Bartlett Family Papers, 1816-1972

Vault A45, Bartlett, Unit 1
Extent: 1.1 linear feet (2 boxes)
Organization and Arrangement: Three series: Series I. Samuel R. Bartlett and Eva M.W. Bartlett Papers, 1816-1972, and undated; Series II. Papers of other children of Josiah and Martha T.B. Bartlett, 185[ ]-1914, and undated; Series III. Sarah R. Bartlett Papers, 1892-1928, and undated
Items removed from family scrapbook in Series I are arranged chronologically.
Biography: Dr. Josiah Bartlett (Concord, Mass., physician) and Martha Tilden Bradford of Waltham announced their intent to marry in November 1821. Their children were Martha (born 1824); Gorham (1826); James Walker (1828); Elizabeth B. (1830); author George Bradford (1832); Samuel Ripley (1837); Annie Keyes (1840); Edward Jarvis (1842); and (David) Bradford. In 1863, James moved to Detroit and became superintendent of the Detroit Locomotive Works (later Buhl Locomotive Works). Samuel joined James in Detroit in 1864 and took a job as draftsman at the Locomotive Works. Inspired by the Social Circle in Concord, Samuel and James were founding members of the Detroit Prismatic Club (founded in 1867). Samuel married Eva Myrtle Whitcomb in 1881. Their daughter Sarah Ripley Bartlett was Librarian of the Concord Free Public Library from 1920 to 1953.
Scope and Content: Scrapbooks, albums, correspondence, manuscripts, composition book, autograph album, birthday book, photograph albums, and loose photos.
Series Descriptions:
Series I. Samuel R. Bartlett and Eva M.W. Bartlett Papers 1816-1972, and undated: includes family scrapbook containing items 1816-1902, among them: papers of Josiah and Martha T.B. Bartlett, 1816-1878 (including marriage intention, 1861 pass from military headquarters in Washington, address before Massachusetts Medical Society, ALS from William Lloyd Garrison, biographical and obituary sketches of Dr. Bartlett); papers of Samuel R. Bartlett, 1862-1864; papers of George Bradford Bartlett, 1875-1896 (including ALS from George William Curtis, ALS from Edward Jarvis, manuscript Poems); miscellaneous correspondence (Louisa May Alcott to Miss Bartlett, Charles Carroll Everett to unidentified correspondent, George Frisbie Hoar to “My dear [Ebenezer] Rockwood [Hoar]”); clippings (poems, obituaries, George Bradford Bartlett’s poems, notices and reviews of his writings, accounts of events and people in or related to Concord); printed ephemera. Series also includes Samuel R. Bartlett scrapbook 1857-1860 (primarily clippings of writings by Samuel R. Bartlett), Samuel and Eva M.W. Bartlett scrapbook 1876-1886, William O. Whitcomb album 1843-1846, and file relating to involvement of Samuel and James in Prismatic Club of Detroit (correspondence to and from Sarah R. Bartlett, photocopied Samuel R. Bartlett ALS, article by Philip P. Mason on Club).
Series II. Papers of other children of Josiah and Martha T.B. Bartlett 185[ ]-1914, and undated: includes ALS from Martha Bartlett to Edward J. Bartlett (“Ned”), 1914 obituary of Edward, manuscript poems of George Bradford Bartlett ([1864]-1895), unidentified composition book ([185-]-1855, possibly Whitcomb rather than Bartlett), and unidentified tintypes.
Series III. Sarah R. Bartlett Papers 1892-1928, and undated: includes miscellaneous papers (among them a pencil sketch of Sarah R. Bartlett), autograph album 1892-1895, birthday book 1911-1967, photograph albums, and loose photographs.
Sources of Acquisition: Most of papers: Sarah R. Bartlett gift. Several items: Philip A. Davis, Jr. gift; 1993.
Associated Materials: The Concord Free Public Library Special Collections include the following other Bartlett family papers: Annie Keyes Bartlett Letters to Edward Jarvis Bartlett, 1860-1865 (Vault A45, Bartlett, Unit 2); Bartlett-Jackson Family Papers, 1832-1966 (Vault, A45, Bartlett, Unit 3). Other Bartlett materials can be located in the Minuteman Library Network Catalog.
