Aside to Assiduously

A Concordance to the Collected Essays of Ralph Waldo Emerson
Compiled by Eugene F. Irey

aside, adv. (32)

    AmS 1.101 8 ...[the scholar] must betray often an ignorance and shiftlessness in popular arts, incurring the disdain of the able who shoulder him aside.

    LE 1.179 2 Napoleon...putting aside the guns of those nearest him, walked up to a soldier, took his gun, and himself went through the motions in the French mode.

    MR 1.228 3 ...I will not dissemble my hope that each person whom I address has felt his own call to cast aside all evil customs...

    SR 2.69 23 This one fact the world hates; that the soul becomes; for that... shoves Jesus and Judas equally aside.

    Comp 2.110 4 We aim at a petty end quite aside from the public good...

    Fdsp 2.209 18 Of course [your friend] has merits...that you cannot honor if you must needs hold him close to your person. Stand aside;...

    Fdsp 2.210 27 Let [your friend] be to thee for ever...not a trivial conveniency to be soon outgrown and cast aside.

    Prd1 2.237 22 Examples are cited by soldiers of men who have seen the cannon pointed and the fire given to it, and who have stepped aside from the path of the ball.

    OS 2.291 10 Nothing can pass [in the soul]...but the casting aside your trappings...

    NR 3.247 15 ...the most sincere and revolutionary doctrine...shall in a few weeks be coldly set aside...

    NER 3.260 10 One tendency appears alike in the philosophical speculation and in the rudest democratical movements...the wish, namely, to cast aside the superfluous...

    SwM 4.132 21 An ardent and contemplative young man...might read once these books of Swedenborg...and then throw them aside for ever.

    NMW 4.228 3 Bonaparte wrought...for power and wealth,--but Bonaparte, specially, without any scruple as to the means. All the sentiments which embarrass men's pursuit of these objects, he set aside.

    ET4 5.51 22 ...I fancied I could leave quite aside the choice of a tribe as [the Englishman's] lineal progenitors.

    ET11 5.183 12 All over England...are the paradises of the nobles, where the livelong repose and refinement are heightened by the contrast with the roar of industry and necessity, out of which you have stepped aside.

    Ill 6.310 13 On arriving at what is called the Star-Chamber [in the Mammoth Cave], our lamps were taken from us by the guide and extinguished or put aside...

    Art2 7.49 10 So much as we can shove aside our egotism...and bring the omniscience of reason upon the subject before us, so perfect is the work [of art].

    Art2 7.49 14 The wonders of Shakspeare are things which he saw whilst he stood aside...

    Clbs 7.240 5 What can you do with an eloquent man? No rules of debate... no gag-laws can be contrived that his first syllable will not set aside...

    Cour 7.253 7 ...there are three qualities which conspicuously attract the wonder and reverence of mankind: 1. Disinterestedness, as shown in indifference to the ordinary bribes and influences of conduct,--a purpose so sincere and generous that it cannot be tempted aside by any prospects of wealth or other private advantage.

    Cour 7.263 8 It is the veteran soldier, who, seeing the flash of the cannon, can step aside from the path of the ball.

    PI 8.63 18 There is something...the eminent scholars of England, historians and reviewers, romancers and poets included, might deny and blaspheme it,--which is setting us and them aside...and planting itself.

    Aris 10.54 26 The manners of course must have that depth and firmness of tone to attest their centrality in the nature of the man. I mean the things themselves shall be judges, and determine. In the presence of this nobility even genius must stand aside.

    Plu 10.310 3 [Some of Plutarch's works] are...very crude opinions; many of them so puerile that one would believe that Plutarch in his haste adopted the notes of his younger auditors, some of them jocosely misreporting the dogma of the professor, who laid them aside as memoranda for future revision...

    LLNE 10.356 19 [Thoreau]...fortified you at all times with an affirmative experience which refused to be set aside.

    Thor 10.478 4 Thoreau...might fortify the convictions of prophets in the ethical laws by his holy living. It was an affirmative experience which refused to be set aside.

    LVB 11.93 23 We will not have this great and solemn claim upon national and human justice [the relocation of the Cherokees] huddled aside under the flimsy plea of its being a party act.

    EWI 11.106 12 ...when [Granville Sharpe] brought the case of George Somerset, another slave, before Lord Mansfield, the slavish decisions were set aside, and equity affirmed.

    ALin 11.328 5 ...For [Lincoln] [Nature's] Old-World moulds aside she threw,/ And, choosing sweet clay from the breast/ Of the unexhausted West,/ With stuff untainted shaped a hero new,/ Wise, steadfast in the strength of God, and true./

    ALin 11.337 21 There is a serene Providence which rules the fate of nations, which...thrusts aside enemy and obstruction...

    CPL 11.508 4 Instantly, when the mind itself wakes, all books, all past acts are...huddled aside as impertinent in the august presence of the creator.

    PLT 12.16 27 Leaving aside the question which was prior, egg or bird, I believe the mind is the creator of the world...

asides, n. (2)

    Suc 7.296 19 every book [a good reader] finds passages which seem confidences or asides hidden from all else and unmistakably meant for his ear.

    Edc1 10.138 23 I like...boys...putting nobody on his guard, but seeing the inside of the show,-hearing all the asides.

asinine, adj. (2)

    Con 1.299 16 Reform in its antagonism inclines to asinine resistance...

    SR 2.55 17 We...acquire by degrees the gentlest asinine expression.

ask, v. (166)

    Nat 1.3 20 Undoubtedly we have no questions to ask which are unanswerable.

    AmS 1.111 8 I ask not for the great...

    DSA 1.140 7 Would [the poor preacher] ask contributions for the missions, foreign or domestic?

    DSA 1.140 15 ...can [the poor preacher] ask a fellow-creature to come to Sabbath meetings...

    DSA 1.143 27 will ask, What in these desponding days can be done by us?

    LE 1.163 17 Do not foolishly ask of the inscrutable, obliterated past, what it cannot tell...

    LE 1.163 20 Do not foolishly ask of the inscrutable, obliterated past, what it cannot tell...but ask it of the enveloping Now;...

    LE 1.185 17 What is this Truth you seek? What is this Beauty? men will ask, with derision.

    LE 1.187 2 Ask not, Of what use is a scholarship that systematically retreats?...

    MN 1.200 19 Thou must ask in another mood...

    MN 1.208 7 What patron shall [a man] ask for employment and reward?

    MN 1.222 3 If you ask, How can any rules be given for the attainment of gifts so sublime? I shall only remark that the solicitations of this spirit...are never forborne.

    MR 1.231 14 is only necessary to ask a few questions as to the progress of the articles of commerce from the fields where they grew, to our houses, to become aware that we eat and drink and wear perjury and fraud...

    Con 1.307 16 [The youth says] Like the Persian noble of old, I ask that I may neither command nor obey.

    Tran 1.331 18 easy it is to show [the materialist]...that he need only ask a question or two beyond his daily questions to find his solid universe growing dim and impalpable before his sense.

    Tran 1.332 17 ...ask [the materialist] why he believes that an uniform experience will continue uniform...

    Tran 1.335 16 ...if you ask me, Whence am I? I feel like other men my relation to that Fact which cannot be spoken...

    Tran 1.341 21 ...every one must do after his kind, be he asp or angel, and these [Transcendentalists] must. The question which a wise man and a student of modern history will ask, is, what that kind is?

    Tran 1.344 5 Love me, [Transcendentalists] say, but do not ask who is my cousin and my uncle.

    Tran 1.345 9 Talk with a seaman of the hazards to life in his profession and he will ask you, Where are the old sailors?

    Tran 1.352 25 ...I ask, When shall I die and be relieved of the responsibility of seeing an Universe which I do not use?

    YA 1.384 23 These rising grounds which command the champaign below, seem to ask for lords...

    YA 1.392 17 [Imaginative persons in this country] ask, who would live in a new country that can live in an old?...

    SR 2.53 10 I ask primary evidence that you are a man...

    SR 2.64 27 If we ask whence [universal intelligence] comes...all philosophy is at fault.

    SR 2.89 6 Ask nothing of men...

    Comp 2.106 27 Aurora forgot to ask youth for her lover, and though Tithonus is immortal, he is old.

    Comp 2.113 5 [The borrower] may soon come to see...that the highest price he can pay for a thing is to ask for it.

    SL 2.136 22 Do not shut up the young people against their will in a pew and force the children to ask them questions for an hour against their will.

    Fdsp 2.192 19 Having imagined and invested [the commended stranger], we ask how we should stand related in conversation and action with such a man...

    Prd1 2.224 25 Prudence does not go behind nature and ask whence it is.

    Prd1 2.230 22 We must...ask why health and beauty and genius should now be the exception rather than the rule of human nature?

    Hsm1 2.245 24 ...Sophocles will not ask his life...

    Hsm1 2.255 13 [The heroic soul] does not ask to dine nicely and to sleep warm.

    OS 2.279 19 Foolish people ask you, when you have spoken what they do not wish to hear, How do you know it is truth, and not an error of your own?

    OS 2.283 10 An answer in words is delusive; it is really no answer to the questions you ask.

    OS 2.283 15 Men ask concerning the immortality of the soul...

    OS 2.284 13 These questions which we lust to ask about the future are a confession of sin.

    Cir 2.322 10 ...[men] ask the aid of wild ape in some manner these flames and generosities of the heart.

    Art1 2.360 13 [The artist] need not...ask what is the mode in Rome or in Paris....

    Exp 3.47 11 ...the men ask, What's the news? as if the old were so bad.

    Exp 3.73 8 I fully understand language, [Mencius] said, and nourish well my vast-flowing vigor. I beg to ask what you call vast-flowing vigor? said his companion.

    Exp 3.83 14 Let who will ask, Where is the fruit? I find a private fruit sufficient.

    Exp 3.83 16 This is a fruit,--that I should not ask for a rash effect from meditations, counsels and the hiving of truths.

    Chr1 3.97 19 Men of character like to hear of their faults; the other class do not like to hear of faults; they worship events; secure to them...a certain chain of circumstances, and they will ask no more.

    Mrs1 3.134 10 we not insatiably ask, Was a man in the house?

    Mrs1 3.138 1 I pray my companion, if he wishes for bread, to ask me for bread...

    Mrs1 3.138 3 I pray my companion...if he wishes for sassafras or arsenic, to ask me for them...

    Mrs1 3.150 13 Certainly let [woman] be as much better placed in the laws and in social forms as the most zealous reformer can ask...

    Gts 3.162 15 We ask the whole.

    NER 3.277 13 Do you ask my aid? I also wish to be a benefactor.

    UGM 4.32 10 Ask the great man if there be none greater.

    PPh 4.48 9 The mind is urged to ask for one cause of many effects;...

    SwM 4.95 25 If one should ask the reason of this intuition, the solution would lead us into that property which Plato denoted as Reminiscence...

    SwM 4.118 7 One would say that as soon as men had the first hint that every sensible a picture-language to tell another story of beings and duties...that each man would ask of all objects what they mean...

    MoS 4.181 22 Charitable souls come with their projects and ask [the spiritualist's] co-operation.

    ShP 4.199 14 Is there at last in [the writer's] breast a Delphi whereof to ask concerning any thought or thing, whether it be verily so, yea or nay?...

    NMW 4.242 24 ...even when the majority of the people had begun to ask whether they had really gained any thing under the exhausting levies of men and money of the new master [Napoleon], the whole talent of the country...took his part...

    ET1 5.13 18 ...on learning that I had been in Malta and Sicily, [Coleridge] compared one island with the other, repeating what he had said to the Bishop of London when he returned from that country, that Sicily was an excellent school of political economy; for, in any town there, it only needed to ask what the government enacted, and reverse that, to know what ought to be done;...

