Right to Rived

A Concordance to the Collected Essays of Ralph Waldo Emerson
Compiled by Eugene F. Irey

right, adj. (249)

    Nat 1.25 16 Right means straight;...
    Nat 1.33 18 ...A cripple in the right way will beat a racer in the wrong;...
    Nat 1.45 4 A right action seems to fill the eye...
    Nat 1.59 13 I only wish to indicate the true position of nature in regard to man, wherein to establish man all right education tends;...
    AmS 1.84 5 In the right state [the scholar] is Man Thinking.
    AmS 1.89 25 What is the right use [of books]?
    AmS 1.91 9 Undoubtedly there is a right way of reading...
    AmS 1.103 5 Success treads on every right step.
    AmS 1.106 17 ...in a millenium...one or two approximations to the right state of every man.
    DSA 1.148 21 ...let us study the grand strokes of rectitude:...a certain solidity of merit...which is so essentially and manifestly virtue, that it is taken for granted that the right, the brave, the generous step will be taken by it...
    LE 1.180 8 ...[Napoleon] had a sublime confidence...in the sallies of courage...which, at the right moment, repaired all losses...
    MN 1.206 14 ...it is as impossible for you to paint a right picture as for grass to bear apples.
    LT 1.269 12 The leaders of the crusades against War, Negro slavery...are the right successors of Luther, Knox...
    Con 1.302 25 The reformer, the partisan, loses himself in driving to the utmost some specialty of right conduct...
    Con 1.319 5 ...[the radical's] theory is right, but he makes no allowance for friction;...
    Tran 1.357 15 ...[strong spirits] by happiness of greater momentum lose no time, but take the right road at first.
    YA 1.381 8 ...[these communists] thought that the farm, as we manage it, did not satisfy the right ambition of man.
    Hist 2.34 20 Magic and all that is ascribed to it is a deep presentiment of the powers of science. The shoes of swiftness...the power...of understanding the voices of birds, are the obscure efforts of the mind in a right direction.
    SR 2.51 7 Every decent and well-spoken individual affects and sways me more than is right.
    SR 2.55 13 ...we know not where to begin to set [conformists] right.
    SR 2.76 5 If the finest genius studies at one of our colleges and is not installed in an office within one year afterwards...it seems to his friends and to himself that he is right in being disheartened...
    Comp 2.116 15 ...the law holds with equal sureness for all right action.
    SL 2.139 13 ...by lowly listening we shall hear the right word.
    SL 2.145 4 The soul's emphasis is always right.
    SL 2.158 4 In every troop of boys...a new-comer is as well and accurately weighed in the course of a few days and stamped with his right number, as if he had undergone a formal trial of his strength, speed and temper.
    Prd1 2.229 16 This property [which gives life to the figures in a painting] is the hitting, in all the figures we draw, the right centre of gravity.
    Prd1 2.232 18 It does not seem to me so genuine grief when some tyrannous Richard the Third oppresses and slays a score of innocent persons, as when Antonio and Tasso, both apparently right, wrong each other.
    Prd1 2.234 22 ...beer, if not brewed in the right state of the atmosphere, will sour;...
    Prd1 2.239 22 The thought is not [in dispute] taken hold of by the right handle...
    Hsm1 2.243 10 ...Chambers of the great are jails,/ And head-winds right for royal sails./
    Hsm1 2.250 25 Heroism feels and never reasons, and therefore is always right;...
    OS 2.268 26 The Supreme Critic on the errors of the past and the present... is...that common heart...to which all right action is submission;...
    Cir 2.313 12 ...steeped in the sea of beautiful forms which the field offers us, we may chance to cast a right glance back upon biography.
    Pt1 3.20 21 ...the poet...shows us all things in their right series and procession.
    Exp 3.59 8 There is now no longer any right course of action nor any self-devotion left among the Iranis.
    Exp 3.74 19 [Just persons] believe...that no right action of ours is quite unaffecting to our friends...
    Exp 3.78 24 Especially the crimes that spring from love seem right and fair from the actor's point of view...
    Exp 3.85 14 ...there never was a right endeavor but it succeeded.
    Chr1 3.97 2 ...[the action's] moral element preexisted in the actor, and its quality as right or wrong it was easy to predict.
    Chr1 3.111 26 If it were possible to live in right relations with men!...
    Chr1 3.115 7 This is confusion, this the right insanity, when the soul no longer knows its own, nor where its allegiance, its religion, are due.
    Mrs1 3.124 18 The rulers of society must be...men of the right Caesarian pattern...
    Gts 3.161 17 The only gift is a portion of thyself. ... Therefore the poet brings his poem;...the girl, a handkerchief of her own sewing. This is right and pleasing...
    Nat2 3.178 27 ...if our own life flowed with the right energy, we should shame the brook.
    Nat2 3.184 18 Nature, meanwhile, had not waited for the discussion, but, right or wrong, bestowed the impulse, and the balls rolled.
    Nat2 3.184 21 Nature, meanwhile, had not waited for the discussion, but, right or wrong, bestowed the impulse, and the balls rolled. It was no great affair, a mere push, but the astronomers were right in making much of it...
    Pol1 3.207 26 Born democrats, we are nowise qualified to judge of monarchy, which, to our fathers living in the monarchical idea, was also relatively right.
    NR 3.247 16 ...the most sincere and revolutionary doctrine...shall in a few weeks be coldly set aside by the same speaker, as morbid; I thought I was right, but I was not...
    NER 3.254 18 It is right and beautiful in any man to say, I will take this coat, or this book, or this measure of corn of yours,--in whom we see the act to be original...
    NER 3.262 1 All our things are right and wrong together.
    NER 3.275 3 All that a man has will he give for right relations with his mates.
    NER 3.284 11 Do not be so impatient to set the town right concerning the unfounded pretensions and the false reputation of certain men of standing.
    NER 3.284 14 Do not be so impatient to set the town right concerning the unfounded pretensions and the false reputation of certain men of standing. They are laboring harder to set the town right concerning themselves, and will certainly succeed.
    UGM 4.8 10 Right ethics are central...
    UGM 4.24 17 Altogether independent of the intellectual force in each is... the security that we are right.
    UGM 4.33 25 The genius of humanity is the right point of view of history.
    PPh 4.65 18 ...God invented and bestowed sight on us for this purpose,-- that on surveying the circles of intelligence in the heavens, we might properly employ those of our own minds...and that...we might, by imitating the uniform revolutions of divinity, set right our own wanderings and blunders.
    PNR 4.84 14 [Plato affirms that] The right punishment of one out of tune is to make him play in tune;...
    SwM 4.107 24 A poetic anatomist, in our own day, teaches that a snake, being a horizontal line, and man, being an erect line, constitute a right angle;...
    SwM 4.119 3 To a right perception...of the order of nature, [Swedenborg] added the comprehension of the moral laws in their widest social aspects;...
    SwM 4.134 8 The thousand-fold relation of men is not there [in Swedenborg's system of the world]. The interest that attaches in nature to each man, because he is right by his wrong, and wrong by his right;....
    SwM 4.140 10 ...the right examples are private experiences...
    MoS 4.159 19 This then is the right ground of the skeptic,--this of consideration, of self-containing;...
    MoS 4.170 5 Shall we say that Montaigne has...given the right and permanent expression of the human mind, on the conduct of life?
    NMW 4.232 9 [Bonaparte] is strong in the right manner, namely by insight.
    NMW 4.235 25 ...if fighting be the best mode of adjusting national differences...certainly Bonaparte was right in making it thorough.
