The earliest records of the First Parish cover many aspects of church operations defined below in this finding aid as discrete series. Initially, all church records were kept in one book, including governance, changes in clergy, birth, marriage, and death records. As the church grew, its record-keeping evolved, and officers and committees began to keep separate records for their differentiated responsibilities.
- Volume (shelved unboxed): Bound manuscript volume of transcribed records, the original records 1739-1857, transcribed 19th century. Includes acts and votes, admissions, membership, baptisms, deaths, councils, excommunications, funds, ordinations, pastors, persons owning covenant. Table of contents is provided in the text. The volume of original records from which the transcription was made is still owned by the First Parish in Concord and is deposited in the Houghton Library at Harvard University.
- Box I.1, Folder 1: Seven documents relating to the question of whether the Town of Concord was obliged to enact Parish business, plus a later typescript summary of Parish-related proceedings at three town meetings (1855 April 26, May 23, November 6), 1855 April and May. Includes manuscript petitions by qualified voters of Concord to the Selectmen to call a town meeting to consider Parish matters; manuscript listing of specific issues raised by the Selectmen's refusal to call a meeting for Parish purposes, with notes on the subject in the hand of John Shepard Keyes (Chairman of the Board of Selectmen) on the reverse; manuscript legal opinion on the relationship between town and church; and manuscript account of a dispute at town meeting between John Shepard Keyes and Samuel Hoar regarding the town's obligations in regard to the church.
Series I |

Christmas candlelight service, circa 1981
Records related to the church as a religious entity, separate from its governance and social facets. Religious aspects of church life cover documentation of church doctrine, worship procedure, and interactions with larger denominational entities. The bulk of the records are orders of service, other predominant record groups are church correspondence, records of the Denomination Affairs Committee, and documents related to the American Unitarian Association and the Unitarian Universalist Association.
See Series VI: Ministers, visiting ministers, and sermons for related records kept by ministers, including transcripts and recordings of sermons, Dana Greeley's Unitarian Universalist Association papers. Other cross-references are identified in their specific subseries. |
Series II
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Series II.A
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Documents cover the planning and analysis of church services, including summer services. Records of the First Parish Worship Committee are part of this sub-subseries. Arranged by record function and then in chronological order.
For early minutes of meetings of the Church, 1858-1899, see the bound manuscript volume of the Church of the First Parish, 1858-1971 in Series IV subseries A: Membership and vital records.
For minister's sermons, including sermons of visiting ministers See Series VI: Ministers, visiting ministers, and sermons.
- Box II.1, Folder 1: Autographed letter signed from Charles G. Ames to W.L. Eaton, Boston, 1895 February 1. Agreeing to supply the pulpit in Concord on the Sunday following Easter (1895 April 20).
- Box II.13, Folder 1: George P. Furber correspondence regarding ministers for First Parish during the summer vacation of Loren B. MacDonald, 1904-1906. Letters to and from George P. Furber, chairman of the First Parish Pulpit Committee.
- Box II.1, Folder 2: George P. Furber correspondence regarding ministers for First Parish during the summer vacation of Loren B. MacDonald, 1908-1910. Letters to and from George P. Furber, chairman of the First Parish Pulpit Committee.
- Box II.1, Folder 3: Communion records, 1960s.
- Box II.1, Folder 4: Visiting minister's biographies, late 1960s.
- Box II.1, Folder 5: Christmas church service planning records and notes, 1978, 1984-1987. With Dana Greeley notes, sample orders of service, instructions and checklists.
- Box II.1, Folder 6: Summer service planning, 1981-1988, 1990. Includes correspondence, notes, lists and related orders of service.
- Box II.1, Folder 7: Records of the First Parish Worship Committee, 1986-1987. Consists of minutes and associated records.
- Box II.1, Folder 8: Church attendance statistics and calculations, 1970-1992.
- Box II.1, Folder 9: Manuscript notes on an unidentified survey regarding church services, including a count of responses, circa 1980s.
- Box II.1, Folder 10: Typed quotations and responsive readings for worship, undated, circa 1980s.
- Box II.1, Folder 11: Lists of Sunday sermons, 1990 July-1991 May.
- Box II.1, Folder 12: Lists of ushers and usher assignments, 1981-1992.
Series II.A.1
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Programs list the proceedings of church services, along with the participants in each service and the origins or author of each element of each service (such as hymns, offertory, and sermons). Order of service programs often come with supplemental materials, such as church calendars, news, promotional information and United Universalist Association General Assembly materials (with UUA General Assembly Resolution polls). Often there are very few (or only one) order of service programs for the months of July through September each year.
See Series VI, Ministers, Visiting Ministers and sermons for transcripts and recordings of many sermons along with some of their services.
See Series XII Church, town, and related celebrations, social events, and special services for programs from social events and special services.
Series II.A.2
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Covenants, declarations of faith and other records related to the religious doctrines and spiritual beliefs held by the First Parish and its members.
- Box II.13, Folder 2: Manuscript covenant, 1738.
- Volume (shelved unboxed): The Christian Life, Volume III, by John Scott (London: for J. Knapton, 1757), 1757.
- Box II.10, Folder 1: Manuscript confession of faith, circa early 19th century. Titled "Mr. Willard's confession of faith."
- Box II.10, Folder 2: Two printed handbills including covenant, 19th century.
- Box II.10, Folder 3: Three printed leaflets regarding Unitarian beliefs, 19th century. One of them printed in or after 1878.
- Volume (shelved unboxed): Services for Congregational Worship, revised edition (Boston: The American Unitarian Association, 1882), 1882.
- Volume (shelved unboxed): Unitarian Service Book (Boston: The American Unitarian Association, 1903), 1903 (1991). Includes note, in sleeve, from Eric Parkman Smith, dated June 16, 1991. Six copies.
- Box II.10, Folder 4: Words of Faith: prayers, poems and meditations (Concord: First Parish in Concord, 2002), 2002.
- Box II.13, Folders 3-4: Words of Faith: prayers, poems and meditations (Concord: First Parish in Concord, 2002) drafts, 2002. Consists of paste up and run master.
Series II.A.3
Series top
Documents regarding the conceptual separation of the First Parish (initially the town government and later the administrative and legal aspects of the First Parish) and the First Church (the religious aspects of the First Parish).
- Box II.10, Folder 5: Church records regarding the church and First Parish, 1981. "A Bit of First Parish and First Church History" essay by Dana McLean Greeley with notes and correspondence.
Series II.A.4
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Series II.B
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Records of the First Parish Denominational Affairs Committee and predecessor member organizations concerned with First Parish interactions with Unitarian groups — specifically the American Unitarian Association and the Unitarian Universalist Association. Records include documentation of First Parish attendance at the regional Massachusetts Bay District Annual Meeting and Unitarian Universalist Association General Assembly, and the records of the Laymen's League, a member association affiliated with the First Parish.
See orders of service 1994-1999 in Series II.A.2, Orders of service for Unitarian Universalist Association General Assembly Congregational Study/Action Issues surveys.
- Box II.10, Folder 6: Bound manuscript record volume Society Auxiliary to the American Unitarian Association, 1832-1841. Includes subscriptions (membership dues) and list of members 1836-1841 (incomplete).
- Box II.10, Folder 7: American Unitarian Association life membership certificate for Lorenzo Eaton, 1885 November 9. Signed by Grindall Reynolds.
- Box II.10, Folder 8: First Parish Chapter of the Unitarian Laymen's League records, 1919-1929. Contains constitution, membership information, minutes, correspondence, printed ephemera.
- Box II.10, Folder 9: First Parish Chapter of the Unitarian Laymen's League circular letters, 1966.
- Box II.10, Folder 10: Typewritten memorandum from the American Unitarian Association regarding minister salaries, 1951.
- Box II.10, Folder 11: Printed program of the General Assembly of the Unitarian Universalist Association, 1965. Two copies.
- Box II.10, Folder 12: Memoranda, correspondence and ephemera related to the delegation of the Massachusetts Bay District of the Unitarian Universalist Association, 1962-1963, 1966-1967.
- Box II.10, Folder 13: Records of the First Parish Denominational Affairs Committee, 1966, 1968. Includes memoranda regarding the UUA Black Affairs Council.
- Box II.10, Folder 14: Records of the First Parish Denominational Affairs Committee, 1975-1984. Includes Dana McLean Greeley correspondence.
- Box II.13, Folder 5: Form for comments from the First Parish Denominational Affairs Committee on the Unitarian Universalist Association Principles and Purposes revision, circa 1983.
- Box II.10, Folder 15: Records of the First Parish Denominational Affairs Committee, 1985 September-1991 July. Covers Unitarian Universalist Association General Assembly and Massachusetts Bay District, Larger UU Churches.
- Box II.13, Folder 6: Unitarian Universalist Association General Assembly delegate criteria and selection form, 1989.
- Box II.13, Folder 7: Parish poll ballot for Unitarian Universalist General Assembly business resolutions and general resolutions, 1989.
- Box II.10, Folder 16: Letter from Margaret Stewart regarding arrangements Shen Tong's attendance of the 1990 Unitarian Universalist Association General Assembly, 1990 June 11.
- Box II.12, Folder 17: Records of ordinations and the Ordinations Committee, 1990-1997.
- Box II.10, Folder 17: Records of the First Parish Denominational Affairs Committee, 1991 July-1994 May. Includes files and notes of Margaret Stewart and others (undetermined).
- Box II.10, Folder 18: Records of the First Parish Denominational Affairs Committee, 1994 November-1995 December. Includes files of and manuscript notes by Irmingard ("Irmi") Doane, Margaret Stewart and others (unidentified).
- Box II.10, Folder 19: Records of the First Parish Denominational Affairs Committee, 1996 January-June. Includes files of and manuscript notes by Irmingard ("Irmi") Doane, Margaret Stewart and others (unidentified).
- Box II.11, Folder 1: Large Church Conference (Unitarian Universalist Association) conference materials, 1996 October-December. Includes correspondence and manuscript notes by Margaret Stewart and others.
- Box II.11, Folder 2: Records of the First Parish Denominational Affairs Committee, January 1997-December 1997. Includes manuscript notes and Unitarian Universalist Association General Assembly materials.
- Box II.11, Folder 3: Records of the First Parish Denominational Affairs Committee, January 1998-December 1998. Includes Winifred Campbell and Margaret Stewart files with some manuscript notes.
- Box II.11, Folder 4: Records of the First Parish Denominational Affairs Committee, January 1999-December 1999. Includes Winifred Campbell and Margaret Stewart files with some manuscript notes.
- Box II.11, Folder 5: Records of the First Parish Denominational Affairs Committee, 2000 February-December. Includes Winifred Campbell and Margaret Stewart files with some manuscript notes.
- Box II.11, Folder 6: Unitarian Universalist Association General Assembly records of the First Parish Denominational Affairs Committee, 1999-2000. Correspondence, manuscript notes, and conference information.
- Box II.11, Folder 7: Records of the First Parish Denominational Affairs Committee, 2001 January-December. Includes Winifred Campbell and Margaret Stewart files with some manuscript notes. Also includes 2001 Ballot of Congregational Directives for General Assembly Action.
- Box II.11, Folder 8: Records of the First Parish Denominational Affairs Committee, 2002 January-December. Includes Winifred Campbell and Margaret Stewart files with some manuscript notes.
- Box II.11, Folder 9: Unitarian Universalist Association Massachusetts Bay District Annual Meeting records of the First Parish Denominational Affairs Committee, 2002. Contains correspondence, manuscript notes, and conference information related the Massachusetts Bay District Annual Meeting, 2002 April 6.
- Box II.11, Folder 10: Unitarian Universalist Association General Assembly records of the First Parish Denominational Affairs Committee, 2002. Correspondence, manuscript notes, and conference information related the Unitarian Universalist Associate General Assembly, June 20th through June 24th, 2002.
- Box II.11, Folder 11: First Parish Denomination Affairs Committee Partner Church Council records, 1996-2000. General information on partnerships with Transylvania churches.
- Box II.11, Folder 12: Undated records of the First Parish Denominational Affairs Committee, circa 1980-1999. Lists, correspondence and manuscript notes.
- Box II.13, Folder 8: Annual questionnaires on church congregational information for Unitarian associations, 1958-1960, 1962-1970, 1975, 1977-1980. American Unitarian Association and Unitarian Universalist Association questionnaires, some filled out by First Parish in Concord.
Series II.B.1
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- Box II.12, Folder 1: Correspondence from other Unitarian Universalist churches, 1985, 1989.
Series II.B.2
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First Parish-related Unitarian Universalist publications and associated correspondence. Correspondence includes general memoranda from publication-related correspondence from relevant organizations. Unitarian Universalist publications may include references to First Parish or contain manuscript notes.
- Box II.12, Folder 2: Unitarian Yearbook, 1930-1931 (Boston: The American Unitarian Association, 1931), 1930-1931.
- Box II.12, Folder 3: Unitarian Universalist Association bookstore correspondence, budgets and associated ephemera, 1965-1989.
- Box II.12, Folder 4: Correspondence and associated ephemera from the Unitarian Universalist Association and affiliated organizations, 1987-1998. Includes letter presenting the First Parish with the Unitarian Universalist 1987 Banner Society Award
- Box II.12, Folder 5: Directory print outs for UU World Magazine subscriptions, circa 1987. With list of subscribers at First Parish, Parish members names and addresses.
- Box II.12, Folder 6: First Parish-related editions of District Link, newsletter for the Massachusetts Bay District of the Unitarian Universalist Association, 1997-2002. Unrelated issues were removed. All issues of district link are available in the records of the Unitarian Universalist Association at Harvard Divinity School.
- Folder II.OV1 (oversize): 2 maps, "Unitarian Universalist Points of Interest in Downtown Boston" (undated), and "Town of Concord" (1977), undated, 1977.
Series II.B.3
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Records relating to the administrative management of the First Parish, consisting of the records of its governing body, the Standing Committee, parish office staff, and the committees of the parish tasked with its administration (Nominating Committee, Parish Society and the various planning committees). Because the matters attended to by the governing bodies were so broad, this series includes documentation of many major events in First Parish history. Of particular note are the documentation of Parish decision-making in the records of the Standing Committee, and the annual reports of the parish, which provide a yearly summary of parish activity, 1856-2013.
The Standing Committee of the First Parish grew out of the structure of town governance at the time of the parish's founding. Initially the First Parish was divided into three functions: Parish, Church and Society. The Church, governed by the minister, handled the religious life of the parish, and the Society was comprised of committees tasked with the day-to-day aspects of parish life. The Parish division managed town business before the separation of the Town of Concord and the First Parish in 1855/1856. Once First Parish separated, the Parish, in the form of the Standing Committee, governed church business on a broad scale, directing both Church and Society and the overall direction of the First Parish.
The Standing Committee is composed, per the Parish By-Laws, of nominated members of the Parish approved by the voting membership of the Parish. All members of the Standing Committee are considered to be officers, but there have also been a number of titled officer positions within the Standing Committee, including the Clerk, Chair, Secretary, Treasurer, and Collector. In some instances where records represent distinct collections of records by a Standing Committee officer, the records can be found -- identified by each officer-- in Sub-subseries III.B.2, Standing Committee member's records. All other Standing Committee records are in subseries III.B.1, Minutes and records of the Standing Committee.
Series III
Series list
Finding aid top
Printed reports compiled following the annual meetings of the First Parish. Annual reports include minutes of Parish meetings, parish votes, reports of the Standing Committee, ministers and social committees, and information about church facilities, religious education, and church music.
There is some overlap in years covered between the bound volumes. Some volumes also include handwritten notes and inserted materials.
- Volume III.1-13 (shelved unboxed): Annual reports in bound volumes, 1856-1985 (gaps, 1859-1860, 1862, 1869-1871). Bound volumes containing reports of Standing Committee and First Parish financials, and First Parish Society committees: Vol. 1 (1856-1897); Vol. 2 (1898-1908); Vol. 3 (1909-1913)--includes Barber, Henry H. Memorial Sermon after the Death of Rev. Grindall Reynolds D.D. (Concord: First Parish in Concord, 1894), Easter sermon : after the burning of the meeting house of the First Parish in Concord, Massachusetts / by Rev. Loren B. Macdonald. The passing of the old meeting house : a poem / by Edward Waldo Emerson (Privately printed, 1900); Dedication of the restored meeting house of the First Parish in Concord, Thursday, October 3rd, 1901(Concord, Mass. : The Parish, 1901), MacDonald, Loren B. Ten Years in Concord([Concord]: Privately Printed by a Member of the Parish; Boston: Thomas Todd, Printer, [1905]), In memoriam Ellen Tucker Emerson, 1839-1909 (Concord : Women's Parish Association, [1909]); Vol. 4 (1914-1927); Vol. 5 (1928-1937); Vol. 6 (1938-1947); Vol. 7 (1948-1956); Vol. 8 (1957-1966); Vol. 9 (1967-1975); Vol. 10 (1976-1985); Vol. 11 (1986-1995); Vol. 12 (1996-2002); Vol. 13 (2003-2004). Includes some handwritten notes.
- Volume (shelved unboxed): Prescott Keyes's annotated copy of bound annual reports, 1867-1898 (gap 1869-1875). Includes manuscript notes and related materials (e.g. correspondence and early officer lists) pasted in.
- Volume (shelved unboxed): Annual report in bound volume, 1899-1913. Includes manuscript notes.
- Box III. 1, Folder 1: Photograph removed from Prescott Keyes's annotated copy of bound annual reports, 1867-1898, circa 1890. Found between the last page of the 1889 report and the beginning of the 1890 report.
- Box III. 1, Folder 2: Annual report of the officers and committees, 1906, 1910, 1915, 1957-1960.
- Box III. 1, Folder 3: Annual report of the officers and committees, 1988-1989.
- Box III. 1, Folder 4: Annual report of the officers and committees, 1996.
- Box III. 1, Folder 5: Annual report of the officers and committees, 1997-1998.
- Box III. 1, Folder 6: Annual report of the officers and committees, 1999.
- Box III. 1, Folder 7: Annual report of the officers and committees, 2000-2001.
- Box III. 1, Folder 8: Annual report of the officers and committees, 2002.
- Box III. 1, Folder 9: Annual report of the officers and committees, 2003-2004, 2013-2014.
Series III.A
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Series III.B
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Minutes of regular meetings of the Standing Committee with records generated, received by, and collected by the Standing Committee: meeting warrants, votes, correspondence, memoranda, and related ephemera. Arranged chronologically.
Records of the Parish Secretary are included with these minutes to preserve the continuity of the collection, but kept separated from the other Standing Committee records in the subseries.
See Series III.B.2: Standing Committee member's records for other Standing Committee officers' files.
See Series VIII.C Member contributions for Standing Committee records related to the every member canvass, 1928-1929.
- Folder III.OV1 (oversize): Warrants of meeting of the First Parish in Concord, 1855-1865. Oversize. Includes printed and handwritten warrants for annual and special meetings of the Parish.
- Folder III.OV2 (oversize): Warrants of meeting of the First Parish in Concord, 1866-1875. Oversize. Includes printed and handwritten warrants for annual and special meetings of the Parish.
- Folder III.OV3 (oversize): Warrants of meeting of the First Parish in Concord, 1875-1888. Oversize. Includes printed and handwritten warrants for annual and special meetings of the Parish.
- Folder III.OV4 (oversize): Warrants of meeting of the First Parish in Concord, 1889-1901, 1922, 1962, 1963, bulk 1889-1901. Oversize. Includes printed and handwritten warrants for annual and special meetings of the Parish.
- Box III.14, Folder 1: Unbound First Parish meeting minutes (manuscript and typescript), including votes, 1837-1961; very incomplete.
- Box III.14, Folder 2: Unbound Standing Committee manuscript and printed financial reports, 1856-1877. Gaps 1859-1861,1869, 1871-1872.
- Volume (shelved unboxed): Bound record book (manuscript) containing meeting minutes for Parish and Society meetings, 1855-1901. Minutes and warrants signed by the Parish Clerk.
- Volume (shelved unboxed): Bound record book (manuscript) containing meeting minutes and warrants for Parish meetings, 1894-1953. Minutes and warrants signed by the Parish Clerk. Also includes photograph of meeting house after 1900 fire, and some inserted committee listings, correspondence, clippings and other ephemera.
- Box III.2, Folder 2: Unbound typescript and manuscript Standing Committee meeting minutes, 1933-1949.
- Box III.2, Folder 3: Unbound typescript and manuscript Standing Committee meeting minutes, 1950-1959; gap 1952-1958.
- Box III.14, Folder 3: Memorandum from the Religious Education Needs Committee to the Standing Committee, circa 1954.
- Box III.2, Folder 4: Records of the Standing Committee, 1951-1959. Includes religious education wing renovation plans. Also includes correspondence related to the 1957 appointment of Arthur B. Jellis as church minister, and letters from recipients of the Holland Fund who went on the annual Star Island retreat.
See Series XI Church real estate and assets.
See Series XII Church, town, and related celebrations, social events, and special services for more information about Star Island.
- Box III.2, Folder 5: Unbound typescript and manuscript Standing Committee meeting minutes, 1960-1961.
- Box III.2, Folder 6: Records of the Standing Committee, 1960-1961.
- Box III.2, Folder 7: Unbound typescript and manuscript Standing Committee meeting minutes, 1962-1965.
- Box III.2, Folder 8: Records of the Standing Committee, 1962-1965.
- Box III.2, Folder 9: Records of the Standing Committee, 1966. Includes correspondence on the tax status of the First Parish, and discussion of "Talk-Back" sessions regarding the ministry of Arthur B. Jellis.
- Box III.2, Folder 10: Records of the Standing Committee, 1967. Documents the establishment of a Social Responsibility Committee, and church budget issues with related hearing.
- Box III.3, Folder 1: Unbound typescript and manuscript Standing Committee meeting minutes, 1968.
- Box III.3, Folder 2: Secretary's reports of meetings of the First Parish Standing Committee with related papers, 1968.
- Box III.3, Folder 3: Records of the Standing Committee, 1969. Includes documentation of Arthur B. Jellis's resignation as minister of First Parish.
- Box III.3, Folder 4: Secretary's reports of meetings of the First Parish Standing Committee with related papers, 1969. Includes documentation of Arthur B. Jellis's resignation as minister of First Parish.
- Box III.3, Folder 5: Records of the Standing Committee, 1960s.
- Box III.14, Folder 4: Records of the Standing Committee, 1960-1968.
- Box III.3, Folder 6: Records of the Standing Committee, 1970. Includes a letter regarding First Parish and the Black Affairs Council (BAC) and Black and White Action (BAWA) of the Unitarian Universalist Association, and documents regarding the appointment of Dana McLean Greeley as minister of First Parish.
- Box III.3, Folder 7: Secretary's reports of meetings of the First Parish Standing Committee with related papers, 1970. Contains documentation of the appointment of Dana McLean Greeley as minister of First Parish.
- Box III.3, Folder 8: Records of the Standing Committee, 1971. Includes Social Responsibility Committee structure documentation.
- Box III.3, Folder 9: Records of the Standing Committee, 1972.
- Box III.3, Folder 10: Records of the Standing Committee, 1973.
- Box III.4, Folder 1: Records of the Standing Committee, 1974. Includes evaluation of the ministry of Dana McLean Greeley.
- Box III.4, Folder 2: Records of the Standing Committee, 1975.
- Box III.4, Folder 3: Records of the Standing Committee, 1976.
- Box III.4, Folder 4: Meeting minutes of the Standing Committee, 1977.
- Box III.4, Folder 5: Records of the Standing Committee, 1978 January-August.
- Box III.4, Folder 6: Records of the Standing Committee, September 1978-August 1978.
- Box III.4, Folder 7: Records of the Standing Committee, 1979 January-May.
- Box III.4, Folder 8: Records of the Standing Committee, June 1979-December 1979.
- Box III.14, Folder 5: Records of the Standing Committee, 1970-1978.
- Box III.4, Folder 9: Records of the Standing Committee, 1980.
- Box III.4, Folder 10: Records of the Standing Committee, 1981. Includes Standing Committee records on membership delineation (particularly the roles of deacons and process of signing the membership book).
- Box III.4, Folder 11: Records of the Standing Committee, 1982.
- Box III.5, Folder 1: Records of the Standing Committee, 1983.
- Box III.5, Folder 2: Standing Committee materials, 1983-1984.
- Box III.5, Folder 3: Records of the Standing Committee, 1984.
- Box III.5, Folder 4: Records of the Standing Committee, 1985. Documents the gilding of the church dome in 1985, and some 350th anniversary activities.
- Box III.5, Folder 5: Records of the Standing Committee, 1986. Documents the appointment of Lucinda Duncan as Minister of Religious Education and the retirement and death of Dana McLean Greeley.
- Box III.14, Folder 6: Standing Committee financial reports, 1986-1987.
- Box III.16, Folder 1: Records of the Standing Committee, 1987. Documents the activities of the ministerial search committee.
- Box III.16, Folder 2: Records of the Standing Committee, April 1988-June 1989. Documents the appointment of Gary Smith as minister.
- Box III.16, Folder 3: Records of the Standing Committee, July 1989-June 1990.
- Box III.16, Folder 4: Records of the Standing Committee, August 1990-August 1991.
- Box III.6, Folder 1: Records of the Standing Committee, June 1991-June 1992.
- Box III.6, Folder 2: Records of the Standing Committee, June 1992-December 1992.
- Box III.6, Folder 3: Records of the Standing Committee, January 1993-May 1993.
- Box III.6, Folder 4: Records of the Standing Committee, July 1994-July 1994.
- Box III.6, Folder 5: Records of the Standing Committee, August 1994-December 1994.
- Box III.6, Folder 6: Records of the Standing Committee, January 1995-June 1995.
- Box III.7, Folder 1: Records of the Standing Committee, June 1995-June 1996.
- Box III.7, Folder 2: Records of the Standing Committee, July 1996-June 1997.
- Box III.7, Folder 3: Records of the Standing Committee, June 1997-May 1998.
- Box III.7, Folder 4: Records of the Standing Committee, June 1998-July 1999.
- Box III.7, Folder 5: Records of the Standing Committee, September 1999-December 1999. Includes the report of the Organ Study Committee, 2000.
- Box III.7, Folder 6: Records of the Standing Committee, January 2000-May 2000.
- Box III.16, Folder 5: Records of the Standing Committee, June 2000-December 2001.
- Box III.16, Folder 6: Records of the Standing Committee, March 2002.
Series III.B.1
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Records of the Parish Clerk are arranged as found in their binders. They include Standing Committee and governance documents such as personnel records, budgets, canvass tabulations, and draft minutes.
See handwritten Parish Clerk notes in Series III.A: Annual reports of the First Parish Officers and Committees.
See Parish Secretary's records in Series III.B.1: Minutes and records of the Standing Committee.
- Box III.8, Folder 1: Records of the Parish Clerk, 1856, 1861, 1881-1963, bulk 1950-1960. Includes correspondence, early versions of the First Parish by-laws, and manuscript notes. Most of the records are correspondence and notes to and from Julian Ballou, Parish Clerk.
- Box III.8, Folder 2: Records of the Parish Clerk, 1954-1965.
- Box III.8, Folder 3: Parish Clerk gathered papers, 1954-1971. Contains announcements, votes, and membership information.
- Box III.8, Folder 4: Records of the Parish Clerk, 1965-1969. Includes signed warrants and proceedings of the Standing Committee annual and special meetings with related First Parish governance papers. Labelled "First Parish in Concord, Massachusetts, Parish Clerk, Volume 3." Part two of records removed from volume 3 binder.
- Box III.8, Folder 5: Records of the Parish Clerk, 1970-1980. Includes signed warrants and proceedings of the Standing Committee annual and special meetings with related First Parish governance papers. Labelled "First Parish in Concord, Massachusetts, Parish Clerk, Volume 4." Part one of records removed from volume 4 binder.
- Box III.8, Folder 6: Records of the Parish Clerk, 1980-1986. Includes signed warrants and proceedings of the Standing Committee annual and special meetings with related First Parish governance papers. Labelled "First Parish in Concord, Massachusetts, Parish Clerk, Volume 4." Part two of records removed from volume 4 binder.
- Box III.8, Folder 7: Parish clerk gathered papers, 1965-1980. Assorted governance papers (agendas, minutes, correspondence, and clippings) with note to Ruth Salinger, Parish Clerk, regarding the office of Parish Clerk. Likely transitional papers between Timothy Warren (Parish Clerk until 1979) and Ruth Salinger (Parish Clerk from June 1979).
- Box III.14, Folder 7: Records of the Parish Clerk, 1975, 1979.
- Box III.8, Folder 8: Records of the Parish Clerk, 1979-1980. Removed from binder during processing.
- Box III.14, Folder 8: Records of the Parish Clerk, 1980, 1982-1983.
- Box III.9, Folder 1: Records of the Parish Clerk, 1980-1981. Removed from binder during processing. Includes a copy of the 1981 merger between the Trustees of the Congregational Ministerial Fund and the First Parish in Concord.
- Box III.9, Folder 2: Records of the Parish Clerk, 1981-1982. Removed from binder during processing.
- Box III.9, Folder 3: Records of the Parish Clerk, 1982-1983. Removed from binder during processing. Includes 350th anniversary planning materials.
- Box III.9, Folder 4: Records of the Parish Clerk, 1983-1984, 1986, bulk 1983-1984. Removed from binder during processing. Includes 350th anniversary planning materials.
- Box III.10, Folder 1: Records of the Parish Clerk, 1984-1985. Removed from binder during processing. Includes 350th anniversary planning and long-range planning materials.
- Box III.10, Folder 2: Records of the Parish Clerk, 1985-1986. Removed from binder during processing. Includes 350th anniversary planning materials and documentation of the Parish search for a Minster of Religious Education.
- Box III.10, Folder 3: Records of the Parish Clerk, 1969, 1986-1987, bulk 1986-1987. Removed from binder during processing. Includes records from the search for a new minister for First Parish. Also contains "Report of the informal meetings of the Parish", documenting Parish member concerns, 1969.
- Box III.10, Folder 4: Records of the Parish Clerk, 1987-1988. Removed from binder during processing. Includes records from the search for a new minister for First Parish. (Documents transition to Jo Anne Kelch as Parish Clerk).
- Box III.10, Folder 5: Parish Clerk records of First Parish meetings, 1987-1988. Removed from binder during processing. Records of meetings of the full body of the First Parish with handwritten notes and meeting materials.
- Box III.10, Folder 6: Records of the Parish Clerk, 1988 January-June. Includes Evaluation for Interim Ministry of Charles Wilson, 1988.
- Box III.11, Folder 1: Records of the Parish Clerk, July 1988-May 1989. Removed from binder during processing.
- Box III.11, Folder 2: Parish Clerk records of First Parish meetings, 1988-1989. Removed from binder during processing. Records of meetings of the full body of the First Parish with handwritten notes and meeting materials.
- Box III.11, Folder 3: Records of the Parish Clerk, July 1989-June 1990. Removed from binder during processing. Consists of corrected drafts of Standing committee minutes with meeting materials. Also contains church ephemera.
- Box III.11, Folder 4: Parish Clerk records of First Parish meetings, 1989-1990. Removed from binder during processing. Records of meetings of the full body of the First Parish with handwritten notes and meeting materials. Includes proxy votes.
- Box III.11, Folder 5: Records of the Parish Clerk, 1990-1991. Removed from binder during processing. Consists of corrected drafts of Standing committee minutes with meeting materials.
- Box III.11, Folder 6: Parish Clerk records of First Parish meetings, 1990-1991. Removed from binder during processing. Records of meetings of the full body of the First Parish with handwritten notes and meeting materials. Also includes a list of attendees of the 1990 First Parish Leadership conference.
- Box III.11, Folder 7: Parish Clerk records of First Parish meetings, 1991-1992. Removed from binder during processing. Records of meetings of the full body of the First Parish with handwritten notes and meeting materials.
- Box III.11, Folder 8: Records of the Chair of the First Parish Standing Committee, 1983-1984. The bulk of the materials are regarding personnel, church property, church renovation. Contains correspondence and property-related legal documents.
- Folder III.OV5: Records of the Chair of the First Parish Standing Committee, 1982, 1988.
- Box III.11, Folder 9: Records of Patricia B. Smith, Standing Committee member, 1959-1962. Patricia B. Smith was a member of the Standing Committee, 1960-1965, and acted as chair from 1962-1965. Her notes include Standing Committee meeting notes and correspondence.
Series III.B.2
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Gathered records for by-laws drafts often contain older records (including older versions of the by-laws). Bulk dates represent the primary span of dates covered in each folder (likely the years of by-laws revision, when older materials were grouped with newer materials).
Official versions of First Parish by-laws are in the First Parish annual reports starting the 1986-1987 year.
Series III.C
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Series III.D
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This sub-subseries contains records of the Parish Society as a discrete entity prior to the integration of its activities into Standing Committee and Parish meetings.
See the Administrative History portion of this finding aid for more information on the structure of governance at First Parish.
- Box III.15, Folders 1-3: Parish Council records, 1971-1972, 1979, 1984-1992, bulk 1985-1990. Bulk consists of council minutes. Includes supporting materials, some letters.
- Box III.15, Folder 4: Committee banners, 1990s. Printed banners with the names of Parish committees. Found with Parish Council records.
Series III.D.1
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The Nominating Committee is responsible for the recommendation of potential members for the Standing Committee and, in some instances, members of the committees of the Parish Society. Reports of the Nominating Committee are in Series III.A, Annual reports of the First Parish officers and committees.
- Box III.12, Folder 6: Meeting minutes of the Society of the First Parish, 1880 April 13. Handwritten and signed by E. J. Bartlett.
- Volume (shelved unboxed): Bound record book (manuscript) containing meeting minutes of Society meetings, 1902-1934.
Series III.D.2
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Initially a supplemental portion of the by-laws, the list of duties of committees eventually became an entity of its own, and was periodically refreshed by committee chairs.
See Series III.C, By-laws and By-Laws committee for some early committee lists and definitions included with the by-laws.