    ET8 5.137 27 [The English] are...churlish as men sometimes please to be... who ask no favors and who will do what they like with their own.

    ET9 5.145 19 A much older traveller...says... ... ...whenever [the English] partake of any delicacy with a foreigner, they ask him whether such a thing is made in his country.

    ET11 5.187 4 The economist of 1855 who asks, Of what use are the [English] lords? may learn of Franklin to ask, Of what use is a baby?

    ET13 5.224 12 [The English] put up no Socratic prayer, much less any saintly prayer for the Queen's mind; ask neither for light nor right...

    ET14 5.232 18 [The English] ask their constitutional utility in verse.

    ET16 5.275 12 I told Carlyle that I...was accustomed to concede readily all that an Englishman would ask;...

    ET16 5.286 12 Carlyle was unwilling, and we did not ask to have the choir [at Salisbury Cathedral] shown us...

    ET16 5.289 9 Just before entering Winchester we stopped at the Church of Saint Cross, and...we demanded a piece of bread and a draught of beer, which the founder, Henry de Blois, in 1136, commanded should be given to every one who should ask it at the gate.

    F 6.9 15 Ask Spurzheim...if temperaments decide nothing?...

    F 6.9 16 ...ask the doctors, ask Quetelet if temperaments decide nothing?

    F 6.10 19 You may as well ask a loom which weaves huckabuck why it does not make cashmere...

    F 6.10 22 Ask the digger in the ditch to explain Newton's laws;...

    F 6.47 3 ...hence the high caution, that since we are sure of having what we wish, we beware to ask only for high things.

    Wth 6.123 15 The farmer affects to take his orders; but the citizen says, You may ask me as often as you will...for an opinion concerning the mode of building my wall...but the ball will rebound to you.

    Bhr 6.179 1 [Eyes]...ask no leave of age, or rank;...

    Wsp 6.236 7 If [the thought] can spare me [said Benedict], I am sure I can spare it. It shall be the same with my friends. I will never woo the loveliest. I will not ask any friendship or favor.

    Wsp 6.236 23 Mira came to ask what she should do with the poor Genesee woman who had hired herself to work for her...

    Wsp 6.237 1 Mira came to ask what she should do with the poor Genesee woman who had hired herself to work for her...and, now sickening, was like to be bedridden on her hands. Should she keep her, or should she dismiss her? But Benedict said, why ask?

    CbW 6.260 15 ...what we ask daily, is to be conventional.

    CbW 6.272 3 Ask what is best in our experience, and we shall say, a few pieces of plain dealing with wise people.

    CbW 6.272 25 What questions we ask of [a friend]!...

    Ill 6.318 24 What terrible questions we are learning to ask!

    Art2 7.45 6 A very coarse imitation of the human form on canvas, or in wax-work;...these things the uncultured, who do not ask a fine spiritual delight, almost as much pleasure as a statue of Canova or a picture of Titian.

    Elo1 7.79 10 Whoso can speak well, said Luther, is a man. It was men of this stamp that the Grecian States used to ask of Sparta for generals.

    Elo1 7.94 6 ...[people] soon begin to ask, What is [the speaker] driving at?...

    DL 7.109 22 We ask the price of many things in shops and stalls...

    DL 7.110 5 Do not ask [the scholar] to help with his savings young drapers...

    DL 7.114 17 Give us wealth, and the home shall exist. But that is a very imperfect and inglorious solution of the problem, and therefore no solution. Give us wealth. You ask too much.

    DL 7.117 25 ...the pine and the oak shall gladly descend from the be...a hall...whose not ask your house how theirs should be kept.

    Farm 7.147 16 ...Nature drops a pine-cone in Mariposa, and it...grows in a grove of giants, like a colonnade of Thebes. Ask the tree how it was done.

    WD 7.178 18 We ask for long life, but 't is deep life, or grand moments, that signify.

    WD 7.181 13 I dare not go out of doors and see the moon and stars, but they ask how many lines or pages are finished since I saw them last.

    Boks 7.191 17 Whenever any skeptic or bigot claims to be heard on the questions of intellect and morals, we ask if he is familiar with the books of Plato, where all his pert objections have once for all been disposed of.

    Clbs 7.228 23 We remember the time when the best gift we could ask of fortune was to fall in with a valuable companion in a ship's cabin...

    Cour 7.260 17 An old farmer...when I ask him if he is not going to town-meeting, says: No, 't is no use balloting, for it will not stay;...

    Cour 7.272 8 The troop of Virginian infantry that had marched to guard the prison of John Brown ask leave to pay their respects to the prisoner.

    Suc 7.285 15 ...when he reached Spain [Columbus] told the King and Queen that they may ask all the pilots who came with him where is Veragua.

    Suc 7.288 20 We are not scrupulous. What we ask is victory, without regard to the cause;...

    Suc 7.302 2 Ah! if one could...find the day and its cheap means contenting, which only ask receptivity in you...

    Suc 7.307 25 We know the answer that leaves nothing to ask.

    PI 8.52 11 We ask for food and prose;...

    PI 8.54 13 Ask the fact for the form.

    PI 8.67 24 We must...ask whether, if we sit down at home, and do not go to Hamlet, Hamlet will come to us?...

    SA 8.85 3 ...Do not go to ask your debtor the payment of a debt on the day when you have no other resource.

    SA 8.85 9 Wait till your affairs go better, and you have other means at hand; you will then ask in a different tone, and [your debtor] will treat your claim with entire respect.

    SA 8.95 22 Courage to ask questions; courage to expose our ignorance.

    Comc 8.173 12 ...when the men appear who ask our votes as representatives of this ideal, we are sadly out of countenance.

    QO 8.177 18 Of a large and powerful class we might ask with confidence, What is the event they most desire?...

    QO 8.178 5 If we encountered a man of rare intellect, we should ask him what books he read.

    Grts 8.309 14 If we should ask ourselves what is this self-respect, it would carry us to the highest problems.

    Grts 8.310 1 As [the Quakers] express [self-respect], it might be thus...if at any time I...propose a journey or a course of conduct, I perhaps find a silent obstacle in my mind that I cannot account for. ... You ask me to describe it. I cannot describe it.

    Imtl 8.326 3 ...the modern Greeks, in their songs, ask that they may be buried where the sun can see them...

    Imtl 8.347 7 Let any master simply recite to you the substantial laws of the intellect, and in the presence of the laws themselves you will never ask such primary-school questions [concerning immortality].

    Imtl 8.347 19 ...when we are living in the sentiments we ask no questions about time.

    Imtl 8.350 18 [Yama said to Nachiketas] All those desires that are difficult to gain in the world of mortals, all those ask thou at thy pleasure;...

    Imtl 8.350 23 [Yama said to Nachiketas] All those desires that are difficult to gain in the world of mortals, all those ask thou at thy pleasure;-those fair nymphs of heaven...for the like of them are not to be gained by men. I will give them to thee, but do not ask the question of the state of the soul after death.

    Aris 10.50 14 It is curious how negligent the public is of the essential qualifications of its representatives. They ask if a man is a Republican, a Democrat?

    Aris 10.50 20 ...[the public] forgot to ask the fourth question...

    Chr2 10.97 13 The poor Jews of the wilderness cried: Let not the Lord speak to us; let Moses speak to us. But the simple and sincere soul makes the contrary prayer: Let no intruder come between thee and me; deal THOU with me; let me know it is thy will, and I ask no more.

    Chr2 10.107 25 ...the distinctions of the true clergyman are not less decisive. Men ask now, Is he serious? Is he a sincere man, who lives as he teaches? Is he a benefactor?

    Chr2 10.113 5 [Morals] does not ask whether you are wrong or right in your anecdotes of [past teachers and witnesses];...

    Chr2 10.122 13 [Character]...does not ask, in the absoluteness of its trust, even for the assurance of continued life.

    Edc1 10.127 22 This apparatus of wants and faculties, this craving body, whose organs ask all the elements and all the functions of Nature for their satisfaction, educate the wondrous creature which they satisfy with light, with heat...

    SovE 10.199 25 When we ask simply, What is true in thought? what is just in action? it is the yielding of the private heart to the Divine mind...

    MoL 10.246 4 In my youth, said a Scotch mountaineer, a Highland gentleman measured his importance, by the number of men his domain could support. ... I suppose posterity will ask how many rats and mice it will feed.

    EzRy 10.388 25 ...the Doctor [Ezra Ripley] presently said, Mr. Merriam, my brother and colleague, Mr. Frost, has come to take tea with me. I regret very much the causes (which you know very well) which make it impossible for me to ask you to stay and break bread with us.

    MMEm 10.406 19 [Mary Moody Emerson] tired presently of dull conversations, and asked to be read to, and so disposed of the visitor. If the voice or the reading tired her, she would ask the friend if he or she would do an errand for her, and so dismiss them.

    MMEm 10.427 26 Oh how weary in youth-more so scarcely now, not whenever I [Mary Moody Emerson] can breathe, as it seems, the atmosphere of the Omnipresence: then I ask not faith nor knowledge;...

    MMEm 10.432 22 It is frivolous to ask,-And was [Mary Moody Emerson] ever a Christian in practice?

    Thor 10.484 3 I ask to be melted.

    Thor 10.484 3 You can only ask of the metals that they be tender to the fire that melts them.

    Carl 10.490 15 ...though no mortal in America could pretend to talk with Carlyle...yet neither would he in any manner satisfy us (Americans), or begin to answer the questions which we ask.

    LS 11.11 13 I ask any person who believes the [Lord's] Supper to have been designed by Jesus to be commemorated forever, to go and read the account of it in the other Gospels...

    LS 11.17 14 I appeal now to the convictions of communicants [in the Lord' s Supper], and ask such persons whether they have not been occasionally conscious of a painful confusion of thought between the worship due to God and the commemoration due to Christ.

    HDC 11.44 3 [The colonists'] wants, their poverty, their manifest convenience made them bold to ask of the Governor and of the General Court, immunities...

    LVB 11.91 26 ...the American President and the Cabinet, the Senate and the House of Representatives...are drag [the Cherokees] a wilderness at a vast distance beyond the Mississippi. And a paper purporting to be an army order fixes a month from this day as the hour for this doleful removal. In the name of God, sir [Van Buren], we ask you if this be so?

    LVB 11.92 3 Men and women with pale and perplexed faces meet one another in the streets and churches here, and ask if this [relocation of the Cherokees] be so.

    LVB 11.94 27 Will the American government steal? Will it lie? Will it kill?-We ask triumphantly.

    EWI 11.108 14 [Thomas Clarkson] began to ask himself if these things [facts about slavery in the West Indies] could be true; and if they were, he could no longer rest.

    War 11.171 27 The attractiveness of war shows one thing...this namely, the conviction of man universally, that...that [a man] should not ask of the state protection;...

    War 11.171 27 The attractiveness of war shows one thing...this namely, the conviction of man universally, that...that [a man]...should ask nothing of the state;...

    War 11.172 9 The attractiveness of war shows one thing...this namely, the conviction of man universally, that...that [a man]...should be himself a kingdom and a state;...really poorer if government, law and order went by the board;...because he...never needs to ask another what in any crisis it behooves him to do.

    War 11.176 5 Not in an obscure this seed of benevolence [Congress of Nations] laid in the furrow, with tears of hope; but in this broad, where not a family, not a few men, but mankind, shall say what shall be; here, we ask, Shall it be War, or shall it be Peace?

