Wept to Whithersoever

A Concordance to the Collected Essays of Ralph Waldo Emerson
Compiled by Eugene F. Irey

wept, v. (6)

    DSA 1.138 2 [The preacher] had no one word intimating that he had laughed or wept...
    Hist 2.31 25 The philosophical perception of identity through endless mutations of form makes [man] know the Proteus. What else am I who laughed or wept yesterday, who slept last night like a corpse, and this morning stood and ran?
    Comc 8.172 12 Timur saw himself in the mirror and found his face quite too ugly. Therefore he began to weep; Chodscha also set himself to weep; and so they wept for two hours.
    Comc 8.172 23 ...said Timur to Chodscha, Hearken! I have looked in the mirror, and seen myself ugly. Thereat I grieved, because, although I am Caliph...yet still I am so ugly; therefore have I wept.
    Comc 8.172 27 Chodscha answered [Timur], If thou hast only seen thy face once, at at once seeing hast not been able to contain thyself, but hast wept, what should we do,--we who see thy face every day and night?
    Comc 8.173 2 Chodscha answered [Timur], If thou hast only seen thy face once, at at once seeing hast not been able to contain thyself, but hast wept, what should we do,--we who see thy face every day and night? If we weep not, who should weep? Therefore have I wept.

Werners, n. (1)

    UGM 4.12 4 Shall we say that quartz mountains will pulverize into innumerable Werners, Von Buchs and Beaumonts...

Wesley, John, n. (6)

    MR 1.228 17 Lutherans, Herrnhutters, Jesuits, Monks, Quakers, Knox, Wesley, Swedenborg, Bentham...all respected something...
    LT 1.269 13 The leaders of the crusades against War, Negro slavery...are the right successors of Luther...Wesley...
    SR 2.61 18 An institution is the lengthened shadow of one man; as... Methodism, of Wesley;...
    Wsp 6.204 10 The decline of the influence...of Wesley...need give us no uneasiness.
    Imtl 8.346 27 You shall not say, O my bishop, O my pastor, is there any resurrection? What do you think? Did Dr. Channing believe that we should know each other? Did Wesley?...
    TPar 11.290 7 ...[Theodore Parker] insisted...that the essence of Christianity is its practical morals;...and if you combine it...with ordinary city ambitions...the truth is not in you; and no...praise of John Wesley, or of Jeremy Taylor, can save you from the Satan which you are.

Wesleyan, adj. (1)

    EWI 11.111 17 ...when...some Quakers, or Moravians, and Wesleyan and Baptist missionaries...had been moved to come [the the West Indies] and cheer the poor victim...these missionaries were persecuted by the planters...

Wesleys, n. (1)

    DSA 1.145 23 Friends enough you shall find who will hold up to your emulation Wesleys and Oberlins...

west, adj. (6)

    Mrs1 3.119 6 The husbandry of the modern inhabitants of Gournou (west of old Thebes) is philosophical to a fault.
    Wth 6.108 21 If the wind were always southwest by west, said the skipper, women might take ships to sea.
    PC 8.211 27 That cosmical west wind...is alone broad enough to carry to every city and suburb...the inspirations of this new hope of mankind.
    HDC 11.38 10 ...after the bargain [for Concord] was concluded, Mr. Simon Willard, pointing to the four corners of the world, declared that they had bought three miles from that place, east, west, north and south.
    RBur 11.443 3 The west winds are murmuring [the memory of Burns].
    Trag 12.414 16 As the west wind lifts up again the heads of the wheat which were bent down and lodged in the storm...so we let in Time as a drying wind into the seed-field of thoughts which are dark and wet and low bent.

west, adv. (11)

    Hist 2.36 6 In old Rome the public roads beginning at the Forum proceeded north, south, east, west...
    SL 2.148 21 [A man] is like a quincunx of trees, which counts five,--east, west, north, or south;...
    Pow 6.55 19 If Eric is in robust health...at his departure from Greenland he will steer west, and his ships will reach Newfoundland.
    SA 8.96 11 Let us not look east and west for materials of conversation...
    Res 8.141 21 When our population, swarming west, reached the boundary of arable land...on the face of the sterile waste beyond, the land was suddenly in parts found covered with gold and silver...
    QO 8.191 19 Many will read the book before one thinks of quoting a passage. As soon as he has done this, that line will be quoted east and west.
    PPo 8.246 26 On turnpikes of wonder/ Wine leads the mind forth,/ Straight, sidewise and upward,/ West, southward and north./
    Insp 8.269 24 The hunter on the prairie, at the right season, has no need of choosing his ground; east, west, by the river, by the timber, he is everywhere near his game.
    Koss 11.396 7 God said, I am tired of kings,/ I suffer them no more;/ Up to my ear the morning brings/ The outrage of the poor./ My angel,-his name is Freedom,-/ Choose him to be your king;/ He shall cut pathways east and west,/ And fend you with his wing./
    Bost 12.199 24 What should hinder that this America...the firm shore hid until...a man should be found who should sail steadily west fixty-eight days from the port of Palos to find it...should have its happy ports...
    MLit 12.312 23 The poetry and speculation of the age are marked by a certain philosophic turn, which discriminates them from the works of earlier times. The poet is not content to see...of Hardiknute, Stately stept he east the wa,/ And stately stept he west,/...

West, adv. (2)

    Supl 10.179 10 ...there is no question that the star of empire rolls West...
    Bost 12.207 18 The Massachusetts colony grew...all the while sending out colonies to every part of New England; then South and West...

West End, London, England, (1)

    CbW 6.260 25 ...a West End householder, is not the highest style of man;...

West, Far, n. (1)

    Wth 6.95 10 [The rich] include...the Far West and the old European homesteads of man, in their notion of available material.

West Indian, adj. (6)

    EWI 11.103 25 ...the crude element of good in human affairs must work and ripen, spite of whips and plantation laws and West Indian interest.
    EWI 11.105 10 Granville Sharpe was accidentally made acquainted with the sufferings of a slave, whom a West Indian planter had brought with him to London...
    EWI 11.109 10 In 1791, a bill to abolish the [slave] trade was brought in by Wilberforce, and supported by him and by Fox and Burke and Pitt, with the utmost ability and faithfulness; resisted by the planters and the whole West Indian interest, and lost.
    EWI 11.126 20 ...the [slave] trade could not be abolished whilst this hungry West Indian market...cried, More, more, bring me a hundred a day;...
    EWI 11.126 26 ...the West Indian estate was owned or mortgaged in England...
    FSLC 11.208 20 It is really the great task fit for this country to accomplish, to buy that property of the planters, as the British nation bought the West Indian slaves.

West Indies, n. (11)

    MR 1.231 20 How many articles of daily consumption are furnished us from the West Indies;...
    ET8 5.129 20 Commerce sends abroad multitudes of different classes [of Englishmen]. The choleric Welshman, the fervid Scot, the bilious resident in the East or West Indies, are wide of the perfect behavior of the educated and dignified man of family [in England].
    ET8 5.137 12 ...[the English] administer, in different parts of the world, the codes of every empire and race;...in the West Indies, the edicts of the Spanish Cortes;...
    ET18 5.301 15 [The English] have abolished slavery in the West Indies...
    Thor 10.465 23 Admiring friends offered to carry [Thoreau] at their own cost...to the West Indies...
    HDC 11.56 19 The people on the [Massachusetts] bay built ships, and found the way to the West Indies...
    EWI 11.107 26 Six Quakers met in London on the 6th of July, 1783...to consider what step they should take for the relief and liberation of the negro slaves in the West Indies...
    EWI 11.142 7 ...[the negro] is now the principal if not the only mechanic in the West Indies;...
    FSLC 11.191 15 Lord Mansfield, in the case of the slave Somerset, wherein the dicta of Lords Talbot and Hardwicke had been cited, to the effect of carrying back the slave to the West Indies, said, I care not for the supposed dicta of judges, however eminent, if they be contrary to all principle.
    EPro 11.315 21 Such moments of expansion [of liberty] in modern history were the Confession of Augsburg...the British emancipation of slaves in the West Indies...
    PPr 12.390 20 Carlyle's style is the first emergence of all this wealth and labor with which the world has gone with child so long. London and Europe...with trade-nobility, and East and West Indies for dependencies; and America...have never before been conquered in literature.

west, n. (16)

    OS 2.265 1 Space is ample, east and west,/ But two cannot go abreast,/ Cannot travel in it two/...
    Exp 3.43 13 The lords of life, the lords of life,--/ I saw them pass,/ In their own guise,/ .../ Some to see, some to be guessed,/ They marched from east to west/...
    Chr1 3.92 3 Our frank countrymen of the west and south have a taste for character...
    Nat2 3.167 6 Though baffled seers cannot impart/ The secret of [world's] laboring heart,/ Throb thine with Nature's throbbing breast,/ And all is clear from east to west./
    ET2 5.27 3 ...[the good ship] has reached the Banks;...gulls, haglets, ducks, petrels, swim, dive and hover around; no fishermen; she has passed the Banks, left five sail behind her far on the edge of the west at sundown...
    ET2 5.30 1 A rising of the sea...say an inch in a century, from east to west on the land, will bury all the towns, monuments, bones and knowledge of mankind...
    ET3 5.37 3 ...to resist the tyranny and prepossession of the British element, a serious man must aid himself by comparing with it the civilizations of the farthest east and west...
    ET16 5.282 6 ...here is the high point of the theory: the Druids had the magnet; laid their courses by it; their cardinal points in Stonehenge, Ambresbury, and elsewhere, which vary a little from true east and west, followed the variations of the compass.
    F 6.7 22 ...the sword of the climate in the west of Africa...cut off men like a massacre.
    WD 7.184 27 Apollo stretched his bow and shot his arrow into the extreme west.
    Grts 8.306 13 ...whilst ordinarily magnetism of steel is from north to south, in other substances, gases, it acts from east to west.
    Imtl 8.349 7 It is curious to find the selfsame feeling, that it is...not duration, but a state of abandonment to the Highest, and so the sharing of His perfection,-appearing in the farthest east and west.
    FRep 11.543 15 We shall stand...for vast interests; north and south, east and west will be present to our minds...

West, n. (26)

    DSA 1.151 11 I look for the hour when that supreme Beauty which ravished the souls of those Eastern men...shall speak in the West also.
    LE 1.156 26 Men looked...that nature...should reimburse itself by a brood of Titans, who should...run up the mountains of the West with the errand of genius and love.
    MN 1.223 6 Who shall dare think he has...missed anything excellent in the past, who seeth...the yet untouched continent of hope glittering with all its mountains in the vast West?
    YA 1.365 16 Columbus alleged as a reason for seeking a continent in the West, that the harmony of nature required a great tract of land in the western hemisphere...
    YA 1.370 2 ...the nervous, rocky West is intruding a new and continental element into the national mind...
    Hist 2.28 17 The priestcraft of the East and West...is expounded in the individual's private life.
    Exp 3.72 6 I am ready...be born again into this new yet unapproachable America I have found in the West...
    PPh 4.48 17 All philosophy, of East and West, has the same centripetence.
    PPh 4.52 21 If the East loved infinity, the West delighted in boundaries.
    CbW 6.256 17 The benefaction derived in Illinois and the great West from railroads is inestimable...
    DL 7.124 10 In men, it is their...removal to the East or to the West, or some other magnified trifle which makes the meridian movement...
    DL 7.125 6 In each the circumstance signalized differs, but in each it is made the coals of an ever-burning egotism. In one, it was his going to sea;... in a third, his journey to the West...
    Cour 7.253 15 ...when [men] see [the preference to the general good] proved by sacrifices of ease, wealth, rank, and of life itself, there is no limit to their admiration. This has made the power of the saints of the East and West...
    Cour 7.272 24 The best act of the marvellous genius of Greece was...in the instinct which, at Thermopylae...kept Asia out of Europe,--Asia with its antiquities and organic slavery,--from corrupting the hope and new morning of the West.
    PI 8.74 25 The intellect...uses London and Paris and Berlin, East and West, to its end.
    PPo 8.252 24 Out of the East, and out of the West, no man understands me;/ O, the happier I, who confide to none but the wind!/
    MoL 10.257 21 Battle, with the sword, has cut many a Gordian knot in twain which all the wit of East and West, of Northern and Border statesmen could not untie.
    EzRy 10.390 21 We remember the remark made by the old farmer who used to travel hither from Maine, that no horse from the Eastern country would go by the Doctor's [Ezra Ripley's] gate. Travellers from the West and North and South bear the like testimony.
    FSLC 11.211 20 ...Massachusetts is little, but, if true to itself, can be the brain which turns about the behemoth [slavery]. I say Massachusetts, but I mean...Massachusetts...as she sees her progeny scattered over the face of the land, in the farthest South, and the uttermost West.
    EPro 11.314 17 Come, East and West and North,/ By races, as snow-flakes,/ And carry my purpose forth,/ Which neither halts nor shakes./
    ALin 11.328 7 ...For [Lincoln] [Nature's] Old-World moulds aside she threw,/ And, choosing sweet clay from the breast/ Of the unexhausted West,/ With stuff untainted shaped a hero new,/ Wise, steadfast in the strength of God, and true./
    ALin 11.331 8 The profound good opinion which the people of Illinois and of the West had conceived of [Lincoln]...was not rash...
    Wom 11.414 24 In barbarous society the position of women is always low-in the Eastern nations lower than in the West.
    FRep 11.534 20 In the planters of this country...the conditions of the country...forced them to a wonderful personal independence and to a certain heroic planting and trading. Later this strength appeared in the solitudes of the West...
    CW 12.173 6 I [Linnaeus] possess here [in the Academy Garden] all that I desire of the spoils of the East and the West...
    Bost 12.196 12 ...New England supplies annually a large detachment of preachers and schoolmasters and private tutors to the interior of the South and West.

