Barbara B. Lee
Monument Street

Saving Heywood Meadow

Interviewed: February 13, 1986

Eyewitness to History

Barbara Lee is a member of the Friends of the Heywood Meadow, a citizens' coalition working to preserve the property as open space.

New England towns have an inherent charm.  Why is this  so? Because the people who settled them and spent their lives there cared about their  communities. They built houses of classical proportions.  They planned them around a village green -- a gathering place, and open space.  They planted trees and were delighted by  their environment. They established a lasting  charm. They were people who  cared.

Concord  reflects this sense of order and relationship. And this was before  the creation of historic commissions, planning boards and  a myriad of governmental agencies. This was when ordinary  citizens cared. If they prospered they were willing  to share their  success.

In Concord  today, we are the beneficiaries of their concern. We have  the village green and the roads with many of the handsome original buildings.   The Emerson Playground was given to us by the heirs of Ralph Waldo  Emerson.  In addition to providing space for recreational  and ceremonial activities it relieves the density of the late  nineteenth century growth in the Hubbard Street, Stow Street  and Sudbury Road areas.

We  have the generosity of Hugh Cargill who came from Ballyshannon,  Ireland, to Boston with the British troops, prospered  there as a merchant and moved to Concord.  The old Stratton Farm on Walden Street was bought by the town for the poor, using a legacy left by him to help the needy.  The Hugh Cargill land  is still open and  farmed, as well as providing space for the Community Gardens.  The trust bearing his name continues to provide  for the needy of Concord.

The Town  Forest at Walden and Thoreau Streets, consisting of 70 acres and known as Fairyland, was purchased in 1935 by  the town with funds established in 1885 by Hapgood Wright to celebrate each centennial anniversary of the town.  He was born  in Concord in 1811, but lived much of his life in Lowell, working as a  shoe-maker, then a banker.  He endowed Concord, his birthplace.

In 1873 William Munroe joined with town officials  to dedicate the library he  gave to the town. He was a local businessman who prospered and made  a lasting contribution. His gift  included moving the Brooks house to Hubbard Street in order  to clear the land and create the setting for the striking Victorian-Gothic building.   This required the widening of Main Street to accommodate the average  daily traffic of 2,418 pedestrians, 95 two wheeled vehicles  and 558 four-wheeled vehicles. The present Georgian building  evolved from three subsequent modifications and additions  paid for by private subscriptions.

The  Loring N. Fowler Library building was a gift under the will of Mr.  Fowler and built about 1928 on land previously purchased  by the town.

In  1969 the Chamberlin family gave land to the town on LowellRoad next  to the Christian Science Church. Now  known as Chamberlin Park,  it has an attractive walkway and bridge connecting Lowell Road  with Keyes Road. The gift  includes a perpetual fund to assist  in the landscaping and care of the property.

In 1977 the town  received 3 1/2 acres and a barn abutting the South Meadow Playground as a gift from Mary Ogden Abbott.   In that same year 12 acres off Barretts Mill Road  from the estate of William J. Lee were given to the town, and Phil Davis  added a 1acre lot on Lowell Road to the conservation  land the town had previously purchased. Not many  of us are in a position to make such gifts of land to the town.   However, we can join these benefactors by making contributions  toward the purchase of the Heywood Street lots at the corner  of Lexington Road. We  too can directly perpetuate this tradition  of giving.  If Concord citizens would give as they are able, our  goal of raising $200,000 by Town Meeting, April 7 would be easily  achieved.

It is imperative that this land remain open forever.  It is an integral  part of Historic Concord and the last remaining open space  in the center.  By participating in this joint effort with the  town, we too can join the generations of Concordians who have preserved  the quality of life so unique to Concord.


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Text mounted 14 March 2015.-- rcwh.