THOREAU BOOKS: BOOKS FROM THE LIBRARIES OF HENRY DAVID THOREAU AND OF OTHER MEMBERS OF THE THOREAU FAMILY, 1776-1869 Massachusetts. Zoological and Botanical Survey. Reports on the herbaceous plants and on the quadrupeds of Massachusetts. Published agreeably to an order of the legislature, by the commissioners on the zoological and botanical survey of the state (Cambridge: Folsom, Wells, and Thurston, 1840). viii, 277, 86 pages. (Each part has special t.p. and separate paging.) Signature of Henry D. Thoreau on front of original paper wrapper. A few pencil annotations in the hand of Henry David Thoreau. Presented by Sophia E. Thoreau, 1874. Rebound in green cloth (the original printed tan paper wrapper retained). Accession no. 10419. Page 139, pt. 1:Back to the Thoreau Books finding aid Community Preservation funding for this project to conserve the CFPL's Thoreau Books Collection and to provide electronic access to annotated pages within the collection was approved by the citizens of the Town of Concord at Town Meeting in 2008. |