GOURGAS FAMILY PAPERS, circa 1834-2000
Vault A45, Gourgas Unit 1

EXTENT: Approximately 4 linear feet.
ORGANIZATION AND ARRANGEMENT: Organized into four series: I. Family papers, 1834-1979; II. Genealogical papers, 1938-1980, divided into two subseries: Subseries II.A. Gourgas family overall, 1960-1970s, and Subseries II.B. Gathered Freemason records related to John James Joseph Gourgas and the Gourgas Medal, 1938-1980; III. Photographs and images, pre-20th century-late 20th century, divided into three subseries: Subseries III.A. Images of people, pre-20th century-1940s, Subseries III.B. Images of 98 Monument Street and Concord,1938-late 20th century, and Subseries III.C. Images found with the collection, 1906; IV. Collected town reports, special publications, clippings and histories about Concord, Massachusetts and Weston Massachusetts, 1961-1980s, divided into three subseries: Subseries IV.A. Concord, Massachusetts, 1861-1900, 1925, Subseries IV.B. Weston, Massachusetts, 1980s, and Subseries IV.C. Clippings, 1960-1970.
FAMILY HISTORY: The Gourgas family in this collection refers to one family line descended from Jean Lewis Gourgas II, a Huguenot who emigrated to America from Switzerland in the 1700s after serving as a general in the French army in the American Revolutionary War. The Gourgases were centered around two towns: Concord, Massachusetts, and Weston Massachusetts, with some family members residing in Milton, Massachusetts, Cambridge, Massachusetts, Boston, Massachusetts, Brooklyn, New York, New York, New York, and Cincinnati, Ohio.
The collection consists mainly of the papers of:
- John Mark Gourgas I (1766-1846), son of Jean Lewis Gourgas II and a resident of Milton, Massachusetts and Weston Massachusetts;
- Francis R. Gourgas (1811-1853), son of John Mark Gourgas I (1766-1846) and Concord resident
- John Mark Gourgas IV (1916-2001), the grandson of Francis R. Gourgas (1811-1853), and Weston resident.
The Gourgas family of Concord consisted of Francis R. Gourgas (1811-1853), his wife, Abigail Pierce Hastings Gourgas (1816-1896)—married in 1836—, and their children John Mark Gourgas III (1845-1919), Francis R. Gourgas Jr. (1843-1925), and Abigail Margaret Gourgas (1837-[unknown]). They resided in the house currently numbered 98 Monument Street (then numbered 20 Monument Street) early in the 1830s; they were the neighbors of prominent Concord families including the Keyes family and the Bartlett family. During their time in Concord, Francis R. Gourgas had the first indoor bathroom in Concord installed in the house.
Born in Dorchester, Massachusetts and raised in Weston, Massachusetts, Francis R. Gourgas (1811-1853) was the son of wealthy Weston, Massachusetts resident John Mark Gourgas I, and the grandson of Huguenot and Revolutionary War General Jean Lewis Gourgas. Francis R. Gourgas was educated at the Concord Academy before attending Amherst College (1828-1829) and Harvard (1830) without graduating. He gained prominence in Concord during his 1835-1842 tenure as the owner and editor of the conservative anti-Freemason newspaper, the Concord Freeman. John Mark Gourgas I, who was managing the family’s funds at the time, funded Francis R. Gourgas’s purchase of a controlling share of the newspaper.
In addition to being a voice of the Democratic party in Concord, Francis R. Gourgas also lead an active life of public service, serving in Concord in the following positions:
- Postmaster of the town of Concord, 1839-1841
- Board of Selectmen, 1844-1850
- Town Clerk, 1848-1853
- Member of the committee for building the Town House, 1850-1851
- Member of the Committee for establishing the Town Library, 1851-1853
- Member of the Prudential Committee of the Centre School District, 1853
His local influence also contributed to his becoming a member of the Social Circle in 1848. On the state level. Gourgas also served in the Massachusetts House of Representatives in the General Court (state legislature), 1840 and 1842, Massachusetts Senate in 1843, and the Massachusetts Governor’s Council in 1852. He was a member of the state Constitutional Convention in 1853, the year he died of typhoid fever.