West Point, n. (4)

    MoL 10.251 9 I chanced lately to be at West Point...
    SMC 11.362 13 One day [George Prescott] writes, I expect to have a time this forenoon with the officer from West Point who drills us.
    SMC 11.362 23 [George Prescott writes] This lieutenant seems to think that these men, who never saw a gun, can drill as well as he, who has been at West Point four years.
    SMC 11.362 25 At night [George Prescott] adds: I told that officer from West Point, this morning, that he could not swear at my company as he did yesterday;...

West Point, New York, n. (1)

    Pow 6.77 17 At West Point, Colonel Buford...pounded with a hammer on the trunnions of a cannon until he broke them off.

West Roxbury Association, n (1)

    LLNE 10.359 15 The West Roxbury Association was formed in 1841...

West Roxbury, Massachusetts (1)

    LLNE 10.359 17 The West Roxbury Association was formed in 1841, by a society of members...who bought a farm in West Roxbury...

westerly, adj. (1)

    F 6.27 22 I know not whether there be...in the upper region of our atmosphere, a permanent westerly current...

western, adj. (14)

    Nat 1.17 21 The western clouds divided and subdivided themselves into pink flakes...
    YA 1.365 17 Columbus alleged as a reason for seeking a continent in the West, that the harmony of nature required a great tract of land in the western hemisphere...
    Hist 2.20 21 In the woods in a winter afternoon one will see as readily the origin of the stained glass window...in the colors of the western sky seen through the bare and crossing branches of the forest.
    Pt1 3.38 3 Our log-rolling...the western clearing...are yet unsung.
    Exp 3.58 25 A political orator wittily compared our party promises to western roads...
    ET9 5.148 19 I remember a shrewd politician, in one of our western cities, told me that he had known several successful statesmen made by their foible.
    F 6.7 23 Our western prairie shakes with fever and ague.
    Wth 6.122 18 When a citizen...comes out and buys land in the country, his first thought is to a fine outlook from his windows; his library must command a western view;...
    CbW 6.255 19 I do not think very respectfully of the designs or the doings of the people who went to California in 1849. It was...in the western country, a general jail delivery of all the rowdies of the rivers.
    Supl 10.176 15 ...in Western nations the superlative in conversation is tedious and weak...
    LS 11.12 3 That rite [washing of the feet] is used...by the Sandemanians. It has been very properly dropped by other Christians. Why? For two reasons: (1) because it was a local custom, and unsuitable in western countries;...
    HDC 11.73 6 In the field where the western abutment of the old bridge [in Concord] may still be seen...the first organized resistance was made to the British arms.
    HDC 11.85 5 [Concord's sons'] wagons have rattled down the remote western hills.
    ChiE 11.472 17 ...[China] has...historic records of forgotten time, that have supplied important gaps in the ancient history of the western nations.

Western, adj. (17)

    UGM 4.19 22 [The great man's] class is extinguished with him. In some other and quite different field the next man will appear; not Jefferson, not Franklin, but now a great salesman...then a buffalo-hunting explorer, or a semi-savage Western general.
    UGM 4.26 3 Viewed from any high point...the Western civilization, would seem a bundle of insanities.
    SwM 4.135 9 The genius of Swedenborg...wasted itself in the endeavor to reanimate and conserve what...in the great secular Providence, was retiring from its prominence, before Western modes of thought and expression.
    ET11 5.174 6 There was this advantage of Western over Oriental nobility, that this was recruited from below.
    F 6.12 27 I find the coincidence of the extremes of Eastern and Western speculation in the daring statement of Schelling...
    Pow 6.62 16 A Western lawyer of eminence said to me he wished it were a penal offence to bring an English law-book into a court in this country...
    Wsp 6.221 13 We owe to the Hindoo Scriptures a definition of Law, which compares well with any in our Western books.
    WD 7.161 1 The chain of Western railroads from Chicago to the Pacific has planted cities and civilization in less time than it costs to bring an orchard into bearing.
    PI 8.74 20 We too shall know how to take up...this Western civilization, into thought...
    SA 8.91 18 ...presidents of the United States are afflicted by rude Western and Southern gossips...
    PC 8.214 11 ...if these [romantic European] works still survive and multiply, what shall we say of...names of men who have left remains that certify a height of genius...which men in proportion to their wisdom still cherish,-as...the grand scriptures, only recently known to Western nations, of the Indian Vedas...
    PPo 8.237 12 The seven masters of the Persian Parnassus...have ceased to be empty names; and others...promise to rise in Western estimation.
    PPo 8.238 3 Oriental life and society...stand in violent contrast with...the vast average of comfort of the Western nations.
    PPo 8.243 13 [The Persian poets] use an inconsecutiveness quite alarming to Western logic...
    PerF 10.80 10 There was a story in the journals of a poor prisoner in a Western police-court...
    MoL 10.246 7 Dickens complained that in America, as soon as he arrived in any of the Western towns, a committee waited on him and invited him to deliver a temperance lecture.
    CL 12.144 26 ...'t is a commonplace, which I have frequently heard spoken in Illinois, that it was a manifest leading of the Divine Providence that the New England states should have been first settled before the Western country was known, or they would never have been settled at all.

Western Europe, n. (2)

    ET4 5.64 2 Flogging, banished from the armies of Western Europe, remains here [in England] by the sanction of the Duke of Wellington.
    FRep 11.516 3 At every moment some one country more than any other represents the sentiment and the future of mankind. None will doubt that America occupies this place in the opinion of nations, as is proved by the fact of the vast immigration into this country from all the nations of Western and Central Europe.

Western Railroad, n. (1)

    Wth 6.122 4 Mr. Stephenson...believing that the river knows the way, followed his valley as implicitly as our Western Railroad follows the Westfield River...

Western Sea, n. (1)

    War 11.165 7 ...when a truth appears,-as, for instance, a perception in the wit of one Columbus that there is land in the Western Sea...it will build ships;...

Western, South, Railway, E (1)

    ET16 5.273 17 On Friday, 7th July, we [Emerson and Carlyle] took the South Western Railway through Hampshire to Salisbury...

Western States, n. (1)

    HCom 11.343 23 ...when I consider [Massachusetts's] influence on the country as a principal planter of the Western States...I think the little state bigger than I knew.

Westfield River, Massachuse (1)

    Wth 6.122 5 Mr. Stephenson...believing that the river knows the way, followed his valley as implicitly as our Western Railroad follows the Westfield River...

Westminster Abbey, London, (5)

    ET1 5.4 15 Besides those [writers] I have named...there was not in Britain the man living whom I cared to behold, unless it were the Duke of Wellington, whom I afterwards saw at Westminster Abbey at the funeral of Wilberforce.
    ET11 5.197 13 Now, said Nelson, when clearing for battle, a peerage, or Westminster Abbey!
    ET13 5.215 24 The power of the religious sentiment [in England]...created the religious architecture,--York, Newstead, Westminster...
    ET16 5.289 24 I think I prefer this church [Winchester Cathedral] to all I have seen, except Westminster and York.
    MAng1 12.244 4 The innumerable pilgrims whom the genius of Italy draws to the city [Florence] duly visit this church [Santa Croce], which is to Florence what Westminster Abbey is to England.

Westminster Hall, n. (1)

    Elo1 7.91 15 ...we go...to Westminster Hall...to see...a man who, in prosecuting great designs, has an absolute command of the means of representing his ideas...

Westminster, London, Englan (1)

    ShP 4.198 22 The learned member of the legislature, at Westminster or at Washington, speaks and votes for thousands.

Westminster, Marquis of [Ro (1)

    ET11 5.181 21 The Marquis of Westminster built within a few years the series of squares called Belgravia.

Westminster Review, n. (1)

    MoS 4.163 12 That Journal of Mr. Sterling's, published in the Westminster Review, Mr. Hazlitt has reprinted in the Prolegomena to his edition of the Essays [of Montaigne].

Westminster [School], Engla (1)

    ET12 5.208 5 It is contended by those who have been bred at Eton, Harrow, Rugby and Westminster, that the public sentiment within each of those schools is high-toned and manly;...

Westmoreland, England, n. (5)

    ET3 5.42 17 In the variety of surface, Britain is a miniature of Europe, having...in Westmoreland and Cumberland a pocket Switzerland...
    ET6 5.110 10 Wordsworth says of the small freeholders of Westmoreland, Many of these humble sons of the hills had a consciousness that the land which they tilled had for more than five hundred years been possessed by men of the same name and blood.
    Ctr 6.155 1 Wordsworth was praised to me in Westmoreland for having afforded to his country neighbors an example of a modest household where comfort and culture were secured without display.
    Prch 10.226 12 ...when [the railroads] came into his poetic Westmoreland... [Wordsworth] yet manned himself to say,-In spite of all that Beauty may disown/ In your harsh features, Nature doth embrace/ Her lawful offspring in man's art/...
    EurB 12.368 21 [Wordsworth]...wrote Helvellyn and Windermere and the dim spirits which these haunts harbored. There was not the least attempt...to show...that although London was the home for men of great parts, yet Westmoreland had these consolations for such as fate had condemned to the country life...

westward, adv. (3)

    ET4 5.61 21 King Olaf said, When King Harold, my father, went westward to England, the chosen men in Norway followed him;...
    Civ 7.31 26 I see the immense material prosperity...California quartz-mountains dumped down in New York to be repiled architecturally alongshore from Canada to Cuba, and thence westward to California again.
    HDC 11.39 6 The majestic summits of Wachusett and Monadnoc towering in the horizon, invited the steps of adventure westward.

west-wind, n. (1)

    EdAd 11.386 19 ...who can see the continent with...its west-wind breathing vigor through all the year...without putting new queries to Destiny as to the purpose for which this muster of nations...is made?

wet, adj. (11)

    Prd1 2.225 16 ...we are poisoned by the air that is too cold or too hot, too dry or too wet.
    Prd1 2.226 1 ...if we go a-fishing we must expect a wet coat.
    Nat2 3.191 11 ...it was known that men of thought and virtue sometimes had...wet feet...
    ET5 5.83 27 [The English] apply themselves...to resisting encroachments of sea, wind, travelling sands, cold and wet sub-soil;...
    ET6 5.107 11 Born in a harsh and wet climate...[the Englishman] dearly loves his house.
    Wth 6.87 20 Wealth begins...in two suits of clothes, so to change your dress when you are wet;...
    Thor 10.479 16 It was so dry, you might call it wet.
    HDC 11.55 16 The [Concord] river, at this period, seems to have caused some distress now by its overflow, now by its drought. A cold and wet summer blighted the corn;...
    EdAd 11.383 20 A scholar who has been reading of the fabulous magnificence of Assyria and Persia...takes his seat in a railroad-car, where he is importuned by newsboys with journals still wet from Liverpool and Havre...
    EurB 12.366 11 The poet, like the electric rod, must reach from a point nearer the sky than all surrounding objects, down to the earth, and into the dark wet soil, or neither is of use.
    Trag 12.414 22 As the west wind...combs out the matted and dishevelled grass as it lay in night-locks on the ground, so we let in Time as a drying wind into the seed-field of thoughts which are dark and wet and low bent.

wet, n. (2)

    WD 7.160 11 What of this dapper caoutchouc and gutta-percha, which make...rain-proof coats for all climates, which teach us to defy the wet...
    Res 8.144 14 ...the woodsman knows how to make warm garments out of cold and wet themselves.

wet, v. (2)

    Res 8.145 4 A sudden shower cannot wet [the old forester], if he cares to be dry;...
    PPo 8.261 10 Plunge in yon angry waves,/ Renouncing doubt and care;/ The flowing of the seven broad seas/ Shall never wet thy hair./

wethers, n. (1)

    Milt1 12.273 22 ...it would not be matter of rational wonder [Milton said], if the wethers of our country should be born with horns that could batter down cities and towns.

wets, v. (2)

    Lov1 2.177 13 ...[the lover] talks with the brook that wets his foot.
    Nat2 3.188 15 Each young and ardent person writes a diary, in which, when the hours of prayer and penitence arrive, he inscribes his soul. The pages thus written are to him burning and fragrant;...he wets them with his tears;...

wetted, v. (1)

    SMC 11.360 24 After the first marches [in the Civil War] there is no letter-paper, there are no envelopes, no postage-stamps, for these were wetted into a solid mass in the rains and mud.

wetting, n. (1)

    CL 12.153 10 At Niagara, I have noticed, that, as quick as I got out of the wetting of the Fall, all the grandeur changed into beauty.

