212 24 ...innocence is a wonderful electuary for purging the eyes to search the nature of those souls that pass before it.
    MoL 10.248 6 War disorganizes, but it is to reorganize. Weeks, months pass-a new harvest;...
    Plu 10.314 6 [Plutarch] believes that the souls of infants pass immediately into a better and more divine state.
    Plu 10.321 27 Were there not a sun, we might, for all the other stars, pass our days in the Reverend Dark, as Heraclitus calls it.
    MMEm 10.419 10 ...I [Mary Moody Emerson] pass my youth, its last traces, in the veriest shades of ignorance...
    SlHr 10.444 10 ...was it only the lot of excellence, that with aims so pure and single, [Samuel Hoar] seemed to pass out of life alone...
    Thor 10.475 3 [Thoreau] would pass by many delicate rhythms [in poetry]...
    Carl 10.493 14 If a scholar goes into a camp of lumbermen or a gang of riggers, those men will quickly detect any fault of character. Nothing will pass with them but what is real and sound.
    HDC 11.29 12 We will...pass that just verdict on [the deeds of our fathers] we expect from posterity on our own.
    EWI 11.119 22 Parliament was compelled to pass additional laws for the defence and security of the negro [in the West Indies]...
    EWI 11.147 1 I assure myself that this coldness and blindness [towards the negro] will pass away.
    War 11.170 3 The question naturally arises, How is this new aspiration of the human mind [towards peace] to be made visible and real? How is it to pass out of thoughts into things?
    War 11.171 7 ...[peace] is to be accomplished by the spontaneous teaching, of the cultivated soul, in its secret experience and meditation,-that it is now time that it should pass out of the state of beast into the state of man;...
    FSLC 11.194 15 You can commit no crime, for [men] are created in their sentiments conscious of and hostile to it; and unless you can suppress the newspaper, pass a law against book-shops, gag the English tongue in America, all short of this is futile.
    FSLC 11.206 22 I pass to say a few words to the question, What shall we do?
    FSLN 11.224 5 ...there is...not an aphorism that can pass into literature from [Webster's] writings.
    JBB 11.268 23 [John Brown] believes in two articles,-two instruments, shall I say?-the Golden Rule and the Declaration of Independence; and he used this expression in conversation here concerning them, Better that a whole generation of men, women and children should pass away by a violent death than that one word of either should be violated in this country.
    JBS 11.281 3 All gentlemen, of course, are on [John Brown's] side. I do not mean by gentlemen, people of scented hair and perfumed handkerchiefs, but the dying Sidney, pass the cup of cold water to the dying soldier who needs it more.
    SMC 11.368 4 How would Concord people, [George Prescott] asks, like to pass the night on the battle-field, and hear the dying cry for help, and not be able to go to them.
    Koss 11.398 22 [The sympathy of Americans] is, in every expression, antagonized. No opinion will pass but must stand the tug of war.
    Wom 11.406 12 [Women]...pass with us not so much by what they say or do, as by their presence.
    ChiE 11.473 19 I am sure that gentlemen around me bear in mind the bill... requiring that candidates for public offices shall first pass examinations on their literary qualifications for the same.
    PLT 12.16 17 In my thought I seem to stand on the bank of a river and watch the endless flow of the stream, floating objects of all shapes, colors and natures; nor can I much detain them as they pass...
    PLT 12.18 19 [The perceptions of the soul] are detached from their parent, they pass into other minds;...
    PLT 12.19 2 [The perceptions of the soul] take to themselves...agriculture, trade, commerce;-these are the ponderous instrumentalities into which the nimble thoughts pass...
    PLT 12.38 6 These [spiritual] facts, this essence [Truth], are not new; they are old and eternal, but our seeing of them is new. Having seen them we... pass into the council-chamber and government of Nature.
    PLT 12.41 27 [Perceptions] are your door to the seven heavens, and if you pass it by you will miss your way.
    PLT 12.47 19 Sometimes the patience and love [of intellectual men] are rewarded by the chamber of power being at last opened; but sometimes they pass away dumb, to find it where all obstruction is removed.
