![]() |
Robbins-Mills Collection of Herbert Wendell Gleason Photographic Negatives, 1899-1937 Concord Free Public Library Special Collections |
VI.A.1909.1 Box 96 |
Pine branches, ice-coated, Arboretum, Boston January 20, 1909 |
VI.A.1909.2 Box 96 |
Small Pine, ice-coated, Arboretum, Boston January 20, 1909 |
VI.A.1909.3 Box 96 |
Jumper, ice-coated, Arboretum, Boston January 20, 1909 |
VI.A.1909.4 Box 96 |
Hemlock Hill, after ice-storm, Arboretum, Boston January 20, 1909 |
VI.A.1909.5 Box 96 |
Barberry Bush & Weeds, ice-coated, Arboretum, Boston January 20, 1909 |
VI.A.1909.6 Box 96 |
Rosehips, ice-coated (Red berries), Arboretum, Boston January 20, 1909 Thoreau Illustration, Vol. 10, p. 437, Journal 4 |
VI.A.1916.1 FILM Box VI |
Lilac "Vesuve" (b.b.), Dark reddish violet, "claret purple approaching to red," Arboretum, Boston May 27, 1916 Lemoine 1916 |
VI.A.1924.1 FILM Box VI |
Rhododendron June 7, 1924 Negative in three pieces. Paper adhered to negative. |
VI.A.1924.2 FILM Box VI |
Rhododendron "Albert" June 7, 1924 Negative discolored; image faded. |
VI.A.1925.1 FILM Box VI |
Mass of Forsythia April 27, 1925 |
VI.A.1925.2 FILM Box VI |
Torch Azalea, R. Kaemferi at Arboretum, Boston May 10, 1925 |
VI.A.1925.3 FILM Box VI |
Pool at Arboretum with reflection of Pink Azalea May 20, 1925 |
VI.A.1925.4 Box VI |
Large shrub of Torch Azalea, R. o. kaempferi at Arboretum, Boston May 20, 1925 (Sold 2d) Genesse Press 9-24-28 Negative broken at lower right corner; piece missing. |
VI.A.1925.4a FILM Box VI |
Large shrub of Torch Azalea, R. o. kaempferi at Arboretum, Boston May 20, 1925 |
VI.A.1925.5 FILM Box VI |
Rosa hugonis May 22, 1925 |
VI.A.1925.6 FILM Box VI |
Cluster of Pink Azalea, A. undiflorum May 22, 1925 |
VI.A.1925.7 FILM Box VI |
Lilac "Christopher Columbus," flower cluster (pure lilac) June 4, 1925 |
VI.A.1925.8 FILM Box VI |
Rhododendron, "Henrietta Sargent" (rose-pink) June 18, 1925 |
VI.A.1925.8a FILM Box VI |
Rhododendron, "Henrietta Sargent" (rose-pink) June 18, 1925 |
VI.A.1925.9 FILM Box VI |
Azalea arborescens (white) June 19, 1925 |
VI.A.1925.9a FILM Box VI |
Azalea arborescens (white) June 19, 1925 |
VI.A.1926.1 FILM Box VI |
Flower cluster of Royal Azalea, A. Schlippenbachii, light pink May 20, 1926 |
VI.A.1926.2 FILM Box VI |
Royal Azalea (pink) May 21, 1926 |
VI.A.1926.3 FILM Box VI |
Lilac "Pres. Fallieres" June 10, 1926 |
VI.A.1926.4 FILM Box VI |
Flower Cluster Rhododendron [?] June 12, 1926 |
VI. A1926.5 FILM Box VI |
East along Rhododendron Path, (R. perspicuum [?] left) June 12, 1926 Paper adhered to negative on right side; negative discolored. |
VI.A.1926.6 FILM Box VI |
Cedars of Lebanon, Arboretum, Boston June 12, 1926 |
VI.A.1926.7 FILM Box VI |
Persian Rose, R. foedida persiana (yellow) June 13, 1926 |
VI.A.1926.7a FILM Box VI |
Persian Rose, R. foedida persiana (yellow) June 13, 1926 |
VI.A.1926.8 FILM Box VI |
Hybrid Rugosa Rose (b.b.), "Roseraie de L'Hay," (magenta), Arboretum, Boston June 24, 1926 (Cochet-Cochet 1901) Paper adhered to negative |
VI.A.1928.1 FILM Box VI |
Rhododendron, dauricum mucronulatum May 1, 1928 |
VI.A.1928.2 FILM Box VI |
Cedars of Lebanon (vert.), Cedrus libanotica, Arboretum, Boston June 18, 1928 |
VI.A.1928.3 FILM Box VI |
Blossom, Evodia Daniellii (Greenish-white) August 22, 1928 |
VI.A.1928.4 FILM Box VI |
Syringa microphylla August 22, 1928 |
VI.A.1929.1 FILM Box VI |
Abies homolepis (winter), Nikko Tree-Japan, Arboretum, Boston January 12, 1929 |
VI.A.1929.2 FILM Box VI |
Picea Abies Cranstonii (winter), (vert.), Arboretum, Boston January 12, 1929 Negative discolored. |
VI.A.1929.3 FILM Box VI |
Picea Abies septentrionalis (winter), (Japanese garden variety), Arboretum, Boston January 12, 1929 |
VI.A.1929.4 FILM Box VI |
Pinus Mugo pumilio (winter), Arboretum, Boston January 12, 1929 (Mts. of Central Europe) |
VI.A.1929.5 FILM Box VI |
Pinus Mugo rostrata (winter) #2, Arboretum, Boston January 12, 1929 (Mts. of So. Europe) |
VI.A.1929.6 FILM Box VI |
R. Pinus Mugo rostrata (winter), L.Pinus densiflora umbraculifera, Arboretum, Boston January 12, 1929 R. (Mts. of Southern Europe) R. Mugo Pine L. Japanese umbrella Pine |
VI.A.1929.7 FILM Box VI |
Tsuga caroliniana (winter), Arboretum, Boston January 12, 1929 Sold: H. P. Kelsey, 1-24-29 |
VI.A.1929.8 FILM Box VI |
Tsuga diversifolia (winter), (No. 1), (Japan), (vert.), Arboretum, Boston January 12, 1929 |
VI.A.1929.9 FILM Box VI |
Tsuga diversifolia (winter), (No. 2), Arboretum, Boston January 12, 1929 (from Imperial Garden at Tokio, Japan, 1897) |
VI.A.1929.10 FILM Box VI |
Chinese Witch - hazel (spray), (b.b.), Hamamelis mollis from Arboretum, Boston March 9, 1929 |
VI.A.1929.10a FILM Box VI |
Chinese Witch-hazel (spray), (b.b.), Hamamelis mollis from Arboretum, Boston March 9, 1929 |
VI.A.1929.10b FILM Box VI |
Chinese Witch-hazel (spray), (b.b.), Hamamelis mollis from Arboretum, Boston March 9, 1929 |
VI.A.1929.10c FILM Box VI |
Chinese Witch-hazel (spray), (b.b.), Hamamelis mollis from Arboretum, Boston March 9, 1929 |
VI.A.1929.10d FILM Box VI |
Chinese Witch-hazel (spray), (b.b.), Hamamelis mollis from Arboretum, Boston March 9, 1929 |
VI.A.1929.11 FILM Box VI |
Lilac "Pres. Loubet" (violet rose) May 22, 1929 |
VI.A.1929.12 FILM Box VI |
Azalea Vaseyi May 22, 1929 |
VI.A.1929.13 FILM Box VI |
Harison's Rose June 6, 1929 |
VI.A.1929.13a FILM Box VI |
Harison's Rose June 6, 1929 |
VI.A.1929.14 FILM Box VI |
Mountain Laurel along driveway June 19, 1929 |
VI.A.1929.15 FILM Box VI |
Rosebay Rhododendron, R. maximum June 29, 1929 |
VI.A.1929.15a FILM Box VI |
Rosebay Rhododendron, R. maximum June 29, 1929 |
VI.A.1929.16 FILM Box VI |
Evergreen Korean Rhododendron October 23, 1929 |
VI.A.1930.1 FILM Box VI |
Chamaecyparis pisifera aurea, Arboretum, Boston July 28, 1930 |
VI.A.1930.2 FILM Box VI |
Veitch Fir, Abies Veitchi, Arboretum, Boston July 28, 1930 |
VI.A.1930.3 FILM Box VI |
Chamaecyparis pisifera argentea variegata, Arboretum, Boston July 28, 1930 |
VI.A.1930.4 FILM Box VI |
Juniperus communis, Arboretum, Boston July 28, 1930 |
VI.A.1930.5 FILM Box VI |
Irish Junipers (2), J. com. hibernica, Arboretum, Boston July 28, 1930 |
VI.A.1930.5a FILM Box VI |
Irish Junipers, J. com. hibernica, Arboretum, Boston July 28, 1930 |
VI.A.1930.6 FILM Box VI |
Sargent Juniper #1, J. com. sargenti, Arboretum, Boston July 28, 1930 |
VI.A.1930.7 FILM Box VI |
Sargent Juniper #2, J. com. sargenti, Arboretum, Boston July 28, 1930 Print only. Sold: H.P. Kelsey, Oct. 1. 1930 |
VI.A.1930.8 FILM Box VI |
Colorado Blue Spruce, Picea pungens glauca, Arboretum, Boston July 28, 1930 |
VI.A.1930.9 FILM Box VI |
Colorado Blue Spruce, Picea pungens glauca, Arboretum, Boston July 28, 1930 Sold B.S. [Bay State] Nurseries, Aug. 1930 |
VI.A.1930.10 FILM Box VI |
Pinus mughus rotundata, Arboretum, Boston July 28, 1930 |
VI.A.1930.10a FILM Box VI |
Pinus mughus rotundata, Arboretum, Boston July 28, 1930 |
VI.A.1930.11 FILM Box VI |
Taxus cuspidata (tree form), (2), Arboretum, Boston July 28, 1930 |
VI.A.1930.11a FILM Box VI |
Taxus cuspidata (tree form), Arboretum, Boston July 28, 1930 |
VI.A.1930.12 FILM Box VI |
Abies concolor (tall specimen), Arboretum, Boston August 11, 1930 Print only. Sold H.P. Kelsey, Oct.1, 1930 |
VI.A.1930.13 FILM Box VI |
Juniperus chinensis Pfitzeriana, Arboretum, Boston August 11, 1930 |
VI.A.1930.14 FILM Box VI |
Juniperus virginiana, Arboretum, Boston August 11, 1930 |
VI.A.1930.15 FILM Box VI |
Picea abies (excelsa), Norway Spruce, Arboretum, Boston August 11, 1930 |
VI.A.1930.16 FILM Box VI |
Pinus Mugo, Arboretum, Boston August 11, 1930 Sold B.S. Nurs., Sept. 1930 |
VI.A.1930.17 FILM Box VI |
Pseudotsuga Douglasii (2), Douglas Fir (#1 clouds), Arboretum, Boston August 11, 1930 #2 Sold: H. P. Kelsey, Oct. 1, 1930 |
VI.A.1930.17a FILM Box VI |
Pseudotsuga Douglasii, Douglas Fir (#1 clouds), Arboretum, Boston August 11, 1930 |
VI.A.1930.18 FILM Box VI |
Thuja occidentalis Reidii, Arboretum, Boston August 11, 1930 |
VI.A.1930.19 FILM Box VI |
Thuja occidentalis Wareana, Arboretum, Boston August 11, 1930 |
VI.A.1930.20 FILM Box VI |
Group of Carolina Hemlocks, Arboretum, Boston August 11, 1930 Print only. Sold: H.P. Kelsey, Oct. 1, 1930 |
VI.A.1930.21 FILM Box VI |
Abies concolor (white Fir), Arboretum, Boston August 12, 1930 |
VI.A.1930.22 FILM Box VI |
Abies homolepsis (Nikko Fir), Arboretum, Boston August 12, 1930 |
VI.A.1930.23 FILM Box VI |
Chamaecyparis obtusa, Arboretum, Boston August 12, 1930 |
VI.A.1930.24 FILM Box VI |
Chamaecyparis obtusa aurea, Arboretum, Boston August 12, 1930 |
VI.A.1930.25 FILM Box VI |
Chamaecyparis obtusa nana and group of dwarf plants, Arboretum, Boston August 12, 1930 |
VI.A.1930.26 FILM Box VI |
Chamaecyparis pisifera plumosa, Arboretum, Boston August 12, 1930 |
VI.A.1930.27 FILM Box VI |
Larix eurolepis, Arboretum, Boston August 12, 1930 |
VI.A.1930.28 FILM Box VI |
Pinus densiflora, Japanese Red Pine, Arboretum, Boston August 12, 1930 Print only. Sold H.P. Kelsey, Oct. 1, 1930 |
VI.A.1930.29 FILM Box VI |
Pinus nigra (Austrian Pine), Arboretum, Boston August 12, 1930 Print only. Sold H.P. Kelsey, Oct. 1, 1930 |
VI.A.1930.30 FILM Box VI |
Pinus Thunbergii, Arboretum, Boston August 12, 1930 Print only. Sold H.P. Kelsey, Oct. 1, 1930 |
VI.A.1930.31 FILM Box VI |
Row of dwarf forms of Taxus cuspidata, Arboretum, Boston August 12, 1930 |
VI.A.1930.32 FILM Box VI |
Taxus meadia Hatfieldii, Arboretum, Boston August 12, 1930 |
VI.A.1930.33 FILM Box VI |
Tsuga canadensis, Canadian Hemlock, Arboretum, Boston August 12, 1930 |
VI.A.1930.34 FILM Box VI |
Tsuga caroliniana, Carolina Hemlock, Arboretum, Boston August 12, 1930 |
VI.A.1930.35 FILM Box VI |
Thuja occidentalis robusta, Arboretum, Boston October 25, 1930 |
VI.A.1931.1 Box 96 |
Azalea mucronulata [?], single bush April 14, 1931 Emulsion flaking at top edge. |
VI.A.1931.2 FILM Box VI |
Rosa foetida, "Australian Brier," Cluster of 3 June 3, 1931 |
VI.A.1931.2a FILM Box VI |
Rosa foetida, "Australian Brier," Cluster of 3 June 3, 1931 |
VI.A.1931.3 FILM Box VI |
Pinus montana mugho (low bush), Arboretum, Boston June 4, 1931 |
VI.A.1931.4 FILM Box VI |
Pinus montana mugho (with young sprouts), Arboretum, Boston June 4, 1931 Negative has streaks across image. |
VI.A.1931.5 FILM Box VI |
Weeping hemlock, Arboretum, Boston June 4, 1931 |
VI.A.1931.6 FILM Box VI |
Carolina Hemlock, Arboretum, Boston June 4, 1931 |
VI.A.1931.7 FILM Box VI |
Carolina Hemlock (tree), Tsuga caroliniana at Arboretum, Boston [June 4, 1931] No. 1 at W. Hunnewell's No. 2 at Arb. |
VI.A.1931.7a FILM Box VI |
Carolina Hemlock (tree), Tsuga caroliniana at Arboretum, Boston [June 4, 1931] |
VI.A.1931.8 FILM Box VI |
Three Carolina Hemlocks, Arboretum, Boston June 4, 1931 |
VI.A.1931.9 FILM Box VI |
Large mass of Sunflowers at Arboretum, Boston September 19, 1931 |
VI.A.1931.10 FILM Box VI |
Taxus cuspidata nana (bush in fruit), Arboretum, Boston September 24, 1931 Negative warped |
VI.A.1931.11 FILM Box VI |
Taxus cuspidata nana (2) (bush in fruit), Arboretum, Boston September 24, 1931 Negative warped & pitted. |
VI.A.1931.11a FILM Box VI |
Taxus cuspidata nana, (bush in fruit), Arboretum, Boston September 24, 1931 Negative warped & pitted. |
VI.A.1931.12 FILM Box VI |
Taxus cuspidata nana, (fruit cluster b.b.) from Arboretum, Boston October 2, 1931 Negative discolored and pitted. |
VI.A.1931.13 FILM Box VI |
Tsuga caroliniana, tree in fruit, Arboretum, Boston October 7, 1931 |
VI.A.1931.14 FILM Box VI |
Autumn foliage, Fothergilla morticola November 3, 1931 |
VI.A.1932.1 FILM Box VI |
Amelanchier (bush, budded), Arboretum, Boston May 2, 1932 |
VI.A.1932.2 FILM Box VI |
Pink Azalea (bush, budded), Arboretum, Boston May 2, 1932 |
VI.A.1932.3 FILM Box VI |
Magnolia glauca (bush, budded), Arboretum, Boston May 2, 1932 |
VI.A.1932.4 FILM Box VI |
Cornus florida (twig budded, b.b.) from Arboretum, Boston May 3, 1932 |
VI.A.1934.1 FILM Box VI |
Syringa Palibiniana (cl., b.b.) from Arboretum, Boston May 19, 1934 Nakai 1901 From: Herbert W. Gleason, 1259 Commonwealth Ave., Boston, Mass Negative discolored. |
VI.A.1934.2 FILM Box VI |
Syringa Potanini (cl. b.b.), Arboretum, Boston May 19, 1934 Schneider 1910 Negative damaged; emulsion discolored. |
VI.A.1934.3 FILM Box VI |
Lilac "Diderot" (cl. b.b.) from Arboretum, Boston May 19, 1934 Negative warped and discolored |
VI.A.1934.4 FILM Box VI |
Lilac "Laplace" (cl. b.b.) from Arboretum, Boston May 19, 1934 Lemoine 1913 Negative damaged. |
VI.A.1934.5 FILM Box VI |
Lilac "Turenne" (cl. b.b.) from Arboretum, Boston May 19, 1934 Negative damaged |