    FSLC 11.193 4 There is not a manly Whig, or a manly Democrat, of whom if a slave were hidden in one of our houses from the hounds, we should not ask with confidence to lend his wagon in aid of his escape, and he would lend it.

    FSLN 11.225 27 ...the question which History will ask is broader. In the final hour...did [Webster] take the part of great principles...or the side of abuse and oppression and chaos?

    AKan 11.256 22 In these calamities under which they suffer...the people of Kansas ask for bread, clothes, arms and men...

    ACiv 11.298 16 In every house...the children ask the serious father,-What is the news of the war to-day...

    EdAd 11.382 17 The injured elements say, Not in us;/ And night and day, ocean and continent,/ Fire, plant and mineral say, Not in us;/ And haughtily return us stare for stare./ For we invade them impiously for gain;/ We devastate them unreligiously,/ And coldly ask their pottage, not their love./

    Koss 11.399 22 Far be from [the people of Concord], Sir [Kossuth], any tone of patronage; we ought rather to ask yours.

    Wom 11.420 19 We may ask, to be sure,-Why need you [women] vote?

    PLT 12.26 25 wine, music or exhilarating aids...avail at all to resist the palsy of mis-association. Genius is mute, is dull; there is no genius. Ask of your flowers to open when you have let in on them a freezing wind.

    PLT 12.34 12 Ask what the Instinct declares, and we have little to say.

    PLT 12.51 13 If you ask what compensation is made for the inevitable narrowness, why, this, that in learning one thing well you learn all things.

    II 12.65 15 Ask what the Instinct declares, and we have little to say;...

    II 12.71 19 We brood on the words or works of our companion, and ask in vain the sources of his information.

    II 12.74 10 When a young man asked old Goethe about Faust, he replied, What can I know of this? I ought rather to ask you, who are young, and can enter much better into that feeling.

    II 12.83 11 All we ask of any man is to be contented with his own work.

    II 12.86 6 Follow this leading, nor ask too curiously whither.

    Mem 12.94 2 We can tell much about [memory], but you must not ask us what it is.

    CW 12.179 9 ...when [the man] sees this annual reappearance of beautiful forms, the lovely carpet, the lovely tapestry of June, he may well ask himself the special meaning of the hieroglyphic...

    MAng1 12.217 21 ...because the understanding in the presence of the beautiful, cannot ask, Why is it beautiful? for that reason it is so.

    MLit 12.315 26 Would you know the genius of the writer? Do not enumerate his talents or his feats, but ask thyself, What spirit is he of?

    MLit 12.328 12 ...that we may not seem to dodge the question which all men ask...let us honestly record our thought upon the total worth and influence of this genius [Goethe].

    Pray 12.352 24 ...O my Father...thou dost not steal my time by foolishness. I always ask in my heart, where can I find thee?

    Pray 12.353 16 Shall we never ask the aim of all this hurry and foam...

    Pray 12.354 6 Great God, I ask thee for no meaner pelf/ Than that I may not disappoint myself,/ That in my action I may soar as high,/ As I can now discern with this clear eye./

    PPr 12.387 6 ...if you should ask the contemporary, he would tell you...that he had [no superstitions].

askance, adv. (1)

    SR 2.56 3 The by-standers look askance on [the nonconformist] in the public street...

asked, v. (70)

    Nat 1.24 16 No reason can be asked or given why the soul seeks beauty.

    MR 1.253 15 ...the people do not wish to be represented or ruled by the ignorant and base. They only vote for these, because they were asked with the voice and semblance of kindness.

    Con 1.322 12 ...if it still be asked in this necessity of partial organization, which party...has the highest claims on our sympathy,-I bring it home to the private heart...

    Tran 1.352 8 When I asked them concerning their private experience, [Transcendentalists] answered somewhat in this wise...

    YA 1.387 6 If society were transparent, the noble...would not be asked for his day's work...

    SL 2.136 20 is time enough to answer questions when they are asked.

    Hsm1 2.253 19 When I was in Sogd I saw a great building, like a palace, the gates of which were...fixed back to the wall with large nails. I asked the reason...

    Int 2.325 15 The first questions are always to be asked...

    Chr1 3.94 17 What means did you employ? was the question asked of the wife of Concini, in regard to her treatment of Mary of Medici;...

    Gts 3.160 26 In our condition of universal dependence it seems heroic to let the petitioner be the judge of his necessity, and to give all that is asked, though at great inconvenience.

    NER 3.256 21 ...if I had not that commodity [money] would be a benefactor to man, as being himself his only certificate that he had a right to those aids and services which each asked of the other.

    NER 3.270 24 You remember the story of the poor woman who importuned King Philip of Macedon to grant her justice, which Philip refused: the woman exclaimed, I appeal: the king, astonished, asked to whom she appealed...

    SwM 4.126 2 [To Swedenborg] They who place merit in good works seem to themselves to cut wood. I asked such, if they were not wearied? They replied, that they have not yet done work enough to merit heaven.

    MoS 4.157 21 ...the reply of Socrates, to him who asked whether he should choose a wife, still remains reasonable...

    NMW 4.250 2 One day [Napoleon] asked whether the planets were inhabited?

    ET1 5.10 17 [Coleridge] asked whether I knew Allston...

    ET11 5.183 17 I was surprised to observe the very small attendance usually in the House of Lords. Out of five hundred and seventy-three peers, on ordinary days only twenty or thirty. Where are they? I asked.

    ET13 5.214 11 A youth marries in haste; afterwards...he is asked what he thinks of the institution of marriage...

    ET15 5.263 15 I asked one of [the London Times's] old contributors whether it had once been abler than it is now? Never, he said;...

    ET16 5.274 25 ...[Carlyle]...compared the savans of Somerset House to the boy who asked Confucius how many stars in the sky? Confucius replied, he minded things near him: then said the boy, how many hairs are there in your eyebrows? Confucius said, he did n't know and did n't care.

    ET16 5.286 23 My friends asked, whether there were any Americans?--any with an American idea...

    ET16 5.288 11 On the way to friends asked many questions respecting American landscape, forests, houses...

    Wsp 6.236 9 If [the thought] can spare me [said Benedict], I am sure I can spare it. It shall be the same with my friends. I will never woo the loveliest. I will not ask any friendship or favor. When I come to my own, we shall both know it. Nothing will be to be asked or to be granted.

    Wsp 6.239 3 The son of Antiochus asked his father when he would join battle.

    CbW 6.249 12 The worst of charity is that the lives you are asked to preserve are not worth preserving.

    CbW 6.263 22 I once asked a clergyman in a retired town, who were his companions?...

    CbW 6.266 27 ...who provoke pity like that excellent family party just arriving in their well-appointed carriage, as far from home and any honest end as ever? Each nation has asked successively, What are they here for?...

    CbW 6.275 19 A man of wit was asked, in the train, what was his errand in the city.

    CbW 6.276 11 When I asked an ironmaster about the slag and cinder in railroad iron,--O, he said, there's always good iron to be had: if there's cinder in the iron it is because there was cinder in the pay.

    Elo1 7.71 20 The old man [Priam] asked: Tell me, dear child, who is that man, shorter by a head than Agamemnon, yet he looks broader in his shoulders and breast.

    Elo1 7.73 4 ...Thucydides, when Archidamus, king of Sparta, asked him which was the best wrestler, Pericles or he, replied, When I throw him, he says he was never down, and he persuades the very spectators to believe him.

    Clbs 7.239 14 Hyde, Earl of Rochester, asked Lord-Keeper Guilford, Do you not think I could understand any business in England in a month?

    Cour 7.270 1 ...I remember the old professor, whose searching mind engraved every word he spoke on the memory of the class, when we asked if he had read this or that shining novelty, No, I have never read that book;...

    OA 7.333 1 I asked [John Adams] if Mr. [John Quincy] Adams's letter of acceptance had been read to him.

    OA 7.334 18 We asked if at Whitefield's return the same popularity continued.

    Elo2 8.121 20 ...Saadi tells us that a person with a disagreeable voice was reading the Koran aloud, when a holy man, passing by, asked what was his monthly stipend.

    PC 8.226 11 The poet Wordsworth asked, What one is, why may not millions be? Why not?

    Imtl 8.351 12 [Yama said to Nachiketas] That knowledge for which thou hast asked [concerning immortality] is not to be obtained by argument.

    MoL 10.251 14 I asked the first [West Point] Cadet, Who makes your bed? I do.

    MoL 10.251 26 At that time [of the Reform Bill], Earl Grey, who was leader of Reform, was asked, in Parliament, his policy on the measures of the Radicals.

    LLNE 10.346 25 ...being asked, Well, Mr. Owen, who is your disciple? How many men are there possessed of your views who will remain after you are gone to put them in practice? Not one, was his reply.

    MMEm 10.406 17 [Mary Moody Emerson] tired presently of dull conversations, and asked to be read to...

    MMEm 10.406 21 If [Mary Moody Emerson's] companion were a little ambitious, and asked her opinions on books or matters on which she did not wish rude hands laid, she did not hesitate to stop the intruder with How's your cat, Mrs. Tenner?

    SlHr 10.442 26 [Samuel Hoar's] character made him the conscience of the community in which he lived. And in many a town it was asked, What does Squire Hoar think of this?...

    Thor 10.455 8 When asked at table what dish he preferred, [Thoreau] answered, The nearest.

    Thor 10.457 9 ...a young girl...sharply asked [Thoreau], Whether his lecture would be a nice, interesting story...

    GSt 10.502 21 [George Stearns] never asked any one to give so much as he himself gave...

    GSt 10.503 26 For himself or his friends [George Stearns] asked no reward;...

    GSt 10.503 26 ...for himself [George Stearns] asked only to do the hard work.

    LS 11.9 20 ...still it may be asked, Why did Jesus make expressions so extraordinary and emphatic as these-This is my body which is broken for you. Take; eat.

    HDC 11.53 2 ...[Tahattawan] was asked, why he desired a town so near, when there was more room for them up in the country?

    HDC 11.59 19 A nameless Wampanoag who was put to death by the Mohicans, after cruel tortures, was asked by his butchers, during the torture, how he liked the war?-he said, he found it as sweet as sugar was to Englishmen.

    HDC 11.77 26 ...[William Emerson] asked, and obtained of the town [Concord], leave to accept the commission of chaplain to the Northern army, at Ticonderoga...

    HDC 11.81 25 The General Court...draughted a constitution, sent it here [to Concord], and asked the town whether they would have it for the law of the State?

    EWI 11.104 24 ...a good man or woman...once in a while saw these injuries [to West Indian slaves] and had the indiscretion to tell of them. The horrid story ran and flew; the winds blew it all over the world. They who heard it asked their rich and great friends if it was true...

    SMC 11.363 2 I [George Prescott] told [the West Point officer] I had a good many young men in my company whose mothers asked me to look after them...

    SMC 11.369 8 [George Prescott writes] Our colors had several holes made, and were badly torn. One bullet hit the staff which the bearer had in his hand. The color-bearer is brave as a lion; he will go anywhere you say, and no questions asked;...

    Wom 11.418 25 The answer that lies, silent or spoken, in the minds of well-meaning persons, to the new claims [for women's rights], is this: that...they are asked for by people who intellectually seek them, but who have not the support or sympathy of the truest women;...

    FRO2 11.485 22 my friend, your presiding officer [of the Free Religious Association], has asked me to take at least some small part in this day's conversation, I am ready to give...the first simple foundation of my belief...

    II 12.74 8 When a young man asked old Goethe about Faust, he replied, What can I know of this?

    Mem 12.95 1 Am I asked whether the thoughts clothe themselves in words?

    Mem 12.100 16 ...if [Newton] was asked why things were so or so, he could find the reason on the spot.