Notes/Comments: One George Bradford Bartlett poem (“In memory of Col. G.L. Prescott”) was transferred from Letter File 3, B3 in Mar. 1995 by LPW. Items from the Bartlett family scrapbook, 1916-1902 were dismounted, washed, buffered, etc. in 1977 by NEDCC.
Processed By: LPW, 1995. Finding aid prepared by Karen Chmielewski, April 2007.
Container List:
Series I. Samuel R. Bartlett and Eva M.W. Bartlett Papers 1816-1972, and undated
Scrapbook items, dismounted (scrapbook containing items 1816-1902), items described in full.
Box 1, Folder 1:
Scrapbook pages. Clippings, letters, etc., dismounted, washed, de-acidified, mended by NEDCC, 22 March 1977. Includes some pages with notations and some pages with clippings that were not removed.
Box 1, Folder 2:
Josiah and Martha Tilden Bradford Bartlett papers, 1816-1878:
- Receipts
- Marriage intention, 17 Dec. 1821
- ALS to unknown recipient from “Mother”
- ALS to “Sarah” from “Martha”
- Pass from military headquarters in Washington, 1861
- Manuscript address before Massachusetts Medical Society
- ALS from William Lloyd Garrison to Dr. Josiah Bartlett, 1 June 1869
- Biographical and obituary sketches of Dr. Bartlett
Box 1, Folder 3:
Samuel Ripley Bartlett papers, 1862-1864:
- ALS from Charles G. Leland, 12 April 1862
- Relief Agent of the Security Commission Certification from U.S. Sanitary Commission, 2 July 1864
Box 1, Folder 4:
George Bradford Bartlett papers, 1875-1896:
- George Bradford Bartlett stationery
- Manuscript poems (“The River,” “The Boat,” “The Colonels Corn,” untitled (read at memorial meeting for C.H. Williams))
- ALS from George William Curtis, undated
- ALS from Levi Bartlett, 21 May 1880
- ALS from Edward Jarvis, 30 July 1880
- ALS from “A.B. for Perry Mason” on Youth’s Companion Office letterhead, 5 Nov 1880 (relating to acceptance of and payment for article)
- Manuscript “Selections read at Uncle George’s funeral by Dr. Briggs” [1896]
Box 1, Folder 5:
Miscellaneous letters:
- ALS from Louisa May Alcott to Miss Bartlett, Dec. 26 (no year)
- ALS from Charles Carroll Everett to unidentified correspondent, 19 May 1875
- ALS from George Frisbie Hoar to “My dear Rockwood,” 28 June 1880
Box 1, Folder 6:
Scrapbook items, 1853:
- “Christmas In Concord” (clipping from Commonwealth)
- “Look Up” by Samuel Ripley Bartlett (clipping from the Christian Register)
Box 1, Folder 7:
Scrapbook items, 1860:
- Death notice: Martha Tilden Bradford Bartlett (clipping)
Box 1, Folder 8:
Scrapbook items, 1864:
- The Late Dr. John C. Dalton (clipping)
Box 1, Folder 9:
Scrapbook items, 1865:
- The Late Joseph Willard (clipping)
Box 1, Folder 10:
Scrapbook items, 1866:
- Death notice: Mary Simmons Bartlett (clipping)
Box 1, Folder 11:
Scrapbook items, 1867:
- Obituaries of Sarah Alden Bradford Ripley (3 clippings)
Box 1, Folder 12:
Scrapbook items, 1872:
- “Sweet-Peas” by George Bradford Bartlett (clipping from the Transcript)
Box 1, Folder 13:
Scrapbook items, 1874:
- Notice of 4 July celebration, Burlington, Iowa
Box 1, Folder 14:
Scrapbook items, 1875:
- Printed ephemera and clippings relating to 100th anniversary of Battle of Concord celebrations in Concord, Mass. and Burlington, Iowa
- Clippings relating to revision by Congress of tariff admitting bologna free of duty
- Reviews and notices of George Bradford Bartlett’s Parlor Amusements for The Young Folks
Box 1, Folder 15:
Scrapbook items, 1876:
- 1876 Postage Stamp
- Printed material and clipping relating to George Bradford Bartlett’s operetta “Mother Goose”
Box 1, Folder 16:
Scrapbook items, 1877:
- “Floating Hearts” by George Bradford Bartlett (clipping from The Republican)
Box 1, Folder 17:
Scrapbook items, 1878:
- Obituaries of Josiah Bartlett (9 clippings)
- “My Ain Countrie”
- Clippings and postcard invitation relating to 4th of July celebration in Concord
- Obituary of John W. Ames (clipping)
- James W. Bartlett letter (clipping) relating to boiler plate and boiler tubes, 10 Feb. 1878
Box 1, Folder 18:
Scrapbook items, 1879:
- Clippings relating to Concord School of Philosophy