    Mem 12.108 25 If a great many thoughts pass through your mind, you will believe a long time has elapsed...
    Mem 12.109 11 You know what is told of the experience of some persons who have been recovered from drowning. They relate that their whole life's history seemed to pass before them in review.
    CInt 12.132 3 ...old men cannot see...the institutions, the laws under which they have lived, passing, or soon to pass, into the hands of you and your contemporaries, without an earnest wish that you have caught sight of your high calling...
    CL 12.148 25 Our Aryan progenitors in Asia celebrated the winds as the conveying Maruts, traversers of places difficult of access. ... Wherever they pass, they fill the way with clamor.
    Bost 12.189 26 [John Smith writes (1624)] The seacoast, as you pass, shows you all along large cornfields...
    ACri 12.283 3 Literature is but a poor trick...when it busies itself to make words pass for things;...
    ACri 12.291 18 ...a man has a right to pass...for a worse man than he is, but not for a better.
    MLit 12.332 20 Life for [Goethe]...has a gem or two more on its robe; but... no drop of healthier blood flows yet in its veins. Let him pass.
    WSL 12.341 14 When we pronounce the names of...Ben Jonson and Isaak Walton; Dryden and Pope,-we pass at once out of trivial associations...
    Pray 12.352 6 When my long-attached friend comes to me...I rejoice to pass my eyes over his countenance;...
    Let 12.398 16 ...[American youths] are educated above the work of their times and country, and disdain it. Many of the more acute minds pass into a lofty criticism of these things...

passage, n. (45)

    LE 1.178 22 Not the least instructive passage in modern history seems to me a trait of Napoleon exhibited to the English when he became their prisoner.
    SR 2.64 27 ...when we discern truth, we do nothing of ourselves, but allow a passage to [universal intelligence's] beams.
    Lov1 2.172 10 ...what fastens attention, in the intercourse of life, like any passage betraying affection between two parties?
    Pt1 3.21 4 All the facts of the animal economy...are symbols of the passage of the world into the soul of man...
    Pt1 3.24 8 ...nature has a higher end, in the production of new individuals, than security, namely...the passage of the soul into higher forms.
    Pt1 3.28 7 These [stimulants] are auxiliaries to the centrifugal tendency of a man, to his passage out into free space...
    Exp 3.58 17 If a man should consider the nicety of the passage of a piece of bread down his throat, he would starve.
    Exp 3.85 26 the solitude to which every man is always returning, he has a sanity and revelations which in his passage into new worlds he will carry with him.
    Chr1 3.103 4 If your friend has displeased you, you shall not sit down to consider it, for he has already lost all memory of the passage...
    NMW 4.248 15 An example of [Napoleon's] common-sense is what he says of the passage of the Alps in winter...
    NMW 4.248 19 The winter, says Napoleon, is not the most unfavorable season for the passage of lofty mountains.
    GoW 4.279 25 The argument [in Goethe's Wilhelm Meister] is the passage of a democrat to the aristocracy...
    GoW 4.279 27 The argument [in Goethe's Wilhelm Meister] is the passage of a democrat to the aristocracy, using both words in their best sense. And this passage is not made in any mean or creeping way...
    ET1 5.13 3 I told [Coleridge] how excellent I thought [the Independent's pamphlet in The Friend] and how much I wished to see the entire work. Yes, he said, the man was a chaos of truths, but lacked the knowledge that God was a God of order. Yet the passage would no doubt strike you more in the quotation than in the original, for I have filtered it.
    ET7 5.121 3 On the king's birthday, when each bishop was expected to offer the king a purse of gold, Latimer gave Henry VIII. a copy of the Vulgate, with a mark at the passage, Whoremongers and adulterers God will judge;...
    ET8 5.139 24 The following passage from the Heimskringla might almost stand as a portrait of the modern Englishman...
    ET11 5.197 16 The lawyers, said Burke, are only birds of passage in this House of Commons...