VI.A.1934.6 FILM Box VI |
Chamaecyparis obtusa gracilis, Arboretum, Boston September 28, 1934 |
VI.A.1934.7 FILM Box VI |
Chamaecypari obtusa nana (10 ft. form), Arboretum, Boston September 28, 1934 |
VI.A.1934.7a FILM Box VI |
Chamaecypari obtusa nana (10 ft. form), Arboretum, Boston September 28, 1934 Negative discolored. |
VI.A.1934.8 FILM Box VI |
Chamaecyparia obtusa nana (dwarf form), Arboretum, Boston September 28, 1934 |
VI.A.1934.9 FILM Box VI |
Juniperus squamata meyeri, Arboretum, Boston September 28, 1934 |
VI.A.1934.10 FILM Box VI |
Juniperus virginiana Kosteri (gen. group), Arboretum, Boston September 28, 1934 |
VI.A.1934.11 FILM Box VI |
Pinus densiflora umbraculifera (P. tanyosho), Arboretum, Boston September 28, 1934 |
VI.A.1934.12 FILM Box VI |
Pinus mugo mughus (2), (upright form), Arboretum, Boston September 28, 1934 Negative discolored |
VI.A.1934.12a FILM Box VI |
Pinus mugo mughus (upright form), Arboretum, Boston September 28, 1934 Negative stained and discolored. |
VI.A.1934.13 FILM Box VI |
Chamaecyparis pisifera squarrosa, Arboretum, Boston October 1, 1934 Negative discolored. |
VI.A.1934.14 FILM Box VI |
Juniperus horizontalis plumosa, (J. depressa plumosa), Creeping juniper, Arboretum, Boston October 1, 1931 Negative discolored. |
VI.A.1934.15 FILM Box VI |
Juniperus virginiana Kosteri (2), Arboretum, Boston October 1, 1934 #1 Broad, #2 Compact Negative discolored |
VI.A.1934.15a FILM Box VI |
Juniperus virginiana Kosteri, Arboretum, Boston October 1, 1934 Negative discolored. |
VI.A.1934.16 FILM Box VI |
Pinus densiflora umbraculifera (2), (P. tanyosho), Japanese Umbrella Pine, Arboretum, Boston October 1, 1934 Negative discolored |
VI.A.1934.16a FILM Box VI |
Pinus densiflora umbraculifera (P. tanyosho), Japanese Umbrella Pine, Arboretum, Boston October 1, 1934 Negative discolored |
VI.A.1934.17 FILM Box VI |
Pinus mugo compacta, Mountain Pine (low rounded specimen), Arboretum, Boston October 1, 1934 Negative discolored; image faded. |
VI.A.1934.18 FILM Box VI |
Abies concolor (small), Colorado Fir, Arboretum, Boston October 9, 1934 Negative pitted. |
VI.A.1934.19 FILM Box VI |
Abies Fraseri, Southern Balsam Fir, Arboretum, Boston October 9, 1934 |
VI.A.1934.20 FILM Box VI |
Abies holophylla, Needle Fir, Arboretum, Boston October 9, 1934 |
VI.A.1934.21 FILM Box VI |
Abies koreana Wilson, Korean Fir (2), Arboretum, Boston October 9, 1934 Gleason annotation: An alpine species confined to the volcanic island of Quelpaert, where it was discovered by Faurie in 1907 on Mt. Auckland. Seen there 10 yrs. later by E. H. Wilson who also found it on mts. in the south of Korea. |
VI.A.1934.21a FILM Box VI |
Abies koreana Wilson, Korean Fir (2), Arboretum, Boston October 9, 1934 |
VI.A.1934.22 FILM Box VI |
Abies nephrolepis Maximowicz, Siberian Fir, Arboretum, Boston October 9, 1934 Gleason annotation: A Manchurian fir described by M. in 1866. Plentiful in Korea. Negative pitted |
VI.A.1934.23 FILM Box VI |
Abies Veitchii Lindley, Veitch Fir, Arboretum, Boston October 9, 1934 Gleason annotation: Native of Mts. of C. Japan, 3,000 to 6,000 ft. alt. Smallest of Jap. firs. Dis. in 1861 by J.G. Veitch on Mt. Susi-San. Intro into England 1879. |
VI.A.1934.24 FILM Box VI |
Picea Abies, Tall Norway spruce with abundant cones (2), Arboretum, Boston October 9, 1934 |
VI.A.1934.24a FILM Box VI |
Picea Abies, Tall Norway spruce with abundant cones, Arboretum, Boston October 9, 1934 |
VI.A.1934.25 FILM Box VI |
Picea Abies Conica, Dwarf Norway Spruce, Arboretum, Boston October 9, 1934 |
VI.A.1934.25a FILM Box VI |
Picea Abies Conica, Dwarf Norway Spruce, Arboretum, Boston October 9, 1934 |
VI.A.1934.26 FILM Box VI |
Picea pungens Moerhrinii, Arboretum, Boston October 9, 1934 |
VI.A.1934.26a FILM Box VI |
Picea pungens Moerhrinii, Arboretum, Boston October 9, 1934 |
VI.A.1934.27 FILM Box VI |
Abies Frasieri prostrata, Prostrate Southern Fir, Arboretum, Boston October 16, 1934 |
VI.A.1934.28 FILM Box VI |
Abies homolepis umbellata (tree), Dimplecone Nikko fir, Arboretum, Boston October 16, 1934 Negative discolored |
VI.A.1934.29 FILM Box VI |
Picea glauca, White spruce, Arboretum, Boston October 16, 1934 |
VI.A.1934.30 FILM Box VI |
Picea Koyamai, Koyamai Spruce (slender), Arboretum, Boston October 16, 1934 |
VI.A.1934.31 FILM Box VI |
Picea Koyamai Shirasawa, Koyamai Spruce (rounded), Arboretum, Boston October 16, 1934 Gleason annotation: Discovered by Mitsua Koyama in 1911 on Mt. Yatsuga in Central Hondo, the only known locality, one small grove of about 100 trees at 3000 to 5000 ft. alt. |
VI.A.1934.32 FILM Box VI |
Picea obovata caerulea (Ledebour), Blue Siberian Spruce, Arboretum, Boston October 16, 1934 Gleason annotation: Most widely distributed spruce, covering a vast area in E. Europe and Asia. |
VI.A.1934.33 FILM Box VI |
Picea omorika (tree), Bolle Servian (Omorika) Spruce, Arboretum, Boston October 16, 1934 Gleason annotation: Slender trunk & spire-like. Discovered in S.W. Servia in 1875 by Dr. Pancic. 2,700-5,300 ft. alt. Intro. at Kew in 1889. |
VI.A.1934.34 FILM Box VI |
Picea omorika pendula, Dwarf Omorika Spruce (2), Arboretum, Boston October 16, 1934 |
VI.A.1934.34a FILM Box VI |
Picea omorika pendula, Dwarf Omorika Spruce, Arboretum, Boston October 16, 1934 |
VI.A.1934.35 FILM Box VI |
Picea pungens globosa, Globe Dwarf Colorado Spruce, Arboretum, Boston October 16, 1934 |
VI.A.1934.36 FILM Box VI |
Picea purpurea Masters, Purple Spruce, Arboretum, Boston October 16, 1934 Gleason annotation: Native of W. Szechuen, China 9,000 to 12,000 ft. alt. |
VI.A.1934.37 FILM Box VI |
Picea Wilsonii masters, Wilson Spruce, Arboretum, Boston October 16, 1934 Gleason annotation: About 40 ft. high. Frequent in mts. of N.E. Hupeh, China, at 4,000-7,000 ft. alt., also in N.W. Szechuen. |
VI.A.1934.38 FILM Box VI |
Pinus cembra (dwarf form), Swiss Stone Pine, Arboretum, Boston October 16, 1934 |
VI.A.1934.39 FILM Box VI |
Pinus excelsa, Himalayan Pine, Arboretum, Boston October 16, 1934 |
VI.A1934.40 FILM Box VI |
Tsuga diversifolia, Japanese Hemlock, Arboretum, Boston October 16, 1934 |
VI.A.1934.41 FILM Box VI |
Abies lasiocarpa compacta, Dwarf Rocky Mt. Fir, Arboretum, Boston October 17, 1934 |
VI.A.1934.42 FILM Box VI |
Picea abies Clanbrasiliana, Barry Spruce, Arboretum, Boston October 17, 1934 |
VI.A.1934.43 FILM Box VI |
Picea abies Maxwellii, Dwarf Maxwell Spruce, Arboretum, Boston October 17, 1934 |
VI.A.1934.44 FILM Box VI |
Picea abies microsperma, Bushy Norway Spruce, Arboretum, Boston October 17, 1934 |
VI.A.1934.45 FILM Box VI |
Picea abies pumila, Midget Norway Spruce, Arboretum, Boston October 17, 1934 |
VI.A.1934.46 FILM Box VI |
Picea Engelmannii fastigiata, Dwarf Engelman Spruce, Arboretum, Boston October 17, 1934 |
VI.A.1934.47 FILM Box VI |
Picea glauca conica, Dwarf Alberta Spruce, Arboretum, Boston October 17, 1934 Gleason annotation: Discovered near Laggan, Alberta, by Dr. J.G. Jack in 1904. |
VI.A.1934.48 FILM Box VI |
Pinus densiflora globosa, Globe Jap. Red Pine, Arboretum, Boston October 17, 1934 |
VI.A.1934.49 FILM Box VI |
Pinus migra pygmaea, Dwarf Austrian Pine, Arboretum, Boston October 17, 1934 |
VI.A.1934.50 FILM Box VI |
Sciadopitys verticillata, Umbrella Pine, Arboretum, Boston October 17, 1934 |
VI.A.1934.51 FILM Box VI |
Taxus media Hicksii, Hicks' yew, Arboretum, Boston October 17, 1934 |
VI.A.1934.52 FILM Box VI |
Gingko biloba, Gingko tree, Arboretum, Boston October 20, 1934 Negative discolored. |
VI.A.1934.53 FILM Box VI |
Picea pungens compacta, Dwarf Colorado Spruce, Arboretum, Boston October 20, 1934 Negative discolored |
VI.A.1934.54 FILM Box VI |
Sciadopitys verticillata, Umbrella Pine, Arboretum, Boston October 24, 1934 |
VI.A.1934.55 FILM Box VI |
Chamaecyparis obtusa gracilis, Slender Hinoki Cypress, Arboretum, Boston October 24, 1934 |
VI.A.1934.56 FILM Box VI |
Juniperus Sabina tamariscifolia, Tamarisk Savin, Arboretum, Boston October 24, 1934 |
VI.A.1934.57 FILM Box VI |
Picea glauca globosa, Globe White Spruce, Arboretum, Boston October 24, 1934 |
VI.A.1934.58 FILM Box VI |
Thuja occidentalis Bodmeri, Bodner Arbor-vitae (2), October 24, 1934 |
VI.A.1934.58a FILM Box VI |
Thuja occidentalis Bodmeri, Bodner Arbor-vitae #2 (low, round), Arboretum, Boston October 24, 1934 |
VI.A.1934.59 FILM Box VI |
Thuja occidentalis plicata, Moss Arbor-vitae, Arboretum, Boston October 24, 1934 |
VI.A.1934.60 FILM Box VI |
Chamaecyparis pisifera filifera nana, Dwarf Thread Retinospora, Arboretum, Boston October 25, 1934 |
VI.A.1934.61 FILM Box VI |
Juniperus Sabina Knaff Hill, Knaff Hill Juniper, Arboretum, Boston October 25, 1934 |
VI.A.1934.62 FILM Box VI |
Juniperus scopulorum vividifolia, Rocky Mt. Juniper, Arboretum, Boston October 25, 1934 |
VI.A.1934.63 FILM Box VI |
Juniperus squamata, Arboretum, Boston October 25, 1934 |
VI.A.1934.64 FILM Box VI |
Picea abies Clanbrasiliana, Carr. Barry Spruce, Arboretum, Boston October 25, 1934 Gleason annotation: First found near Belfast, Irl., at end of 18th century & intro. into England by Lord Clanbrassil. |
VI.A.1934.65 FILM Box VI |
Pinus strobus nana, Dwarf White Pine, Arboretum, Boston October 25, 1934 |
VI.A.1934.66 FILM Box VI |
Pinus sylvestris fastigiata, Pyramidal Scotch Pine, Arboretum, Boston October 25, 1934 |
VI.A.1934.67 FILM Box VI |
Pseudotsuga taxifolis nana, Dwarf Douglas Fir, Arboretum, Boston October 25, 1934 |
VI.A.1934.68 FILM Box VI |
Taxus baccata sepandens, Spreading English Fir, Arboretum, Boston October 25, 1934 |
VI.A.1934.69 FILM Box VI |
Taxus cuspidata aurescens, Gold-tipped dwarf Jap. Yew, Arboretum, Boston October 25, 1934 |
VI.A.1934.70 FILM Box VI |
Taxus cuspidata densa, Dense Jap. Yew (2), Arboretum, Boston October 25, 1934 |
VI.A.1934.70a FILM Box VI |
Taxus cuspidata densa, Dense Jap. Yew, Arboretum, Boston October 25, 1934 |
VI.A.1934.71 FILM Box VI |
Thuja occidentalis Ellivangeriana aurea, Arboretum, Boston October 25, 1934 |
VI.A.1934.72 FILM Box VI |
Thuja occidentaliis pumila, Green Globe Arbor-vitae, Arboretum, Boston October 25, 1934 |
VI.A.1934.73 FILM Box VI |
Thuja occidentlis Woodwardii, Woodward Arbor-vitae, Arboretum, Boston October 25, 1934 |
VI.A.1934.74 FILM Box VI |
Thuja occidentalis umbraculifera, Arboretum, Boston October 25, 1934 |
VI.A.1934.75 FILM Box VI |
Chamaecyparis Lawsoniana ericoides, Heath Lawson's Cypress, Arboretum, Boston October 25, 1934 |
VI.A.1934.76 FILM Box VI |
Chamaecyparis obtusa aurea, Golden Hinoki Cypress, Arboretum, Boston October 25, 1934 |
VI.A.1934.77 FILM Box VI |
Juniperus Chinensisglobosa, Globe Chinese Juniper, Arboretum, Boston November 5, 1934 |
VI.A.1934.78 FILM Box VI |
Juniperus conferba, Shore Juniper, Arboretum, Boston November 5, 1934 |
VI.A.1934.79 FILM Box VI |
Juniperus virginiana globosa, Globe Juniper, Arboretum, Boston November 5, 1934 |
VI.A.1934.80 FILM Box VI |
Pinus excelsa, Himalayan Pine, Arboretum, Boston November 5, 1934 Negative discolored |
VI.A.1934.81 FILM Box VI |
Thuja occidentalis lutescens, Golden Arbor-vitae, Arboretum, Boston November 5, 1934 |
VI.A.1934.82 FILM Box VI |
Thuja plicata, Giant Arbor-vitae, Arboretum (Hemlock Hill), Boston November 5, 1934 |
VI.A.1934.83 FILM Box VI |
Abies homolepis (large tree), Nikko Fir, Arboretum, Boston November 5, 1934 |
VI.A.1934.84 FILM Box VI |
Thuja orientalis, Oriental Arbor-vitae, Arboretum, Boston November 5, 1934 |
VI.A.1934.85 FILM Box VI |
Pinus mugo pumilio, Arboretum, Boston November 5, 1934 |
VI.A.1935.1 FILM Box VI |
Syringa oblata bush, Arboretum, Boston May 18, 1935 Negative damaged; emulsion separated from film base in channels. |
VI.A.1935.2 FILM Box VI |
Syringa oblata (fl. cl. b.b.), Arboretum, Boston May 18, 1935 Pale Lilac Lindley 1859 Negative damaged |
VI.A.1935.3 FILM Box VI |
Syringa oblata Giraldii (fl. cl. b.b.), Arboretum, Boston May 18, 1935 Deep Lilac Rehder 1926, G. Giraldi, Lemoine, 1903 Negative damaged; emulsion separated from film base in channels. |
VI.A.1935.4 FILM Box VI |
Lilac "Lemoinei" (fl. cl. b.b.), Arboretum, Boston May 18, 1935 Blush-Lilac Lemoine 1878 Negative damaged, emulsion separated from film base in channels. |
VI.A.1935.5 FILM Box VI |
Lilac "Mme. F. Morel" (b.b.), Arboretum, Boston May 18, 1935 Monet 1892 Negative labeled in Gleason script, "Mme. F. Morel" Negative damaged; emulsion separated from film base in channels. |
VI.A.1935.6 FILM Box VI |
Lilac bush "Turgot," Arboretum, Boston May 18, 1935 Negative damaged. |
VI.A.1935.7 FILM Box VI |