See Series III.A, Annual reports of the First Parish officers and committees for lists of committees, and Series IV.A Directories and member lists for lists of committees with committee descriptions, 1998-2005.
- Box III.12, Folder 7: Report of the Committee on Nominations (Nominations Committee), early-mid 19th century. Handwritten. Refers to April 3 meeting of the Parish; no April 3 meetings were recorded between 1855 and 1881 (when an amendment to the By-laws moved Parish meetings to May).
- Box III.12, Folder 8: Nominating Committee procedures, 1990s.
- Box III.12, Folder 9: Handwritten copy of Parish Society vote "to establish a Committee to define and prepare a list of the duties of the several committees", 1881, 1881 May 3. Handwritten copy.
- Box III.12, Folder 10: Duties of committees, circa 1880s to 1900s. Printed and manuscript.
- Box III.14, Folder 11: Listings (printed and typescript) of First Parish officers and committees and of membership of committees, 1868-1903.
- Box III. 12, Folder 11: Officers and Committee member lists, 1903-1929. Loose printed versions of the lists often included with annual reports.
- Box III.14, Folder 12: Duties of committees, 1934-1935. Typewritten drafts of duties of Parish committees with notes.
- Box III.12, Folder 12: Duties of committees, circa 1937. Typed drafts and printed final.
- Box III.12, Folder 13: Duties of committees, 1979-1986.
- Box III.12, Folder 14: Descriptive list of committees, 1992 February.
- Box III.12, Folder 15: Committee member lists, 1989-1994. Printed lists. Includes handwritten notes. Includes one blank committee interest form, circa 1980s.
Series III.D.3
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Series III.E
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Needs of the members of the Parish and Parish staff identified through surveys and interviews. Records include gathered data and final reports.
- Box III.12, Folder 16: Survey of Unitarian Universalist church structure and congregations, late 1980s. Includes forms for surveys, gathered materials from other churches and comparisons of congregations.
- Box III.12, Folder 17: Local church consultation report, 1989. Schedules and results from a study conducted by Sherry and Doug Walrath, church strategy consultants.
- Box III.12, Folder 18: First Parish responses to "Evaluation of a UU Congregation", 1991. Compiled papers related to a Unitarian Universalist Association Planning Office survey sent out by First Parish leadership to the First Parish Standing Committee and a selection of First Parish members. Includes correspondence, surveys, notes, tabulations and results. Results of the survey were discussed at the 1991 Star Island leadership conference.
Series III.E.1
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Records of committees that have formed or been appointed to take charge of future planning for the First Parish.
Series III.E.2
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Files of the church office (which also handles Parish business) pertaining to the day to day administration of the First Parish. This includes records on personnel and human resources, office files related to office administration, and lists kept for office purposes.
Series III.F
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Personnel records include only high-level personnel and office personnel records. Staff positions within the church other than the church office (Church secretary and church administrative assistant) are located within the relevant series.
For more information about personnel, see Series III.E.2 Long Range Planning, Long range planning, which includes extensive review at staffing 1970-1985.
For ministers: see Series VI, Minsters, visiting ministers and sermons.
For directors of religious education and Sunday school [volunteers?]: see Series VII Religious Education.
For music directors and organists: see Series X, Music in the church.
For sextons: see Series XI Church real estate and asset.
Series III.F.1
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- Box III.18, Folder 1: Form letters, 1974-1975. Bulk form letters sent by Dana McLean Greeley to parishioners.
- Box III.18, Folder 2: Correspondence of the Parish Administrator, Margaret Stewart, 1989-1990.
- Box III.18, Folder 3: Records of the administrative office, 1980s, bulk 1984-1989. Correspondence, notes and lists, mostly regarding office practices.
- Box III.14, Folder 13: Letterhead and stationery, circa 1984. Includes wedding certificate and meeting house news templates.
- Box III.18, Folder 4: Correspondence of the administrative office, circa 1990-1996.
- Box III.18, Folder 5: Administrative history of lists, 1992. Written by Margaret Stewart, Parish Administrator regarding the creation of mailing, member and financial contribution lists compiled and maintained by the First Parish.
Series III.F.2
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Henry David Thoreau's First Parish sign-off
This series contains member information and statistics, including member lists, alterations in membership status (christening, affirmation, withdrawal, deaconship), and the work of committees concerned with providing services for members of the First Parish. It also holds some birth, marriage and death records kept by ministers of the church at various periods (bulk 1885-1899 and 1970-1988). Groups related to visitors, such as visitors and people whose weddings and funerals were performed in the church or by its ministers, are also represented in this series as a result of the breadth of functions of membership services.
A person became a member of the First Parish when the Parish approved his or her declaration of intent to join. This process was defined by the Parish by-laws and has changed over time. Simultaneously reflecting the early status of Concord's church as one with the town government and the fact that the First Parish was, above all, a religious organization, there are two kinds of membership: Parish membership and Church membership. Members indicated their membership in writing via either a written note to the Parish Clerk or by signing the Parish book (kept by the Parish Clerk), or the Church book (kept by the Minister). This division between Parish and Church eventually became less concrete, resulting in a 1946 alteration to the by-laws pronouncing members of the Church automatically members of the Parish.
Over time, the First Parish has had varied requirements of its members. Most notably, the town charged ministerial tax to all members of the First Parish. This series includes many written affirmations and withdrawals of membership from the church from the mid-late 1800s, including the 1841 signed withdrawal of membership of Henry David Thoreau. Money owed to the Parish affected membership status until 1946. In addition, voting age for Parish matters changed with the legal age of voting until 1983.
Series IV
Series list
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Series IV.A
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Per the First Parish by-laws, membership lists were largely the responsibility of the Parish Clerk. The Parish Clerk kept a book of member's signatures affirming their membership in the Parish (as opposed to membership in the Church) and a list of members, which could include delineations as to whether they signed the Church book or the Parish book (or both). The church administration also kept lists of the members with their addresses for mailing purposes, and at times would distribute directories with addresses, phone numbers, and, periodically, photographs to the Parish.
See records of the Parish Clerk in III.B.2, Standing Committee member's records.
See III.F, Office files and administrative lists for an administrative history of lists kept by the Parish.
SEE Series I, Early records for additional member lists.
See Series IV.C.1, Vital records For Additional member lists.
- Box IV.1, Folder 1: Lists of First Parish members, 1847, 1848, and undated. Handwritten. 1848 and some undated lists are in alphabetical order; one set of undated lists groups members by Parish district. Includes some annotations.
- Box IV.1, Folder 2: List of First Parish members, 1855. Handwritten, with annotations including withdrawals and deaths. Alphabetical.
- Box IV.1, Folder 3: Soft cover manuscript volume, list of First Parish member names with list of First Parish officers, 1868-1872. Bulk listed by last name, later additions grouped by year. Includes list of First Parish officers and some notes on taxes paid by First Parish members.
- Box IV.1, Folder 4: Lists of First Parish members with letter from the Parish Clerk, late 1940s, 1957, 1963, 1970-1973. Includes Parish Clerk's list, mailing lists, and a 1963 signed letter from Julian Ballou, Parish Clerk, regarding the number of members and new members. Some annotations.
- Box IV.8, Folder 1: List of First Parish members, 1967-1973, with gaps. Lists member name and the year the Parish member signed the Church (C) or Parish (P) book. Includes handwritten annotations. See Parish Clerk's List of Members, 1957 regarding member designations in Box IV.1, Folder 4.
- Box IV.8, Folder 2: Lists of First Parish members, June 1980, September 1980. Lists member name, phone number and address. Typewritten with manuscript notes that indicating the addition of new members, removal of former members and changes to existing member information. Likely files of Eleanor Billings, Administrative Assistant.
- Box IV.1, Folder 5: Lists of First Parish members, 1981-1983. Lists member name, phone number and address. Typewritten with handwritten notes that indicate addition of new members, removal of former members and changes to existing member information. Likely files of Eleanor Billings, Administrative Assistant.
- Box IV.8, Folder 10: Parish directory photocopy master, circa 1984.
- Box IV.8, Folder 3: Lists of First Parish members, 1979-1986. Lists Member name and the year the Parish member signed the Church (C) or Parish (P) book. Includes handwritten annotations of additions and removals. See Parish Clerk's List of Members, 1957 regarding these designations in Box IV.1, Folder 4.
- Box IV.1, Folder 6: Parish directories, 1985-1989. 3 volumes: 1985-1986 (2 copies), 1987-1988 (2 copies), 1988-1989. Published booklets list member names with phone numbers and addresses. Includes basic information about the church and some handwritten annotations.
- Box IV.1, Folder 7: Parish photograph directory, circa 1989. Published booklet includes color photographs of Parish members. A separate section lists names, phone numbers and addresses. 3 copies.
- Box IV.1, Folder 8: Parish directories, 1990-1991. 2 volumes: 1990 (2 copies), 1991(2 copies). Published booklets list member names with phone numbers and addresses. Includes basic information about the church and some handwritten annotations.
- Box IV.1, Folder 9: Parish directories, 1992-1993. 2 volumes: 1992 directory, and 1992-1993 (2 copies) photograph directory. Color photographs.
- Box IV.1, Folder 10: Parish directories, 1994-1995. 2 volumes: 1994 (2 copies), 1995 (2 copies). Published booklets list member names with phone numbers and addresses. Includes basic information about the church and some handwritten annotations.
- Box IV.2, Folder 1: Parish directories, 1996-1997. 3 volumes: 1996 directory, 1997 directory, and the 1997 (2 copies) photograph directory. Color photographs.
- Box IV.2, Folder 2: Parish directories, 1998-1999. 2 volumes: 1998 (2 copies), and 1999. Published booklets list member names with phone numbers and addresses. Includes basic information about the church, a directory of addresses of former ministers and ministerial interns, and descriptions of Parish committees.
- Box IV.2, Folder 3: Parish photograph directories, undated, between 1994-1998. 1 volume, 2 copies. Published booklet includes black and white photographs of Parish members. A separate section lists member names with phone numbers and addresses.
- Box IV.2, Folder 4: Parish directories, 2000. 2 volumes: 2000 directory, 2000 (2 copies) photograph directory. Published booklets list member names with phone numbers and addresses. Text directory includes basic information about the church, a directory of addresses of former ministers and ministerial interns, and descriptions of Parish committees. Photograph directory contains color photographs.
- Box IV.2, Folder 5: Parish directories, 2004. 2 volumes: 2004 directory (2 copies), 2004 photograph directory. Published booklets list member names with phone numbers and addresses. Text directory includes basic information about the church, a directory of addresses of former ministers and ministerial interns, and descriptions of Parish committees. Photograph directory contains an introduction by the ministers, color photographs and advertisements.
- Box IV.2, Folder 7: 375th Anniversary membership list, 2004, 2011.
- Box IV.2, Folder 8: Parish directories, 2005. 1 volume, 2 copies. Published booklets list member names with phone numbers and addresses. The directory also includes basic information about the church, a directory of addresses of former ministers and ministerial interns, and descriptions of Parish committees.
Series IV.A.1
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First Parish began keeping member information in an electronic database around 1988, when information forms were distributed to members of the First Parish (the forms, some with database-related manuscript notes, are in Series IV.B.2, Biographies ). According to the 1992 document "Administrative list history" (in Series III.F, Office files and administrative lists), the database replaced the paper member lists organized in the previous sub-subseries, Lists and directories. Information gathered included name, address, member number, pledge status, canvass, new member status, phone number, occupation, marital status and spouse information, names, children, date added, date updated.
As part of the maintenance of the database, records of inactive members were printed and stored before being deleted. As a result, most of the records in this series are those removed from the database. Other records in this sub-subseries were transferred from one database to another, for example, records of the children of Parish members were transferred to a separate database to accommodate the nuanced status of children of parish members (who might be members, or might still want Parish news without being members).
- Box IV.2, Folder 9: Records deleted or transferred from the First Parish database, 1989. Computer print-outs with handwritten notes regarding why the deletion or transfer occurred. Arranged alphabetically. Folder contains a note by Margaret Stewart, Parish Administrator, regarding the record deletion process, and a page from a form letter sent to Parish members to verify database records (under Fred Sexsmith).
- Box IV.2, Folder 10: Records deleted or transferred from the First Parish member database, 1989-1990. Computer print-outs with handwritten notes regarding why the deletion or transfer occurred.
- Box IV.3, Folder 1: Records deleted or transferred from the First Parish member database, 1990-1991. Computer print-outs with handwritten notes regarding why the deletion or transfer occurred. This folder contains two handwritten forms.
- Box IV.3, Folder 2: Records deleted or transferred from the First Parish member database, 1990-1991. Original folder labeled "1990, 91, Database Transfer to COMPDR.dtf.
- Box IV.3, Folder 3: Records deleted or transferred from the First Parish member database, 1991-1992. Computer print-outs with handwritten notes regarding why the deletion or transfer occurred. This folder contains lists of members removed from the database in addition to print-outs.
- Box IV.3, Folder 4: Records deleted or transferred from the First Parish member database, 1992. Computer print-outs with handwritten notes regarding why the deletion or transfer occurred. This folder contains lists of members removed from the dtabase in addition to print-outs.
- Box IV.3, Folder 5: List of names added to the First Parish member database, 1992.
- Box IV.3, Folder 6: Records deleted or transferred from the First Parish member database, 1992-1993. Computer print-outs with handwritten notes regarding why the deletion or transfer occurred. This folder contains lists of members removed from the dtabase in addition to print-outs.
- Box IV.3, Folder 7: Meeting minutes from a meeting on the structure of the First Parish database, 1995 November 13. Minutes include diagrams of database data. See Box IV.9 for large format manuscript notes.
- Box IV.9 (tube): Manuscript notes from a database meeting, 1995 November 13. Large format notes referred to in Series IV.A, "First Parish Database: Notes from November 13, 1995."
Series IV.A.2
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Biographies in this subseries describe member families, interests, parish participation, and some information about past education and past origins. Most biographies in this series are forms gathered by the Parish during a 1988 survey of members, which continued in subsequent years as new members joined.
Series IV.B
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Narrative biographies of new members published in the First Parish orders of service.
See Series II.B.2 Order of service programs. Many of the items in this sub-subseries are photocopies from the orders of service series.
- Box IV.3, Folder 8: New member biographies, 1987-1993. Lists new members and short biographies.
Series IV.B.1
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In addition to the biography form replies by Parish members, forms also contain manuscript notes that were likely added during the data entry process. These notes consist of encoding notes (i.e. -1 for men, -2 for women, and codes by career) which were used for end tally in the published Parish Biography and were likely used for the member database (in IV.A.2 Member database files). Some responses to a form for the 350th commemorative report are included.
Photographs in this sub-subseries were moved to Series XVI, Photographs and other visuals.
Series IV.B.2
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- Box IV.4, Folder 7: Parish biography, 1988-1989. Published booklet includes member biographies and an overview description of the Parish population.
- Folder IV. OV1 (oversize): Article from an unidentified publication on Philippe Villers, member of the First Parish, circa 1990.
Series IV.B.3
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Vital records consist of birth, death, and marriage records kept by the Church. Member lists for each category of information were often kept all together, but papers related to each category (particularly birth and death) were usually kept separately; that practice is reflected in the organization of this subseries.
Series IV.C
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Records kept by the minister and church of the First Parish regarding church members.
- Volume (shelved unboxed): Bound manuscript volume of the Church of the First Parish, 1858-1971, bulk 1858-1899. Lists church meeting minutes, 1858-1899; admissions to the church, 1858-1897, 1938-1971; marriages, 1858-1907, 1931-1970 (marriages 1939-1957 are written in the hand of the people getting married); baptisms, 1858-1899, 1942-1970; deaths and burials (including some information on age and location at death, and cause of death), 1858-1913, 1959-1970.
- Volume (shelved unboxed): Bound manuscript volume, "Minister's Records and Membership Roll", 1970-1988. Continues bound manuscript volume of the Church of the First Parish. Bulk written by Reverend Dana McLean Greeley. Includes membership list (1970-1988) and lists of marriages (1970-1988), funerals (1970-1988), and christenings (1972-1988). Note: there are some inaccuracies in the notes written in.
- Box IV.5, Folder 1: "Services at Which Our Ministers Have Officiated," 1973-1974. Typed listing of marriages, memorial services, christenings, and new members.
- Box IV.5, Folder 2: Manuscript list of weddings and funerals, 1988.
Series IV.C.1
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Documents marriages performed by ministers of the First Parish and/or in the First Parish church. Records include marriages of non-members if they were married in the church or if they were married by a First Parish minister. The bulk of these records consist of typed marriage certificate forms copied for church records. Some gaps.
- Box IV.5, Folder 3: Marriage records (1778-1851) kept by Ezra Ripley, Hersey Bradford Goodwin, and Barzillai Frost, 1778-1851. 2 bound volumes of manuscript marriage records (1778-1851) kept by Ezra Ripley, Hersey Bradford Goodwin, and Barzillai Frost.
- Box IV.5, Folder 4: Unbound manuscript marriage records from ministry of Ezra Ripley: 1788-1795, 1798. List of marriages kept by Ripley (1788-1795; one sheet, recto and verso); marriage certificate (1798 March 26) for Isaiah Green of Carlisle and Hannah Chandler of Concord, signed by Ripley on verso.
- Box IV.5, Folder 5: Bound manuscript volume of marriage records kept by Grindall Reynolds as "honorary pastor" (after his retirement from the ministry of the First Parish), 1883-1894.
- Box IV.5, Folder 6: Marriage certificates, 1960-1975.
- Box IV.5, Folder 7: Marriage certificates, 1976-1979. In reverse chronological order by year. Typed copies, with some signatures, handwritten data and medical forms. Includes a copy of Dana Greeley's license to perform weddings in the state of Maine, June 1979.
- Box IV.5, Folder 8: Marriage certificates, 1980-1984. In reverse chronological order by year. Typed copies, with some signatures, handwritten data and filled out First Parish wedding information form.
- Box IV.5, Folder 9: Marriage certificates, 1985-1990. In reverse chronological order by year. Typed copies. Includes some signatures, handwritten data and a blank marriage service and certificate booklet inscribed by Dana McLean Greeley.
- Box IV.5, Folder 11: Marriage certificates, 1990-1991. Chronological order. Typed copies, with some signatures, handwritten data and filled out First Parish wedding information form.
- Box IV.5, Folder 12: Marriage certificates, 1994-1995. Records are in chronological order. Typed copies. Includes some signatures, some handwritten data, and filled out First Parish wedding information forms.
- Box IV.5, Folder 10: Wedding records and ephemera, 1970s, 1988-1989, 2014. Notes, information forms, correspondence and emphemera. Includes a photocopy of the marriage certificate of writers Anne Dillard and Robert D. Richardson, Jr., and card (2014) with printed image of wedding party and guests in front of the meeting house.
Series IV.C.2
Series top
- Box IV.10, Folder 5: Bound volume of manuscript death records, 1778-1857. Kept by Ezra Ripley, Hersey Bradford Goodwin, and Barzillai Frost.
- Box IV.10, Folder 6: Burial records, 1957, 1973, 1975, 1985, bulk 1985. Burial record forms provided by funeral homes. Bulk from Joseph Dee and Son Funeral Home, and most funerals were performed at the First Parish church.
- Box IV.10, Folder 7: Burial records and documentation, 1988-1989, 1998.
Series IV.C.3
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Confirmations and withdrawals from membership of the First Parish church. Records in this subseries are in chronological order, with a gap from 1900-1957. The bulk of the records are from the mid and late 18th century, and consist mainly of withdrawals from the church (often for tax reasons).
See Series IV.C.1 Combined vital records, for lists of baptisms and christenings that were kept as part of the minister's record.
- Box IV.8, Folder 4: Manuscript petition of Job Brooks to be freed from paying taxes to support minister Daniel Bliss, 1746.
- Box IV.6, Folder 1: Membership requests and withdrawals, 1840-1848. Correspondence and a sign-up sheet for people requesting membership. Includes Henry David Thoreau's signed 1841 refusal of membership.
- Box IV.8, Folder 4: Requests for membership in First Parish, 1841, 1847. Requests of Marshall Miles (1841 June 7) and J.M. Billings (1847 April 30).
- Box IV.8, Folder 5: Member signatures affirming their voting status in the Parish, May 1855. Handwritten documents include signatures of people affirming membership in First Parish in response to questions that "have arisen as to the right of membership in the First Parish in Concord, and as to the right of voting and acting in town meetings of the said Town of Concord legally held for the transacting of parochial affairs …," with the signatures of the Parish Standing Committee.
- Box IV.8, Folder 6: List of First Parish members, early 19th century. Lists names under the heading "Parish."
- Box IV.6, Folder 2: Membership requests, confirmations and withdrawals, 1856-1848. Includes correspondence, circulars posted regarding membership and sign-up sheets where members could confirm or withdraw their membership.
- Box IV.6, Folder 3: Membership requests, confirmations and withdrawals, 1863-1876. Includes correspondence and sign-up sheets where members could confirm or withdraw their membership. Ralph Waldo Emerson's signed 1865 and 1876 confirmations of membership are in this folder.
- Box IV.6, Folder 4: Bound manuscript volume, Parish membership signatures, 1878-1970. Signatures confirming membership in the Parish (a separate entity from the Church). Members whose signatures are in this book are included in membership lists in Series IV.A.1, Lists and directories.
- Box IV.8, Folder 7: List of qualified voters of the First Parish, 1883-1900, with gaps. Handwritten and printed.
- Box IV.6, Folder 5: Christening correspondence and services, 1957-1996. Bulk letters from Dana Greeley regarding christenings. Includes blank christening/child dedication form, circa 1980s.
- Box IV.6, Folder 6: Membership transfer records, 1973-1980. Includes certificates and a letter of introduction.
- Box IV.6, Folder 7: List of new members signing the church membership book, 1985. Typed list with handwritten notes.
- Box IV.6, Folder 8: Correspondence regarding the withdrawals of membership, 1986-1987, 1990, 1994.
- Box IV.6, Folder 9: Blank member personal information form, 1980s. Form collects vital information for use in emergency situations.
Series IV.D
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Deacons, as defined by Dana McLean Greeley in 1981, are "honorary officers of the Church." Although deacons are not customary in Unitarian Universalism, they were a part of the First Parish's Congregationalist origins. The First Parish has appointed deacons as a representation of elder status within the church, and they have been responsible for assisting with church services and with the church silver.
- Box IV.7, Folder 3: Documents regarding deacons of the First Parish, 1956-1986. Includes minutes of meetings of various committees regarding deacons, correspondence, articles, gathered materials, role definitions and tasks, finacial statements and yearly financial reports.
Series IV.E
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Committees concerned with membership or services provided to the membership of the First Parish. The bulk of the committees represented here were specifically concerned with the care of members in emergency or difficult circumstances. This subseries is in alphabetical order by committee name.
Series IV.F
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- Box IV.6, Folder 10: Writing of Morton Seavey, circa 1986. Includes writing regarding care for members with families dealing with Alzheimers.
- Box IV.6, Folder 11: Records of the Caring Connection, 1988-1994, bulk 1991. Removed from binder during processing, likely gathered by or for Reverend Beth Graham. Records document the joining of several Parish groups providing services for members into one organization, the Caring Council (later the Caring Connection), in 1991. They consist of pamphlets, forms, role descriptions, correspondence, member lists, lists of people needing assistance, notes and meeting minutes. Records are divided into sub-committees.
- Box IV.6, Folder 12: Caring Council Transportation Group records, 1989-1991. Includes lists, correspondence and manuscript notes.
- Box IV.6, Folder 13: Caring Council lists and forms, 1991.
- Box IV.6, Folder 14: Visitation and flower delivery list, June 1994-December 1994.
Series IV.F.1
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- Box IV.6, Folder 15: Meeting minutes of the Committee for the Elderly, 1973.
Series IV.F.2
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- Box IV.10, Folder 1: Three manuscript financial record books, 1867-1889; 1890-1943; 1943-1964. The first book tucked into a pocket in the second; material relating to Ellen Tucker Emerson Bequest removed from pocket to Box IV.8, Folder 9.
- Box IV.10, Folder 2: Manuscript reports of the Committee on Domestic Charities, 1873, 1877. By E.R. Hoar (1873 April 15) and by J.B. (draft; 1877).
- Box IV.8, Folder 9: Correspondence and other materials (relating to bequests:, 1902-1930. Includes letter of bequest from Ellen Tucker Emerson, extracts from Ellen Tucker Emerson's will, and printed biography of Ellen Tucker Emerson by Elizabeth Hoar Storer; typed, undated summary relating to the bequest of Anna M. Holland.
- Box IV.10, Folder 3: Unbound financial records, 1907-1979. Includes memos, receipts, tax form, copy of money order.
- Box IV.10, Folder 4: Correspondence regarding gifts to individuals, 1932-1980.
Series IV.F.3
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- Box IV.6, Folder 15: Records of the Library Committee, 1950s. Correspondence and receipts, bulk records of Lucille Needham, chair of the committee.
Series IV.F.4
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- Box IV.6, Folder 16: Records of the Membership Committee, circa 1972-1990.
- Box IV.6, Folder 17: Report of the ad-hoc Committee on Membership Delineation, 1981.
Series IV.F.5
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- Box IV.7, Folder 1: Records of the First Parish Paraministry Steering Committee, 1984-1989. Meeting records of the First Parish Paraministry Steering Committee with paraministry-related resources.
Series IV.F.6
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The Welcoming Committee was responsible for the coffee hour after lunch.
see Series XII Church, town, and related celebrations, social events, and special services for other committees that handled coffee hour and other member functions.
- Box IV.7, Folder 2: Records of the Welcoming Committee, 1994-1995. Consists of meeting minutes, agendas, role definitions and correspondence.
Series IV.F.7
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Member associations are self-governed organizations affiliated with the First Parish. Their membership is comprised mostly or entirely of Parish members, and they will often have activities in, for, or related to the First Parish.
This series contains the records of two membership associations. The most prominent is the Women's Parish Association, a large, multifaceted women's group founded in 1881. The collection contains meeting minutes, finances, publications and ephemera. The other organization, the King's Daughters (founded 1910), was a women's group that focused on caring for those in need. Its history (the organization ceased to be in 1970) is represented in a series of bound record books.
Another member association, the Laymen's League, had a strong connection with the Unitarian Universalist Association. Consequently, the records of the Laymen's League are located with other denominational records.
Activities of the member associations (including those unrepresented in the collection) have often been included in the annual report of the church.
See Series II.B.1, Denominational Affairs Committee and other First Parish Unitarian-related member groups for records of the Laymen's League.
See Series III.A, Annual reports of the First Parish officers and committees for documentation of member associations.
Series V
Series list
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The Women's Parish Association is a women's member association affiliated with the First Parish. This collection consists mainly of the organization's meeting minutes and financial records, with some event records, publications (particularly annual booklets), and ephemera.
The Women's Parish Association (WPA) was organized in 1881 at the home of Caroline Downes Brooks Hoar (Mrs. Ebenezer Rockwood Hoar). It was initially formed as part of the growing movement of women's church organizations, and it was tasked specifically with the addition of the kitchen to the First Parish meeting house. The WPA has since that time devoted particular attention to maintaining and furnishing the meeting house, including guidance on interiors and fundraising for alterations. The organization has also taken on social causes by gathering, creating and fundraising resources for local and world issues. In 1902, the WPA became a member organization of the National Alliance of Unitarian Women (later the Unitarian Universalist Women's Federation). The WPA was incorporated in 1911.
Structurally, the Women's Parish Association was composed of an Executive Committee that governed the organization, committees responsible for achieving the ends of the organization, and event chairs tasked with organizing special events. The association's finances were managed by the Treasurer and Trustees of the Memorial Fund.
CFPL Concord Pamphlets collection contains Women's Parish Association records, including a history written for the Association's 50th anniversary: SPEC COLL C.PAM.85 Items I1 and I2. The WPA also had ties to the Laymen's League, including yearly joint meetings.
Series V.A
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This sub-subseries encompasses the main records of the Women's Parish Association, documenting its developments and decision-making through the papers of its president and secretary, and through the organization's meeting minutes.
The Women's Parish Association is governed by an Executive Committee including offices of president, secretary, and treasurer. The Executive Committee changed its name to the Executive Board in the 1940s, but continued to operate in the same capacity. There are two types of meeting minutes within the WPA: Executive Committee minutes and regular WPA minutes. Initially the minutes were kept separately, but in the 1950s they were kept together in one volume or file. The two types of the minutes are organized chronologically, but as a result of their initial separation, date ranges may overlap between folders and bound volumes.
Series V.A.1
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- Box V.5, Folder 4: WPA committee reports, 1951. Loose manuscript and typescript reports removed during processing from envelope pasted into Executive Board meeting minutes volume for 1940-1952; also, typescript list of WPA officers and subcommittees for 1951/52.
- Box V.5, Folder 5: WPA committee list, 1966-1967. Lists committee chair and members with WPA officers.
- Box V.5, Folder 6: WPA committee descriptions, circa 1984. Removed from Remembrance Committee records, Box V.5 Folder 7. Lists committee responsibilities and budget; includes job descriptions of WPA officers, and descriptions of Parish events.
- Box V.5, Folder 7: WPA Remembrance Committee papers, 1988-1989. Files of Ruth Lehman, Remembrance Committee chair. Includes notes, correspondence, visitation lists, and meeting agendas. WPA Committee descriptions were removed during processing; see Box V.5 Folder 6.
Series V.A.2
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This sub-subseries consists of inconsecutive lists of members. Membership has been open to all women in the Parish, including those women who were not members of the church. Louisa May Alcott, whose signature can be seen in the first volume of the President's books in sub-subseries V.1, WPA incorporation and governance, is one notable example of a WPA member who was not a member of the First Parish Church. See the Finance sub-subseries, Series V.A.4, for notes on membership dues.
- Box V.5, Folder 8: WPA list of members, circa 1881-1901, 1921-1922. Bound manuscript volume. Includes a handwritten copy of the original 1881 list from the president's book (Box V.1, Folder 2) and a list of members, in alphabetical order, dated 1921-1922.
- Box V.5, Folder 9: WPA membership notes, 1989-1990. Lists "new names added," "change of name," and "deletions."
Series V.A.3
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Guided by the Women's Parish Association's appointed treasurer, the WPA's finances are supported through donations, membership dues, and fundraising. Women's Parish Association supports some repairs to the church building, along with Association and parish activities (including payment for representatives travelling to UU events and attendees at Parish retreats). In 1903, the first memorial fund of the Women's Parish Association was founded in the name of Eliza Munroe; since then it has grown into the WPA Memorial Fund and is added to whenever a WPA member dies. Managed by the Trustees of the Memorial Fund, the fund is used for charitable donations and occasionally for church maintenance.
Financial records in this sub-subseries are accounting books and pages kept by the Treasurer and the Trustees of the Memorial Fund. Arranged chronologically.
- Box V.5, Folder 10: WPA treasurer's account book, 1881-1901. Bound manuscript volume. Lists members and dues paid, 1881-1900, and money received ("cr") and spent ("dr") by the WPA.
- Box V.5, Folder 11: WPA Trustees of the Memorial Fund record book, 1902-1983. Bound manuscript volume. Lists memorial funds, donors, with yearly memorial fund totals, income receipts and payments, recommendations of the Trustees of the Memorial Fund, dividends and auditor's certified reviews with signatures. Loose reports removed during processing to Box V.5 Folder 12.
- Box V.5, Folder 12: WPA Trustees of the Memorial Fund records, 1946-1947, 1951. Removed during processing from WPA manuscript Memorial Fund record book, 1902-1983. Contains manuscript "Report of the Trustees of the Memorial Fund of the Women's Parish Association" (1946-1947) and manuscript report and recommendations ([1951]) of the Trustees, in envelope addressed to Mrs. Harold J. Ames.
- Box V.5, Folder 13: WPA annual gift letter, 1949 April 1. Typed letter signed by Louise B. Bourquin to Mr. Holden regarding the WPA's annual financial gift to the First Parish; manuscript motions (undated) regarding WPA expenditures.
- Box V.6, Folder 1: WPA treasurer's account book, 1953-1959. Lists receipts (income) 1953-1959, broken down by source (dues, gifts, committees, etc.) and disbursements (expenses) broken down by item, and event/committee. Includes annual treasurer's reports.
- Box V.6, Folder 2: WPA treasurer's account book, 1959-1969. Lists cash receipts (income) 1959-1969, Meeting House cookbook account with purchases; Tales of Old Concord account, disbursements (expenses) 1959-1969 (lists gifts, dues, delegates, committees and expenses); Edward Perry Daniels Scholarship Fund accounts.
- Folder V.OV2 (oversize): WPA treasurer's account book pages, 1970-1974. Lists cash receipts and expenses. Includes bank account information and sources of funds.
- Box V.6, Folder 3: WPA treasurer's account book, 1974-1978. Lists income and withdrawals by financial institution, including interest, transfers, events and projects. Includes attached financial materials.
- Box V.6, Folder 4: WPA treasurer's account book, 1978-1981. Lists income and withdrawals by financial institution, including interest, transfers, events and projects. Includes attached financial materials.
- Box V.6, Folder 5: WPA treasurer's account book, 1981-1984. Lists income and withdrawals by financial institution, including interest, transfers, events and projects. Includes attached financial materials.
- Box V.6, Folder 6: WPA treasurer's account book, 1984-1989. Lists expenses and income including interest, transfers, events and projects. Documents savings (money market) separately.
- Box V.7, Folder 1: WPA treasurer's account book, 1988-1991. Compiles income and expenses by day and includes high-level finances from committees and events, with printed calculator totals.
- Box V.7, Folder 2: WPA treasurer's account book, 1991-1995. Compiles income and expenses by day and includes high-level finances from committees and events, with calculator totals.
- Box V.7, Folder 3: WPA treasurer's account book, 1997-1999. Compiles income and expenses by day and includes high-level finances from committees and events, with printed calculator totals.
Series V.A.4
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Records of events include planning materials, scripts, advertisements and programs. Events highlighted in the collection include social meetings and talks, the annual arts and crafts show, the Parish consignment sale, and the Women's Parish Association's bicentennial. Arranged chronologically.