    GoW 4.265 10 Society has, at all times, the same want, namely of one sane man with adequate powers of expression to hold up each object of monomania in its right relations.
    GoW 4.265 21 ...let one man have the comprehensive eye that can replace this isolated prodigy in its right neighborhood and bearings...
    GoW 4.282 14 ...through every clause and part of speech of a right book I meet the eyes of the most determined of men;...
    ET1 5.4 27 It is probable you left some obscure comrade...with right mother-wit and equality to life, when you crossed sea and land to play bo-peep with celebrated scribes.
    ET1 5.10 2 The criticism [of Landor] may be right or wrong, and is quickly forgotten;...
    ET1 5.23 6 ...recollecting myself, that I had come thus far to see a poet and he was chanting poems to me, I saw that [Wordsworth] was right and I was wrong...
    ET2 5.32 20 ...I think the white path of an Atlantic ship the right avenue to the palace front of this seafaring people [the English]...
    ET3 5.35 20 ...an American has more reasons than another to draw him to Britain. In all that is done or begun by the Americans towards right thinking or practice, we are met by a civilization already settled and overpowering.
    ET4 5.51 14 Who can call by right names what races are in Britain?
    ET4 5.53 18 In Ireland are the same climate and soil as in England, but...no right relation to the land...
    ET4 5.59 26 The wind blew off the land, the ship flew, burning in clear flame, out between the islets into the ocean, and there was the right end of King Hake.
    ET5 5.85 1 [The English] put the expense in the right place...
    ET6 5.111 7 Bacon told [the English], Time was the right reformer;...
    ET8 5.130 5 ...these [lower] classes are the right English stock...
    ET13 5.214 13 A youth marries in haste; afterwards...he is asked what he thinks...of the right relations of the sexes?
    ET14 5.233 4 ...the Englishman...takes hold of things by the right end...
    ET16 5.286 25 My friends asked, whether there were any Americans?--any with an American idea,--any theory of the right future of that country?
    ET17 5.295 6 Tennyson [Wordsworth] thinks a right poetic genius, though with some affectation.
    ET18 5.306 9 [The English] are right in their feeling, though wrong in their speculation.
    ET18 5.307 3 ...now we say that the right measures of England are the men it bred;...
    F 6.17 20 'T is hard to find the right Homer, Zoroaster, or Menu;...
    F 6.24 5 The right use of Fate is to bring up our conduct to the loftiness of nature.
    F 6.30 1 ...no man has a right perception of any truth who has not been reacted on by it so as to be ready to be its martyr.
    F 6.30 7 One way is right to go;...
    F 6.32 24 ...right drainage destroys typhus.
    F 6.38 4 [A creature] is not possible until the invisible things are right for him...
    Pow 6.63 13 The instinct of the people is right.
    Pow 6.68 10 The rule for this whole class of [natural] agencies is,--all plus is good; only put it in the right place.
    Pow 6.71 24 We say...that [success] is of main efficacy in carrying on the world, and though rarely found in the right state for an article of commerce, but oftener in the super-saturate or excess which makes it dangerous and destructive,--yet it cannot be spared...
    Wth 6.86 8 ...the art of getting rich consists not in industry...but...in being at the right spot.
    Wth 6.99 20 Property is an intellectual production. The game requires coolness, right reasoning, promptness and patience in the players.
    Wth 6.100 3 The right merchant is one who has the just average of faculties we call common-sense;...
    Wth 6.123 6 ...the citizen comes to know that his predecessor the farmer built the house in the right spot for the sun and wind...
    Wth 6.125 18 ...The right investment is in tools of your trade;...
    Wth 6.126 19 The bread [a man] eats is first strength and animal spirits; it becomes...in still higher results, courage and endurance. This is the right compound interest;...
    Ctr 6.142 21 [Your boy] hates the grammar and Gradus, and loves guns, fishing-rods, horses and boats. Well, the boy is right...
    Bhr 6.186 12 Society...if you do not belong to it, resists and sneers at you, or quietly drops you. The first weapon enrages the party attacked; the second...is not to be resisted, as the date of the transaction is not easily found. People grow up and grow old under this infliction, and never suspect the truth, ascribing the solitude which acts on them very injuriously to any cause but the right one.
    Bhr 6.193 4 It is sublime to feel and say of another...if he did thus or thus, I know it was right.
    Wsp 6.214 5 ...the religious appear isolated. I esteem this a step in the right direction.
    Wsp 6.224 27 The way to mend the bad world is to create the right world.
    Wsp 6.231 26 ...as soon as the man is right, assurances and previsions emanate from the interior of his body and his mind;...
    Wsp 6.232 27 Napoleon, says Goethe, visited those sick of the plague, in order to prove that the man who could vanquish fear could vanquish the plague also; and he was right.
    CbW 6.248 9 Nothing [said Mirabeau] is impossible to the man who can will. Is that necessary? That shall be:--this is the only law of success. Whoever said it, this is in the right key.
    CbW 6.257 25 The right partisan is a heady, narrow man...
    CbW 6.265 5 It is an old commendation of right behavior, Aliis laetus, sapiens sibi, which our English proverb translates, Be merry and wise.
    CbW 6.270 4 ...resistance only exasperates the acrid fool, who believes that...he only is right.
    Bty 6.282 18 Alchemy, which sought...to arm with power,--that was in the right direction.
    Bty 6.283 9 ...a right and perfect man would be felt to the centre of the Copernican system.
    Bty 6.304 25 The poets are quite right in decking their mistresses with the spoils of the landscape...
    Ill 6.317 3 ...if...Moosehead, or any other, invent a new style or mythology, I fancy that the world will be all brave and right if dressed in these colors...
    SS 7.10 8 ...this banishment to the rocks and echoes no metaphysics can make right or tolerable.
    SS 7.12 17 Heat puts you in right relation with magazines of facts.
    Civ 7.23 25 Right position of woman in the State is another index [of civilization].
    Civ 7.24 1 ...place the sexes in right relations of mutual respect, and a severe morality gives that essential charm to woman which educates all that is delicate, poetic and self-sacrificing;...
    Art2 7.44 27 A jumble of musical sounds...in which the rhythm of the tune is played without one of the notes being right, gives pleasure to the unskilful ear.
    Elo1 7.64 3 There is no calamity which right words will not begin to redress.
    Elo1 7.69 27 The right eloquence needs no bell to call the people together...
    Elo1 7.99 16 In its right exercise, [eloquence] is an elastic, unexhausted power...
    DL 7.114 22 ...[wealth] cannot be the right answer; there are objections to wealth.
    DL 7.121 7 What is the hoop that holds [the eager, blushing boys] stanch? It is the iron band...of austerity, which...has directed their activity in safe and right channels...
    DL 7.126 26 Every face, every figure, suggests its own right and sound estate.
    WD 7.164 6 Can anybody remember when...the right sort of men, and the right sort of women, were plentiful?
    WD 7.164 7 Can anybody remember when...the right sort of men, and the right sort of women, were plentiful?
    WD 7.169 26 The scholar must look long for the right hour for Plato's Timaeus.
    Boks 7.192 9 ...your chance of hitting on the right [book] is to be computed by the arithmetical rule of Permutation and Combination...
    Boks 7.192 18 It seems...as if some charitable soul...would do a right act in naming those [books] which have been bridges or ships to carry him safely over dark morasses and barren oceans...
    Boks 7.212 6 A right metaphysics should do justice to the coordinate powers of Imagination, Insight, Understanding and Will.