Weymouth, Massachusetts, n. (1)

    Bost 12.191 12 ...the weariness of the sea, the shrinking from cold weather and the pangs of hunger must justify [the Plymouth colonists]. But the next colony planted itself at Salem, and the next at Weymouth;...

whale, n. (3)

    Comp 2.110 13 ...[every opinion] is a harpoon hurled at the whale, unwinding, as it flies, a coil of cord in the boat...
    CbW 6.256 2 California gets peopled and subdued, civilized in this immoral way, and on this fiction a real prosperity is rooted and grown. 'T is a decoy-duck; 't is tubs thrown to amuse the whale;...
    EWI 11.131 5 The poorest fishing-smack that...hunts whale in the Southern ocean, should be encompassed by [Massachusetts's] laws with comfort and protection...

whaler, n. (1)

    Bost 12.186 22 ...New Bedford is not nearer to the whales than New London or Portland, yet they have all the equipments for a whaler ready...

whales, n. (2)

    CbW 6.256 3 California gets peopled and subdued, civilized in this immoral way, and on this fiction a real prosperity is rooted and grown. 'T is a decoy-duck; 't is tubs thrown to amuse the whale; but real ducks, and whales that yield oil, are caught.
    Bost 12.186 20 ...New Bedford is not nearer to the whales than New London or Portland...

whaling, v. (1)

    SR 2.70 19 ...hunting, whaling...are somewhat...

wharf, n. (3)

    Mrs1 3.146 2 There is still ever some admirable person in plain clothes, standing on the wharf, who jumps in to rescue a drowning man;...
    Clbs 7.246 8 The girl deserts the parlor for the kitchen; the boy, for the wharf.
    Schr 10.270 3 The engineer in the locomotive is waiting for [the poet]; the steamboat is hissing at the wharf...

wharves, n. (3)

    Chr1 3.93 6 This immensely stretched trade, which makes the capes of the Southern Ocean his wharves and the Atlantic Sea his familiar port, centres in [the natural merchant's] brain only;...
    EPro 11.325 23 It was well to delay the steamers at the wharves until this edict [the Emancipation Proclamation] could be put on board.
    MLit 12.317 26 There are...sentiments, which find no aliment or language for themselves on the wharves, in court, or market...

what, n. (1)

    Bhr 6.187 25 'T is hard to keep the what from breaking through this pretty painting of the how.

wheat, adj. (1)

    ET5 5.92 19 [The English] have approved...their British birth, by husbandry and immense wheat harvests;...

wheat, n. (27)

    Nat 1.42 5 The chaff and the wheat...[a farm] is a sacred emblem...
    Int 2.323 4 Go, speed the stars of Thought/ On to their shining goals;--/ The sower scatters broad his seed;/ The wheat thou strew'st be souls./
    Pt1 3.36 27 We have all seen changes as considerable in wheat and caterpillars.
    Pol1 3.197 22 When the Muses nine/ With the Virtues meet,/ Find to their design/ An Atlantic seat,/ By green orchard boughs/ Fended from the heat,/ Where the statesman ploughs/ Furrow for the wheat;/ .../ Then the perfect State is come,/ The republican at home./
    NER 3.252 19 ...[some reformers] wish the pure wheat, and will die but it shall not ferment.
    UGM 4.22 14 We live in a market, where is only so much wheat, or wool, or land;...
    ET4 5.58 3 [The heroes of the Norse Sagas] have herds of cows, and malt, wheat, bacon, butter and cheese.
    ET4 5.69 18 ...Tacitus found the English beer already in use among the Germans: They make from barley or wheat a drink corrupted into some resemblance to wine.
    ET10 5.160 13 The yield of wheat [in England] has gone on from 2,000, 000 quarters in the time of the Stuarts, to 13,000,000 in 1854.
    ET11 5.189 7 The Dukes of Athol, Sutherland, Buccleugh and the Marquis of Breadalbane have introduced...wheat...
    Wth 6.83 17 From air the creeping centuries drew/ The matted thicket low and wide,/ This must the leaves of ages strew/ The granite slab to clothe and hide,/ Ere wheat can wave its golden pride./
    Wth 6.86 16 A clever fellow was acquainted with the expansive force of steam; he also saw the wealth of wheat and grass rotting in Michigan.
    DL 7.114 2 The desire of gold is not for gold. It is not the love of much wheat and wool and household stuff.
    PC 8.228 2 If [men in Kansas and California] are made as [the wise man] is, if they...eat of the same wheat...he knows that their joy or resentment rises to the same point as his own.
    PPo 8.244 20 Our father Adam [says Hafiz] sold Paradise for two kernels of wheat;...
    MoL 10.242 21 The country was full of activity, with its wheat, coal, iron, cotton;...
    MoL 10.247 20 Air, water, fire, iron, gold, wheat, electricity, animal fibre, have not lost a particle of power...
    Schr 10.261 3 The Athenians took an oath, on a certain crisis in their affairs, to esteem wheat, the vine and the olive the bounds of Attica.
    Schr 10.262 7 We have strayed from the territorial monuments of Attica, but here still are wheat and olives and the vine.
    Schr 10.286 24 Dissuade all you can from the lists [of scholarship]. Sift the wheat, frighten away the lighter souls.
    FRep 11.512 27 As Bacchus of the vine, Ceres of the wheat...so prolific Time will yet bring an inventor to every plant.
    FRep 11.522 15 [The American] is easily fed with wheat and game...
    PLT 12.24 18 What happens here in mankind is matched by what happens out there in the history of grass and wheat.
    II 12.73 9 ...he will instruct and aid us who shows us...how the daily sunshine and sap may be made to feed wheat instead of moss and Canada thistle;...
    MLit 12.309 12 Our souls...do eat and drink of chemical water and wheat.
    Let 12.403 19 From Massachusetts to Illinois...the proofs of thrifty cultivation abound;-a result...owing...to the hard times, which, driving men out of cities and trade, forced them to take off their coats and go to work on the land; which has rewarded them not only with wheat but with habits of labor.
    Trag 12.414 17 As the west wind lifts up again the heads of the wheat which were bent down and lodged in the storm...so we let in Time as a drying wind into the seed-field of thoughts which are dark and wet and low bent.

wheat-bearing, adj. (1)

    FRep 11.522 4 [The American] sits secure in the possession of his vast domain...looks from his coal-fields, his wheat-bearing prairie, his gold-mines, to his two oceans...

wheat-bread, n. (1)

    ET4 5.69 11 Beef, mutton, wheat-bread and malt-liquors are universal among the first-class laborers [in England].

wheat-crop, n. (1)

    Wth 6.86 18 A clever fellow was acquainted with the expansive force of steam; he also saw the wealth of wheat and grass rotting in Michigan. Then he cunningly screws on the steam-pipe to the wheat-crop.

wheat-ear, n. (1)

    Nat 1.16 6 ...almost all the individual forms [in nature] are agreeable to the eye, as is proved by our endless imitations of some of them, as...the wheat-ear...

wheat-field, n. (1)

    SMC 11.368 20 On the second of July [the Thirty-second Regiment] had to cross the famous wheat-field...

wheel, n. (18)

    LT 1.283 18 [If poets were ravished by their thought] Society could then manage to release their shoulder from its wheel...
    SR 2.89 20 Most men gamble with [Fortune], and gain all, and lose all, as her wheel rolls.
    SR 2.89 23 In the Will work and acquire, and thou hast chained the wheel of Chance...
    Prd1 2.224 6 If a man...immerse himself in any trades or pleasures for their own sake, he may be a good wheel or pin, but he is not a cultivated man.
    Cir 2.304 5 The extent to which this generation of circles, wheel without wheel, will go, depends on the force or truth of the individual soul.
    Exp 3.57 20 The party-colored wheel must revolve very fast to appear white.
    Nat2 3.194 27 ...the drag is never taken from the wheel.
    SwM 4.132 1 ...[Swedenborg] saw...the hell of the revengeful, whose faces resembled a round, broad cake, and their arms rotate like a wheel.
    ET5 5.90 1 To show capacity, A Frenchman described as the end of a speech in debate: No, said an Englishman, but to set your shoulder at the wheel...
    F 6.5 19 The Hindoo under the wheel is as firm.
    Pow 6.57 22 Import into any stationary district...a colony of hardy Yankees, with...heads full of steam-hammer, pulley, crank and toothed wheel,--and everything begins to shine with values.
    SS 7.1 5 ...[Seyd] Loved harebells nodding on a rock,/ A cabin hung with curling smoke,/ Ring of axe or hum of wheel/ Or gleam which use can paint on steel/...
    Civ 7.27 23 The farmer had much ill temper, laziness and shirking to endure from his hand-sawyers, until one day he bethought him to put his saw-mill on the edge of a waterfall; and the river never tires of turning his wheel;...
    Farm 7.142 6 In English factories, the boy that watches the loom, to tie the thread when the wheel stops...is called a minder.
    PPo 8.244 27 [Hafiz] says,-I batter the wheel of heaven/ When it rolls not rightly by;/ I am not one of the snivellers/ Who fall thereon and die./
    Aris 10.37 27 How is it that the sword runs away with all the fame from the spade and the wheel?
    FSLN 11.230 27 [Reasonably men] answered...that...each was vying with his neighbor to lead the [Democratic] party, by proposing the worst measure, and they threw themselves on the extreme conservatism, as a drag on the wheel...
    PLT 12.29 2 To the miller [Nature's] rivers whirl the wheel and weave carpets and broadcloth.

wheelbarrow, n. (3)

    Pol1 3.207 1 Every man owns something, if it is only...a wheelbarrow...
    UGM 4.30 21 Generous and handsome, [the thoughtful youth] says, is your hero; but look at yonder poor Paddy, whose country is his wheelbarrow;...
    MoL 10.243 7 Lawyers [in California] went and came with pick and wheelbarrow;...

wheeled, v. (2)

    ET11 5.193 4 Dismal anecdotes abound...of great lords living by the showing of their houses, and of an old man wheeled in his chair from room to room, whilst his chambers are exhibited to the visitor for money;...
    Chr2 10.114 21 It is only yesterday that our American churches...wheeled in line for Emancipation.