    CInt 12.118 14 A farmer wished to buy an ox. The seller told him how well he had treated the animal. But, said the farmer, I asked the ox, and the ox showed me by marks that could not lie that he had been abused.

    CL 12.162 15 The true naturalist can go wherever woods or waters go;... and no man is asked for leave.

    MAng1 12.243 14 ...there [in Florence], the tradition of [Michelangelo's] opinions meets the traveller in every spot. Do you see that statue of Saint George? Michael Angelo asked it why it did not speak.

    MAng1 12.243 25 Whilst he was yet alive, [Michelangelo] asked that he might be buried in that church [Santa Croce]...

    ACri 12.285 8 ...if I were asked how many masters of English idiom I know, I shall be perplexed to count five.

    ACri 12.301 17 Where is the town [New City]? Was there not, I asked, a river and a harbor there? Oh, yes, there was a guzzle out of a sand-bank.

    EurB 12.366 21 In the debates on the Copyright Bill...Mr. Sergeant Wakley, the coroner, quoted Wordsworth's poetry in derision, and asked the roaring House of Commons what that meant...

    Let 12.400 22 It is heartrending to see your [German] poet, your artist, and all who still revere genius, who love and foster the Beautiful. The Good! They...are like the patient Ulysses whilst he sat in the guise of a beggar at his own door, whilst shameless rioters shouted in the hall and asked, Who brought the ragamuffin here?

asketh, v. (1)

    PI 8.51 21 The traveller as he paceth through those deserts asketh of [Oblivion], who builded [Memphis and Thebes]?...

asking, adj. (1)

    Bhr 6.181 4 There are asking eyes, asserting eyes, prowling eyes;...

asking, v. (13)

    MN 1.202 12 can hardly help asking if this planet is a fair specimen of the so generous astronomy...

    Exp 3.62 13 If we will take the good we find, asking no questions, we shall have heaping measures.

    Chr1 3.111 27 ...if we could abstain from asking anything of [men]...and content us with compelling them through the virtue of the eldest laws!

    Chr1 3.112 1 ...if we could abstain from asking anything of [men], from asking their praise, or help, or pity, and content us with compelling them through the virtue of the eldest laws!

    NER 3.263 4 When we see...a special reformer, we feel like asking him, What right have you, sir, to your one virtue?

    ET17 5.297 2 A gentleman in the neighborhood told the story of Walter Scott's staying once for a week with Wordsworth, and slipping out every the Swan Inn for a cold cut and porter; and one day passing with Wordsworth the inn, he was betrayed by the landlord's asking him if he had come for his porter.

    Boks 7.196 7 Do not read what you shall learn, without asking, in the street and the train.

    Insp 8.272 11 The toper finds, without asking, the road to the tavern...

    Plu 10.304 22 Early this morning, asking Epaminondas about the manner of Lysis's burial, I found that Lysis had taught him as far as the incommunicable mysteries of our sect...

    Thor 10.474 5 ...[Thoreau] well knew that asking questions of Indians is like catechizing beavers and rabbits.

    Carl 10.497 19 [Carlyle] has stood for scholars, asking no scholar what he should say.

    Wom 11.413 26 The first thing men think of, when they love, is to exhibit their usefulness and advantages to the object of their affection. Women make light of these, asking only love.

    PLT 12.57 4 If a man show cleverness...people clap their hands without asking more.

asks, v. (48)

    DSA 1.120 11 What am I? and What is? asks the human spirit...

    MN 1.195 14 The Intellect still asks that a man may be born.

    Tran 1.330 7 [The idealist]...asks the materialist for his grounds of assurance that things are as his senses represent them.

    Tran 1.345 19 In looking at the class of counsel...and at the matronage of the asks, Where are they who represented genius, virtue, the invisible and heavenly world, to these?

    SR 2.77 12 Prayer...asks for some foreign addition to come through some foreign virtue...

    Lov1 2.185 1 Life, with this pair [Romeo and Juliet], has no other aim, asks no more, than Juliet,--than Romeo.

    Prd1 2.223 16 The world is filled with the proverbs and acts and winkings of a base prudence...a prudence which...asks but one question of any project,--Will it bake bread?

    OS 2.282 24 [Revelations] do not answer the questions which the understanding asks.

    OS 2.284 8 No inspired man ever asks this question [concerning the immortality of the soul]...

    Cir 2.316 7 ...that second man...asks himself Which debt must I pay first...

    Cir 2.317 15 ...these [divine] moments confer a sort of omnipresence and omnipotence which asks nothing of duration...

    Exp 3.56 11 The child asks, Mamma, why don't I like the story as well as when you told it me yesterday?

    Exp 3.82 20 The man at [Apollo's] feet asks for his interest in turmoils of the earth...

    Mrs1 3.132 19 ...we excuse in a man many sins if he will show us a complete satisfaction in his position, which asks no leave to be, of mine, or any man's good opinion.

    SwM 4.135 17 The excess of [Hebraic] influence shows itself [in Swedenborg] in the incongruous importation of a foreign rhetoric. What have I to do, asks the impatient reader, with jasper and sardonyx...

    MoS 4.149 19 [A man] builds his fortunes...cherishes his children; but he asks himself, Why? and whereto?

    ShP 4.208 3 [Shakespeare's] drama, as in all great works of art...the Genius draws up the ladder after him, when the creative way to a new age, which sees the works and asks in vain for a history.

    NMW 4.232 13 [Bonaparte's] principal means are in himself. He asks counsel of no other.

    GoW 4.268 22 [A man] must be good of his kind. That is...all that the common-sense of mankind asks.

    GoW 4.281 8 ...[the German intellect] has a certain probity, which never rests in a superficial performance, but asks steadily, To what end?

    GoW 4.281 9 A German public asks for a controlling sincerity.

    ET11 5.185 9 If one asks...what service this class [English nobility] have rendered?--uses appear, or they would have perished long ago.

    ET11 5.187 2 The economist of 1855 who asks, Of what use are the [English] lords? may learn of Franklin to ask, Of what use is a baby?

    Wsp 6.205 24 King Olaf's mode of converting Eyvind to Christianity was to put a pan of glowing coals on his belly, which burst asunder. Wilt thou now, Eyvind, believe in Christ? asks Olaf, in excellent faith.

    Wsp 6.239 2 [The soul] asks no questions of the Supreme Power.

    Wsp 6.240 1 ...[men] suffer from politics...or from sickness, and they would gladly know that they were to be dismissed from the duties of life. But the wise instinct asks, How will death help them?

    DL 7.103 20 The small despot asks so little that all reason and all nature are on his side.

    WD 7.174 16 To what end, then, [man] asks, should I study languages, and traverse countries, to learn so simple truths?

    Boks 7.212 21 The child asks you for a story, and is thankful for the poorest.

    Boks 7.212 23 The man asks for a novel,--that is, asks leave for a few hours to be a poet...

    Boks 7.212 24 The man asks for a novel,--that is, asks leave for a few hours to be a poet...

    Boks 7.212 26 The youth asks for a poem.

    Clbs 7.237 20 Wafthrudnir asks [Odin] the name of the god of the sun...

    PI 8.30 3 What news? asks man of man everywhere.

    PI 8.58 22 In one of his poems [Taliessin] asks:--Is there but one course to the wind?/ But one to the water of the sea?/ Is there but one spark in the fire of boundless energy?/

    PC 8.227 27 To know in each social crisis how men feel in Kansas, in California, the wise man waits for no mails, reads no telegrams. He asks his own heart.

    Imtl 8.349 19 For the second boon, Nachiketas asks that the fire by which heaven is gained be made known to him;...

    Chr2 10.114 7 The soul...asks no interpositions...

    Chr2 10.122 8 [Character] asks, with Marcus Aurelius, What matter by whom the good is done?

    Schr 10.271 7 I incline to concede the isolation which [wealth] asks...

    Schr 10.281 5 We have seen to weariness what you [idealists] cannot do; now show us what you can and will do, asks the practical man...

    Plu 10.306 15 One asks sometimes whether a metaphysician can treat the intellect well.

    SMC 11.368 4 How would Concord people, [George Prescott] asks, like to pass the night on the battle-field, and hear the dying cry for help, and not be able to go to them.

    FRep 11.541 6 Humanity asks that government shall not be ashamed to be tender and paternal...

    PLT 12.61 16 ...the clear-headed thinker complains of souls led hither and thither by affections...and in the confusion asks the polarity of intellect.

    Mem 12.97 10 One sometimes asks himself, Is it possible that [Memory] is only a visitor, not a resident?

    MLit 12.320 1 When we read poetry, the mind asks,-Was this verse one of twenty which the author might have written as well;...

    Trag 12.412 21 All that life demands of us through the greater part of the day eyes and ears, and free hands. Society asks this, and truth, and love, and the genius of our life.

ask'st, v. (1)

    FRO2 11.484 5 ...Thou ask'st in fountains and in fires,/ He is the essence that inquires./

asleep, adj. (9)

    ET17 5.294 15 We [Emerson and Martineau] found Mr. Wordsworth asleep on the sofa.

    Farm 7.152 3 ...[the first planter] learns...that the for him when he is asleep...

    Clbs 7.226 14 Some talkers excel in the precision with which they formulate their thoughts...others lay criticism asleep by a charm.

    SA 8.82 6 An awkward man is graceful when asleep...

    Schr 10.267 21 The action of these [busy] men I cannot respect, for they do not respect it themselves. They were better and more respectable abed and asleep.

    Plu 10.316 10 It would be generous to lend our eyes and ears, nay, if possible, our reason and fortitude to others, whilst we are idle or asleep.

    HDC 11.27 6 Where are these men? asleep beneath their grounds:/ And strangers, fond as they, their furrows plough./

    HDC 11.60 9 night, whilst [Mary Shepherd's] captors were asleep, she plucked a saddle from under the head of one of them, took a horse...and rode through the forest to her home.

    CL 12.163 2 ...the very time at which [my naturalist] used [the farmers'] land and water (for his boat glided like a trout everywhere unseen) was in hours when they were sound asleep.

asleep, adv. (1)

    Exp 3.50 22 Who cares what sensibility or discrimination a man has at some time shown, if he falls asleep in his chair?...

Asmodeus, n. (2)

    Bhr 6.173 14 I have seen...the frivolous Asmodeus, who relies on you to find him in ropes of sand to twist;...

    Res 8.149 1 See the dexterity of the good aunt in keeping the young people all the weary holiday busy and diverted without knowing it...the pop-corn, and Christmas hemlock spurting in the fire. The children never suspect... that this unfailing fertility has been rehearsed a hundred times, when the necessity came of finding for the little Asmodeus a rope of sand to twist.

asp, n. (1)

    Tran 1.341 19 ...every one must do after his kind, be he asp or angel...

Aspasia, n. (2)

    ET14 5.237 6 ...nature, to pique the more, sometimes works up deformities into beauty in some rare Aspasia or Cleopatra...

    Bhr 6.187 6 Euripides, says Aspasia, has not the fine manners of Sophocles;...

aspect, n. (39)

    Nat 1.22 13 There is still another aspect under which the beauty of the world may be viewed...

    Nat 1.61 16 The aspect of Nature is devout.

    AmS 1.110 21 ...the same movement which effected the elevation of what was called the lowest class in the state, assumed in benign an aspect.

    LE 1.170 23 The moment a man of genius pronounces the name...of the Roman people, we see their state under a new aspect.

    MN 1.192 4 I do not wish to look with sour aspect at the industrious manufacturing village...

    LT 1.261 9 The reason and influence of wealth, the aspect of philosophy and religion...these and other related topics will in turn come to be considered.