Francis R. Gourgas Jr. (1843-1925) moved to New York at the end of the 19th century. He married Mary Josephine Beatley in 1904. Their son, John Mark Gourgas IV, was born in Brooklyn in 1916. When his brother and sister, who had stayed in the house at 98 Monument Street died, Francis R. Gourgas Jr. used the house as his summer home. By the 1920s, Francis R. Gourgas Jr. had moved back to Massachusetts; he died in Brookline, Massachusetts in 1925.
John Mark Gourgas IV (1916-2001) served in the Army during World War II and was an active Freemason. It appears that much of the genealogy work in the collection was done by him in the 1960s and 1970s. In 1972 he gained employment at Jericho Village in Weston and lived and worked in the town for the rest of his life. He married twice and fathered five children before his death in 2001.
The Gourgas family is also known for its connection to Scottish Rite Freemasonry; John James Joseph Gourgas (1777-1865), younger brother of John Mark Gourgas I, was a founder and the first Secretary General of the Scottish Rite of Freemasonry Northern Supreme Council. He is revered for supporting the cause of Freemasonry during a time of anti-Masonic sentiment. The highest award of the Scottish Rite of Freemasonry Supreme Council, 33° Northern Masonic Jurisdiction, the Gourgas Medal, is in his honor. Established in 1945, the award has since been conferred upon Freemasons such as Henry S. Truman, Gerald Ford, John Glenn, and Arnold Palmer.
SCOPE AND CONTENT: The collection holds mainly papers of the Gourgas family in Massachusetts. In addition to these papers, there are some materials related to the Bartlett family of Concord (Edward Jarvis Bartlett and his descendents), neighbors of the Gourgases on Monument Street.
Papers consist of account books, ambrotypes, daguerreotypes, photographs, letters, certificates, town reports, photocopies of research material, and research notes. The bulk of the collection consists of photographs and papers of individuals in the Gourgas family, most prominently those of John Mark Gourgas IV (1916-2001) of Weston, Massachusetts. Other family members’ papers include Francis R. Gourgas of Concord (1811-1853), Massachusetts, and his father, John Mark Gourgas I (1766-1846) of Weston, Massachusetts. There is also a sizable collection of records regarding the genealogy of the Gourgas family, likely gathered by John Mark Gourgas IV. The collection also includes Concord town reports owned and annotated by members of the Gourgas family in Concord.
ASSOCIATED MATERIALS: Bartlett Family Papers, 1816-1972, William Munroe Special Collections, Concord Free Public Library (Vault A45, Bartlett, Unit 1, finding aid at http:/www.concordlibrary.org/special-collections/fin_aids/Bartlett_fam_papers). Bartlett-Jackson Family Papers, 1832-1966, William Munroe Special Collections, Concord Free Public Library (Vault, A45, Bartlett, Unit 3, finding aid at http:/www.concordlibrary.org/special-collections/fin_aids/bartlett).
External finding aids related to the Gourgas family consulted for this finding aid: Gourgas family papers, 1614-1842, Massachusetts Historical Society. Gourgas Family, Papers, 1815-1843, The State Historical Society of Missouri.
NOTES/COMMENTS: Accessioned 2007 (AMC 160). During processing, town reports of Concord from the late 19th century and early and mid-20th centuries that were not relevant to the collection were removed. Further, unannotated copies of commemorative material related to Concord anniversaries was also removed from the collection. The silhouette portrait of Francis R. Gourgas, signed by artist Auguste Eduoart, 1842 January 21 was confirmed using Ancestors in Silhouette by Emily Jackson (New York: John Lane Company, 1921).
PROCESSED BY: Janaya Kizzie, 2015. Finding aid completed December 2015.