    ET14 5.240 20 If any man thinketh philosophy and universality to be idle studies, he doth not consider that all professions are from thence served and supplied; and this I [Bacon] take to be a great cause that has hindered the progression of learning, because these fundamental knowledges have been studied but in passage.
    CbW 6.246 14 That by which a man conquers in any passage is a profound secret to every other being in the world...
    Elo1 7.62 10 Each patient [taking nitrous-oxide gas] in turn exhibits similar alarming loss of perception of the passage of time...
    Boks 7.217 21 Every good fable...every passage of love, and even philosophy and science, when they proceed from an intellectual integrity... have the imaginative element.
    Cour 7.256 12 ...any man who puts his life in peril in a cause which is esteemed becomes the darling of all men. The very nursery-books...the thunderous emphasis which orators give to every martial defiance and passage of arms, and which the people greet, may testify.
    PI 8.9 18 The world is an immense picture-book of every passage in human life.
    QO 8.191 17 Many will read the book before one thinks of quoting a passage.
    QO 8.194 15 ...a passage from one of the poets, borrows new interest from the rendering...
    QO 8.195 19 It is curious what new interest an old author acquires by official canonization in...Hallam, or other historian of literature. Their... citation of a passage, carries the sentimental value of a college diploma.
    PPo 8.263 20 From this poem [Ferideddin Attar's Bird Conversations], written five hundred years ago, we cite the following passage...
    Supl 10.172 6 ...the gallant skipper...complained to his owners that he had pumped the Atlantic Ocean three times through his ship on the passage...
    MoL 10.256 11 Reading!-do you mean that this senator or this lawyer, who stood by and allowed the passage of infamous laws, was a reader of Greek books?
    LS 11.14 4 We quote [St. Paul's] passage nowadays as if it enjoined attendance upon the [Lord's] Supper;...
    LS 11.20 5 A passage read from [Christ's] discourses...I call a worthy, a true commemoration.
    HDC 11.33 4 Sometimes passing through thickets where [the pilgrims'] hands are forced to make way for their bodies' passage...
    FSLC 11.184 19 Who could have believed it, if foretold that a hundred guns would be fired in Boston on the passage of the Fugitive Slave Bill?
    FSLC 11.190 23 I...shall content myself with reading a single passage.
    FSLN 11.224 14 Four years ago to-night...Mr. Webster...caused by his personal and official authority the passage of the Fugitive Slave Bill.
    FSLN 11.229 9 The way in which the country was dragged to consent to this [Fugitive Slave Law]...was the darkest passage in the history.
    EPro 11.315 22 Such moments of expansion [of liberty] in modern history were the Confession of Augsburg...the passage of the Reform Bill...
    EPro 11.316 1 Such moments of expansion [of liberty] in modern history were the Confession of Augsburg...the passage of the Homestead Bill in the last Congress...
    Mem 12.99 15 The Rhapsodists in Athens it seems could recite at once any passage of Homer that was desired.
    CInt 12.128 6 This, then, is the theory of Education, the happy meeting of the young soul...with the living teacher who has already made the passage from the centre forth...
    Milt1 12.267 5 ...the following passage...indicates [Milton's] own perception of the doctrine of humility.
    ACri 12.284 27 ...many of [Goethe's] poems are so idiomatic...that they are the terror of translators, who say they cannot be rendered into any other language without loss of vigor, as we say of any darling passage of our own masters.
    MLit 12.321 2 ...the interest of the poem [Wordsworth's The Excursion] ended almost with the narrative of the influences of Nature on the mind of the Boy, in the First Book. Obviously for that passage the poem was written...
    MLit 12.325 23 There is a good letter from Wieland to Merck, in which Wieland relates that Goethe read to a select party his journal of a tour in Switzerland with the Grand Duke, and their passage through the Vallais and over the St. Gothard.
    Trag 12.415 14 A tender American girl doubts of Divine Providence whilst she reads the horrors of the middle passage;...

passages, n. (44)

    Nat 1.29 13 ...the idioms of all languages approach each other in passages of the greatest eloquence and power.