Wheeler, n. (1)

    HDC 11.30 16 Here are still around me the lineal descendants of the first settlers of this town [Concord]. Here is...Wood, Hosmer, Barrett, Wheeler...

wheeling, adj. (1)

    Milt1 12.260 13 At nineteen years...[Milton] addresses his native language, saying to it that it would be his choice to leave trifles for a grave argument... Such where the deep transported mind may soar/ Above the wheeling poles, and at Heaven's door/ Look in, and see each blissful deity,/ How he before the thunderous throne doth lie./

wheel-insect, n. (2)

    UGM 4.30 4 The microscope observes a monad or wheel-insect among the infusories circulating in water.
    GoW 4.290 5 Man is the most composite of all creatures; the wheel-insect, volvox globator, is at the other extreme.

wheels, n. (26)

    Nat 1.48 20 The wheels and springs of man are all set to the hypothesis of the permanence of nature.
    MR 1.255 26 ...we have seen a few scattered up and down in time for the blessing of the world; men who have in the gravity of their nature a quality which answers to the fly-wheel in a mill, which distributes the motion equably over all the wheels...
    Con 1.312 27 ...as soon as you put your gift to use, you shall have acre or acre's worth according to your exhibition of desert,-acre, if you need land;-acre's worth, if you prefer to...make shoes or wheels, to the tilling of the soil.
    YA 1.393 18 ...there is no end to the wheels within wheels of this spiral heaven [English aristocracy].
    YA 1.393 19 ...there is no end to the wheels within wheels of this spiral heaven [English aristocracy].
    Comp 2.107 25 ...the belt which Ajax gave Hector dragged the Trojan hero over the fields at the wheels of the car of Achilles...
    Lov1 2.175 15 ...no man ever forgot the visitations of that power to his heart and brain...when the youth becomes...studious of a glove, a veil, a ribbon, or the wheels of a carriage;...
    Nat2 3.191 2 ...trade to all the world, country-house and cottage by the waterside, all for a little conversation, high, clear and spiritual! Could it not be had as well by beggars on the highway? No, all these things came from successive efforts of these beggars to remove friction from the wheels of life...
    NR 3.237 21 [Nature] loves better a wheelwright who dreams all night of wheels...
    NER 3.252 22 ...[some reformers] wish the pure wheat, and will die but it shall not ferment. Stop, dear Nature, these incessant advances of thine; let us scotch these ever-rolling wheels!
    UGM 4.29 27 Be another:...not a poet, but a Shaksperian. In vain, the wheels of tendency will not stop...
    SwM 4.112 7 [Swedenborg] saw nature wreathing through an everlasting spiral, with wheels that never dry...
    NMW 4.229 21 [Bonaparte] knew the properties...of wheels and ships...
    ET8 5.139 6 There is an adipocere in [Englishmen's] constitution, as if they had oil also for their mental wheels...
    ET10 5.158 7 Two centuries ago...the carriage wheels ran on wooden axles;...
    Civ 7.17 27 Twirl the old wheels! Time takes fresh start again,/ On for a thousand years of genius more./
    Civ 7.26 27 ...[a highly destined society] must run in the grooves of the celestial wheels.
    Civ 7.28 19 I admire still more than the saw-mill the skill which, on the seashore, makes the tides drive the wheels and grind corn...
    Farm 7.142 20 [The farmer's] machine is of colossal proportions;...and it takes him long to understand its parts and its working. This pump never sucks;...the vat and piston, wheels and tires, never wear out...
    PI 8.4 13 ...the creation is on wheels...
    Res 8.139 12 The vat, the piston, the wheels and tires [of the earth], never wear out...
    Res 8.145 13 The boat is full of water, and resists all your strength to drag it ashore and empty it. The fisherman looks about him, puts a round stick of wood underneath, and it rolls as on wheels at once.
    Dem1 10.12 6 ...do [Watt and Fulton] not make an iron bar and half a dozen wheels do the work, not of one, but of a thousand skilful mechanics?
    Schr 10.270 3 The engineer in the locomotive is waiting for [the poet]; the steamboat is hissing at the wharf, and the wheels whirling to go.
    HDC 11.45 17 The bands of love and reverence, held fast the little state [the Massachusetts Bay Colony], whilst [the settlers] untied the great cords of authority to examine their soundness and learn on what wheels they ran.
    War 11.164 25 You shall hear, some day, of a wild fancy which some man has in his brain, of the mischief of secret oaths. Come again one or two years afterwards, and you shall see it has built great houses of solid wood and brick and mortar. You shall see a hundred presses printing a million sheets; you shall see men and horses and wheels made to walk, run and roll for it...

Wheelwright, C. A. [Cartwr (1)

    Boks 7 201 26 Aristophanes is now very accessible...through the labors of Mitchell and Cartwright.

Wheelwright, John, n. (3)

    Bost 12.203 9 ...there is always [in Boston]...always a heresiarch, whom the governor and deputies labor with but cannot silence. Some new light...some Wheelwright or defender of Wheelwright;...
    Bost 12.203 10 ...there is always [in Boston]...always a heresiarch, whom the governor and deputies labor with but cannot silence. Some new light... some Wheelwright or defender of Wheelwright;...
    Bost 12.206 27 From...Wheelright the Antinomian...down to Abner Kneeland...there never was wanting [in Boston] some thorn of dissent and innovation and heresy to prick the sides of conservatism.

wheelwright, n. (2)

    Nat 1.49 1 The broker, the wheelwright...are much displeased at the intimation [that nature is more short-lived than spirit].
    NR 3.237 20 [Nature] loves better a wheelwright who dreams all night of wheels...

wheeze, v. (1)

    Bhr 6.175 27 ...when [the old Massachusetts statesman] spoke, his voice would not serve him; it cracked, it broke, it wheezed, it piped;--little cared he; he knew that it had got to pipe, or wheeze, or screech his argument and his indignation.

wheezed, v. (1)

    Bhr 6.175 26 ...when [the old Massachusetts statesman] spoke, his voice would not serve him; it cracked, it broke, it wheezed, it piped;...

Whelan, Hugh, n. (2)

    Carl 10.489 10 If you would know precisely how [Carlyle] talks, just suppose Hugh Whelan (the gardener) had found leisure enough in addition to all his daily work to read Plato and Shakspeare...
    Carl 10.489 13 If you would know precisely how [Carlyle] talks, just suppose Hugh Whelan (the gardener) had found leisure enough in addition to all his daily work to read Plato and Shakspeare, Augustine and Calvin, remaining Hugh Whelan all the time, should talk scornfully of all this nonsense of books...

whelping, v. (1)

    AmS 1.104 19 Let [the scholar] look into [fear's] eye and...see the whelping of this lion...

whence, adv. (10)

    SwM 4.94 14 ...the instincts presently teach that the problem of essence must take precedence of all others;--the questions of Whence? What? and Whither?...
    ShP 4.196 23 [The poet in illiterate times] is...little solicitous whence his thoughts have been derived;...
    ET7 5.126 7 Defoe, who knew his countrymen well, says of them,--In close intrigue, their faculty's but weak,/ For generally whate'er they know, they speak,/ And often their own counsels undermine/ By mere infirmity without design;/ From whence, the learned say, it doth proceed,/ That English treasons never can succeed;/...
    PI 8.70 20 Every man may be, and at some time a man is, lifted to a platform whence he looks beyond sense to moral and spiritual truth...
    Imtl 8.333 16 Here is this wonderful thought. But whence came it?
    Imtl 8.340 5 I know not whence we draw the assurance of prolonged life... by so many claims as from our intellectual history.
    PerF 10.88 12 ...the massive might of ideas is irresistible at last. Whence does the knowledge come?
    HDC 11.30 6 Man's life, said the Witan to the Saxon king, is the sparrow that enters at a window...and flies out at another, and none knoweth whence he came, or whither he goes.
    JBS 11.276 1 A man there came, whence none could tell,/ Bearing a touchstone in his hand,/ And tested all things in the land/ By its unerrring spell./
    TPar 11.284 12 ...[Theodore Parker's] periods fall on you, stroke after stroke,/ Like the blows of a lumberer felling an oak,/ You forget the man wholly, you 're thankful to meet/ With a preacher who smacks of the field and the street,/ And to hear, you 're not over-particular whence,/ Almost Taylor's profusion, quite Latimer's sense./ Lowell, A Fable for Critics.

wherefrom, adv. (1)

    Ctr 6.147 6 A foreign country is a point of comparison wherefrom to judge [a man's] own.

wheresoever, adv. (3)

    Bhr 6.171 1 We send girls of a timid, retreating disposition...to the ball-room, or wheresoever they can come into acquaintance and nearness of leading persons of their own sex;...
    Thor 10.474 17 [Thoreau's] eye was open to beauty, and his ear to music. He found these...wheresoever he went.
    EdAd 11.382 6 The old men studied magic in the flowers,/ And human fortunes in astronomy,/ And an omnipotence in chemistry,/ Preferring things to names, for these were men,/ Were unitarians of the united world,/ And, wheresoever their clear eye-beams fell,/ They caught the footsteps of the Same./

wherewith, adv. (1)

    FSLN 11.231 9 [Reasonable men] side with Carolina, or with Arkansas, only to make a show of Whig strength, wherewith to resist a little longer this general ruin.

wherfor, adv. (1)

    PI 8.1 2 But over all his crowning grace,/ Wherefor thanks God his daily praise,/ Is the purging of his eye/ To see the people of the sky/...

wherry, n. (1)

    FRep 11.543 24 ...our little wherry is taken in tow by the ship of the great Admiral...

whet, v. (1)

    ET11 5.197 11 All the barriers to rank [in England] only whet the thirst and enhance the prize.

whetstone, n. (1)

    Prd1 2.229 1 ...what is more lonesome and sad than the sound of a whetstone or mower's rifle when it is too late in the season to make hay?

whetting, v. (1)

    Prd1 2.228 26 A gay and pleasant sound is the whetting of the scythe in the mornings of June...

whiff, n. (2)

    OS 2.274 8 ...Boston, London, are facts as fugitive...as any whiff of mist or smoke...
    ShP 4.199 20 Is there at last in [the writer's] breast a Delphi whereof to ask concerning any thought or thing, whether it be verily so, yea or nay? and to have answer, and to rely on that? All the debts which such a man could contract to other wit would never disturb his consciousness of originality; for the ministrations of books and of other minds are a whiff of smoke to that most private reality with which he has conversed.

whiffling, adj. (2)

    ET8 5.140 17 The national temper [of England], in the civil history, is not flashy or whiffling.
    CbW 6.277 17 The race is great, the ideal fair, but the men whiffling and unsure.

Whig, adj. (4)

    F 6.14 4 ...if you could weigh bodily the tonnage of any hundred of the Whig and the Democratic party in a town on the Dearborn balance...you could predict with certainty which party would carry it.
    FSLC 11.185 21 The learning of the universities...the respectability of the Whig party, are all combined to kidnap [the poor black boy].
    FSLN 11.231 6 [Reasonably men] answered...that they knew Cuba would be had, and Mexico would be had, and they stood...as near to monarchy as they could, only to moderate the velocity with which the car was running down the precipice. In short, their theory was despair; the Whig wisdom was only reprieve...
    FSLN 11.231 8 [Reasonable men] side with Carolina, or with Arkansas, only to make a show of Whig strength...

Whig, n. (4)

    F 6.12 20 ...with high magnifiers...Dr. Carpenter might come to distinguish in the embryo, at the fourth day,-this is a Whig...
    FSLC 11.193 1 There is not a manly Whig, or a manly Democrat, of whom if a slave were hidden in one of our houses from the hounds, we should not ask with confidence to lend his wagon in aid of his escape, and he would lend it.
    FSLN 11.231 14 We are all conservatives, half Whig , half Democrat, in our essences...
    FSLN 11.231 26 In vulgar politics the Whig goes for what has been...

Whig Party, n. (1)

    FSLN 11.244 18 The Anti-Slavery Society will add many members this year. The Whig Party will join it; the Democrats will join it.

Whiggery, n. (2)

    FSLN 11.231 17 We are all conservatives...in our essences: and might as well try to jump out of our skins as to escape from our Whiggery.
    II 12.81 20 Whether Whiggery, or Chartism, or Church, or a dream of Wealth, fashioned all these resolute bankers, merchants, lawyers, landlords, who administer the world of to-day...an idea fashioned them...

Whiggism, n. (1)

    CInt 12.126 10 Everything will be permitted there [at Harvard College] which goes to adorn Boston Whiggism...

Whiggism [Whigism], n. (1)

    Ctr 6.136 16 The causes to which we have sacrificed...Whigism or Abolition...would show like roots of bitterness...

whigs, n. (2)

    Pow 6.63 14 Men expect from good whigs put into office by the respectability of the country, much less skill to deal with Mexico...than from some strong transgressor, like Jefferson or Jackson...
    Pow 6.64 18 In politics, the sons of democrats will be whigs;...