Series I. Family papers, 1834-1979:
- Box 1, Folder 1: Financial account book of John M. Gourgas I (1766-1846) for the Gourgas family, 1834 January 1 to 1838 July 23. Lists stock dividends, financial transactions (some described in depth). Includes transactions involving his children and siblings. Includes some personal journal entries.
- Events mentioned include:
- One entry, dated 1835 August 7, describes John M. Gourgas I paying $500 "to provide for the first payment [Francis R. Gourgas] has engaged himself to make to the share owners of the Newspaper called the Concord Freeman, of who he has purchased one half of the concern"—it also mentions a payment to Samuel Hoar for his advice on the matter, and annual payments for the Concord Freeman in July.
- One entry, dated 1837 February 3, documenting John M. Gourgas's delivery of pamphlets to Samuel A. Eliot, Mayor of Boston, regarding small pox vaccinations in Milton.
- One entry, dated 1837 May 12, noting the Panic of 1837.
- Box 10 [legal size], Folder 1: Copy of a deed for land in Wayland, Massachusetts beloning to John M. Gourgas I (1766-1846), 1847.
- Box 1, Folder 2: Francis R. Gourgas (1811-1853) correspondence, 1852-1853. Contains one form letter informing Francis R. Gourgas that he was elected as counselor to the governor of Massachusetts, 1852 January 14, and a handwritten letter signed by G. W. Tuxbury to Francis R. Gourgas regarding a financial demand made against him, 1852 January 21, with a handwritten, signed response by Francis R. Gourgas written underneath, 1852 January 22.
- Box 1, Folder 3: Resolutions made by the town of Concord regarding the death of Francis R. Gourgas (1811-1853), 1853 July 18. Addressed to Mrs. Francis P. Gourgas [Abigail P. Gourgas] and signed by George Heywood.
- Box 3: Francis R. Gourgas engraved brass name plate, mid-19th century.
- Oversize Folder 2: Certificates of appointment of Francis R. Gourgas (1811-1853), 1836, 1839, 1842. Certificates in this folder:
- Certificate appointing Francis R. Gourgas to the rank of Lieutenant [in the Militia of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts], 1836. Signed by John P. Bigelow.
- Certificate appointing Francis R. Gourgas as postmaster in Concord, 1839 June 13. Signed by Amos Kendall.
- Certificate appointing Francis R. Gourgas as Senator for the Commonwealth of Massachusetts, 1842 December 17.
- Box 1, Folder 4: Notebook, 1880-1917. Bound manuscript volume. Includes handwritten notes regarding the Gourgas family, vacations, health, copies of letters, planting, real estate and finances.
- Box 1, Folder 5: Stock certificates, 1882-1899, 1941. Certificates are from Chicago Railways Company, Ohio Central Railroad Company, Bay State Gas Company, and Standard Rope and Twine. Some certificates are in the name of Joseph Beatley (father of Mary J. Gourgas, née Beatley), and one certificate is in the name of John M. Gourgas [IV], 1941.
- Box 1, Folder 6: Letter from Anne I. Shipps to "John" regarding a death in John’s family, late 19th century. Sends "sympathy to Abbie Lee May God give her strength—to carry on for dear [illegible text] Gourgas sake."
- Box 1, Folder 7: Homes of Our Favorite Poets, with Appropriate Selections from Their Work (Philadelphia: Wolf & Co. [date of publication not identified]), early 20th century.
- Box 1, Folder 8: Printed invitations to the wedding of Mary Josephine Beatley and Francis Richard Gourgas [Jr.], circa 1904. Three copies.
- Box 1, Folder 9: The Book of Common Prayer and Administration of the Sacraments and Other Rites and Ceremonies of the Church (New York: James Pott & Company, 1929). Inscribed "Anna B. Faxon, May 25, 1930, from Grandmother."