Lilac "Turgot" (fl. cl. b.b.), Arboretum, Boston May 18, 1935 White, tinged pink (s. hyacinthiflora hybrid) Lemoine 1921 Negative damaged; emulsion separated from film base in channels. |
VI.A.1935.8 FILM Box VI |
Lilac row along edge of drive, N.W., Arboretum, Boston May 18, 1935 Alba grandiflora, Alba virginalis, Marie Legraye, Maxime Cornu Negative damaged: severely discolored and emulsion separated from film base in channels. |
VI.A.1935.9 FILM Box VI |
Lilac slope from across driveway, "Mme. Marie Legraye" on left, & "Maxime Cornu," Arboretum, Boston May 18, 1935 |
VI.A.1935.10 FILM Box VI |
Upper portion of lower Lilac Path, No., Arboretum, Boston May 18, 1935 Left: Pyramidalis alba, Madame Moser, Tournefort, Prof. E. Stockhardt, Joan Dunbar, Senateur Volland; Right: Dr. Lindley, Madame Jules Finger, Renoncule, Dr. Maillot, Triomphe d'Orleans, Ambroise Verschaffelt, Amoena, Pierre Joigneaux, Bleuatre |
VI.A.1935.11 FILM Box VI |
Up. Lilac slope from Lower Path, "King Albert" on left, Arboretum, Boston May 24, 1935 Left: King Albert, Pyramidalis alba, Madame Moser, Tournefort |
VI.A.1935.12 FILM Box VI |
Upper end of Lilac row along Lower Path and Drive, N.E., Arboretum, Boston May 24, 1935 Gloire de Lorraine on right, De Louvain, Jean Macé, Volcan, L. Thibaut, Nigro, Prof. Sargent, Mme. Lemoine, Congo. |
VI.A.1935.13 FILM Box VI |
Middle portion of upper Lilac Path, north, "Pres. Loubet" on right, "Farrionensis" on left, Arboretum, Boston May 24, 1935 Right: Deep rose lilac |
VI.A.1935.14 FILM Box VI |
Aline Mocqueris lilac bush, Arboretum, Boston May 24, 1935 Negative damaged; emulsion separated from film base in channels. |
VI.A.1935.15 FILM Box VI |
Lilac "Aline Mocqueris" (b.b.), (2), Reddish purple, Arboretum, Boston May 24, 1935 Danvesse 1872 Negative damaged; emulsion separated from film base in channels; brittle. |
VI.A.1935.15a FILM Box VI |
Lilac "Aline Mocqueris" (b.b.), Reddish purple, Arboretum, Boston May 24, 1935 Danvesse 1872 |
VI.A.1935.16 FILM Box VI |
Lilac "Amoena" Pale pink, Arboretum, Boston May 24, 1935 Audin, 1846 Negative damaged; emulsion separated from film base in channels. |
VI.A.1935.17 FILM Box VI |
Ludwig Spaeth lilac bush (df), Arboretum, Boston May 24, 1935 Emulsion separated from film base in channels. |
VI.A.1935.18 FILM Box VI |
Lilac "Andenken de Ludwig Spaeth" (b.b.), Dark purple, Arboretum, Boston May 24, 1935 L. Späth 1883 |
VI.A.1935.19 FILM Box VI |
Lilac "Gloire de Lorraine" (b.b.), Deep Lilac, Arboretum, Boston May 24, 1935 |
VI.A.1935.20 FILM Box VI |
Leopold II Lilac bush, Arboretum, Boston May 24, 1935 |
VI.A.1935.21 FILM Box VI |
Lilac "Leopold II" Purple, Arboretum, Boston May 24, 1935 Negative discolored; emulsion separated from film base in channels. |
VI.A.1935.22 FILM Box VI |
Lilac "Mme. Abel Chatenay" (b.b.), white, Arboretum, Boston May 24, 1935 Lemoine 1892 |
VI.A.1935.23 FILM Box VI |
Réaumur lilac bush, Arboretum, Boston May 24, 1935 |
VI.A.1935.24 FILM Box VI |
Réaumur lilac (b.b.), Deep L-1, "carmine," Arboretum, Boston May 24, 1935 Lemoine 1904 |
VI.A.1935.25 FILM Box VI |
Lilac "Double Rubella" (b.b.), Pale Lilac J-3, Arboretum, Boston May 25, 1935 Lemoine 1881 Negative damaged; emulsion separated from film base in channels. |
VI.A.1935.26 FILM Box VI |
Lilac "Edith Cavell" (b.b.), (2 negs, one reversed), white, Arboretum, Boston May 25, 1935 Lemoine 1916 Negative damaged; emulsion separated from film base in channels. |
VI.A.1935.26a FILM Box VI |
Lilac "Edith Cavell" (b.b.), (2 negs, one reversed), white, Arboretum, Boston May 25, 1935 Lemoine 1916 Negative damaged; emulsion separated from film base in channels. |
VI.A.1935.27 FILM Box VI |
Lilac "Mme. F. Morel" (b.b.), rose; K-1, Arboretum, Boston May 25, 1935 Morel 1892 Sold: Mrs. Harding 11/18/35 Negative damaged; emulsion separated from film base in channels. |
VI.A.1935.28 FILM Box VI |
Lilacs on slope from across drive, "Pres. Grevy" on left & "Ludvig Spaeth," Arboretum, Boston May 27, 1935 Negative brittle; emulsion separated from film base in channels. |
VI.A.1935.29 FILM Box VI |
Lilacs along upper path toward south end, "Mme. Casimir Perier on right, Arboretum, Boston May 27, 1935 Right: Mme. Cas. Perier, Mme. Mirabel, Chris Colombe, Dr. Troy-Sky, A.W. Paul, Gr. duc Constantin, Claude de Lomaine, Emil Galle, Aline Mocqueris, Dame Blanche; Left: Geo. Bellair, Leon Gambetta, Jules Ferry, Gen. Sherman Negative discolored |
VI.A.1935.30 FILM Box VI |
Lilac Syringa chimensis saugeana, Pink, "Tourmaline pink," Arboretum, Boston May 27, 1935 London 1885 Negative damaged; emulsion separated from film base in channels. |
VI.A.1935.31 FILM Box VI |
Diderot lilac bush, Arboretum, Boston May 27, 1935 Negative damaged; emulsion separated from film base in channels. |
VI.A.1935.32 FILM Box VI |
Lilac "Diderot" (b.b.), deep rose purple, Arboretum, Boston May 27, 1935 Lemoine 1915 Negative damaged; emulsion separated from film base in channels. |
VI.A.1935.33 FILM Box VI |
Duc de Massa lilac bush, Arboretum, Boston May 27, 1935 Negative damaged; emulsion separated from film base in channels. |
VI.A.1935.34 FILM Box VI |
Lilac "Duc de Massa" (b.b.), Lobelia violet, Arboretum, Boston May 27, 1935 Lemoine 1905 Sold: Mrs. Harding 11/18/35 |
VI.A.1935.35 FILM Box VI |
Lilac "Miss. Ellen Willmott" (b.b.), pure white, Arboretum, Boston May 27, 1935 Lemoine 1903 |
VI.A.1935.36 FILM Box VI |
Lilac "Lamartine" (b.b.) "Rose mauve," Arboretum, Boston May 27, 1935 Lemoine 1911 (S. hyacinthiflora hybrid) |
VI.A.1935.37 FILM Box VI |
Mme. Abel Chatenay, Lilac bush, Arboretum, Boston May 27, 1935 Negative discolored |
VI.A.1935.38 FILM Box VI |
Lilac "Mme. Fallieres" (b.b.), "Pale rose," Arboretum, Boston May 27, 1935 Nollent 1908 Emulsion separated from film base in channels. |
VI.A.1935.39 FILM Box VI |
Lilac "Marreau" (b.b.), (2), "Purple violet," Arboretum, Boston May 27, 1935 Lemoine 1913 Negative discolored at edges |
VI.A.1935.39a FILM Box VI |
Lilac "Marreau" (b.b.), "Purple violet," Arboretum, Boston May 27, 1935 Lemoine 1913 Negative discolored at edges |
VI.A.1935.40 FILM Box VI |
Monge Lilac bush (2), Arboretum, Boston May 27, 1935 Emulsion separated from film base in channels. |
VI.A.1935.40a FILM Box VI |
Monge Lilac bush, Arboretum, Boston May 27, 1935 Emulsion separated from film base in channels. |
VI.A.1935.41 FILM Box VI |
Lilac "Monge" (b.b.), Dark purple-red, "magenta," Arboretum, Boston May 27, 1935 Lemoine 1913 Emulsion separated from film base in channels. |
VI.A.1935.42 FILM Box VI |
Lilac "Mrs. Wm. E. Marshall" (b.b.), "Deep purplish-crimson," Arboretum, Boston May 27, 1935 Marshall 1924 (Havemeyer) Emulsion separated from film base in channels. |
VI.A.1935.43 FILM Box VI |
President Grevy lilac (b.b.), (2 negs, one reversed), Bluish-Lilac buds violet, Arboretum, Boston May 27, 1935 Lemoine 1886 Emulsion separated from film base in channels. |
VI.A.1935.43a FILM Box VI |
President Grevy lilac (b.b.), (2 negs, one reversed), Bluish-Lilac buds violet, Arboretum, Boston May 27, 1935 Lemoine 1886 Emulsion separated from film base in channels. |
VI.A.1935.44 FILM Box VI |
Vestale lilac bush, Arboretum, Boston May 27, 1935 Emulsion separated from film base in channels. |
VI.A.1935.45 FILM Box VI |
Lilac "Vestale" (b.b.), white, Arboretum, Boston May 27, 1935 Lemoine 1910 Emulsion separated from film base in channels. |
VI.A.1935.46 FILM Box VI |
Lilac "Léon Gambetta" (b.b.), Lilac rose, Arboretum, Boston May 27, 1935 Lemoine 1907 Emulsion separated from film base in channels. |
VI.A.1935.47 FILM Box VI |
Lilac "Marechal Lannes," purplish lilac (b.b.), Arboretum, Boston May 31, 1935 Lemoine 1910 Negative damaged: split (vert.) & emulsion has separated from film base in channels. |
VI.A.1935.48 FILM Box VI |
Lilac "Paul Thirion" Claret-rose, Arboretum, Boston May 31, 1935 Sold: Mrs. Harding 11/18/35 Emulsion separated from film base in channels. |
VI.A.1935.49 FILM Box VII |
Lilac "President Fallieres" (b.b.), Pale lilac-rose, Arboretum, Boston May 31, 1935 Lemoine 1911 Negative damaged. |
VI.A.1935.50 FILM Box VII |
Lilac "Thunberg" (b.b.), "Deep mauve," Arboretum, Boston May 31, 1935 Lemoine 1913 Emulsion separated from film base in channels. |
VI.A.1935.51 FILM Box VII |
Lilac "Turenne" (b.b.), Purple violet, Arboretum, Boston May 31, 1935 Lemoine 1916 Negative damaged: badly discolored and emulsion separated from film base. |
VI.A.1935.52 FILM Box VII |
Syringa emodi (b.b.), Himalaya Lilac Lilac-pink, Arboretum, Boston June 3, 1935 Wallich 1831 Negative damaged; emulsion separated from film base in channels. |
VI.A.1935.53 FILM Box VII |
Syringa Julianae (b.b.), Juliana Lilac, Buds lilac pink, open fls. white, Arboretum, Boston June 3, 1935 Schneider 1911 Negative damaged; emulsion separated from film base in channels. |
VI.A.1935.54 FILM Box VII |
Lilac "Capitaine Baltet" (b.b.), "Argyle purple," Arboretum, Boston June 3, 1935 Lemoine 1919 Negative damaged; emulsion separated from film base in channels. |
VI.A.1935.55 FILM Box VII |
Lilac "Étoile de Mai" (b.b.), Arboretum, Boston June 3, 1935 Lemoine 1905 Emulsion separated from film base in channels. |
VI.A.1935.56 FILM Box VII |
Lilac "Mme. Edward Harding" (b.b.), Rose-Lilac, Arboretum, Boston June 3, 1935 Lemoine 1922 Emulsion separated from film base in channels. |
VI.A.1935.57 FILM Box VII |
Lilac "Taglioni" (b.b.), white, Arboretum, Boston June 3, 1935 Lemoine 1905 Emulsion separated from film base in channels. |
VI.A.1935.58 FILM Box VII |
Lilac "s. tweginzowii" (b.b.), Pale [?] to white on corolla, throat pink, Arboretum, Boston June 6, 1935 Koehne & Lingelsh 1910 Sold: Mrs. Harding 11/18/35 Negative damaged; emulsion separated from film base in channels. |
VI.A.1935.59 FILM Box VII |
Lilac "Prof. E.H. Wilson" (b.b.), Pure white, Arboretum, Boston June 6, 1935 Film overlay accompanied negative (housed separately in accompanying materials). Emulsion separated from film base in channels. |
VI.A.1935.60 FILM Box VII |
Lilac "Adelaide Dunbar" (b.b.), (late), Rose-lilac & white; "violet-red" in prime, Arboretum, Boston June 6, 1935 John Dunbar 1916 Emulsion separated from film base in channels. |
VI.A.1935.61 FILM Box VII |
Lilac "Georges Bellair" (b.b.), Rose-Lilac, Arboretum, Boston June 6, 1935 Lemoine 1890 Emulsion separated from film base in channels. |
VI.A.1935.62 FILM Box VII |
Lilac "John Dunbar" (b.b.), white, "fleecy," Arboretum, Boston June 6, 1935 John Dunbar 1923 Emulsion separated from film base in channels. |
VI.A.1935.63 FILM Box VII |
Lilac "Mme. Auguste Gouchault" (b.b.), white, Arboretum, Boston June 6, 1935 Emulsion separated from film base in channels. |
VI.A.1935.64 FILM Box VII |
Lilac "Toussaint-Louverture" (b.b.), Dark reddish purple, Arboretum, Boston June 6, 1935 Lemoine 1898 Sold: Mrs. Harding 11/18/35 Emulsion separated from film base in channels. |
VI.A.1935.65 FILM Box VII |
Lilac "Waldeck-Rousseau" (b.b.), Delicate rose-pink, white in center, Arboretum, Boston June 6, 1935 Lemoine 1904 Emulsion separated from film base in channels. |
VI.A.1935.66 FILM Box VII |
Mrs. Edward Harding lilac bush, Arboretum, Boston June 7, 1935 Negative damaged; emulsion separated from film base in channels. |
VI.A.1935.67 FILM Box VII |
Prof. E.W. Wilson lilac bush, Arboretum, Boston June 7, 1935 Emulsion bubbled and pitted. |
VI.A.1935.68 FILM Box VII |
Lilac "S. Prestoniae" (b.b.), (2 negs, 1 reversed), s. reflexa x s. willosa, Arboretum, Boston June 15, 1935 Emulsion separated from film base in channels. |
VI.A.1935.68a FILM Box VII |
Lilac "S. Prestoniae" (b.b.), (2 negs, 1 reversed), s. reflexa x s. willosa, Arboretum, Boston June 15, 1935 Emulsion separated from film base in channels. |
VI.A.1935.69 FILM Box VII |
Juniperus chinensis, Arboretum, Boston November 22, 1935 Negative damaged; emulsion separated from film base in channels. |
VI.A.1935.70 FILM Box VII |
Juniperus virg. Canaertii, Arboretum, Boston November 22, 1935 Negative damaged; emulsion separated from film base in channels. |
VI.A.1935.71 FILM Box VII |
Pinus resinosa (small), Red Pine, Arboretum, Boston November 22, 1935 |
VI.A.1935.72 FILM Box VII |
Pinus sylvestris (young), Scots Pine, Arboretum, Boston November 22, 1935 |
VI.A.1936.1 FILM Box VII |
Syringa oblata (b.b.), color pinkish-Lilac, Arboretum, Boston May 9, 1936 Negative labeled in Gleason script, "s. oblata". |
VI.A.1936.2 FILM Box VII |
Lilac "Lamartine" (b.b.), Color lt. Lilac, Arboretum, Boston May 9, 1936 Lemoine 1911 Negative labeled in Gleason script, "Lamartine". Emulsion deteriorated. |
VI.A.1936.3 FILM Box VII |
Lilac "Mirabeau" (b.b.), Color Lilac, Arboretum, Boston May 9, 1936 Negative labeled in Gleason script, "Mirabeau." Emulsion separated from film base in channels. |