    AmS 1.99 18 Those...who dwell and act with him, will feel the force of [the great soul's] constitution in the doings and passages of the day...
    LT 1.289 6 To a true scholar the attraction of...the passages of his experience, is simply the information they yield him of this supreme nature which lurks within all.
    Comp 2.94 1 ...if this doctrine [Compensation] could be stated in terms with any resemblance to those bright intuitions in which this truth is sometimes revealed to us, it would be a star in many...crooked passages in our journey...
    Lov1 2.174 21 may seem to many men...that they have no fairer page in their life's book than the delicious memory of some passages wherein affection contrived to give a a parcel of accidental and trivial circumstances.
    Fdsp 2.205 27 [Friendship] is for aid and comfort through all the relations and passages of life and death.
    OS 2.280 17 ...beyond this recognition of its own in particular passages of the individual's experience, [the soul] also reveals truth.
    OS 2.294 6 ...every byword that belongs to thee for aid or comfort, will surely come home through open or winding passages.
    Pt1 3.27 16 ...if in any manner we can stimulate this instinct, new passages are opened for us into nature;...
    Mrs1 3.141 26 Parliamentary history has few better passages than the debate in which Burke and Fox separated in the House of Commons;...
    NR 3.233 4 Shakspeare's passages of passion...are in the very dialect of the present year.
    PPh 4.75 3 The fame of this prison [of Socrates], the fame of the discourses there and the drinking of the hemlock are one of the most precious passages in the history of the world.
    ShP 4.196 6 ...some passages [in Shakespeare's Henry VIII]...are like autographs.
    ET1 5.11 2 ...taking up Bishop Waterland's book, which lay on the table, [Coleridge] read with vehemence two or three pages written by himself in the fly-leaves,--passages, too, which, I believe, are printed in the Aids to Reflection.
    ET4 5.60 2 History rarely yields us better passages than the conversation between King Sigurd the Crusader and King Eystein his brother...
    ET11 5.190 7 A sketch of the Earl of Shrewsbury, from the pen of Queen Elizabeth's archbishop Parker;...down to Aubrey's passages of the life of Hobbes in the house of the Earl of Devon, are favorable pictures of a romantic style of manners.
    ET14 5.259 13 [Warren Hasting] goes to bespeak indulgence to...passages elevated to a tract of sublimity into which our habits of judgment will find it difficult to pursue them.
    Wsp 6.230 4 How it comes to us in silent hours, that truth is our only armor in all passages of life and death!
    Clbs 7.228 17 How sweet those hours when the day was not long enough to communicate and compare our intellectual jewels,--the favorite passages of each book...
    Cour 7.273 21 The pious Mrs. Hutchinson says of some passages in the defence of Nottingham against the Cavaliers, It was a great instruction that the best and highest courages are beams of the Almighty.
    Suc 7.296 18 every book [a good reader] finds passages which seem confidences or asides hidden from all else and unmistakably meant for his ear.
    PI 8.32 17 I require that the poem should impress me so that after I have shut the book it shall recall me to itself, or that passages should.
    PI 8.32 27 Later, the thought, the happy image which expressed it and which was a true experience of the poet, recurs to mind, and sends me back in search of the book. And I wish that the poet should foresee this habit of readers, and omit all but the important passages.
    PI 8.33 1 Shakspeare is made up of important passages...
    PI 8.50 18 ...every good reader will easily recall expressions or passages in works of pure science which have given him the same pleasure which he seeks in professed poets.
    QO 8.194 22 The passages of Shakspeare that we most prize were never quoted until within this century;...
    PPo 8.262 11 The following passages exhibit the strong tendency of the Persian poets to contemplative and religious poetry and to allegory.
    Dem1 10.6 2 This feature of dreams deserves the more attention from its singular resemblance to that obscure yet startling experience which almost every person confesses in daylight, that particular passages of conversation and action have occurred to him in the same order before...
    Dem1 10.16 8 As [the young man] comes into manhood he remembers passages and persons that have been supernaturally deprived of injurious influence on him.