    Boks 7.214 7 ...books that...distribute things...after the laws of right reason... put us on our feet again...
    Clbs 7.227 13 The physician helps [people] mainly...by healthy talk giving a right tone to the patient's mind.
    Clbs 7.229 19 [The student] seeks intelligent persons...who will give him provocation, and at once and easily the old motion begins in his brain...and the infinite opulence of things is again shown him. But the right conditions must be observed.
    Clbs 7.234 25 ...once in the right company, new and vast values do not fail to appear.
    Clbs 7.245 13 A right rule for a club would be,--Admit no man whose presence excludes any one topic.
    Clbs 7.246 27 Things which you fancy wrong [manufacturers, merchants and shipmasters] know to be right and profitable;...
    Cour 7.266 4 ...there is no separate essence called courage...but it is the right or healthy state of every man...
    Cour 7.270 18 ...the right men will give a permanent direction to the fortunes of a state.
    Suc 7.293 6 It is enough if you work in the right direction.
    Suc 7.301 7 If we follow this hint [of correspondence] into our intellectual education, we shall find that it is...not new dogmas...that are our first need; but to watch and tenderly cherish the intellectual and moral sensibilities, those fountains of right thought...
    Suc 7.306 17 There was never poet who had not the heart in the right place.
    Suc 7.308 22 I think that some so-called sacred subjects must be treated with more genius than I have seen in the masters of Italian or Spanish art to be right pictures for houses and churches.
    PI 8.30 6 The right poetic mood is or makes a more complete sensibility...
    PI 8.37 10 Malthus is the right organ of the English proprietors;...
    PI 8.40 1 In [Michelangelo] and the like perfecter brains the instinct [of creation]...knows the right way...
    PI 8.49 16 A right ode...will by any sprightliness be at once lifted out of conventionality...
    PI 8.56 3 Perhaps this dainty style of poetry is not producible to-day, any more than a right Gothic cathedral.
    PI 8.60 21 Presently [Sir Gawaine] heard the voice of one groaning on his right hand;...
    PI 8.61 3 ...when [Sir Gawaine] heard the voice which thus called him by his right name, he replied, Who can this be who hath spoken to me?
    SA 8.95 20 A right speech is not well to be distinguished from action.
    Elo2 8.126 7 ...the learned forsake the vulgar, when the vulgar is right;...
    QO 8.201 27 Genius is...the capacity of receiving just impressions from the external world, and the power of coordinating these after the laws of thought. It implies Will, or original force, for their right distribution and expression.
    PPo 8.241 2 When Solomon travelled, his throne was placed on a carpet of green silk, of a length and breadth sufficient for all his army to stand upon,-men placing themselves on his right hand, and the spirits on his left.
    PPo 8.244 3 On earth's wide thoroughfares below/ Two only men contented go:/ Who knows what 's right and what 's forbid,/ And he from whom is knowledge hid./
    Insp 8.269 23 The hunter on the prairie, at the right season, has no need of choosing his ground;...
    Insp 8.277 19 Jacob Behmen said: Art has not wrote here, nor was there any time to consider how to set it punctually down according to the right understanding of the letters, but all was ordered according to the direction of the spirit...
    Insp 8.284 25 ...at the right hour/ The lamp brings me pious light,/ That it, instead of Aurora or Phoebus,/ May enliven my quiet industry./
    Insp 8.287 1 ...we take as much delight in finding the right place for an old observation, as in a new thought.
    Insp 8.289 2 All the conditions must be right for my success...
    Insp 8.292 8 Not Aristotle, not Kant or Hegel, but conversation, is the right metaphysical professor.
    Insp 8.293 1 We must be warmed by the fire of sympathy, to be brought into the right conditions...
    Insp 8.297 10 These are some hints towards what is in all education a chief necessity,-the right government, or...the right obedience to the powers of the human soul.
    Insp 8.297 11 These are some hints towards what is in all education a chief necessity,-the right government, or...the right obedience to the powers of the human soul.
    Grts 8.312 27 If it was right, what signifies who did it?
    Grts 8.313 4 ...do you know what the right meaning of Fame is?
    Imtl 8.328 23 ...spend yourself on the work before you, well assured that the right performance of this hour's duties will be the best preparation for the hours or ages that follow it...
    Aris 10.32 1 It is not to be a man of rank, but a man of honor...which seems to [the best young men] the right mark and the true chief of our modern society.
    Aris 10.43 22 In a thousand cups of life, only one is the right mixture...
    Aris 10.44 10 ...the philosopher may well say, Let me see his brain, and I will tell you if he shall be...of a secure hand, of a scientific memory, a right classifier;...
    Aris 10.47 5 All right activity is amiable.
    Aris 10.49 26 The prerogatives of a right physician are determined...by the health he restores to body and mind;...
    Aris 10.51 20 To a right aristocracy...everything will be permitted and pardoned...
    Aris 10.64 2 ...shame to the fop of learning and philosophy...who abandons his right position of being priest and poet of these impious and unpoetic doers of God's work.
    PerF 10.79 20 ...[the manufacturer] persisted, and after many years succeeded in his production of the right article for commerce...
    PerF 10.80 7 ...[Bonaparte's] will is an immense battery discharging irresistible volleys of power always at the right point in the right time.
    PerF 10.80 8 ...[Bonaparte's] will is an immense battery discharging irresistible volleys of power always at the right point in the right time.
    Chr2 10.102 18 Character...by implication points to the source of right motive.
    Chr2 10.113 6 [Morals] does not ask whether you are wrong or right in your anecdotes of [past teachers and witnesses];...
    Chr2 10.117 22 Confucius said, If in the morning I hear of the right way, and in the evening die, I can be happy.
    Chr2 10.120 4 [Character] compels right relation to every other man...
    Edc1 10.139 16 [Boys'] elections at baseball or cricket are founded on merit, and are right.
    Edc1 10.147 7 Make [a boy] call things by their right names.
    Edc1 10.156 21 See what [your pupils] need, and that the right thing is done.
    Edc1 10.158 19 ...if the boy [in your school] stops you in your speech, cries out that you are wrong and sets you right, hug him!
    SovE 10.189 4 ...a sublime confidence is fed at the bottom of the heart that...an eternal, beneficent necessity is always bringing things right;...
    MoL 10.249 1 Every man...does not need any one good so much as this of right thought.
    MoL 10.258 6 ...on each new threat of faction, the ballot of the people has been unexpectedly right.
    Schr 10.267 9 Action is legitimate and good; forever be it honored! right, original, private, necessary action...
    Schr 10.269 16 ...what alone in the history of this world interests all men in proportion as they are men? What but truth...and brave obedience to it in right action?
    Schr 10.273 5 In the right hands, literature is not resorted to as a consolation...but as a decalogue.
    Schr 10.274 2 The speculative man, the scholar, is the right hero.
    Plu 10.313 4 When you are persuaded in your mind that you cannot either offer or perform anything more agreeable to the gods than the entertaining a right notion of them, you will then avoid superstition as a no less evil than atheism.
    Plu 10.314 27 So keen is [Plutarch's] sense of allegiance to right reason, that he makes a fight against Fortune whenever she is named.
    LLNE 10.346 22 [Robert Owen] had not the least doubt that he had hit on a right and perfect socialism...
    MMEm 10.397 10 Ah me! it was my childhood's thought,/ If He should make my web a blot/ On life's fair picture of delight,/ My heart's content would find it right./
    Thor 10.457 4 I said [to Thoreau]...who does not see with regret that his page is not solid with a right materialistic treatment, which delights everybody?