Series V.A.5
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In addition to publishing an annual booklet listing the organization's officers, committees and events, the WPA has over the years published (and/or commissioned) cookbooks and writings by WPA members. Sub-subseries 4, Women's Parish Association finances documents the sale of the publications.
- Box V.7, Folders 15-16: WPA annual booklets, 1912-1980 (some gaps). Including lists of officers, committees, and programs, and—from the 1960s—membership directories, Treasurers' reports, and lists of past presidents.
Folder 14: 1912/13; 1918/19; 1919/20; 1920/21; 1921/22; 1926/27; 1930/31; 1932/33; 1933/34; 1934/35; 1935/36; 1937/38; 1938/39; 1940/41; 1959/1960; 1963/64; 1970/71; 1972/73; 1975/76; 1976/77; 1977/78; 1978/79; 1979/80
Folder 15:1980/1981; 1981/1982; 1982/1983; 1983-1984; 1984/1985.
See CFPL Concord Pamphlets, C. Pam 85 I1 Outside for additional copies of annual booklets, 1915-1977, including annual booklets that fill the following gaps of this collection: 1915/1916; 1922/1923; 1923/1924; 1924/1925; 1927/1928; 1929/1930; 1931/1932; 1936/1937; 1939/1940; 1941/1942; 1942/1943; 1943/1944; 1944/1945; 1945/1946; 1946/1947; 1947/1948; 1948/1949; 1949/1950; 1950/1951; 1951/1952; 1952/1953; 1954/1955; 1955/1956; 1956/1957; 1957/1958; 1958/1959; 1959/1960; 1960/1961; 1961/1962; 1962/1963; 1965/1966; 1966/1967; 1967/1968; 1968/1969; 1969/1970; 1973/1974; 1974/1975.
- Box V.8, Folders 1-2: WPA annual booklets, 1985-1996 (gap, 1994/1995 edition). Including lists of officers, committees, and programs, and membership directories, Treasurers' reports, and lists of past presidents.
- Box V.8, Folder 3: WPA printed by-laws, 1933.
- Box V.8, Folder 4: WPA publication: The Meetinghouse Cook Book, 1965 October.
- Box V.8, Folder 5: WPA booklet, "Spiritual Resources in the Field of Art," 1966. Appears to be incomplete; table of contents only.
- Box V.8, Folder 6: WPA publication: Fenn, Mary. Tales of the Old Concord (Concord: Privately Printed for the Women's Parish Association, 1973, ©1965). Illustrations by Mimi Aloian. Signed by Mary Fenn.
- Box V.8, Folder 7: WPA publication: Fenn, Mary. Tales of an Old Church (Concord: Women's Parish Association, 1975). Graphics by Maryleen W. Boyce.
- Box V.8, Folder 8: WPA publication papers for The Meetinghouse Cook Book, 1974-1976. Includes camera-ready copy for title page, acknowledgements, and order form of the Bicentennial Edition of The Meetinghouse Cookbook. Also, autographed letter signed, Marcia Goldstein to Mrs. Klinck (1974 December 10) and typed letter signed by Sue B. Huffman (Ladies' Home Journal Food & Equipment Editor) to Mrs. George T. Goodspeed (1976 June 10), both regarding cookbook.
- Box V.8, Folder 9: WPA publication: The Meetinghouse Cook Book, 1976 (second printing, © 1974). Reproduced by Wellesley Press, Inc.
- Box V.8, Folder 10: WPA publication: Love is Enough: A Selection of Poems. (Lexington: Lexington Press, Inc. [for the WPA], 1981). Illustrations by Suzanne Altshuler and Carolyn Chapin King; photograph by Eleanor Motley Billings.
Series V.A.6
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- Box V.8, Folder 11: WPA ephemera, circa 1900-1950. Includes an invitation to the 1906 25th anniversary celebration of the organization of the WPA.
Series V.A.7
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Record books and meeting minutes of the King's Daughters, a women's organization affiliated with the First Parish.
The King's Daughters was founded to— according to the organization's constitution— "assist worthy objects, preferably in Concord." While the King's Daughters was not affiliated with the International Order of the King's Daughters, its ends were similarly philanthropic, the group's included providing assistance to the infirm and the elderly. Membership was initially restricted to "any woman over fifteen years" per its constitution, and could include any female member of the community. The organization disbanded in 1970, due to a lack of incumbent leadership.
- Box V.9, Folder 1: King's Daughters event program "King's Daughters Afternoon", 1891.
- Box V.9, Folder 1: King's Daughters record book, 1910-1916. Bound manuscript volume. Includes constitution, minutes, and member list.
- Box V.9, Folder 2: King's Daughters record book, 1919-1930. Includes constitution, minutes, lists of officers and member lists. Loose papers removed from volume, Box V.9, Folder 3.
- Box V.9, Folder 3: King's Daughters meeting materials, 1922, 1927. Loose materials removed during processing from the King's Daughters record book, 1919-1930. Report of the secretary 1921-1922; signed resignation letter from Hannah L. Smith, 1928 May 28.
- Box V.9, Folder 4: King's Daughters record book, 1931-1940. Includes constitution, minutes, and member list. Loose papers removed from this volume, Box V.9, Folder 5.
- Box V.9, Folder 5: King's Daughters meeting materials, 1927-1940. Loose materials removed during processing from the King's Daughters record book, 1931-1940, consisting of correspondence and reports.
- Box V.9, Folder 6: King's Daughters record book, 1940-1950. Minutes of meetings only.
- Box V.9, Folder 7: King's Daughters manuscript annual reports, 1923-1924, 1926-1929.
- Box V.9, Folder 8: King's Daughters citation for distinguished service from Boston City Hospital, undated, circa 1950.
Series V.B
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- Box V.9, Folder 9:Women's Forum records, 1992.
Series V.C
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Dana McLean Greeley and the First Parish silver
This series contains records directly related to ministers and the appointment of ministers at the First Parish church. The bulk of the collection consists of audio recordings of sermons and services (primarily on audiocassette). The collection also includes minister's records, minister's personal papers, research regarding ministers, search committee records relating to the appointment of ministers, and transcribed and recorded sermons and services of the First Parish. Further, any records collected from assistant ministers, visiting ministers and presenters from the laity (mostly sermons) are also collected here.
Ministers of the First Parish have presented sermons, overseen christening, marriage and funeral services, attended conferences and denominational meetings in addition to overseeing the business of the church overall (as opposed to the business of the Parish).
See Series III, Standing Committee records and general governance for more information.
The ministers have been aided intermittently by assistant ministers and ministerial interns. They have assisted in, or taken on entirely, some of the duties of the minister, including occasional sermons, church services, visitations to those in need of pastoral care, and oversight of religious education. In addition to the assistant ministers, the church has had visiting ministers perform services, or had members of the laity (particularly from the First Parish congregation) organize services or deliver sermons.
Permanent and interim ministers of the First Parish in Concord, as recorded in the "Ministers Since the Church was Founded" section of the Annual Report of the First Parish Officers and Committees:
Minister |
Start year |
End year |
Peter Bulkeley |
1636 |
1659 |
John Jones |
1636 |
1644 |
Edward Bulkeley |
1659 |
1696 |
Joseph Estabrook |
1667 |
1711 |
John Whiting |
1712 |
1737 |
Daniel Bliss |
1739 |
1764 |
William Emerson |
1765 |
1776 |
Ezra Ripley |
1778 |
1841 |
Hershey B. Goodwin |
1830 |
1836 |
Barzillai Frost |
1837 |
1857 |
Grindall Reynolds |
1858 |
1881 |
Benjamin R. Bulkeley |
1882 |
1893 |
Loren B. Macdonald |
1895 |
1924 |
Johannes A.C. Fagginger Auer |
1926 |
1930 |
Edward Perry Daniels |
1931 |
1956 |
Robert D. Richardson, Interim |
1956 |
1957 |
Arthur B. Jellis |
1957 |
1970 |
Dana McLean Greeley |
1970 |
1986 |
Charles L. Wilson, Interim |
1986 |
1988 |
Gary E. Smith |
1988 |
2011 |
Jenny (Jean) M. Rankin, listed as Minister under Gary Smith |
2002 |
2012 |
Elaine Peresluha, Interim |
2011 |
2013 |
Howard Dana |
2013 |
present (2015) |
Series VI
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Series VI.A
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This sub-subseries consists of records documenting the careers of the ministers of the First Parish. It includes, in many cases, their installations, ordinations, daily business, correspondence and resignations. The collection also contains documentation of ministers, assistant/associate/affiliate ministers, and ministerial interns of the First Parish.
The records originated from various sources including the ministers themselves, the papers of the church, and the collections of the Concord Free Public Library. As a result, the collection acts as a subject file. The records are grouped by minister and, with the exception of the records of Dana McLean Greeley, they are organized chronologically under each minister.
The records of Dana McLean Greeley (minister, 1970-1986) are separated into two groups: a chronological set of records and a collection of his subject files removed from the church records. The subject files have been left as they were originally arranged.
The First Parish collection includes records administrative meetings of the church kept by the ministers in Series II, Worship, belief and denominational affairs, and lists of vital statistics kept by ministers regarding church members in Series IV, Membership and vital records.
First Parish Ministers papers are also the CFPL special collection Ezra Ripley Papers, 1734-1838 for the personal papers of Ezra Ripley (minister, 1778-1841). The finding aid can be viewed here. The Concord Pamphlets collection at CFPL also includes sermons by minister, they can be searched via the library catalog. Further, the records of many UUA ministers, including those of Ezra Ripley (1783-1799, 1800-1838), Robert D. Richardson, and Dana MacLean Greeley are available at the Harvard Divinity School Andover-Harvard Theological Library.
- Box VI.1, Folder 1: Peter Bulkeley, Minister 1636-1659
Compiled photocopies of research material and research notes regarding Peter Bulkeley, circa 1980s. Notes and research material on Bulkeley, mostly regarding the time before his arrival in Concord. Includes pages from the Bulkeley Genealogy, and some notes on the relationship between Peter Bulkeley and Reverend John Jones.
- Box VI.1, Folders 2-3: John Jones, Minister 1636-1644
Compiled photocopies of research material and research notes regarding John Jones, 1978, circa 1981-1983. Notes, likely by Marian Wheeler, and research that were collected by the First Parish Archives Committee. Includes letter from Reverend A.M.G. Wells, Rector of Odell to members of the Parish regarding a visit by Concord Minute Men to the town of Odell), 1983.
- Box VI.1, Folder 4: Joseph Estabrook, Minister 1667-1711
Correspondence and notes related to the burial of Joseph Estabrook, 1977-1978.
- Box VI.72, Folder 1: John Whiting, Minister 1712-1737
Manuscript report of "A Council of Churches … at Concord … to hear … grievances relating to the misconduct of their pastor the Reverand Mr. John Whiting … ", 1735 November 19.
- Box VI.72, Folder 2: Daniel Bliss, Minister 1739-1764
Manuscript "On the Death of the Reverend Daniel Bliss", 1764 May 12.
- Box VI.72, Folder 3: William Emerson, Minister 1765-1776
Reports of the council of churches regarding William Emerson, 1769-1770:
- Manuscript report of council of churches at Concord convened to hear grievances raised by Joseph Lee (1769 April 11), including charges against William Emerson of "many Imprudences, gross Blunders, & Breach of Promise."
- Manuscript report of council of churches convened to help William Emerson resolve discord in the church at Concord (1770 August 28).
- Box VI.1, Folder 5: Ezra Ripley, Minister 1778-1841
Autographed letter signed by Ezra Ripley to Deacon Samuel Farrar (of Lincoln), Concord, 1780 July 21, (1951). The letter authorized transfer of John and Abigail Wheat from Concord church to that of Lincoln. (Letter was found by Laurence W. Polson, proprietor of Wright Tavern Antique Shop, among the papers of Edward R. Farrar, who died at his family homestead in South Lincoln in 1951. Mr. and Mrs. Polson presented it to the First Parish 1951 December 14, in celebration of fifty years of use of the meeting house dedicated in 1901; includes transcript by Julian Ballou, Parish Clerk, circa 1951).
- Box VI.72, Folder 4: Hershey B. Goodwin, Minister 1830-1836
Collected records related to Hershey B. Goodwin, 1830, 1835, 1836, 1944:
- Minutes of Concord Town Meeting (1830 January 20) at which it was voted to invite Hersey B. Goodwin to serve as Ezra Ripley's colleague.
- Commission of H.B. Goodwin to serve as chaplain of the Concord Light Infantry (1835 September 30). Presented by Helen H. Moore (1944 June 26).
- Manuscript copy of letter of sympathy (1836 July 11) sent by the First Parish to Mrs. Goodwin on the death of her husband.
- Box VI.1, Folder 6: Barzillai Frost 1837-1857
Barzillai Frost papers, 1830-1856:
- Box VI.72, Folder 5: Collected records related to the resignation of Barzillai Frost, 1857:
- Autographed letter signed by Barzillai Frost "To the First Church & Parish in Concord", letter of resignation, (1857 September 13).
- Printed version of B. Frost's letter of resignation, 1857 September 13. Three copies (one of them singed by fire).
- Autographed signed letter by E.R. Hoar, Josiah Bartlett, and Nehemiah Ball (for the Parish) to Barzillai Frost (1857 October 3), accepting Frost's resignation.
- Printed version of the Standing Committee's acceptance of Frost's resignation, 1857 October 3. Two copies.
- Box VI.1, Folder 7: Miles, Henry A. A Sermon Preached in the First Parish Church, Concord, December 10, 1858, at the Burial of Rev. Barzillai Frost … (Cambridge: Metcalf and Company, 1859). Three copies (one inscribed by Mrs. Frost for Josiah Bartlett, one inscribed by Mrs. Frost for Mrs. Adolphus Bates, one inscribed by S. Frances Holden).
- Box VI.1, Folder 8: Grindall Reynolds, 1858-1881
Collected records related to Grindall Reynolds, 1858, 1875, 1881, 1894:
- Autographed letter signed by Grindall Reynolds (copy of letter of resignation), "To the Proprietors of the Congregational Society in the Third Parish, West Roxbury," Jamaica Plain (1858 April 19).
- Manuscript record of votes by West Roxbury Church regarding the resignation of Grindall Reynolds (1858 May 4).
- Autographed letter signed by E.R. Hoar, Nathan Barrett, and Charles L. Heywood ("on behalf of the Parish") to Grindall Reynolds, inviting Reynolds to settle as minister of the First Parish.
- Autographed letter signed by Grindall Reynolds in Jamaica Plain to Hoar, Barrett, and Heywood accepting the ministry of the First Parish (1858 June 4).
- Autographed letter signed by Grindall Reynolds in Jamaica Plain "To the Members of the First Parish in Concord," regarding his acceptance of the ministry(1858 June 4).
- Manuscript report of Reynold's acceptance of the ministry by E.R. Hoar on behalf of the committee chosen to invite Reynolds (1858 June 5).
- Printed invitation, to installation of G. Reynolds as minister of First Parish (1858 June 28).
- "Order of Exercises at the Installation of Rev. G. Reynolds, over the First Parish in Concord," printed program (1858 July 8). Three copies.
- Robbins, Chandler. The Central Power of the Gospel: A Sermon Preached at the Installation of Rev. Grindall Reynolds, as Pastor of the First Church in Concord, Mass., July 8, 1858 … With the Charge, Right Hand of Fellowship, and Address to the Society (Boston: John Wilson and Son, 1858).
- The Unitarian Review and Religious Magazine, April 1875. Includes article, "Concord Fight" by Grindall Reynolds.
- Autographed letter signed by Grindall Reynolds to Samuel Hoar, Edwin S. Barrett, and Richard F. Barrett, resigning as minister (1881 June 6).
- Autographed letter signed by "This association of Women of your congregation" to Grindall Reynolds, in response to Reynolds's resignation (1881 June 15).
- Autographed letter signed by First Parish in Concord to Grindall Reynolds, expressing good wishes to Reynolds upon his retirement and asking him to continue as "honorary pastor" (1881 July 19).
- Autographed letter to Grindall Reynolds—cover letter to accompany the letter signed by the First Parish in Concord, 1881 July 19(above) to Grindall Reynolds listed above (1881 July 19).
- Autographed letter signed by Grindall Reynolds to Charles E. Brown—"Clerk pro tem"— expressing gratitude for letter of 1881 July 19 (1881 July 21).
- Typed poem (carbon copy) by George Bradford Bartlett, on the death of Grindall Reynolds ([1894]).
- Box VI.1, Folder 9: Benjamin Reynolds Bulkeley, Minister 1882-1893
Papers on the appointment and installation of Benjamin Reynolds Bulkeley, 1881-1882:
- Autographed letter signed by E.R. Hoar, W.S. Blanchard, and Henry J. Hosmer to Benjamin Reynolds Bulkeley inviting Bulkeley to the ministry of the First Parish (1881 December 5).
- Autographed letter signed by Benjamin Reynolds Bulkeley in Cambridge to E.R. Hoar, W.S. Blanchard, and Henry J. Hosmer, accepting call to ministry of First Parish (1881 December 15).
- Manuscript copy of same; in hand of E.R. Hoar?.
- Autographed letter signed by Benjamin Reynolds Bulkeley in Cambridge to E.R. Hoar, invitees to his ordination (1882 May 26).
- Manuscript list of churches to which invitations to ordination of B.R. Bulkeley were sent (undated).
- Printed invitation to the 1882 July 12 ordination of B.R. Bulkeley (1882 June 12). Eight copies.
- Letters of response to invitation to B.R. Bulkeley's ordination (Ten items; 1882 June 24-July 18).
- Manuscript approval by council of churches of B.R. Bulkeley to serve as pastor of First Parish in Concord (1882 July 12). Consists of letter by Cyrus A. Roys ("Scribe of the Council").
- "Ordination Services of Benjamin Reynolds Bulkeley, as Minister of the First Parish at Concord, Wednesday, July 12, 1882," printed program. Two copies.
- Box VI.1, Folder 10: Loren B. MacDonald, Minister 1895-1924
Papers on the appointment and installation of Loren B. MacDonald, 1895:
- Manuscript letter, deacons of First Parish (on behalf of membership) to Charles E. Brown (Parish Clerk), approving invitation of Loren Macdonald to ministry of the Parish (1895 September 15).
- Typed letter signed (copy) by Edwin S. Barrett (Chairman, First Parish Standing Committee) to Loren B. Macdonald, offering ministry of the Parish to Macdonald (1895 September 16).
- Autograph letter signed by Loren B. Macdonald in Boston to Edwin S. Barrett, accepting ministry of the Parish (1895 September 20).
- Printed invitation to the 1895 October 3 ordination of Loren B. Macdonald as minister of First Parish (1895 September 26).
- Macdonald, Loren B. Twenty Five Years in Concord (printed four-page leaflet; [1920]). Two copies.
- Box VI.1, Folder 11: First Parish in Concord. Memorial to the Reverend Loren B. Macdonald, 1857-1924 (Boston: Anchor Linotype Printing Co., [1925?]).
- Box VI.1, Folder 12: Johannes A.C. Fagginger Auer, Minister 1926-1930
Program for the installation of Johannes A.C. Fagginger Auer, 1927. Four pages; two copies.
- Box VI.1, Folder 13: Autographed signed letter from Johannes A.C. Fagginger Auer to Robert Needham, Parish Treasurer, regarding payment from the Standing Committee, 1957 June 3. Also includes Auer's thoughts on the condition of the church since his tenure there.
- Box VI.1, Folder 14: Edward Perry Daniels, Minister 1931-1956
Collected records related to Edward Perry Daniels, 1933-1962:
- Typed letter (draft?), Allen French to the Standing Committee of the First Parish recommending that Standing Committee invite E.P. Daniels to write a report reviewing the year's activities (1933 April 3).
- Typed letter signed by Louis C. Cornish (President of American Unitarian Association) in Boston to Elmer J. Joslyn regarding reimbursement to Edward Perry Daniels for ministerial supplies (1937 May 4).
- "Order of Service for the Ordination of John Winthrop Brigham in the First Parish Meeting House, Concord, at Eight O'Clock, Thursday, October Twentieth, Nineteen Hundred and Thirty-Eight", printed program, four pages (1938). Sentences read by Edward Perry Daniels; sermon by Johannes A.C. Fagginger Auer).
- Daniels, Edward Perry. "Memorial Day … Remarks made in Sleepy Hollow, Concord, Massachusetts, May 30, 1947", printed handbill, one page on single sheet (30 May 1947).
- Newspaper clipping (photocopy): photograph of Edward Perry Daniels fighting fire in basement of church vestry (1954 December 16).
- Typed letter from the Standing Committee requesting that they contribute to a gift of money for Edward Perry Daniels in honor of his 25 years at the First Parish, (1956 June 2).
- Daniels, Edward Perry. Manuscript of sermon delivered at King's Chapel, Boston (1958 September 17).
- Daniels, Edward Perry. William Bradford Bartlett, November 11, 1960 (typescript of tribute delivered at Bartlett's funeral).
- Newspaper clipping (photocopy), "On Edward Perry Daniels" ([1962]).Consists of an obituary tribute).
- Box VI.72, Folder 7: Arthur B. Jellis, Minister 1957-1970
Arthur B. Jellis appointment files gathered by John Eaton, 1957-1958. Includes drafts of the offer of the minister position to Arthur B. Jellis, and information on the retirement fund offered as part of the position.
- Box VI.1, Folder 15: Collected records related to the ministry of Arthur B. Jellis, 1957-1970.
- Typed letter (copy), Standing Committee of the First Parish in Concord to Arthur B. Jellis, inviting him to the ministry of the Parish (1957 May 20).
- Typed letter (copy), Standing Committee to Arthur B. Jellis, stating terms and conditions of invitation to ministry (1957 May 20).
- Typed letter (copy), Arthur B. Jellis to Standing Committee, accepting call to the ministry (1957 May 22).
- Engraved invitation to installation ceremony for Arthur B. Jellis as minister of First Parish (1957 October 20).
- "Service of Installation of Arthur Boyd Jellis as the Sixteenth Minister of the First Parish in Concord, Sunday, October 20, 1957, 7:30 in the Evening, Concord, Massachusetts" printed program, three pages (1957).
- Typed letter (copy), Secretary of Standing Committee, to Mrs. Chamberlin, thanking her for her generosity in making "the parsonage a pleasant, comfortable home for our new minister and his family." ([1958 January])
- Order of service (photocopy, 1958 January 12). Includes note by Arthur B. Jellis to "Dear Unitarians" (page [4]) urging the signing of a petition banning nuclear testing in the Pacific.
- Typed letter (copy), Myron T. Smith, Chairman of Standing Committee, to Mr. [Robert] Moore, regarding objections to some topics "to which publicity has been given in the church" (1958 October 2).
- Typed letter signed by Leon C. Fay in Boston, Director, Department of the Ministry, American Unitarian Association, to Mrs. Prescott Smith, regarding possibility of forming a Minister's Advisory Committee, with a typed plan for a Ministerial Relations Committee (1959 October 28).
- Typed letter (copy), Arthur F. March, Jr., Chairman of Standing Committee, to Berkeley Wheeler, regarding concerns about the minister and his relations with the Standing Committee and Parish (1960 January 12).
- Typed letter signed by John Hoar in Epping, N.H. to Arthur F. March, Jr., complaining of the minister's response to his concerns and asking to be removed from mailing list (1960 February 4).
- Typed letter (copy), Arthur F. March, Jr. to John Hoar, responding to Hoar's letter of 1960 February 4 (1960 February 5).
- Autographed letter signed by Charles G. Edgarton to the E.M.C. Committee of the First Parish, Concord, regarding decision to decrease pledge (1961 March 30).
- Typed letter (copy), Sinclair Weeks, Jr. to Miss Mary Chamberlin, regarding his willingness to accept nomination for Standing Committee of the First Parish and his interest in remedying discontent within the church with its minister (1961 April 11).
- Autographed letter signed by Berkeley Wheeler to Dr. [Arthur F.] March, Concord (1961 April 11), inquiring about results of a confidential meeting, with enclosure (clipping regarding FBI), with response (typed letter, copy) from March to Wheeler (1961 April 12).
- Typed letter by Arthur B. Jellis to "the delegates in the South Middlesex Conference of Unitarian Churches to the organizing meeting of the Unitarian Universalist Association", advising them to vote from Dana Greeley as first president of the Unitarian Universalist Association (1961 May 3).
- Autographed letter signed by Arthur [Jellis] to Fred [Klinck] ([1962] January 16, accompanying a form letter "To Members and Friends of the UUA," requesting donations to finance a private college preparatory school on Cape Cod (1962 January 5).
- Typed letter (copy), Arthur B. Jellis to Fred [Klinck], declaring his intention to remain long-term as minister of the First Parish and outlining his thoughts on the administration of the church (1963 February 4).
- Jellis, Arthur B. "Invocation at the Bridge, April 19, 1964," typescript, 1964 April 19.
- Typed letter (photocopy), draft, [William O. Faxon for] Standing Committee to Arthur B. Jellis, regarding the strengths and weaknesses of his ministry (1965 March 1).
- Correspondence of Selena Soederberg regarding Arthur B. Jellis' taped sermons sent to the tape recording library of the Unitarian Universalist Association (1966), a list of sermons delivered by Arthur B. Jellis and their dates (1963-1967), and a catalog from the tape recording library with manuscript notes (1964)
- Manuscript notice on yellow lined paper, Patricia B. Smith for the Standing Committee ([1966 April]), requesting attendance at "an informal meeting on Tuesday, April 4th, at 8 P.M., in the Vestry Parlor, for the purpose of discussing and assessing pastoral relations in our Parish."
- Typescript report by Frederick Klinck (former Chairman of Standing Committee requested by Harold Cabot, Chairman of Standing Committee, regarding the Arthur B. Jellis (1966 April).
- Typed letter (photocopy) signed by Frederick C. Klinck to Robert C. Butman, explaining the decrease in his pledge to the church (1968 May 12).
- Petition recommending that the First Parish find a new minister, with "Suggestions to workers", a letter of advice to people collecting signatures, and an annotated list of Parish members (circa May 1966).
- Typed letter from Arthur B. Jellis to petitioners for his removal (6 June 1968).
- Typed letter from Arthur B. Jellis to parishioners ("Unitarian Universalists") regarding the petition for his removal and his response (7 June 1968).
- Typed letter from the Standing Committee to the parishioners regarding the petition and other communications asking for the removal of Arthur B. Jellis as minister (1968 June 24).
- Two autographed letters signed by "Pooh" [Davis] to Sylvia and Fred [Klinck] regarding dissatisfaction with Arthur B. Jellis ([1968 June 25]).
- Typed letter signed by Arthur B. Jellis to Sylvia Klinck (1968 November 19), regarding meeting held to air grievances against the minister (in his absence) and requesting to meet with those who attended it.
- Issue of From the Meetinghouse, 1968 December 10 describing the minutes of the Standing Committee meeting about Arthur B. Jellis and Arthur B. Jellis' subsequent sabbatical.
- Typed draft motion by Norman D. Harris moving that Arthur B. Jellis be terminated as minister, to be read at the special parish meeting to be called 1969 January 22 (1969 January 8).
- Typed letter (2 photocopies) signed by Arthur B. Jellis to "Members and Friends of the First Parish" (1969 January 13). Announces his intention of seeking another ministry elsewhere.
- Typed letter from the Standing Committee regarding Arthur B. Jellis's intention of seeking another ministry outside of the First Parish (1969 January 15).
- Autographed letter signed by Adele [Campbell] to Libby [Miss Elizabeth Alexander], defending the conduct of Arthur B. Jellis (1969 March 16).
- Typed letter signed (copy), Janice S. Banwell to Roger Duncan, regarding her reasons for resigning from her position as secretary of the First Parish (1969 May 5).
- Typed letter signed (copy) by Arthur B. Jellis to parishioners describing his time following his resignation (1970 August 24).
- Box VI.1, Folder 16: Letter from Arthur B. Jellis requesting a response from the church, (1973), 1990 May 15. Includes a photocopy of a letter from the Trustees of Parish Donations regarding his retirement plan, 1973 May 1.
- Box VI.1, Folder 17: Richards, Mark, " On the edge of greatness : the ministry of Rev. Arthur B. Jellis to the First Parish in Concord, MA, Unitarian Universalist, 1957-1970" typescript, 2006 April. 2 copies, including Eric Parkman Smith copy, including a letter and envelope from Mark Richards thanking him for his assistance and enclosing the essay.
- Box VI.2, Folder 1: Dana McLean Greeley, Minister 1970-1986 -- Chronological files
Collected papers related to Dana McLean Greeley, 1952,1962, 1969:
- Fowler, William Plumer. Union Chapel, Little Boar's Head, New Hampshire : an historical sketch written for the occasion of the chapel's 75th anniversary, 1877-1952 (1952). Pamphlet inscribed to Dana McLean Greeley "on the date of his engagement to preach the 100th anniversary sermon at this chapel on Sunday, August 7, 1977", March 27, 1976, by the author.
- Newspaper article,"Drummer for freedom" from the Boston Sunday Globe advertising supplement, "Unitarian Universalist Association" (1969 July 13). Article on Dana McLean Greeley, includes (photographs of Greeley with prominent political figures).
- Clipping (photocopy) of article by Louis Garinger, "Unitarian Universalist split avoided over funds-for-blacks controversy" (1969 July 17). Refers to candidates vying "to win the hotly contested election to succeed Dr. Dana McLean Greeley as UUA president."
- Box VI.2, Folder 2: Collected papers related to Dana McLean Greeley, 1970-1971:
- Letters regarding Dana Greeley travel (1970 July, September)
- Order of service from the installation of Dana McLean Greeley (1970 November 29). Two copies.
- Typed letter signed by Dana McLean Greeley to parishioners regarding parish news and enclosing a transcript of his first sermon (the sermon was removed during processing to sub-subseries VI.A.2, Transcript and recorded sermons, 1792-2009 under Sermons by Dana Greely.
- Typed letter by Dana McLean Greeley to parishioners regarding the Christening and Dedication Ceremony (1971 May 11).
- Typed letter signed by Dana McLean Greeley to parishioners regarding new members of the church and enclosing a history of the church by Eric Parkman Smith and pamphlet by Dana McLean Greeley about Unitarianism (1971 June 28).
- Typed draft of the "Annual report of the minister", with manuscript notes by Dana McLean Greeley (1971 June 15).
- Typed letter signed (photocopy), regarding the summer and the beginning of the "new Church Year" (1971 August 27).
- Greeley, Dana McLean. 25 Beacon Street and other recollections (Boston: Beacon Press, 1971). Inscribed by Dana M. Greeley.
- Box VI.2, Folder 3: Collected papers regarding Dana McLean Greeley, 1973-1986:
- Typed letter by Dana McLean Greeley to Leon C. Fay, President of the Unitarian Universalist Ministers Association, regarding changes to "the questionnaire on the Unitarian Universalist Ministers Association 'Guidelines'" (1973 April 30).
- Typed letter signed by Dana McLean Greeley (photocopy) to Massachusetts Bay District Ministers (in the Unitarian Universalist Association) offering counsel if needed (1973 October 10).
- Correspondence between Dana McLean Greeley and Irene K. Murdock (April-May 1975). Includes newspaper clipping.
- Postcard featuring a photograph from the celebration of the Concord Fight bicentennial of Dana McLean Greeley standing on the bandstand with United States President Gerald Ford (circa 1975). Includes a clipping of a Concord Journal article by Malcom Ferguson.
- Greeley, Dana McLean. Know these Concordians : 24 minute biographies ([Concord, Mass.] : Greeley, 1975), inscribed to "Diana" by Dana McLean Greeley (autographed) (1981 May 12).
- Letter from Bob Needham to Dana McLean Greeley regarding the history of the meeting house building (1981 August 12).
- Order of service for the celebration of Dana McLean Greeley's 50th year of ministry (1981 December 12). Two copies, both autographed by Greeley.
- Handwritten letter signed by Dana McLean Greeley to parishoners at the start of the church season (September, circa 1981).
- "Now and Then" (clipping—original and photocopy—showing photographs of Dana and Deborah Greeley in 1981 and in 1931, with caption), in Unitarian Universalist World, Vol. 13, No. 11, 1982 November 15, p. [1].
- Jack, Homer A. Dana McLean Greeley: a Unitarian legend. Transcript of sermon delivered 1984 April 1. Photocopy with manuscript notes.
- Letter from Dana Greeley to First Parish members regarding the beginning of the church year, 1984 September 10.
- "Annual Report of the Benevolent Fraternity of Unitarian Churches", with typed meeting minutes, February 1985, and meeting materials, including manuscript notes by Dana McLean Greeley, 1983/1984.
- Typed notes by Dana McLean Greeley regarding his memorial service, dictated to Rosamond Greeley Hamlin (1986 May 22).
- Box VI.2, Folder 4: Records regarding Dana McLean Greeley following his death in 1986, circa 1986, 1989:
- Typed letter signed (copy) by John H. Anderson, Chairman of the Standing Committee, announcing the death of Dana McLean Greeley, 1986 June 13.
- Greeley, Dana McLean "Have we a dream too?", sermon printed by the Dana McLean Greeley Foundation for Peace and Justice following Greeley's death in 1986, copy of the manuscript of the sermon, circa 1986.
- Typed "Purpose" of the Dana McLean Greeley Foundation for Peace and Justice (2 copies), with blank stationery and lists of members, circa 1986
- Order of service from the "Service of Thanksgiving for the life of Dana McLean Greeley", memorial service, 1986 July 19.
- Jack, Homer. Sermon, "Mr. Unitarian: the Life, the Death, and the Legacy of Dana McLean Greeley." Delivered at the Lake Shore Unitarian Society in Winnetka, Illinois, 1986 September 21. Two copies.
- Order of service from the installation of Kim Kathleen Crawford Harvie at the Arlington Street Church in Boston. The service includes the dedication of a plaque for Dana McLean Greeley, 1989 October 28.