VI.A.1936.4 FILM Box VII |
Lilac "Guizot" (b.b.), Color 0-18, Arboretum, Boston May 9, 1936 Lemoine 1897 Negative damaged; emulsion separated from film base in channels (brittle). |
VI.A.1936.5 FILM Box VII |
Lilac "Ronsard" (b.b.), Color pinkish-Lilac, Arboretum, Boston May 9, 1936 Lemoine 1912 Negative labeled in Gleason script, "Ronsard." |
VI.A.1936.6 FILM Box VII |
Lilac "Berryer" (b.b.), Color P-17, Arboretum, Boston May 9, 1936 Lemoine 1914 Negative labeled in Gleason script, "Berryer." |
VI.A.1936.7 FILM Box VII |
Lilac "Lemoinei" (b.b.), Arboretum, Boston May 11, 1936 Lemoine 1878 Negative labeled in Gleason script, "Lemoinei." Negative damaged; emulsion separated from film base in channels. |
VI.A.1936.8 FILM Box VII |
Lilac s. virginalis (b.b.), Color white, Arboretum, Boston May 11, 1936 Negative labeled in Gleason script, "s. virginalis." Negative damaged; emulsion separated from film base in channels. |
VI.A.1936.9 FILM Box VII |
Lilac "Pres. Lincoln" (b.b.), color lt. blue, Arboretum, Boston May 11, 1936 Negative labeled in Gleason script, "Pres. Lincoln." Negative damaged; emulsion separated from film base in channels. |
VI.A.1936.10 FILM Box VII |
Lilac "Le Printemps" (b.b.), Color J-18, Arboretum, Boston May 11, 1936 Lemoine 1901 Negative labeled in Gleason script, "Le Printemps." Negative damaged; emulsion separated from film base in channels. |
VI.A.1936.11 FILM Box VII |
Lilac "Belle de Nancy" (b.b.), Color lt. pink 0-1, Arboretum, Boston May 11, 1936 Lemoine 1891 Negative labeled in Gleason script, "Belle de Nancy." Negative damaged; emulsion separated from film base in channels. |
VI.A.1936.12 FILM Box VII |
Lilac "s. chinensis saugeana" (b.b.), Color lilac-crimson, P-17, Arboretum, Boston May 15, 1936 Negative damaged; emulsion separated from film base in channels. |
VI.A.1936.12a FILM Box VII |
Lilac "s. chinensis saugeana" (b.b.), Color lilac-crimson, P-17, Arboretum, Boston May 15, 1936 Negative labeled in Gleason script, "s. chinensis saugeana.." Negative damaged; emulsion separated from film base in channels. |
VI.A.1936.13 FILM Box VII |
Lilac "Duc de Massa" (b.b.), color rose-Lilac, Arboretum, Boston May 15, 1936 Lemoine 1905 Negative labeled in Gleason script, "Duc de Massa." Negative damaged; emulsion separated from film base in channels. |
VI.A.1936.14 FILM Box VII |
Lilac "s. pubescens" color white (b.b.) Arboretum, Boston May 15, 1936 Negative labeled in Gleason script, "s. pubescens." Negative damaged; emulsion separated from film base in channels. |
VI.A.1936.15 FILM Box VII |
Lilac "Marengo" (b.b.), Arboretum, Boston May 15, 1936 Lemoine 1924 Negative labeled in Gleason script, "Marengo." Negative damaged; emulsion separated from film base in channels. |
VI.A.1936.16 FILM Box VII |
Lilac "Edouard André" (b.b.), color Lilac, Arboretum, Boston May 15, 1936 Lemoine 1900 Negative labeled in Gleason script, "Eduard André." Negative damaged; emulsion separated from film base in channels. |
VI.A.1936.17 FILM Box VII |
Lilac "Maréchal de Bassompierre" (b.b.), color rose-Lilac, Arboretum, Boston May 15, 1936 Lemoine 1897 Negative labeled in Gleason script, "Maréchal de Bassompierre." Negative damaged; emulsion separated from film base in channels. |
VI.A.1936.18 FILM Box VII |
Lilac "Macrostachya" (b.b.), Arboretum, Boston May 15, 1936 Froebel 1893 MHS [Mass. Hort. Society] 6-36 Negative labeled in Gleason script, "Macrostachya." Negative damaged; emulsion separated from film base in channels. |
VI.A.1936.19 FILM Box VII |
Lilac "René Jarry-Desloges" (b.b.), color deep Lilac, Arboretum, Boston May 15, 1936 Negative labeled in Gleason script, "René Jarry-Desloges." Negative damaged; emulsion separated from film base in channels. |
VI.A.1936.20 FILM Box VII |
Lilac "Léon Simon" (b.b.), Arboretum, Boston May 15, 1936 Lemoine 1888 Negative labeled in Gleason script, "Léon Simon." Negative damaged; emulsion separated from film base in channels. |
VI.A.1936.21 FILM Box VII |
Lilac "Gaudichaud," color pale delicate Lilac almost white, buds deeper J-18, Arboretum, Boston May 18, 1936 Lemoine 1903 MHS 6-36 Negative labeled in Gleason script, "Gaudichaud." Negative damaged; emulsion separated from film base in channels. |
VI.A.1936.22 FILM Box VII |
Lilac "President Poincaré" (b.b.), color deep rose Lilac, Arboretum, Boston May 18, 1936 Lemoine 1913 Negative labeled in Gleason script, "Pres. Poincaré." Negative damaged; emulsion separated from film base in channels. |
VI.A.1936.23 FILM Box VII |
Lilac "Maréchal Foch" (b.b.), color lilac-red, K-18, Arboretum, Boston May 18, 1936 Lemoine 1925 Negative damaged; emulsion separated from film base in channels. |
VI.A.1936.24 FILM Box VII |
Lilac "Katherine Havemayer" (b.b.), Color pinkish lavender, florets 1 1/2 in. diameter, Arboretum, Boston May 18, 1936 Lemoine 1922 Negative labeled in Gleason script, "Katherine Havemayer." Negative damaged; emulsion separated from film base in channels. |
VI.A.1936.25 FILM Box VII |
Lilac "Maurice Barrés" (b.b.), color uniform pale bluish-Lilac, Arboretum, Boston May 18, 1936 Lemoine 1917 Negative labeled in Gleason script, "Maurice Barrés." Negative damaged; emulsion separated from film base in channels. |
VI.A.1936.26 FILM Box VII |
Lilac "Paul Hariot" (b.b.), color uniform deep lilac-purple, L-1, Arboretum, Boston May 18, 1936 Lemoine 1902 Negative labeled in Gleason script, "Paul Hariot." Negative damaged; emulsion separated from film base in channels. |
VI.A.1936.27 FILM Box VII |
Lilac "Léon Matthieu" [sic], (b.b.), color uniform rose purple, Fl. clusters, 9 in. long, Arboretum, Boston May 18, 1936 Negative labeled in Gleason script, "Léon Matthieu." Negative damaged; emulsion separated from film base in channels. |
VI.A.1936.28 FILM Box VII |
Lilac "Caroli" (b.b.), Color pure Lilac buds & terminal fls. more reddish, Arboretum, Boston May 18, 1936 Negative labeled in Gleason script, "Caroli." Negative damaged; emulsion separated from film base in channels. |
VI.A.1936.29 FILM Box VII |
Lilac "Cavour" (b.b.), color violet, P-2, Arboretum, Boston May 18, 1936 Lemoine 1910 Negative labeled in Gleason script, "Cavour." Negative damaged; emulsion separated from film base in channels. |
VI.A.1936.30 FILM Box VII |
Lilac "Condorcet" (b.b.), color rose Lilac, Arboretum, Boston May 20, 1936 Lemoine 1888 Negative labeled in Gleason script, "condorcet." Negative damaged; emulsion separated from film base in channels. |
VI.A.1936.31 FILM Box VII |
Lilac "Michel Bucher" (b.b.), color uniform pale Lilac, Arboretum, Boston May 20, 1936 Lemoine 1885 Negative labeled in Gleason script, "Michel Bucher." Negative damaged; emulsion separated from film base in channels. |
VI.A.1936.32 FILM Box VII |
Lilac "Dame Blanche" (b.b.), color white, Arboretum, Boston May 20, 1936 Lemoine 1903 Negative labeled in Gleason script, "Dame Blanche." Negative damaged; emulsion separated from film base in channels. |
VI.A.1936.33 FILM Box VII |
Lilac "Edmond Boissier" (b.b.), color purple, L-1, Arboretum, Boston May 20, 1936 Lemoine 1906 Negative labeled in Gleason script, "Edmond Boissier." Negative damaged; emulsion separated from film base in channels. |
VI.A.1936.34 FILM Box VII |
Lilac "Victor Lemoine" (b.b.), color mauve-lilac pinkish, J-4, Arboretum, Boston May 20, 1936 Lemoine 1906 MHS 6-36 Negative labeled in Gleason script, "Victor Lemoine." Negative damaged; emulsion separated from film base in channels. |
VI.A.1936.35 FILM Box VII |
Lilac "Mme. Antoine Bucher" (b.b.), color lt. carmine ch. to pinkish-white, Arboretum, Boston May 20, 1936 Lemoine 1909 MHS 6-36 Negative labeled in Gleason script, "Mme. Antoine Bucher." Negative damaged; emulsion separated from film base in channels. |
VI.A.1936.36 FILM Box VII |
Lilac "Volcan" (b.b.), color deep purple, L-1, "ruby-red,"Arboretum, Boston May 20, 1936 Lemoine 1899 Negative labeled in Gleason script, "Volcan." Negative damaged; emulsion separated from film base in channels. |
VI.A.1936.37 FILM Box VII |
Lilac bush "S. Potanini," Arboretum, Boston May 22, 1936 |
VI.A.1936.38 FILM Box VII |
Lilac bush, "s. persica alba," Arboretum, Boston May 22, 1936 |
VI.A.1936.39 FILM Box VII |
Lilac bush, "s. chinensis taugeana," Arboretum, Boston May 22, 1936 Negative discolored (yellowed). |
VI.A.1936.40 FILM Box VII |
Lilac bush, "Hyacinthiflieder" [sic], Arboretum, Boston May 22, 1936 Negative discolored (yellowed). |
VI.A.1936.41 FILM Box VII |
Lilac bush, "Mme. Ferdinande Viger," Arboretum, Boston May 22, 1936 |
VI.A.1936.42 FILM Box VII |
Lilac bush, "Leon Mathieu," Arboretum, Boston May 22, 1936 Negative discolored (yellowed). |
VI.A.1936.43 FILM Box VII |
Lilac bush, "S. Meyeri," Arboretum, Boston May 22, 1936 |
VI.A.1936.44 FILM Box VII |
Lilac bush, "Diderot," Arboretum, Boston May 22, 1936 |
VI.A.1936.45 FILM Box VII |
Lilac bush "Waldeck-Rousseau," Arboretum, Boston May 22, 1936 Negative discolored (yellowed) |
VI.A.1936.46 FILM Box VII |
Lilac bush, "Jan van Tol," Arboretum, Boston May 22, 1936 Jan van Tol 1916 |
VI.A.1936.47 FILM Box VII |
Lilac bush, "Turenne," Arboretum, Boston May 22, 1936 |
VI.A.1936.48 FILM Box VII |
Lilac "Diderot" (b.b.), color violet-mauve, Arboretum, Boston May 22, 1936 Lemoine 1915 Negative labeled in Gleason script, "Diderot." Emulsion separated from film base in channels. |
VI.A.1936.49 FILM Box VII |
Lilac "Paul Thirion" (2), (b.b.), color "claret-rose," Arboretum, Boston May 22, 1936 Lemoine 1915 Negative labeled in Gleason script, "Paul Thirion." |
VI.A.1936.49a FILM Box VII |
Lilac "Paul Thirion" (b.b.), color "claret-rose," Arboretum, Boston May 22, 1936 |
VI.A.1936.50 FILM Box VII |
Lilac "Pres Poincaré" (b.b.), color deep rose Lilac Arboretum, Boston May 22, 1936 Lemoine 1913 MHS 6-36 Negative labeled in Gleason script, "Pres. Poincaré." Negative damaged; emulsion separated from film base in channels. |
VI.A.1936.51 FILM Box VII |
Lilac "Hyacinthiflieder" [sic], (b.b.), color deep bluish-lilac K-3, Arboretum, Boston May 22, 1936 Späth, 1907 Negative labeled in Gleason script, "Hyacinthiflieder." Negative damaged; emulsion separated from film base in channels. |
VI.A.1936.52 FILM Box VII |
Tilia condata, large tree (2), Arboretum, Boston July 1, 1936 Negative warped; emulsion separated from film base in channels. |
VI.A.1936.52a FILM Box VII |
Tilia condata, large tree, Arboretum, Boston July 1, 1936 Negative warped; emulsion separated from film base in channels. |
VI.A.1936.53 FILM Box VII |
Tilia condata, small tree (3), Little-leaved Linden, Arboretum, Boston July 1, 1936 Negative warped; emulsion separated from film base in channels. |
VI.A.1936.53a FILM Box VII |
Tilia condata, small tree, Little-leaved Linden, Arboretum, Boston July 1, 1936 Negative warped; emulsion separated from film base in channels. |
VI.A.1936.53b FILM Box VII |
Tilia condata, small tree, Little-leaved Linden, Arboretum, Boston July 1, 1936 Negative warped; emulsion separated from film base in channels. |
VI.A.1936.54 FILM Box VII |
Fl. cl. Tilia cordata (b.b.), Little-leaved Linden, Arboretum, Boston July 1, 1936 |
VI.A.1936.55 FILM Box VII |
Tilia cordata, medium tree, (2), Arboretum, Boston July 1, 1936 Negative warped; emulsion separated from film base in channels. |
VI.A.1936.55a FILM Box VII |
Tilia cordata, medium tree, Arboretum, Boston July 1, 1936 Negative warped; emulsion separated from film base in channels. |
VI.A.1937.1 FILM Box VII |
Albizia julibrissin July 23, 1937 |
VI.A.n.d.1 FILM Box VII |
Syringa oblata (caption from negative) Arboretum, Boston Negative damaged; emulsion separated from film base in channels. |
VI.A.n.d.2 FILM Box VII |
[Unidentified evergreen] |
VI.B.i.1921.1 FILM Box VII |
Ram's-head Lady's Slipper, Cypripedium arietinum, At A.C. Burrage's exhibition at Horticultural Hall. Boston April 25, 1921 Negative warped; emulsion discolored. |
VI.B.i.1921.1a FILM Box VII |
Ram's-head Lady's Slipper, Cypripedium arietinum, At A.C. Burrage's exhibition at Horticultural Hall. Boston April 25, 1921 Negative warped, emulsion discolored. |
VI.B.i.1921.2 FILM Box VII |
Showy Orchis, O. spectabilis, (In A.C. Burrage's orchid exhibit at Hort. Hall), Boston April 27, 1921 Negative discolored. Paper adhered to negative at edge. |
VI.B.i.1921.3 FILM Box VII |
Small Yellow Lady's Slippers, c. parviflorum (Group in A.C. Burrage's Orchid exhibit), Boston April 27, 1921 Negative discolored and paper adhered to it at edge. |
VI.B.i.1924.1 FILM Box VII |