    LS 11.18 6 ...I believe...that every effort to pay religious homage to more than one being goes to take away all right ideas.
    EWI 11.108 11 Thomas Clarkson was a youth at Cambridge, England, when the subject given out for a Latin prize dissertation was, Is it right to make slaves of others against their will?
    War 11.166 8 ...the least change in the man will change his circumstances;...if, for example, he...should come to feel that every man was another self with whom he might come to join, as left hand works with right.
    War 11.171 11 ...[peace] is to hear the voice of God, which bids the devils that have rended and torn [the man] come out of him and let him now be clothed and walk forth in his right mind.
    War 11.173 24 ...the man who...without any notice of his action abroad, expecting none, takes in solitude the right step uniformly...does not yield, in my imagination, to any man.
    FSLC 11.187 18 If our resistance to this law [the Fugitive Slave Law] is not right, there is no right.
    FSLC 11.208 26 It is really the great task fit for this country to accomplish, to buy that property of the planters, as the British nation bought the West Indian slaves. I say buy...because it is the only practicable course, and is innocent. Here is a right social or public function...which all men must do.
    FSLN 11.220 13 I saw that a great man [Webster], deservedly admired for his powers and their general right direction, was able...when he failed...to carry parties with him.
    FSLN 11.221 2 There are those...who have power and inspiration only to do ill. Their talent or their faculty deserts them when they undertake anything right.
    FSLN 11.223 8 ...[Webster's] head distributed things in their right places...
    FSLN 11.224 20 It is remarked of Americans...that they think they praise a man more by saying that he is smart than by saying that he is right.
    FSLN 11.233 13 You relied on the Supreme Court. The law was right...
    FSLN 11.242 26 I [Robert Winthrop] am, as you see, a man virtuously inclined, and only corrupted by my profession of politics. I should prefer the right side.
    AsSu 11.246 4 His erring foe,/ Self-assured that he prevails,/ Looks from his victim lying low,/ And sees aloft the red right arm/ Redress the eternal scales./
    JBB 11.269 12 You remember [John Brown's] words: If I had interfered in behalf of the rich, the powerful...it would all have been right.
    JBB 11.269 15 You remember [John Brown's] words: If I had interfered in behalf of the rich, the powerful...it would all have been right. But I believe that to have interfered as I have done, for the despised poor, was not wrong, but right.
    JBB 11.271 3 Great wealth, great population, men of talent in the executive, on the bench,-all the forms right...
    JBB 11.272 27 ...your habeas corpus is, in any way in which it has been, or, I fear, is likely to be used, a nuisance, and not a protection; for it takes away [a man's] right reliance on himself...
    ACiv 11.302 1 ...imposts are the cheap and right taxation;...
    ACiv 11.308 15 A week before the two captive commissioners were surrendered to England, every one thought it could not be done: it would divide the North. It was done, and in two days all agreed it was the right action.
    ACiv 11.308 21 ...this action [emancipation]...rids the world, at one stroke, of this degrading nuisance [slavery], the cause of war and ruin to nations. This measure at once puts all parties right.
    EPro 11.320 10 The first condition of success is secured in putting ourselves right.
    ALin 11.332 9 ...this man [Lincoln] was...all right for labor...
    SMC 11.357 14 At a halt in the march, a few of our boys were sitting on a rail fence, talking together whether it was right to sacrifice themselves.
    SMC 11.368 1 [George Prescott's] next note is, cracker for a day and a half,-but all right.
    EdAd 11.387 5 ...the right patriotism consists in the delight which springs from contributing our peculiar and legitimate advantages to the benefit of humanity.
    FRO1 11.477 3 Mr. Chairman: I hardly felt, in finding this house this morning, that I had come into the right hall.
    FRep 11.525 12 In each new threat of faction the ballot has been, beyond expectation, right and decisive.
    PLT 12.33 20 Right thought comes spontaneously...
    PLT 12.37 10 If we could retain our early innocence, we might trust our feet uncommanded to take the right path to our friend in the woods.
    PLT 12.42 16 Each soul...walking in its own path walks firmly; and to the astonishment of all other souls, who see not its path, it goes as softly and playfully on its way as if, instead of being a line...over terrific pits right and left, it were a wide prairie.
    PLT 12.53 12 Every sincere man is right...
    PLT 12.53 13 Every sincere man is right, or, to make him right, only needs a little larger dose of his own personality.
    PLT 12.55 24 The right partisan is a heady man...
    II 12.82 16 [A man] is strong by his genius, gets all his knowledge only through that aperture. Society is unanimous against his project. He never hears it as he knows it. Nevertheless he is right; right against the world.
    II 12.82 19 If [a man] is wrong, increase his determination to his aim, and he is right again.
    CInt 12.124 9 Here [in a good teacher] is sympathy; here is...the hope and impulse imparted. And education is what it should be, a delightful unfolding of the faculties in right order.
    CL 12.165 14 Swedenborg or Behman or Plato tried...to explain what rock, what sand, what wood, what fire signified in regard to man. They may have been right or wrong in any particulars of their interpretation...
    Bost 12.195 4 How needful is David, Paul, Leighton, Fenelon, to our devotion. Of these writers, of this spirit which deified them, I will say with Confucius, If in the morning I hear of the right way, and in the evening die, I can be happy.
    Bost 12.200 2 What should hinder that this America...what should hinder that this New Atlantis should have...its gardens fit for human abode, where all elements were right for the health, power and virtue of man?
    MAng1 12.220 14 Michael Angelo dedicated himself...to a toilsome observation of Nature. The first anecdote recorded of him shows him to be already on the right road.
    MAng1 12.229 24 In the church called the Minerva, at Rome, is [Michelangelo's] Christ; an object of so much devotion to the people that the right foot has been shod with a brazen sandal to prevent it from being kissed away.
    Milt1 12.272 25 [Milton] defends the slaying of the king, because a king is a king no longer than he governs by the laws; It would be right to kill Philip of Spain making an inroad into England, and what right the king of Spain hath to govern us at all, the same hath the king Charles to govern tyranically.
    ACri 12.284 17 ...the learned depart from established forms of speech, in hope of finding or making better; those who wish for distinction forsake the vulgar, when the vulgar is right;...
    MLit 12.320 21 The Excursion awakened in every lover of Nature the right feeling.
    Pray 12.351 17 In the Phaedrus of Plato, we find this petition in the mouth of Socrates: O gracious Pan!...grant...that those external things which I have may be such as may best agree with a right internal disposition of mine;...
    AgMs 12.363 11 The true men of skill, the poor farmers...are the only right subjects of this Report [Agricultural Survey of the Commonwealth];...
    PPr 12.380 4 ...the merit of seers is not to invent but to dispose objects in their right places...
    PPr 12.380 7 ...he is the commander...whose eye not only sees details, but throws crowds of details into their right arrangement...
    Let 12.398 11 [American youths] are in the state of the young Persians, when that mighty Yezdam prophet addressed them and said...there is now no longer any right course of action, nor any self-devotion left among the Iranis.

right, adv. (15)

    NER 3.279 3 I remember standing at the polls one day when the anger of the political contest gave a certain grimness to the faces of the independent electors, and a good man at my side, looking on the people, remarked, I am satisfied that the largest part of these men, on either side, mean to vote right.
    ET3 5.41 5 ...England is anchored...right in the heart of the modern world.
    ET6 5.113 1 [The English] avoid pretension and go right to the heart of the thing.