    LT 1.261 12 The reason and influence of wealth...the tendencies which have acquired the name of Transcendentalism in Old and New England; the aspect of poetry, as the exponent and interpretation of these things;...these and other related topics will in turn come to be considered.

    YA 1.391 20 ...the development of our American internal resources...and the appearance of new moral causes which are to modify the State, are giving an aspect of greatness to the Future...

    Comp 2.126 16 The death of a dear friend, wife, brother, lover, which seemed nothing but privation, somewhat later assumes the aspect of a guide or genius;...

    Int 2.339 4 ...if a man fasten his attention on a single aspect of truth and apply himself to that alone for a long time, the truth becomes distorted...

    Art1 2.368 20 Is not the selfish and even cruel aspect which belongs to our great mechanical works...the effect of the mercenary impulses which these works obey?

    Pt1 3.4 27 ...this hidden truth, that the fountains whence all this river of Time and its creatures floweth are intrinsically ideal and beautiful, draws us to the consideration of the nature and functions of the Poet, or the man of Beauty;...and to the general aspect of the art in the present time.

    Pt1 3.24 20 [The sculptor] rose one day...before dawn, and saw the morning break...and for many days after, he strove to express this tranquillity, and lo! his chisel had fashioned out of marble the form of a beautiful youth, Phosphorus, whose aspect is such that it is said all persons who look on it become silent.

    Pt1 3.36 11 ...the same man or society of men may wear one aspect to themselves and their companions, and a different aspect to higher intelligences.

    Pt1 3.36 12 ...the same man or society of men may wear one aspect to themselves and their companions, and a different aspect to higher intelligences.

    Mrs1 3.155 17 Minerva said...[men] were only ridiculous little creatures, with this odd circumstance, that they had a blur, or indeterminate aspect, seen far or seen near;...

    NER 3.270 13 We must go up to a higher platform, to which we are always invited to ascend; there, the whole aspect of things changes.

    GoW 4.288 17 Socrates loved Athens; Montaigne, Paris; and Madame de Stael said she was only vulnerable on that side (namely, of Paris). It has its favorable aspect.

    ET4 5.67 6 On the English face are combined decision and nerve with the fair complexion, blue eyes and open and florid aspect.

    ET8 5.128 10 The English have a mild aspect...

    ET16 5.277 1 We [Emerson and Carlyle] walked round the stones [at Stonehenge] and clambered over them, to wont ourselves with their strange aspect...

    Ctr 6.159 23 ...the [Greek] heroes...retain a serene aspect;...

    Bhr 6.184 27 The aspect of that man is repulsive; I do not wish to deal with him.

    Elo1 7.72 26 ...when...his words fell like the winter snows, not then would any mortal contend with Ulysses; and [the Trojans], beholding, wondered not afterwards so much at his aspect.

    OA 7.318 22 ...looking at age under an aspect more conformed to the common sense, if the question be the felicity of age, I fear the first popular judgments will be unfavorable.

    PI 8.53 16 Poetry being an attempt to express...the beauty and soul in [the hero's] aspect...runs into fable, personifies every fact...

    Aris 10.40 16 It only needs to look at the social aspect of England and America and France, to see the rank which original practical talent commands.

    Edc1 10.131 6 ...always the mind contains in its transparent chambers the means of classifying the most refractory phenomena, of depriving them of all casual and chaotic aspect...

    Supl 10.163 15 There is a superlative temperament...which affects the manners of those who share it with a certain desperation. Their aspect is grimace.

    Thor 10.461 11 [Thoreau] was...of light complexion, with strong, serious blue eyes, and a grave aspect...

    LS 11.7 7 When hereafter, [Jesus] says to [his disciples], you shall keep the Passover, it will have an altered aspect to your eyes.

    FSLN 11.221 3 Mr. Webster had a natural ascendancy of aspect and carriage which distinguished him over all his contemporaries.

    FSLN 11.226 8 Mr. Webster decided for Slavery, and that, when the aspect of the institution was no longer doubtful...

    FSLN 11.243 20 [Robert Winthrop] denounced every name and aspect under which liberty and progress dare show themselves in this age and country...

    EdAd 11.384 25 The aspect this country presents is a certain maniacal activity...

    Milt1 12.248 3 The aspect of Milton, to this generation, will be part of the history of the nineteenth century.

    Milt1 12.252 5 It is the aspect which [Milton] presents to this generation, that alone concerns us.

    PPr 12.379 4 In its first aspect [Carlyle's Past and Present] is a political tract...

    Trag 12.413 5 When two strangers meet in the highway, what each demands of the other is that the aspect should show a firm mind...

aspects, n. (19)

    Nat 1.16 12 ...we may distribute the aspects of Beauty in a threefold manner.

    MN 1.214 18 ...a man never sees the same object twice: with his own enlargement the object acquires new aspects.

    LT 1.259 2 ...the present aspects of our social state...have their root in an invisible spiritual reality.

    LT 1.259 5 To appear in these aspects, [the present aspects of our social state] must first exist...

    LT 1.287 23 The main interest which any aspects of the Times can have for us, is the great spirit which gazes through them...

    LT 1.289 5 To a true scholar the attraction of the aspects of simply the information they yield him of this supreme nature which lurks within all.

    SR 2.75 7 If any man consider the present aspects of what is called by distinction society, he will see the need of these ethics.

    Exp 3.81 5 ...we cannot say too little of our constitutional necessity of seeing things under private aspects...

    SwM 4.119 6 To a right perception...of the order of nature, [Swedenborg] added the comprehension of the moral laws in their widest social aspects;...

    ET1 5.20 25 [Wordsworth] said he talked on political aspects, for he wished to impress on me and all good Americans to cultivate the moral, the conservative, etc., etc....

    ET16 5.273 13 I was exchange a few reasonable words on the aspects of England with a man on whose genius I set a very high value [Carlyle]...

    MoL 10.257 10 War, seeking for the roots of strength, comes upon the moral aspects at once.

    EWI 11.135 11 ...I turn gladly to the rightful theme, to the bright aspects of the occasion.

    ACiv 11.298 13 At this moment in America the aspects of political society absorb attention.

    PLT 12.38 2 At a moment in our history the mind's eye opens and we become aware...of rights, of duties, of thoughts,-a thousand faces of one essence. We call the essence Truth; the particular aspects of it we call thoughts.

    Milt1 12.248 15 The reputation of Milton had already undergone one or two revolutions long anterior to its recent aspects.

    Milt1 12.273 8 [Milton] preachers by voluntary contributions; requiring that such only should preach as have faith enough to accept so self-denying and precarious a mode of life, scorning to take thought for the aspects of prudence and expediency.

    PPr 12.383 25 ...when the political aspects are so calamitous that the sympathies of the man overpower the habits of the poet, a higher than literary inspiration may succor him.

    PPr 12.387 17 The revelation of Reason is this of the unchangeableness of the fact of humanity under all its subjective aspects;...

aspen, n. (1)

    SHC 11.428 3 ...Here the green pines delight, the aspen droops/ Along the modest pathways, and those fair/ Pale asters of the season spread their plumes/ Around this field, fit garden for our tombs./

aspens, n. (1)

    CL 12.150 5 [The Indian] consults by way of natural compass, when he travels: (1) large pine-trees...(2) ant-hills...(3) aspens...

asperities, n. (1)

    ET8 5.138 3 [The English] are...churlish as men sometimes please to be... who ask no favors and who will do what they like with their own. With education and intercourse, these asperities wear off...

asphodel, n. (1)

    ACri 12.293 13 A list might be made of showy words that tempt young writers: asphodel, harbinger, chalice, flamboyant...

Asphodel, n. (1)

    CW 12.174 21 Plant...Dittany, Asphodel, Nepenthe...

asphyxia, n. (1)

    ET14 5.249 19 In the decomposition and asphyxia that followed all this materialism [in England], Carlyle was driven by his disgust at the pettiness and the cant, into the preaching of Fate.

aspirant, n. (10)

    LT 1.265 6 Let us paint...the fair aspirant for fashion and opportunities...

    LT 1.268 19 It is...the aspirant...who engages our interest.

    YA 1.393 16 It is a questionable compensation to the embittered feeling of a proud commoner, the reflection that a himself also an aspirant excluded with the same ruthlessness from higher circles...

    Hist 2.7 16 A true aspirant therefore never needs look for allusions personal and laudatory in discourse.

    SS 7.13 24 [Men] untune and dissipate the brave aspirant.

    Grts 8.301 7 ...every aspirant, by his success in the pursuit [of greatness], does not hinder but helps his competitors.

    Grts 8.320 13 With self-respect...there must be in the aspirant the strong fellow feeling, the humanity, which makes men of all classes warm to him as their leader and representative.

    Aris 10.59 13 ...I hear the complaint of the aspirant that we have no prizes offered to the ambition of virtuous young men;...

    FRep 11.514 4 In our popular politics you may note that each aspirant who rises above the crowd...soon learns that it is by no means by obeying the vulgar weathercock of his party...that real power is gained...

    FRep 11.518 27 ...each aspirant for power vies with his rival which can stoop lowest...

aspirants, n. (6)

    LT 1.267 12 steals on us, the new fact, that we who were pupils or aspirants are now society...

    Tran 1.345 15 ...we...inquire...where are they who represented to the last generation that extravagant hope which a few happy aspirants suggest to ours?

    ET15 5.271 2 ...the aspirants see that The [London] Times is one of the goods of fortune...

    SA 8.80 10 The staple figure in novels is the man...who sits, among the young aspirants and desperates, quite sure and compact...

    Plu 10.322 9 It is a service to our Republic to publish a book that can force ambitious young read...the Apothegms of Great Commanders [of Plutarch]. If we could keep the secret, and communicate it only to a few chosen aspirants, we might confide that, by this noble infiltration, they would easily carry the victory over all competitors.

    MLit 12.329 21 [We can fancy Goethe saying to himself] Fierce churchmen and effeminate aspirants will chide and hate my name, but every keen beholder of life will justify my truth [in Wilhelm Meister]...

aspiration, n. (23)

    DSA 1.127 25 ...poetry, the ideal life, the holy life, exist as ancient history merely; they are the aspiration of society;...

    MR 1.232 25 [The general system of our trade] is not that which a man... meditates on with joy and self-approval in his hour of love and aspiration;...

    Con 1.322 24 On which part will each of us find himself in the hour of health and of aspiration?

    Prd1 2.221 13 We write from aspiration and antagonism...

    OS 2.275 26 Those who are capable of humility, of justice, of love, of aspiration, stand already on a platform that commands the sciences and arts...

    OS 2.285 18 We know...whether that which we teach or behold is only an aspiration or is our honest effort also.

    Cir 2.316 14 For, faith, truth of character, the aspiration of man, these are sacred;...

    Cir 2.319 18 ...the man and woman of seventy...renounce aspiration...

    Pt1 3.25 2 ...[the poet's thoughts], sharing the aspiration of the whole universe, tend to paint a far more delicate copy of their essence on his mind.

    Pol1 3.201 17 The history of the State...follows at a distance the delicacy of culture and of aspiration.

    MoS 4.169 7 [Montaigne's] writing has no enthusiasms, no aspiration;...

    MoS 4.177 1 no community of sentiment discoverable in distant times and places? And when it shows the power of self-interest, I accept that as part of the divine law and must reconcile it with aspiration the best I can.

    GoW 4.267 8 The fiery reformer embodies his aspiration in some rite or covenant...

    GoW 4.267 9 The fiery reformer embodies his aspiration in some rite or covenant, and he and his friends cleave to the form and lose the aspiration.