Pink Rose "Lady Ashteron" from Hort. Hall (b.b.), (5 in. diam), Boston June 30, 1924 (H.T. A. Dickson 1904) Sold: Genesse Press 9-24-28 Negative discolored. |
VI.B.i.1924.2 FILM Box VII |
Lt. Pink Rose "Ophelia" from Hort. Hall. (b.b.), (3 1/2 in. diam.), Boston June 30, 1924 (H.T. W. Paul, 1912) Paper adhered to negative, negative discolored. |
VI.B.i.1924.3 FILM Box VII |
White Rose "Frau Karl Druschki" from Hort. Hall (b.b.), (4 1/2 in. diam), Boston June 30, 1924 |
VI.B.i.1924.3a FILM Box VII |
White Rose, "Frau Karl Druschki" from Hort. Hall (b.b.), (4 1/2 in. diam), Boston June 30, 1924 |
VI.B.i.1924.4 FILM Box VII |
Pink HP Rose, "Mme. Gabriel Luiget" from Hort. Hall. Boston. June 30, 1924 (H.P. Liabaud 1877) Paper adhered to negative discolored. |
VI.B.i.1924.5 FILM Box VII |
Lt. Pink Climbing Rose, "W. Van Vleet", single spray (b.b.) from Hort. Hall (3 1/2 in. diam.), Boston June 30, 1924 (W. Van Fleet 1910) Negative damaged; flower image not clear due to paper adhered to negative. |
VI.B.i.1925.1 Box 96 |
Rose, "Mme. Butterfly" bud & foliages (apricot) from Pierce Bros., Hort. Hall. Boston. March 2, 1925 (H.T. E.G. Hill 1918) Emulsion flaking at edge. |
VI.B.i.1926.1 FILM Box VII |
Basket of Roses "Mrs. F.R. Pierson" at Hort. Hall. Boston. January 30, 1926 Negative discolored. Paper adhered to negative at edge. |
VI.B.i.1926.2 FILM Box VII |
Rose "Mrs. F.R. Pierson" (b.b.), (crimson) from Hort. Hall. Boston January 30, 1926 (F.R. Pierson, 1925) G.M. 1925, Cleveland, N.Y.H.S., M.H.S. Paper adhered to negative at edge. |
VI.B.i.1926.2a FILM Box VII |
Rose "Mrs. F.R. Pierson" (b.b.), (crimson) from Hort. Hall. Boston January 30, 1926 Paper adhered to negative at edge. |
VI.B.i.1926.3 FILM Box VII |
Six Carnations (b.b.) from Hort. Hall. Boston. February 1, 1926 1.= Mrs. C.W. Ward (pink) 2.= Spectrum (scarlet) 3.= Maine Moonshine (pale yellow) 4.= Pink Delight (lt. pink) 5.= White Delight 6.= Morning Glow (blush) Negative discolored. |
VI.B.i.1926.4 FILM Box VII |
Three "Spectrum" Carnations in vase (b.b.) from Hort. Hall. Boston February 1, 1926 |
VI.B.i.1926.5 FILM Box VII |
Large group of Carnations in vase (b.b.) from Hort. Hall. Boston February 1, 1926 |
VI.B.i.1926.6 FILM Box VII |
Bulb Garden Exhibit of Mrs. Homer Gage. Horticultural Hall. Boston May 19, 1926 |
VI.B.i.1926.7 FILM Box VII |
Bulb Garden Exhibit of Mrs. Homer Gage, deep, Horticultural Hall. Boston March 19, 1926 Emulsion flaking at top edge. |
VI.B.i.1927.1 FILM Box VII |
Easter Lilies, Astilbe. etc., exhibit of W.K. Vanderbilt, M.H.S. show. Boston April 1, 1927 |
VI.B.i.1927.2 FILM Box VII |
Window exhibit of North Shore Garden Club, M.H.S. Show. Boston. April 1, 1927 (Copy from J.C. Fairfield) Image masked |
VI.B.i.1927.3 FILM Box VII |
Rose exhibit of A.C. Burrage, M.H.S. Show. Boston April 1, 1927 (Copy from A. Greenlaw) |
VI.B.i.1927.3a FILM Box VII |
Rose exhibit of A.C. Burrage, M.H.S. Show. Boston April 1, 1927 (Copy from A. Greenlaw) |
VI.B.i.1927.4 FILM Box VII |
Large Boston Fern (2 1/2 yrs.), exhibit of W. Hannan & Son, M.H.S. show. Boston April 1, 1927 |
VI.B.i.1927.5 FILM Box VII |
Azalea in exhibit of Noanett Club (3), (b.b.), M.H.S. Show. Boston April 1, 1927 |
VI.B.i.1927.5a FILM Box VII |
Azalea in exhibit of Noanett Club (b.b.), M.H.S. Show. Boston April 1, 1927 |
VI.B.i.1927.5b FILM Box VII |
Azalea in exhibit of Noanett Club (b.b.), M.H.S. Show. Boston [A closeup] April 1, 1927 |
VI.B.i.1927.6 FILM Box VII |
Exhibit of Noanett Garden Club, M.H.S. Flower Show. Boston April 1, 1927 |
VI.B.i.1927.7 FILM Box VII |
Garden exhibit of Chestnut Hill Garden Club (vert.), M.H.S. Flower Show. Boston April 1, 1927 |
VI.B.i.1927.8 FILM Box VII |
Exhibit of Cut Flowers by E.S. Webster, M.H.S. Flower Show. Boston April 1, 1927 |
VI.B.i.1927.9 FILM Box VII |
Exhibit of Harlan P. Kelsey, M.H.S. Flower Show. Boston April 1, 1927 |
VI.B.i.1927.10 FILM Box VII |
Orchid exhibit of E.S. Webster, M.H.S. Flower Show. Boston April 1, 1927 |
VI.B.i.1927.11 FILM Box VII |
Orchid exhibit of Thos. Roland, M.H.S. Flower Show. Boston April 1, 1927 |
VI.B.i.1927.12 FILM Box VII |
Exhibition of Lilies by Mrs. Bayard Thayer, M.H.S. Flower Show. Boston April 1, 1927 Negative has slight discoloration |
VI.B.i.1927.13 FILM Box VII |
Exhibit of Howard Cowley, M.H.S. Flower Show. Boston April 1, 1927 |
VI.B.i.1927.14 FILM Box VII |
Bulb Garden exhibit of Mrs. Homer Gage, M.H.S. Flower Show. Boston April 1, 1927 |
VI.B.i.1927.15 FILM Box VII |
Rose Arch-2000 plants. Exhibit of A.C. Burrage, M.H.S. Flower Show. Boston April 1, 1927 |
VI.B.i.1927.15a FILM Box VII |
Rose Arch-2000 plants. Exhibit of A.C. Burrage, M.H.S. Flower Show. Boston April 1, 1927 |
VI.B.i.1927.15b FILM Box VII |
Rose Arch-2000 plants. Exhibit of A.C. Burrage, M.H.S. Flower Show. Boston April 1, 1927 |
VI.B.i.1927.16 FILM Box VII |
Orchid exhibit of A.C. Burrage (3), M.H.S. Flower Show. Boston April 1, 1927 |
VI.B.i.1927.16a FILM Box VII |
Orchid exhibit of A.C. Burrage, M.H.S. Flower Show. Boston April 1, 1927 |
VI.B.i.1927.16b FILM Box VII |
Orchid exhibit of A.C. Burrage, M.H.S. Flower Show. Boston April 1, 1927 |
VI.B.i.1927.17 FILM Box VII |
Vegetable exhibit at Flower Show of M.H.S., by Chas. Scott, for Mrs. Moses Taylor, Boston September 11, 1927 |
VI.B.i.1927.18 FILM Box VII |
Vegetable exhibit at Flower Show of M.H.S., by Chas. Scott, for Mrs. Moses Taylor, Boston September 11, 1927 |
VI.B.i.1928.1 FILM Box VII |
Vase of Easter Lilies by Mrs. C.S. Houghton at M.H.S. flower show. Boston March 21, 1928 |
VI.B.i.1928.2 FILM Box VII |
Group of flower arrangements in vases, M.H.S. flower show. Boston March 21, 1928 |
VI.B.i.1928.3 FILM Box VII |
Flower pictures by Mrs. Walter B. Brooks, at M.H.S. flower show. Boston March 21, 1928 Print sold to Garden Digest 6-34 |
VI.B.i.1928.4 FILM Box VII |
Exhibit of Easter Lilies from W.H. Vanderbilt, Newport, M.H.S. flower show. Boston March 21, 1928 |
VI.B.i.1928.5 FILM Box VII |
Exhibit of Swampscott Garden Club at M.H.S. flower show. Boston. March 21, 1928 |
VI.B.i.1928.5a FILM Box VII |
Exhibit of Swampscott Garden Club at M.H.S. flower show. Boston. March 21, 1928 Image masked |
VI.B.i.1928.6 FILM Box VII |
Flower picture by Chas. Bittinger at M.H.S. flower show. Boston March 21, 1928 |
VI.B.i.1928.7 FILM Box VII |
Flower picture by Mrs. Carl T. Keller at M.H.S. flower show. Boston March 21, 1928 |
VI.B.i.1928.8 FILM Box VII |
Main Hall at M.H.S. flower show (Mrs. Homer Gage exhibit in rear), Boston. March 22, 1928 |
VI.B.i.1928.9 FILM Box VII |
Mrs. A.C. Burrage exhibit at M.H.S. flower show. Boston March 22, 1928 |
VI.B.i.1928.10 FILM Box VII |
Talisman Roses at M.H.S. flower show. Boston March 22, 1928 |
VI.B.i.1928.11 FILM Box VII |
Exhibit of Howard Cowley at M.H.S. flower show. Boston March 22, 1928 |
VI.B.i.1928.12 FILM Box VII |
Noanett Garden Club exhibit (medieval garden) at M.H.S. flower show. Boston. March 25, 1928 |
VI.B.i.1928.13 FILM Box VII |
Exhibit of Harlan P. Kelsey at M.H.S. flower show. Boston March 25, 1928 |
VI.B.i.1928.14 FILM Box VII |
Exhibit of Harlan P. Kelsey at M.H.S. flower show. Boston March 25, 1928 |
VI.B.i.1929.1 FILM Box VII |
Bush of Erica mediterranea from exhibit of Mrs. L Leland, Cent. Flower Show. M.H.S. Boston March 18, 1929 |
VI.B.i.1929.2 FILM Box VII |
Rhododendron Chapmanii, Cent. Fl. Show. M.H.S. Boston Pinkish-white March 18, 1929 |
VI.B.i.1929.3 FILM Box VII |
Seedling Rhododendron, R. Maxwellii x Omniasaki, Cent. Fl. show. M.H.S. Boston. Fl. Light pink March 18, 1929 Negative discolored;paper adhered to it |
VI.B.i.1929.4 FILM Box VII |
Bulb Garden of Mrs. Homer Gage from balcony. S.W. Cent. Fl. Show. M.H.S. Boston March 19, 1929 |
VI.B.i.1929.5 FILM Box VII |
Tropic Garden exhibit of A.C. Burrage from balcony N. W. Cent. Fl. Show. M.H.S. Boston March 19, 1929 |
VI.B.i.1929.6 FILM Box VII |
Grand Hall S.W. from balcony. Cent. Flower Show. M.H.S. Boston March 19, 1929 |
VI.B.i.1929.7 FILM Box VII |
Azalea exhibit of John S. Ames. Cent. Flower Show. M.H.S. Boston March 19, 1929 |
VI.B.i.1929.8 FILM Box VII |
Bulb Garden of Mrs. Homer Gage, Grand Hall, from floor, Cent. Fl. Show. M.H.S. Boston March 19, 1929 |
VI.B.i.1929.9 FILM Box VII |
Acacia exhibit of Thos. Roland from balcony N.E., Cent. Fl. Show. M.H.S. Boston March 19, 1929 |
VI.B.i.1929.10 FILM Box VII |
W. Hunnewell's exhibit of Kurume Azaleas, Cent. Fl. Show. M.H.S. Boston March 20, 1929 |
VI.B.i.1929.11 FILM Box VII |
Exhibit of Beacon Hill Garden Club vert. through gates, Cent Fl. Show. M.H.S. Boston March 21, 1929 |
VI.B.i.1929.12 FILM Box VII |
Mantelpiece exhibit of Mrs. M.L. Talbot, Brookline, Cent. Fl. Show. M.H.S. Boston March 21, 1929 |
VI.B.i.1929.13 FILM Box VII |
Part of Exhibit of Noanett Garden Club, at Cent. Fl. Show. M.H.S. Boston March 21, 1929 Negative damaged at edges. |
VI.B.i.1929.14 FILM Box VII |
Easter Lilies exhibit of Dr. J.H. Lancashire, (Mr. Bannister), L. Formosum & L. Harrisi, first prize. Cent. Fl. Show. M.H.S. Boston. March 21, 1929 |
VI.B.i.1930.1 FILM Box VII |
Exhibit of Mrs. J.H. Lancashire Garden of Lilies, M.H.S. Flower Show. Boston March 27, 1930 |
VI.B.i.1930.2 FILM Box VII |
Exhibit of Mrs. Lester Leland old-fashioned garden, M.H.S. Flower Show. Boston March 27, 1930 |
VI.B.i.1930.3 FILM Box VII |
Lower Hall (vert.) with exhibits of Mrs. Gage, Farquhar, Mrs. Hartford, Mrs. Leland, M.H.S. Flower Show. Boston March 27, 1930 |
VI.B.i.1930.3a FILM Box VII |
Lower Hall (vert.) with exhibits of Mrs. Gage, Farquhar, Mrs. Hartford, Mrs. Leland, M.H.S. Flower Show. Boston March 27, 1930 |
VI.B.i.1930.4 FILM Box VII |
Vase of Pres. Hoover Roses, Breek's exhibit, M.H.S. Flower Show. Boston March 27, 1930 |
VI.B.i.1930.5 FILM Box VII |
Exhibit of Mrs. Walter Brooks in stage (2) M.H.S. Flower Show. Boston March 27-28, 1930 |
VI.B.i.1930.5a FILM Box VII |
Exhibit of Mrs. Walter Brooks in stage, M.H.S. Flower Show. Boston March 27-28, 1930 |
VI.B.i.1930.6 FILM Box VII |
Weston Nurseries Rock Garden, M.H.S. flower show (1st prize) Boston March 28, 1930 |
VI.B.i.1930.7 FILM Box VII |
Chestnut Hill Garden Club exhibit, M.H.S. Flower Show (2nd prize) Boston March 28, 1930 |
VI.B.i.1930.8 FILM Box VII |
Milton Garden Club Exhibit, M.H.S. Flower Show (1st prize) Boston March 28, 1930 |
VI.B.i.1930.9 FILM Box VII |
Exhibit of Delphinium by Jas. Wheeler & Son, Natick, at M.H.S. flower show (2), Boston June 22, 1930 |
VI.B.i.1930.9a FILM Box VII |
Exhibit of Delphinium by Jas. Wheeler & Son, Natick, at M.H.S. flower show, Boston June 22, 1930 |
VI.B.i.1930.10 FILM Box VII |
Peony Exhibit of Cherry Hill Nurseries (Thurlow) at M.H.S. flower show (2). Boston June 22, 1930 |
VI.B.i.1930.10a FILM Box VII |
Peony Exhibit of Cherry Hill Nurseries (Thurlow) at M.H.S. flower show. Boston June 22, 1930 |
VI.B.i.1930.11 FILM Box VII |
Peony exhibit of Bancroft Winsor, New Bedford, at M.H.S. flower show. Boston June 22, 1930 |
VI.B.i.1930.12 FILM Box VII |
Exhibit of Roses by A.E.T. Rogers for Mrs. W.H. Moon, at M.H.S. flower show (100 sq. ft.), 1st prize, Boston June 22, 1930 |
VI.B.i.1930.13 FILM Box VII |
Exhibit of Sweet Peas by Mrs. E.V. Hartford Newport at M.H.S. flower show, Boston Silver medal June 30, 1930 |
VI.B.i.1930.14 FILM Box VII |
Exhibit of Apples by Mrs. J.H. Lancashire, M.H.S. flower show, Boston November 3, 1930 |
VI.B.i.1930.15 FILM Box VII |
Exhibit of Wyman's Framingham Nurseries (2 sections) at M.H.S. Flower Show, Boston November 3, 1930 |
VI.B.i.1930.15a FILM Box VII |
Exhibit of Wyman's Framingham Nurseries (2 sections) at M.H.S. Flower Show, Boston November 3, 1930 |
VI.B.i.1930.16 FILM Box VII |
1 specimen Picea glauca conica from Mrs. Bayard Thayer at M.H.S. flower show, Boston November 3, 1930 |
VI.B.i.1930.17 FILM Box VII |
3 specimens Picea glauca conica from Mrs. Bayard Thayer at M.H.S. flower show, Boston November 3, 1930 (given Presidents Cup) |
VI.B.i.1930.17a FILM Box VII |
3 specimens Picea glauca conica from Mrs. Bayard Thayer at M.H.S. flower show, Boston November 3, 1930 |
VI.B.i.1931.1 Box 97 |
Exhibit of Mrs. Walter Beck, M.H.S. March [?], 1931 |
VI.B.i.1931.2 Box 97 |
Exhibit of Salem Garden Club, Mass. Horticultural Society flower show March 18, 1931 |
VI.B.i.1931.3 Box 97 |
Exhibit of Anthurums by A.C. Burrage, M.H.S. flower show March 18, 1931 Emulsion peeling at edges. |
VI.B.i.1931.4 Box 97 |
Exhibit of Cambridge Plant Club, M.H.S. flower show March 18, 1931 Emulsion peeling at top edge. |
VI.B.i.1931.5 Box 97 |
Exhibit of Littlefield-Wyman Nurseries Mass. Horticultural Society flower show March 20, 1931 |
VI.B.i.1931.6 Box 97 |
Exhibit of No. Shore Garden Club, M.H.S. flower show March 20, 1931 |