    CbW 6.250 5 What a vicious practice is this of our politicians at Washington pairing off! as if one man who votes wrong going away, could excuse you, who mean to vote right, for going away;...
    Elo1 7.96 18 [The sturdy countryman's] hard head went through, in childhood, the drill of Calvinism...so that he stands in the New England assembly a purer bit of New England than any, and flings his sarcasms right and left.
    Cour 7.278 12 And when the bird or deer/ Fell by the hunter's skill,/ The boy was always near/ To help with right good will./
    Cour 7.278 15 One day as through the cleft/ Between two mountains steep,/ Shut in both right and left,/ Their questing way they keep,/...
    Cour 7.278 20 ...They see two grizzly bears/ With hunger fierce and fell/ Rush at them unawares/ Right down the narrow dell./
    OA 7.314 6 ...Lowly faithful, banish fear,/ Right onward drive unharmed;/ The port, well worth the cruise, is near,/ And every wave is charmed./
    PI 8.62 13 ...said Merlin...I taught my mistress that whereby she hath imprisoned me in such a manner that none can set me free. Certes, Merlin, replied Sir Gawain, of that I am right sorrowful...
    SA 8.82 15 Give me a thought, and my hands and legs and voice and face will all go right.
    Chr2 10.121 19 Goethe...maintained his belief that pure loveliness and right good will are the highest manly prerogatives...
    EzRy 10.388 8 Right manly [Ezra Ripley] was, and the manly thing he could always say.
    SMC 11.362 16 One day [George Prescott] writes, I expect to have a time this forenoon with the officer from West Point who drills us. He is very profane, and I will not stand it. If he does not stop it, I will march my men right away when he is drilling them.
    WSL 12.344 26 [Landor] draws with evident pleasure the portrait of a man who never said anything right and never did anything wrong.

right, n. (245)

    Nat 1.11 3 [The waving of the boughs'] effect is like that of a higher thought or a better emotion coming over me, when I deemed I was...doing right.
    Nat 1.41 1 ...every animal function from the sponge up to Hercules, shall hint or thunder to man the laws of right and wrong...
    DSA 1.131 13 One would rather be A pagan, suckled in a creed outworn,/ than to be defrauded of his manly right...
    DSA 1.143 14 What was once a mere circumstance, that...the young and old, should meet one day as fellows in one house, in sign of an equal right in the soul, has come to be a paramount motive for going thither.
    DSA 1.148 3 ...slight [the commanders]...by high and universal aims, and they instantly feel that you have right...
    DSA 1.148 4 [The commanders] also feel your right;...
    LE 1.186 6 It is this domineering temper of the sensual world that creates the extreme need of the priests of science; and it is the office and right of the intellect to make and not take its estimate.
    LE 1.186 19 Why should you renounce your right to traverse the star-lit deserts of truth...
    MN 1.194 13 ...the whole world feels that thou art in the right.
    MN 1.205 27 ...O rich and various Man!...carrying...in thy heart, the bower of love and the realms of right and wrong.
    MN 1.207 10 ...what strikes us in the fine genius is that which belongs of right to every one.
    MN 1.219 23 ...[the Puritans' motive for settlement] was the growth and expansion of the human race, and resembled herein the sequent Revolution, which was...the overflowing of the sense of natural right in every clear and active spirit of the period.
    MR 1.238 2 ...I...have not earned by use a right to my arms and feet.
    LT 1.270 8 Anti-masonry had a deep right and wrong...
    LT 1.270 12 The political questions touching...the right of the constituent to instruct the representative;...are all pregnant with ethical conclusions;...
    LT 1.276 7 [These reforms] are the simplest statements of man in these matters; the plain right and wrong.
    LT 1.289 11 [The Moral Sentiment] makes by its presence or absence right and wrong...
    Con 1.298 12 ...innovation is always in the right...
    Con 1.310 5 ...precisely the defence which was set up for the British Constitution, namely that...every interest did by right, or might, or sleight get represented;-the same defence is set up for the existing institutions.
    Con 1.311 9 Have we not atoned for this small offence...of leaving you no right in the soil, by this splendid indemnity of ancestral and national wealth?
    Con 1.313 21 [This manner of living] nourished you with care and love on its breast, as it had nourished many a lover of the right and many a poet...
    Con 1.318 23 ...[the conservative party] goes...for expediency in its measures, and not for the right.
    Tran 1.336 22 Jacobi, refusing all measure of right and wrong except the determinations of the private spirit, remarks that there is no crime but has sometimes been a virtue.
    Tran 1.337 12 ...I have assurance in myself that in pardoning these faults according to the letter, man exerts the sovereign right which the majesty of his being confers on him;...
    Tran 1.348 10 What right, cries the good world, has the man of genius to retreat from work, and indulge himself?
    YA 1.389 19 The more need of...a resort to the fountain of right, by the brave.
    Hist 2.3 4 He that is once admitted to the right of reason is made a freeman of the whole estate.
    SR 2.50 26 ...the only right is what is after my constitution;...
    SR 2.53 15 I cannot consent to pay for a privilege where I have intrinsic right.
    SR 2.59 14 If I can be firm enough to-day to do right and scorn eyes, I must have done so much right before as to defend me now.
    SR 2.59 15 ...I must have done so much right before as to defend me now.
    SR 2.59 16 Be it how it will, do right now.
    SR 2.63 21 The joyful loyalty with which men have everywhere suffered the king...to...represent the law in his person, was the hieroglyphic by which they obscurely signified their consciousness of their own right and comeliness...
    SR 2.63 21 The joyful loyalty with which men have everywhere suffered the king...to...represent the law in his person, was the hieroglyphic by which they obscurely signified...the right of every man.
    SR 2.70 24 Power is, in nature, the essential measure of right.
    SR 2.80 10 [The unbalanced mind] cannot imagine how you aliens have any right to see...
    Comp 2.119 23 ...[the mob] would whip a right;...
    SL 2.139 16 Certainly there is a possible right for you that precludes the need of balance and wilful election.
    SL 2.139 22 Place yourself in the middle of the stream of power and wisdom...and you are without effort impelled...to right...
    SL 2.139 25 Place yourself in the middle of the stream of power and wisdom...and you are without effort impelled...to right and a perfect contentment. ... Then you are...the measure of right...
    SL 2.140 11 ...that which I call right or goodness, is the choice of my constitution;...
    SL 2.145 6 Over all things that are agreeable to his nature and genius the man has the highest right.
    SL 2.145 12 It is vain to attempt to keep a secret from one who has a right to know it.
    SL 2.145 15 That mood into which a friend can bring us is his dominion over us. To the thoughts of that state of mind he has a right.
    Lov1 2.180 22 ...personal beauty is then first charming and itself...when [the beholder] cannot feel his right to it, though he were Caesar;...
    Lov1 2.180 23 ...personal beauty is then first charming and itself...when... [the beholder] cannot feel more right to it than to the firmament and the splendors of a sunset.
    Fdsp 2.194 18 By oldest right, by the divine affinity of virtue with itself, I find [my friends]...
    Prd1 2.221 1 What right have I to write on Prudence...
    OS 2.293 25 Has it not occurred to you that you have no right to go, unless you are equally willing to be prevented from going?
    Cir 2.317 6 Forgive his crimes, forgive his virtues too,/ Those smaller faults, half converts to the right./
    Art1 2.355 22 ...it is the right and property of all natural objects...to be for their moment the top of the world.
    Pt1 3.7 13 ...the poet...is emperor in his own right.