    Edc1 10.133 17 When I see...that there is no sot or fop, ruffian or pedant into whom thoughts do not enter by passages which the individual never left open, I can expect any revolution in character.
    SovE 10.194 9 [Good men] do not see that particulars are sacred to [God]... that these passages of daily life are his work;...
    CSC 10.376 3 There was a great deal of wearisome speaking in each of those three-days' sessions [of the Chardon Street Convention], but relieved by signal passages of pure eloquence...
    EzRy 10.394 5 In all such passages [with people] [Ezra Ripley] justified himself to the conscience, and commonly to the love, of the persons concerned.
    MMEm 10.409 6 As a traveller enters some fine palace and finds all the doors closed, and he only allowed the use of some avenues and passages, so have I [Mary Moody Emerson] wandered from the cradle over the apartments of social affections...
    LS 11.8 22 ...many persons are apt to imagine that the very striking and personal manner in which the eating and drinking [at the Last Supper] is described, indicates a striking and formal purpose to found a festival. And I admit that this impression might probably be left upon the mind of one who read only the passages under consideration in the New Testament.
    FSLC 11.190 17 ...the great jurists...Mackintosh, Jefferson, do all affirm [the principle in law that immoral laws are void]. I have no intention to recite these passages I had marked:-such citation indeed seems to be something cowardly...
    ACiv 11.300 27 Can you convince...the iron interest, or the cotton interest, by reading passages from Milton or Montesquieu?
    ALin 11.333 22 ...the weight and penetration of many passages in [Lincoln' s] letters...are destined hereafter to wide fame.
    SMC 11.355 16 ...we have all heard passages of generous and exceptional behavior exhibited by individuals there [in the South] to our officers and men...
    CPL 11.507 22 The imagination...if it has not had...Homer or Scott, has drawn equal delight and terror from haunts and passages which you will hear of with envy.
    CL 12.164 21 ...the best passages of great poets, old and new, are often simple enumerations of some features of landscape.
    Milt1 12.250 4 Only its general aim, and a few elevated passages, can save [Milton's Defence of the English People].
    Milt1 12.275 17 The most affecting passages in Paradise Lost are personal allusions;...
    MLit 12.314 16 ...a man may recite passages of his life with no feeling of egotism.

passe, v. (1)

    Pow 6.77 25 Diligence passe sens, Henry VIII. was wont to say, or great is drill.

passed, v. (66)

    Nat 1.24 11 Thus is Art a nature passed through the alembic of man.
    AmS 1.108 10 ...we have come up with the point of view which the universal mind took through the eyes of one scribe; we have been that man, and have passed on.
    DSA 1.138 17 The true preacher can be known by this, that he deals out to the passed through the fire of thought.
    MR 1.231 23 the Spanish islands the venality of the officers of the government has passed into usage...
    Con 1.304 19 ...the Egyptians and Chaldeans...passed among the junior tribes of Greece and Italy for sacred nations.
    Tran 1.350 20 All that the brave Xanthus brings home from his wars is the recollection that at the storming of Samos, in the heat of the battle, Pericles smiled on me, and passed on to another detachment.
    YA 1.367 17 ...sculpture, painting, and religious and civil architecture have...passed into second childhood.
    Hist 2.18 14 A lady with whom I was riding in the forest said to me that the woods always seemed to her to wait, as if the genii who inhabit them suspended their deeds until the wayfarer had passed onward;...
    Hist 2.40 1 Hear the rats in the wall, see the lizard on the fence, the fungus under foot, the lichen on the log. ... As old as the Caucasion man,--perhaps older,--these creatures have kept their counsel beside him, and there is no record of any word or sign that has passed from one to the other.
    Comp 2.118 10 ...when [the wise man's assailants] would triumph, lo! he has passed on invulnerable.
    Fdsp 2.213 11 We may congratulate ourselves that the period...of shame, is passed in solitude...
    OS 2.285 14 In that other [man]...authentic signs had yet passed, to signify that he might be trusted as one who had an interest in his own character.