- Clipping relating to pen containing General Washington’s hair [transcript GBB Feb. 1879]
- Clipping relating to reading club in a town “not a hundred miles from Boston” [Boston Courier, 13 Dec. 1879]
- Clippings and ephemera relating to 4th of July celebration in Concord
- Clipping relating to social tea party at Unitarian church [Concord Freeman, 13 Feb. 1879]
- Clipping about Senator Hoar’s speech to Congress relating to the 13th, 14th, 15th amendments to the Constitution, 5 Feb. 1879
- “Uncaught” by George Bradford Bartlett (clipping from The Sunday Republican)
- “A Valentine” (clipping from The Hawkeye)
- Letter to editor by Samuel R. Bartlett relating to the continuation of the Lowell Railroad, 25 Jan. 1879 (clipping)
- Clipping relating to the continuation of the Lowell Railroad [1879]
- Clipping relating to gift to Concord Library of two pieces of granite from Huron Islands of Lake Superior by James W. Bartlett [1879/1880]
- Program and clippings relating to “Old Folks Concert” and ventilation of Concord Town Hall
- Clipping relating to Emerson’s lecture “Memory” and to his decline
Box 1, Folder 19:
Scrapbook items, 1880:
- George Bradford Bartlett poems (clippings)
- “St. Mark’s Guild Entertainments” (clipping from HoosichFalls)
- Reviews and notices of George Bradford Bartlett’s Concord Guide Book
- Materials relating to meeting of American Social Science Association at Saratoga Springs, NY (featuring George Bradford Bartlett as speaker), including clippings about his paper “Amusements for the People”
- Clippings relating to the death of Dr. Charles Thomas Jackson
- Obituary of Hannah Rogers Fiske (clipping)
Box 1, Folder 20:
Scrapbook items, 1881:
- Announcement: Youth’s Companion 1881 (clipping)
- George Bradford Bartlett poem (clipping)
- “The Masquerade Ball in aid of the Soldiers Home Bazar [sic]” (clipping from Concord Freeman)
Box 1, Folder 21:
Scrapbook items, 1882:
- Clippings relating to Concord School of Philosophy
- Program for ordination of Benjamin Reynolds Bulkley
- Invitation to celebration of centennial of Social Circle
- Reviews and notices of George Bradford Bartlett’s New Games for Parlor and Lawn (clippings)
- Clippings relating to Emerson’s funeral
- Printed report of Concord Committee appointed to revise list of names on Soldier’s Monument
Box 1, Folder 22:
Scrapbook items, 1883:
- Death notice (handwritten) for Sarah French Bartlett
Box 1, Folder 23:
Scrapbook items, 1886:
- Badge from Harvard University’s 250th Anniversary
Box 1, Folder 24:
Scrapbook items, 1887:
- Clippings relating to Frolic Club and Musical Club entertainment evening
- “Holiday Entertainments” by George Bradford Bartlett (clipping)
- Death notice for Margaret Jarvis Parker (clipping)
- Clippings relating to Wide Awake and George Bradford Bartlett’s operetta “Dragon-Fly Day”
Box 1, Folder 25:
Scrapbook items, 1888:
- Louisa May Alcott obituary clippings
- Death notice for Samuel R. Bartlett (clipping)
Box 1, Folder 26:
Scrapbook items, 1889:
- Notices and reviews of the Concord Frolic Club’s “Zoe Mou” (clippings)
Box 1, Folder 27:
Scrapbook items, 1890:
- Obituaries clippings on George Partridge Bradford (clippings)
- Poem (printed) entitled “G. P. Bradford” by George Bradford Bartlett
- Clippings relating to U.S. gunboat “Concord”
- Death notice for Martha Bartlett (clipping)
- Death notice and clipping for Annie Keyes Bartlett
Box 1, Folder 28:
Scrapbook items, 1895:
- Obituaries and death notice relating to death of George Bradford Bartlett (clippings)
Box 1, Folder 29:
Scrapbook items, 1899:
- Obituary relating to the death of James W. Bartlett (clipping)
Box 1, Folder 30:
Scrapbook items, 1902:
- Obituaries relating to the death of James Bradley Thayer (clippings)
- Clipping relating to Baroness Mary Phinney von Olnhausen meeting Prince Henry of Prussia
- Clippings relating to the death of Baroness Mary Phinney von Olnhausen
Box 1, Folder 31:
Scrapbook items, undated:
- The Bartlett coat of arms
- Fragment of manuscript photostat [17th century?]