    Exp 3.65 4 Right to hold land, right of property, is disputed...and before the vote is taken, dig away in your garden...
    Exp 3.65 5 Right to hold land, right of property, is disputed...and before the vote is taken, dig away in your garden...
    Chr1 3.95 6 Is there never a glimpse of right in a poor slave-captain's mind;...
    Mrs1 3.123 27 [The name gentleman] describes a man standing in his own right...
    Mrs1 3.143 24 There is not only the right of conquest, which genius pretends...but less claims will pass for the time;...
    Mrs1 3.148 14 Certainly, kings and queens, nobles and great ladies, had some right to complain of the absurdity that had been put in their mouths before the days of Waverley;...
    Nat2 3.177 23 ...I cannot renounce the right of returning often to this old topic [nature].
    Pol1 3.202 25 ...if question arise whether additional officers or watch-towers should be provided, must not Laban and Isaac, and those who must sell part of their herds to buy protection for the rest, judge better of this, and with more right, than Jacob, who...eats their bread and not his own?
    Pol1 3.205 20 ...the attributes of a person, his wit and his moral energy, will exercise, under any law or extinguishing tyranny, their proper force...with right, or by might.
    Pol1 3.210 18 [The conservative party] vindicates no right...
    Pol1 3.213 9 ...absolute right is the first governor;...
    Pol1 3.214 2 Every man's nature is a sufficient advertisement to him of the character of his fellows. My right and my wrong is their right and their wrong.
    Pol1 3.217 23 We are haunted by a conscience of this right to grandeur of character...
    Pol1 3.219 20 A man has a right to be employed...
    Pol1 3.221 5 ...there never was in any man sufficient faith in the power of rectitude to inspire him with the broad design of renovating the State on the principle of right and love.
    NER 3.256 20 ...if I had not that commodity [money]...man would be a benefactor to man, as being himself his only certificate that he had a right to those aids and services which each asked of the other.
    NER 3.263 4 When we see...a special reformer, we feel like asking him, What right have you, sir, to your one virtue?
    NER 3.263 7 In another way the right will be vindicated.
    NER 3.283 15 ...[men] believe...that right is done at last;...
    PNR 4.84 13 [Plato affirms that] The intelligent have a right over the ignorant...
    PNR 4.84 14 [Plato affirms that] The intelligent have a right over the ignorant, namely, the right of instructing them.
    SwM 4.93 22 Wherever the sentiment of right comes in, it takes precedence of every thing else.
    SwM 4.134 9 The thousand-fold relation of men is not there [in Swedenborg's system of the world]. The interest that attaches in nature to each man, because he is right by his wrong, and wrong by his right;....
    SwM 4.134 25 That Hebrew muse, which taught the lore of right and wrong to men, had the same excess of influence for [Swedenborg] it has had for the nations.
    SwM 4.145 17 I think of [Swedenborg] as of some transmigrating votary of Indian legend, who says Though I be dog, or jackal, or pismire, in the last rudiments of nature, under what integument or ferocity, I cleave to right, as the sure ladder that leads up to man and to God.
    MoS 4.163 1 ...when in Paris, in 1833...in the cemetery of Pere Lachaise, I came to a tomb of Auguste Collignon...who, said the monument, lived to do right, and had formed himself to virtue on the Essays of Montaigne.
    MoS 4.176 12 Are the opinions of a man on right and wrong...at the mercy of a broken sleep or an indigestion?
    MoS 4.180 6 ...shall we, because a good nature inclines us to virtue's side, say, There are no doubts,--and lie for the right?
    MoS 4.180 15 ...has [a man of earnest and burly habit] not a right to insist on being convinced in his own way?
    ShP 4.219 18 ...right is more beautiful than private affection;...
    GoW 4.284 22 There is nothing [Goethe] had not right to know...
    ET4 5.64 3 The right of the husband to sell the wife has been retained [in England] down to our times.
    ET5 5.81 14 ...when [English] courts and parliament are both deaf, the plaintiff is not silenced. Calm, patient, his weapon of defence from year to year is the obstinate reproduction of the grievance, with calculations and estimates. But, meantime, he is drawing numbers and money to his opinion, resolved that if all remedy fails, right of revolution is at the bottom of his charter-box.
    ET5 5.87 16 It is not usually a point of honor...and never any whim, that [the English] will shed their blood for; but usually property, and right measured by property, that breeds revolution.
    ET5 5.87 22 ...if you offer to lay hand on [the Englishman's] day's wages, on...his right in common...he will fight to the Judgment.
    ET5 5.87 27 ...Popery, Plymouth colony, American Revolution, are all questions involving a yeoman's right to his dinner...
    ET5 5.97 5 The nearer we look, the more artificial is [the Englishmen's] social system. Their law is a network of fictions. Their property, a scrip or certificate of right to interest on money that no man ever saw.
    ET7 5.118 18 The Duke of Wellington, who had the best right to say so, advises the French General Kellermann that he may rely on the parole of an English officer.
    ET7 5.122 22 [The English] love stoutness in standing for your right...
    ET8 5.133 25 The common Englishman is prone to forget a cardinal article in the bill of social rights, that every man has a right to his own ears.
    ET9 5.144 2 Individual right is pushed [in England] to the uttermost bound compatible with public order.
    ET9 5.144 18 The pursy man [in England] means by freedom the right to do as he pleases...
    ET11 5.173 2 In spite of...the devastation of society by the profligacy of the court, we take sides as we read for the loyal England, and King Charles's return to his right with his Cavaliers,
    ET11 5.174 26 The things these English have done were not done...without wisdom and conduct; and the first hands...were often challenged to show their right to their honors...
    ET12 5.208 24 A gentleman [in England] must possess...an independent and public position, or at least the right of assuming it.
    ET13 5.224 12 [The English] put up no Socratic prayer, much less any saintly prayer for the Queen's mind; ask neither for light nor right...
    ET15 5.272 2 I wish I could add that this journal [the London Times] aspired to deserve the power it wields, by guidance of the public sentiment to the right.
    ET15 5.272 11 If only [the London Times] dared to cleave to the right...
    ET15 5.272 11 If only [the London Times] dared...to show the right to be the only expedient...
    ET18 5.308 10 ...if the ocean out of which it emerged should wash it away, [England] will be remembered as an island famous...for the announcements of original right which make the stone tables of liberty.
    ET19 5.311 3 That which lures a solitary American in the woods with the wish to see England, is the moral peculiarity of the Saxon race,--its commanding sense of right and wrong...
    F 6.19 20 ...[the drowning men] had a right to their eye-beams, and all the rest was Fate.
    F 6.23 14 ...nothing is more disgusting than...the flippant mistaking for freedom of some paper preamble like...the statute right to vote, by those who have never dared to think or to act...
    Pow 6.58 12 ...if [the plus man] have the accidental advantage of personal ascendency...then...all his coadjutors and feeders will admit his right to absorb them.
    Wth 6.103 21 ...the current dollar, silver or paper, is itself the detector of the right and wrong where it circulates.
    Wth 6.103 24 Is [the dollar] not instantly enhanced by the increase of equity? If a trader refuses to sell his vote, or adheres to some odious right, he makes so much more equity in Massachusetts;...
    Ctr 6.134 15 Every valuable nature is there in its own right...
    Ctr 6.155 7 ...a tender boy who wears his rusty cap and outgrown coat, that he may secure the coveted place in college and the right in the library, is educated to some purpose.