Whigs, n. (2)

    SR 2.88 22 ...with each new uproar of announcement...The Whigs of Maine! the young patriot feels himself stronger than before by a new thousand of eyes and arms.
    FSLN 11.232 9 ...if we are Whigs, let us be Whigs of nature and science...

while, n. (21)

    LE 1.175 15 You can very soon learn all that society can teach you for one while.
    MN 1.196 19 ...a man lasts but a very little while...
    MN 1.202 15 ...one can hardly help asking if this planet is a fair specimen of the so generous astronomy...and whether it be quite worth while to make more...
    LT 1.266 18 ...when we stand by the seashore...a wave comes up the beach far higher than any foregoing one, and recedes; and for a long while none comes up to that mark;...
    LT 1.266 23 A little while this interval of wonder and comparison is permitted us...
    Hsm1 2.254 20 It seems not worth [the hero's] while to be solemn...
    Exp 3.84 19 I am very content with knowing, if only I could know. That is an august entertainment, and would suffice me a great while.
    NR 3.235 10 It seems not worth while to execute with too much pains some one intellectual, or aesthetical, or civil feat...
    NER 3.279 15 If it were worth while to run into details this general doctrine of the latent but ever soliciting Spirit, it would be easy to adduce illustration in particulars of a man's equality to the Church...
    MoS 4.154 19 There is so much trouble in coming into the world, said Lord Bolingbroke, and so much more, as well as meanness, in going out of it, that 't is hardly worth while to be here at all.
    Wsp 6.224 24 To every creature is his own weapon, however skilfully concealed from himself, a good while.
    Clbs 7.250 8 ...glasses rubbed acquire electric power for a while.
    SA 8.96 19 Don't say things. What you are stands over you the while...
    PPo 8.257 17 [The rose] was of her beauty proud,/ And prouder of her youth,/ The while unto her flaming heart/ The bulbul gave his truth./
    Edc1 10.136 19 The old man thinks the young man has no distinct purpose, for he could never get anything intelligible and earnest out of him. Perhaps the young man does not think it worth his while to explain himself to so hard and inapprehensive a confessor.
    Supl 10.174 5 I will bask in the common sun a while longer.
    MMEm 10.397 2 The yesterday doth never smile,/ To-day goes drudging through the while,/ Yet in the name of Godhead, I/ The morrow front and can defy;/ Though I am weak, yet God, when prayed,/ Cannot withhold his conquering aid./
    MMEm 10.420 12 In 1830...[Mary Moody Emerson] reproaches herself with some sudden passion she has for visiting her old home and friends in the city, where she had lived for a while with her brother [Mr. Emerson's father] and afterwards with his widow.
    Thor 10.476 21 Such was the wealth of [Thoreau's] truth that it was not worth his while to use words in vain.
    EWI 11.104 21 ...a good man or woman...once in a while saw these injuries [to West Indian slaves] and had the indiscretion to tell of them.
    Bost 12.207 16 The Massachusetts colony grew...all the while sending out colonies to every part of New England;...

whiles, n. (2)

    Prd1 2.234 16 There is nothing [a man] will not be the better for knowing, were it only...the thrift of the agriculturist, to stick a tree between whiles, because it will grow whilst he sleeps;...
    Exp 3.65 4 ...lawfulness of writing down a thought, is questioned; much is to say on both sides, and, while the fight waxes hot, thou, dearest scholar, stick to thy foolish task, add a line every hour, and between whiles add a line.

whiles, v. (1)

    Cour 7.263 22 The terrific chances which make the hours and the minutes long to the passenger, [the sailor] whiles away by incessant application of expedients and repairs.

whim, n. (30)

    Con 1.312 7 ...every whim is anticipated and served by the best ability of the whole population of each country.
    Tran 1.342 22 ...this retirement does not proceed from any whim on the part of these separators;...
    SR 2.52 1 I hope it is somewhat better than whim at last...
    Fdsp 2.203 26 Almost every man we meet...has...some whim of religion or philanthropy in his head...which spoils all conversation with him.
    Int 2.333 8 I knew...a person...who, seeing my whim for writing, fancied that my experiences had somewhat superior;...
    SwM 4.109 22 ...the terrible tabulation of the French statists brings every piece of whim and humor to be reducible also to exact numerical ratios.
    ET1 5.7 19 ...[Landor]...is well content to impress, if possible, his English whim upon the immutable past.
    ET5 5.87 14 It is not usually a point of honor...and never any whim, that [the English] will shed their blood for;...
    ET8 5.131 5 [The English] are headstrong believers and defenders of their opinion, and not less resolute in maintaining their whim and perversity.
    ET9 5.144 12 Every individual [in England] has his particular way of living, which he pushes to folly, and the decided sympathy of his compatriots is engaged to back up Mr. Crump's whim by statutes and chancellors and horse-guards.
    ET10 5.164 24 Every whim of exaggerated egotism is put into stone and iron [in England]...
    ET18 5.307 27 Every man [in England]...is guarded in the indulgence of his whim.
    F 6.29 15 A little whim of will to be free gallantly contending against the universe of chemistry.
    Bhr 6.196 15 Every hour will show a duty as paramount as that of my whim just now...
    Wsp 6.229 4 If we will sit quietly, what [people] ought to say is said, with their will or against their will. We do not care for you, let us pretend what we may,--we are always looking through you to the dim dictator behind you. Whilst your habit or whim chatters, we civilly and impatiently wait until that wise superior shall speak again.
    Wsp 6.236 16 [Benedict] had the whim not to make an apology to the same individual whom he had wronged.
    Bty 6.299 4 Faces...are a record in sculpture of a thousand anecdotes of whim and folly.
    Ill 6.314 9 ...the scientific whim is lurking in all corners.
    Ill 6.314 13 ...a friend of mine complained that all the varieties of fancy pears in our orchard seem to have been selected by somebody who had a whim for a particular kind of pear...
    Clbs 7.232 23 Some men love only to talk where they are masters. ... They go rarely to thei their equals, and then as for their own convenience simply, making too much haste to introduce and impart their new whim or discovery;...
    PI 8.19 12 ...poetry, or the imagination which dictates it, is a second sight, looking through [things], and using them as types or words for thoughts which they signify. Or is this belief a metaphysical whim of modern times...
    Dem1 10.27 5 [The demonologic] is a lawless world. ...a droll bedlam, where...the actors and spectators have no conscience or reflection, no police, no foot-rule, no sanity,-nothing but whim and whim creative.
    MMEm 10.408 17 ...the whim and petulance in which by diseased habit [Mary Moody Emerson] had grown to indulge without suspecting it, was burned up in the glow of her pure and poetic spirit, which dearly loved the Infinite.
    Thor 10.467 17 One of the weapons [Thoreau] used...was a whim which grew on him by indulgence...
    EWI 11.126 1 ...[slavery] does not love...a book or a preacher who has the absurd whim of saying what he thinks;...
    Wom 11.411 14 There is...no style adopted into the etiquette of courts, but was first the whim and the mere action of some brilliant woman...
    Mem 12.92 6 The old whim or perception was an augury of a broader insight...
    Bost 12.187 22 Demand and supply run [in Paris] into every invisible and unnamed province of whim and passion.
    MLit 12.310 21 [The library of the Present Age] can hardly be characterized by any species of book, for...every whim and folly, has an organ.
    Trag 12.408 9 Destiny properly is...an immense whim;...

Whim, n. (1)

    SR 2.51 27 I would write on the lintels of the door-post, Whim.

whimperers, n. (1)

    SR 2.75 11 ...we are become timorous, desponding whimperers.

whims, n. (6)

    Cir 2.318 9 ...lest I should mislead any when I have my own head and obey my own whims, let me remind the reader that I am only an experimenter.
    Insp 8.289 21 I know there is room for whims here; but in regard to some apparent trifles there is great agreement as to their annoyance.
    Insp 8.289 25 ...the machine with which we are dealing is of such an inconceivable delicacy that whims also must be respected.
    Imtl 8.337 4 ...the wish for sleep, for society, for knowledge, are not random whims...
    FRep 11.514 8 In our popular politics you may note that each aspirant who rises above the crowd...soon learns that it is by no means by obeying the vulgar weathercock of his party, the resentments, the fears and whims of it, that real power is gained...
    PPr 12.385 24 ...we may easily fail in expressing the general objection [to Carlyle's Past and Present] which we feel. It appears to us as a certain disproportion in the picture, caused by the obtrusion of the whims of the painter.

whimseys, n. (1)

    OA 7.320 21 Universal convictions are not to be shaken by the whimseys of overfed butchers and firemen...

whimsical, adj. (18)

    YA 1.377 2 ...when peace comes, the nobles prove very whimsical and uncomfortable masters;...
    SR 2.65 18 ...perception is not whimsical, but fatal.
    Pol1 3.215 14 A man who cannot be acquainted with me...looking from afar at me ordains that a part of my labor shall go to this or that whimsical end...
    ShP 4.189 16 There is nothing whimsical and fantastic in [the poet's] production...
    NMW 4.238 23 It was a whimsical economy of the same kind which dictated [Bonaparte's] practice, when general in Italy, in regard to his burdensome correspondence.
    GoW 4.286 24 ...certain whimsical opinions, cosmogonies and religions of his own invention...these [Goethe] magnifies.
    ET16 5.279 2 Some diligent Fellowes or Layard will arrive...at the whole history [of Stonehenge], by that exhaustive British sense and perseverance, so whimsical in its choice of objects, which leaves its own Stonehenge...to the rabbits, whilst it opens pyramids and uncovers Nineveh.
    Art2 7.41 16 Nothing droll, nothing whimsical will endure.
    DL 7.108 18 We are sure that the sacred form of man is not seen in these whimsical, pitiful and sinister masks...
    PI 8.39 11 Men in the courts or in the street think themselves logical and the poet whimsical.
    Imtl 8.336 24 ...there is nothing in Nature...whimsical...
    Dem1 10.9 21 Goethe said: These whimsical pictures [dreams]...may well have an analogy with our whole life and fate.
    Dem1 10.15 9 It is not the tendency of our times to ascribe importance to whimsical pictures of sleep...
    Aris 10.36 17 ...all the deference of modern society to this idea of the Gentleman, and all the whimsical tyranny of Fashion which has continued to engraft itself on this reverence, is a secret homage to reality and love...
    Chr2 10.92 8 When a man...insists to do...something absurd or whimsical, only because he will, he is weak;...
    Supl 10.167 27 [People of English stock's] houses are...not designed...to be made bonfires of by whimsical viziers;...
    WSL 12.338 24 [Landor's] partialities and dislikes...often whimsical and amusing;...
    WSL 12.344 23 [Landor]...serenely enjoys the victory of Nature over fortune. Not only the elaborated story of Normanby, but the whimsical selection of his heads proves this taste.

whimsies, n. (1)

    Edc1 10.144 2 ...I hear the outcry which replies to this suggestion...would you leave the young child to the mad career of his own passions and whimsies...

whimsy, n. (2)

    GoW 4.265 4 There is a certain heat in the breast...which is the shining of the spiritual sun down into the shaft of the mine. Every thought which dawns on the mine, in the moment of its emergence announces its own rank,--whether it is some whimsy, or whether it is a power.
    ET7 5.123 19 [The English] are very liable in their politics to extraordinary delusions; thus to believe...that the movement of 10 April, 1848, was urged or assisted by foreigners: which, to be sure, is paralleled by the democratic whimsy in this country...that the English are at the bottom of the agitation of slavery...

whines, v. (1)

    SR 2.51 24 The doctrine of hatred must be preached, as the counteraction of the doctrine of love, when that pules and whines.

whining, v. (1)

    SA 8.86 8 It is an excellent custom of the Quakers...the silent prayer before meals. ... What a check to the violent manners which sometimes come to the table,--of wrath, and whining...

whip, n. (9)

    ET5 5.101 12 ...the [English] postilion cracks his whip for England...
    ET18 5.306 7 [The English]...are like a dull good horse which lets every nag pass him, but with whip and spur will run down every racer in the field.
    Pow 6.57 15 ...one horse has the spring in him, and another in the whip.
    Wsp 6.234 7 Under the whip of the driver, the slave shall feel his equality with saints and heroes.
    SA 8.100 17 ...If the search for riches were sure to be successful, though I should become a groom with whip in hand to get them, I will do so.
    EWI 11.103 20 The buckra box was full up with pen, paper and whip, and the negro box with hoe and bill;...
    EWI 11.104 2 ...if we saw the whip applied to old men...we too should wince.
    EWI 11.111 1 ...every [West Indian] slave was worked by the whip.
    FSLN 11.219 3 I have lived all my life without suffering any known inconvenience from American Slavery. I never saw it; I never heard the whip;...

whip, v. (5)

    Comp 2.115 27 The beautiful laws and substances of the world persecute and whip the traitor.
    Comp 2.119 23 ...[the mob] would whip a right;...
    Prd1 2.228 14 Dr. Johnson is reported to have said,--If the child says he looked out of this window, when he looked out of that,--whip him.
    SS 7.11 12 'T is hard...to whip our own top;...
    Insp 8.288 5 Perhaps you can recall a delight like [the swell of an Aeolian harp], which spoke to the eye, when you have stood by a lake in the woods in summer, and saw where little flaws of wind whip spots or patches of still water into fleets of ripples...

whiplash, n. (1)

    PPr 12.389 13 ...in all his fun of...playing of tunes with a whiplash... [Carlyle] does yet, ever and anon, as if catching the glance of one wise man in the crowd...lance at him in clear level tone the very word...