    DL 7.109 7 Do you see the man,--his form, genius and aspiration,--in his economy?

    Chr2 10.107 11 Fifty or a hundred years exact observance of the Sunday was kept in the houses of laymen as of clergymen. And one sees with some pain the disuse of rites so charged with humanity and aspiration.

    LLNE 10.341 12 Some time afterwards Dr. Channing opened his mind to Mr. and Mrs. Ripley, and with some care they invited a limited party of ladies and gentlemen. I had the honor to be present. Though I recall the fact, I do not retain...any connection between [this attempt] and the new zeal of the friends who at that time began to be drawn together by sympathy of studies and of aspiration.

    MMEm 10.408 17 Was there thought and eloquence, [Mary Moody Emerson] would listen like a child. Her aspiration and prayer would begin...

    War 11.170 2 The question naturally arises, How is this new aspiration of the human mind [towards peace] to be made visible and real?

    Wom 11.424 20 The aspiration of this century will be the code of the next.

    MLit 12.319 15 Nothing certifies the prevalence of this [subjective] taste in the people more than the circulation of the poems...of Coleridge, Shelley and Keats. The only unity is in the subjectiveness and the aspiration common to the three writers.

    Pray 12.354 3 The next [prayer] is in a metrical form. It is the aspiration of a different mind...

    Let 12.396 20 ...whilst this aspiration [to improve society] has always made its mark in the lives of men of thought, in vigorous individuals it does not remain a detached object...

aspirations, n. (14)

    DSA 1.146 16 ...when you meet one of these men or women...let their timid aspirations find in you a friend;...

    LE 1.155 18 [The scholar's] duties lead him directly into the holy ground, where other men's aspirations only point.

    MN 1.219 9 What is all history but...a record of the incomputable energy which his infinite aspirations infuse into man?

    LT 1.270 23 ...each of these aspirations and attempts of the people for the Better is magnified by the natural exaggeration of its advocates...

    LT 1.285 18 No man can compare the ideas and aspirations of the innovators of the present day with those of former periods, without feeling how great and high this criticism is.

    Hsm1 2.259 6 The lesson [many extraordinary young men] gave in their first aspirations is yet true;...

    NER 3.285 6 That which befits endeavor to realize our aspirations.

    CbW 6.277 7 Youthful aspirations are fine things...but will you stick?

    DL 7.126 4 ...Certainly this was not the intention of Nature, to cheap and humble a result. The aspirations in the heart after the good and true teach us better...

    PI 8.73 22 Time will be...when what are now glimpses and aspirations shall be the routine of the day.

    Prch 10.218 22 I see movement, I hear aspirations, but I see not how the great God prepares to satisfy the heart in the new order of things.

    SlHr 10.445 22 Nobody cared to speak of thoughts or aspirations to a black-letter lawyer [Samuel Hoar], who only studied to keep men out of prison...

    Wom 11.423 4 If the wants, the passions, the vices, are allowed a full vote... I think it but fair that the virtues, the aspirations should be allowed a full vote...

    MLit 12.318 19 The music of Beethoven is labor with vaster conceptions and aspirations than music has attempted before.

aspire, v. (11)

    AmS 1.107 15 Men...very naturally seek money or power;...the spoils, so called, of office. And why not? for they aspire to the highest, and this...they dream is highest.

    LE 1.161 27 ...I will thank my great brothers so truly for the admonition of their being, aspire and to speak.

    Tran 1.346 26 ...[these youths] aspire, they severely exact...

    Hist 2.28 2 Jesus astonishes and overpowers sensual people. They cannot unite him to history, or reconcile him with themselves. As they come to revere their intuitions and aspire to live holily, their own piety explains every fact...

    SL 2.140 13 ...that which I call heaven, and inwardly aspire after, is the state or circumstance desirable to my constitution;...

    Cir 2.320 26 The simplest words,--we do not know what they mean except when we love and aspire.

    PC 8.215 24 If [your public] know what is good, and require it, you will aspire and burn until you achieve it.

    Imtl 8.343 5 We have our indemnity only in the moral and intellectual reality to which we aspire.

    Edc1 10.134 24 We do not teach [boys] to aspire to be all they can.

    Milt1 12.256 9 [Milton] declared that he who would aspire to write well hereafter in laudable things, ought himself to be a true poem;...

    WSL 12.344 18 ...there is a noble nature within [Landor] which instructs him that he is so rich that he can well spare all his trappings, and, leaving to others the painting of circumstance, aspire to the office of delineating character.

aspired, v. (2)

    ET15 5.271 27 I wish I could add that this journal [the London Times] aspired to deserve the power it wields...

    Scot 11.462 1 As far as Sir Walter Scott aspired to be known for a fine gentleman, so far our sympathies leave him.

aspires, v. (7)

    MN 1.217 25 ...the reason why all men honor love is because it...aspires and not despairs.

    Lov1 2.186 3 [The soul] last...puts on the harness and aspires to vast and universal aims.

    Pol1 3.210 18 ...[the conservative party] aspires to no real good...

    SwM 4.129 17 ...I adore the greater worth in another, and so become his wife. He aspires to a higher worth in another spirit, and is wife or receiver of that influence.

    ET14 5.257 21 ...he who aspires to be the English poet must be as large as London...

    Elo1 7.99 14 If [eloquence]...aspires to be somewhat of itself, and to glitter for show, it is false and weak.

    MLit 12.317 19 There is that in us which mutters, and that which groans, and that which triumphs, and that which aspires.

aspiring, adj. (7)

    Tran 1.345 7 ...this masterpiece is the result of such an extreme delicacy that the most unobserved flaw in the boy will neutralize the most aspiring genius, and spoil the work.

    Comp 2.95 26 [Men's] daily life gives [their theology] the lie. Every ingenuous and aspiring soul leaves the doctrine behind him in his own experience...

    Cir 2.319 13 Infancy, youth, receptive, aspiring...counts itself nothing...

    Art1 2.351 24 In a portrait [the painter]...must esteem the man who sits to him as himself only an imperfect picture or likeness of the aspiring original within.

    GoW 4.288 22 There is a slight blush of shame on the cheek of good men and aspiring men...

    ET11 5.186 21 [The English upper classes] have the sense of superiority, the absence of all the ambitious effort which disgusts in the aspiring classes...

    Plu 10.301 22 [Plutarch's] superstitions are poetic, aspiring, affirmative.

aspiring, n. (1)

    Chr1 3.115 26 ...when that love...which has vowed to itself that it will be a wretch and also a fool in this world sooner than soil its white hands by any compliances, comes into our streets and houses,--only the pure and aspiring can know its face...

asps, n. (1)

    SwM 4.130 5 [Swedenborg] was painfully alive to the difference between knowing and doing, and this sensibility is incessantly expressed. Philosophers are, therefore, vipers...asps...

asquint, adj. (1)

    SL 2.156 26 When [a man] has base ends and speaks falsely, the eye is muddy and sometimes asquint.

ass, n. (4)

    Nat 1.40 6 [Nature] receives the dominion of man as meekly as the ass on which the Saviour rode.

    Comp 2.109 27 The Devil is an ass.

    MoS 4.154 13 With a little more bitterness, the cynic moans; our life is like an ass led to market by a bundle of hay being carried before him;...

    FSLC 11.211 3 Europe is little compared with Asia and Africa; yet Asia and Africa are its ox and its ass.

Assacombuit, n. (1)

    War 11.159 6 I read in Williams's History of Maine, that Assacombuit, the Sagamore of the Anagunticook tribe, was remarkable for his turpitude and ferocity...

assailant, n. (2)

    NER 3.263 2 When we see an eager assailant of one of these wrongs...we feel like asking him, What right have you, sir, to your one virtue?

    PC 8.231 22 It is the ardor of the assailant that makes the vigor of the defender.

assailants, n. (2)

    Comp 2.118 6 The wise man throws himself on the side of his assailants.

    EWI 11.110 1 The [English] assailants of slavery had early agreed to limit their political action on this subject to the abolition of the trade...

assailed, v. (5)

    MR 1.229 1 What if some of the objections whereby our institutions are assailed are extreme and speculative...

    Comp 2.117 24 The indignation which arms itself with secret forces does not awaken until we are pricked and stung and sorely assailed.

    NER 3.253 10 [Other reformers] assailed particular vocations...

    EWI 11.109 17 These debates [on West Indian slavery] are instructive, as they show on what grounds the trade was assailed and defended.

    FSLN 11.224 25 ...the appeal is sure to be made to [Webster's] physical and mental ability when his character is assailed.

assailing, adj. (1)

    Art2 7.41 6 Smeaton built Eddystone Lighthouse on the model of an oak-tree, as being the form in Nature best designed to resist a constant assailing force.

assails, v. (1)

    Aris 10.35 6 ...[the young adventurer] lends himself to each malignant party that assails what is eminent.

assassin, n. (4)

    ET4 5.67 11 The fair Saxon not the wood out of which cannibal, or inquisitor, or assassin is made...

    Pow 6.63 5 ...let these rough riders--legislators in shirt-sleeves...whatever hard head Arkansas, Oregon or Utah sends, half orator, half as they may, and the disposition of territories and public lands...will bestow promptness, address and reason, at last, on our buffalo-hunter, and authority and majesty of manners.

    Chr2 10.92 14 It were an unspeakable calamity if any one should think he had the right to impose a private will on others. That is the part of a striker, an assassin.

    War 11.168 9 Will you stick to your principle of non-resistance...when your wife and babes are insulted and slaughtered in your sight? If you say yes, you only invite the robber and assassin;...

assassinate, v. (3)

    Tran 1.337 4 I, [Jacobi] says, am...that godless person who, in opposition to an imaginary doctrine of calculation...would assassinate like Timoleon;...

    NMW 4.255 11 [Napoleon] would steal, slander, assassinate, drown and poison, as his interest dictated.

    ET5 5.78 16 [The English] neither poison, nor waylay, nor assassinate;...

assassination, n. (1)

    ET5 5.82 18 France, fraternity, equality, and indivisible unity are names for assassination.

assassinations, n. (1)

    ET4 5.58 23 ...crowbars, peat-knives and hay-forks are tools valued by [the Norsemen] all the more for their charming aptitude for assassinations.

assassins, n. (3)

    SwM 4.131 23 [Swedenborg] was let down through a column that...was formed of angelic spirits, that he might descend safely amongst the unhappy, and witness the vastation of souls and hear there...their lamentations;...he saw the hell of the jugglers, the hell of the assassins...

    Pow 6.70 16 ...who cares for fallings-out of assassins and fights of bears or grindings of icebergs?

    AsSu 11.252 3 ...if our arms at this distance cannot defend [Charles Sumner] from assassins, we confide the defence of a life so precious to all honorable men and true patriots...

assault, n. (5)

    Chr1 3.98 10 What have I gained...that I do not tremble before...the Calvinistic Judgment-day,--if I the threat of assault...

    NER 3.261 5 the assault on the kingdom of darkness [many reformers] expend all their energy on some accidental evil...

    NMW 4.236 13 In the fury of assault, [Napoleon] no more spared himself.

    ET15 5.269 5 No dignity or wealth is a shield from [the London Times's] assault.

    Trag 12.415 3 Nature proportions her defence to the assault.

assault, v. (2)

    Mrs1 3.127 17 Thus grows up Fashion...which morals and violence assault in vain.

    Aris 10.52 12 ...if the dressed and perfumed gentleman, who serves the people in no wise...go about to set ill examples and corrupt them, who shall blame them if they...assault his person...

assaulted, v. (1)

    MAng1 12.225 12 On the 21st of March, 1530, the Prince of Orange assaulted the city [Florence] by storm.

assaults, n. (2)

    SR 2.87 24 Men...have come to esteem the religious, learned and civil institutions as guards of property, and they deprecate assaults on these...