    Ctr 6.161 6 A man who stands on a good footing with the heads of parties at Washington, reads...the guesses of provincial politicians with a key to the right and wrong in each statement, and sees well enough where all this will end.
    Bhr 6.187 9 ...[Aspasia] adds good-humoredly, the movers and masters of our souls have surely a right to throw out their limbs as carelessly as they please...
    Wsp 6.210 5 What [proof of infidelity], like the externality of churches that once sucked the roots of right and wrong...
    Wsp 6.216 27 ...we very slowly admit in another man...an ear to hear acuter notes of right and wrong than we can.
    Wsp 6.219 17 ...the primordial atoms...are in search of justice, and ultimate right is done.
    Wsp 6.219 21 Religion or worship is the attitude of those...who see that against all appearances the nature of things works for truth and right forever.
    Wsp 6.232 6 ...man is made equal to every event. He can face danger for the right.
    CbW 6.252 10 We have as good right, and the same sort of right to be here, as Cape Cod or Sandy Hook have to be there.
    CbW 6.252 11 We have as good right, and the same sort of right to be here, as Cape Cod or Sandy Hook have to be there.
    SS 7.9 18 We have a fine right...to taunt men of the world with superficial and treacherous courtesies!
    SS 7.16 3 ...a sound mind will derive its principles from insight, with ever a purer ascent to the sufficient and absolute right...
    Elo1 7.90 7 Condense some daily experience into a glowing symbol, and an audience is electrified. They feel as if they already possessed some new right and power over a fact which they can detach...
    WD 7.185 14 ...this is the progress of every earnest mind;...from local skills and the economy which reckons the amount of production per hour to the finer economy which respects the quality of what is done, and the right we have to the work...
    Boks 7.191 19 Whenever any skeptic or bigot claims to be heard on the questions of intellect and morals, we ask if he is familiar with the books of Plato, where all his pert objections have once for all been disposed of. If not, he has no right to our time.
    Cour 7.255 26 ...the pure article...cheerfulness in lonely adherence to the right, is the endowment of elevated characters.
    Cour 7.259 14 ...the aggressive attitude of men who will have right done... that part, the part of the leader and soul of the vigilance committee, must be taken by stout and sincere men...
    Cour 7.260 15 ...the measure of our sincerity and therefore of the respect of men, is the amount of health and wealth we will hazard in the defence of our right.
    Cour 7.275 19 We have little right in piping times of peace to pronounce on these rare heights of character;...
    Suc 7.309 17 When that is spoken which has a right to be spoken, the chatter and the criticism will stop.
    Suc 7.311 18 ...[the inner live] loves right...
    PI 8.31 20 To the poet...it is always time to do right.
    PI 8.37 1 [The poet's] wreath and robe is...escape from the gossip and routine of society, and the allowed right and practice of making better.
    PI 8.52 6 With...the first strain of a song,...we pour contempt on the prose you so magnify; yet the sturdiest Philistine is silent. The like allowance is the prescriptive right of poetry.
    SA 8.90 26 [The highly organized person] of all men would keep the right of choice sacred...
    SA 8.100 5 The consideration the rich possess in all societies is not without meaning or right.
    Elo2 8.114 19 ...you may find [the orator] in some lowly Bethel, by the seaside...a man who...speaks by the right of being the person in the assembly who has the most to say...
    Elo2 8.125 11 That something which each man was created to say and do, he only or he best can tell you, and has a right to supreme attention so far.
    Comc 8.160 12 The presence of the ideal of right and of truth in all action makes the yawning delinquencies of practice remorseful to the conscience...
    QO 8.203 5 Our pleasure in seeing each mind take the subject to which it has a proper right is seen in mere fitness in time.
    PC 8.230 18 Here you are set down, scholars and idealists...amidst fools and blind, to see the right done;...
    PPo 8.249 15 Love is a leveller, and Allah becomes a groom, and heaven a closet, in [Hafiz's] daring hymns to his mistress or to his cupbearer. This boundless charter is the right of genius.
    Grts 8.301 4 Every human being has a right to [greatness]...
    Grts 8.309 4 ...the rule of the orator begins...when his deep conviction, and the right and necessity he feels to convey that conviction to his audience,- when these shine and burn in his address;...
    Aris 10.52 21 Genius...has a royal right in all possessions and privileges...
    Aris 10.52 24 Genius...has a royal right in all possessions and privileges. being itself representative and accepted by all men as their delegate. It has indeed the best right, because it raises men above themselves...
    Aris 10.63 24 Let [the man of honor]...say...the music and the dance of liberty will come up to bright and holy ground and will take me in also. Then I shall not have forfeited my right to speak and act for mankind.
    PerF 10.83 10 [The susceptible man]...obeys a preexisting right which he sees.
    PerF 10.84 4 Obedience alone gives the right to command.
    PerF 10.88 1 Every new asserter of the right surprises us...
    PerF 10.88 5 ...the cause of right for which we labor never dies...
    Chr2 10.92 12 It were an unspeakable calamity if any one should think he had the right to impose a private will on others.
    Chr2 10.95 13 The moral element invites man...to find his satisfaction...not in bread, but in his right to his bread;...
    Chr2 10.115 13 ...[Jesus's disciples] hamper us with limitations of person and text. Every exaggeration of these is a violation of the soul's right...
    Supl 10.171 1 Men of the world value truth...not by its sacredness, but for its convenience. Of such, especially of diplomatists, one has a right to expect wit and ingenuity to avoid the lie if they must comply with the form.
    SovE 10.188 24 The wars which make history so dreary have served the cause of truth and virtue. There is always an instinctive sense of right...
    SovE 10.192 14 The idea of right exists in the human mind...
    SovE 10.197 17 ...the good of the whole, or what I call the right, makes me invulnerable.
    Prch 10.231 23 We come to church properly...for approach to principles to see how it stands with us, with the deep and dear facts of right and love.
    MoL 10.257 13 War, seeking for the roots of strength, comes upon the moral aspects at once. In quiet times, custom...brings in the brazen devil, as by immemorial right.
    Schr 10.271 18 There could always be traced...some vestiges of a faith in genius, as...in hospitalities; as if men would signify their sense that genius and virtue should not pay money for house and land and bread, because they have a royal right in these and in all things...
    Schr 10.271 20 There could always be traced...some vestiges of a faith in genius, as...in hospitalities; as if men would signify their sense that genius and virtue should not pay money for house and land and bread, because they have...a first mortgage that takes effect before the right of the present proprietor.
    Schr 10.276 26 As Burke said, it is not only our duty to make the right known, but to make it prevalent.
    Plu 10.301 19 ...[Plutarch]...would be welcome to the sages and warriors he reports, as one having a native right to admire and recount these stirring deeds and speeches.
    Plu 10.302 10 We sail on [Plutarch's] memory into the ports of every nation, enter into every private property, and do not stop to discriminate owners, but give him the praise of all. 'T is all Plutarch, by right of eminent domain...
    Plu 10.312 21 [Seneca's] thoughts are excellent, if only he had the right to say them.
    LLNE 10.348 4 Fourier...has put men under the obligation...of conceiving magnificent hopes and making great demands as the right of man.
    LLNE 10.356 6 Since the foxes and the birds have the right of it, with a warm hole to keep out the weather, and no more,-a pent-house to fend the sun and rain is the house which lays no tax on the owner's time and thoughts...
    MMEm 10.431 15 [Mary Moody Emerson] checks herself amid her passionate prayers for immediate communion with God;...I indulge the delight of sympathizing with great virtues,-blessing their Original: Have I this right?