- Box VI.2, Folder 5: Dana McLean Greeley, Minister 1970-1986 -- Subject files kept by Dana McLean Greeley
Dana McLean Greeley subject file: Benevolent Fraternal Society (also known as the Benevolent Society of Unitarian Churches), 1962-1974. Consists of correspondence with Virgil Murdock of the Society.
- Box VI.2, Folder 6: Dana McLean Greeley subject file: Book, 1974. Letters regarding, and drafts of chapters from Know These Concordians, and a manuscript of a book review of Thoreau: mystic, prophet, ecologist by William J. Wolf.
- Box VI.2, Folder 7: Dana McLean Greeley subject file: Cargill Fund files, 1977-1978, 1977-1978. Correspondence between Dana McLean Greeley with the Salvation Army and the Town of Concord, related to Greeley's involvement with the Silent Poor Fund in Concord.
- Box VI.2, Folder 8: Dana McLean Greeley subject file: 1973 Canvass, 1972-1973.
- Box VI.2, Folder 9: Dana McLean Greeley subject file: Christmas season services, 1965-1978, bulk 1972-1978. Original folder was labeled "Notes on Special Services-- for future planning." Notes, letters, and gathered materials related to the structure, procedure and content of Christmas and New Year's services. Includes orders of service from First Parish and other churches.
- Box VI.2, Folder 10: Dana McLean Greeley subject file: Christmas season services, 1974-1977. Original folder was labeled "Christmas Programs, 1974-1977." Notes, letters, and gathered materials related to the structure, procedure and content of Christmas and New Year's services. Includes orders of service from First Parish.
- Box VI.2, Folder 11: Dana McLean Greeley subject file: Christmas season services, 1977-1979. Original folder was labeled "Christmas Eve, 12/24/78." Notes, letters, and gathered materials related to the structure, procedure and content of Christmas Eve services. Includes orders of service from First Parish.
- Box VI.2, Folder 12: Dana McLean Greeley subject file: Christmas season services, 1980. Original folder was labeled "Christmas Eve, '80." Notes, letters, and gathered materials related to the structure, procedure and content of Christmas Eve services. Includes orders of service from First Parish.
- Box VI.2, Folder 13: Dana McLean Greeley subject file: Christmas season services, 1981. Original folder was labeled "Christmas services and December 27, 1981." Notes and gathered materials related to the structure, procedure and content of Christmas Eve services. Includes orders of service from First Parish.
- Box VI.73, Folder 1: Dana McLean Greeley subject file: Social Responsibility Committee, circa 1983.
- Box VI.73, Folder 2: Dana McLean Greeley subject file: Tape Listings, 1984-1985. Lists of the contents of dictation tapes (not part of the collection) taken of Dana McLean Greeley.
- Box VI.73, Folder 3: Dana McLean Greeley subject file: Three-hundred and fiftieth anniversary celebration, 1984-1985.
- Box VI.73, Folder 4: Dana McLean Greely subject file: American Unitarian Association and Unitarian Universalist Association, 1958-1981, undated. Includes programs for American Unitarian Association inauguration of Dana McLean Greeley, 1958 October 7, and the Unitarian Universalist Association inauguration of Dana McLean Greeley, 1961.
- Box VI.73, Folder 5: Dana McLean Greeley subject file: Unitarian Universalist Ministers Association, 1977.
- Box VI.73, Folder 6: Dana McLean Greeley subject file: Unitarian Universalist Service Committee records, 1971-1973. Correspondence, notes and meeting materials related to the Unitarian Universalist Service Committee, with manuscript notes by Greeley. The bulk of the records are related to Dana McLean Greeley's fundraising efforts for the committee, including donation solicitations from Greeley and response letters.
- Box VI.73, Folder 7: Dana McLean Greeley subject file: Unitarian Universalist United Nations Office correspondence with Dana Kotzle and Ruth Kotzle, 1970-1973.
- Box VI.73, Folder 8: Dana McLean Greeley subject file: Unitarian Universalist United Nations Office, 1972-1981, bulk 1975-1977.
- Box VI.73, Folders 9-10: Dana McLean Greeley subject file: World Conference for Religion and Peace (WCRP), 1970, 1974. Contains planning documents, correspondence, meeting materials and notes.
See Series IX, First Parish, Concord, and the larger community records for more records regarding the conference.
- Box VI.3, Folder 1: Patrick Garland Green, Associate Minister, 1972-1977
Papers regarding Patrick Garland Green, 1972, 1987. Includes order of service from meeting to ordain and install Green as assistant minister, 1972 November 5.
- Box VI.3, Folder 2: James A. Robinson, Associate Minister, 1978-1982
Papers regarding Patrick Garland Green, 1978.
- Box VI.3, Folder 3: Jon M. Luopa, Interim Associate Minister, 1982-1983
Order of service for the installation of Jon M. Luopa as minister of the Unitarian Society of Hartford, Connecticut, 1987 April 26. Lucinda Duncan, Minister of Religious Education at the First Parish of Concord at the time, participated in the installation.
- Box VI.3, Folder 4: Walter Stamp Jonas, Assistant Minister, 1983-1984
Installation records, 1983. Includes Order of service for the installation of Walter Stamp Jonas as Assistant Minister of the First Parish and correspondence.
- Box VI.3, Folder 5: Charles L. Wilson, Interim Minister, 1986-1988
Announcements by and regarding Charles L. Wilson, 1986-1987.
- Box VI.3, Folder 6: Lucinda Duncan, Minister of Religious Education, 1986-1988
Collected records related to Lucinda Duncan, 1985-1988. Includes church deliberations on ordaining and appointing Lucinda Duncan, specifically the records of the Minister of Religious Education Transition Committee, the program from the installation of Lucinda Duncan, 1986 October 26, and the signed letter of resignation from Lucinda Duncan, 1988 March 7.
- Box VI.3, Folder 7: Gary Smith, Minister, 1988-2011
Order of service and audio CDs from the installation of Gary Smith as minister of the First Parish, 1988 November 13.
- Box VI.3, Folder 8: Gary Smith papers, 1985-1998, 2008, and undated. Bulk consists of letters from Gary Smith, with essays including sabbatical information and an audio recording, on CD of "the Gary Smith Show" commemorating his 20th year in the ministry.
- Box VI.3, Folder 9: Claudia Nichols, ministerial intern, 1990
Letter of resignation from Claudia Nichols, 1990 October 20.
- Box VI.3, Folder 10: Beth Graham, Associate Minister, 1990-1994
Records regarding Beth Graham, 1990. Contains letter from the Search Committee introducing Beth Graham as a candidate, and installation program materials.
See also Series VII.B Religious Education Committees for Youth Programs Task Force records of Beth Graham.
- Box VI.3, Folder 11: Eric Walker Wikstrom, ministerial intern, 1994-1995
Order of service from the ordination of Eric Walker Wikstrom, 1995.
- Box VI.3, Folder 12: Adele Smith-Penniman, Assistant Minister, 1995-1996
Collected records related to Adele Smith-Penniman, 1995. Includes order of service from Smith-Penniman's installation.
- Box VI.3, Folder 13: Jenny (Jean) M. Rankin, Associate Minister, 1997-2012
Order of service from the installation of Jean M. Rankin as Associate Minister of First Parish, 1997 November 14.
- Box VI.3, Folder 14: Sharon K. Dittmar, ministerial intern, 1996-1997
Sharon K. Dittmar internship records, 1997. Includes final evaluation of internship and order of service from Dittmar's ordination.
- Box VI.3, Folder 15: Kathy Reis, ministerial intern, 2000-2001
Kathy Reis records, 2000-2001. Contains learning agreement and final evaluation of internship.
- Box VI.3, Folder 16: Jan K. Nielson, ministerial intern, 2000-2001
Jan K. Nielson records, 1999-2002. Contains application, sample sermons, learning agreement, evaluations and ordination order of serice.
- Box VI.3, Folder 17: Howard Dana, Minister, 2013-present (2015)
Order of service and audio recordings on CD from the First Parish vote for, and installation of Howard Dana as minister of the First Parish, 2013.
Series VI.A.1
Series top |
This sub-subseries contains printed and typed sermons, compilations of transcribed sermons, and recorded sermons.
See the full list of sermons by author and date.
Sermons in transcript form are grouped by author type: ministers, ministerial interns, and visiting ministers/lay persons. Ministers are arranged in chronological order. Ministerial interns are arranged chronologically, and visiting/lay person sermons are arranged chronologically. Transcripts may include part or all of a church service. Transcripts without sermons are located at the end of the transcribed sermons.
Recordings of sermons follow in two formats: audiocassette and compact disc (CD). Sermon recordings are organized in alphabetical order, Recordings of services without sermons (often annual special services like Lay Person Sunday, Children's Sunday and Music Sunday) are located at the end of the recorded materials.
- Box VI.4, Folder 1:
Transcript sermons by First Parish ministers
Sermons by Ezra Ripley, 1792, 1820, 1829.
- Box VI.4, Folder 2: Sermons by Barzillai Frost, 1842, 1856, 1859.
- Box VI.4, Folder 3: Sermons by Loren B. MacDonald, 1900, 1903, 1905, 1918.
- Box VI.4, Folder 4: Sermons by Edward Perry Daniels, 1935, 1943.
- Box VI.4, Folder 5: Sermons by Arthur B. Jellis, 1959-1961.
- Box VI.4, Folder 6: Sermons by Arthur B. Jellis, 1962-1964.
- Box VI.5, Folder 1: Sermons by Dana Greeley, 1970 September-December.
- Box VI.5, Folder 2: Sermons by Dana Greeley, 1971.
- Box VI.5, Folder 3: Sermons by Dana Greeley, 1972.
- Box VI.5, Folder 4: Sermons by Dana Greeley, 1973 February-October.
- Box VI.5, Folder 5: Sermons by Dana Greeley, 1976.
- Box VI.5, Folder 6: Sermons by Dana Greeley, 1977-1987, 1981-1986.
- Box VI.5, Folder 7: Sermons by Patrick Garland Green, 1977.
- Box VI.5, Folder 8: Sermons by Jon M. Luopa, 1983 January 9.
- Box VI.5, Folder 9: Sermons by Walter S. Jonas, 1983-1984.
- Box VI.5, Folder 10: Sermons by Alice B. Lane, 1985-1986.
- Box VI.5, Folder 11: Sermons by Lucinda Duncan, 1984-1987.
- Box VI.5, Folder 12: Sermons by Charles L. Wilson, 1986-1987.
- Box VI.6, Folder 1: Sermons by Gary E. Smith, 1988-1989.
- Box VI.6, Folder 2: Sermons by Gary E. Smith, 1989-1990. Includes sermons preached at the Star Island Conference, 1990 July 22-26.
- Box VI.6, Folder 3: Sermons by Gary E. Smith, 1990-1991.
- Box VI.6, Folder 4: Sermons by Gary E. Smith, 1991-1992.
- Box VI.6, Folder 5: Sermons by Gary E. Smith, 1992-1993.
- Box VI.6, Folder 6: Sermons by Gary E. Smith, 1993-1994.
- Box VI.7, Folder 1: Sermons by Gary E. Smith, 1994-1995.
- Box VI.7, Folder 2: Sermons by Gary E. Smith, 1995-1996.
- Box VI.7, Folder 3: Sermons by Karen Lewis Deutsch, 1988-1990.
- Box VI.7, Folder 4: Sermons by Beth Graham, 1990-1993.
- Box VI.7, Folder 5: Sermons by Beth Graham, 1993-1994.
- Box VI.7, Folder 6: Sermons by Nancy Dean-Franks, 1994-1995.
- Box VI.7, Folder 7: Sermons by Adele Smith-Penniman, 1995-1996.
- Box VI.8, Folder 1:
Transcript sermons by ministerial interns
Sermons by ministerial interns, 1977, 1989-1995. Includes sermons by Daniel Hotchkiss, Beverly Latif Duncan, Cynthia Kane, Erik W. Wikstrom.
- Box VI.8, Folders 2-4:
Transcript sermons by visiting ministers and lay persons
Sermons by visiting and lay ministers, 1971-1996, 2000.
- Box VI.8, Folders 5:
Transcript church servicesTranscribed church services, 1985, 1995. Transcriptions of full and partial First Parish services. Includes the memorial service for David Schermer, with prayer by Alice B. Lane and remembrance by Dana McLean Greeley.
- Box VI.8, Folder 6:
Printed compiled sermonsPrinted compiled sermons: Frost, Barzillai, Convers Francis and Ralph Waldo Emerson. Two sermons on the death of Rev. Ezra Ripley, D.D. : one preached at the funeral, by Rev. Barzillai Frost, of Concord ; the other on the following Sabbath, by Rev. Convers Francis, D.D. of Watertown (Published by request of the Parish) (Boston: James Munroe and Company, 1841). 2 copies, one inscribed: "Wm. H. Knight / With the regards of / B. Frost." The other inscribed: "Lavinia B. Bates / Concord Mass."
- Box VI.8, Folder 7: Printed compiled sermons, Jellis, Arthur B. [Untitled compilation containing three sermons: "The Serenity of the Wise", "The Pain and Pleasure of Pessimism", and "Rainbow in His Heart"](Concord, Massachusetts: First Parish Church, 1962). Three sermons by Arthur B. Jellis delivered during the summer of 1962. Includes introduction by Arthur B. Jellis dated 1961 August 12.
- Box VI.8, Folder 8: Printed compiled sermons, Jellis, Arthur B. The Truth That Keeps Us / The Hope That Never Dies / The Love That Binds Us (Concord, Massachusetts: First Parish Church, 1962). Three sermons by Arthur B. Jellis delivered during Lent, 1962. Includes introduction by Arthur B. Jellis dated 1962 October 21.
- Box VI.8, Folder 9: Printed compiled sermons, Greeley, Dana McLean. Three Sermons…(Concord, Massachusetts: First Parish Church, [1981]). 3 copies. Includes introduction by Dana McLean Greeley.
- Box VI.63:
Audio recordings of sermons Audiotapes of services, 1966-1967. Three reels: "Junior Choir, 6/4/66"; "Christmas Tree Service, First Parish, Concord, 1967, "Once There Was A Little Boy" Narrated by Belle McDonald"
- Box VI.9:Sermons on audiocassette, 1974-1978 September 10.
- Box VI.10:Sermons on audiocassette, 1978 September 17-1979 March 25.
- Box VI.11:Sermons on audiocassette, 1979 April 1-1979 September 16.
- Box VI.12:Sermons on audiocassette, 1979 September 23-1980 August 3.
- Box VI.13:Sermons on audiocassette, 1980 August 10-1981 March 8.
- Box VI.14:Sermons on audiocassette, 1980 March 15-1982 May 16.
- Box VI.15:Sermons on audiocassette, 1982 May 22-1982 October 31.
- Box VI.16:Sermons on audiocassette, 1982 November 7-1983 May 15.
- Box VI.17:Sermons on audiocassette, 1983 May 22-1983 November 27.
- Box VI.18:Sermons on audiocassette, 1983 December 4-1984 June 3.
- Box VI.19:Sermons on audiocassette, 1984 June 10-1984 December 2.
- Box VI.20:Sermons on audiocassette, 1984 December 9-1985 May 12.
- Box VI.21:Sermons on audiocassette, 1985 May 19-1985 November 10.
- Box VI.22:Sermons on audiocassette, 1985 November 17-1986 April 13.
- Box VI.23:Sermons on audiocassette, 1986 April 20-1986 October 5.
- Box VI.24:Sermons on audiocassette, 1986 October 12-1987 May 17.
- Box VI.25:Sermons on audiocassette, 1987 May 24-1988 January 3.
- Box VI.26:Sermons on audiocassette, 1988 January 10-1988 August 28.
- Box VI.27:Sermons on audiocassette, 1988 September 4-1989 March 5.
- Box VI.28:Sermons on audiocassette, 1989 March 12-1989 October 29.
- Box VI.29:Sermons on audiocassette, 1989 November 5-1990 July 22.
- Box VI.30:Sermons on audiocassette, 1990 July 29-1991 April 14.
- Box VI.31:Sermons on audiocassette, 1991 April 21-1991 December 8.
- Box VI.32:Sermons on audiocassette, 1991 December 15-1992 July 12.
- Box VI.33:Sermons on audiocassette, 1992 July 19-1993 April 11.
- Box VI.34:Sermons on audiocassette, 1993 April 18-1993 November 14.
- Box VI.35:Sermons on audiocassette, 1993 November 21-1994 March 27.
- Box VI.36:Sermons on audiocassette, 1994 March 27-1994 July 24.
- Box VI.37:Sermons on audiocassette, 1994 July 24-1994 November 13.
- Box VI.38:Sermons on audiocassette, 1994 November 13-1995 May 14.
- Box VI.39:Sermons on audiocassette, 1995 May 21-1995 November 19.
- Box VI.40:Sermons on audiocassette, 1995 November 26-1996 March 31.
- Box VI.41:Sermons on audiocassette, 1996 April 7-1996 August 18.
- Box VI.42:Sermons on audiocassette, 1996 August 25-1996 November 24.
- Box VI.43:Sermons on audiocassette, 1996 November 24-1997 March 16.
- Box VI.44:Sermons on audiocassette, 1997 March 16-1997 August 17.
- Box VI.45:Sermons on audiocassette, 1997 August 24-1998 March 8.
- Box VI.46:Sermons on audiocassette, 1998 March 15-1998 October 18.
- Box VI.47:Sermons on audiocassette, 1998 October 25-1999 May 2.
- Box VI.48:Sermons on audiocassette, 1999 May 2-1999 December 19.
- Box VI.49:Sermons on audiocassette, 1999 December 24-2000 July 2.
- Box VI.50:Sermons on audiocassette, 2000 July 9-2000 December 24.
- Box VI.51:Sermons on audiocassette, 2000 December 31-2001 April 22.
- Box VI.52:Sermons on audiocassette, 2001 April 29-2001 September 23.
- Box VI.53:Sermons on audiocassette, 2001 September 30-2002 January 20.
- Box VI.54:Sermons on audiocassette, 2002 January 20-2002 May 19.
- Box VI.55:Sermons on audiocassette, 2002 May 26-2002 November 3.
- Box VI.56:Sermons on audiocassette, 2002 November 10-2003 April 20.
- Box VI.57:Sermons on audiocassette, 2003 April 27-2003 October 26.
- Box VI.58:Sermons on audiocassette, 2003 October 26-2004 February 22.
- Box VI.59:Sermons on audiocassette, 2004 February 22-2004 August 1.
- Box VI.60:Sermons on audiocassette, 2004 August 8-2005 January 2.
- Box VI.61:Sermons on audiocassette, 2005 January 9-2005 May 15.
- Box VI.62:Sermons on audiocassette, 2005 May 22-2005 October 23.
- Box VI.63, Folder 4: Recorded sermons, 2005 October 23-2005 November 13. For 2005 recordings, 2005 October 30 is on audiocassette; all other recordings are on CD.
- Box VI.64:Sermons on CD, 2005 November 20-2006 September 10.
- Box VI.65:Sermons on CD, 2006 September 17-2007 April 8.
- Box VI.66:Sermons on CD, 2007 April 15-2008 January 6.
- Box VI.67:Sermons on CD, 2008 January 13-2009 March 1.
- Box VI.68:Sermons on CD, 2009 March 8-2009 December 6.
- Box VI.74: Duplicates of Sermons on CD, 2009 January 20-2009 December 6
- Box VI.75::Sermons on CD, 2010 September 12-2011 September 25
- Box VI.76:Sermons on CD, 2011 October 2-2012 March 4.
- Box VI.77:Sermons on CD, 2012 March 11-2012 November 18.
- Box VI.78:Sermons on CD, 2012 November 25 - 2013 January 6.
- Box VI.79:Sermons on CD, 2013 April 28-2013 December 22.
- Box VI.80:Sermons on CD, 2014.
- Box VI.81:Sermons on CD, 2015.
Series VI.A.2
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This subseries contains documentation of the First Parish's searches for and the selection of ministers. Most of the subseries consists of files that were kept by the appointed search committees or personnel committees. The collection of ministerial search materials is primarily composed of candidating materials, including schedules, and information for candidates.
Ministers have been elected by the church through a process now called "candidatingquot, since at least the selection of John Whiting in 1712. During a candidating period, potential ministers were asked to preach sermons for the church. The process has expanded to include Unitarian Universalist Association oversight, applications, and interviews.
Series VI.B
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Sunday School library bookplate from the inside cover of Clara Douglas, or, the Unrequited Love of a Mother (Philadelphia : American Sunday-School Union, 1855)
Religious education records cover the Sunday school (including Sunday school books), youth events (including the Youth Sunday service), and the youth groups (including the Guild, Young People's Religious Union, Junior Young People, Senior Young People, Liberal Religious Youth, and Young Religious Unitarian Universalists). The Religious Education Committee's records, sub-subseries VII.E.1, make up the bulk of the series.
The collection includes extensive documentation of the administrative decisions made by the religious education leadership of the church. The leadership has been composed primarily of the minister, the Religious Education Committee (in various forms) and the Director of Religious Education (under various titles), with help from librarians, assistants and treasurers of religious education, and ad-hoc committees like Youth-Adult Committee. The leadership has guided all aspects of religious education for youth, and has administered youth services and youth groups.
Religious education at the First Parish has been the subject of national attention. In 1997, two members of the congregation objected to the content of the About Your Sexuality (AYS) curriculum, a program being taught to their children and were the subject of a news report on CBS's news show "The Public Eye." This series contains records of the church, including clippings, correspondence and reports are in this series, the bulk can be found in Series VII.E.I, Religious Education Committee records.
Further, this series reflects the close tie between religious education at the First Parish and the denomination. Research materials, curricula, and conference materials produced by the American Unitarian Association and the Unitarian Universalist Association are present throughout the collection, and the influence of the organizations can be seen in names of its youth organizations and the content of its educational programs (for example, About Your Sexuality curriculum).
See Series II Worship, belief and denominational affairs records for other denominational materials used by the church.
See Series XII Church, town, and related celebrations, social events, and special services for adult education at the First Parish.
Directors and Ministers of Religious Education have been:
Name |
Title |
Start year |
End year |
Notes |
Charles E. Brown |
Superintendent |
1894 |
1897 |
B. Farnam Smith |
Superintendent |
1897 |
1903 |
W. Lincoln Smith |
Superintendent |
1903 |
1904 |
Allen French |
Superintendent |
1905 |
1921 |
B. Farnham Smith |
Superintendent |
1921 |
1927 |
Elizabeth Johnson |
Superintendent |
1927 |
1928 |
Johannes A. C. Fagginger Auer |
Superintendent |
1928 |
1931 |
Richard B. Greenman |
Superintendent/Director |
1931 |
1947 |
First called director of the church school in 1944, but paid as superintendent in the budget starting in 1931 |
Edward Perry Daniels |
Superintendent |
1935 |
circa 1955 |
Morton Seavey |
Director |
1947 |
1954 |
Dr. Abigail A. Eliot (upper school) and Roger Duncan (lower school), co-directors |
Co-Director |
1955 |
1959 |
Eliot managed the upper school, Duncan managed the lower school |
Roger Duncan and Mrs. Gordon Roberts |
Co-Director |
1959 |
1960 |
Roger Duncan and Mary Duncan |
Co-Director |
1961 |
1963 |
Ann Fields |
Director |
1965 |
1969 |
Listed as Mrs. Arnold C. Fields in the Annual Report |
Elizabeth H. Lasselle |
Director |
1970 |
1971 |
Listed as Mrs. Ralph E. Lasselle in the Annual Report |
Vivienne Guild |
Director |
1972 |
1973 |
Listed as Mrs. Theodore Guild in the Annual Report |
Patricia "Patsy" Helligas |
Director |
1974 |
1978 |
Lucinda Duncan and Robert Duncan |
Co-Director |
1979 |
1982 |
Lucinda Duncan |
Director/Minister |
1983 |
1988 |
Duncan entered role of Minister of Religious Education in 1986, her files as minister are in Series VI, Ministers, Visiting Ministers and Sermons |
Janet "Jan" W. Devor |
Director |
1989 |
1995 |
Ginny Steel |
Interim Director |
1996 |
Diane Rollert |
Director |
1996 |
2003 |
Series VII
Series list
Finding aid top
Series VII.A
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Records of the Sunday school consist of curricula, teaching resources, planning materials, announcements, and meeting minutes related to the management of the Sunday school.
- Box VII.1, Folder 1: Sunday school record book, 1827-1832. Includes catalog of books in Sabbath School Library, meetings of teachers, notes on Sunday school sessions with attendance counts.
- Box VII.1, Folder 2: Manuscript Sunday school reports, 1840, 1841, 1845, 1847, 1848, 1850, [185-], 1852/53, 1867/68, [undated]. Includes one early unnamed committee's report regarding the school and reports of the superintendent (later the Director of Religious Education).
- Box VII.1, Folder 3: Printed reports of Middlesex Sunday School Society, 1843-1848. First Report … (Concord: Hazewell & Simonds, Printers, 1843); Second Report … (Concord: Charles C. Hazewell, Printer, 1844); Fourth Report … (Boston: James Munroe and Company, 1846); Fifth Report … (Boston: Printed by Coolidge & Wiley, 1847); Sixth Report … (Boston: Printed by Dutton and Wentworth, 1848).
- Box VII.1, Folder 4: Bound volume of Sunday school records, 1843-1883. Book is written in têtê-bêche, so that reports of the Sunday school, 1843-1868, are at one end of the book, and "Scholar Records", 1843-1883, are on the other.
- Box VII.1, Folder 5: Printed handbill, "Unitarian Sunday School Society. Annual Meeting, Wednesday and Thursday, October 24 & 25, 1877. Order of Exercises …", 1877.
- Box VII.1, Folder 6: Ellen Tucker Emerson manuscript Sunday school notes and questions, 1898-1901. Includes one letter (to Julia and Sarah; 1898 September 8).
- Box VII.1, Folder 7: Sunday school administrative records, 1939-1956. Includes records documenting the construction of the religious education wing.
- Box VII.1, Folder 8: Sunday school administrative records, circa 1966-1979.
- Box VII.2, Folder 1: Patricia Helligas religious education records, 1975-1979. Removed from binder during processing. Files of Patsy Helligas, Director of Religious Education from 1974-1978. Includes some manuscript notes.
- Box VII.2, Folder 2: Sunday school administrative records, 1984-1992.
- Box VII.2, Folder 3: Gathered Unitarian Universalist Association religious education resources, circa 1980s. Includes About Your Sexuality (AYS) material from the Unitarian Universalist Association.
- Box VII.2, Folder 4: Sunday school administrative records, undated.
- "What the school is teaching", circa 1940s.
- "Proposal for new job description for Roger Duncan's A.M. R.E. responsibilities", circa 1980s.
Series VII.A.1
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Sunday school and youth program records related to specific students. The records are mostly student registration forms.
See Series VI.A.2 Membership database files for print-outs of electronic forms including Sunday school registration information.
See Series VII.E, Sunday school books and youth-related publications by the First Parish for articles written by Sunday school students in youth publications.
Series VII.A.2
Series top |
- Box VII.4, Folders 1-2: Patricia Helligas religious education financial records, 1975-1978. Contains, ledger, receipts, correspondence and petty cash forms.
Series VII.B
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This sub-subseries contains records of the youth groups gathered by the First Parish and administered by the First Parish Religious Education and the Youth-Adult Committees.
- Box VII.5, Folder 1: Guild of the First Parish (Young People's Religious Union) event circulars, 1896/97-1913/14, plus one undated; some gaps. Lists program dates and titles. Reports of the Guild are included in the Annual Reports.
- Box VII.5, Folder 2: Laymen's League invitation to Senior Young People to the discussion, "How Do Young People Choose their Heroes?", 1967.
- Box VII.5, Folder 3: Liberal Religious Youth overnight retreat announcement, 1981 August 3.
- Box VII.5, Folders 4-5: Junior Young People (JYP) and Liberal Religious Youth (LRY) announcements, 1984-1988.
- Box VII.5, Folder 6: Junior Young People (JYP) and Liberal Religious Youth (LRY) lists, 1984-1986.
- Box VII.5, Folders 7-9: Young Religious Unitarian Universalist (YRUU) Youth group records, 1989-1994 and undated. Contains event planning materials, announcements, gathered resources, manuscript notes and notes from activities.
Series VII.C
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This subseries is comprised mainly of books from the Sunday school library. In addition, it contains teaching materials, newsletters and publications for and by church youth.
- Box VII.6, Folder 1: Clara Douglas, or, the Unrequited Love of a Mother (Philadelphia : American Sunday-School Union, 1855). Includes bookplate of the Sabbath School Library of the First Parish.
- Box VII.6, Folder 2: The Sunday School Liturgy… Seventh Edition (Boston: American Unitarian Association, 1867).
- Box VII.6, Folder 3: Questions on the Gospels, Ninth Edition (Boston: Sunday School Society, 1868). Inscribed "Libbie Everett, Unitarian School, Concord, Mass."
- Box VII.6, Folder 4: The Three Good Friends: Lily, Carrie and Floss (London: T. Nelson & Sons, [186-]). Placed in a binder.
- Box VII.6, Folder 5: Catalogue of Books in the Sunday School Library of the Unitarian Society, Concord, Mass, June, 1876 (Boston, Tolman & White, 1876). Includes handwritten annotations and additions.
- Box VII.6, Folder 6: Hall, E.H. First Lessons on the Bible (Boston: Unitarian Sunday-School Society, 1883).
- Box VII.6, Folder 7: Sunday school curricula/texts donated by Esther Howe Wheeler, 1962, [189-?]-1905. Three booklets:
- Horton, Edward A. Beginning of Christianity : Twenty Lessons for Intermediate Classes (Boston: Unitarian Sunday-School Society, 1896). Lacks cover and title page. Gift of Esther W. Anderson to the First Parish, 1962.
- Horton, Edward A. Great Thoughts of Israel. Twenty Lessons for Intermediate Classes … Third Edition (Boston: Unitarian Sunday-School Society, 1901). Inscribed "Esther Howe Wheeler." Gift of Esther W. Anderson to the First Parish, 1962.
- Lyon, W.H. Early Old Testament Narratives. Thirty-Six Lessons … Twenty-Fifth Edition (Boston; Chicago: Unitarian Sunday-School Society, 1905). Inscribed "Esther Wheeler." Gift of Esther W. Anderson to the First Parish, 1962.
- Box VII.6, Folder 8: First Parish church school booklets, circa 1920s, 1951/1955, 1968, 1971/1972, 1976/1977, 1991-1992. Booklets describe the First Parish Sunday school programs, including introductions written by Directors of Religious Education.
- Box VII.6, Folder 9: First Parish publication These We Learn, 1946, 1953. Two editions:
- These We Learn (Concord: First Parish Sunday School, 1946). First edition. Two copies. Includes introduction by Edward Perry Daniels.
- These We Learn (Concord: First Parish Sunday School, 1953). Two copies. From verso of title page: Second edition. Includes introduction by Edward Perry Daniels.
- Box VII.6, Folder 10: First Parish Church School Magazine, 1959 May. Includes selected essays written by Sunday school students.
- Box VII.6, Folder 11: Issues of the Mill Dam Gazette, First Parish youth publication, 1987-1988.
- Box VII.6, Folder 12: Reginald the Church Mouse, 1988. "Edited by and for the children of the First Parish Church in Concord by their Sunday School Kindergarten Teachers…based on the story, Hermoine (sic), the Church Mouse written Til Evans Mt. Diablo Unitarian Universalist Church."
Series VII.D
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Series VII.E
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The Religious Education Committee was originally called the Sunday School Committee and became the Church School Committee in 1927. The committee became the Religious Education Committee in 1954, and changed its name to the Religious Education Council in 2001. The committee typically consisted of elected members and the teachers of the Sunday school. The records are mostly gathered minutes, agendas, announcements and meeting materials. This sub-subseries includes documentation of the About Your Sexuality curriculum controversy in 1997.
- Box VII.7, Folder 1: Meeting minutes of the Religious Education Committee, March 1966-June 1966.
- Box VII.7, Folder 2: Records of the Religious Education Committee, April 1966-June 1971. Removed from binder. Includes meeting agendas and minutes, reports, budgets, announcements, class lists, newsletters, staff lists, event materials and event planning (including services). Some documents are handwritten or include manuscript notes. Documents the resignation of Ann Fields as Director of Religious Education, the search for a new Director of Religious Education, and the appointment of Elizabeth H. Lasselle.
- Box VII.7, Folder 3: Typed announcements and reports, 1969. Includes announcements regarding the resignation of Director of Religious Education, Ann C. Fields, and the 1968/1969 budget.
- Box VII.7, Folder 4: Religious Education Committee records of Thomas L. Altschuler, chairman of the Religious Education Committee, 1969-1971. Removed from binder. Includes meeting agendas and minutes, reports, budgets, announcements, class lists, newsletters, staff lists, event materials and event planning records (including services), with letters to and from Thomas L. Altschuler. Some documents are handwritten or include manuscript notes.
- Box VII.7, Folders 5-6: Records of the Religious Education Committee, 1971-1973. Includes meeting agendas and minutes, reports, budgets, announcements, class lists, newsletters, staff lists, event materials and event planning (including services). Some documents are handwritten or include manuscript notes.
- Box VII.7, Folder 7: Records of the Religious Education Committee, 1973-1975. Removed from binder. Includes meeting agendas and minutes, reports, budgets, announcements, class lists, newsletters, staff lists, event materials and event planning records (including services). Some documents are handwritten or include manuscript notes.
- Box VII.7, Folder 8: Records of the Religious Education Committee, 1975-1978. Removed from binder. Includes meeting agendas and minutes, reports, budgets, announcements, class lists, newsletters, staff lists, event materials and event planning records (including services).
- Box VII.7, Folder 9: Applications for the Director of Religious Education position, 1978. Religious Education Committee records. Includes the successful application by Lucinda and Robert Duncan.
- Box VII.8, Folder 1: Records of the Religious Education Committee, 1984-1986. Mainly consists of staff lists. Also includes announcements, schedules, budgets, and event materials.