    Nat2 3.192 23 This or this [in nature] is but outskirt and a far-off reflection and echo of the triumph that has passed by...
    UGM 4.17 21 ...we are entitled to these enlargements [of the imagination], and once having passed the bounds shall never again be quite the miserable pedants we were.
    PPh 4.77 6 [Plato's Platonism] shall be the world passed through the mind of Plato...
    PPh 4.77 16 ...elements, planet itself, laws of planet and of men, have passed through this man [Plato] as bread into his body, and become no longer bread, but body...
    MoS 4.178 7 I find a man who has passed through all the sciences, the churl he was;...
    ShP 4.204 2 ...not until two centuries had passed, after [Shakespeare's] death, did any criticism which we think adequate begin to appear.
    NMW 4.239 20 Bonaparte had passed through all the degrees of military service...
    NMW 4.240 20 When [Napoleon was] walking with Mrs. Balcombe, some servants, carrying heavy boxes, passed by on the road...
    NMW 4.257 12 ...what was the result of [Napoleon's] vast talent and power...of this demoralized Europe? It came to no result. All passed away like the smoke of his artillery...
    ET1 5.15 2 ...being intent on delivering a letter which I had brought from Rome, inquired for Craigenputtock. It was a farm in Nithsdale, in the parish of Dunscore, sixteen miles distant. No public coach passed near it...
    ET2 5.26 26 [The good ship] has passed Cape Sable;...
    ET2 5.27 2 ...[the good ship] has reached the Banks;...gulls, haglets, ducks, petrels, swim, dive and hover around; no fishermen; she has passed the Banks...
    ET2 5.31 20 ...some of the happiest and most valuable hours I have owed to books, passed, many years ago, on shipboard.
    ET7 5.121 6 On the king's birthday, when each bishop was expected to offer the king a purse of gold, Latimer gave Henry VIII. a copy of the Vulgate, with a mark at the passage, Whoremongers and adulterers God will judge; and [the English] so honor stoutness in each other that the king passed it over.
    ET15 5.261 8 The celebrated Lord Somers knew of no good law proposed and passed in his time, to which the public papers had not directed his attention.
    ET16 5.286 14 We [Emerson and Carlyle] passed in the train Clarendon Park...
    F 6.14 6 ...if you could weigh bodily the tonnage of any hundred of the Whig and the Democratic party in a town on the Dearborn balance, as they passed the hay-scales, you could predict with certainty which party would carry it.
    F 6.31 25 Fate then is a name for facts not yet passed under the fire of thought;...
    Pow 6.71 4 In history the great moment is when the savage is just ceasing to be a savage...and you have Pericles and Phidias, not yet passed over into the Corinthian civility.
    Ctr 6.140 23 Politics is...a poor patching. We are always a little late. The evil is done, the law is passed...
    Ctr 6.157 17 Here is a new poem, which elicits a good many comments in the journals and in conversation. From these it is easy at last to gather the verdict which readers passed upon it;...
    Boks 7.195 20 ...[the pamphlet or political chapter] is winnowed by all the winds of opinion, and what terrific selection has not passed on it before it can be reprinted after twenty years;...
    OA 7.332 4 I have lately found in an old note-book a record of a visit to ex-President John Adams, in 1825, soon after the election of his son to the Presidency. It is but a sketch, and nothing important passed in the conversation;...
    PI 8.23 10 The world is thoroughly anthropomorphized, as if it had passed through the body and mind of man...
    QO 8.198 26 Swedenborg threw a formidable theory into the world, that every soul existed in a society of souls, from which all its thoughts passed into it...
    Insp 8.279 17 We might say of these memorable moments of life that we were in them, not they in us. We found ourselves by happy fortune in an illuminated portion or meteorous zone, and passed out of it again...
    Insp 8.285 19 ...the love-filled singers [nightingales]/ Poured by night before my window/ Their sweet melodies,-/ Kept awake my dear soul,/ Roused tender new longings/ In my lately touched bosom/ And so the night passed,/ And Aurora found me sleeping;/ Yea, hardly did the sun wake me./
    Imtl 8.339 7 [Franklin said] A man is not completely born until he has passed through death.
