THOREAU BOOKS: BOOKS FROM THE LIBRARIES OF HENRY DAVID THOREAU AND OF OTHER MEMBERS OF THE THOREAU FAMILY, 1776-1869 Leonard, Levi Washburn (1790?-1864). The literary and scientific class book, embracing the leading facts and principles of science. Illustrated by engravings, with many difficult words explained at the heads of the lessons, and questions annexed for examination; designed as exercises for the reading and study of the higher classes in common schools. Selected from the Rev. John Platt’s Lliterary and scientific class book, and from various other sources, and adapted to the wants and condition of youth in the United States. By Levi W. Leonard … (Keene, N.H.: John Prentiss, 1826). xii, 318 pages; plates. Inscribed on back free endpaper: [in ink] “Helen L Thoreau / Concord Academy / [in pencil] 1827.” Presented by Sophia E. Thoreau, 1874. Bound in sheepskin; black spine label. Accession no. 10436. Pages 16-17:
Community Preservation funding for this project to conserve the CFPL's Thoreau Books Collection and to provide electronic access to annotated pages within the collection was approved by the citizens of the Town of Concord at Town Meeting in 2008. |