whipped, v. (7)

    Ill 6.322 9 ...it is the undisciplined will that is whipped with bad thoughts and bad fortunes.
    DL 7.125 16 The men we see are whipped through the world;...
    EWI 11.119 7 Sir Lionel Smith defended the poor negro girls, prey to the licentiousness of the [Jamaican] planters; they shall not be whipped with tamarind rods if they do not comply with their master's will;...
    War 11.156 5 In some parts of this country...the absorbing topic of all conversation is whipping; who fought, and which whipped?
    JBS 11.278 4 ...for [rough play] it needed that the playmates should be equal;...not one his own master...and the other watched and whipped.
    Bost 12.206 26 From...the Quaker women who for a testimony walked naked into the streets, and as the record tells us were arrested and publicly whipped,-the baggages that they were;...down to Abner Kneeland...there never was wanting [in Boston] some thorn of dissent and innovation and heresy to prick the sides of conservatism.
    MLit 12.334 20 Are we not evermore whipped by thoughts?

whipping, n. (3)

    EWI 11.123 26 ...by the aid of a little whipping, we could get [the negroes'] work for nothing but their board and the cost of whips.
    EWI 11.124 18 [The negroes] seemed created by Providence to bear the heat and the whipping, and make these fine articles.
    War 11.156 4 In some parts of this country...the absorbing topic of all conversation is whipping; who fought, and which whipped?

whipping, v. (1)

    HDC 11.84 3 I find [in Concord annals]...no whipping of Quakers...

whipping-house, n. (1)

    FSLN 11.238 9 No excess of good nature or of tenderness in individuals has been able to give a new character to the system [of slavery], to tear down the whipping-house.

whipping-post, n. (1)

    FSLC 11.198 12 [Under the Fugitive Slave Law, the bench] is the extension of the planter's whipping-post;...

whips, n. (5)

    SS 7.9 24 Such is the tragic necessity which strict science finds underneath our domestic and neighborly life, irresistibly driving each adult soul as with whips into the desert...
    Imtl 8.324 23 ...among rude men moral judgments were rudely figured under the forms of dogs and whips...
    EWI 11.103 24 ...the crude element of good in human affairs must work and ripen, spite of whips and plantation laws and West Indian interest.
    EWI 11.124 1 ...by the aid of a little whipping, we could get [the negroes'] work for nothing but their board and the cost of whips.
    CL 12.148 20 Our Aryan progenitors in Asia celebrated the winds as the conveying Maruts, traversers of places difficult of access. ... Because they drive the clouds, they have harnessed the spotted deer to their chariot; they are coming with weapons, war-cries and decorations. I hear the cracking of the whips in their hands.

whips, v. (2)

    SR 2.55 27 For nonconformity the world whips you with its displeasure.
    Comc 8.174 4 The same scourge whips the joker and the enjoyer of the joke.

whipsticks, n. (1)

    CL 12.145 18 [The Farmer] saves every drop of sap, as if it were wine. A few years ago those trees were whipsticks. Now, every one of them is worth a hundred dollars.

whirl, n. (4)

    Nat2 3.185 23 ...the wary Nature sends a new troop of fairer forms, of lordlier youths...and on goes the game again with a new whirl...
    CbW 6.268 20 ...there is a great dearth, this year, of friends;...they too are in the whirl of the flitting world...
    PC 8.208 2 The temper of our people delights in this whirl of life.
    MMEm 10.425 20 ...there is a sombre music in the whirl of times so long gone by.

whirl, v. (2)

    Pow 6.55 27 With adults, as with children, one class...whirl with the whirling world;...
    PLT 12.29 2 To the miller [Nature's] rivers whirl the wheel and weave carpets and broadcloth.

whirled, v. (2)

    SHC 11.434 21 ...I think sometimes that the vault of the sky arching there upward, under which our busy being is whirled, is only a Sleepy Hollow, with path of Suns, insead of foot-paths;...
    PLT 12.38 6 These [spiritual] facts, this essence [Truth], are not new; they are old and eternal, but our seeing of them is new. Having seen them we are no longer brute lumps whirled by Fate...

whirling, adj. (2)

    Nat2 3.180 20 The whirling bubble on the surface of a brook admits us to the secret of the mechanics of the sky.
    Pow 6.55 27 With adults, as with children, one class...whirl with the whirling world;...

whirling, v. (2)

    PI 8.7 4 ...as soon as once thought begins, it refuses to remember whose brain it belongs to;...and goes whirling off...in a direction self-chosen...
    Schr 10.270 4 The engineer in the locomotive is waiting for [the poet]; the steamboat is hissing at the wharf, and the wheels whirling to go.

whirls, v. (4)

    Pt1 3.12 18 Oftener it falls that this winged man, who will carry me into the heaven, whirls me into mists...
    NR 3.239 5 The rotation which whirls every leaf and pebble to the meridian, reaches to every gift of man...
    PI 8.50 6 Now try Spenser, Marlowe, Chapman, and see...how rich and lavish their profusion. In their rhythm is...a vortex, or musical tornado, which, falling on words and the experience of a learned mind, whirls these materials into the same grand order as planets and moons obey...
    EdAd 11.384 2 ...the train...drops every man at his estate as it whirls along...

whirlwind, n. (4)

    PerF 10.74 13 ...if [man] should fight the sea and the whirlwind with his ship, he would snap his spars, tear his sails, and swamp his bark;...
    MoL 10.257 6 All of us have shared the new enthusiasm of country and of liberty which swept like a whirlwind through all souls at the outbreak of war...
    ALin 11.335 4 ...what an occasion was the whirlwind of the war.
    Mem 12.95 9 Never was truer fable than that of the Sibyl's writing on leaves which the wind scatters. The difference between men is that in one the memory with inconceivable swiftness flies after and recollects the flying leaves,-flies on wing as fast as that mysterious whirlwind...

whisked, v. (2)

    MoS 4.167 18 [I seem to hear Montaigne say] Our condition as men is risky and ticklish enough. One cannot be sure of himself and his fortune an hour, but he may be whisked off into some pitiable or ridiculous plight.
    Ctr 6.136 21 ...our talents are as mischievous as if each had been seized upon by some bird of prey which had whisked him away from fortune, from truth...

whiskers, n. (1)

    NMW 4.255 27 [Napoleon] had the habit...pulling the ears and whiskers of men...

whiskey, n. (2)

    Civ 7.31 6 What a benefit would the American government...render to itself...if it would tax whiskey and rum almost to the point of prohibition!
    Res 8.150 13 In England men of letters drink wine; in Scotland, whiskey;...

whisper, n. (11)

    Fdsp 2.211 25 Let us be silent,--so we may hear the whisper of the gods.
    Exp 3.54 26 The intellect, seeker of absolute truth, or the heart, lover of absolute good, intervenes for our succor, and at one whisper of these high powers we awake from ineffectual struggles with this nightmare [of science].
    NER 3.276 10 ...if the secret oracles whose whisper makes the sweetness and dignity of [a man's] life do here withdraw and accompany him no longer,--it is time to undervalue what he has valued...
    Bhr 6.191 4 There is a whisper out of the ages to him who can understand it...
    Elo1 7.79 21 ...there are men of the most peaceful way of life...who are felt wherever they go...men who, if they speak, are heard, though they speak in a whisper...
    OA 7.336 5 I have heard that whenever the name of man is spoken, the doctrine of immortality is announced; it cleaves to his constitution. The mode of it baffles our wit, and no whisper comes to us from the other side.
    Grts 8.307 8 ...none of us will ever accomplish anything excellent or commanding except when he listens to this whisper which is heard by him alone.
    FSLC 11.196 19 But worse, not the officials alone are bribed [by the Fugitive Slave Law], but the whole community is solicited. The scowl of the community is attempted to be averted by the mischievous whisper, Tariff and Southern market, if you will be quiet: no tariff and loss of Southern market, if you dare to murmur.
    AKan 11.260 26 Are there no women in that [Southern] country,-women, who always carry the conscience of a people? Yet we have not heard one discordant whisper.
    PLT 12.42 5 ...I hear a whisper, which I dare trust, that [perception] is the thread on which the earth and the heaven of heavens are strung.
    Trag 12.409 12 The whisper overheard, the detected glance...darken the brow and chill the heart of men.

whisper, v. (11)

    LE 1.160 27 ...the soul seems to whisper, There is a better way than this indolent learning of another.
    LE 1.182 3 Let [the scholar]...serve the world as a true and noble man; never forgetting to worship the immortal divinities who whisper to the poet...
    Prd1 2.240 15 Undoubtedly we...can easily whisper names prouder, and that tickle the fancy more.
    ET6 5.106 3 [The Englishman] withholds his name. At the hotel, he is hardly willing to whisper it to the clerk at the book-office.
    Clbs 7.238 3 ...[Odin] puts a question which none but himself could answer: What did Odin whisper in the ear of his son Balder, when Balder mounted the funeral pile?
    Elo2 8.124 4 In the mortifications of disappointment, [Science's] soothing voice shall whisper serenity and peace.
    Edc1 10.157 22 Set this law up, whatever becomes of the rules of the school: [the pupils] must not whisper, much less talk;...
    MMEm 10.414 22 ...as I [Mary Moody Emerson] walked out this afternoon, so sad was wearied Nature that I felt her whisper to me...
    PLT 12.30 4 Let me whisper a secret; nobody ever forgives any admiration in you of them...
    CL 12.139 9 ...if...we would, manlike, see what grows, or might grow, in Massachusetts...and...ponder the moral secrets which, in her solitudes, Nature has to whisper to us, we were better patriots and happier men.
    CL 12.151 22 In August...when the leaves whisper to each other in the wind, we observe already that the leaf is sere...

whispered, v. (7)

    Exp 3.43 19 The lords of life, the lords of life,--/ I saw them pass,/ In their own guise,/ .../ Dearest Nature, strong and kind,/ Whispered, Darling, never mind!/ To-morrow they will wear another face,/ The founder thou! these are thy race!/
    Wth 6.87 3 Watt and Stephenson whispered in the ear of mankind their secret, that a half-ounce of coal will draw two tons a mile...
    Boks 7.210 13 Earl Spencer...had paused a quarter of a minute, when Lord Althorp with long steps came to his side, as if to bring his father a fresh lance to renew the fight. Father and son whispered together...
    Cour 7.262 10 Coleridge has preserved an anecdote of an officer in the British Navy who told him that when he...accompanied Sir Alexander Ball, as we were rowing up to the vessel we were to attack...I was ready to faint away. Lieutenant Ball...took hold of my hand and whispered, Courage, my dear boy! you will recover in a minute or so;...
    PI 8.4 23 It was whispered that the globes of the universe were precipitates of something more subtle;...
    Schr 10.269 26 What the Genius whispered [the poet] at night he reported to the young men at dawn.
    Plu 10.295 20 [Henry IV wrote] My good mother...put this book [Plutarch] into my hands almost when I was a child at the breast. It...has whispered in my ear many good suggestions and maxims for my conduct and the government of my affairs.

whispering, adj. (2)

    SHC 11.428 15 Learn from the loved one's rest serenity;/ To-morrow that soft bell for thee shall sound,/ And thou repose beneath the whispering tree,/ One tribute more to this submissive ground;-/...
    CL 12.134 4 Keen ears can catch a syllable,/ As if one spoke to another,/ In the hemlocks tall, untamable,/ And what the whispering grasses smother./

whispering-galleries, n. (1)

    LLNE 10.365 3 In the American social communities, the gossip found such vent and sway as to become despotic. The institutions were whispering-galleries...

whispering-gallery, n. (1)

    Aris 10.54 10 The more familiar examples of this power [of eloquence] certainly are those...who think, and paint, and laugh, and weep, in their eloquent closets, and then convert the world into a huge whispering-gallery...

whispers, n. (2)

    Comc 8.162 19 ...with what unfeigned compassion we have seen such a person [of excessive susceptibility to the ludicrous] receiving like a willing martyr the whispers into his ear of a man of wit.
    TPar 11.285 10 In Plutarch's lives of Alexander and Pericles, you have the secret whispers of their confidence to their lovers and trusty friends.

whispers, v. (5)

    Cour 7.251 3 So nigh is grandeur to our dust,/ So near is God to man,/ When Duty whispers low, Thou must,/ The youth replies, I can./
    Cour 7.254 24 ...here is one who, seeing the wishes of men, knows how to come at their end; whispers to this friend, argues down that adversary...
    Cour 7.261 10 Each [new soldier] whispers to himself: My exertions must be of small account to the result;...
    LS 11.2 5 ...The word by seers or sibyls told,/ In groves of oak, or fanes of gold,/ Still floats upon the morning wind,/ Still whispers to the willing mind./
    RBur 11.443 13 The wind whispers [Burn's songs]...