- Stamped, decorative word “Thursday” clipped from letter
- Obituary of Ellen W. Fourgeand (clipping)
- “A Trip to Concord” (clipping)
- Poems and story by George Bradford Bartlett (clippings)
- “Silent Eloquence” by George Bradford Bartlett (printed)
- Article about Deerfield, Mass. (clipping)
- “The Broom Drill” (clipping)
- “That Concord Bal Masque” (clipping)
- “Bad Grammar” (clipping)
- Clippings relating to free excursions to Walden Pond (Lake Walden) for poor children from Boston, run by the Fitchburg Railroad
- Clipping relating to a trip on a river in Concord
- Poem (clipping)
- “The Tail of a Rooster” (clipping)
- “A Yachting Memory” (clipping)
- “Prayer its own Answer” and “An Arab Saying” (clipping)
- Clipping relating to the “walking stick” of Gov. William Bradford
- “A Waif Identified” by HWH (clipping)
- “A Pleasing Incident” (clipping)
- Miscellaneous clipping relating to unidentified person’s death
- Clipping referring to “George Bradford Bartlett, a Concord poet”
Box 1, Folder 32:
Autographs (A-W):
- Autographs from numerous people, including: Louisa May Alcott; Josiah Bartlett; Martha Bartlett; George Bradford; [illegible]; George M. Brooks; [illegible]; Dr. David W. Cheever; George William Curtis; Ralph Waldo Emerson; Daniel Chester French; Abiel Heywood; Charles Hilliard; George F. Horn; John Keyes; Andrew Preston Peabody; George L. Prescott; Ezra Ripley; W.L. Samson; Franklin Benjamin Sanborn; James Bradley Thayer; Henry David Thoreau; John Thoreau; [illegible]; William Whiting; R. Frothingham, Jr.
Box 2, Folder 1:
Samuel Ripley Bartlett scrapbook, 1857-1860:
- Clippings of poems and stories written by Samuel R. Bartlett
- Handwritten agreement between Samuel R. Bartlett and William Dodd regarding cigar purchases
Box 2, Folder 2:
Samuel Ripley Bartlett and Eva Myrtella Whitcomb Bartlett (Myrtle) scrapbook, 1876-1886:
- Clippings and notes regarding the engagement and marriage of Samuel R. Bartlett and Myrtle Whitcomb, 1880-1881
- Letter to the editor from Samuel R. Bartlett (clipping) and other clippings regarding Concord High School
- Clippings relating to the Bartlett family
- Marriage notices
- Appleton-Schaumberg
- Bartlett-Owen
- Death notices and obituaries (printed and/or clippings)
- Edmund Hosmer
- Judge Christopher Gore Ripley
- Reverend Chandler Robbins
- Lydia P. Hosmer
- Major H.L. Wheeler
- Rev. Dr. Henry M. Grant
- Laura Schaumberg
- Menu for “The Old Mill” in Newport, R.I.
- Clipping “Regatta at Concord”
- Clippings regarding Rev. S. W. Adriance
- Clipping regarding Emerson’s son’s search for special stones for Emerson’s grave
- Invitation from Ellen Emerson for Thanksgiving Dance
- Clippings regarding Edward J. Bartlett
- Clipping “Mr. French’s Artistic Son”
- Clipping regarding Myron W. Whitney
- Typed and mimeographed “Ode for Xmas” by Samuel R. Bartlett
- Notes regarding:
- Christmas celebrations, 1881-1885
- July 4th celebrations, 1883-1885
- Anniversary of wedding, 1882-1885
- Decoration Days, 1882-1885
- Thanksgiving, 1881-1885
- Program for Philharmonic Society of Brooklyn’s performance of “The Messiah”
- Clippings regarding promotion (including letter to editor from Samuel R. Bartlett)
- Hungarian Fund
- Riddles and Puns (handwritten) by
- George Bradford Bartlett
- Fannie [Norcross (?)]