VI.B.i.1931.7 FILM Box VII |
Orchid exhibit of E.S. Webster, M.H.S. flower show March 20, 1931 Negative damaged. |
VI.B.i.1931.8 FILM Box VII |
Exhibit of Eliot Callas by Mrs. E.V. Hartford, M.H.S. flower show March 20, 1931 Negative damaged. |
VI.B.i.1931.9 FILM Box VII |
Herb. garden exhibit of Mrs. Jay Clark, Jr., M.H.S. flower show March 20, 1931 Image masked. |
VI.B.i.1931.10 Box 97 |
Lily Garden exhibit of Mrs. E.V. Hartford, M.H.S. flower show March 20, 1931 |
VI.B.i.1931.11 Box 97 |
Exhibit of Peter Metzitt, M.H.S. flower show, March 20, 1931 |
VI.B.i.1931.12 Box 97 |
Exhibit of Bay State Nurseries, M.H.S. flower show March 20, 1931 Emulsion flaked at bottom edge. |
VI.B.i.1931.13 Box 98 |
Exhibit of Chestnut Hill Garden Club, M.H.S. flower show March 20,1931 |
VI.B.i.1931.14 FILM Box VII |
Orchid exhibit of E.S. Webster, M.H.S. flower show, Boston (gold medal) October 30, 1931 |
VI.B.i.1932.1 FILM Box VII |
Iris Garden exhibit of Miss Florence Nesmith, M.H.S. show, Boston June 9, 1932 |
VI.B.i.1932.1a FILM Box VII |
Iris Garden exhibit of Miss Florence Nesmith M.H.S. show, Boston June 9, 1932 |
VI.B.i.1932.2 FILM Box VII |
Exhibit of Brookline Garden Club at Iris show, M.H.S., Boston June 9, 1932 |
VI.B.i.1932.3 FILM Box VII |
Iris garden exhibit of Mrs. Homer Gage, M.H.S. show, Boston June 9, 1932 |
VI.B.i.1932.3a FILM Box VII |
Iris garden exhibit of Mrs. Homer Gage, M.H.S. show, Boston June 9, 1932 |
VI.B.i.1932.4 FILM Box VII |
Garden Club exhibits at Iris Show, M.H.S. Boston June 9, 1932 |
VI.B.i.1932.4a FILM Box VII |
Garden Club exhibits at Iris Show, M.H.S. Boston June 9, 1932 |
VI.B.i.1932.4b FILM Box VII |
Garden Club exhibits at Iris Show, M.H.S. Boston June 9, 1932 |
VI.B.i.1932.4c FILM Box VII |
Garden Club exhibits at Iris Show, M.H.S. Boston June 9, 1932 |
VI.B.i.1932.4d FILM Box VII |
Garden Club exhibits at Iris Show, M.H.S. Boston June 9, 1932 |
VI.B.i.1933.1 FILM Box VII |
Christmas wreath of Beacon Hill G.C. (Mrs. F.A. Bourne), opaque background, M.H.S. Boston November 24, 1933 |
VI.B.i.1933.1a FILM Box VII |
Christmas wreath of Beacon Hill G.C. (Mrs. F.A. Bourne), opaque background, M.H.S. Boston November 24, 1933 |
VI.B.i.1933.2 FILM Box VII |
Christmas wreath of Arlington G.C., M.H.S. November 24, 1933 |
VI.B.i.1933.3 FILM Box VII |
Christmas wreath of Beacon Hill G.C. (1st prize), M.H.S. November 24-27, 1933 |
VI.B.i.1933.3a FILM Box VII |
Christmas wreath of Beacon Hill G.C. (1st prize), M.H.S. November 24-27, 1933 |
VI.B.i.1933.4 FILM Box VII |
Christmas wreath of High St. Hill G.C., M.H.S. November 27, 1933 Emulsion separated from film base in channel pattern; warped. |
VI.B.i.1933.5 FILM Box VII |
Christmas wreath of Chestnut Hill G.C., M.H.S. November 27, 1933 Emulsion separated from film base in channels. Image masked. |
VI.B.i.1933.6 FILM Box VII |
Christmas wreath of Milton G.C., M H.S. November 27, 1933 Image masked. Negative warped; emulsion separated from film base in channels. |
VI.B.i.1933.7 FILM Box VII |
Christmas wreath of West Roxbury G.C. (3rd prize), M.H.S. November 27, 1933 |
VI.B.i.1933.8 FILM Box VII |
Christmas wreath of Worcester G.C., (2nd prize), M.H.S. November 27, 1933 Emulsion separated from film base in channels. |
VI.B.i.1934.1 FILM Box VII |
Orchid exhibit of Mrs. A.C. Burrage, M.H.S. Show, Boston November 7, 1934 |
VI.B.i.1934.2 FILM Box VII |
Modernistic Chrys. exhibit of Gardner Museum, Morris Carter, Supt., M.H.S. Show, Boston November 7, 1934 |
VI.B.i.1934.3 FILM Box VII |
Chrys. exhibit of Mrs. F.B. Crowningshield, M.H.S. Show, Boston November 7, 1934 |
VI.B.i.1934.4 FILM Box VII |
Chrys. exhibit of A.M. Davenport, M.H S. Show, Boston November 7, 1934 |
VI.B.i.1934.5 FILM Box VII |
Chrys. exhibit of Mrs. Moses Taylor, Chas. Scott, gard., M.H.S. Show, Boston November 7, 1934 |
VI.B.i.1934.6 FILM Box VII |
Cascading Chrys. exhibit of Mrs. M.E. Van Beuren, M.H.S. Show, Boston November 7, 1934 |
VI.B.i.1934.7 FILM Box VII |
Chrys. exhibit of Mrs. M.E. Van Beuren from right end, M H.S. Show, Boston November 7, 1934 |
VI.B.i.1934.8 FILM Box VII |
Chrys. exhibit of Mrs. M.E. Van Beuren from left end, M.H.S. Show, Boston November 7, 1934 |
VI.B.i.1934.8a FILM Box VII |
Chrys. exhibit of Mrs. M.E. Van Beuren from left end, M H.S. Show, Boston November 7, 1934 |
VI.B.i.1934.9 FILM Box VII |
Center portion of Chrys. exhibit of Mrs. M.E. Van Beuren, Jos. Winsock, gard. (2), M H S. Show, Boston November 7, 1934 |
VI.B.i.1934.10 FILM Box VII |
Chrys. exhibit of E. S. Webster from balcony, direct view, M.H.S. Show, Boston November 7, 1934 Peter Arnott, gard. |
VI.B.i.1934.11 FILM Box VII |
Chrys. exhibit of E.S. Webster from balcony, diagonal view, M.H.S. Show, Boston November 7, 1934 |
VI.B.i.1934.12 FILM Box VII |
Chrys. exhibit of E.S. Webster from floor (2), M.H.S. Show, Boston November 9 1934 |
VI.B.i.1934.12a FILM Box VII |
Chrys. exhibit of E.S. Webster from floor, M.H.S. Show, Boston November 9 1934 |
VI.B.i.1934.13 FILM Box VII |
Chrys. exhibit of Dolansky Nurseries, Lynn, M.H.S. Show, Boston November 9 1934 |
VI.B.i.1934.14 FILM Box VII |
1st prize display of berried shrubs, M.H.S. Show, Boston November 9 1934 |
VI.B.i.1934.15 FILM Box VII |
1st prize Xmas wreath (garland) by Duxbury Coun. Club, M.H.S. Show, Boston November 9 1934 Image masked. Negative pitted; emulsion separated from film base in channels. |
VI.B.i.1935.1 FILM Box VII |
Butterworth's "Miltonia" orchids, M.H.S. Show, Boston June 20, 1935 |
VI.B.i.1935.2 FILM Box VII |
Butterworth Cypripedium & Epidendrums orchid exhibit, M.H.S. Show, Boston June 20, 1935 |
VI.B.i.1935.3 FILM Box VII |
Center exhibit of Cherry Hill Peonies, N.W. section, M.H.S. Show, Boston June 20, 1935 Negative pitted; emulsion beginning to separate from film base in channels. |
VI.B.i.1935.4 FILM Box VII |
Cherry Hill Peony exhibit from floor, N.W., M.H.S. Show, Boston June 20, 1935 Negative discolored. |
VI.B.i.1935.5 FILM Box VII |
Center & S.W. section of Cherry Hill Peony exhibit, M.H.S. Show, Boston June 20, 1935 |
VI.B.i.1935.6 FILM Box VII |
Cherry Hill exhibit of Peonies, S.W. from floor, M.H.S. Show, Boston June 20, 1935 |
VI.B.i.1935.7 FILM Box VII |
Cherry Hill Nurseries Peony exhibit from loggia, M.H.S. Show, Boston June 20, 1935 Negative pitted & warped. Emulsion separated from film base in upper and lower right corners. |
VI.B.i.1935.8 FILM Box VII |
Seedling Peonies, N.E. group, Cherry Hill exhibit, M.H.S. Show, Boston June 20, 1935 |
VI.B.i.1935.9 FILM Box VII |
Center section from front of Cherry Hill ex. of Peonies, M.H.S. Show, Boston June 21, 1935 Emulsion separated from film base in channels. |
VI.B.i.1935.10 FILM Box VII |
Seedling Peonies, S.E. group, Cherry Hill ex., M.H.S. Show, Boston June 21, 1935 |
VI.B.i.1935.11 FILM Box VII |
20 blooms of Peonies, 1st prize by Cherry Hill Nurseries, M.H.S. Show, Boston June 21, 1935 Negative damaged; emulsion separated from film base in channels. |
VI.B.i.1935.12 FILM Box VII |
Breck's exhibit of Annuals (gold medal) M.H.S. Show, Boston June 21, 1935 Negative damaged; emulsion separated from film base in channels. |
VI.B.i.1935.13 FILM Box VII |
Wreath of Lowell Garden Club (b.b.), M.H.S. Show, Boston November 22, 1935 |
VI.B.i.1935.14 FILM Box VII |
Wreath of Melrose Garden Club (b.b.), M.H.S. Show, Boston November 22, 1935 |
VI.B.i.1935.15 FILM Box VII |
Wreath of Milton Garden Club (b.b.), M.H.S. Show, Boston November 22, 1935 Negative damaged. |
VI.B.i.1935.16 FILM Box VII |
Wreath of Newtonville Garden Club (2nd prize) (b.b.), M.H.S. Show, Boston November 22, 1935 Chas. W. Whittier, 794 Canton Av., Milton |
VI.B.i.1936.1 FILM Box VII |
Orchid exhibit of L. Sherman Adams, F.L. Pocock, gard., M.H.S. Show, Boston June 16, 1936 |
VI.B.i.1936.2 FILM Box VII |
Exhibit of Sweet Peas by Mrs. F. B. Crowningshield, Thos. Murray, gard., M.H.S. Show, Boston June 16, 1936 |
VI.B.i.n.d.1 FILM Box VII |
[Christmas Wreath of] Buzzards Bay G.C. M. H. S. Show, Boston |
VI.B.ii.1934.1 Box 98 |
Cl. Rose Bush "Breeze Hill," Copy from M.H.S. print, Boston February 2, 1934 White, tinted apricot Dr. W. Van Fleet 1926 |
VI.B.ii.1934.2 Box 98 |
Roses "Blaze," Copy from M.H.S. print, Boston February 2, 1934 Scarlet Jackson & Perkins 1932 Paper adhered to negative at edge. |
VI.B.ii.1934.3 Box 98 |
Rose "Day Dream," Copy from M.H.S. print, Boston February 2, 1934 Rosy pink Alister Clark 1925 |
VI.B.ii.1934.4 Box 98 |
Rose "Dainty Bess," H.T. Copy from M.H.S. print, Boston February 2, 1934 Flesh-pink W.E.B. & Archer 1925 Paper adhered to negative at edge. |
VI.B.ii.1934.5 Box 98 |
Rose "Mermaid" H. Brac., Copy from M.H.S. print, Boston February 2, 1934 Cream & lemon W. Paul & Son 1928 |
VI.B.ii.1934.6 Box 98 |
Cl. Rose "Mrs. Gregoire Staechelin," H.T. Copy from M.H.S. print, Boston February 2, 1934 Pink P. Dot 1927 |
VI.B.ii.1934.7 Box 98 |
Roses "Souvenir," H.T. Copy from M.H.S. print, Boston February 2, 1934 Yellow N. Pierson 1930 |
VI.B.ii.1934.8 Box 98 |
Roses "New Dawn," Copy from M.H.S. print, Boston February 2, 1934 Blush pink Somerset Rose Nurs. 1930 |
VI.B.ii.1934.9 FILM Box VII |
Roses "Rapture," H.T. Copy from M.H.S. print, Boston February 2, 1934 Pink Traendly & Schenck 1926 Paper adhered to negative at edge. |
VI.B.ii.1934.10 FILM Box VII |
Rose "Roselandia," H.T. Copy from M.H.S. print, Boston February 2, 1934 Yellow W. Stevens 1924 |
VI.B.ii.1934.11 FILM Box VII |
Rose "Mrs. Chas. Bell," H.T. Copy from M.H.S. print, Boston February 2, 1934 Shell-pink Mrs. Chas. Bell 1917 Paper adhered to negative at edge. |
VI.B.ii.1934.12 FILM Box VII |
Cl. Roses "Albertine," Copy from M.H.S. print, Boston February 2, 1934 Yellow & rose Barbieri & Co. 1921 Paper adhered to negative at edge. |
VI.C.1925.1 FILM Box VII |
Erigeron Muirii at Gray Herbarium, Cambridge, Mass. June 29, 1925 John Muir Illustration Vol. VII, p. xxxi 2 negs & "colored slide" |
VI.C.1925.1a FILM Box VII |
Erigeron Muirii at Gray Herbarium, Cambridge, Mass. June 29, 1925 |
VI.C.1925.1b Box 98 |
Erigeron Muirii at Gray Herbarium, Cambridge, Mass. June 29, 1925 Negative masked with tinted glass plate overlay. |
VI.C.1931.1 FILM Box VII |
Flower cluster and leaf of Dombeya Wallichi from F. Lazenby, Harvard Botanical Garden January 22, 1931 |
VI.C.1931.1a FILM Box VII |
Flower cluster and leaf of Dombeya Wallichi from F. Lazenby, Harvard Botanical Garden January 22, 1931 |
VI.D.1926.1 FILM Box VII |
Orchid display of Ernest B. Dane, C.H.G. Society, Chestnut Hill, Mass. May 27, 1926 |
VI.D.1926.2 FILM Box VII |
Flower display (forced annuals) of E.S. Webster Chestnut Hill Garden Society, Chestnut Hill, Mass. May 27, 1926 |
VI.D.1926.3 FILM Box VII |
Rock garden exhibit of Ernest B. Dane, C.H.G. Society (2), Chestnut Hill, Mass. May 27, 1926 |
VI.D.1926.3a FILM Box VII |
Rock garden exhibit of Ernest B. Dane, C.H.G. Society, Chestnut Hill, Mass. May 27, 1926 |
VI.D.1931.1 FILM Box VII |
Pool exhibit of Mrs. H.W. Hams, C.H. Flower Show, Chestnut Hill, Mass. May 26, 1931 Negative pitted. Emulsion separated from film base in channels. |
VI.D.1931.2 FILM Box VII |
Punelea desussata, exhibit of E.S. Webster, C.H. Flower Show, Chestnut Hills, Mass. May 26, 1931 Negative pitted. |
VI.D.1931.3 FILM Box VII |
Orchid exhibit of E. S. Webster, C.H. Flower Show, Chestnut Hill, Mass. May 26, 1931 Negative pitted. Emulsion separated from film base in channels. |
VI.D.1931.3a FILM Box VII |
Orchid exhibit of E. S. Webster, C.H. Flower Show, Chestnut Hill, Mass. May 26, 1931 Negative pitted and warped. Emulsion separated from film base in channels. |
VI.D.1933.1 FILM Box VII |
Three green and yellow tulips in vase at C.H. Show (1st prize) by Mrs. Wm. Ellery, Chestnut Hill, Mass. May 23, 1933 |
VI.D.1933.2 FILM Box VII |
Garden plot (#15) at C.H. Show by Mrs. J.P. Ramsey & Mrs. H. Lee (1st prize), Chestnut Hill, Mass. May 23, 1933 |
VI.D.1933.3 FILM Box VII |
2 garden plots (18 & 17) at C.H. Show (left) by Mrs. Roger M. Burke, (right) by Mrs. Winthrop L. Carter, Chestnut Hill, Mass. May 23, 1933 |
VI.D.1933.4 FILM Box VII |
Garden plot (#14) at C.H. Show by Mrs. Wm. K. Jackson & Mrs. C.S. Rowley (2nd prize), Chestnut Hill, Mass. May 23, 1933 |
VI.D.1933.5 FILM Box VII |
Garden plot (#16) at C.H. Show by Mrs. Chas. F. Rowley (3rd prize), Chestnut Hill, Mass. May 23, 1933 |
VI.D.1933.6 FILM Box VII |
Small border at C.H. Show by E.B. Dane (Robt. Duncan), Chestnut Hill, Mass. May 23, 1933 |
VI.D.1933.7 FILM Box VII |
Small border at C.H. Show by Mrs. R.M. Saltonstall, Chestnut Hill, Mass. May 23, 1933 |
VI.D.1933.8 FILM Box VII |