whist, n. (6)

    Pow 6.68 13 Men of this surcharge of arterial blood...cannot read novels and play whist;...
    Ctr 6.143 2 [The boy] learns chess, whist, dancing and theatricals.
    Ctr 6.143 8 [The boy] is infatuated for weeks with whist and chess;...
    Clbs 7.235 8 What is a match at whist...to a match of mother-wit...
    Res 8.150 22 There are better games than billiards and whist.
    FRep 11.535 27 [The class of which I speak] sit in decorated club-houses in the cities, and burn tobacco and play whist;...

whistle, n. (9)

    SR 2.60 12 Instead of the gong for dinner, let us hear a whistle from the Spartan fife.
    Nat2 3.186 1 The child...abandoned to a whistle or a painted chip...lies down at night overpowered by the fatigue which this day of continual pretty madness has incurred.
    DL 7.104 17 With an acoustic apparatus of whistle and rattle [the child] explores the laws of sound.
    Suc 7.297 13 ...has [the scholar or writer] never found that there is a better poetry hinted in a boy's whistle of a tune...than in all his literary results?
    PI 8.56 25 ...[Newton] only shows...that the poetry which satisfies more youthful souls is not such to a mind like his, accustomed to grander harmonies;--this being a child's whistle to his ear;...
    Res 8.153 1 ...every boy cuts [the willows] for a whistle;...
    MMEm 10.411 4 ...[Mary Moody Emerson] was no whistle that every mouth could play on...
    EWI 11.125 25 ...[slavery] does not love the whistle of the railroad;...
    PLT 12.43 14 There are times when...a boy's willow whistle...is more suggestive to the mind than the Yosemite gorge or the Vatican would be in another hour.

whistle, v. (5)

    SwM 4.99 6 Such a boy [as Swedenborg] could not whistle or dance...
    MoS 4.184 22 Each man woke in the morning with...a spirit for action and passion without bounds...but, on the first motion to prove his strength,-- hands, feet, senses, gave way and would not serve him. He was an emperor...left to whistle by himself...
    PI 8.46 19 If you hum or whistle the rhythm of the common English metres...you can easily believe these metres to be organic...
    PI 8.52 20 ...we have not done with music, no, nor with rhyme, nor must console ourselves with prose poets so long as boys whistle and girls sing.
    RBur 11.443 14 ...the birds whistle [Burns's songs]...

whistled, v. (1)

    ET2 5.32 9 Sea-days are long--these lack-lustre, joyless days which whistled over us;...

whistles, v. (2)

    AmS 1.104 15 It is a shame to [the scholar]...if he seek a temporary peace by the diversion of his thoughts from politics or vexed questions...as a boy whistles to keep his courage up.
    PLT 12.52 13 ...because [men] know one thing, we defer to them in another, and find them really contemptible. We can't make a half bow and say, I honor and despise you. But Nature can; she whistles with all her winds, and does as she pleases.

whistling, v. (3)

    Mrs1 3.120 1 In the deserts of Borgoo the rock-Tibboos still dwell in caves, like cliff-swallows, and the language of these negroes is compared by their neighbors to the shrieking of bats and to the whistling of birds.
    MoS 4.184 23 Each man woke in the morning with...a spirit for action and passion without bounds...but, on the first motion to prove his strength,-- hands, feet, senses, gave way and would not serve him. He was an emperor...left to whistle by himself, or thrust into a mob of emperors, all whistling...
    PI 8.72 22 A little more or less skill in whistling is of no account.

whit, n. (2)

    ShP 4.192 9 [The Elizabethan theatre] had become, by all causes, a national interest...not a whit less considerable because it was cheap and of no account...
    GoW 4.274 1 [Goethe]...showed that the dulness and prose we ascribe to the age was only another of [Proteus's] masks...that he...was not a whit less vivacious or rich in Liverpool or the Hague than once in Rome or Antioch.

white, adj. (64)

    LT 1.288 1 Here we drift, like white sail across the wild ocean...
    Con 1.318 3 ...an army encamps in a desert, and...creates a white city in an hour...
    Tran 1.359 15 Soon these improvements and mechanical inventions will be superseded;...these cities rotted...all gone, like the shells which sprinkle the sea-beach with a white colony to-day...
    SR 2.84 25 ...the white man has lost his aboriginal strength.
    Comp 2.91 1 The wings of Time are black and white/...
    Prd1 2.235 2 Strike, says the smith, the iron is white;...
    Pt1 3.31 10 ...Orpheus speaks of hoariness as that white flower which marks extreme old age;...
    Exp 3.57 20 The party-colored wheel must revolve very fast to appear white.
    Chr1 3.115 24 ...when that love...which has vowed to itself that it will be a wretch and also a fool in this world sooner than soil its white hands by any compliances, comes into our streets and houses,--only the pure and aspiring can know its face...
    Nat2 3.179 21 A little heat...is all that differences the bald, dazzling white and deadly cold poles of the earth from the prolific tropical climates.
    Nat2 3.182 22 The smoothest curled courtier in the boudoirs of a palace has an animal nature, rude and aboriginal as a white bear...
    ET2 5.32 19 ...I think the white path of an Atlantic ship the right avenue to the palace front of this seafaring people [the English]...
    ET3 5.39 19 In the manufacturing towns [of England], the fine soot or blacks...give white sheep the color of black sheep...
    ET14 5.234 24 Even in its elevations materialistic, [England's] poetry is common sense inspired; or iron raised to white heat.
    F 6.8 15 ...it is of no use...to dress up that terrific benefactor [Providence] in a clean shirt and white neckcloth...
    CbW 6.262 21 Nature...works up every shred and ort and end into new creations; like a good chemist whom I found the other day in his laboratory, converting his old shirts into pure white sugar.
    Ill 6.323 16 ...the Indians say that they do not think the white man...has any advantage of them.
    Civ 7.20 5 The Indians of this country have not learned the white man's work;...
    Civ 7.34 5 ...if there be...a country...where the position of the white woman is injuriously affected by the outlawry of the black woman;...that country is...not civil, but barbarous;...
    Elo1 7.70 23 ...who does not remember in childhood some white or black or yellow Scheherezade, who, by that talent of telling endless feats of fairies and magicians and kings and queens, was more dear and wonderful to a circle of children than any orator in England or America is now?
    WD 7.163 16 We may yet find a rose-water that will wash the negro white.
    WD 7.169 12 The old Sabbath...white with the religions of unknown thousands of years, when this hallowed hour dawns out of the deep...the cathedral music of history breathes through it a psalm to our solitude.
    Cour 7.259 7 Those political parties which gather in the well-disposed portion of the community...what white lips they have!...
    OA 7.329 9 In process of time, [Linnaeus] finds with delight the little white Trientalis, the only plant with seven petals and sometimes seven stamens, which constitutes a seventh class in conformity with his system.
    OA 7.332 13 The old President [John Adams] sat in a large stuffed arm-chair, dressed in a blue coat, black small-clothes, white stockings;...
    Res 8.146 13 ...taking from his portmanteau a small phial of white brandy, [Tissenet] poured it into a cup...
    PPo 8.257 23 The lilies white prolonged/ Their sworded tongue to the smell;/ The clustering anemones/ Their pretty secrets tell./
    PPo 8.258 4 Presently we have [in Hafiz's poetry],-All day the rain/ Bathed the dark hyacinths in vain,/ The flood may pour from morn to night/ Nor wash the pretty Indians white./
    Insp 8.280 21 Sleep is like death, and after sleep/ The world seems new begun;/ White thoughts stand luminous and firm,/ Like statues in the sun;/...
    Imtl 8.325 26 [The Greek]...built his beautiful tombs at Pompeii. The poet Shelley says of these delicately carved white marble cells, They seem not so much hiding places of that which must decay, as voluptuous chambers for immortal spirits.
    Dem1 10.7 12 ...in varieties of our own species where organization seems to predominate over the genius of man...we are sometimes pained by the same feeling [of the similarity between man and animal]; and sometimes too the sharpwitted prosperous white man awakens it.
    PerF 10.82 16 The story of Orpheus, of Arion, of the Arabian minstrel, are not fables, but experiments on the same iron at white heat.
    MoL 10.241 19 ...[the scholar] has drawn the white lot in life.
    Schr 10.265 5 ...[poets] sit white over their stoves, and talk themselves hoarse over the mischief of books...
    Thor 10.482 5 Thank God, [Thoreau] said, they cannot cut down the clouds! All kinds of figures are drawn on the blue ground with this fibrous white paint.
    HDC 11.36 21 [The Indians'] physical powers...astonished the white men.
    HDC 11.37 11 When you came over the morning waters, said one of the Sachems, we took you into our arms. We fed you with our best meat. Never went white man cold and hungry from Indian wigwam.
    HDC 11.38 3 Wibbacowet, the husband of Squaw Sachem, received a suit of cloth, a hat, a white linen band, shoes, stockings and a greatcoat;...
    HDC 11.59 11 ...[the red man] may fire a farm-house, or a village; but the association of the white men and their arts of war give them an overwhelming advantage...
    HDC 11.64 15 The public charity seems to have been bestowed in a manner now obsolete [in Concord]. The town...being informed of the great present want of Thomas Pellit, gave order to Stephen Hosmer to deliver a town cow, of a black color, with a white face, unto said Pellit, for his present supply.
    EWI 11.103 17 Very sad was the negro tradition, that the Great Spirit, in the beginning offered the black man, whom he loved better than the buckra, or white, his choice of two boxes...
    EWI 11.126 2 ...[slavery] does not increase the white population;...
    EWI 11.126 12 It was very easy for manufacturers...to see that...if the slaves [in the West Indies] had wages, the slaves would be clothed...and negro women love fine clothes as well as white women.
    EWI 11.145 1 ...you must save yourself, black or white, man or woman;...
    EWI 11.145 4 I esteem the occasion of this jubilee [of emancipation in the West Indies] to be the proud discovery that the black race can contend with the white...
    EWI 11.146 9 I doubt not that, sometimes, a despairing negro, when jumping over the ship's sides to escape from the white devils who surrounded him, has believed there was no vindication of right;...
    FSLC 11.200 23 The words of John Randolph, wiser than he knew, have been ringing ominously in all echoes for thirty years, words spoken in the heat of the Missouri debate. We do not govern the people of the North by our black slaves, but by their own white slaves.
    FSLC 11.201 5 By white slaves, by a white slave, are we beaten.
    ACiv 11.307 15 Now, [the Southern people's] interest is in keeping out white labor;...
    ACiv 11.308 27 ...justice satisfies everybody,-white man, red man, yellow man and black man.
    SMC 11.350 21 ...as we have learned that the upheaved mountain, from which these discs or flakes were broken, was once a glowing mass at white heat, slowly crystallized, then uplifted by the central fires of the globe: so the roots of events [the Concord Monument] appropriately marks are in the heart of the universe.
    SMC 11.374 13 On the ninth, [the Thirty-second Regiment] marched in support of the cavalry, and were advancing in a grand charge, when the white flag of General Lee appeared.
    FRep 11.541 21 The genius of the country has marked out our true policy,-opportunity. Opportunity...of personal power, and not less of wealth; doors wide open. If I could have it,-free trade with all the world without toll or custom-houses, invitation as we now make...to every race and skin, white men, red men, yellow men, black men;...
    PLT 12.32 13 White huckleberries are so rare that in miles of pasture you shall not find a dozen.
    CL 12.139 13 If we have coarse days, and dogdays, and white days...we have also yellow days, and crystal days...
    CL 12.149 18 ...what countless uses [of the forest] that we know not! How an Indian helps himself with fibre of milkweed...or root of spruce, black or white, for strings;...
    CL 12.149 21 [The Indian] goes to a white birch-tree, and can fit his leg with a seamless boot, or a hat for his head.
    CL 12.150 8 All [the Indian's] knowledge is for use...whilst white men have theirs also for talking purposes.
    CL 12.150 13 ...I admire that perennial four-petalled flower, which has one gray petal, one green, one red, and one white.
    CL 12.161 10 The college is not so wise as the mechanic's shop, nor the quarter-deck as the forecastle. Witness the insatiable interest of the white man about the Indian...
    CL 12.162 4 Where are the best hazel-nuts, chestnuts and shagbarks? Where the white grapes?
    MAng1 12.213 3 Never did sculptor's dream unfold/ A form which marble doth not hold/ In its white block;.../
    MLit 12.309 16 We go musing into the vault of day and night;...the stars are white points...
    Pray 12.356 5 ...we must not tie up the rosary on which we have strung these few white beads [prayers], without adding a pearl of great price from that book of prayer, the Confessions of Saint Augustine.