- Oversize Folder 1: Diplomas, certificates of membership, and certificates of fraternities given to John M. Gourgas IV (1916-2001), 1932-1961. See Box 1, Folder 10 for other certificates given to John M. Gourgas IV (1916-2001). Certificates in this folder:
- Knights Templar certificate proclaiming John Mark Gourgas a member of the Sir Galahad Commandery No. 52 in Waltham [Massachusetts], 1948 May 17.
- The Grand Council of the Order of DeMolay, L. D. Wilson Chapter, Maynard, Massachusetts, 1935 October 7. Signed by Richard D. Elson, Harry E. Burnham, Howard M. Weaving and Robert Lester.
- The Grand Council of the Order of DeMolay, L. D. Wilson Chapter, Maynard, Massachusetts, retirement certificate, 1939 February 6. The certificate states that Gourgas has reached the age of 71.
- The Adjutant General’s School, Fort Washington, Maryland. Certificate of completion for the enlisted course basic army administration, from 1944 March 18 - May 10. Signed by L.W. Stanley, D. Clapham, and Clifford Townsend.
- Box 1, Folder 10: Certificates held by John M. Gourgas IV (1916-2001), 1932-1960 See Oversize Folder 1 for other certificates given to John M. Gourgas IV (1916-2001). Certificates in this folder:
- Membership certificate for Alpha Omega Fraternity, Bordentown Military Institute, 1932 June 11. Signed by Chester P. Lewis.
- Membership certificate for Eta Chi fraternity, Bordentown Military Institute, 1932 June 11, signed by David J. Anderson, W. B. Greene, Jr., Michael A. Leye, William Edward Sachiewicz and Edward B. DeNoyor.
- Membership certificate for Delta Pi fraternity, Bordentown Military Institute, 1933 March 4. Signed by David Styer, Jr. Paul F. Pauli, and V. Edgar Lind.
- Membership certificate for Kappa Nu fraternity, Bordentown Military Institute, 1934 January 6. Signed by A. S. Ehrlich and James, P. Hepburn.
- Membership certificate for The National Geographic Society (for John M. Gourgas of Concord), 1935 April 25, signed by George W. Hutchinson.
- Certificate of recognition from the Commonwealth of Massachusetts recognizing John M. Gourgas IV for his service in World War II, undated, circa 1945. Signed by William H. Harrison Jr. and Maurice J. Tobin.
- United States White House certificate of thanks for service in the Amy, signed by Harry S. Truman, circa 1945
- Certificate of donation [$5] to the Masonic Home Fund, 1947 March 7.
- Membership certificate for Grand Lodge of Ancient Free and Accepted Masons of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts, Masonic Temple, Boston, Massachusetts, undated.
- Membership certificate for the Mystic Shrine in the Aleppo Temple of Boston, MA, 1956 December 1.
- Boston Real Estate Board Certification, 1959.
- Boston Real Estate Board Certification, 1960.
- Certificate of membership from the Order of the Easter Star, Electa Chapter, No. 19, of Waltham, Massachusetts, 1950 February 23.
- Box 1, Folder 11: Programs and pamphlets related to Freemason-related events, circa 1934, 1936, 1948: L. D. Wilson chapter, circa 1934, 1936; Walden Royal Arch Chapter, 1948 March.
- Box 1, Folder 12: Two typed letters signed by J. B. Cummings of the Eastman Kodak Company Film Processing Service to John M. Gourgas IV (1916-2001) regarding photograph film that was received unlabeled, 1941.
- Box 1, Folder 13: Program for a meeting of the Sir Galahad Commandery, No. 52 Knights Templar, 1948 April 29. Program even includes the "Order of the Temple" being conferred upon "John M. Gourgos" [John M. Gourgas IV (1916-2001)]. See John M. Gourgas IV’s Sir Galahad Commandery certificate in Oversize 1.
- Box 1, Folder 14: Milton High School graduation program, 1961 June 19. Lists Trudy Ann Gourgas [daughter of John Mark Gourgas IV (1916-2001)] among the graduates.
- Box 1, Folder 15: John M. Gourgas IV (1916-2001) financial trust records, 1967, 1971, 1972. Includes a letter from a legal practice, 1971.