    SR 2.87 25 Men...have come to esteem the religious, learned and civil institutions as guards of property, and they deprecate assaults on these, because they feel them to be assaults on property.

assayeth, v. (1)

    DSA 1.145 6 None assayeth the stern ambition to be the Self of the nation and of nature...

assays, v. (1)

    MLit 12.331 22 Poetry is with Goethe thus external...but the Muse never assays those thunder-tones which cause to vibrate the sun and the moon...

assemblage, n. (1)

    Mrs1 3.148 3 ...although excellent specimens of courtesy and high-breeding would gratify us in the assemblage [of the individuals who compose the purest circles of aristocracy in Europe], in particulars we should detect offence.

assemble, v. (2)

    Chr1 3.109 14 When the Yunani sage arrived at Balkh...Gushtasp appointed a day on which the Mobeds of every country should assemble...

    HDC 11.43 8 ...the Company [of Massachusetts Bay] removed to New England; more than one hundred freemen were admitted the first year, and it was found inconvenient to assemble them all.

assembled, adj. (3)

    MN 1.207 18 ...the union of foreign constitutions in him enables [a man] to do gladly and gracefully what the assembled human race could not have sufficed to do.

    Elo1 7.72 10 When [Ulysses and Menelaus] mixed with the assembled Trojans, and stood, the broad shoulders of Menelaus rose above the other;...

    LLNE 10.336 7 ...the paramount source of the religious revolution was Modern Science; beginning with Copernicus, who destroyed the pagan fictions of the Church, by showing mankind that the earth on which we live was not the centre of the Universe...and thus fitted to be the platform on which the Drama of the Divine Judgment was played before the assembled Angels of Heaven...

assembled, v. (10)

    LE 1.155 11 ...I am not less glad or sanguine at the meeting of scholars, than when, a boy, I first saw the graduates of my own College assembled at their anniversary.

    Hsm1 2.256 24 Simple hearts...would appear, could we see the human race assembled in vision, like little children frolicking together...

    Boks 7.200 14 [Plutarch's] memory is like the Isthmian Games, where all that was excellent in Greece was assembled;...

    MoL 10.245 18 Ernest Renan finds that Europe has thrice assembled for exhibitions of industry, and not a poem graced the occasion;...

    LLNE 10.369 7 [Brook Farm] was a close union...assembled there by a sentiment which all shared...

    CSC 10.373 2 In the month of November, 1840, a Convention of Friends of Universal Reform assembled in the Chardon Street Chapel in Boston...

    SlHr 10.438 13 ...when the mob of Charleston was assembled in the streets before his hotel...[Samuel Hoar] considered his duty discharged to the last point of possibility.

    HDC 11.71 9 In September [1774], incensed at the new royal law which made the judges dependent on the crown, the inhabitants [of Concord] assembled on the common...

    HDC 11.73 17 When [British troops] entered Concord, they found the militia and minute-men assembled...

    EWI 11.116 6 The [West Indian] planters informed us that [the day after emancipation] they went to the chapels where their own people were assembled...

Assemblee, La Belle, n. (1)

    Boks 7.214 20 These stories [novels] are to the plots of real life what the figures in La Belle Assemblee...are to portraits.

assemblies, n. (17)

    Art1 2.368 16 ...[genius] will raise to a divine use...our primary assemblies...

    Chr1 3.92 1 Our public assemblies are pretty good tests of manly force.

    NER 3.251 13 [The observer of New England's] attention must be commanded by the signs that the Church, or religious appearing... in very significant assemblies called Sabbath and Bible Conventions;...

    ET5 5.90 2 Sir Samuel Romilly refused to speak in popular assemblies...

    ET10 5.154 9 of [England's] recent writers speaks...of the grave moral deterioration which follows an empty exchequer. You shall find this sentiment...deeply biography and in the votes of public assemblies...

    Pow 6.75 12 [Pericles] declined...all gay assemblies and company.

    Clbs 7.243 9 It was the Marchioness of Rambouillet who first...piqued the emulation of Cardinal Richelieu to rival assemblies...

    Cour 7.267 27 There is...a courage of manners in private assemblies...

    Cour 7.268 1 There is...a courage of manners in private assemblies, and another in public assemblies;...

    Suc 7.303 10 Who is he...who does not like to hear of those sensibilities which...send wonderful eye-beams across assemblies...

    PI 8.34 23 'T is easy to repaint the mythology...of...the martyrdoms of mediaeval Europe; but to point out where the same creative force is now working in our own houses and public assemblies;...requires a subtile and commanding thought.

    HDC 11.47 18 In these assemblies [New England town-meetings], the public weal; the call of interest, duty, religion, were heard;...

    HDC 11.54 13 1676, there were five hundred and sixty-seven praying Indians, and in 1689, twenty-four Indian preachers, and eighteen assemblies.

    EWI 11.128 26 There are causes in the composition of the British legislature...which exclude much that is pitiful and injurious in other legislative assemblies.

    EWI 11.138 13 It is notorious that the political, religious and social schemes, with which the minds of men are now most occupied, have been matured, or at least broached, in the free and daring discussions of these assemblies [on emancipation].

    FRep 11.529 2 We...are are defended from shocks now for a century by the facility with which through popular assemblies every necessary measure of reform can instantly be carried.

    Milt1 12.271 18 [Milton] proposed to establish a republic, of which...the substantial power should remain with primary assemblies.

assemblings, n. (1)

    SovE 10.209 6 It accuses us...that pure ethics is not now formulated and concreted into a cultus, a fraternity with assemblings and holy-days...

Assembly, General, n. (2)

    Elo2 8.117 24 A worthy gentleman...listening to the debates of the General Assembly of the Scottish Kirk in Edinburgh...went to [Dr. Hugh Blair] and offered him one thousand pounds sterling if he would teach him to speak with propriety in public.

    HDC 11.79 5 In June [1776], the General Assembly of Massachusetts resolved to raise 5000 militia for six months...

assembly, n. (63)

    LE 1.166 9 A man of cultivated mind but reserved habits, sitting silent, admires the miracle of...picturesque speech, in the man addressing an assembly;...

    MR 1.252 22 We do not greet [the laborers'] talents...nor in the assembly of the people vote for what is dear to them.

    SL 2.157 25 ...into every assembly that a man enters, in every action he attempts, he is gauged and stamped.

    Art1 2.357 16 When I have seen fine statues and afterwards enter a public assembly, I understand well what he meant who said, When I have been reading Homer, all men look like giants.

    Pt1 3.39 5 [Artists] found or put themselves in certain conditions, as...the orator into the assembly of the people...and each presently feels the new desire.

    Pt1 3.40 7 ...hence these throbs and heart-beatings in the orator, at the door of the assembly, to the end namely that thought may be ejaculated as Logos, or Word.

    Chr1 3.109 17 ...the beloved of Yezdam, the prophet Zertusht, advanced into the midst of the assembly.

    Mrs1 3.130 13 ...that assembly once dispersed, its members will not in the year meet again.

    Mrs1 3.142 21 ...Napoleon said of [Charles James Fox]...Mr. Fox will always hold the first place in an assembly at the Tuileries.

    NR 3.238 18 ...when [the recluse] comes into a public assembly he sees that men have very different manners from his own...

    PPh 4.58 6 ...the anecdotes that have come down from the times attest [Plato's] manly interference before the people in his master's behalf, since even the savage cry of the assembly to Plato is preserved;...

    ET13 5.229 23 George Borrow...reads to [the Gypsies] the Apostles' Creed in Romany. When I had concluded, he says, I looked around me. The features of the assembly were twisted...

    Bhr 6.195 18 ...[Marcus Scaurus], full of firmness and gravity, defended himself in this manner:--Quintus Varius Hispanus alleges that Marcus Scaurus...excited the allies to arms: Marcus Scaurus...denies it. There is no witness. Which do you believe, Romans? Utri creditis, Quirites? When he had said these words he was absolved by the assembly of the people.

    SS 7.13 27 Conversation will not corrupt us if we come to the assembly in our own garb and speech...

    Elo1 7.61 16 ...because every man is an assembly of men is so much more susceptible.

    Elo1 7.62 25 Of all the musical instruments on which men play, a popular assembly is that which has the largest compass and variety...

    Elo1 7.63 7 No one can survey the face of an excited assembly, without being apprised of new opportunity for painting in fire human thought...

    Elo1 7.65 9 Him we call an artist who shall play on an assembly of men as a master on the keys of the piano...

    Elo1 7.66 9 There are many audiences in every public assembly...

    Elo1 7.67 13 This range of many powers in the consummate speaker, and of many audiences in one assembly, leads us to consider the successive stages of oratory.

    Elo1 7.67 21 When each auditor feels himself to make too large a part of the assembly...mere energy and mellowness [in the orator] are then inestimable.

    Elo1 7.68 4 When each auditor...shudders...with fear lest all will heavily fail through one bad speech, mere energy and mellowness [in the orator] are then inestimable. Wisdom and learning would be harsh and unwelcome, compared with...a hue-and-cry style of harangue, which inundates the assembly with a flood of animal spirits...

    Elo1 7.82 1 In the assembly, you shall find the orator and the audience in perpetual balance;...

    Elo1 7.83 11 ...if one of [the debaters] have anything of commanding necessity in his heart, how speedily he will find vent for it, and with the applause of the assembly!

    Elo1 7.84 23 making [the people] wise in that which he knows, [the orator] has the advantage of the assembly every moment.

    Elo1 7.85 16 any public assembly, him who has the facts and can and will state them, people will listen to...

    Elo1 7.90 11 A popular commanded by these two powers,-- first by a fact, then by skill of statement.

    Elo1 7.96 16 [The sturdy countryman's] hard head went through, in childhood, the drill of that he stands in the New England assembly a purer bit of New England than any...

    Boks 7.210 16 ...Earl Spencer exclaimed, Two thousand two hundred and fifty pounds! An electric shock went through the assembly.

    Suc 7.303 14 ...the genial man is interested in every slipper that comes into the assembly.

    Elo2 8.111 20 Who knows before the debate begins...what the means are of the combatants? The facts, the reasons, the logic,--above all, the flame of passion and the continuous energy of will which is presently to be let loose...on this miscellaneous assembly gathered from the streets,--all are invisible and unknown.

    Elo2 8.113 19 The orator is he whom every man is seeking when he goes... into any popular assembly...

    Elo2 8.114 19 may find [the orator] in some lowly Bethel, by the seaside...a man who...speaks by the right of being the person in the assembly who has the most to say...

    Elo2 8.115 22 [The orator's] speech must be just ahead of the assembly...

    Elo2 8.116 15 When a good man rises in the cold and malicious assembly, you think, Well, sir, it would be more prudent to be silent;...

    Elo2 8.118 26 Go into an assembly well excited...

    Elo2 8.119 11 The most...thought-paralyzing companion sometimes turns out in a public assembly to be a fluent, various and effective orator.

    Elo2 8.121 16 ...some orators go to the assembly as to a closet where to find their best thoughts.

    PC 8.230 5 I know well to what assembly of educated, reflecting, successful and powerful persons I speak.

    Dem1 10.7 13 In a mixed assembly we have chanced to see not only a glance of Abdiel, so grand and keen...

    Aris 10.53 8 A man who has that possession of his means and that magnetism that he can at all times carry the convictions of a public assembly, we must respect...

    Aris 10.62 22 The English House of Commons is the proudest assembly of gentlemen in the world...