White Hills, Massachusetts, (5)

    LE 1.169 23 What mean...these pilgrims to the White Hills?
    Con 1.308 18 I cannot occupy the bleakest crag of the White Hills or the Alleghany Range, but some man or corporation steps up to me to show me that it is his.
    YA 1.368 10 ...[the farmer] is so contented with his alleys, woodlands, orchards and river, that Niagara and the Notch of the White Hills...are superfluities.
    Boks 7.213 20 [Men's] education is neglected; but the circulating library and the theatre, as well as...the tour...to the White Hills and the Ghauts, make such amends as they can.
    PC 8.213 2 ...the rocks of Nahant or the dikes of the White Hills disclose that the world is a crystal...

White Hills, New Hampshire (1)

    Wth 6.95 9 [The rich] include...the ocean-side, the White Hills...in their notion of available material.

White House, Washington, D (1)

    Comp 2.99 12 But the President has paid dear for his White House.

White Mountains, n. (1)

    MMEm 10.401 16 Finally [Mary Moody Emerson's farm] was sold, and its price invested in a share of a farm in Maine, where she lived as a boarder with her sister, for many years. It was...within sight of the White Mountains...

white, n. (12)

    Tran 1.350 12 When [the great man] has hit the white, the rest may shatter the target.
    SR 2.85 4 ...the same blow shall send the white to his grave.
    CbW 6.243 25 ...Mask thy wisdom with delight,/ Toy with the bow, yet hit the white./
    CbW 6.250 19 Nature...only hits the white once in a million throws.
    Civ 7.20 19 [The Indian] is overpowered by the gaze of the white...
    EWI 11.116 13 At Grace Bay, [the day following emancipation in the West Indies] the people, all dressed in white, formed a procession...
    EWI 11.117 4 In June, 1835, the Ministers, Lord Aberdeen and Sir George Grey, declared to the Parliament...that now for ten months...no injury or violence had been offered to any white [in the West Indies]...
    EWI 11.141 21 ...the white has, for ages, done what he could to keep the negro in that hoggish state.
    EWI 11.144 17 ...if you have man, black or white is an insignificance.
    FSLC 11.190 21 ...no reasonable person needs a quotation from Blackstone to convince him that white cannot be legislated to be black...
    ACiv 11.296 5 To the mizzen, the main, and the fore/ Up with it once more!-/ The old tri-color,/ The ribbon of power,/ The white, blue and red which the nations adore!/
    CL 12.151 13 ...the oak and maple are red with the same colors on the new leaf which they will resume in autumn when it is ripe. In June, the miracle works faster, Painting with white and red the moors/ To draw the nations out of doors./

White, Rev. Mr., n. (1)

    EzRy 10.385 16 And at last we have this record [from Joseph Emerson], June 4th [1735]: Disposed of my shay to Rev. Mr. White.

white-faced, adj. (1)

    Art1 2.357 9 ...then is my eye opened to the eternal picture which nature paints in the street, with moving men and children...white-faced, black-faced...

Whitefield [Whitfield], Geo (7)

    LT 1.269 13 The leaders of the crusades against War, Negro slavery...are the right successors of Luther...and Whitefield.
    OA 7.334 4 [John Adams] talked of Whitefield...
    HDC 11.66 8 In 1741, the celebrated Whitfield preached here [in Concord], in the open air, to a great congregation.
    HDC 11.67 14 In 1764, [George] Whitfield preached again at Concord...
    HDC 11.86 2 On the village green [of Concord] have been the steps...of Whitfield, whose silver voice melted his great congregation into tears;...
    Bost 12.203 13 ...there is always [in Boston]...always a heresiarch, whom the governor and deputies labor with but cannot silence. Some new light... some tender minister hospitable to Whitfield against the counsel of all the ministers;...
    Bost 12.207 2 From...Ann Hutchinson, and Whitfield...down to Abner Kneeland...there never was wanting [in Boston] some thorn of dissent and innovation and heresy to prick the sides of conservatism.

Whitefield's [Whitfield's], (1)

    OA 7.334 1 We asked if at Whitefield's return the same popularity continued.

white-haired, adj. (1)

    ET1 5.19 6 [Wordsworth's] daughters called in their father, a plain, elderly, white-haired man...

white-hot, adj. (1)

    Tran 1.331 27 The sturdy capitalist...must set [his banking-house], at last... on a mass of unknown materials and solidity, red-hot or white-hot perhaps at the core...

whiten, v. (2)

    Nat2 3.172 15 The fall of snowflakes in a still air...the mimic waving of acres of houstonia, whose innumerable florets whiten and ripple before the eye;...these are the music and pictures of the most ancient religion.
    HDC 11.85 20 Humble as is our village [Concord] in the circle of later and prouder towns that whiten the land, it has been consecrated by the presence and activity of the purest men.

whiteness, n. (2)

    Wsp 6.208 1 Here are...even in the decent populations, idolatries wherein the whiteness of the ritual covers scarlet indulgence.
    WSL 12.339 24 Before a well-dressed company [Landor] plunges his fingers into a cesspool, as if to expose the whiteness of his hands...

whitenings, n. (1)

    HDC 11.52 8 At a meeting which Eliot gave to the squaws apart, the wife of Wampooas propounded the question, Whether do I pray when my husband prays, if I speak nothing as he doth, yet if I like what he saith?- which questions were accounted of by some, as part of the whitenings of the harvest toward.

whitens, v. (1)

    PI 8.58 10 ...[The wind] has no fear, nor the rude wants of created things./ Great God! how the sea whitens when it comes?/

white-robed, adj. (1)

    PI 8.45 25 In society you have this figure [of rhyme] in a bridal company, where a choir of white-robed maidens give the charm of living statues;...

whites, n. (9)

    HDC 11.62 3 It is the misfortune of Concord to have permitted a disgraceful outrage upon the friendly Indians settled within its limits, in February, 1676, which ended in their forcible expulsion from the town. This painful incident is but too just an example of the measure which the Indians have generally received from the whites.
    HDC 11.66 2 ...bounties of twenty shillings are given as late as 1735, to Indians and whites, for the heads of these animals [wolves and wildcats]...
    EWI 11.101 15 If the Virginian piques himself...on the heavy Ethiopian manners of his house-servants...and would not exchange them for the more intelligent but precarious hired service of whites, I shall not refuse to show him that when their free-papers are made out, it will still be their interest to remain on his estate...
    EWI 11.141 21 It was the sarcasm of Montesquieu, it would not do to suppose that negroes were men, lest it should turn out that whites were not;...
    EWI 11.142 16 [West Indian negroes] receive hints and advances from the whites that they will be gladly received as subscribers to the Exchange...
    EWI 11.142 23 I have said that this event [emancipation in the West Indies] interests us because it came mainly from the concession of the whites;...
    EWI 11.143 10 Who cares for oppressing whites, or oppressed blacks, twenty centuries ago...
    FSLN 11.238 20 ...when the Southerner points to the anatomy of the negro, and talks of chimpanzee,-I recall Montesquieu's remark, It will not do to say that negroes are men, lest it should turn out that whites are not.
    CL 12.147 4 ...there was a contest between the old orchard and the invading forest-trees, for the possession of the ground, of the whites against the Pequots...

white-seamed, adj. (1)

    LE 1.183 11 They [whom the student's thoughts have entertained or inflamed] find that he is a poor, ignorant man, in a white-seamed, rusty coat, like themselves...

whitest, adj. (1)

    AsSu 11.251 13 ...I think I may borrow the language which Bishop Burnet applied to Sir Isaac Newton, and say that Charles Sumner has the whitest soul I ever knew.

whitewash, n. (3)

    PPh 4.51 1 As if [Krishna] had said, All is for the soul, and the soul is Vishnu;...and light is whitewash;...
    Wsp 6.210 7 What [proof of infidelity], like the externality of churches that...now have perished away till they are a speck of whitewash on the wall?
    Chr2 10.112 20 The walls of the temple are wasted and thin, and, at last, only a film of whitewash...

whitewash, v. (3)

    F 6.8 13 ...it is of no use to try to whitewash [Providence's] huge, mixed instrumentalities...
    Pow 6.60 9 Here is question, every spring...whether to whitewash, or to potash, or to prune;...
    Edc1 10.138 6 ...we sacrifice the genius of the pupil...to a neat and safe uniformity, as the Turks whitewash the costly mosaics of ancient art...

whitewashed, v. (1)

    ET11 5.179 18 Waltham is strong town; Radcliffe is red cliff; and so on,--a sincerity and use in naming very striking to an American, whose country is whitewashed all over by unmeaning names...

whither, adv. (24)

    LE 1.183 16 They [whom the student's thoughts have entertained or inflamed] find...that he cannot make of his infrequent illumination a portable taper to carry whither he would...
    Tran 1.332 5 The sturdy capitalist...must set [his banking-house], at last... on a mass of unknown materials and solidity...which...goes spinning away, dragging bank and banker with it at a rate of thousands of miles the hour, he knows not whither...
    OS 2.274 6 The things we now esteem fixed shall...detach themselves like ripe fruit from our experience, and fall. The wind shall blow them none knows whither.
    Cir 2.322 5 A man, said Oliver Cromwell, never rises so high as when he knows not whither he is going.
    Pt1 3.10 15 I remember when I was young how much I was moved one morning by tidings that genius had appeared in a youth who sat near me at table. He had left his work and gone rambling none knew whither...
    PPh 4.71 14 The young men...invite [Socrates] to their feasts, whither he goes for conversation.
    SwM 4.94 14 ...the instincts presently teach that the problem of essence must take precedence of all others;--the questions of Whence? What? and Whither?...
    SwM 4.113 7 ...as often as [nature] betakes herself upward from visible phenomena...she instantly as it were disappears, while no one knows... whither she is gone...
    MoS 4.155 17 ...if we uncover the last facts of our knowledge, you are spinning like bubbles in a river, you know not whither or whence...
    ET1 5.3 10 ...I remember the pleasure of that first walk on English ground... to a house in Russell Square, whither we had been recommended to good chambers.
    ET12 5.201 13 I saw [at Oxford] the Ashmolean Museum, whither Elias Ashmole in 1682 sent twelve cart-loads of rarities.
    ET16 5.288 9 On the way to Winchester, whither our host accompanied us in the afternoon, my friends asked many questions respecting American landscape, forests, houses...
    DL 7.122 11 ...[Lord Falkland's] house was a university in a less volume, whither [the most polite and accurate men of Oxford University] came, not so much for repose as study...
    Clbs 7.241 2 Conversation is the Olympic games whither every superior gift resorts to assert and approve itself...
    PPo 8.241 6 When all [the troops and spirits] were in order, the east wind, at [Solomon's] command, took up the carpet and transported with all that were upon it, whither he pleased...
    PPo 8.260 26 I know this perilous love-lane/ No whither the traveller leads,/ Yet my fancy the sweet scent of/ Thy tangled tresses feeds./
    Aris 10.58 19 ...that is [the horseman's] business,-to ride...to ride unto the place whither he is bound.
    HDC 11.30 6 Man's life, said the Witan to the Saxon king, is the sparrow that enters at a window...and flies out at another, and none knoweth whence he came, or whither he goes.
    HDC 11.33 19 Much time was lost in travelling [the pilgrims] knew not whither, when the sun was hidden by clouds;...
    EWI 11.105 14 Granville Sharpe was accidentally made acquainted with the sufferings of a slave, whom a West Indian planter had brought with him to London, and had beaten with a pistol on his head, so badly that his whole body became diseased, and the man useless to his master, who left him to go whither he pleased.
    SMC 11.355 11 The armies mustered in the North...had the vast advantage of carrying whither they marched a higher civilization.
    PLT 12.16 19 In my thought I seem to stand on the bank of a river and watch the endless flow of the stream, floating objects of all shapes, colors and natures; nor can I much detain them as they pass except by running beside them a little way along the bank. But whence they come or whither they go is not told me.
    II 12.86 7 Follow this leading, nor ask too curiously whither.
    Bost 12.188 17 [Boston] is...a seat...of men of principle, obeying a sentiment, and marching loyally whither that should lead them;...

whithersoever, adv. (1)

    Wth 6.87 2 [coal] is the means of transporting itself whithersoever it is wanted.

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