- Closed until 2072 January 1.
- Box 1, Folder 16: Form letter to John M. Gourgas IV (1916-2001) informing him of his appointment to the Town Report Committee of Acton, 1970 May 8.
- Box 1, Folder 17: Copy of correspondence between George E. Burow, John M. Gorgas (of Chambersburg, Pennsylvania) and John M. Gourgas IV (1916-2001), 1970, regarding the article "Gourgas — Scottish Rite Conservator" by George E. Burow, 33°, in The Northern Light, V.1 No. 4. 1970 September.
- Box 1, Folder 18: Program with Freemason lodge meetings, lodge names and representatives, circa 1972. "Scottish Rite Bodies: Ancient Accepted Scottish Rite of Freemasonry, Valley of Boston, Massachusetts" (likely belonged to John M. Gourgas IV (1916-2001)).
- Box 1, Folder 19: Handwritten timeline of the life of John M. Gourgas IV (1916-2001) with handwritten list of Massachusetts governors, circa 1979.
- Box 1, Folder 20: Printed crests of John Mark Gourgas, undated, (20th century). 4 copies.
- Box 10 [legal size], Folder 2: Drawings of the Gourgas family crest (large) and a blank family tree, undated.
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Series II. Genealogy, 1938-1980:
- Subseries II.A. Gourgas family overall, 1960s - 1970s:
- Box 2, Folder 1: "The Gourgas family of Massachusetts," a compilation of notes and genealogical research, circa late 1960s. Includes a timeline, index, and family tree. Removed from binder during processing.
- Box 2, Folder 2: Compiled research photocopies regarding the Gourgas family, late 1960s. Includes photocopies of historical materials on the Gourgases in America and their predecessors in Europe; a bibliography of books mentioning the Gourgases; a set of photocopied and transcribed biographical material regarding Francis R. Gourgas (1811-1853) entitled "Francis. R. Gourgas"; research about the Gourgas family portraits; a timeline entitled "Facts about the Family"; and research-related correspondence, 1960s-1970s.
- Subseries II.B. Gathered Freemason records related to John James Joseph Gourgas (1777-1865) and the Gourgas Medal, 1938-1980:
- Box 2, Folder 3: Clippings and publications related to the Gourgas Medal and John James Joseph Gourgas (1777-1865), 1938-1964. Includes:
- Jersey City Rite Lite newsletter, 1938 February-March.
- Program for the dedication of the John James Joseph Memorial in New York Bay Cemetery, Jersey City, NJ, 1938 May 22 (2 copies).
- Scottish Rite Bulletin of the Valley of Detroit, Michigan, 1959 December (2 copies).
- Newsletter from the Aleppo Temple in Boston, circa 1959.
- Rite Recorder (published by the Scottish Rite Bodies, Cincinnati, Ohio), 1960 January (2 copies).
- News-letter of the Supreme Council 33° Ancient Accepted Scottish Rite Northern Masonic Jurisdiction U.S.A., 1964 October.
- Three issues of the Massachusetts Consistory Scottish Rite Bulletin, 1959 December, 1962 December, and 1966 October.
- Box 2, Folder 4: Program, "Mount Olivet Chapter of Rose Croix, 100th anniversary year, Boston, Massachusetts," 1963. A history in the program mentions the Gourgas Chapter of Rose Croix, which was combined with the Mount Olivet Chapter in 1871.
- Box 2, Folder 5: Issue of Freemason publication The Northern Light, v.1, no. 4, 1970 September. Issue is "dedicated to Ill.: John James Joseph Gourgas" and includes the article "Gourgas — Scottish Rite Conservator" by George E. Burow, 33°.
- Box 2, Folder 6: Freemason pamphlets, 1972, 1980. Includes a 150th anniversary booklet for the Corinthian Lodge, A. F. & A. M. in Concord, Massachusetts, 1972, and "Facts of Scottish Rite" pamphlet, 1980, about Freemasonry, which contains a section on the Gourgas medal.