- Maggie Ames
- Daniel Chester French
- Abby Margaret Gourgas
- Program for “Hazel Kirke”
- Clippings regarding Rev. John W. Chadwick
- Check from The Music Festival, Seventh Regiment Armory
- Two art cards
- ALS to “My dear Mr. Bartlett” from George William Curtis
- “With the Compliments of Mother Goose”
- Clippings regarding Christmas at John W. Chadwick’s church in Brooklyn (with tree made by Samuel R. Bartlett)
- Clipping “Holiday Entertainments” by George Bradford Bartlett from The Youth’s Companion
- Clipping “Every Other Sunday, a new Lion in Concord” by George Bradford Bartlett
- Thank you note to Mrs. Potter from Samuel R. Bartlett
- Clipping “Ode to May” by George Bradford Bartlett
- Wedding reception invitation for Mary Schaumberg
Box 2, Folder 3:
William O. Whitcomb album, (titled “Remembrancer, Vol. 3”) 1843-1846 (relative of Eva Myrtella Whitcomb, Mrs. Samuel Ripley Bartlett)
Box 2, Folder 4:
Detroit Prismatic Club, 1873-1972 (Sarah Bartlett correspondence, etc. re: Samuel R. Bartlett and James W. Bartlett):
- ALS to “Dear Frances” from “Edna”, 20 Dec. 1957
- Program from 91st Annual Dinner of the Prismatic Club, 11 Jan. 1958
- TLS to Sarah R. Bartlett from Donald M.D. Thurber, 17 Jan. 1958
- TLS to Sarah R. Bartlett from Philip P. Mason, 21 Dec. 1966 with photocopy of Samuel Ripley Bartlett letter regarding founding of the Prismatic Club, 1873
- Invitation to the Prismatic Club centennial exhibit, 21 Jan. 1967
- TLS to Sarah R. Bartlett from Philip P. Mason, 24 Feb. 1967
- “The Founding of Detroit’s Oldest Literary Organization, the Prismatic Club,” Detroit Historical Society Bulletin, Feb. 1967
- TLS to Sarah R. Bartlett from Philip P. Mason, 25 Feb 1972
Series II. Papers of other children of Josiah and Martha T.B. Bartlett 185[ ]-1914, and undated
Box 2, Folder 5:
ALS, Martha Bartlett to Edward Jarvis (Ned Bartlett), 2 Apr. 1865
Box 2, Folder 6:
Bartlett, Edward Jarvis, Obituary, Concord Enterprise, 11 Mar. 1914
Box 2, Folder 7:
Bartlett, George Bradford. Manuscript Poems, [1864]-1895
Box 2, Folder 8:
Unidentified composition book, 185[ ]-1855 (written in 2 hands)
Box 2, Folder 9:
Tintypes (subjects unidentified; Bartlett?):
- Two women, one with bottle (in theatrical production?)
- Glass frame with gilded border
- Woman on horse
Series III. Sarah R. Bartlett Papers 1892-1928, and undated
Box 2, Folder 10:
Letter, pencil sketch, notes, 1909-[196-?]:
- ALS to “Sally” from William F. Emerson, 20 Jan. 1909
- Pencil sketch [of Sarah R. Bartlett]
- Notes on “Memorial Day”
Box 2, Folder 11:
Sarah R. Bartlett autograph album, 1892-1895
Box 2, Folder 12:
Sarah R. Bartlett birthday book, 1911-1967
Box 2, Folder 13:
Sarah R. Bartlett photograph album, undated
Box 2, Folder 14:
Sarah R. Bartlett photograph album, 1905
Box 2, Folder 15:
Sarah R. Bartlett photograph album, 1927-1928
Box 2, Folder 16:
Sarah R. Bartlett photographs (loose), including:
- Unidentified woman
- Sally Bartlett
- Eight unidentified women in Elizabethan period men and women’s costumes
- Unidentified women and men
- Unidentified woman in hospital bed with infant
- Bartlett House, Lowell Road, Concord Free Public Library
- Unidentified woman putting on ice skates
- Unidentified men and women in woods
c2007 Concord Free Public Library, Concord, Mass.
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