- Box VII.8, Folder 2: Records of the Religious Education Committee, 1989-1990. Includes meeting agendas and minutes, reports, announcements. Contains a copy of the 1989-1990 religious education booklet.
- Box VII.8, Folder 3: About Your Sexuality (AYS) records of the Religious Education Committee, 1997-1998. Clippings, letters, and reports.
Series VII.E.1
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Records of the group responsible for renovating the religious education building in the First Parish in 1989.
- Box VII.8, Folder 4: Records of the Religious Education Space Task Force, 1996. Architectural drawings and reports, letters, and memoranda related to expansion of the Religious Education space at the First Parish.
- Box VII.9, Folder 1: Architectural plan, "Approval print" of "Space/Storage Expansion", 1996.
Series VII.E.2
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Includes some Liberal Religious Youth (LRY) and Young Religious Unitarian Universalists (YRUU) records.
See Series VII.C, Youth groups for more records regarding youth programs.
- Box VII.8, Folder 5: Mary Ann Boynton Youth Adult Committee records, 1981-1987, bulk 1985-1986. Contains extensive notes on the structure and goals of First Parish Religious Education, meeting minutes and supporting materials, member lists, youth program announcements.
- Box VII.8, Folder 6: Teresa Cooley Youth Adult Committee records, 1985-1986. Youth Adult Committee records gathered for Teresa Cooley. Includes manuscript notes regarding photocopied records.
- Box VII.8, Folders 7-9: Irmingard "Irmi" Doane Youth Adult Committee records, 1985-1989. Includes meeting agendas and minutes, reports, announcements, newsletters, budgets, conference materials, church event materials and event planning records (including services). Irmingard "Irmi" Doane was chair and, later, co-chair of the Youth Adult Committee. Folder 7 consists of records gathered by Ingrid Wheeler and includes copies of The Mill Dam Gazette, a First Parish youth newsletter. Folder 9 consists of records gathered by Irmingard Doane and given to Robin Zucker, Religious Education Assistant.
- Box VII.8, Folders 10: Youth Adult Committee records, 1989-1991. Includes meeting agendas and minutes, reports, announcements, newsletters, budgets, conference materials, church event materials and event planning records (including services).
- Box VII.8, Folder 11: Youth Adult Committee and Youth Council records, 1991-1995. Consists of YRUU lists, manuscript meeting notes, event planning materials, and meeting minutes.
Series VII.E.3
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- Box VII.9, Folder 2: Beth Graham Youth Programs Task Force records, 1990-1995. Bulk consists of event-related materials. Includes some taskforce meeting minutes.
Series VII.E.4
Series top |
- Box VII.9, Folder 3: Youth Futures Task Force report, 1995 March 6.
Series VII.E.5
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Donation envelopes featured in the 1958 Canvass brochure
The Financial records series contains documentation of the financial decisions, financial offices, purchases, income, and large-scale projects of the First Parish. This series also contains some financial documentation of the property assets of the First Parish, if they are considered the purview of the Trustees of First Parish Donations. Record types include ledgers, letters, receipts, forms, reports, meeting minutes and promotional materials.
The financial functions of the First Parish have been operated through several offices and groups over time, including the offices of Treasurer and Collector, the Financial Committee (or Financial Council), the Trustees of the Ministerial Fund (merged into the Trustees of First Parish Donations in 1983), and the Trustees of First Parish Donations. Each of these agencies is represented in this series, as are the Canvass Chairperson and the Canvass Committee, the office and groups responsible for the large annual fundraising effort of the First Parish.
Reports and legal records, often administrated by or contributed to multiple financial groups within the First Parish are also represented as separate subseries: Series VIII.B Budgets and Series VIII.G Estate and insurance records.
See Series IV.F.3 Committee on Domestic Charities for financial records related to charity within the church.
See Series XI, Church real estate and assets for records specifically related to the maintenance and care of church property.
Series VIII
Series list
Finding aid top
This subseries contains records produced by the Standing Committee officers responsible for the financial functions of the First Parish. These roles include the Treasurer, the main office responsible for the monitoring and the disbursement of church funds, the Collector, who was responsible for keeping and collecting money, and the Assessor, who, in the years when the church members were taxed, documented the assets of church members and determined how much was owed to the church.
Further, the main financial ledgers of the church are included in this series. They document the bulk of income and disbursements of church funds. To fill the gap between ledgers in 1965, the invoices of the church during that time were retained.
Some records in this series have been closed, due to the confidential nature of their content, for the lifetime of the members and staff they document. Other individual records have had their confidential content redacted.
This subseries is arranged chronologically.
Series VIII.A
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This series contains yearly budget reports compiled by the Treasurer, it is arranged chronologically.
- Box VIII.38, Folder 1: Budgets, 1958-1959. Includes the preliminary budget for fiscal year 1958/1959, and the budgets of the Religious Education Committee and the Music Committee.
- Box VIII.7, Folder 1: Budgets, 1969-1971, 1974-1977.
- Box VIII.7, Folder 2: Budgets, 1977-1980.
- Box VIII.7, Folder 3: Budgets, 1981-1986, 1991.
- Box VIII.38, Folder 2: Budgets, 1982-1985.
Series VIII.B
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The bulk of this subseries documents the preparation for and progress of the First Parish Every Member Canvass (often shortened to just "Canvass"), including meeting minutes, promotional material, correspondence, volunteer lists and contribution tabulations. Many of the records were kept intact and as they were found in their files.
This series also contains some records of donation subscriptions to specific causes (e.g. members were asked to contribute on regular intervals toward the gilding of the church dome in the 1980s).
- Box VIII.8, Folder 1: Printed solicitation for financial support from parishioners, 1879.
- Box VIII.8, Folder 2: Standing Committee every member canvass records, 1928-1929. Bound manuscript volume. Includes lists contributors and persons contacted. There are also notes related to Standing Committee meetings in general (including a note regarding the resignation of J.A.C. Auer from the position of minister.
- Box VIII.8, Folder 3: Subscription list, "corrected to May 1929." Typewritten with manuscript notes.
- Box VIII.8, Folder 4: Letter requesting contributions to the First Parish, 1932 June 25.
- Box VIII.8, Folder 5: "Annual Letter" requesting contributions to the First Parish, 1945-1950.
- Box VIII.8, Folder 6: Building fund campaign records, 1954-1956. Documents funds requests for the church school edition. Includes planning materials, speaker's notes, pamphlet and order of service from Heritage Sunday, 1954 November 14.
- Box VIII.38, Folder 3: Letter requesting contributions to the First Parish, 1954.
- Box VIII.8, Folder 7: Every member canvass records, 1955-1957. Includes letters of solicitation and pamphlets.
- Box VIII.8, Folder 8: Every member canvass records, 1956-1958. Records of the Every Member Canvass Committee.
- Box VIII.8, Folder 9: Every member canvass records, 1956-1958. Records of the Every Member Canvass Committee, including meeting minutes, member lists, strategy documents.
- Box VIII.8, Folder 10: Every member canvass records, 1959-1960.
- Box VIII.8, Folder 11: Subscription records, 1959-1960. Handwritten ledger pages listing contributors, amount given, increase or decrease, date of contribution and notes.
- Box VIII.8, Folder 12: Every member canvass records, 1960-1961.
- Box VIII.8, Folder 13: Every member canvass records, 1961-1962.
- Box VIII.9, Folder 1: Every member canvass brochures, 1962-1964.
- Box VIII.9, Folder 2: Every member canvass records, 1964. Includes report to the Standing Committee.
- Box VIII.9, Folder 3: Every member canvass records, 1964-1965. Includes a copy of Training Manual for Directors of Budget Canvasses for Unitarian Universalist Churches of More than Seventy-Five Families (Boston, Unitarian Universalist Association, 1965).
- Box VIII.38, Folder 4: Every member canvass report of church budget, 1966.
- Box VIII.9, Folders 4-5: Canvass contributor forms, 1968-1971. See card file of contributors, 1966-1979 in this series.
- Box VIII.9, Folders 6-9: Alphabetical card file of contributors, 1966-1979. See contributor forms, 1968-1971 in this series.
- Box VIII.9, Folder 10: Every member canvass records, 1966-1967.
- Box VIII.10, Folder 1: Every member canvass records, 1967-1968.
- Box VIII.10, Folder 2: Every member canvass solicitor materials, 1967-1968.
- Box VIII.10, Folder 3: Every member canvass records, 1968-1969. Includes envelope with hostess dinner information.
- Box VIII.10, Folders 4-6: Every member canvass records, 1967-1968. Includes Adam Peters correspondence, pledge cards and calculations, solicitation information and report notes. The 1969 canvass was effected by dissention regarding, and the eventual resignation of, Arthur B. Jellis, the Minister.
- Box VIII.11, Folder 1: "Preparation of the 1970-1971 budget" records, 1969-1970.
- Box VIII.38, Folder 5: Every member canvass follies records, 1969. Consists of scripts with notes.
- Box VIII.11, Folders 2: Every member canvass records, 1970.
- Box VIII.11, Folder 3: Unitarian Universalist Association budget canvass manual, 1971. Booklet with enclosures. Inscribed to Dana McLean Greeley.
- Box VIII.11, Folder 4: Every member canvass solicitor materials, 1971. Includes lists, letters regarding solicitors and promotional material for Every Member Canvass.
- Box VIII.38, Folder 6: Reports of the Treasurer and budget records, 1971.
- Box VIII.11, Folder 5: Every member canvass records, 1972-1973.
- Box VIII.12, Folder 1: Every member canvass records, 1974.
- Box VIII.12, Folder 2: Every member canvass letters, 1974-1975. Typed and manuscript form letters (some signed).
- Box VIII.12, Folder 3: Every member canvass reports and notes, 1974. Bulk Dana McLean Greeley notes.
- Box VIII.12, Folder 4: Every member canvass papers of Barbara Wheeler, Canvass Committee Chair, 1973-1974. Includes notes and edits of resource materials.
- Box VIII.12, Folder 5: Every member canvass papers of Virginia Cherbas (Mrs. Thomas Cherbas), 1973-1974. Includes notes and edits of resource materials.
- Box VIII.38, Folder 7: Every member canvass follies records, 1974. Consists of scripts with notes.
- Box VIII.12, Folder 6: Every member canvass papers of Timothy Blodgett, 1974-1975. Circulars and lists.
- Box VIII.38, Folder 8: Every member canvass papers of W.L. Marshall, Jr., 1974-1976. Covers the canvass of 1975-1976.
- Box VIII.12, Folder 7: Every member canvass papers of Richard C. Bartlett, Special Gifts Visitor, 1975. Includes biographical data forms.
- Box VIII.38, Folder 9: Every member canvass papers of Helen Shaw, Special Gifts Visitor, 1975. Includes member lists and notes.
- Box VIII.38, Folder 10: Every member canvass visitors, 1975. Lists visiting teams and captains, with people to be visited.
- Box VIII.13, Folder 1: Every member canvass records, 1976. With promotional material and notes.
- Box VIII.38, Folder 11: Every member canvass papers of Harvey Wheeler, 1977-1978.
- Box VIII.13, Folder 1: Every member canvass records, 1976. With promotional material and notes.
- Box VIII.13, Folder 2: Every member canvass records, 1977-1978.
- Box VIII.13, Folder 3: Every member canvass records, 1980-1982.
- Box VIII.13, Folder 4: Every member canvass drive records, 1982-1983.
- Box VIII.13, Folder 5: Every member canvass records, 1982-1983.
- Box VIII.13, Folder 6: Every member canvass records, 1983-1984.
- Box VIII.13, Folder 7: Every member canvass drive records, 1983-1984.
- Box VIII.13, Folder 8: Parishioners donations for the gilding of the First Parish steeple, 1984-1985.
- Box VIII.13, Folder 9: Every member canvass records, 1985.
- Box VIII.13, Folder 10: Every member canvass packet, 1985-1986. Consists of printouts of computer files, copies of form letters, and photocopied resources.
- Box VIII.14, Folder 1: Every member canvass records, 1985.
- Box VIII.14, Folder 2: Every member canvass records, 1986.
- Box VIII.14, Folder 3: Every member canvass follies records, 1986. Consists of scripts, music and letters related to the Canvass dinner.
- Box VIII.14, Folder 4: Canvass Committee records, 1987. Includes minutes of meetings, with memoranda and notes.
- Box VIII.14, Folder 5: Every member canvass letters and brochure, 1987. Contains letters sent by the Canvass committee, the 1987 Canvass Brochure, with the invoice for the printing and design of the canvass brochure.
- Box VIII.14, Folder 6: Every member canvass records, 1988. Includes script from the 1988 Canvass follies.
- Box VIII.14, Folder 7: Every member canvass follies script, 1989. Titled Brig' O Millbrook.
- Box VIII.14, Folder 8: Every member canvass records, 1989.
- Box VIII.14, Folder 9: Every member canvass records, 1990-1991.
- Box VIII.14, Folder 10: Every member canvass records, 1992.
- Box VIII.14, Folder 11: Fundraising Committee records, 1992-1995.
- Folder VIII.OV1: First Parish budget game board, 1994. 2 copies, game board for fundraising game. Game pieces are located in regular shelf storage.
- Box VIII.15, Folders 1-2: Canvass board game cards and pieces, 1994. Includes game cards, dice and wax (crayon) game pieces.
- Box VIII.15, Folder 3: Fundraising Committee records, 1997-1998. Removed from binder "Annual Giving Campaign Handbook, 1997-1998." Contains First Parish Canvass records and gathered resource materials.
- Box VIII.15, Folder 4: Gatherer fundraising letters and circulars, 1995-2002. Bulk addressed to Patricia Brinkman.
- Box VIII.15, Folder 4: Gathered Unitarian Universalist Association fundraising resources, 1997. Contains book: Landreth, Edward. Fundraising With a Vision (Boston: Unitarian Universalist Association, 1997) and video "Funding the Dream Discussion Guide" by Terry Sweetster, 1997.
- Box VIII.15, Folder 5: Gathered canvass materials, titled "Fundraising/brainstorming", 1980-1994. Includes First Parish and Unitarian Universalist materials.
Series VIII.C
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Series VIII.D
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Records of the Finance Committee, and, later, the Financial Council, include reports, correspondence, minutes, budget drafts. Further, because the Finance Committee was composed of representatives from every finance-related organization in the First Parish, records in this series include records e been generated by the Treasurer, the Trustees of First Parish Donations, and the Trustees of the Ministerial Fund, including the Minister.
- Box VIII.16, Folder 1: Finance Committee records, 1972-1988.
- Box VIII.16, Folder 2: Bequest correspondence, 1978, 1984. Includes letter from the Finance committee related to bequests.
- Box VIII.16, Folder 3: Finance Committee records, 1989-1990.
- Box VIII.16, Folder 4: Finance Committee records, 1995-1997. Includes every member canvass records for 1995-1997.
- Box VIII.16, Folder 5: Finance Committee records, 2001.
- Box VIII.16, Folders 6-7: Finance Committee printed email correspondence of Patricia Brinkman from 2002, 1995-2002. Includes printed Unitarian Universalist Association resources and other related materials. In original order (appears to be roughly grouped by topic).
- Box VIII.17, Folders 1-2: Finance Committee fiscal year 2002 binder, 2001-2002. Removed from binder during processing. Divided into sections: Minutes, Standing Committee, Annual Meeting, Organizational, Annual Canvass and Fundraising, Notes, Interconnections--resource material, and Originals.
- Box VIII.17, Folders 3-4: Financial Committee records, 2002-2003. Includes pledge summary lists.
Series VIII.D.1
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- Box VIII.17, Folder 5: Budget Committee records, 1965-1967, 1978-1984. Mostly reports with some minutes and manuscript notes.
Series VIII.D.2
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The Trustees of the Ministerial Fund were responsible for administering funds set aside for the payment of the minister and related assets, this included funds given toward specific church functions by church members (often as bequests). Records consist mainly of ledgers and documentation of the transactions of church funds, and they document the merger of the Trustees of the Ministerial Fund into the Trustees of First Parish donations in 1983.
- Box VIII.18, Folder 1: Records of church funds, 1788-1938; the early records transcribed from the original. Bound manuscript volume. Includes copy of 1788 vote authorizing deacons to receive and manage money, and financial records of the following funds: Beulah Minot; John Cuming; Abigail Dudley; Mary Adams.
- Box VIII.18, Folder 2: Trustees' record book, 1791-1900. Bound manuscript volume. Includes minister's signatures.
- Box VIII.18, Folder 3: Records of funds and investments, 1793-1867. Including: extract of John Cuming's will; records (disbursements and income) of Cuming donation; records (disbursements and income) of Beulah Minot Fund; list of members of the church, 1815 January 1.
- Box VIII.18, Folder 4: Act of incorporation for the Trustees, 1812/13; later manuscript transcriptions only.
- Box VIII.18, Folder 5: Trustees' records, 1836-1889. Softcover manuscript volume. With photostatic copy of selected pages. Including: records of sale of wood on ministerial lots; schedules of notes and property held by Trustees; records of income (including interest, mortgage income, stock dividends, etc.) and disbursements; some minutes (1879 and 1880s); and records of Town Donations (Cuming, Beatton, etc.).
- Box VIII.40, Folders 1-2: Unbound Trustees' financial records, 1826-1899. Including: statements; receipted bills; tax bills; promissory notes; authorizations of payments; letters regarding loans, payments, donations, etc. Folder 13 contains items dated 1826-1894, Folder 14 1895-1899 (plus one undated).
- Box VIII.40, Folder 3: Manuscript annual reports of the Trustees, 1855-1859, 1861-1864, 1871-1872, 1874-1875—that for 1875 in both manuscript and printed forms, 1877-1878, 1931.
- Box VIII.18, Folder 6: Trustees resignation letters, 1883.
- Box VIII.18, Folder 7: Trustees' records, 1890-1931. Bound manuscript volume. Including accounts and minutes.
- Box VIII.18, Folder 8: Unbound Trustees' records, 1901. Includes printed report, "History of the Funds and Plate of the First Church in Concord", 1901 and Henry F. Smith's copy of the Annual report with manuscript notes regarding ministerial funds and duties of the minister and deacons.
- Volume (shelved unboxed): Ledger, 1930-1981. Bound manuscript volume. Contains totals of "General Fund" "Hershey B. Goodwin Fund" and Supply of Pulpit."
- Box VIII.19, Folder 1: Account journal, 1930-1965. Bound manuscript volume. Contains some meeting notes and memoranda.
- Box VIII.19, Folder 2: Trustees' materials removed from the account journal, 1930-1965, circa 1930-1965. Contains:
- Shareholder letter from the New England Gas and Electric Association, 1965 September 23. Found in front cover of the account journal.
- Calculations, undated. Found in front cover of the account journal.
- Notes and calculations, circa 1930. Found in front cover of the account journal.
- Submitted ledger pages, 1967, 1969, 1970. Found in front cover of the account journal.
- Submitted ledger page, 1962. Found between pages 184 and 185 in the account journal.
- Box VIII.19, Folder 3: Trustees' records, 1933-1966. Contains letters, account statements, and certifications of election to the trustees. Includes notes regarding the history of the fund.
- Box VIII.19, Folder 4: Harvard Trust Company record book of checks drawn from the Ministerial Fund, 1962-1982. Spiral-bound volume; handwritten.
- Box VIII.19, Folder 5: Cash receipts journal, 1965-1982. Bound manuscript volume.
- Box VIII.19, Folder 6: By-laws records, circa 1969. Typescript recommendation by John W. Clarkson for drawing up by-laws for the Trustees (read before the annual Parish meeting, May 12, 1969) and several undated draft versions of by-laws. Also, historical notes [by Clarkson] relating to the Trustees, culled ([circa 1969]) from town and church records and from Shattuck's A History of the Town of Concord in preparation for recommendations on by-laws. The by-laws were adopted June 10, 1971.
- Box VIII.19, Folders 7-8: Trustees' records, 1971-1982. Includes reports, letters (especially regarding investments).
- Box VIII.19, Folder 9: Merger records, 1981. Includes a copy of the merger document and a copy of the Certificate of Evidence of Corporate Existence for the First Parish.
Series VIII.E
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The records of the Trustees of First Parish Donations represent a major portion both of the First Parish's financial activity and of the financial records of the First Parish overall. The trustees, a nominated group, are responsible for administering funds donated to the First Parish, often for specific purposes (e.g. The Holland Fund, which provides education funds for Parish children). The Trustees also administer church properties including the buildings on the church green, the Wright Tavern, and others. The records include documentation of the Trustees accounts, with ledgers recording monies disbursed by fund, Trustee correspondence with church members, and documentation of financial income from the church's property.
Records in this series are arranged into two sub-subseries. Sub-subseries VIII.F.1 Chronological files contains ledgers and general records from the trustees, sub-subseries VIII.F.2 contains records from the Trustees that were kept by subject and retain their original arrangements.
See Series IV.F.1, Domestic Charities Committtee for some materials regarding the establishment of funds based on bequests.
Series VIII.F
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General records documenting the financial actions and decisions made by the Trustees of First Parish Donations, including ledgers (with some invoices to cover information absent from ledgers), meeting minutes, meeting materials, and bylaws. Arranged chronologically.
- Volume (shelved unboxed): Cash account book and reports, October 1910-December 1945. Bound manuscript volume.
- Volume (shelved unboxed): General journal and ledger, 1925-1961, bulk 1931-1945. Bound volume containing manuscript records (income and disbursements) of funds, legacies, and gifts; one manuscript account sheet laid in. Volume includes information relating to: Nancy Holden Fund; Anna M. Holland Fund; general funds; real estate (White Cottage, Wright Tavern, Thayer and Ball property, Stow house and land, etc.); stocks (including railroad stock); and bonds.
- Box VIII.20, Folder 1: General journal and ledger, 1945-1970 (gap, some months in 1965). Loose oversize ledger pages, boxed. Includes letters, typed reports and official documents, pasted in. Some pages missing.
- Box VIII.21, Folder 1: Trustees of Parish Donations by-laws article, circa 1909. Printed article with manuscript notes, three copies.
- Box VIII.21, Folder 2: General journal and ledger, 1925-1961, bulk 1934-1935.
- Box VIII.40, Folder 4: Calculations removed from General journal and ledger, 1925-1961, early 20th century.
- Box VIII.21, Folder 3: Trustees' records, circa 1940s-1979.
- Box VIII.21, Folders 4-6: General journal and ledger, 1960-1981. Removed from binding during processing. Includes cover and hardware.
- Box VIII.21, Folders 7: Invoices, 1964-1965. Retained during processing to fill gaps in the general journal and ledger.
- Box VIII.22, Folder 1: Invoices, 1965-1966. Retained during processing to fill gaps in the general journal and ledger.
- Box VIII.40, Folder 5: Bank passbook and other materials relating to a loan connected with the Mary Upson Fund, 1966, 1970.
- Volume (shelved unboxed): General journal and ledger, May 1970 -June 1985. Oversize binder, handwritten. Lists daily disbursements and receipts. Includes totals by year, and printed copies of annual reports and audits, pasted in.
- Box VIII.22, Folder 2: Trustees' records, 1980s.
- Volume (shelved unboxed): General journal, July 1985-December 1992. Oversize binder, handwritten. Lists daily disbursements and receipts by fund.
- Box VIII.22, Folders 3-4: Trustees' records, circa 1990-2002.
- Volume (shelved unboxed): General journal, July 1993-June 1999. Oversize binder, handwritten. Lists daily disbursements and receipts by fund.
Series VIII.F.1
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Files kept by subject either by the Trustees or by the First Parish administration regarding funds and actions of the Trustees of Parish Donations. Arranged alphabetically by subject, in cases where one topic was dealt with under multiple titles, and unified subject name is provided in brackets (such as "[Insurance]").
- Box VIII.23, Folder 1: Annual report work papers, 1982-1983. Reports, calculations, ledger pages and notes.
- Box VIII.23, Folder 2: Annual report work papers, 1983-1984. Reports, calculations, ledger pages and notes.
- Box VIII.23, Folder 3: Annual report work papers, 1984-1985. Reports, calculations, ledger pages and notes.
- Box VIII.23, Folder 4: Annual report work papers, 1985-1986. Reports, calculations, ledger pages and notes.
- Box VIII.23, Folder 5: Annual report work papers, 1986-1987. Reports, calculations, ledger pages and notes.
- Box VIII.23, Folder 6: Annual report work papers, 1987-1988. Reports, calculations, ledger pages and notes.
- Box VIII.23, Folder 7: Annual report work papers, 1989-1990. Reports, calculations, ledger pages and notes.
- Box VIII.23, Folder 8: Annual report work papers, 1991-1992. Reports, calculations, ledger pages and notes.
- Box VIII.23, Folder 9: Annual report work papers, 1992-1993. Reports, calculations, ledger pages and notes.
- Box VIII.23, Folder 10: Annual report work papers, 1993-1994. Reports, calculations, ledger pages and notes.
- Box VIII.24, Folder 1: Annual report work papers, 1994-1995. Reports, calculations, ledger pages and notes.
- Box VIII.24, Folder 2: Annual report work papers, 1995-1999. Reports, calculations, ledger pages and notes.
- Box VIII.40, Folder 11: Bequest memoranda, circa 1939-1966. Printed memoranda regarding the bequest donations made to the First Parish, with notes. Includes the will of Mary Shepard B. Upson, and the will of Edward B. Caiger.
- Box VIII.24, Folder 3: Building fund, 1954-1955. Letters, votes, gathered materials and notes. Includes timeline about the organ and water in the building.
- Box VIII.24, Folder 4: Chamber of Commerce, 1972-1981. Letters to and from the Concord Chamber of Commerce.
- Box VIII.24, Folder 5: Church concerns and requests, 1996-1999. Letters to and from the Trustees of Parish Donations regarding financial requests for funds from the First Parish.
- Box VIII.24, Folder 6: 1 Church Green, 2003 September 11. Letter from Douglas Baker, sextant, to Judy Fersch resident.
- Box VIII.24, Folder 7: 7 Church Green, 2002 August 15. Letter from Rosemary C. Duffy, tenant, to the Trustees of Parish Donations.
- Box VIII.24, Folder 8: Church Green, 1980. Letters and notes regarding property on Church Green in Concord (managed by the Trustees).
- Box VIII.24, Folders 9-10: Coan House, 1967-1991. Consists mainly of letters with some notes and financial documentation.
- Box VIII.24, Folder 11: Concord Board of Assessors, 1999. See Concord Tax Assessors file, in this sub-subseries, folder 14.
- Box VIII.24, Folder 12: Concord Light Plant, 1989-1999. Includes records about utilities in general.
- Box VIII.24, Folder 13: Concord Tax Assessors, 1986-1995. Contains tax assessment forms by year, with letters. See Concord Board of Assessors file in this sub-subseries, folder 11.
- Box VIII.24, Folder 14: Congregational Ministerial merger, 1982. Letters and legal documents related to the merger of the congregational ministerial fund of the first parish with the Trustees of Parish Donations in 1983.
See the records of the Congregational Ministerial Fund, Series VIII.E.
- Box VIII.24, Folder 15: Correspondence-Clymers and others, 1977-1984. Contains correspondence for Trustees of Parish Donations.
- Box VIII.24, Folder 16: Deb and Dana Greeley House, 1992, 1994. Proposals and correspondence.
- Box VIII.40, Folders 6-7: Deeds, 1882-1974. Copies of deeds, bulk photostatic copies; includes some notes.
- Box VIII.25, Folder 1: Donations, 1972-1986, bulk 1983-1984. Letters regarding donations to the First Parish.
- Box VIII.25, Folders 2-3: Edes's block, 1963-1966. Includes proposal materials and correspondence.
- Box VIII.25, Folder 4: Edith Sellors will dispute, 1984. Court documents with trustee and minister correspondence.
- Box VIII.25, Folder 5: Federal Identification Number, circa 1966-1989. Forms and letters regarding the First Parish's exemption and Employer Identification Number (EIN).
- Box VIII.25, Folder 6: Fairhaven Road House, 1983-1986. Correspondence regarding the 118 Fairhaven Road property.
- Box VIII.25, Folder 7: First Parish Endowment, 2001. Contains draft policy, printed email correspondence and notes.
- Box VIII.25, Folder 8: Gary Smith, 1999-2000. Correspondence (including email print outs) regarding a home improvement loan for Gary Smith, minister.
- Box VIII.25, Folder 9: Gordon MacDonald Fund, 1959, 1964. Contains letters regarding donations to the church in the name of Gordon MacDonald, sexton, following his death in 1959.
- Box VIII.25, Folder 10: Greeley book fund, 1986-1988. Invoices, finances and correspondence. Original folder describes fund as "closed."
- Box VIII.25, Folder 8: Greeley file, 1997-2000. Email correspondence and notes regarding the estate of Deborah Greeley.
- Box VIII.25, Folder 9: Holland Fund, 1950, 1951, 1955, 1956-1959, 1961, 1962, 1970, 1971-1972, 1995, 1999. Bulk correspondence regarding Holland Fund educational scholarships.
- Box VIII.25, Folder 10: [Insurance] Church and Tavern insurance, 1994-1998. Includes policies, notes and correspondence.
- Box VIII.26, Folder 1: [Insurance] Insurance policies, 1966, 1969. Contains policies with letters and notes.
- Box VIII.26, Folder 2: [Insurance] Insurance policies, 1972-1990. Policies with notes and some related correspondence.
- Box VIII.26, Folder 3: [Insurance] Insurance policies, circa 1975-1992. Policies with church property appraisals.
- Box VIII.26, Folder 4: [Insurance] UU Insurance program, circa 1964-1982. Letters and church property insurance policies.
- Box VIII.27, Folders 1-3: [Investments] Fidelity Investments, 1992-1995. Consists of mostly printed statements with some letters and notes.
- Box VIII.27, Folder 4: [Investments] Investment statements, 1963-1982. Investment statements from various companies, including letters regarding transfers of shares and stock.
- Box VIII.27, Folder 5: [Investments] "Responsible" investing, 1882-2003. Includes Welch and Forbes investment statement for March, 2003, letters and email printouts, and resource materials.
- Box VIII.27, Folder 6: [Investments] Welch & Forbes correspondence, 1974-1975, 1977, 1985, 1995. Letters regarding investments.
- Box VIII.27, Folders 7-8: [Investments] Welch & Forbes statements, 1975-1984. Consists of mostly printed statements with some letters and notes.
- Box VIII.28, Folders 1-4: [Investments] Welch & Forbes statements, 1984-1997. Consists of mostly printed statements with some letters and notes.
- Box VIII.29, Folders 1-3: [Investments] Welch & Forbes statements, 1998-2002. Consists of mostly printed statements with some letters and notes.
- Box VIII.29, Folder 4: Jellis [Arthur] retirement plan, 1973, 1976. Correspondence between Arthur B. Jellis, and the Trustees.
- Box VIII.30, Folder 1: Jenny [Jean "Jenny" Rankin] mortgage loans, 2000. Emails regarding the mortgage loan proposal of Jenny and Rich Rankin.
- Box VIII.30, Folder 2: Leases, 1977, 1983, 1985, 1997, 2003. Includes leases for Coan House, 1977; 118 Fairhaven Road, 1983; the first floor of the Wright Tavern, 1978, 1997; second floor of the Wright Tavern, 1978, 1983, 2003; and various floors of the Wright Tavern,1983, 1985.
- Box VIII.30, Folder 3: Massachusetts Historical Commission, 1977-1998. Letters regarding the Wright Tavern.
- Box VIII.30, Folders 4-5: Middlesex Savings Bank - Meeting House on the Green, 1984-1999. Letters and bank statements regarding payments and invoices resulting from the publication of Meeting House on the Green.
- Box VIII.30, Folder 6: Minister's retirement fund, 1958-1959. Agreements and correspondence.
- Box VIII.30, Folder 7: Nominations, circa 2000. Email correspondence, letters and notes regarding the nomination of members for the Trustees of Parish Donations.
- Box VIII.31, Folder 1: [Property, general] Parsonage/Neufeld property plus church properties, 1983-1984. Correspondence and property-related documents.
- Box VIII.31, Folder 2: [Property, general] Property assessment, 1998-2002. Emails and letters regarding properties.
- Box VIII.31, Folder 3: [Property, general] Property papers, 1918, 1921, 1964, 1984. Contains maps, notes and deeds.
- Box VIII.31, Folder 4: [Property, general] Real estate, 1982. Property valuations from Fred T. Boyd Associates, with notes.
- Box VIII.31, Folder 5: [Rental of church property] Miscellaneous rent, 1974, 1976, 1980, 1983, 1984, 1991, 1995. Contains letters, forms and notes related to Parish rental properties.
- Box VIII.31, Folder 6: [Rental of church property] Rents - Prior years and 2000, 1997-1999. Contains letters and reports regarding rental of Parish property (including letters to Parish property tenants).
- Box VIII.31, Folder 7: [Rental of church property] Tenant rent correspondence, 1989, 1997-2000. Bulk 1997. Mostly consists of letters to tenants, with some letters from tenants and rental documentation. Includes the 1989 report, "Analysis of the Wright Tavern History and Architecture" by John Cole.
- Box VIII.31, Folder 8: [Rental of church property] Trustee properties rent and maintenance, 1995-1999. Reports and correspondence regarding Parish properties. Includes letters from tenants and reports on building maintenance projects.
- Box VIII.31, Folder 9: Restructuring, 1999-2000. Presentations, email printouts and letters regarding a proposed financial restructuring of the First Parish.
- Box VIII.31, Folder 11-13: Reynolds-Eliot House [276 Main Street], 1944- 1999. Includes records of Abigail Eliot's donation of the property, copies of deeds, correspondence, assessments and notes.
- Box VIII.32, Folders 1-4: Stow House and Stow lot [28 Walden Street; later numbered 92 Walden Street], 1948-1982. Contains correspondence, copies of deeds, drawings, maps and notes regarding Stow House. Includes letters regarding the use of the house as a parsonage for Arthur B. Jellis and Dana McLean Greeley, and correspondence with the Girl Scout House (now Concord Scout House) of Concord.