- Box 2, Folder 7: Issues of the Massachusetts Consistory Scottish Rite Bulletin, 1975 October, 1975 December (this issue mentions the Gourgas medal being presented to Gerald R. Ford on the back of the issue), 1976 February, 1979 November, 1980 March, and 1980 August.
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Series III. Photographs and images, pre-20th century-late 20th century:
- Subseries III.A. Images of people, pre-20th century-1940s:
- Box 3: Framed side-view portrait of a young woman, pre-20th century. Appears to be in pencil and paint. In a wood oval frame.
- Box 3: Framed daguerreotype of Francis R. Gourgas Jr. (1843-1925), circa 1845. Frame embossed, "Darling's Studio". Note on back: "Francis R. Gourgas, taken in Washington, 1845."
- Box 4, Case 1: Silhouette of a man wearing a cravat, pre-20th century. In a silk and velvet lined leather case. The silhouette is attached to a wooden backing and a convex glass lens. The case is warped and no longer closes.
- Box 4: Reproduction of the Samuel W. Rowse portrait of Ralph Waldo Emerson in a metal frame, 19th century. The portrait can be seen in a black-and-white photograph of the interior of 98 Monument Street in Concord, MA, 1930s (Box 7, Folder 9 of this collection).
- Box 4, Case 2: Daguerreotype of an elderly man with white hair, undated, mid-19th century. Photograph by Insley, 122 Broadway (text is engraved on frame). Subject is likely John James Joseph Gourgas (1777-1865). Image is in a dark case with floral motif. The man’s cheeks are hand-tinted pink.
- Box 4, Cases 3-5: Three daguerreotype portraits of an older woman in a bonnet, mid-19th century. The portraits were likely taken during same sitting but from different angles. In photographs 3 and 5, a surface can be seen with books on a table on the right side Subject of the photograph appears to be the same woman who is the subject of a framed photograph in Box 6 of this collection.
- Box 4, Case 6: Daguerreotype portrait of a young woman, mid-19th century. Woman bears resemblance to Francis R. Gourgas.
- Box 4, Case 7: Daguerreotype portrait of an elderly woman in a bonnet, late 19th century. Photograph is in a leather case embossed with a floral design. Case hinges are broken. Subject of the photograph appears to be the same woman who is the subject of a framed photograph in Box 7, Folder 3 of this collection.
- Box 4, Case 8: Daguerreotype studio portrait of two girls, mid-19th century. The girl’s cheeks are hand-tinted pink. The image is in half of a case; the top half is missing. The case is leather, embossed with an abstract design.
- Box 4, Case 9: Large-size daguerreotype portrait of Francis R. Gourgas (1811-1853), mid-19th century. Photographer label: "Whipple’s." This is the image used in Francis R. Gourgas's Social Circle memoir (3rd Series, p. 25). The case is lined with velvet.
- Box 5, Case 10: Ambrotype of France Gourgas (1811-1853) by E. S. Dunshee, renown photographer (he was the photographer of a famous ambrotype of Henry David Thoreau), mid- to late 19th century. Dunshee's name is engraved in the corner of the frame/case. The man’s cheeks are hand-tinted pink.
- Box 5, Case 11: Ambrotype of a woman, mid- to late 19th century. The woman’s cheeks are hand-tinted pink. In an embossed leather case with velvet lining.
- Box 5, Case 12: Tintype or ambrotype of a young woman, mid- to late 19th century. She wears a white lace collar. Subject is likely one of the women in the photograph in Box 5, Case 15 of this collection. Note inside of case under the photograph: "New Bedford, October 23 [unreadable], HL [unreadable]." The image is faded or incomplete; most of the woman’s hair and her dress are not visible. The image is an embossed leather case with velvet lining. The case is embossed with a design.
- Box 5, Case 13: Photograph portrait of a young woman, mid- to late 19th century. The woman’s cheeks are hand-tinted pink. The image is in a velvet-lined leather case that is embossed with floral pattern.
