THOREAU BOOKS: BOOKS FROM THE LIBRARIES OF HENRY DAVID THOREAU AND OF OTHER MEMBERS OF THE THOREAU FAMILY, 1776-1869 Farrar, John (1779-1853). An experimental treatise on optics, comprehending the leading principles of the science, and an explanation of the more important and curious optical instruments and optical phenomena, being the third part of a course of natural philosophy, ‘ complied for the use of the students of the university at Cambridge, New England. By John Farrar … (Cambridge: Printed by Hilliard and Metcalf, at the University Press, 1826). vii, 350 pages; folded plates. Inscribed on front lining leaf: “D H Thoreau / Cambridge.” Presented by Sophia E. Thoreau, 1874. Light brown paper boards, gray-green cloth spine. Accession no. 10432. Plate 3:
Community Preservation funding for this project to conserve the CFPL's Thoreau Books Collection and to provide electronic access to annotated pages within the collection was approved by the citizens of the Town of Concord at Town Meeting in 2008. |