- Box VIII.32, Folders 5-7: Thayer and Ball House [9 Church Green], 1959-2000. Contains correspondence, copies of deeds, drawings, maps and notes regarding Thayer and Ball House.
Photographs in these folders were removed during processing see Series VI, Photographs.
- Box VIII.32, Folder 8: Tuttle Fund policy, 1979. Contains typed policy for the Tuttle Fund, with background information on the Tuttle Fund.
- Box VIII.32, Folders 9-12: White Cottage [23 Church Green], 1967-2002. Contains correspondence, copies of deeds, drawings, maps and notes regarding White Cottage.
Photographs in these folders were moved to Series XVI, Photographs and other visuals.
- Box VIII.33, Folders 1-4: [Wright Tavern] Wright Tavern, 1926-2000.
- Box VIII.33, Folder 5: [Wright Tavern] "Analysis of the Wright Tavern History and Architecture" by John Cole, 1989. Printed report, compiling information about the history of the Wright Tavern.
- Box VIII.33, Folder 6: [Wright Tavern] Construction, 1974-1997. Correspondence mostly regarding maintenance, repairs and changes to the Wright Tavern.
- Box VIII.33, Folder 7: [Wright Tavern] The Hesel Affair, 1992. Letters and email printouts related to David L. Hesel's letter about the rental of church property.
- Box VIII.33, Folder 8: [Wright Tavern] Historic districts, 1989, 1997-2001, bulk 1997-1998. Includes two copies of "Analysis of the Wright Tavern History and Architecture" by John Cole.
- Box VIII.34, Folders 1-2: [Wright Tavern] From Jack Clymer's Files, 1974-1984. Mostly Jack Clymer correspondence; includes reports and documentation on the Wright Tavern development project, circa 1977.
- Box VIII.34, Folder 3: [Wright Tavern] Rent information, 1972-1991. Letters from the Parish regarding rentals (usually to tenants) of the Wright Tavern.
- Box VIII.34, Folder 4: [Wright Tavern] Tri-Con gift Shop, 1972-1981. Records related to the Trinitarian Congregational Church gift shop, a tenant of the Wright Tavern.
- Box VIII.34, Folder 5: [Wright Tavern] Wright Tavern Center for Spiritual Renewal, 1997-2003. Consists mainly of promotional material and catalogues, but includes some meeting agendas and minutes from the WTCSR board.
- Box VIII.34, Folder 6: Woodlot transfer, 1956.
Series VIII.F.2
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Series VIII.G
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Records of the First Parish's regular and non-event related interactions with organizations, events, and communities outside of the church. This series includes Dana McLean Greeley's records on the Silent Poor Fund, a fund administered by the town of Concord and the minister of the First Parish.
For First Parish events, including events in collaboration with the town of Concord or other organizations, see Series XII, Church, town, and related celebrations, social events, and special services.
For First Parish interactions with the Unitarian Universalist Association, see Series II.B Unitarian associations and Denominational Affairs committee records.
For First Parish interactions specifically related to social action, see Series XIV Social action committees records.
- Box IX.3, Folder 1: Records concerning relations between the First Parish and other churches in Concord, 1874-1932. Includes:
- Autographed letter signed, Assessors of Second Parish, Concord (i.e. Trinitarian Congregational Church) to the "Prudential Com. Of the First Parish Concord," Concord, 1874 Feb. 23, in response to First Parish offer of use of church building while the Trinitarian building was closed for repairs. The Trinitarians opted to hold services in the Town Hall instead of at the First Parish.
- Typed letter signed, Alfred W. Birks to Mr. [Allen] French, Natick, 1924 December 16, objecting to the idea of a federation of churches in Concord.
- Typescript, "Tentative Plan for a Federation of the First Parish in Concord and the Trinitarian Congregational Church." Annotation in pencil: "Drawn up by Prescott Keyes, January, 1925."
- Typescript, "Plan for a Federation of the First Parish in Concord and the Trinitarian Congregational Church."
- Records (1925) of proposed merger of First Parish and Trinitarian Congregational Church: correspondence; plan of joint organization; proposed agreement between churches; printed notice of formation of Liaison Committee of First Parish and of resolutions resulting from joint meeting of the Liaison Committee and the Church Committee of the Trinitarian Church.
- Schedules and programs for joint (union) services of First Parish and Trinitarian Congregational Church (1925 January-May).
- Typed letter, "Committee"to Rev. Smith Owen Dexter of Trinity Episcopal Church, Concord, 1932 June 20, expressing regret over Mr. Dexter's retirement.
- Box IX.1, Folder 1: Inter-Church Displaced Persons Sponsoring Committees of Concord and Lincoln records, 1948-1949. Letters, announcements, newsletters and minutes.
- Box IX.1, Folder 2: All-Saints Church in Odell, Bedfordshire, England bell project records, 1959-1960. All-Saints Church in Odell was the church of Peter Bulkeley before he became one of the first ministers in the First Parish in Concord. Bulk Robert F. Needham correspondence, with some brochures and other informational documents.
- Box IX.1, Folder 2: Signed petition, 1963, 1989. Contains a copy of a petition from 1963: "In the spirit of Concord Friendly Living we extend a warm welcome in the Concord tradition to new Concordians, prospective residents, and visitors of whatever race, creed or national origin who share our desire for congenial good will." The folder also contains an addition to the petition, signed by church members, dated 1989.
- Box IX.1, Folder 3: World Conference on Religion and Peace records, 1970, 1989, 1990. Consists of programs, circulars and letters with some financials.
See Series VI, Ministers, visiting ministers, and sermons, sub-subseries VI.A.1 for Dana Greeley's subject files on the World Conference on Religion and World Peace.
- Box IX.2, Folders 1-4: Silent Poor Fund records of Dana McLean Greeley, 1970-1981.
- Box IX.1, Folder 4: Concord Inter-Church Committee on Social Concerns, 1977 April 27.
- Box IX.1, Folder 5: Concord-area Jewish Group (CAJG), 1981-1986.
- Box IX.1, Folder 6: Concord-Clergy Laity Group Human Sexuality and Health Curriculum (HSAC) records, circa 1984-1991.
- Box IX.1, Folder 7: First Parish Concord Clergy-Laity Group records, 1989-1997. Meeting minutes, agendas and materials, with letters and announcements.
- Box IX.1, Folder 8: First Parish Boy Scouts of America charter, 1989. Includes letter from the Minuteman Council of the Boy Scouts of America, and a printed list of boy scouts in Concord.
- Box IX.1, Folder 9: American-Soviet Homestays program records, circa 1991. Contains letters, forms, and program information.
Series IX
Series list
Finding aid top
These records encompass the records related to the Music Committee, the choir, the church organ and organists, music at services and in the church, hymns and hymnals, and any music-related projects undertaken by the First Parish. The records consist mainly of administrative documents including correspondence, and include a collection of hymn books.
Records regarding some regular musical events are available elsewhere in this collection:
For Canvass Follies, see Series VIII.C Member contributions (subscription/canvass) records
For musicals, special concerts, and events with musical performances, see Series XII, Church, town, and related celebrations, social events, and special services.
Series X
Series list
Finding aid top
The Music Committee has acted as the governing group providing oversight for all aspects of music in the church. This subseries consists mainly of meeting materials and correspondence, with some financials. Arranged chronologically.
- Box X.1, Folder 1: Music Committee records, 1959-1990 (some gaps). Consists mainly of meeting minutes and notes, with some correspondence.
- Box X.1, Folder 2: Music Committee budgets, 1960-1990. Includes calculations, correspondence, and reports.
- Box X.1, Folder 3: Music Committee correspondence, 1960-1990. Mostly Music Committee correspondence. Includes some general organ-related records, and a copy of The Unitarian Christian Volume 13, Number 3 (Summer 1964), with the article "The New Hymnbook" by Carl Scovel.
- Box X.1, Folder 4: Music Committee member lists, 1972-1973, 1990.
- Box X.1, Folder 5: Music Committee expense book, 1974-1975. Bound notebook. Lists expenses by music account.
Series X.A
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These records cover the maintenance, management, replacement, and use of the church organ. In addition to regular playing on Sundays, the organ was used for rehearsals and concerts. Further, this series documents several large projects to repair and replace the organ over time and the corresponding fundraising efforts.
- Box X.7, Folder 1-2: Seventy-four documents relating to purchase, maintenance, and repair of church organ, and to payment of organists, 1841-1928. Documents are manuscript and typescript, primarily manuscript. Includes: manuscript contract for purchase of organ from James P. Whitney (1841), and receipt for same; receipts for organ blowing by D.B. Hosmer, Charles M. Hosmer, and Wallace ("W. Th.") McDonald; receipts for payment to organists Abner Ball, George C. Mann, Elizabeth Hunt, Allen King, Marcella A. Hurd, William H. Nash, Mrs. James A. Walker, Theodore Hunt, and Mrs. Lucy C. Myrick; receipts for organ tuning and repairs (one of them—1889 October 2 to Thomas Whitney Surette—"for repairs to bellows & c."); records (1871-1872) of the committee formed to consider and select a new organ, including reports, list of subscribers, and full financial account for alterations undertaken to accommodate the new organ; ALS, Eleanor G. Crandall to William L. Eaton, Concord, 1894 August 12, resigning from position of organist; and typed letter signed by Paul F.C. Mias to Mrs. Henry Smith, Belmont, 1928 May 1, outlining recommended repairs to organ. Folder 2 contains items dated 1841-1871, Folder 3 1872-1928.
- Box X.2, Folder 1: Correspondence regarding organ repair, 1903-1908 and undated. Includes Henry Smith and George P. Furber (chair of the Standing Committee) correspondence.
- Box X.7, Folder 3: Organ repair subscription lists, circa 1909.
- Box X.2, Folder 2: Organist correspondence, 1908. Correspondence to and from George P. Furber, Chairman of the Standing Committee regarding the resignation and appointment of a new organist.
- Box X.2, Folder 3: Estey Organ contract and Spencer Orgblo instructions, circa 1956. Contract is a signed original.
- Box X.2, Folder 4: Organ repair records, 1973-1974, 1977. Includes copies of reports, estimates, and the repair contract. Also includes correspondence and meeting notes.
- Box X.2, Folder 5: Organ concert program, 1979.
- Box X.2, Folder 6: Organ Committee records, 1983-1985. Includes reports, proposals, meeting minutes, contracts and correspondence.
- Box X.2, Folder 7: Eleanor Billings Organ Committee records, circa 1983-1984. Records of Eleanor Billings, Organ Committee Chair. Includes manuscript meeting minutes, Eleanor Billings correspondence, proposals and manuscript notes.
- Box X.2, Folder 8: List of organists, 1985. Typed with manuscript notes, including notes on funeral homes and organ repair.
- Box X.2, Folder 9: Organist letters of agreement, 1986. Copies of agreements for Church Organist, Richard F. Johnson.
- Box X.2, Folder 10: First Parish organ handbook, 1986. Labeled "office copy."
- Box X.2, Folder 11: Organ springs, circa 1980s. Metal springs for pallets in the organ wind chest. Springs are in cardboard folder and taped down.
- Box X.2, Folder 12: Andover Organ Company invoices, 1991-2002. Invoices contain detailed descriptions of organ repairs. Includes correspondence and disbursement forms, with some manuscript notes.
- Box X.2, Folder 12: Report on Roland Digital Piano, 1992.
- Box X.2, Folder 13: Organ Study Report, 2000 May. Removed from binder during processing.
- Box X.2, Folders 14-16: Report of the Organ Study Committee Appendices, 2000 May. Removed from binder during processing. Includes in-depth sections: acoustics, Andover Organ Company correspondence, cost history and invoices, electronic organs, forum, First Parish history, general information, glossary, Logemann data, and new organ proposals.
- Box X.3, Folders 1-2: Report of the Organ Study Committee Appendices, Volume II, 2000 May. Removed from binder during processing. Includes in depth sections: Organ Builders, Organ, Organ Committee, Organists' options, and Organ Study Committee Minutes.
- Box X.3, Folder 3: 350th Anniversary Organ Committee records, 2000. Consists of report on the First Parish organ and a report by Jonathan E. Ambrosio about the condition of the organ at Christ Church Episcopal in Cambridge, MA.
- Box X.3, Folders 4-6: Organ Action Committee records, 2000-2004. Printed e-mail correspondence, meeting agendas and minutes, reports and other supporting materials.
- Box X.3, Folder 7: Foley-Baker organ repair invoices, 2003-2004. Invoices contain detailed descriptions of organ repairs. Includes correspondence and disbursement forms, with some manuscript notes.
- Box X.3, Folder 8: First Parish Organ Committee CDs, 2006. Consists of two discs: One 5 minute DVD regarding repairs needed to the First Parish church organ, featuring Alan Hill, organ consultant/contractor, and Douglas Baker, sexton; and one disc Organ Committee files, 2006.
- Box X.3, Folder 9: First Parish Organ Committee reports, 2006-2007. Printed Microsoft PowerPoint presentations.
- Box X.4, Folders 1-4: Organ Committee resource book, 2006-2009. Removed from binder during processing. Documents the research, fundraising, proposals, correspondence and planning for the First Parish Organ Improvement Project.
- Box X.4, Folder 5: Capital Campaign Organ Committee records, 2007. Removed from binder during processing. Correspondence with proposal.
Series X.B
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Series X.C
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This series contains documentation of the hymns and hymnbooks of the First Parish, including hymns written by Dana McLean Greeley.See Series X.C.2, Hymnbooks and hymnals for bound hymnbook volumes.
- Box X.4, Folder 6: New hymns file, circa 1983-1991. Gathered hymns with some related correspondence and notes. Includes hymns by Dana McLean Greeley.
- Box X.4, Folder 7: Hymnbook records, 1987-1989. Correspondence with the Unitarian Universalist Association Hymnbook Resources Commission, and hymnbook creation circulars.
- Box X.4, Folder 8: List of hymnal inscriptions, 1987. Lists inscribed hymnbooks, with a note to Margaret Stewart.
Series X.C.1
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Hymnbook volumes that were owned by the church or members of the church.
- Volume (shelved unboxed): American Unitarian Association. Hymn and Tune Book for the Church and the Home … (Boston: The Association, 1871). Two copies. First copy: inscribed on title page "S R Bartlett, 1871"; and on front paste-down endpaper "Memorial Services for Father, Unitarian Church, Concord, Mass., Jan 13th 1878; Hymns Nos 325 = 524 = 676." Pencil notes on verso of final printed leaf. Second copy: inscribed "Libbie Lulu Everett, Unitarian S.S. Concord Mass, 1870."
- Volume (shelved unboxed): American Unitarian Association. Hymn, Tune and Service Book for Sunday Schools (Boston: The Association, 1882). Stamp of First Parish Sunday School Library on front free endpaper. Pencil note laid in: "This book went through the fire which destroyed the First Parish meeting house in 1900. Concord, Massachusetts." Burn marks throughout the book.
- Volume (shelved unboxed): Baker, B. F., and J.F. Fargo. The New Haydn: A Collection. Hymn Tunes, Chants, Sentences and Anthems. Adapted for All the Wants of Public and Private Worship. And for the Use of Choirs, Singing Schools, Musical Societies and Conventions (Boston: Ticknor and Fields; Chicago: Lyon and Healey, 1866). Inscribed on front free endpaper: "Mrs. J. M. Smith, Concord, Mass., January 1867."
- Box X.4, Folder 9: Barrett, Hal and Alan Seaburg. By these good images: a song cycle (Dayton, Ohio: Hal Barrett, 1988), 1988. Spiral bound (plastic) volume. Hymnbook and letter from the author/publisher Hal Barrett.
- Volume (shelved unboxed): The Beacon Hymnal (Boston: The Beacon Press, Inc., 1924).
- Volume (shelved unboxed): The Beacon Hymnal (New York: The Beacon Press, Inc., 1927).
- Volume (shelved unboxed): The Beacon Song and Service Book (Boston: The Beacon Press, 1947).
- Volume (shelved unboxed): Belknap, Jeremy. Sacred Poetry: Consisting of Psalms and Hymns, Adapted to Christian Devotion in Publick and Private. Selected from the Best Authors, with Variations and Additions (Boston: Thomas and Andrews and West and Blake, 1812). Inscribed on title page: "Abigail D. Prescott."
- Volume (shelved unboxed): Cheshire Pastoral Association. Christian Hymns for Public and Private Worship. A Collection Compiled by a Committee of the Cheshire Pastoral Association. Forty-Seventh Edition (Boston: Crosby, Nichols, and Company, 1857). Two copies, both inscribed by S.M. Holden (one also inscribed by Carrie P. Holden).
- Volume (shelved unboxed): Christian Hymns for Public and Private Worship (Boston: William Crosby and H.P. Nichols, 1846).
- Volume (shelved unboxed): Hitchcock, Roswell D., Zachary Eddy, and Philip Schaff. Hymns and Songs for Social and Sabbath Worship (New York: Anson D.F. Randolph and Company, 1875).
- Volume (shelved unboxed): Horton, Edward A. (Ed.). A Book of Song and Service (Boston: Unitarian Sunday-School Society, 1906).
- Volume (shelved unboxed): Hymn and Tune Book (Boston: American Unitarian Association, 1871). 2 copies.
- Volume (shelved unboxed): Hymn and Tune Book (Boston: American Unitarian Association, 1872).
- Volume (shelved unboxed): Hymns for the Celebration of Life (Boston: The Beacon Press, 1964). 3 copies.
- Volume (shelved unboxed): Mason, Lowell. The New Carmina Sacra: or Boston Collection of Church Music … (New York: Mason Brothers, 1860). At head of title: Published under the Sanction of the Boston Academy of Music. Inscribed on front cover: "Not to taken from the Seats Choir 1st Parish."
- Volume (shelved unboxed): Selection of Hymns and Psalms, for Social and Private Worship. Ninth Edition (Boston: Published by Thomas Wells, 1828). Gold-stamped on leather strip affixed to front cover: "T. Prescott." Inscribed in pencil on front free endpaper: "Timothy Prescott, Concord Mass., April 20 1833." Pencil notes on front lining leaf (events of note in the life of the Parish, and record of Timothy Prescott's death), back lining leaf, and back paste-down endpaper.
- Volume (shelved unboxed): Selection of Hymns and Psalms, for Social and Private Worship. Ninth Edition (Boston: Published by Thomas Wells, 1828). Gold-stamped on leather strip affixed to front cover: "Phebe Jarvis." Pencil notes on front lining leaf, back lining leaf, and back paste-down endpaper (events of note in the life of the Parish).
- Volume (shelved unboxed): Services for Sunday Schools (Boston: American Unitarian Association, 1869).
- Volume (shelved unboxed): Taylor, Virgil Corydon. Taylor's Choral Anthems: A New Collection of Choruses, Anthems, Quartets, Trios, Duets, and Solos, Original and Selected, for Singing Societies, Choirs, and Social Musical Circles (Utica: Hawley, Fuller and Co.; New York: D. Appleton and Co.; Hartford: O.D. Case and Co.; Boston: Gould, Kendall and Lincoln; Philadelphia: Thomas Cowperthwaite and Co., 1849).
- Volume (shelved unboxed): The University Hymn Book. Altered by Permission for Use in the First Parish of Concord … (Cambridge: John Wilson and Son, University Press, 1896). Three copies: one inscribed "W.L. Smith, Pew 13, Gal."; the other inscribed "Mrs. Sarah E. Staples with best regards of James S. Garland, Sept. 1901"and also "This volume was saved from the fire which destroyed the old meeting house in Concord on April 12, 1900, and has been rebound for J.S. Garland." Half-bound in leather (gold-stamped "S.E. Staples"), marbled paper boards.
- Volume (shelved unboxed): The Unitarian Faith in Unitarian Hymns (Boston: American Unitarian Association, 1914).
- Volume (shelved unboxed): The Unitarian Faith in Unitarian Hymns (London: The Lindsey Press, 1918).
- Volume (shelved unboxed): Wendté, Charles W., and H.S. Perkins. The Sunny Side: A Book of Religious Songs for the Sunday School and the Home … (New York: William A. Pond and Co., 1875). Inscribed on front cover: "First Parish S.S."
- Volume (shelved unboxed): Whittemore, Thomas. Conference Hymns and Tunes. Second Book (Boston: Thomas Whittemore, 1843). Damaged; title page lacking.
- Volume (shelved unboxed): Winchester, Benjamin S. and Conant, Grace Wilbur (Eds.) Worship and Song (Boston: The Pilgrim Press, 1913).
Series X.C.2
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- Box X.5, Folder 1: Choir "extra concerts" records, 1960-1970s, 1990. Consists mainly of programs from concerts with some scripts.
- Box X.5, Folder 2: Choir records, 1966, 1971-1980, 1989 and undated. Mostly announcement letters with some lists and notes. Includes some organ and music committee related circulars.
- Box X.5, Folder 3: Youth choir records, 1987, 1989.
- Box X.5, Folder 4: Choir member lists, circa 1989-1990.
Series X.D
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- Box X.5, Folder 5: Summer service music, 1986-1991. From orders of service.
- Box X.5, Folder 6: Survey of worship experience form drafts, 2008.
Series X.E
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- Box X.5, Folders 7-8: Concert Committee records, 1981-1984, 1986. Consists mainly of correspondence (typically about scheduling) and promotional materials. Also includes schedules, mailing lists, instructions regarding the use of the First Parish space, and manuscript notes.
- Box X.7, Folder 4: Concert Committee records, 1984-1985. Consists mainly of correspondence (typically about scheduling) and promotional materials. Also includes schedules, mailing lists, instructions regarding the use of the First Parish space, and manuscript notes.
Series X.F
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- Box X.6, Folder 1: Abigail Dudley Singing Fund ledger, 1832-1925. Bound manuscript volume. Includes a manuscript copy of the bequeath to the First Parish that started the fund, reports, and a ledger of the account (the Abigail Dudley Singing Fund was established in 1814 to promote sacred music in public worship).
- Box X.7, Folder 5: Twenty-six manuscript receipts, 1841-1891. Relating to: expenses for sheet music and music books; for other choir-related expenses; for Allen King and H.L. Whitcomb for leading the choir; for A.B. Warren for running a singing school and for hymn books; for Marion A. Jones for singing in church; and for Thomas Whitney Surette for services of organ blower for choir rehearsals, music for the choir, and Easter music.
- Box X.6, Folders 2-5: Music Committee disbursement warrant files, 1958-1990. Files of disbursements of funds for the First Parish church organ.
Series X.G
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- Box X.6, Folder 6: Acoustics Task Force records, 2002. Correspondence, reports and gathered resources related to the acoustics of the First Parish building.
- Box X.6, Folder 7: Report of the First Parish Acoustics Task Force, 2003 November 14. Coil bound report. Two copies.
Series X.H
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Pew plan
In addition to the church meeting house, the First Parish has owned properties on the church green and elsewhere in Concord, in addition to asset items, from the church silver to its office equipment and computers. These records document the stewardship, care, maintenance, and use of the property and assets owned by the church, and the committees and staff tasked with taking care of them. These offices and bodies include the Standing Committee, the Building and Ground Committee, ad hoc committees, the Trustees of Parish Donations, the Minister, the church administrative office, and the sexton.
The records also necessarily cover many of the large construction and renovation projects the church has undertaken, in addition to significant additions or divestments of real estate. Some of the major projects involving the meeting house are as follows: the original meeting house was built on the hill on the opposite side of Lexington Road from the present location of the church. A second meeting house was built between 1667 and 1673, a third in 1711. The third meeting house, renovated in 1791 and again in 1841 (when it was turned 90 degrees to face Lexington Road), burned to the ground on 1900 April 12. A fourth meeting house was built 1900-1901 to replace and (as much as possible) to reproduce the old building. Church school facilities and a chapel were added in 1955, kitchen renovations undertaken in 1974, and additional classroom space and handicapped accessibility created in 1984/85.
Properties owned by the church have included properties on the Church Green; the Wright Tavern; woodlots originally used for ministerial purposes (one of which was surveyed by Henry David Thoreau for the First Parish, the original 1851 manuscript survey for it forming part of the First Parish records); and the Stow House (92 Walden Street; used as the First Parish parsonage for much of the 20th century, and then sold).
See Series VIII, Financial records for financial records regarding property and assets.
See Series XII, Church, town, and related celebrations, social events, and special services, for events commemorating the completion of church buildings (often called "dedications").
Series XI
Series list
Finding aid top
These are the records of overall stewardship of the buildings and property owned by the First Parish. As much of the work of stewardship was done by the Buildings and Grounds Committee and its predecessors, those administrative committee records are organized here. These records include records of regular repairs and day-to-day property decision-making (including the work of the sextons). Arranged chronologically.
- Box XI.10, Folder 1: Unbound real estate documents, 1793-1961. Including: deeds for church property (including the Wright Tavern); rights of way; surveys and plans (one by Cyrus Hubbard—for "Wood Land lately belonging to Nathaniel & Ephraim Hosmer Situated in the South-Westerly part of Concord"—dated 1819 July 9); manuscript list (1829) of subscribers agreeing to help defray cost of "a stone & gravel walk from the store of Phineas How to the road which leads to the new meeting house"; authorization (1892) of Treasurer of Parish to borrow money for repair of Wright Tavern; typescript history of the meeting house; photocopied clipping; and telegram (1961 January 21) from Leverett Saltonstall to "Society of the First Parish, Concord, Mass.,"regarding designation of the Wright Tavern as a historic site, and its consequent eligibility for National Historic Landmark status.
- Box XI.10, Folder 2: George F. Furber property papers, circa 1909.
- Box XI.1, Folder 1: Property correspondence, 1906-1912. Most letters regarding improvements and maintenance. Includes letters to J.H. Orendorff, sexton, Wright Tavern maintenance records, and Stow property records.
- Box XI.1, Folder 2: Housekeeping Committee records, 1952-1956. Mostly correspondence; includes records of the decorating committee, and some building use correspondence.
- Box XI.1, Folder 3: Camougis property correspondence, 1963.
- Box XI.1, Folder 4: House committee records, 1974-1976. Minutes of meetings with meeting materials.
- Box XI.1, Folders 5-7: Buildings and Grounds Committee records, 1977-1995.
- Box XI.1, Folder 8: Buildings and Grounds committee duties records, circa 1986. Includes Sexton and Curator job description.
- Box XI.1, Folder 9: Buildings and Grounds Committee correspondence, 1986-1991.
- Box XI.2, Folders 1-2: Buildings and Grounds Committee budgets, 1985-1995.
- Box XI.2, Folder 3: Buildings and Grounds Committee energy usage records, 1986-1988. Includes Unitarian Universalist Association Massachusetts Bay District circulars regarding energy usage.
- Box XI.2, Folder 4: Buildings and Grounds Committee membership records, 1993.
- Box XI.2, Folder 5-6: Facilities Committee records, 1995-1999.
Series XI.A
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Often the church created separate committees for its large projects. The groups would form for the projects. Records in this series cover major changes to the meeting house, such as the moving of the meeting house in 1841, the burning and rebuilding of the church in 1900, additions to the meeting house in 1955, and, most prominently, the 350th anniversary renovations.
- Box XI.3, Folder 1: Records related to the remodeling of church to Greek Revival, 1841, 1980. Includes index and transcripts of included materials written by Marion Wheeler, 1980. Contains letters regarding the 1841 renovation of the church from Francis Buttrick, Nathan S. Hosmer, Stafford & Brown, Harrington & Merrifield, Benjamin F. Hartwell, Woodbury S. Mains, Charles T. Green, and Lamb & Turner.; Letter of recommendation, and receipts of payment.
- Box XI.10, Folder 3: Records relating to repairs and alterations to the meeting house, 1841-1895. Unbound manuscript, typescript, and printed items (exclusive of receipts) include: minutes of 1841 January 21 Parish meeting at which the repair or rebuilding of the meeting house was discussed; specifications for work to be done on the meeting house ([1841]); appointment of committee to oversee alterations; a variety of other documents relating to the 1841 renovations (reports; contracts between Nathan Hosmer and the First Parish, J.W. Wilkins and the First Parish, Stafford & Brown and Nathan Hosmer, Nathan Hosmer and Sylvester Hayward; bond; estimate; account; letter from the Trinitarian Congregational Church regarding First Parish use of the Trinitarian building during the 1841 renovations; correspondence, including 1842 letter of recommendation by John M. Cheney for Thomas Coleman of Salem, who "painted in fresco, the interior of the church of the First Parish"); reports regarding later 19th century repairs; agreement between First Parish and contractor Moses Hobson (1858); authorization of Treasurer of Parish to borrow money to purchase organ and make repairs within the church, (1871); subscription lists for alterations, the amounts pledged to be paid before 1882 June 1 (one list including the signatures of Ebenezer Rockwood Hoar, Ralph Waldo Emerson, Daniel Chester French, and William Henry Hunt); agreement (1885) between John J. Flannery and First Parish, and note by Albert E. Wood acknowledging Flannery's satisfactory completion of a retaining wall; typed letter signed by 1895 February 5, Sherman Hoar to the Chairman of the Parish Committee, regarding E.R. Hoar bequest to pay for meeting house improvements; contract (1955) between Custance Brothers and the First Parish for chapel and Sunday school.
- Box XI.10, Folder 4: Records of the 1900 burning of meeting house, and rebuilding , 1900-1902. Unbound materials relating to the fire that destroyed the First Parish meeting house 1900 April 12, and the dedication of the new meeting house in 1901, including: undated printed poem ("The Old Concord Church") by Martha Perry Lowe; photocopied clippings about the fire and the dedication; dedication program and booklet for exercises and service 1901 October 3; printed poem by Edward Waldo Emerson (The Old Church of Concord Restored, October 9th, 1901); typed letter (unsigned) to Sherman Hoar, 1902 December 9, regarding the Restoration Account for replacing the meeting house.
- Folder XI.OV6: Concord Enterprise, 1900 April 12. Front page article: "Old First Church Destroyed."
- Folder XI.OV9: The Middlesex Patriot, 1901 October 4 and October 11. Front page pieces: "Dedication of the New First Parish Meetinghouse" and "Dedication Sermon. Rev. L.B. Macdonald's First Sermon in the Restored First Parish Meetinghouse."
- Box XI.3, Folder 2: Gathered property records, 1954-1961. Mostly Standing Committee minutes regarding property issues, with some correspondence. Includes handwritten list of documents (circa 1980s).
- Box XI.3, Folder 3: Records relating to repairs and alterations to the meeting house, 1955-1974. Unbound manuscript, typescript, and printed items (exclusive of receipts) include: contract (1955) between Custance Brothers and the First Parish for chapel and Sunday school; 1955 plan of proposed additions; undated typescript list of long-term recommendations ([196-?]) for work on building and grounds; undated typescript minutes of discussion of proposed work; The Meetinghouse in Concord: Crucible of History (a 1974 brochure outlining the history of the meeting house, presenting the case for refurbishment, and urging pledging to the Renovation Fund).
- Box XI.3, Folder 4: Report of the Property Improvement Planning Committee, circa 1960s.
- Box XI.3, Folder 5: Church remodeling letter and directory, 1963, 1972. Includes report: Directory of Churches Built or Remodeled (Boston, Massachusetts: Massachusetts Council of Churches Department of Research and Strategy, 1963 April) and a letter from planning consultants to Joan Huston of the Standing Committee.
- Box XI.3, Folder 6: Carper, Eugene G. Concord, A Church Extension Analysis (Boston: Massachusetts Council of Churches, 1963 February).
- Box XI.3, Folder 7: Property Improvement Planning Committee memorandum, undated, circa 1970s.
- Box XI.3, Folder 8: Facilities sub-committee records, 1971. Includes construction estimates, bids, and reports.
- Box XI.3, Folder 9: Requests for quotation, 1971. Requests sent to construction companies.
- Box XI.3, Folder 10: Consultation report regarding the space needs of the First Parish, 1972 May 18. Report by Robert P. Owen, of Dober, Paddock, Upton and Associates, Inc., planning consultants.
- Box XI.3, Folder 11: Construction contractor agreements and correspondence, 1972-1980.
- Box XI.3, Folder 12: Renovation records, 1973-1975. Includes minutes of the Renovation Committee. Contains plans, correspondence, construction documents, notes (include Dana McLean Greeley talking points), memoranda, and reports.
- Box XI.10, Folder 5: Renovation plans, 1973-1975. Drawings removed from the Renovation records.
- Box XI.3, Folder 13: Report on remodeling of the Religious Education, 1979. Report by John Anderson, with drawings and cost estimates.
- Box XI.3, Folder 14: Religious Education wing improvements announcement from Dana Greeley, 1979 July 27.
- Box XI.3, Folder 15: Portrait Committee records, 1980. Includes pledge cards and artist research.
- Box XI.4, Folders 1-3: 350th anniversary buildings and grounds committee records, 1982 -1985. Bulk records of George King, committee chair. Contains agendas, meeting minutes, correspondence (including correspondence with Dana McLean Greeley, John Teele and Philip A. Davis), and supporting materials, with notes.
- Box XI.4, Folder 4: 350th anniversary building plans, 1982 November-1983 October.
- Box XI.4, Folder 5: 350th anniversary buildings and grounds committee Dana McLean Greeley records, 1983-1984. Contains meeting minutes, plans, proposals, letters and notes.
- Box XI.5, Folder 4: Buildings and grounds task lists, circa 1984-1988. Lists of maintenance and repairs to be performed.
- Box XI.5, Folder 6: Letter to the Concord Historic District Commission regarding painting of meeting house steeple clocks, 1985 November 4. Photocopy of letter with request form.
- Box XI.5, Folder 7: Manuscript minutes from a hearing regarding the gilding of the steeple dome, 1985 August 8.
- Box XI.5, Folder 8: Balcony floor refinishing correspondence, 1986. Includes letter regarding choir and organ space on the balcony.
- Box XI.5, Folder 9: Parlor chimney refinishing project records, 1989-1990. Includes research materials, correspondence and reports.
- Box XI.5, Folder 10: Water-saving toilets report, 1989 August 19. Photocopy of handwritten document.
- Box XI.5, Folder 11: Space Committee records, 1992. Includes plans related to the Wright Tavern and building accessibility.