- Box 5, Case 14: Ambrotype portrait of an sitting elderly couple by E. S. Dunshee, 1857 September 29. Subjects' lips are hand-tinted pink. The back of the ambrotype is breaking down, revealing text underneath. Note inside of case under the photograph: "Father and Mother Russell, September 29 / 1857, Taken by S. H. [H. S.?] Dunshee, clerk, For Joseph & Mary."
- Box 5, Case 15: Ambrotype portrait of two women by E. S. Dunshee, mid- to late 19th century. Subject on the left is likely the same woman from the tintype or ambrotype in Box 5, Case 12 of this collection. The women’s cheeks and the woman’s dress on the right are hand-tinted pink.
- Box 6: Framed photographs mid-19th century-early 20th century.
- Framed photograph of an older woman in a bonnet, mid-19th century (likely an early 20th century reproduction). Subject of the photograph appears to be the same woman who is the subject of daguerreotypes in Box 4, Cases 3-5 of this collection. Photograph is mounted in a lacquered wooden frame with a brown mat and a wooden backing.
- Box 6: Framed portrait photograph of a woman with light or gray hair. Frame is a deep purple velvet with a paper-lined metal backing, early 20th century.
- Box 7, Folder 1: Silhouette portrait of Francis R. Gourgas (1811-1853), signed by renown silhouette artist Auguste Eduoart, 1842 January 21. Image is in a plaster-covered wooden frame.
- Box 7, Folder 2: Carte-de-visite photograph portrait of Francis R. Gourgas Jr. (1843-1925) by S. Young Studio in New York, late 19th century. Labeled "Francis Richard Gourgas 2nd, 1843-1925."
- Box 7, Folder 3: Carte-de-visite photograph portrait of an elderly woman in a bonnet, early 20th century. Photographer’s mark appears to be James S. Johnson in Concord, Massachusetts. Subject of the photograph appears to be the same woman who is the subject of a framed photograph in Box 4, Folder 7 of this collection.
- Box 7, Folder 4: Black-and-white photograph portraits of William Bradford Bartlett throughout his life, late 19th century - mid-20th century. Includes: one carte-de-visite of Bartlett as a child, labeled "Dr. William B. Bartlett" by photographer "Webster" in Waltham, late 20th century; one carte-de-visit of Bartlett as a young man or teenager, early 20th century; and one professional photograph of Bartlett in a suit, circa early to mid-20th century (removed from paper mount during processing). William Bradford Bartlett was the son of Edward Jarvis Bartlett, neighbor of the Gourgases on Monument Street in Concord, Massachusetts.
- Box 7, Folder 5: Black-and-white photograph of Robert Brett, Philip A. Davis [Junior] and Ann Davis, 1940s.
- Subseries III.B. Images of 98 Monument Street and Concord, 1938-late 20th century:
- Box 7, Folder 6: Two black-and-white photographs of the house at 98 Monument Street in winter, by A. F. Loranz (likely Ann Foster Loranz, see obituaries in clippings, Box 10 Folder 3), 1938 January. Labeled "20 Monument Street" (based on earlier numbering of houses on Monument Street).
- Box 7, Folder 7: Black-and-white photographs of the exterior of the house at 98 Monument Street, 1930s. Includes photographs of the house from various angles; some dated, some with photographers marks and handwritten labels.
- Box 7, Folder 8: Black-and-white photographs of the interior of 98 Monument Street, taken by A. F. Loranz of Boston, circa 1940. Photographs depict interiors of several rooms in the house at various angles, including sitting rooms, foyer, kitchen and bedrooms. The photographs also depict: multiple photographs of Gourgas family portraits mounted on walls; one photograph of a young man sitting in one of the rooms; and one photograph of the Ralph Waldo Emerson portrait by Samuel W. Rowse portrait located in Box 4 of this collection.