Cactus garden by J.S. Ramsey, C.H. Show, Chestnut Hill, Mass. May 23, 1933 Negative discolored. |
VI.D.1933.9 FILM Box VII |
Small border at C.H. Show by Mrs. Chas. G. Weld, Chestnut Hill, Mass. May 23, 1933 |
VI.D.1933.10 FILM Box VII |
Small border (2) at C.H. Show by Mrs. E.S. Webster (1st prize), Chestnut Hill, Mass. May 23, 1933 |
VI.D.1933.10a FILM Box VII |
Small border at C.H. Show by Mrs. E.S. Webster (1st prize), Chestnut Hill, Mass. May 23, 1933 |
VI.D.1933.11 FILM Box VII |
Plant "silhouette," by Mrs. J.P. Ramsey, C.H. Show, Chestnut Hill, Mass. May 23, 1933 |
VI.D.1933.12 FILM Box VII |
Vase of Lilacs & stocks, refl. in mirror (1st prize) by Mrs. Geo. B. Baker at C.H. Show, Chestnut Hill, Mass. May 23, 1933 |
VI.D.1933.13 FILM Box VII |
Vase of tulips etc. at C.H. Show (1st prize) by Mrs. Chas. F. Wallace, Chestnut Hill, Mass. May 23, 1933 |
VI.D.1934.1 FILM Box VII |
Exhibit of Lilies by Mrs. Chas. G. Weld, C.H. Show, Chestnut Hill, Mass. May 26, 1934 Negative warped & pitted. Emulsion separated from film base in channels. |
VI.D.n.d.1 FILM Box VII |
Decorated tables, Watsonia, etc., C.H. Society |
VI.D.n.d.1a FILM Box VII |
Decorated tables, Watsonia, etc., C.H. Society |
VI.D.n.d.1b FILM Box VII |
Decorated tables, Watsonia, etc., C.H. Society |
VI.E.1926.1 FILM Box VII |
Mantel-piece with flower picture, at Cohasset Garden Club Show, Cohasset, Mass. July 16, 1926 Negative discolored. |
VI.E.1926.2 FILM Box VII |
Exhibit of Mrs. E.F. Ladd and Mrs. A.C. Smith at Cohasset Garden Club Show, Cohasset, Mass. July 16, 1926 Negative discolored. |
VI.E.1927.1 FILM Box VII |
Niche in Spanish patio, exhibit of Mrs. Henry B. Pennell, at flower show (vert.), Cohasset, Mass. July 7, 1927 |
VI.E.1927.2 FILM Box VII |
Bird bath exhibit of Mrs. Deford Bigelow and Mrs. G. Glover Crocker, at flower show, Cohasset, Mass. July 7, 1927 |
VI.E.1927.3 FILM Box VII |
Bird bath exhibit of Mrs. Wm. MacWilliam at Flower Show (vert.), Cohasset, Mass. July 7, 1927 |
VI.E.1927.4 FILM Box VII |
Shrine in alcove exhibit of Mrs. Carl T. Keller at Flower Show (3rd prize), Cohasset, Mass. July 7, 1927 Image masked. |
VI.E.1927.5 FILM Box VII |
Wall planting exhibit with vase, by Miss Alice C. Hyde & Mrs. Howard Swain at flower show, Cohasset, Mass. July 7, 1927 |
VI.E.1927.6 FILM Box VII |
Wall planting and gate, exhibit of Mrs. C.F. Cutler & Mrs. H.W. Cummer at flower show, Cohasset, Mass. July 7, 1927 |
VI.E.1927.7 FILM Box VII |
General view from entrance, Cohasset Garden Club's Flower Show, Cohasset, Mass. July 7, 1927 Statue exhibit by Mrs. Geo. F. Newton. Image masked. |
VI.E.1927.7a FILM Box VII |
General view from entrance, Cohasset Garden Club's Flower Show, Cohasset, Mass. July 7, 1927 |
VI.E.1927.8 FILM Box VII |
Garden house exhibit of Mrs. Delano Wight & Mrs. J.F. McElwain (2nd prize), Cohasset Garden Club Flower Show, Cohasset, Mass. July 7, 1927 |
VI.E.1927.8a FILM Box VII |
Garden house exhibit of Mrs. Delano Wight & Mrs. J.F. McElwain (2nd prize), Cohasset Garden Club Flower Show, Cohasset, Mass. July 7, 1927 |
VI.E.1927.9 FILM Box VII |
Wall painting & fountain exhibit of Mrs. B. Preston Clark & Mrs. Malcolm Seymour (1st prize), Cohasset, Mass. July 7, 1927 |
VI.E.1927.9a FILM Box VII |
Wall painting & fountain exhibit of Mrs. B. Preston Clark & Mrs. Malcolm Seymour (1st prize), Cohasset, Mass. July 7, 1927 |
VI.E.1927.9b Box 98 |
Wall painting & fountain exhibit of Mrs. B. Preston Clark & Mrs. Malcolm Seymour (1st prize), Cohasset, Mass. July 7, 1927 |
VI.E.1928.1 FILM Box VII |
Exhibit of Mrs. Chas. F. Cutler & Mrs. Harry W. Cummer at Cohasset flower show (2nd prize), Cohasset, Mass. July 12, 1928 |
VI.E.1928.2 FILM Box VII |
Exhibit of Mrs. Geo. B. Newton at Cohasset flower show, Cohasset, Mass. July 12, 1928 |
VI.E.1928.3 FILM Box VII |
Exhibit of Mrs. J.F. McElwain & Mrs. Delano Wight at Cohasset flower show, Cohasset, Mass. July 12, 1928 |
VI.E.1928.4 FILM Box VII |
Exhibit of Mrs. Hugh Bancroft & Mrs. Wm. T. McMillan at Cohasset Garden Club flower show (1st prize), Cohasset, Mass. July 12, 1928 |
VI.E.1928.5 FILM Box VII |
Exhibit of Mrs. C.G. Plant at Cohasset flower show, Cohasset, Mass. July 12, 1928 |
VI.E.1928.5a FILM Box VII |
Exhibit of Mrs. C.G. Plant at Cohasset flower show, Cohasset, Mass. July 12, 1928 |
VI.E.1929.1 FILM Box VII |
Flower stand exhibit of Mrs. Eugene Ladd at flower show, Cohasset, Mass. July 11, 1929 |
VI.E.1929.2 FILM Box VII |
Flower stand exhibit of Mrs. Hugh Bancroft (2nd prize) at Flower Show, Cohasset, Mass. July 11, 1929 Negative discolored. |
VI.E.1929.3 FILM Box VII |
Donkey-cart exhibit of Mrs. W.H. Brown and Mrs. Jas. Dean at Flower Show (1st prize), (2), Cohasset, Mass. July 11, 1929 |
VI.E.1929.4 FILM Box VII |
Donkey-cart exhibit of Mrs. W.H. Brown and Mrs. Jas. Dean at Flower Show (1st prize), Cohasset, Mass. July 11, 1929 |
VI.E.1929.5 FILM Box VII |
Flower-stand exhibit, Cohasset Show July 11, 1929 |
VI.E.1929.6 FILM Box VII |
Push-cart exhibit of Mrs. Ralph Menard (1st prize) Cohasset Flower Show, Cohasset, Mass. July 11, 1929 |
VI.E.1929.7 FILM Box VII |
Exhibit of Lilies by Wm. N. Craig (1st prize) Cohasset Flower Show, Cohasset, Mass. July 11, 1929 |
VI.E.1929.8 FILM Box VII |
Flower show exhibit, Cohasset Show July 11, 1929 Negative discolored. Paper adhered to negative. |
VI.E.1929.9 FILM Box VII |
Push-cart exhibit (hand-organ) Cohasset Show July 11, 1929 Negative discolored. |
VI.E.1929.10 FILM Box VII |
Doorway exhibit of Mrs. C.F. Cutler at Flower Show, Cohasset, Mass. July 11, 1929 Negative discolored. Paper adhered to negative at top. |
VI.E.1929.11 FILM Box VII |
Doorway exhibit of Mrs. W.N. Craig at Flower Show, Cohasset, Mass. July 11, 1929 Negative discolored. Paper adhered to negative at top. |
VI.E.1929.12 FILM Box VII |
Shrine exhibit of Mrs. Henry Pennell at Flower Show, Cohasset, Mass. July 11, 1929 |
VI.E.1929.13 FILM Box VII |
Push-cart exhibit of Mrs. J.F. McElwain, Cohasset Flower Show, Cohasset, Mass. July 11, 1929 Negative discolored. |
VI.E.1929.14 FILM Box VII |
Exhibit of Yellow Lilies and Meadow Rue by Mrs. E. Clarence Hovey, Cohasset Flower Show, Cohasset, Mass. July 11, 1929 Negative discolored. |
VI.E.1930.1 FILM Box VIII |
Flower picture exhibits at Cohasset Flower Show, Cohasset, Mass. June 26, 1930 #15 Mrs. Plimpton & Downer |
VI.E.1930.1a FILM Box VIII |
Flower picture exhibits at Cohasset Flower Show, Cohasset, Mass. June 26, 1930 #3 Mrs. R.W. Menard Tape adhered to negative at side edge. |
VI.E.1930.1b FILM Box VIII |
Flower picture exhibits at Cohasset Flower Show, Cohasset, Mass. June 26, 1930 #4 G. F. Newton |
VI.E.1930.1c FILM Box VIII |
Flower picture exhibits at Cohasset Flower Show, Cohasset, Mass. June 26, 1930 #16 Mrs. B.P. Clark |
VI.E.1930.1d FILM Box VIII |
Flower picture exhibits at Cohasset Flower Show, Cohasset, Mass. June 26, 1930 #12 Mrs. C.J. Keller |
VI.E.1930.1e FILM Box VIII |
Flower picture exhibits at Cohasset Flower Show, Cohasset, Mass. June 26, 1930 #13 Delano Wight |
VI.E.1930.2 FILM Box VIII |
Round Pool Fountain exhibit of Mrs. Wm. C. Cox at Flower Show, Mass. June 26, 1930 |
VI.E.1930.3 FILM Box VIII |
Spanish Tea House exhibit of Mrs. H.B. Pennell at Cohasset Flower Show, Mass. June 26, 1930 |
VI.E.1930.4 FILM Box VIII |
Exhibit of Mrs. H. W. Cummer & Mrs. C.F. Cutler at Cohasset Flower Show, Mass. June 26, 1930 |
VI.E.1930.5 FILM Box VIII |
Exhibit of Mrs. A. W. Todd & Mrs. T.L. Ayres at Cohasset Flower Show, Mass. June 26, 1930 |
VI.E.1930.6 FILM Box VIII |
Exhibit of Mrs. Wm. H. Brown, Mrs. H.T. Swain & Miss C.S. Tower at Cohasset Flower Show, Mass. June 26, 1930 |
VI.E.1930.7 FILM Box VIII |
Exhibit of Mrs. Chas. Higginson & Mrs. H.K. Johnson at Cohasset Flower Show, Mass. June 26, 1930 |
VI.E.1930.8 FILM Box VIII |
Gen. view of garden exhibits at Cohasset Flower Show, Mass. June 26, 1930 |
VI.E.1933.1 FILM Box VIII |
Cohasset Flower Show [?] 1933 Emulsion separated from film base in channels. Negative warped. |
VI.E.1933.1a FILM Box VIII |
Cohasset Flower Show [?] 1933 Emulsion separated from film base in channels. Negative warped. |
VI.E.1933.1b FILM Box VIII |
Cohasset Flower Show [?] 1933 Emulsion separated from film base in channels. Negative warped and pitted. |
VI.E.1933.1c FILM Box VIII |
Cohasset Flower Show [?] 1933 Emulsion separated from film base in channels. Negative warped. |
VI.E.1933.1d FILM Box VIII |
Cohasset Flower Show [?] 1933 Emulsion separated from film base in channels. Negative warped. |
VI.E.1933.1e FILM Box VIII |
Cohasset Flower Show [?] 1933 Emulsion separated from film base in channels. Negative warped. |
VI.E.1935.1 FILM Box VIII |
Purchases around market stands, 1st prize pushcart (Mrs. Arthur V. Rogers & Mrs. E.M. Wilson, Scituate) in foreground, Cohasset Garden Show May 29, 1935 |
VI.E.1935.2 FILM Box VIII |
Three flower arrangements, Cohasset Garden Show: 1st-Mrs. E. Clarence Hovey, right (Cohasset); 2nd-Mrs. Alton Edes, center (Plymouth); 3rd-Mrs. Edw. E. Benedict, left (Duxbury) May 29, 1935 Negative pitted. |
VI.E.1935.3 FILM Box VIII |
Plymouth G.C. market stand, Cohasset Garden Show May 29, 1935 Mrs. W. H. Franks, Jr. (ch.); Mrs. Sherman Whipper, Jr." Emulsion peeling at top & bottom edges. |
VI.E.1935.4 FILM Box VIII |
Noanett G.C. market stand (3rd prize), Cohasset Garden Show May 29, 1935 Mrs. Wm. B. Rogers, Farm Rd., Sherborn |
VI.E.1935.5 FILM Box VIII |
Duxbury G.C. market place, left portion, Cohasset Garden Show May 29, 1935 Image masked. |
VI.E.1935.6 FILM Box VIII |
Hingham G.C. market stand (2nd prize), Mrs. F.N. Witchell, Cohasset Garden Show May 29, 1935 Mrs. Robert Prouty, Pres. |
VI.E.1935.7 FILM Box VIII |
Center portion of stand for flower arrangements, Cohasset Garden Show May 29, 1935 |
VI.E.1935.8 FILM Box VIII |
Duxbury G.C. market stand, right portion, Cohasset Garden Show May 29, 1935 Miss Susan Moultin, Pres.; Miss Helen King, Pres.; Miss Louise Coburn; Mrs. Geo. P. Fogg Jr." |
VI.E.1935.9 FILM Box VIII |
Altar decoration, yellow tulips (3rd prize), Mrs. Herbert C. Wright, Plymouth G.C., Cohasset Garden Show May 29, 1935 |
VI.E.1935.10 FILM Box VIII |
Altar decoration, old Spanish Cloth (1st prize) Mrs. Frank A. Bourne, Cohasset Garden Show May 29, 1935 |
VI.E.1935.11 FILM Box VIII |
Altar decoration, Calla Lilies, Mrs. Louise White, Cohasset G.C., Cohasset Garden Show May 29, 1935 |
VI.E.1935.12 FILM Box VIII |
Milton G.C. market exhibit, Cohasset Garden Show May 29, 1935 Mrs. W. Rodman Peabody, Brush Hill Rd., Pres.; Mrs. Malcolm Stone, 1672 Canton Av., Ch. |
VI.E.1935.13 FILM Box VIII |
Scituate G.C. market exhibit, Cohasset Garden Show May 29, 1935 Mrs. E. M. Wilder, Pres.; Mrs. Susan Herve Smith, Ch. Emulsion beginning to peel at edge. |
VI.E.n.d.1 FILM Box VIII |
Cohasset G.C. market stand (1st prize) "Mrs. John Bishop; Mrs. Preston Cummer" |
VI.F.1927.1 FILM Box VIII |
Sample garden of the Garden Association, Newport, R.I. Newport, R.I. July 30, 1927 |
VI.F.1929.1 FILM Box VIII |
Garden exhibit (Lilies) of Mrs. Edson Bradley, Newport Flower Show, Newport, R.I. July 9, 1929 |
VI.F.1929.1a FILM Box VIII |
Garden exhibit (Lilies) of Mrs. Edson Bradley, Newport Flower Show, Newport, R.I. July 9, 1929 |
VI.F.1929.2 FILM Box VIII |
Garden exhibit of Miss Alice Brayton, Newport Flower Flower Show, Newport, R.I. July 9, 1929 |
VI.F.1929.3 FILM Box VIII |
Garden exhibit of Mrs. John Nicholas Brown, Newport Flower Show, Newport, R.I. July 9, 1929 |
VI.F.1929.4 FILM Box VIII |
Garden exhibit (Jap. Iris) of Mrs. Jas. S. Cushman, Newport. Flower Show, Newport, R.I. July 9, 1929 |
VI.F.1929.5 FILM Box VIII |
Garden exhibit of Mrs. Arthur Curtiss James (2), Newport Flower Show, Newport, R.I. July 9, 1929 |
VI.F.1929.5a FILM Box VIII |
Garden exhibit of Mrs. Arthur Curtiss James, Newport Flower Show, Newport, R.I. July 9, 1929 Negative discolored. |
VI.F.1929.6 FILM Box VIII |
Garden exhibit of Mrs. Moses Taylor, Newport Flower Show, Newport, R.I. July 9, 1929 |
VI.F.1929.6a FILM Box VIII |
Garden exhibit of Mrs. Moses Taylor, Newport Flower Show, Newport, R.I. July 9, 1929 |
VI.F.1929.7 FILM Box VIII |
Garden exhibit of Mrs. W.H. Vanderbilt, Newport Flower Show, Newport, R.I. July 9, 1929 |
VI.F.1929.8 FILM Box VIII |
Garden exhibit of Mrs. Hubert Vos, Newport Flower Show, Newport, R.I. July 9, 1929 |
VI.F.1929.9 FILM Box VIII |
Garden exhibit of Mrs. Hamilton Fish Webster, Newport Flower Show, Newport, R.I. July 9, 1929 |
VI.F.1929.10 FILM Box VIII |
Wall Flower picture by Mrs. F.L.V. Hoppin (1st prize) at Newport G.A. Flower Show, Newport, R.I. July 9, 1929 Image masked. |