Series XI.B
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This subseries contains mostly large-scale architectural drawings of church properties, including drawings of the meeting house which make up most of the subseries. The majority of the plans document changes or proposed changes to buildings.
Among the plans are drawings of the church grounds from 1985, and the Plan of The Ministerial Lot (so called), in the south-west part of Concord, surveyed by Henry D. Thoreau in 1851.
- Folder XI.OV2: Draft or traced version of Thoreau survey in Oversize Folder 1, circa 1851, undated.
- Folder XI.OV5: Undated architectural drawings, [1841]. One drawing bears the inscription "Thomas Coleman, Salem." See Box XI.3, Folder 1 for additional Coleman material.
- Folder XI.OV1: Plan of The Ministerial Lot (so called), in the south-west part of Concord. Surveyed by Henry D. Thoreau. Original manuscript survey in Thoreau's hand (final version), November 14th to 25th 1851.
- Folder XI.OV10: Undated manuscript plan of First Parish horse sheds, [188-?].
- Folder XI.OV3: Manuscript plan of First Parish property by Albert E. Wood, 1896.
- Box XI.17:Architectural plans for building of and renovations to fourth meeting house, 1900. Sixteen blueprints (1900) by Cabot, Everett & Mead of Boston for the fourth meeting house.
- Folder XI.OV4: Real Estate of the First Parish in Concord, Massachusetts, 1900 May 23. Plan drawn by Leonard Metcalf, Engr. 14 Beacon St. Boston. Plan shows footprint of meeting house that burned 1900 April 12.
- Box XI.14, : Original plan and proposed alterations to the First Parish meeting house, 1932. 3 pages, unsigned.
- Folder XI.OV7: First Parish in Concord, Mass. Cellar Layout. Steam and Hot Water Piping … JWB, 1934 August.
- Folder XI.OV8: General Floor Plan, First Parish meeting house, Concord, Massachusetts … Traced from old Blueprint. J.W. Ballou, 1934 March 8.
- Folder XI.OV11: Religious Education wing plans, 1955. Plans by Kilham, Hopkins, Greeley and Brodie, Architects, with one elevation unsigned.
- Box XI.18:Architectural plans for church property , 1955, 1974, 1984. One topographical survey for same; ten plans (1974; photocopy) by Paul Douglas Minor of Concord for renovations; eleven plans (1984; photocopy) by John H. Anderson of Concord for renovations.
- Box XI.15: Parish Chapel and School, 1955. Two plans (1955; photocopy) by Charles G. Loring of Boston.
- Box XI.12: Parish Chapel and School, 1955. thirteen plans (1955; photocopy) by Charles G. Loring of Boston for church school addition (plus extra photocopy of two of the plans).
- Folder XI.OV13: Plan of land in Concord, Mass., 1956 October. Plan drawn by Roland H. Barnes & Co., Civil Eng'rs, 681 Main Street, Waltham, Mass. Depicts intersections of Main and Lexington Streets, Main and Walden Streets, and Walden and Hubbard Streets (downtown Concord), including the main lot of the First Parish. 2 copies of positive and negative.
- Box XI.13, Folder : Plan of land in Concord, Mass., 1956 October. Plan drawn by Roland H. Barnes & Co., Civil Eng'rs, 681 Main Street, Waltham, Mass. Depicts intersections of Main and Lexington Streets, Main and Walden Streets, and Walden and Hubbard Streets (downtown Concord), including the main lot of the First Parish.1 copy each of positive and negative.
- Box XI.16, : Access Improvements and Youth Room addition, 1984 July 9. John H. Anderson, Architect, Independence Court, Concord, Massachusetts. 11 drawings.
- Box XI.5, Folder 12: Grounds plan, 1995-1996. Includes lists of plants and dimensions and contents of beds.
Series XI.C
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In addition to the use of the meeting house for First Parish church and social functions, the meeting house and grounds have been rented for wedding events and social functions, including regular use by the Boy Scouts, the American Red Cross. This subseries consists mainly of requests to use the meeting house in correspondence or in forms. It also includes correspondence between the Standing Committee, minister or church administrative office and various parties typically thanking the First Parish for the use of its space. First Parish records regarding the Milldam School's rental of the First Parish Religious Education wing are in this subseries as well.
See Series VIII, Financial records for records of rentals of First Parish property under stewardship of the Trustees of First Parish Donations.
See Series XII, Church, town, and related celebrations, social events, and special services, for promotional and planning material for some events in the meeting house.
- Box XI.10, Folder 6: Documents relating to use of church facilities, 1842. Manuscripts including: report of committee in charge of the meeting house and organ (Samuel Hoar, Chairman; two copies); list of subscribers consenting to use of the chapel by the Middlesex Husbandmen and Manufacturers during the Cattle Show in October (four versions).
- Box XI.6, Folders 1-2 : Building use records, 1958-1965, 1986-1991. Includes correspondence and notes, with some building use forms.
- Box XI.6, Folders 4-9: Building use forms, 1969-1972, 1976-1985. Filled out forms including activity description, date and time, contact information, areas to be used, and approval date.
- Box XI.7, Folders 1-4: Building use forms, 1987-1990.
- Box XI.7, Folder 6: Milldam Nursery School tenant records, 1977, 1978, 1984, 1992. Memorandum of Agreement between the First Parish and the Milldam Nursery School, 1978 and a letter regarding rental of First Parish space, 1984.
Series XI.D
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Records of sextons, the people responsible for onsite day-to-day oversight of First Parish property. These records include documentation of sextons in addition to their work papers.
Much of the work of the sextons is also reflected in Series XI.A, Property administration and the Buildings and Grounds Committee.
Series XI.E
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Series XI.F
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Records related to the property management of the Wright Tavern.
See Series VIII, Financial records for records of rentals of First Parish property under stewardship of the Trustees of First Parish Donations.
- Box XI.8, Folder 1: Wright Tavern parking letters, 1972, 1979.
- Box XI.10, Folder 7: Gathered Wright Tavern records, 1787 (photocopy), 1950s, 1970s.
Series XI.F.1
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Records related to the horse sheds of the First Parish; the horse sheds, were removed from the grounds in 1925.
- Box XI.8, Folder 2: Records relating to repairs to the First Parish horse sheds, 1871, 1885. Five items; unbound manuscript and printed documents, mostly documenting Standing Committee decisions (votes and resolutions).
Series XI.F.2
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Pews in the First Parish were initially owned by parishioners or groups of parishioners. Pew records include lists of rentals and diagrams of pews within the meeting house.
- Box XI.8, Folder 3: Copies of cards with names of people who had seats in the Concord meeting house, information from 1749, copied 1970s. Copied to index cards by Ina Mansur from original document in "Town Records Box."
- Volume : Book of Records of Pews in the town of Concord, 1791-1854. Bound manuscript volume.
- Box XI.11, Folder 2: Pew deed, 1827. From Mary Potter to Abiel Heywood.
- Box XI.10, Folder 9: Printed pew deed for First Parish in Weston, 184-. Unused—no manuscript additions.
- Box XI.10, Folder 10: Pew documents, 1877-1883. Diagram of pews.
- Box XI.11, Folder 3: Pew documents, 1884-[circa 1955]. Unbound manuscript and printed documents. Including: receipts for payment on sale of pews (among them those of Henry Flagg French and Maria King Prescott); ALS, L.M. Reynolds on behalf of the Women's Parish Association to Charles E. Brown, Concord, 1885 April 6, requesting that the Standing Committee grant the Association the old pew cushions which the Association had recently replaced; pew deeds; order to Treasurer to collect 1893 pew taxes; bills of sale for pews; printed handbill (1901) regarding changes in valuation of some gallery pews; printed plans, with valuations, of layout of numbered pews in the meeting house; manuscript plan ([circa 1955]) of layout of pews, with names of owners.
- Box XI.8, Folder 4: Pew rental forms, 1900s, 1938. Blank (1900s) and filled out (1938) forms.
- Box XI.11, Folder 1: "Diagram of Pews, First Parish in Concord", 1920s. Bound leather portfolio with typed slips inserted to indicate pew owners.
- Box XI.11, Folder 4: Pew documents, undated. Undated, unbound manuscript and printed documents include manuscript and printed plans of layout of pews in the meeting house, some with valuations recorded, some with owners' names; list of valuation and assessment of gallery pews; list of payments of assessments on gallery pews.
Series XI.F.3
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Records of non-real estate items of significant value owned and managed by the First Parish.
- Box XI.8, Folder 5: Records relating to church silver, painting (portrait of Benjamin Reynolds Bulkeley), bell, and items connected with the church in the Concord Antiquarian Society (now the Concord Museum), 1871-1960, 1974, 1981. Unbound manuscript, typescript, and printed items.
- Box XI.8, Folder 6: Office equipment records, 1960s-1970s. Includes catalogs, lists, business cards of salesmen, instructions and one equipment proposal (for a stencil maker).
- Box XI.8, Folder 7: Letter regarding gas stove purchase, 1985.
- Box XI.8, Folder 8: Office equipment records, 1980s. Includes catalogs, lists, business cards of salesmen, instructions and one equipment proposal (for a stencil maker).
- Box XI.8, Folder 9: "Justification for scanner" report, circa 1990s.
Series XI.G
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First Parish files regarding safety and security measures related to church property.
Includes files on fire safety and prevention—mostly sprinkler records, health board approval of the kitchen, and asbestos removal and mitigation.
- Box XI.8, Folder 10: Grinnell Fire Protection records, 1962-1978. Mostly sprinkler inspect reports. Includes letters from the company and sprinkler plans.
- Box XI.8, Folder 11: Sprinkler Committee records , 1962. Typed agendas, minutes, and operational plan.
- Box XI.8, Folder 12: Board of Health records, 1964-1974, 1988. Mostly inspection certificates.
- Box XI.8, Folder 13: Security issues letters, 1971, 1982.
- Box XI.8, Folder 14: Lead paint report, 1984.
- Box XI.8, Folder 15: Concord emergency planning committee shelter for evacuees form, 1988.
- Box XI.9, Folder 1: Asbestos removal files, 1989-1990, 1994.
- Box XI.9, Folder 2: Records related to the sprinkler system, 1990. Includes codes, letters and reports.
Series XI.H
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Records of the grounds of the First Parish meeting house where the grounds are treated as separate from the buildings themselves.
- Box XI.9, Folder 9: Park Committee minutes, 1959.
- Box XI.9, Folder 3: Photocopy of an article about the Deborah Webster Greeley Herb Garden, late 1980s.
- Box XI.9, Folder 4: Letter regarding plants for the First Parish garden (later Deborah Webster Greeley Herb Garden), 1988.
Series XI.I
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- Box XI.9, Folder 5: Letter to "John" regarding decoration of the Religious Education and Tuttle Rooms, circa 1979-1982.
- Folder XI.OV12: Religious Education wing furniture map, undated, circa 1980s.
- Box XI.9, Folder 6: Minister's plaque records, 1982-1984, 1996.
- Box XI.9, Folder 7: Flower memorial calendar, 1988.
- Box XI.10, Folder 11: Flower Committee records, 1960s.
- Box XI.9, Folder 8: Building signage records, circa 1988-1992. Contains drawings of signs, with correspondence.
Series XI.J
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These records document gatherings separate from worship and often in interaction with the larger Concord or world communities. They consist mainly of promotional materials and event programs.
Series XII
Series list
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This subseries contains records documenting one-time events connected to the First Parish. Arranged chronologically.
- Box XII.1, Folder 1: 1841 December 29 - Dedication of renovated meeting house publication: Frost, Barzillai. The Church. A Discourse Delivered at the Dedication of the New Church of the First Parish in Concord, Mass., December 29, 1841 … Published by Request (Boston: James Munroe and Company, 1842).
- Box XII.1, Folder 2: 1873 February 14 - Tea party printed handbill announcement, 1873 February 14. Regarding tea party in the vestry of the First Parish.
- Box XII.1, Folder 3: 1903 May 25 - Ralph Waldo Emerson centennial printed ticket, cover letter for ticket, and program for memorial exercises arranged by the Social Circle in Concord in celebration of the 100 year anniversary of Emerson's birth, 1903 May 25.
- Box XII.1, Folder 4: 1924 October 5 - Union Service in the Meeting House of the First Parish in Concord Sunday, October Fifth, 1924, after the Burning of the Trinitarian Congregational Church, October fourth, 1924(Concord, Massachusetts:[no publisher given], 1924). Includes a description of the services, the address by Loren B. MacDonald, "Mr. Cleland's Story of the Fire," and letters from the pastor of the Trinitarian Congregational church.
- Box XII.1, Folder 5: 1925 April 19 - 150th anniversary of the Concord Fight "Citizens Vesper Service"printed program for the at the First Parish, 1925 April 19.
- Box XII.1, Folder 6: 1935-1936 - 300th anniversary of Concord's anniversary of Concord's incorporation order of service held by the Protestant churches of Concord at the First Parish, 1935-1936.
- Box XII.6, Folder 1: 1936 - 300th anniversary of the First Parish materials, 1936. Includes newspaper article (1936 October 24) from the Boston Evening Transcript and printed program for service of thanksgiving (1936 October 25).
- Box XII.1, Folder 7: 1943-1945 - World War II services orders of service, 1943-1945. Three items, one for dedication of a service flag and honor roll, two for Remembrance Sundays.
- Box XII.1, Folder 8: 1951 December 16 - 50th anniversary of the fourth meeting house order of service, 1951 December 16.
- Box XII.1, Folder 9: 1953 May 25 - Ralph Waldo Emerson sesquicentennial (150th) anniversary records, 1952-1953. Records consist of event invitation, event program, letters to Robert L. Ramsay about the event, Robert F. Needham records including name tag, letter, and guest list, exhibition catalogue from the Concord Free Public Library, and an issue of the Christian Register, July 1953, that includes and article and photographs from the event.
- Box XII.1, Folder 10: 1956 May 27 - Ceremony of acceptance and dedication of the chapel and Sunday school wing letter of invitation, 1956 May 27 - Address to "Members and Friends of the First Parish in Concord"to the ceremony of acceptance and dedication of the chapel and Sunday school wing, including acknowledgment of major donations; and printed program for service.
- Box XII.1, Folder 11: 1961 October 8 - 325th anniversary records, 1961 October. Includes typed letter signed, Dwight D. Eisenhower to Rev. Arthur B. Jellis, Washington, 1961 October 4, on White House letterhead, congratulating the congregation on the Parish's 325th anniversary; and program for 325th anniversary service (1961 October 8), and typed letter signed from Dana McLean Greeley, President of the Unitarian Universalist Association, 1961 October 3, and typed letter signed from F. Bradford Morse, House Representative, 1961 September 26.
- Box XII.7, Folder 1: 1958 - Audiotape of event, 1958. Label unclear. "NOA Brahm's lot"?
- Box XII.7, Folder 2: 1960s November 28 - Lecture audiotape, 1960s. Labeled "1. Reviewed briefly main ideas in lecture of November 21st. 2. Traced development of religious ideas in O.T. from 9th century B.C. to 8th century, with particular attention to ethical-prophetic growth."
- Box XII.1, Folder 12: 1967 - Visit of English Unitarians records, 1967.
- Box XII.1, Folder 13: 1974 September 29 - National Town Meeting booklets, 1974. 2 copies of the National Town Meeting booklet. The National Town Meeting was a live televised event that took place in the meeting house.
- Box XII.1, Folder 14: 1974 October 11 - Bicentennial Commemorative Program of the Meeting of the First Provincial Congress, 1974 October 11.
- Box XII.1, Folder 15: [1974] Performance of the Man from Monticello materials, [1974?]). Includes the script: The Man from Monticello: A Celebration of Unitarian Universalist Values based on The Man from Monticello: An Intimate Life of Thomas Jefferson by Thomas Fleming. Arranged by Darrell Eubank [script] (Boston: Worship Arts Clearing House of the Department of Education and Social Concern, Unitarian Universalist Association the program for [1974] production of celebration.
- Box XII.6, Folders 2-3: 1975 - Bicentennial of Concord Fight materials, 1974-1975. Records include correspondence between Dana McLean Greeley and various parties, among them Concord's 1975 Celebrations Committee (Chairman, John B. Finigan); manuscript list of First Parish observances in 1974 and 1975; printed program and other items—including photographs—relating to the service (1974 October 11) to commemorate the meeting of the First Provincial Congress in Concord (1774 October 11); [1975] advertisement for commemorative bicentennial platter; "A Bicentennial Tune for a Bicentennial Hymn,"by Dana McLean Greeley (photocopy); Town of Concord purchase order; Youth Committee report on planned Bicentennial Youth Forum "200"; press release (1975 April 17) about opening of Boston Public Library exhibition "Literary Boston"; 4" x 5"black and white negative for photograph of Dana M. Greeley and Gerald R. Ford at the North Bridge, Concord (1975 April 19); Concord 1975 Celebrations Committee certificates of appreciation to First Parish and to Dana M. Greeley for participation in bicentennial celebration; The Concord Hymn: Song for High Voice and Piano or Organ. Music by: Greg Isaacs. Poem by: R.W. Emerson ([without place of publication or name of publisher], 1975), with First Day of Issue bicentennial stamp; photocopied map ("Historic Concord Massachusetts"); program (three copies) for bicentennial memorial and rededication service (1975 April 20); photocopied typed proposal by Concord-Carlisle Social Studies Department for program (1975 April 30) "Where We've Been, Where We Are, and Where We're Going"; printed program for and other items relating to bicentennial commemorative (1975 October 5) in First Parish of Harvard College's removal to Concord in 1775 (three copies of program, one signed by key participants); proofs of photographs of "Harvard Night"; draft and final typescript report, (1975 December 12) "Concord Bicentennial Celebration 1975,"by Dana M. Greeley; commemorative publications "The Parade", regarding procedures of the anniversary parade; and the Report of the 1975 Celebrations Committee. (Although most photographs in the First Parish records have been filed in Series XVI, those relating to bicentennial events in 1974 and 1975 have been kept in Series XIV with other bicentennial materials.)
- Volume (shelved unboxed): 1975 - Bicentennial of Concord Fight certificate, 1975 October 5. Printed recognition by the President, Fellows, and Board of Overseers of Harvard College of the "many kindnesses of the Town of Concord"(with particular reference to Harvard College's stay in Concord in 1775 and 1776). In red portfolio with Harvard seal stamped in gold.
- Box XII.1, Folder 16: 1977 October 14 - Clam bake dinner letter, 1977 September 29. From Carmen Bartlett of the Supper & Dance Committee.
- Box XII.1, Folder 17: 1982 - 100th anniversary of Ralph Waldo Emerson's death, 1982. Programs for Boston, Cambridge, and Concord observances (1982 April 25-May 2) of the centennial anniversary of Ralph Waldo Emerson's death and for commemorative service (1982 April 27) in the First Parish in Concord.
- Box XII.1, Folder 18: 1985 February 8-9 - Parish on Parade records, 1984-1985. First Parish fundraiser musical fundraiser script, list of tickets purchased, and lighting diagram.
- Box XII.6, Folder 4: 1985 February 8-9 - Parish on Parade program, 1985.
- Box XII.1, Folder 19: 1985 March 3 - Dedication of the 350th anniversary building improvements planning materials, 1985. Letter and agenda for the event.
- Box XII.1, Folder 20: 1985 August 11 - 350th anniversary ecumenical service program and drafts, 1985.
- Box XII.1, Folder 21: 1985 November 2 - Historic bus tour of Cambridge/Lexington/Concord invoice and attendance list, 1985.
- Box XII.1, Folder 22: 1985 - 350th anniversary Edgar "Brud" Tucker, Committee Chair, files, 1984-1985.
- Box XII.1, Folder 23: 1986 October 17 - Let's Talk: An evening of Unitarian Universalists Sharing records, 1986.
- Box XII.1, Folder 24: 1987 October 25 - Dedication of the Deborah Webster Greeley Herb Garden, 1987-1988. Includes garden plans, a thank you note from Deborah Greeley, letters and invitations regarding the event, a clipping from the Concord Journal, a list of the books in the garden library, and a plan for the garden dated 1988.
- Box XII.1, Folder 25: 1989 April 9 - March for Women's Lives records, 1989. Letters, promotional material, and copy of sermon.
- Box XII.1, Folder 26: 1989 May 10 - Gary and Elizabeth Smith tea invitation and invitee list, 1989.
- Box XII.1, Folder 27: 1989 September 17 - Kerem Shalom dedication invitation, 1989.
- Box XII.1, Folder 28: 1989 October 16 - Open Table meeting agenda, 1989.
- Box XII.6, Folder 5: 1989 October 29 - Windfall performance records, 1989. Contains correspondence, fliers, event form and promotional materials.
- Box XII.1, Folder 29: 1980s - Harvest Luncheon menu, 1980s.
- Box XII.1, Folder 30: 1990 March 11 - Laszlo Tokes visit, 1990 March.
- Box XII.7, Folder 3: 1990 October 21 - Forum - Harold Howe, "Thinking About Kids" recording, 1990 October 2. Recording on audiocassette.
- Box XII.6, Folder 6: 1991 May 10-11 - Music! Music! Music! Program, circa 1990s.
- Box XII.1, Folder 31: 1992 November 25 - Community Thanksgiving Service planning records, 1992. Includes order of service.
- Box XII.1, Folder 32: 1992 July-September - Silver Vessels to Furnish the Communion Table exhibit at the Concord Museum article in the Concord Museum Newsletter, 1992 Summer.
- Box XII.1, Folder 33: 1992, 1994 - Wonderful Wednesdays and Terrific Tuesdays dinners records, 1992, 1994. Contains promotional material, programs, calendars, notes and letters. Margaret Stewart file.
- Box XII.1, Folder 34: 1993 November 20 - Myers-Briggs Workshop records, 1993.
- Box XII.1, Folder 35: 1994 May 15 - Talking about growth at First Parish, 1994.
- Box XII.1, Folder 36: 1994 December - Joseph and the Amazing Technicolor Dream Coat musical program, 1994.
- Box XII.1, Folder 37: 1995 April - Working musical program, 1995.
- Box XII.1, Folder 38: 1997 June - 100% Chance of Rain music program, 1997.
- Box XII.1, Folder 39: 1998 November 21 - Deborah Greeley memorial newspaper clipping, 1998.
- Box XII.7, Folder 4: 1990s (undated) - World Day of Prayer - Haiti recording, 1990s. Recording on audiocassette.
- Box XII.2, Folder 1: 2010 May 21-23 - Margaret Fuller Bicentennial Celebration, 2009-2010. Includes agendas, letters, schedules and some Unitarian Universalist Association materials related to Margaret Fuller.
- Box XII.2, Folder 2: 2011 Fall - 375th anniversary notes and records, 2011-2012. Includes follow-up materials.
- Box XII.2, Folder 3: 2011 Fall- 375th anniversary First Parish stories records, 2011. Consists of notes, timelines, interviews and printed scans of historical materials.
- Box XII.2, Folder 4: 2011 Fall - 375th anniversary "The Way We Were: a First Parish Retrospective, 1940-2000" program transcript, 2011 October 2011.
- Box XII.2, Folder 5: 2011 Fall - 375th anniversary "The Way We Were: a First Parish Retrospective, 1940-2000" drafts, 2011.
- Box XII.2, Folder 6: 2011 Fall - 375th anniversary "The 1990's: Lillian Anderson's notes from the annual reports", 2011.
- Box XII.2, Folder 7: 2011 Fall - 375th anniversary "Saturday After Dinner Program" agenda and script, 2011.
- Box XII.2, Folder 8: 2011 Fall - 375th anniversary programs and ephemera, 2011. Includes programs, schedules, tickets, and fliers.
- Box XII.2, Folder 9: 2011 November 14 - The Scarlet Letter [Abridged] program flier and press release, 2011. Transcendentalism Council event.
Series XII.A
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Records of events that occurred annually or weekly, or are part of the normal functions of the church, but are not necessarily services (e.g. ordinations of parishioners). Arranged chronologically.
- Box XII.3, Folder 1: Flower Sunday printed program, undated; circa 1940s.
- Box XII.3, Folder 2: Maundy Thursday service and supper records, 1967-2003, gaps. Mostly lists of participants and tasks; includes receipts and letters.
- Box XII.3, Folder 3: Christmas events, 1960s-1990s. Mostly programs. Includes Christmas concerts and tree lightings.
- Box XII.3, Folders 4-6: Church leadership conference materials, 1959, 1972, 1983, 1985-1987, 1990-1991, 1994, 1998. Includes meeting agenda (1972) and "First Parish Workbook for Officers and Committee Chairs" (removed from binder during processing) a binder of procedural and administrative information about the structure and functions of the church (1994). Church leadership conferences were also known as "Star Island" (the location of the conference), or "leadership retreat."
- Box XII.3, Folder 7: Men's Luncheon (later Monday-Friday club) records, 1972-1984.
- Box XII.3, Folder 8: Walden service materials, [1974], 1979, 1980. Includes Walden: A Unitarian Universalist Celebration based on Henry David Thoreau's "Walden, or Life in the Woods"and music of Franz Schubert—adapted, with visuals and dance, by Darrell Eubank [script] (Boston: Worship Arts Clearing House of the Department of Education and Social Concern, Unitarian Universalist Association, [1974?]); and program for [1974] production of celebration.
- Box XII.3, Folders 9-11: Talents and Treasures (TNT) auction records, 1981-1984, 1994. Includes talent forms, programs, lists and letters. Includes Night at the Casbah auction records, 1994.
- Box XII.6, Folder 7: Talents and Treasures (TNT) auction records, 1983-1986, 1992. Includes talent forms, programs, lists and letters.
- Box XII.3, Folder 12: First Parish Forum planning letter, 1985 April 1.
- Box XII.3, Folder 13: Parish dinner and tea attendee lists, 1985-1986, undated circa 1980s. Includes manuscript notes.
- Box XII.4, Folder 1: United Nations Sunday records, 1984-1987.
- Box XII.4, Folders 2-3: World Peace Day events gathered materials and records, circa 1985-1986. Consists mainly of gathered materials related to the international event, with some Peace Day dinner records.
- Box XII.4, Folder 4: Cakes for the Queen of Heaven program letter, 1987.
- Box XII.4, Folder 5: Ferry Beach map and sketch, 1989.
- Box XII.4, Folder 6: Trinitarian Congregational Church luncheon, 1989, 1990s.
- Box XII.4, Folder 7: Flier for multiple events, 1980s. Lists ice cream social, asbestos removal, and the leadership conference.
- Box XII.4, Folder 8: Ordinations (not of First Parish ministers), 1976, 1982, 1990-1992, 2002. Douglas Sears, Elizabeth Alcaide, Alan Bursley Shaw, Richard Myles Stower.
- Box XII.4, Folder 9: Sunday forum events list, circa 1990s. Manuscript list.
- Box XII.4, Folder 10: Audio recording of the Women's Retreat at Senexet House, circa 1990s.
Series XII.B
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Records of groups that administrated Parish events are documented in this series, and records of Parish social groups not tied to other Parish functions. Arranged chronologically.
- Box XII.5, Folder 1: Committee on Social and Religious Meetings report, 1869 April 10. Written by Ebenezer Rockwood Hoar.
- Box XII.5, Folders 2-3: Marion Wheeler Social Meetings Committee notebooks, 1952-1995. 7 spiral bound notebooks. Meeting lists and notes.
- Box XII.5, Folder 4: Social Meetings Committee materials, 1950s-1970s, 1985-1986 and undated. Includes an annual report poem (1952), multiple versions of instructions for Sunday Coffee (undated, 1960s), a letter from Mary McClintock regarding Sunday morning coffee (1969).
- Box XII.5, Folders 5: Coffee Hour Committee letters, 1991.
- Box XII.5, Folders 6-7: Hospitality Committee records, 1967-1974, 1984-1989. Includes reports, member lists, letters, church event lists and information. Many undated materials, including coffee hour instructions.
- Box XII.5, Folder 8: Concord luncheon group letter, 1980 November 5. Invitation by Rick Frese and Dwight Strong.
- Box XII.6, Folder 8: Fellowship interest groups records, circa 1981.
- Box XII.5, Folder 9: Singles Group, 1982, 1986.
- Box XII.5, Folder 10: Adult Education Committee records, 1985, 1991-1994. Letters (1985), letter and brochures (1991-1994). Also known as the Programs Council.
Series XII.C
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The bulk of this series relates to the regular First Parish publication From the Meeting House. The series also includes promotional materials (press releases and brochures), and gathered news clippings regarding the First Parish.
Series XIII
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Mostly bi-weekly (although uneven) based upon a year beginning in September and ending in June, with some summer issues. News from the Meeting House became a monthly publication in the 1990s. Volume numbering was uneven, while issues were mostly consistent; where there are noticeable gaps between issue holdings, the year and issue number are given. Church publications include advertisements for events, Dana Greeley letters, calendars (1980s, 1990s), and denominational publications (1980s-1990s).
- Box XIII.2, Folders 1: Issues of From the Meetinghouse, 1966-1968.
- Box XIII.2, Folder 2: Issues of From the Meetinghouse, 1968-1970.
- Box XIII.2, Folder 3: Issues of From the Meetinghouse, 1970-1972.
- Box XIII.2, Folder 4: Issues of From the Meetinghouse, 1972-1973.
- Box XIII.2, Folder 5: Issues of From the Meetinghouse, 1973-1977. Incomplete. Missing from 1974/1975, issues 13, 14, 16; 1975/1976 issues 8, 13, 1976/1977 issues 4, 14.
- Box XIII.2, Folder 6: Issues of From the Meetinghouse, 1977-1981. Incomplete. Missing from 1978/1979, issues 11, 1979/1980, issue 5; 1980/1981, issue 6 (partial), possibly missing a February issue, some redundant and missing numbering, missing January-August 1981.
- Box XIII.3, Folder 1: Issues of From the Meetinghouse, 1981-1984. Incomplete. Missing 1982/1983 issue 10; 1983/1984 possibly issue 11 (numbering issue).
- Box XIII.3, Folder 2: Issues of From the Meetinghouse, 1984-1986. Continued as News from the Meeting House starting 1986 February 26. Incomplete. Missing 1984/1985 issue 19; 1985/1986, issue 4; potential missing January-September 1987.
- Box XIII.3, Folder 3: Issues of News from the Meeting House, 1986-1988.
- Box XIII.3, Folder 4: Issues of News from the Meeting House, 1988-1990. Incomplete. Missing 1988/1989 issue 14, 19, 1989/1990 issue 13.
- Box XIII.3, Folder 5: Issues of News from the Meeting House, 1990-1992. Incomplete. Missing 1991/1992 issue 2.
- Box XIII.4, Folder 1: Issues of News from the Meeting House, 1992-1994. Incomplete. Missing 1993/1994 issue 2.
- Box XIII.4, Folder 2: Issues of News from the Meeting House, 1994-1996.
- Box XIII.4, Folder 3: Issues of News from the Meeting House, 1996-1999. Likely incomplete; volumes and issues stopped after January 1998 and resumed in 2000.
- Box XIII.4, Folder 4: Issues of News from the Meeting House, 2000-2004. Incomplete. Missing from 2000/2001, November 2000 issue; all issues of 2001/2002; 2002/2003 September 2002 issue 1, and May 2003 issue 10; 2003/2004 November 2003 issue 4.
- Box XIII.5, Folder 1: Issues of News from the Meeting House, 2004-2005. Incomplete. Missing from 2003/2004 May issue 10; and 2005/2006 all issues up to and including February issue 8.
- Box XIII.5, Folder 2: Issues of News from the Meeting House, 2006-2007.
- Box XIII.5, Folder 3: Issues of News from the Meeting House, 2007-2008.
- Box XIII.5, Folder 4: Issues of News from the Meeting House, 2009-2010. Incomplete. Missing from May 2009-October 2009 (at least 2009/2010 August and September issues).
- Box XIII.5, Folder 5: Issues of News from the Meeting House, 2010-2011. Up to May 2011.
- Box XIII.5, Folder 6: Mailing receipts from From the Meetinghouse, 1966-1969, circa 1989.
- Box XIII.5, Folder 7: News from the Meeting House publication records, 1986-1992. Bulk letters regarding the publication.
Series XIII.A
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Compiled scrapbooks and materials from scrapbooks, mostly containing newspaper clippings about the First Parish, its staff or its members; scrapbooks occasionally contain programs and other items from timely events.
- Box XIII.1, Folder 1: Scrapbook of news clippings having to do with First Parish church or First Parish members, 1982-1985. Includes some marriage and death announcements.
- Box XIII.1, Folder 2: Scrapbook of news clippings having to do with First Parish church or First Parish members, July 1972- October 1974. Includes some marriage and death announcements.
- Box XIII.1, Folder 3: Scrapbook of news clippings having to do with First Parish church or First Parish members, 1974-1976. Includes some marriage and death announcements.
- Box XIII.1, Folder 4: Scrapbook of news clippings having to do with First Parish church or First Parish members, 1976-1978. Includes some marriage and death announcements.
- Box XIII.1, Folder 5: Scrapbook of news clippings having to do with First Parish church or First Parish members, 1970-1971. Includes Dana McLean Greeley installation clippings and World Conference on Religion and Peace clippings.
- Box XIII.1, Folder 6: Scrapbook of news clippings having to do with First Parish church or First Parish members, 1978-1980.
- Box XIII.6, Folders 1-4: Newspaper clippings and ephemera, 1955, 1970, 1975-1976, 1982, 1985-1986, 1988, 1990-1996, 2005. Gathered clippings regarding First Parish news and members; likely removed from a bulletin board. Some photocopies. Includes Dana McLean Greeley obituaries and reviews of the book Meeting House on the Green. See also scrapbooks in this series.
- Box XIII.8, Folder 1: Newspaper clippings, 1997. Includes an article on the 250th anniversary of the Wright Tavern and an article of Gary E. Smith.
Series XIII.B
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Typed press releases and advertisements by the First Parish sent to outside publications with some related correspondence.
- Box XIII.7, Folders 1-3: Typed press releases, 1968-1974, 1984-1985. In reverse chronological order.