- Box 7, Folder 9: Mounted print of the 1839 engraving, "Central Part of Concord, Mass.," by J. Downes, early 20th century. Image is from John Warner Barber's Historical Collections, Being a General Collection of Interesting Facts, Traditions, Biographical Sketches, Anecdotes, &c., Relating to the History and Antiquities of Every Town in Massachusetts (Worcester: Dorr, Howland & Co., 1840).
- Box 7, Folder 10: Photograph of the interior of 98 Monument Street, undated, early 20th century. Decorated fireplace with a chair beside it.
- Box 7, Folder 11: Black-and-white photograph of the house at 98 Monument Street, undated, early 20th century.
- Box 7, Folder 12: Two photographs of the house at 98 Monument Street, mounted, undated, early 20th century.
- Box 7, Folder 13: Photograph of a man standing of the porch of the house at 98 Monument Street, mounted, undated, early 20th century. Two copies.
- Box 7, Folder 14: Mounted photographs of Concord landmarks, early 20th century. Photographs of Orchard House, the Minute Man statue, the Old Manse, "Hawthorne House [the Wayside]," and Emerson House.
- Box 7, Folder 15: Photographs of 98 Monument Street, undated, mid- to late 20th century. Includes one small photograph of the house during spring or summer, likely early to mid-20th century; two larger photographs of the house in the snow, mid- to late 20th century (both likely taken on the same day); and one holiday card featuring a color photograph, late 20th century, signed by Mary Chamberlain (photograph removed from folder, labeled "Kodak Christmas Folder," during processing).
- Subseries III.C. Images found with the collection, 1906
- Box 7, Folder 16: Black-and-white photograph of daffodils labeled "Easter Greeting 1906", circa 1906. Removed from round mat during processing.
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Series IV. Collected town reports, special publications, clippings and histories about Concord, Massachusetts and Weston, Massachusetts, 1861-1980s
- Subseries IV.A. Concord, Massachusetts, 1861-1900, 1925
- Box 8, Folder 1: Concord town reports, 1861/1862, 1862/1863, and School Committee reports, 1862-1863.
- Box 8, Folder 2: Concord town reports, 1863/1864, 1864/1865, 1871/1872, 1875/1876. References to the Gourgas family were marked prior to processing and are flagged.
- Box 8, Folder 3: Concord town reports, 1870/1871, 1873/1874, 1884/1885, 1885/1886. References to the Gourgas family were marked prior to processing and are flagged.
- Box 8, Folder 4: Concord town reports, 1886/1887, 1887/1888, 1888/1889. References to the Gourgas family were marked prior to processing.
- Box 8, Folder 5: Concord town reports, 1894/1895. References to the Gourgas family were marked prior to processing and are flagged.
- Box 9, Folder 1: Concord town reports, 1896/1897, 1898/1899. References to the Gourgas family were marked prior to processing and are flagged.
- Box 9, Folder 2: Concord Town Report, 1899/1900. References to the Gourgas family were marked prior to processing and are flagged.
- Box 9, Folder 3: Concord: A Pilgrimage to the Historic and Literary Center of America (Boston, Mass.: Perry Walton, 1925). Inscribed "John M. Gourgas, B.M.I."
- Subseries IV.B. Weston, Massachusetts, 1980s
- Box 9, Folder 4: Weston Council on Aging Services and Resources, 1987 January.
- Box 9, Folder 5: Weston Heritage Plate order form, undated, 1980s. The commemorative plate design, included on the order form, features a small drawing of the home of John M. Gourgas I (1766-1846).
- Subseries IV.C. Clippings, 1960-1970
- Box 10 [legal size], Folder 3: Newspaper clippings from Massachusetts newspapers,1960-1970 (many undated). Topics of articles include: references to the Gourgas family, Acton politics (Nancy Faxon Gourgas was Chairman of the Women for Nixon in Acton), references to the Bartlett family; and references to other Concord and Weston residents who may have been acquaintances of the family.
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Mounted 30 December 2015. rcwh.