    Prch 10.216 2 The true preacher can be known by this, that he deals out to the people his life,-life passed through the fire of thought.
    LLNE 10.338 1 ...[Mesmerism] affirmed unity and connection between remote points, and as such was excellent criticism on the narrow and dead classification of what passed for science;...
    MMEm 10.432 6 Shame on me [Mary Moody Emerson] the memory of long years of slavery passed in labor and ignorance...
    SlHr 10.443 18 his own town, if some important end was to be gained... all parties combined to send Mr. Hoar to the Legislature...and, of course also, having answered our end, we passed him by...
    Thor 10.469 16 [Thoreau] knew the country like a fox or a bird, and passed through it as freely by paths of his own.
    Carl 10.492 22 [Carlyle says] St. John was insulted by the Dutch; he came home, got the law passed that foreign vessels should pay high fees, and it cut the throat of the Dutch, and made the English trade.
    GSt 10.503 15 [George Stearns] passed his time in incessant consultation with all men whom he could reach...
    LS 11.5 21 St. Luke...after relating the breaking of the bread [at the Last Supper], has these words: This do in remembrance of me. In St. John...this whole transaction is passed over without notice.
    HDC 11.79 24 The great expense of the [Revolutionary] war was borne with cheerfulness [by Concord], whilst the war lasted; but years passed, after the peace, before the debt was paid.
    EWI 11.109 26 1807, on the 25th March, the bill passed, and the slave-trade was abolished.
    EWI 11.113 22 After much debate, the bill [for emancipation in the West Indies] passed by large majorities.
    War 11.167 5 At a still higher stage, [man] comes into the region of holiness; passion has passed away from him;...
    FSLC 11.186 17 Let me remind you a little in detail how the natural retribution acts in reference to the statute [Fugitive Slave Law] which Congress passed a year ago.
    FSLN 11.233 2 [Official papers] are all declaratory of the will of the moment, and are passed with more levity and on grounds far less honorable than ordinary business transactions of the street.
    EPro 11.319 7 October, November, December will have passed over beating hearts and plotting brains...
    Scot 11.467 17 ...[Scott]...passed all his life in the best company...
    II 12.74 5 Here is a famous Ode, which...lies in all memories as the high-water mark in the flood of thought in this age. What does the writer know of that? Converse with him, learn his opinions and hopes. He has long ago passed out of it...
    CL 12.151 24 In August...we observe already...that a change has passed on the landscape.
    CL 12.163 4 Before the sun was up, [my naturalist] went up and down to survey his possessions, and passed onward and left them...
    Bost 12.184 5 Parsee, Mongol, Afghan, Israelite, Christian, have all passed under this [Hindoo] influence...
    MAng1 12.226 27 When the Sistine Chapel was prepared for him, that he might paint the ceiling, [Michelangelo] found the platform on which he was to work suspended by ropes which passed through the ceiling.
    Milt1 12.251 25 ...deeply as that peculiar state of society, in which and for which Milton wrote, has engraved itself in the remembrance of the world, it shares the destiny which overtakes everything local and personal in Nature; and the accidental facts on which a battle of principles was fought have already passed, or are fast passing, into oblivion.
    ACri 12.289 25 Goethe, who had collected all the diabolical hints in men and nature for traits for his Walpurgis Nacht, continued the humor of collecting such horrors after this first occasion had passed...
    ACri 12.301 3 I passed at one time through a place called New City...
    ACri 12.301 20 Where is the town [New City]? Was there not, I asked, a river and a harbor there? Oh, yes, there was a guzzle out of a sand-bank. And the town? There are still the sixty houses, but when I passed it, one owl was the only inhabitant.
    Trag 12.412 4 The Egyptian sphinxes, which sit they will still sit when the Turk, the Frenchman and the Englishman, who visit them now, shall have passed by...have countenances expressive of complacency and repose...

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