    Edc1 10.147 27 By many steps...the hesitating collegian, in the school mock court, comes at last to full, secure, triumphant unfolding of his thought in the popular assembly...

    LLNE 10.340 22 Dr. Channing repaired to Dr. Warren's house on the appointed evening, with large thoughts which he wished to open. He found a well-chosen assembly of gentlemen variously distinguished;...

    CSC 10.374 9 The composition of the assembly [at the Chardon Street Convention] was rich and various.

    CSC 10.374 19 If the assembly [at the Chardon Street Convention] was disorderly, it was picturesque.

    CSC 10.375 7 The assembly [at the Chardon Street Convention] was characterized by the predominance of a certain plain, sylvan strength and earnestness...

    GSt 10.501 14 ...the painful surprise which the last week brought us, in the tidings of the death of Mr. [George] Stearns, opened all eyes to the just consideration of the singular merits of the citizen...whom this assembly mourns.

    HDC 11.46 9 ...[John Winthrop] advised, seeing the freemen were grown so numerous, to send deputies from every town once in a year to revise the laws and to assess all monies. And the General Court, thus constituted, only needed to go into separate session from the Council, as they did in 1644, to become essentially the same assembly they are to this day.

    HDC 11.72 14 On 13th March [1775]...[William Emerson] preached to a very full assembly...

    EWI 11.114 24 On the night of the 31st July [1834], [the negroes of the West Indies] met everywhere at their churches and chapels, and at midnight...on their knees, the silent, weeping assembly became men;...

    EWI 11.117 26 The governors [of Jamaica]...were at constant quarrel with the angry and bilious island legislature. Nothing can exceed the ill humor and sulkiness of the addresses of this assembly.

    FSLN 11.218 22 [The newsboy] unfolds his magical sheets,-twopence a head his bread of knowledge costs-and instantly the entire rectangular assembly [in the railway car], fresh from their breakfast, are bending as one man to their second breakfast.

    AsSu 11.251 8 When the same reproach [of writing his speeches] was cast on the first orator of ancient times by some caviller of his day, he said, I should be ashamed to come with one unconsidered word before such an assembly.

    AKan 11.258 13 I like the primary assembly.

    AKan 11.258 19 Next to the private man, I value the primary assembly...

    AKan 11.258 25 First, the private citizen, then the primary assembly, and the government last.

    EPro 11.316 22 [Movement toward liberty] as when an orator... announces with vibrating voice the grand human principles involved;...a new audience is found in the heart of the assembly...

    SMC 11.361 13 ...[George Prescott's letters] contain the sincere praise of men whom I now see in this assembly.

    SMC 11.375 13 ...let me, in behalf of this assembly, speak directly to you, our defenders [veterans of the Civil War]...

    SMC 11.375 25 A gloom gathers on this assembly...

    CPL 11.508 23 ...the whole assembly to whom I speak entirely sympathize in the feeling of this town [Concord] in regard to the new Library...

    CInt 12.123 23 ...the idea of a college is an assembly of such men, obedient each to this pure light [of thought]...

Assembly, n. (2)

    NMW 4.226 18 Mirabeau read [Dumont's peroration]...and declared he would incorporate it into his harangue to-morrow, to the Assembly.

    EWI 11.121 2 1840 Sir Charles Metcalfe, the new governor of Jamaica, in his address to the Assembly expressed himself to that late exasperated body in these terms...

assent, n. (4)

    NER 3.279 9 The reason why any one refuses his assent to your in you...

    Dem1 10.6 14 In a dream we have...the same torpidity of the highest power, the same unsurprised assent to the monstrous as these metamorphosed men [animals] exhibit.

    Prch 10.234 27 ...the power of sympathy is always great; and affirmative discourse, presuming assent, will often obtain it when argument would fail.

    GSt 10.506 15 ...if [George Stearns] could not bring his associates to adopt his measure, he accepted with entire sweetness the next best measure which could secure their assent.

assent, v. (2)

    NER 3.279 6 I suppose considerate observers...will assent, that...the general purpose in the great number of persons is fidelity.

    Suc 7.291 9 ...I am by no means sure that the reader will assent to all my propositions...

assented, v. (1)

    ET1 5.22 14 [Wordsworth] said, If you are interested in my verses perhaps you will like to hear these lines. I gladly assented...

Asser's, John, n. (1)

    Boks 7.206 24 [The scholar] can look back for the legends and mythology... to Asser's Life of Alfred...

assert, v. (10)

    Nat 1.54 26 The perception of real affinities between events...enables the assert the predominance of the soul.

    Tran 1.356 22 ...[these old guardians] have but one mood on the subject, namely, that Antony is very perverse,-that it is quite as much as Antony can do to assert his rights...

    YA 1.363 5 America is beginning to assert herself to the senses and to the imagination of her children...

    NR 3.245 19 ...I assert that every man is a partialist;...

    NR 3.245 22 further assert, that, each man's genius being nearly and affectionately explored, he is justified in his individuality...

    Clbs 7.241 2 Conversation is the Olympic games whither every superior gift resorts to assert and approve itself...

    Suc 7.285 18 [Columbus told the King and Queen] I assert that [the pilots] can give no other account than that they went to lands where there was abundance of gold...

    PI 8.27 25 I assert for myself [wrote Blake] that I do not behold the outward creation...

    PerF 10.87 17 The illusion that strikes me as the masterpiece in that ring of illusions which our life is, is the timidity with which we assert our moral sentiment.

    Schr 10.271 3 ...if wealth has humors and wishes to shake off the yoke and assert itself,-oh, by all means let it try!

asserted, v. (5)

    PPh 4.65 8 In the Timaeus [Plato] indicates the highest employment of the eyes. By us it is asserted that God invented and bestowed sight on us for this purpose,--that on surveying the circles of intelligence in the heavens, we might properly employ those of our own minds...

    ET5 5.81 23 There is on every question [in England] an appeal from the assertion of the parties to the proof of what is asserted.

    Supl 10.172 8 ...[it] was similarly asserted of the late Lord Jeffrey, at the Scottish bar,-an attentive auditor declaring on one occasion after an argument of three hours, that he had spoken the whole English language three times over in his speech.

    EWI 11.121 16 It may be asserted...that the former slaves of Jamaica are now as secure in all social rights, as freeborn Britons.

    FRep 11.518 1 Hitherto government has been that of the single person or of the aristocracy. In this country the attempt to resist these elements, it is asserted, must throw us into the government...of an inferior class of professional politicians...

asserter, n. (1)

    PerF 10.88 1 Every new asserter of the right surprises us...

asserting, adj. (1)

    Bhr 6.181 4 There are asking eyes, asserting eyes, prowling eyes;...

asserting, v. (3)

    Pol1 3.207 17 We may be wise in asserting the advantage in modern times of the democratic form...

    PPh 4.73 13 ...[Socrates] is...a man who was willingly confuted if he did not speak the truth, and who willingly confuted others asserting what was false;...

    Suc 7.302 24 I am always, [Socrates] says, asserting that I happen to know... nothing but a mere trifle relating to matters of love;...

assertion, n. (9)

    Gts 3.159 16 a proud assertion that a ray of beauty outvalues all the utilities of the world.

    NER 3.254 2 each of these [reform] movements assertion of the sufficiency of the private man.

    ShP 4.213 3 [Shakespeare] is wise without emphasis or assertion;...

    ET5 5.81 22 There is on every question [in England] an appeal from the assertion of the parties to the proof of what is asserted.

    OA 7.323 7 Under the general assertion of the well-being of age, we can easily count particular benefits of that condition.

    Aris 10.38 27 [aristocracy] belongs without assertion a proper influence.

    SMC 11.370 20 ...Word was sent by General Barnes, that, when we retired, we should fall back under cover of the woods. This order was communicated to Colonel Prescott, whose regiment was then under the hottest fire. Understanding it to be a peremptory order to retire then, he replied...I can hold this place; and he made good his assertion.

    Mem 12.101 26 Who, [can judge] the new assertion? He who has heard many the like.

    Bost 12.206 1 ...there was never, I suppose, a more rapid expansion in population, wealth and all the elements of power, and in the citizens' consciousness of power and sustained assertion of it, than was exhibited here.

assertions, n. (2)

    SwM 4.123 12 ...[Swedenborg] abounds in assertions...

    Wsp 6.241 8 Let us not be pestered with assertions and half-truths...

asserts, v. (4)

    SwM 4.142 25 ...when [Behmen] asserts that, in some sort, love is greater than God, his heart beats so high that the thumping against his leathern coat is audible across the centuries.

    MoS 4.176 20 As far as [the power of moods] asserts rotation of states of mind, I suppose it suggests its own remedy, namely in the record of larger periods.

    PI 8.27 22 William Blake...writes thus... The painter of this work asserts that all his imaginations appear to him infinitely more perfect and more minutely organized than anything seen by his mortal eye.

    PPo 8.254 8 [Hafiz] asserts his dignity as bard and inspired man of his people.

asses, n. (3)

    NMW 4.239 17 ...[Napoleon]...made no secret of his contempt...for the hereditary asses, as he coarsely styled the Bourbons.

    SA 8.95 14 Politics, war, party, luxury, avarice, fashion, are all asses with loaded panniers to serve the kitchen of Intellect, the king.

    MoL 10.253 11 There is a proverb that Napoleon, when the Mameluke cavalry approached the French lines, ordered the grenadiers to the front, and the asses and the savans to fall into the hollow square.

assess, v. (1)

    HDC 11.46 5 ...[John Winthrop] advised, seeing the freemen were grown so numerous, to send deputies from every town once in a year to revise the laws and to assess all monies.

assessed, v. (3)

    HDC 11.42 12 ...this first recorded political act of our fathers, this tax assessed on its inhabitants by a town, is the most important event in their civil history...

    HDC 11.44 25 In 1635, the [General] Court is Ordered, that the freemen of every town shall have power to...choose their own particular officers. This pointed chiefly at the office of constable, but they soon chose their own selectmen, and very early assessed taxes;...

    HDC 11.54 26 1640, when the colony rate was 1200 pounds, Concord was assessed 50 pounds.

assessing, v. (1)

    CPL 11.495 4 The people of Massachusetts prize the simple political arrangement of towns, each...assessing its taxes...

assessor, n. (1)

    NER 3.255 26 ...the country is frequently affording solitary examples of resistance to the government, solitary nullifiers...who reply to the assessor and to the clerk of court that they do not know the State...

Assessor, n. (2)

    SwM 4.99 13 At the age of twenty-eight [Swedenborg] was made Assessor of the Board of Mines by Charles XII.

    SwM 4.100 11 Later, [Swedenborg] resigned his office of Assessor...

assessors, n. (1)

    Wsp 6.226 16 ...the divine assessors who came up with [a man] into life... walk with him, step for step...

assez, v. (1)

    NMW 4.258 10 ...the universal cry of France and of Europe in 1814 was, Enough of him; Assez de Bonaparte.

assiduity, n. (1)

    LLNE 10.349 14 [Brisbane's plan]...wove its large Ptolemaic web of cycle and epicycle, of phalanx and phalanstery, with laudable assiduity.

assiduous, adj. (2)

    LE 1.164 24 ...we assiduous love and watching, into the visions of absolute truth.

    ShP 4.208 11 Read the antique documents extricated, analyzed and compared by the assiduous Dyce and Collier, and now read one of [Shakespeare's] skyey sentences...and tell me if they match;...

assiduously, adv. (1)

    MAng1 12.228 5 ...[Michelangelo] toiled so assiduously at this painful work [the Sistine Chapel ceiling], that, for a long time after, he was unable to see any picture but by holding it over his head.

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