VI.F.1929.11 FILM Box VIII |
Wall Flower picture by Mrs. Hartford (2nd prize) at Newport G.A. Flower Show, Newport, R.I. July 9, 1929 Print sold to Garden Digest 6/34. Image masked. |
VI.F.1929.12 FILM Box VIII |
Wall Flower picture by Miss Shore (3rd prize) at Newport G.A. Flower Show, Newport, R.I. July 9, 1929 |
VI.F.1929.13 FILM Box VIII |
Wall Flower picture by Miss Benedict (Hon. Mention) at Newport Flower Show, Newport, R.I. July 9, 1929 Image masked. |
VI.F.1929.14 FILM Box VIII |
Wall Flower picture by Miss Parks at Newport Flower Show, Newport, R.I. July 9, 1929 |
VI.F.1929.15 FILM Box VIII |
Curved path of garden exhibits N. from center, Newport Flower Show, Newport, R.I. July 9, 1929 Left = Miss M. Van Beuren Right = Mrs. Moses Taylor, Mrs. H.F. Webster, Mrs. H.D. Auchincloss Negative discolored. |
VI.F.1929.16 FILM Box VIII |
Curved path of garden exhibits, So. from No. end, Newport Flower Show, Newport, R.I. July 9, 1929 Left = Mrs. Auchincloss, Mrs. Webster, Mrs. Moses Taylor Right = Mrs. Van Beuren Negative discolored. |
VI.F.1929.17 FILM Box VIII |
Curved path of garden exhibits, N. from So. end, Newport Flower Show, Newport, R.I. July 9, 1929 Left = Mrs. Garretson, Mrs. W.H. Vanderbilt, Mrs. J.S. Cushman, Mrs. Harold Brown Right = Miss Alice Brayton, Mrs. Edson Bradley, Mrs. Hubert Vos, Mrs. A.C. James |
VI.F.1929.18 FILM Box VIII |
[Curved path of garden exhibits] [July 9, 1929] |
VI.F.1933.1 FILM Box VIII |
Flower & fruit arrangement in epergne by Mrs. Chas. D. Easton, Newport Flower Show, R.I. July 7, 1933 |
VI.F.1933.2 FILM Box VIII |
Flower & fruit arrangement in epergne by Miss Mabel Benedict, Newport Flower Show, R.I. July 7, 1933 |
VI.F.1933.3 FILM Box VIII |
3 Wall flower pictures by Mrs. Wm. Hodgman, Mrs. Hubert Vos (1st prize) & Miss Elsie C. Hutton, Newport Flower Show, R.I. July 7, 1933 |
VI.F.1933.4 FILM Box VIII |
Wall flower picture by Mrs. Verner Z. Reed (2nd prize), Newport Flower Show, R.I. July 7, 1933 |
VI.F.1933.5 FILM Box VIII |
Japanese wall flower picture by Mrs. Louis Butler McCagg, Newport Flower Show, R.I. July 7, 1933 |
VI.F.1934.1 FILM Box VIII |
Japanese wall pictures, Newport Fl. Show, R.I. July 4, 1934 |
VI.F.1934.1a FILM Box VIII |
Japanese wall pictures, Newport Fl. Show, R.I. July 4, 1934 |
VI.F.1934.2 FILM Box VIII |
Wall picture, "Only Yesterday," 1st prize, by Mrs. Verner Reed & Mrs. Schuyler Parsons, Newport Fl. Show, R.I. July 4, 1934 |
VI.F.1934.3 FILM Box VIII |
Wall picture (4th of July design) of Jamestown Garden Club, 2nd prize, Newport Fl. Show, RI. July 4, 1934 |
VI.F.1934.3a FILM Box VIII |
Wall picture (4th of July design) of Jamestown Garden Club, 2nd prize, Newport Fl. Show, RI. July 4, 1934 |
VI.F.1934.4 FILM Box VIII |
Wall picture (4th of July design) by Mrs. Donald MacRae, hon. men., Newport Fl. Show, R.I. July 4, 1934 |
VI.F.1934.5 FILM Box VIII |
Wall picture, 2nd prize, by Mrs. Snowden Fahnestock, Newport Fl. Show, R.I. July 4, 1934 |
VI.F.1934.6 FILM Box VIII |
Rock garden (out-doors) by F.H. Lenbuscher (2), Essex Fells, N.J., Newport Fl. Show, R.I. July 4, 1934 M. H. S. July 6, 1934 |
VI.F.1934.6a FILM Box VIII |
Rock garden (out-doors) by F.H. Lenbuscher, Essex Fells, N.J., Newport Fl. Show, R.I. July 4, 1934 M. H. S. July 6, 1934 |
VI.F.1934.7 FILM Box VIII |
Japanese garden, lengthwise by Schupers, Newport Fl. Show, R.I. July 4, 1934 M. H. S. July 6, 1934 |
VI.F.1934.8 FILM Box VIII |
Japanese garden, across (out-doors) by Schupers, Newport Fl. Show, R.I. July 4, 1934 Set-up by G.P.A. Mayer, Westbury, N.J. |
VI.F.1934.9 FILM Box VIII |
Mrs. A.C. James "Old Mill" (best), Newport Fl. Show, R.I. July 4, 1934 M.H.S. July 6, 1934 |
VI.F.1934.10 FILM Box VIII |
Mrs. A.C. James "Old Mill," Percy Wilkinson, gardener, (2nd & 3rd), Newport Fl. Show, R.I. July 4, 1934 |
VI.F.1934.10a FILM Box VIII |
Mrs. A.C. James "Old Mill," Percy Wilkinson, gardener, (2nd & 3rd), Newport Fl. Show, R.I. July 4, 1934 |
VI.F.1934.11 FILM Box VIII |
Flower display of Mrs. Walter James, A-3, 1st prize, Newport Fl. Show, R.I. July 4, 1934 |
VI.F.1934.12 FILM Box VIII |
Flower display by Mrs. Van Buren, A-4, 2nd prize, Newport Fl. Show, R.I. July 4, 1934 |
VI.F.1934.13 FILM Box VIII |
Flower display of Mrs. Moses Taylor, B-2, Newport Fl. Show, R.I. July 4, 1934 |
VI.F.1934.14 FILM Box VIII |
Flower display of Mrs. E.V. Hartford, B-3, Newport Fl. Show, R.I. July 4, 1934 |
VI.F.1934.15 FILM Box VIII |
Flower display by Mrs. Van Buren, B-4, 1st prize, Newport Fl. Show, R.I. July 4, 1934 |
VI.F.1934.16 FILM Box VIII |
Flower display by Countess Szeckieny, C-4, 1st prize, Newport Fl. Show, R.I. July 4, 1934 |
VI.F.1934.17 FILM Box VIII |
Mrs. Moses Taylor's display of Trochilium, etc., C-3, second prize, Newport Fl. Show, R.I. July 4, 1934 |
VI.F.1934.18 FILM Box VIII |
Flower display of Mrs. W.H. Vanderbilt, D-1, 2nd prize, Newport Fl. Show, R.I. July 4, 1934 |
VI.F.1934.19 FILM Box VIII |
Flower display of Miss Alice Brayton, D-4, 1st prize, Newport Fl. Show, R.I. July 4, 1934 |
VI.F.1934.20 FILM Box VIII |
Display of Sweet Peas by Mrs. M.E. Van Buren, 1st prize, Newport Fl. Show, R.I. July 4, 1934 |
VI.F.1934.21 FILM Box VIII |
Mrs. M.E. Van Buren's Gloxinias (1st prize), Newport Fl. Show, R.I. July 4, 1934 |
VI.F.1934.22 FILM Box VIII |
Mrs. A.C. James "Seedling Cattleyas," Geo. S. Richards, gardener (2), Newport Fl. Show, R.I. July 4, 1934 |
VI.F.1934.22a FILM Box VIII |
Mrs. A.C. James "Seedling Cattleyas," Geo. S. Richards, gardener, Newport Fl. Show, R.I. July 4, 1934 |
VI.F.1934.23 FILM Box VIII |
Luncheon tables in balcony, Newport Fl. Show, R.I. July 4, 1934 |
VI.F.1934.24 FILM Box VIII |
Display of stocks in tent, Newport Fl. Show, R.I. July 4, 1934 |
VI.F.1934.24a FILM Box VIII |
Display of stocks in tent, Newport Fl. Show, R.I. July 4, 1934 |
VI.F.1934.25 FILM Box VIII |
The Piazza from north entrance, Newport Fl. Show, R.I. July 4, 1934 |
VI.F.1934.26 FILM Box VIII |
The Piazza from south end, Newport Fl. Show, R.I. July 4, 1934 |
VI.F.1934.27 FILM Box VIII |
South section of Ital. Piazza, Scheper's Jap. Iris on left, Newport Fl. Show, R.I. July 4, 1934 |
VI.F.n.d.1 FILM Box VIII |
[Flower arrangement in vase] |
VI.F.n.d.2 FILM Box VIII |
Garden exhibit of Miss Brayton, second prize (caption taken from negative) |
VI.F.n.d.3 FILM Box VIII |
Garden exhibit of Mrs. Cushman, first prize (caption taken from negative) |
VI.F.n.d.4 FILM Box VIII |
[Unidentified garden exhibit] |
VI.G.1933.1 FILM Box VIII |
Fruit stand by Miss Kate Stevens & Mrs. John F. Tyler, at G.C. flower show, No. Andover, Mass. September 14, 1933 |
VI.G.1933.2 FILM Box VIII |
Fruit stand by Miss Isabel Stevens & Mrs. John J. Chickering at flower show, No. Andover, Mass. September 14, 1933 |
VI.G.1933.3 FILM Box VIII |
French market vegetable stand by Miss Ruth Ely, at flower show, No. Andover, Mass. September 14, 1933 |
VI.G.1933.3a FILM Box VIII |
French market vegetable stand by Miss Ruth Ely, at flower show, No. Andover, Mass. September 14, 1933 |
VI.G.1933.4 FILM Box VIII |
French market vegetable stand by Mrs. John G. Coolidge, at flower show, No. Andover, Mass. September 14, 1933 |
VI.G.1933.4a FILM Box VIII |
French market vegetable stand by Mrs. John G. Coolidge, at flower show, No. Andover, Mass. September 14, 1933 |
VI.G.1933.5 FILM Box VIII |
Vegetable stand by Mrs. Everett J. Graves at G.C. Flower Show, No. Andover, Mass. September 14, 1933 M.H.S. |
VI.H.1934.1 FILM Box VIII |
Carnations flower arrangement by Mrs. L.W. Ballou (75 Harris Av., Woonsocket), R.I. Flower Show, Providence April 21, 1934 Print sold to Garden Digest, 6-34 Emulsion separated from film base in channels. |
VI.H.1934.2 FILM Box VIII |
Garden exhibit of Mrs. Frank E. Bates, Oaklawn, R.I., R.I. Flower Show, Providence April 21, 1934 |
VI.H.1934.3 FILM Box VIII |
Begonia flower arrangement by Mrs. W.E. Brigham, R.I. Flower Show, Providence April 21, 1934 |
VI.H.1934.3a FILM Box VIII |
Begonia flower arrangement by Mrs. W.E. Brigham, R.I. Flower Show, Providence April 21, 1934 |
VI.H.1934.4 FILM Box VIII |
Strelitykia flower arrangement by Mrs. W.E. Brigham, R.I. Flower Show, Providence April 21, 1934 M. H. S. Apr. '34 |
VI.H.1934.5 FILM Box VIII |
Wm. E. Brigham's miniature garden, 1st prize, Class 4 & Special, R.I. Flower Show, Providence April 21, 1934 |
VI.H.1934.6 FILM Box VIII |
Japanese miniature garden by Mrs. Wm. E. Brigham, 1st prize, R.I. Flower Show, Providence April 21, 1934 |
VI.H.1934.6a FILM Box VIII |
Japanese miniature garden by Mrs. Wm. E. Brigham, 1st prize, R.I. Flower Show, Providence April 21, 1934 |
VI.H.1934.7 FILM Box VIII |
Flower arr. of Callas & Skunk Cabbage by Jos. P. Copp, Jr., 159 Benefit St., 1st prize, Class 14, R.I. Flower Show, Providence April 21, 1934 |
VI.H.1934.8 FILM Box VIII |
Miniature garden by Jos. P. Copp, Jr., 1st prize, Class 13, R.I. Flower Show, Providence April 21, 1934 |
VI.H.1934.9 FILM Box VIII |
Miss Ely's floor plan from north balcony, R.I. Flower Show, Providence April 21, 1934 |
VI.H.1934.10 FILM Box VIII |
Miss Ely's floor plan, diagonal, from floor, R.I. Flower Show, Providence April 21, 1934 |
VI.H.1934.11 FILM Box VIII |
Miss Ruth Ely's floor plan from west stairway, R.I. Flower Show Auditorium, Providence April 21, 1934 |
VI.H.1934.11a FILM Box VIII |
Miss Ruth Ely's floor plan from west stairway, R.I. Flower Show Auditorium, Providence April 21, 1934 |
VI.H.1934.12 FILM Box VIII |
Miss Ruth Ely's floor plan from west balcony, R.I. Flower Show, Providence April 21, 1934 |
VI.H.1934.12a FILM Box VIII |
Miss Ruth Ely's floor plan from west balcony, R I. Flower Show, Providence April 21, 1934 |
VI.H.1934.12b FILM Box VIII |
Miss Ruth Ely's floor plan from west balcony, R.I. Flower Show, Providence April 21, 1934 |
VI.H.1934.12c FILM Box VIII |
Miss Ruth Ely's floor plan from west balcony, R.I. Flower Show, Providence April 21, 1934 |
VI.H.1934.13 FILM Box VIII |
Miss Ruth Ely's miniature garden, Class 4, 2nd prize, R.I. Flower Show, Providence April 21, 1934 |
VI.H.1934.13a FILM Box VIII |
Miss Ruth Ely's miniature garden, Class 4, 2nd prize, R.I. Flower Show, Providence April 21, 1934 |
VI.H.1934.14 FILM Box VIII |
Push cart exhibit by Arcade Florists, R.I. Flower Show, Providence April 21, 1934 |
VI.H.1934.15 FILM Box VIII |
Garden exhibit, R.I. Flower Show, Providence April 21, 1934 |
VI.H.1934.15a FILM Box VIII |
Garden exhibit, R.I. Flower Show, Providence April 21, 1934 |
VI.H.1934.16 FILM Box VIII |
Planting about stairway, Greenwood Nurseries, R.I. Flower Show, Providence April 21, 1934 |
VI.H.1934.17 FILM Box VIII |
Shadow picture by Mrs. Hiram E. Hoyt, 46 Rumstick Rd., Barrington, R.I. Flower Show, Providence April 21, 1934 |
VI.I.1924.1 FILM Box VIII |
Cluster of "Tausendschön" roses, at Mt. Desert Nurseries office, Bar Harbor, Me. July 14, 1924 (Multi Schmidt 1905) |
VI.I.1924.1a FILM Box VIII |
Cluster of "Tausendschön" roses, at Mt. Desert Nurseries office, Bar Harbor, Me. July 14, 1924 (Multi Schmidt 1905) Negative discolored. |
VI.I.1925.1 FILM Box VIII |
Single yellow Tulip in vase from Breck's Nursery (b.b.) Lexington, Mass. May 5, 1925 Tinted positive image on film. |
VI.I.1928.1 FILM Box VIII |
Avenue of spruces at Kelsey Nurseries, E. |
VI.I.1928.2 FILM Box VIII |
Azaleas & Malus robusta at Mr. Kelsey's nursery, E. |
VI.I.1928.3 FILM Box VIII |
Conical clipped White Pine at Kelsey Nurseries, E. June 1, 1928 |
VI.I.1928.4 FILM Box VIII |
Mugho Pine (dwarf) at Kelsey Nurseries, E. June 1, 1928 |
VI.I.1928.5 FILM Box VIII |
Planting of Carolina Hemlock at Kelsey Nurseries, E. |
VI.I.1928.6 FILM Box VIII |
Planting of dwarf shrubs by office at Kelsey Nurseries, E. Negative discolored. |
VI.I.1930.1 FILM Box VIII |
Planting of Filipendula ulmaria flore pluio at Bay State Nurseries (4), No. Abington, Mass. July 2, 1930 |
VI.I.1930.1a FILM Box VIII |
Planting of Filipendula ulmaria flore pluio at Bay State Nurseries, No. Abington, Mass. July 2, 1930 |
VI.I.1930.1b FILM Box VIII |
Planting of Filipendula ulmaria flore pluio at Bay State Nurseries, No. Abington, Mass. July 2, 1930 |
VI.I.1930.1c FILM Box VIII |
Planting of Filipendula ulmaria flore pluio at Bay State Nurseries, No. Abington, Mass. July 2, 1930 |
VI.I.1930.2 FILM Box VIII |
Hemerocallis, New Hybrid Daylilies at Bay State Nurseries (b.b.), No. Abington, Mass. July 2, 1930 Flower sketch accompanied film (housed separately in accompanying materials). Positive image on film. |
VI.I.1930.3 FILM Box VIII |
Field of Astilbes, Bay State Nurseries, No. Abington, Mass. July 2, 1930 |