- Box XIII.7, Folder 4: Records of advertisements taken out for the First Parish, 1970-1980, 1992. Mostly forms with clippings sent from publications following the publication of advertisements; includes some letters and notes.
Series XIII.C
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Correspondence related to compiling and publication of the annual report.
See Series III, Standing Committee records and general governance, for copies of the Annual Report.
- Box XIII.6, Folder 5: Annual report administrative documents, 1972.
- Folder XIII.OV1: Annual Report 1980 run-master, circa 1980.
Series XIII.D
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- Box XIII.7, Folder 5: Brochures and booklets, 1915-1971. Calendar (1915 March); brochure (undated) welcoming newcomers; brochure (1941) containing order of worship, list of summer preachers, and historical information about First Parish and Concord; booklet ([1954]) by Edward Perry Daniels on First Parish, its history, government, religious education, Sunday school, music, and committees and associations; brochure (1971 May) by Roger Duncan on First Parish committees and associations and on membership.
- Box XIII.7, Folder 6: "Notes and Calendar", 1949, 1952.
- Box XIII.8, Folder 2: Overview of First Parish historical highlights, circa 1970s.
- Box XIII.8, Folder 3: Calendars, 1979-1987.
- Box XIII.7, Folder 7: Drafts, run-masters and brochures for the First Parish, 1980s, 1990s. Includes "The Meetinghouse in Concord: Crucible of History", a 1974 brochure outlining the history of the meeting house, presenting the case for refurbishment, and urging pledging to the Renovation Fund.
- Box XIII.7, Folder 8: Calendar, "Portrait of a Meeting House", 2005-2006. Includes listings of church events.
Series XIII.E
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Records of committees dedicated to political action, social justice and communal aid; arranged chronologically.
- Box XIV.1, Folder 1: Young People's Aid Society records, 1884-1892. Bound volume.
- Box XIV.1, Folder 2: Report of the Committee on External Charities, 1878 April 9. Manuscript report by E.R. Hoar.
- Box XIV.1, Folder 3: Records of the Public Affairs Committee, 1966.
- Box XIV.1, Folders 4-9: Records of the Social Responsibility Committee, 1967-1990s.
- Box XIV.1, Folder 10: Report, "History and Impact of Social Action Grants" materials, 2012. Report includes 2 DVDs of interviews and a CD of files, where possible files on the CD were printed out and are in the folder.
Series XIV
Series list
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Burned ruins of 3rd meeting house
Records related to documenting and preserving the history of the First Parish. The bulk of the series contains the records of the Archives Committee (and its predecessor, the History Committee), include the committee records related to 350th anniversary publication of the book Meeting House on the Green in 1985.
Series XV
Series list
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- Box XV.1, Folders 1-3: Records of the history and archives committees, 1954-1979. Records consist of letters, minutes, gathered materials.
Series XV.A
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Records relating to the book published by the First Parish by 1985, Meeting House on the Green.
- Box XV.1, Folders 4-8: Meeting House on the Green records, 1983-1989, 1991 and undated. Bulk 1983-1985. Includes drafts, research, and letters.
Series XV.B
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Lists of historical items owned, deposited and donated by the First Parish. Includes records of the 1981 microfilming of the historical records at the Concord Free Public Library at the time.
- Box XV.2, Folders 1-4: Inventories, lists and documents of provenance, 1956-2014. Includes letter regarding loans, additions and changes to permissions regarding deposits, and the 1979 microfilm inventory. Also includes inventories and early finding aid by Concord Free Public Library's special collections. Many of the inventories are not dated.
Series XV.C
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Formal and informally written histories related to the First Parish, its assets and its members.
- Box XV.2, Folder 3: "The Silver Communion Service of the First Parish Church in Concord, Massachusetts" by Gertrude Rideout, 1960s. Includes bibliography.
- Box XV.2, Folder 4: "The Parish and Church in Concord, some notes", 1960s. Typescript, unsigned.
- Box XV.2, Folder 5: The Church in Concord and its Ministers by Eric Parkman Smith, 1971. Booklet published by the First Parish Publications Committee. Includes brief notes, and copies with manuscript corrections.
- Box XV.2, Folder 6: "The Story of Our Archives" by Mary Fenn, 1970s. Typescript.
- Box XV.2, Folder 7: Tales of An Old Church by Mary Fenn (Concord, Massachusetts: Women's Parish Association, 1975).
- Box XV.2, Folder 8: Untitled manuscript and typescript fictional monologue of William Emerson, 1970s.
- Box XV.2, Folder 9: A heart of grateful trust : memoirs of Abigail Adams Eliot, transcribed and edited by Marjorie Gott Manning ( [Place of publication not identified] :[publisher not identified], 1982).
- Box XV.2, Folder 10: "Reminiscences of the Congregation, its beliefs, its size and some of its old time members, with some recollections of the Sunday School" by Eric Parkman Smith, 1984 July 1. Comb-bound draft with manuscript notes and note from Smith to "Annie."
- Box XV.2, Folder 11: "The Parish and Church in Concord" timeline, 1986 September. Labeled "Leadership Retreat."
- Box XV.2, Folder 12: "The Traditional Structure of Church, Parish and Society" by Eric Parkman Smith, 1986 September 13, 1987 November 5.
- Box XV.4:Two audiocassettes labeled "Roger Fenn, Lessons of my Life", 1980s.
- Box XV.2, Folder 13: "The Legend of the Clock", 1980s. Mentions the movement of the clock to the First Parish in 1981.
- Box XV.2, Folder 14: Untitled history of the First Parish, with map, 1980s.
- Box XV.2, Folder 15: Untitled brief history of the First Parish, signed Mary, undated, late 20th century.
- Box XV.2, Folder 16: "Eric Smith, Sylvia Klink and Ester Almgreen met to record Eric's recollections of the buildings on church green", 2000 July 19.
- Box XV.2, Folder 17: "First Parish in Concord Establishes Itself as a Large Church", paper by Donna C. Davis, 2005. Paper written for a history course.
Series XV.D
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Reproductions of historical documents and compiled historical information related to the First Parish.
- Box XV.3, Folder 1: Clippings, 1901, 1970s.
- Box XV.3, Folder 2: Reproductions of First Parish records, undated. Includes photographic and photocopied reproductions.
- Box XV.3, Folder 3: Historical research photocopies, undated. Not published by nor specifically about the First Parish, many without cover pages or references. Includes some manuscript notes.
- Box XV.3, Folder 4: Gathered historical publications, 1959, 1962, 1970s, 1983. Includes a history of the church at Odell where Peter Bulkeley, first minister of the First Parish preached.
Series XV.E
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Gathered visuals (photographs, images, and video) of First Parish staff, members, events, and buildings. Photographs of Parish events make up the bulk of the photograph and image series. 5 inch by 7 inch photographs and 4 inch by 6 inch photographs are stored separately, grouped by series and arranged chronologically. Envelopes may include more description than is available in the container list. Some photographs were removed from other parts of the collection.
Series XVI
Series list
Finding aid top
- Box XVI.1, Folder 1: Foam-mounted photographs, 1950. Most photographs removed from foam-core board.
- Box XVI.1, Folder 2: Choir party photograph album, 1960s. Photographs pasted to pages with comments.
- Box XVI.1, Folder 3: Photographs used for Canvass brochure, 1976. Includes contact prints and loose photographs.
- Box XVI.1, Folder 4: "Miscellaneous contact photos", 1970s. Photographs and negatives of Women's Parish Association events, Dana McLean Greeley, Patrick Green.
- Box XVI.1, Folders 5-6: Photograph album, 1970s-1980s. Removed from binder. Photographs pasted to pages. Includes manuscript notes and a rough table of contents, listed here: Late 1970s - The Diepto Family; 1980 - Parishioners, Fund-raising dinner, auction, WPA Board, Christmas Pageant; 1981 - WPA 100th Anniversary, Christmas; 1982; Dana Greeley, Doug Baker, Harriet Hall; 1983 - Church Picnic, Fall Leadership Conference; Religious Education; 1984 - "The Addition" for the 350th celebration, Christmas Eve service and children, George King fixing the impossible, Parish on Parade; 1985 - Concord's 350th, Parish on Parade, Setting the time capsule in the weathervane, Church council at Star Island, Luncheon for Pastor from Odell, England, First Parish staff, Peace Ribbon, Washington D.C., David Schemer, organist, Christmas Crafts Workshops and Christmas; 1986 - Dedication of Dana Greeley Foundation; Roger Fenn's Birthday; Lucinda Duncan and Charles Wilson; Lucinda Duncan's Installation and Ordination, religious education Christmas, Christmas Crafts, Dedication of the Seavey Christmas tree; 1987 - Staff, end of year staff party, Senexet Leadership Retreat, Religious Education, Y.R.U.U., Choir Party, Flowers, Christmas Crafts Workshop, Parishioners.
- Box XVI.1, Folder 7: Photographs and slides removed from the clippings and ephemera scrapbook, 1970-1980.
- Box XVI.1, Folder 8: Photographs removed from the Women's Parish Association centennial yearbook, 1981.
- Volume (shelved unboxed): Photograph album, Religious education, 1982-1985. Includes photographs of staff, students. events and classes.
- Box XVI.1, Folder 9: Annual report photographs, 1983-1990s. Gathered pages.
- Box XVI.9, Folder 1: Images considered for/used in Meeting House on the Green (1985):, circa 1985. Photographs of paintings of Rev. Peter Bulkeley and Rev. Dana M. Greeley; slide and photograph of Elizabeth Wentworth Roberts painting (1913), Concord Women Sewing for the Belgian Refugees; photographs and negatives of church record book; photographs, transparencies, and slide of Wright Tavern painting; 5" x 7"black and white photograph of Dana and Deborah Greeley; color photographs of flowers in the church; color photographs of bell, belfry, and weathervane; masked color photograph of weathervane; slide of 19th century photograph of Ralph Waldo Emerson in lecture stance; copy print of 19th century photograph of Humphrey Barrett house on Monument Street. Materials in this and the following folders were presented to the CFPL by John Teele, 09/05/85.
- Box XVI.9, Folder 2: Images considered for/used in Meeting House on the Green (1985):, circa 1985. Box 21, Folder 2: Photographs of Peter Bulkeley portrait, including negatives; photograph and transparencies of Edward Waldo Emerson painting of Rev. William Emerson departing from the Old Manse in 1776; photographs of Church of All Saints, Odell, England, and proof of plate from The Meeting House on the Green incorporating one of them; mixed photocopy and photographs for illustrative and reference purposes.
- Box XVI.9, Folder 3: Images considered for/used in Meeting House on the Green (1985):, circa 1985. Miscellaneous photographs (some color, some black and white); engraved presentation note for copy of Meeting House on the Green presented to Linda Woodford (1985 July); photostats of several images, and proofs of images used as endpaper illustrations.
- Folder XVI.OV2: Images considered for/used in Meeting House on the Green (1985):, circa 1985. Laminated rubbings (in red and blue) from Hill Burying Ground, with label of Dr. Marilyn Nicosin.
- Box XVI.9, Folder 4: Exhibition images and labels for Concord Free Public Library display on publication of The Meeting House on the Green (1985):, circa 1985. Some images duplicate items in previous folders, some are not included there. Folder includes notice announcing the publication of the book.
- Volume (shelved unboxed): Photograph album, Religious education, 1985-1988. Includes photographs of staff, students. events and classes.
- Box XVI.2, Folder 1: The Diepto Family Reunion, 1987. Bulk laminated pages with printed text.
- Box XVI.2, Folder 1: Photograph album pages "Star Island Leadership Retreat", 1985 September. Photographs pasted to paper.
- Box XVI.2, Folders 2-11: Ferry Beach photograph album, 1985-1987, 1991, 1994, 1997, 1999, 2001. Removed from binder. Photographs pasted to pages. Includes manuscript notes and some loose items. Contains photographs from June 1985; June 1986; June 1987; June 1991; June 1994; May 1997; May 22-25, 1998; May 28-31, 1999; May 2001.
- Box XVI.2, Folder 12: Photographs from the clippings and ephemera scrapbooks, 1985-1987.
- Box XVI.2, Folder 13: Ministerial candidate search packet, 1987. Removed from binder. Materials provided to candidates for the Minister with information about the First Parish. Photographs pasted in.
- Box XVI.2, Folder 14: 1988 Annual report run master, 1987-1988. Annual report pages with photographs pasted on.
- Box XVI.2, Folder 15: Associate Minister search packets, 1989. Two copies, removed from binder. Materials provided to candidates for the Associate Minister with information about the First Parish. Photographs pasted in.
- Box XVI.2, Folders 16-17: Photograph album, 1988-1991, 1988-1989. Removed from binder. Photographs pasted to pages. Includes manuscript notes and a rough table of contents, listed here: 1988- Vote to call Gary Smith; Canvass Dinner; Herb Garden Tea; Geneva Point; Star Island; WPA Crafts Fair; Denali Service; Christmas Pageant; New Member Sunday; Standing Committee. 1989 - Christmas decorating; Canvass Dinner; Coffee Hour; Outside views of church. Continued in box XVI.3.
- Box XVI.3, Folders 1-2: Photograph album, 1988-1991, 1990-1991. Removed from binder. Photographs pasted to pages. Continuing from box XVI.2. Contains 1990 - Christmas Eve; A.Y.S. at Boynton's; Geneva Point; Purity Springs. 1991 - Twelfth Night; Valentine Ball; Staff retreat, Briarwood; Star Island planning retreat; Reception for Rev. Nagamoto of Tokyo; Christmas Crafts; Christmas Pageant; Revels Party.
- Volume (shelved unboxed): Photograph album, Religious education, 1989-1990. Includes photographs of staff, events and classes.
- Box XVI.3, Folder 3: Photograph album pages, musical performances, 1980s. Includes bell ringing concert, "Rainbow Express, Spring 1985", and Christmas performances.
- Box XVI.3, Folder 4: Music! Music! Music! Photograph album, 1991 May 10-11. Removed from binder. Includes loose images.
- XVI.3, Folders 5: Annual report photographs, 1993-1997. Photographs pasted to pages with comments.
- Box XVI.3, Folders 6-7: Photograph album, 1992-1993, 1996. Removed from binder. Photographs pasted to pages. Includes manuscript notes and a rough table of contents, listed here: 1/28/92 - Staff retreat, Senexet; 1/92 Women's Retreat, Religious education teachers, winter 1992; 2/92 Secret Pals, Leap Year Dance; 3/92 - Peace Abbey; 92 Wonderful Wednesdays; 91 and 92 Monday Marriage Group; Spring '92 - Church School Groups; 4/92 - Youth Group Retreat to Virginia; 6/92 - General Assembly, Calgary, Canada; 8/92 - Auction Planning Party; 9/92 Leadership Conference; 9/92 Religious Education families, Opening Sunday; 12/92 - Godspell dress rehearsal, Christmas Crafts; 1/93 Women's Retreat; 2/93 - Staff retreat, Peterborough, NH; 3/93 - Sabbatical Send-off Sunday; 10/93 - Graham-Shulz Post-Wedding Party; 12/93 Pippen; 12/96 - new members.
- Box XVI.3, Folders 8-9: Photograph album, 1996-2001. Removed from binder. Photographs pasted to pages. Includes manuscript notes.
- Box XVI.4, Folder 1: Photograph album, "The Lovely Staff of First Parish in Concord", 1997-1998. Includes staff photographs with some biographical information.
- Box XVI.4 Folder 2: Photograph album, "Chapel Dedication Book", 2001 February. Religious education chapel dedication, few photographs, includes a history of the religious education wing of the First Parish, and a list of donors.
- Box XVI.4 Folders 3-4:Photograph album, 2001-2002.
Series XVI.A
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- Folder XVI.OV4: Large event photographs, early 20th century, 1930, 1990s, 2001. YPRU Star Island group photograph, rolled (1930); Ferry Beach May 2001.
- Box XVI.5, Folder 1: Photographs and negatives of child's art for canvass, circa 1972-1973.
- Box XVI.5, Folder 2: Bicentennial of the Concord Fight photographs and negatives, circa 1975. Includes Concord Bridge Photograph featuring Dana McLean Greeley and Gerald Ford (4 copies, 1 negative).
- Box XVI.5, Folder 3: World Conference on Religion and Peace negatives, 1979.
- Box XVI.5, Folder 4: Leadership retreat at Senexet, 1984 September.
- Box XVI.5, Folder 5: Star Island, 1985 September. Contact prints.
- Box XVI.5, Folder 6: Unlabeled contact prints and negatives, 1980s. Possibly photographs related to the Concord Area Jewish Group (CAJG).
- Box XVI.5, Folder 7: Leadership retreat at Senexet, 1996 September. Photograph is of the Church Council.
- Box XVI.5, Folder 8: Ferry Beach photographs, 1997. Group photographs.
- Box XVI.5, Folder 9: Working, the musical, 1990s. Mounted photograph.
- Box XVI.7:Event photographs, 4 inch x 6 inch and 5 inch by 7 inch photographs and negatives, 1990s-2000s. Includes photographs of Bicentennial Anniversary, Parish Fair, Dana Greeley's installation, 50th Anniversary of Dana Greeley (1982), extended families, Ferry Beach, Star Island, 350th anniversary, religious education events.
- Box XVI.8:Event photographs, 4 inch x 6 inch photographs and negatives, 1990s-2000s. Includes photographs of: Auctions, Women's retreats (1990s), Christmas Crafts workshop, Women's Parish Association events (including teas and annual meetings), Secret Pals, Fall Leadership meetings, Unitarian Universalist Association General Assembly, Homecoming Sunday, City Year Serveathon, Newcomer's orientation, the memorial service for Deborah Greeley. There are also many miscellaneous event photographs at the very end of the box.
Series XVI.B
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- Box XVI.6, Folder 9: Ministers (Bulkeley; Jones; Ripley; Daniels), 1960s-1982. Color snapshot of 17th century (?) portrait of Peter Bulkeley, founder and first minister of Concord, postcards of locations in Odell (England) associated with Bulkeley, and mounted photograph of portrait of Peter Bulkeley, grandson of founder and first minister of Concord; typed letter signed (copy) by Gertrude H. Rideout to "My dear Lord Luke,"Concord, 1967 May 26, regarding the two Bulkeley portraits, and typescript account, "The Quest for the Missing Portrait,"by Miss Rideout; photographs of St. Andrew's church in Abbot's Ripton (former church of John Jones), circa 1982; mounted cabinet card photograph by Alfred Munroe of silhouette of Ezra Ripley; printed photograph of Edward Perry Daniels.
- Box XVI.5, Folder 10: Ministers - Arthur Jellis, 1960s.
- Box XVI.5, Folder 11: Staff - Various, 1974-1975. Group portraits, some photoshopped.
- Folder XVI.OV4: Cover from "Know These Concordians", 1975. Cover image photograph.
- Box XVI.5, Folder 12: Staff - Dana McLean Greeley with Lucinda Duncan, Roger Duncan and James Robinson, late 1970s. Mounted portrait in card.
- Box XVI.5, Folder 13: Ministers - Dana McLean Greeley portrait with the Minute Man Statue, 1970s. Mounted portrait in card.
- Box XVI.5, Folder 14: Staff - group portrait contact prints with negatives, 1970s. Includes negatives.
- Box XVI.5, Folder 15: Staff - Various, 1970s.
- Box XVI.5, Folder 16: Ministers - photograph of image of Grindall Reynolds with his signature, 1970s (original image undated in photograph).
- Box XVI.5, Folder 17: Staff - Dana McLean Greeley with Deborah Greeley, "Appleseed" and James Robinson, late 1970s. Mounted portrait in card.
- Volume (shelved unboxed): Framed photographs of Dana McLean Greeley memorial service, 1980s. Includes statement by Doug Baker.
- Box XVI.5, Folder 18: Ministers - Adele Smith Penniman (assistant minister), 1995. Photographs from her 1995 application packet.
- Box XVI.7:Staff, 4 inch x 6 inch, 5 inch x 7 inch photographs and negatives, 1970s-1990s. Approximately 15 envelopes of photographs. Includes photographs of: Dana McLean Greeley, Patrick Greene, Ralph Waldo Emerson's confirmation of members, the Ezra Ripley portrait, and Arthur Jellis.
- Box XVI.6, Folder 10: Members, 1870s-1981. Elliott & Fry carte de visite photograph of Ellen Tucker Emerson ([187-?]); snapshots of Frederick Klinck, Charles Dee, and Robert and Lucile Needham, and negatives for same (1981); 5" x 7"photograph of three unidentified men.
Series XVI.C
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- Box XVI.7, : Members, 4 inch x 6 inch, 5 inch x 7 inch photographs and negatives, 19th century, 1980s-1990s. Includes photographs of: Louise Bourquain, Miriam Grandle Urban, religious education students and teachers, Eric Parkman Smith, and new members, 1996.
- Box XVI.5, Folder 19: Photograph of unidentified members/people in front of the meeting house, circa 1960.
- Volume (shelved unboxed): Framed photograph of the Diepto family, 1980. Signed by Claire Gifford Griffiths.
- Box XVI.5, Folder 20: Roger Fenn, 1985.
- Box XVI.5, Folder 21: Member portraits and member photographs, 1980s.
- Folder XVI.OV3: Meeting house, exterior - large mounted photograph of third meeting house, late 19th century.
Series XVI.D
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Series XVI.E
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- XVI.6, Folder 1: Meeting house, exterior - photograph of the ruins of third meeting house after fire of 1900, circa 1900. 4" x 5"mounted photograph of ruins and bystanders.
- Box XVI.6, Folders 2-3: Meeting house, exterior - photographs, late 19th century-1970s. Photographs of the meeting house, many unsigned and undated. Folder 2 includes: Photograph of sketch (original in Concord Museum) of third meeting house before 1841 remodeling; three mounted late 19th century photographs of remodeled third meeting house; one late 19th century photograph (printed on card stock) and two postcards (one color) of third meeting house, and one copy print from late 19th century photograph; assortment of photographs, postcards, and calendar with color illustration showing fourth meeting house (dedicated 1901), including two prints by Anderson & Wood; six 8" x 10"black and white photographs of fourth meeting house, and one mounted 5" x 7"print. Folder 3 includes: 1 mounted aerial photograph of the First Parish and Concord, 1948; four mounted 8" x 10"black and white prints of fourth meeting house (one of them also in 5" x 7"mounted form), all dated 1955, and one 8" x 10"mounted 1955 aerial photograph of meeting house and vicinity; one color slide showing meeting house in 1955, before Sunday school addition, and one snapshot showing construction of Sunday school addition; one matted, undated 8" x 10"black and white print of fourth meeting house; assortment of photographs of fourth meeting house (including three 8" x 10"black and white prints, one 8" x 10"negative, and one color print of First Parish at the time of the 1975 bicentennial of the Concord Fight).
- Box XVI.7:Property photographs, 4 inch x 6 inch, 5 inch x 7 inch photographs and negatives, early 20th century, 1950s, 1980s-1990s. Includes photographs of: Meeting house, exterior and interior, including the 1841 building, and interiors of the religious education wing, 1980; construction projects; the Wright Tavern; and flowers.
- Volume (shelved unboxed): Framed photographs signed by William W. Anderson, 1970s.
- Box XVI.6, Folder 4: Meeting house, exterior - photographs, 1989, 2000s. Includes taped together panoramic photograph collage of the Meeting house and its grounds, 1989, and photographs of construction, 2000s.
- Box XVI.6, Folder 5: Interior of meeting house:, late 19th century, early 20th century. A selection of photographs, including: two late 19th century card stereographs; snapshot of organ; two color slides and print from one of them; black and white 8" x 10"photographs of sanctuary, organ, kitchen, chapel, parlor, stage, etc.; four 8" x 10"negatives of sanctuary and organ.
- Volume (shelved unboxed): Framed photograph: interior of meeting house, 1960s. Framed photograph with inscription on the back stating that the photograph was owned by Arthur Jellis and given to Dana McLean Greeley.
- Box XVI.6, Folder 6: Meeting house images (non photographic). Includes post cards, and printed photographs of the meeting house exterior.
- Box XVI.6, Folder 7: Line cut block image of exterior of fourth meeting house for First Parish letterhead, late 19th century or early 20th century.
- Box XVI.6, Folder 8: Camera-ready copy for First Parish letterhead, including cut of exterior of fourth meeting house, late 19th century or early 20th century. Letter head mock-up includes manuscript notes.
- Volume (shelved unboxed): Framed etching print of the First Parish, 20th century. Signed C.M. Goff.
- Box XVI.6, Folder 11: Wright Tavern:, Late 19th century. One late 19th century sepia print showing Wright Tavern and third meeting house, and one 20th century black and white 8" x 10"photograph of Wright Tavern, stamped on back "Arthur F. March Jr., D.D."
Series XVI.E.1
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- Folder XVI.OV1: Stow House (parsonage):, Late 19th century. One mounted late 19th century photograph of the Stow House (side view).
- Box XVI.6, Folder 12: Stow House (parsonage):, Late 19th century. One mounted late 19th century photograph of the Stow House (92 Walden Street; used as First Parish parsonage) (see also Oversize Folder XVI.OV1).
- Folder XVI.OV4: Wright Tavern, early 20th century. Large print (not on photographic paper).
- Box XVI.6, Folder 13: Church Green: Four mounted 8" x 10"black and white prints of buildings on Church Green, 1955.
- Box XVI.5, Folder 22: Thayer and Ball house, 1959.
- XVI.5, Folder 22: White Cottage, 1996. Includes photograph of White Cottage tenant.
- Box XVI.6, Folder 14: Church silver, early 20th century, 1955, late 1970s. One cut print (silver nitrate?) of church sliver; one 8" x 10"black and white photograph of church silver, taken by William W. Anderson (1955); three undated 8" x 10"black and white photographs of church silver, one of them including Rev. Dana M. Greeley; four color snapshots of silver articles ([197-?]).
Series XVI.E.2
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- Box XVI.5, Folder 24: Organ photographs: Console, undated, circa 2002. Printed photographs.
- Box XVI.5, Folder 24: Organ photographs: D.C. Electrical, A.C. electrical, undated, circa 2002. Printed photographs.
- Box XVI.5, Folder 25: Organ photographs: Wind supply and blower, undated, circa 2002. Printed photographs with printed email correspondence.
Series XVI.E.3
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- Box XVI.10:Video cassettes, 1980s-1990s. VHS video cassettes. Contains: UUA General Assembly highlights 1987; UUA General Assembly highlights 1988; "Abortion: For Survival", by Toni Carabillo and the Fund for the Feminist Majority, 1989; "A History of Unitarian Universalism Movement in North America" (featuring Dana McLean Greeley), circa 1980s; the First Parish service 1990 March 11 (Laszlo Tokes visit), 3 copies; First Parish service (Gary Smith sermon "If we do not build, how can we live?), 1990 March 25; First Parish Youth Sunday service 1990 April 1; First Parish service (Gary Smith sermon, "The Growing Light" and bell ringers), 1990 April 8; First Parish service "The Beatles", 1990 October 28 and 1990 November 2 cassettes; "Free Romania" (possibly informational material for a meeting) circa 1990.
- Box XVI.11:Video cassettes, 1990-1999 and undated. VHS video cassettes. Contains: Save Transylvania, 1991 and "Center for Free Religion Report, 1992"; "Elizabeth Dodson Gray, 'Saving Ourselves and the Planet'", 1992 February 2; "Unitarian Universalism: An Heretical History", 1993 June 13, 2 copies; "Mister Emerson Returns", Service at California's UU Church, 1994 August 21 "as interpreted by True Boardman"; Erik Wikstrom's ordination, 1995 May 24; 1995 October video "UU History"; "Poppy Trails by Melissa Richards" 1999 April 12; "Have I told you today..Alexander D. and David M. Manshel", 1999 April; "Bowen/Stephenson, Rocks & Character", FHVF 1999; Beth Graham, circa 1990s; Conant Road, undated; "Sydney's Story", undated.
Series XVI.F
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Visitor sign-in books for First Parish services and event.
- Box XVII.1, Folder 1: Guest book, 1943-1949.
- Box XVII.1, Folder 2: Guest book, 1950-1952.
- Box XVII.1, Folder 3: Guest book, 1952-1965.
- Box XVII.1, Folder 4: Guest sign-in pages, head count, and First Parish historical information, circa 1982-1983.
- Volume (shelved unboxed): Guest book, 1989-2005.
- Box XVII.1, Folder 5: Visitor-related records, undated, circa 1989. Includes photocopied guest book page, visitor's forms, typed list of visitors circa February 1989, and a copy of Galloway's Church Catalog.
- Box XVII.1, Folder 6: Visitor's forms, 1991-1992. Consists of filled-out forms. Includes some manuscript notes.
Series XVII
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- Box XVIII.1:Two skeleton keys to the third meeting house door, 18th or 19th century.
- Box XVIII.2:Piece of wood from third meeting house, formerly mounted on cardboard along with two photographs of Fitchburg Turnpike house to which the porch of the third meeting house was removed after the fire of 1900 April 12. (Wood no longer mounted to cardboard.) Gift of Esther Anderson, 18th or 19th century.
- Box XVIII.2:Two blocks of wood (oak) salvaged from the third meeting house of the First Parish (burned 1900 April 12), 18th or 19th century.
- Box XVIII.2:Piece of metal from bell (destroyed by fire in 1900) of third meeting house, 18th or 19th century.
- Box XVIII.2:Two nails from third meeting house, picked up after 1900 fire, 18th or 19th century.
- Box XVIII.2:Vestry key, hanging from brass medallion stamped "First Parish Concord. Vestry.", 18th or 19th century.
- Box XVIII.2:King's Daughters pendant (formée cross), hanging from green cloth tape marked "Frank Wheeler Farm, Concord, Mass." Gift of Esther Anderson, 20th century.
- Box XVIII.3:Objects made from wood from the fourth meeting house of First Parish, undated, circa 1900. Two items:
- Gavel made from wood from the fourth meeting house of the First Parish. Framed shadow box. Inscribed "These two gavels were made at the Concord Reformatory from wood of the Old First Parish which burnt down in the year 1900, The wood procured by J.J. Connorton."
- Carved, finished block of wood, "From a timber of the Old Meeting House, Concord, Built 1712-Burned 1900, cut by Archer C Davis 1936, for the Women's Parish Association."
Series XVIII
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Only those items that could not be considered records of the church—even under a loose interpretation of that term—were included in this series.
Series XIX
Series list
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- Box XIX.3 :The Holy Bible (London : John Baskett, and the Assigns of Thomas Newcomb and Henry Hills, 1713), family bible of the Ephraim Browne family. Contains Browne family birth and death dates in manuscript.
- Volume (shelved unboxed): The Holy Bible, Containing the Old and New Testaments: Newly Translated out of the Original Tongues: And with the Former Translations Diligently Compared and Revised, By His Majesty's Special Command. Appointed to be Read in Churches (London: Printed by Mark Baskett, Printer to the King's most Excellent Majesty; and by the Assigns of Robert Baskett, 1767). Two volumes. Presented to the First Parish in 1792 by Azor G. Archibald (inscriptions of presentation on front lining leaves).
- Volume (shelved unboxed): The Holy Bible: Containing the Old and New Testaments: Translated Out of the Original Tongues, and with the Former Translations Diligently Compared and Revised (Boston: Printed by Greenough and Stebbins, for Hastings, Etheridge and Bliss, E. Larkin, Thomas and Andrews, D. West, Andrews and Cummings, Manning and Loring, J. West and Co. and O.C. Greenleaf, 1809). Inscribed in ink on front lining leaf: "(1815.) For the use of the Deacons of / the Church in Concord, / Given by / A friend." Inscribed in pencil below this: "Deacon Parkman." Presented by Mary R. Fenn.
- Box XIX.1:The Holy Bible : containing the Old and New Testaments (Philadelphia : Jesper Harding & Son, 1858). Gift of "the School" to First Parish.
- Volume (shelved unboxed): Die Bibel oder die ganze Heilige Schrift des Alten und Neuen Testaments, nach der deutschen Uebersetzung Dr. Martin Luthers (Frankfurt am Mein: Gedrucht für die britische und ausländische Bibelgesellschaft, 1882). Inscribed on front paste-down endpaper: Anna Riemey / … 1883." ALS (1891 July 10) laid in.
- Volume (shelved unboxed): The Holy Bible, containing the Old and New Testaments: translated out of the original tongues, being the revised version set forth A.D. 1881-1885, with the readings and renderings preferred by the American revision companies incorporated in the text and with copyright marginal references. Printed for the universities of Oxford and Cambridge (New York: Oxford University Press, 1898). Gift of Loren MacDonald (inscribed), 1909 November 19.
- Volume (shelved unboxed): Jubilate Deo : a book of hymns and tunes for young and old (Boston : G.H. Ellis, ©1900. Inscribed "Guild of the First Parish in Concord, Massachusetts from Miss Caroline Hoar, October 1st 1900."
Series XIX.A
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- Box XIX.2, Folder 1: Manuscript lecture "Phrenology in 1832", 1832. Probable author: William Whiting, who delivered a lecture on phrenology before the Concord Lyceum in late 1832 (1832 December 26; see records of the Concord Lyceum, CFPL). From the 1996 gift of Mrs. John Parker to the church. Items from the Parker gift were dispersed throughout the First Parish records during their processing, Spring 2005.
For a complete listing of the 1996 Parker gift as it came to the First Parish, see Series XV.C. Inventories, lists and documents of provenance
- Box XIX.2, Folder 2: Manuscript diary, 1838 September 9-1840 January 12; incomplete. Author unidentified. Diary describes spiritual concerns of a student at Brown University. From the 1996 gift of Mrs. John Parker to the church.
For a complete listing of the 1996 Parker gift as it came to the First Parish, see Series XV.C. Inventories, lists and documents of provenance
- Box XIX.2, Folder 3: Schulman, J. Frank. Ralph Waldo Emerson. His Life; His Work; His Theology (Houston, Texas: Emerson Unitarian Church, 1965). Inscribed by the author. Printed pamphlet.
Series XIX.B
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Series XIX.C
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