    Thor 10.484 21 Thoreau seemed to me living in the hope to gather this plant [the Edelweisse], which belonged to him of right.
    HDC 11.46 24 ...the [Massachusetts Bay Colony's] towns learned...to exercise the right of expressing an opinion on every question before the country.
    HDC 11.75 24 [the minute-men] supposed they had a right to their corn and their cattle...
    LVB 11.89 3 Sir [Van Buren]: The seat you fill places you in a relation of credit and nearness to every citizen. By right and natural position, every citizen is your friend.
    LVB 11.89 8 Each has the highest right to call your [Van Buren's] attention to such subjects as are of a public nature...
    EWI 11.101 22 The history of mankind interests us only as it exhibits a steady gain of truth and right...
    EWI 11.103 4 For the negro...no right in the poor black woman that cherished him in her bosom...
    EWI 11.103 5 For the negro...no right to the children of his body;...
    EWI 11.128 11 For months and years the bill [on emanicipation in the West Indies] was debated...and, at last, the right triumphed...
    EWI 11.140 19 In the case of the ship Zong, in 1781, whose master had thrown one hundred and thirty-two slaves alive into the sea, to cheat the underwriters, the first jury gave a verdict in favor of the master and owners: they had a right to do what they had done.
    EWI 11.144 15 ...now, the arrival in the world of such men as Toussaint... outweighs in good omen all the English and American humanity. The anti-slavery of the whole world is dust in the balance before this,-is a poor squeamishness and nervousness: the might and the right are here...
    EWI 11.146 11 I doubt not that, sometimes, a despairing negro...has believed there was no vindication of right;...
    EWI 11.147 13 There is a blessed necessity by which the interest of men is always driving them to the right;...
    War 11.159 26 All history is the decline of war, though the slow decline. All that society has yet gained is mitigation: the doctrine of the right of war still remains.
    War 11.167 14 Since the peace question has been before the public mind, those who affirm its right and expediency have naturally been met with objections more or less weighty.
    FSLC 11.186 26 ...laws do not make right...
    FSLC 11.186 26 ...laws...are simply declaratory of a right which already existed...
    FSLC 11.187 14 A man's right to liberty is as inalienable as his right to life.
    FSLC 11.187 15 A man's right to liberty is as inalienable as his right to life.
    FSLC 11.187 18 Pains seem to have been taken to give us in this statute [the Fugitive Slave Law] a wrong pure from any mixture of right.
    FSLC 11.187 19 If our resistance to this law [the Fugitive Slave Law] is not right, there is no right.
    FSLC 11.191 8 Lord Coke held that where an Act of Parliament is against common right and reason, the common law shall control it...
    FSLC 11.197 1 The humiliating scandal of great men warping right into wrong [in the Fugitive Slave Law] was followed up very fast by the cities.
    FSLC 11.199 27 When a moral quality comes into politics, when a right is invaded...general principles are laid bare...
    FSLC 11.208 21 It is really the great task fit for this country to accomplish, to buy that property of the planters, as the British nation bought the West Indian slaves. I say buy,-never conceding the right of the planter to own, but that we may acknowledge the calamity of his position...
    FSLC 11.213 15 ...the sting of the late disgraces [the Fugitive Slave Law] is that this royal position of Massachusetts was foully lost, that the well-known sentiment of her people was not expressed. Let us correct this error. In this one fastness let truth be spoken and right done.
    FSLN 11.222 25 [Webster] worked with...the same quiet and sure feeling of right to his place that an oak or a mountain have to theirs.
    FSLN 11.223 12 What gratitude does every man feel to him who speaks well for the right...
    FSLN 11.224 9 Four years ago to-night, on one of those high critical moments in history...when the powers of right and wrong are mustered for conflict...Mr. Webster, most unexpectedly, threw his whole weight on the side of Slavery...
    FSLN 11.225 18 ...it is the genius and temper of the man which decides whether he will stand for right or for might.
    FSLN 11.229 13 [Passage of the Fugitive Slave Law] showed that the old religion and the sense of the right had faded and gone out;...
    FSLN 11.231 23 May and Must, and the sense of right and duty, on the one hand, and the material necessities on the other: May and Must.
    FSLN 11.235 7 ...no man has a right to hope that the laws of New York will defend him from the contamination of slaves another day until he has made up his mind that he will not owe his protection to the laws of New York, but to his own sense and spirit.
    FSLN 11.236 24 Whenever a man has come to this mind, that there is...no liberty but his invincible will to do right,-then certain aids and allies will promptly appear...
    FSLN 11.238 1 ...if you have a nice question of right and wrong, you would not go with it to Louis Napoleon...
    FSLN 11.241 22 It is a potent support and ally to a brave man standing single, or with a few, for the right...to know that better men in other parts of the country appreciate the service...
    AKan 11.254 4 ...Help them who cannot help again:/ Beware from right to swerve./
    AKan 11.255 14 There is this peculiarity about the case of Kansas, that all the right is on one side.
    AKan 11.256 25 [The people of Kansas] have a right to be helped...
    JBS 11.279 6 [John Brown] grew up...having that force of thought and that sense of right which are the warp and woof of greatness.
    ACiv 11.298 27 We have attempted to hold together two states of civilization: a higher state, where labor and the tenure of land and the right of suffrage are democratical; and a lower state, in which the old military tenure of prisoners or slaves, and of power and land in a few hands, makes an oligarchy...
    ACiv 11.307 25 Emancipation at one stroke elevates the poor-white of the South, and identifies his interest with that of the Northern laborer. Now, in the name of all that is simple and generous, why should not this great right be done?
    EPro 11.321 11 What right has any one to read in the journals tidings of victories, if he has not bought them by his own valor, treasure, personal sacrifice...
    HCom 11.341 5 ...I think it is not in man to see, without a feeling of pride and pleasure...the armed defender of the right.
    HCom 11.342 11 The proof that war also is within the highest right...is its morale.
    SMC 11.354 13 The secret architecture of things begins to disclose itself; the fact that all things were made on a basis of right;...
    SMC 11.354 18 ...whatever may happen in this hour or that, the years and the centuries are always pulling down the wrong and building up the right.
    EdAd 11.393 18 We entreat the aid of every lover of truth and right...
    Koss 11.400 13 You [Kossuth] have achieved your right to interpret our Washington.
    Wom 11.413 3 We men have no right to say it, but the omnipotence of Eve is in humility.
    Wom 11.416 13 There was...no right [antagonism to Slavery] did not explore...
    Wom 11.416 19 ...one right is an accession of strength to take more.
    Wom 11.416 23 ...the times are marked by the new attitude of Woman; urging...her rights of all kinds...as the right to education, to avenues of employment...
    Wom 11.419 17 [Women] have an unquestionable right to their own property.
    Wom 11.419 27 ...bring together a cultivated society of both sexes, in a drawing-room, and consult and decide by voices on a question of taste or on a question of right, and is there any absurdity or any practical difficulty in obtaining their authentic opinions?
    Wom 11.422 4 For the other point, of [women]...aiming at abstract right without allowance for circumstances,-that is not a disqualification, but a qualification [for voting].
    FRep 11.525 15 In each new threat of faction the ballot has been, beyond expectation, right and decisive. It is ever an inspiration...a sudden, undated perception of eternal right coming into and correcting things that were wrong;...
    FRep 11.540 8 America should affirm and establish that in no instance shall the guns go in advance of the present right.
    PLT 12.33 4 The appetite and the power of digestion measure our right to knowledge.
    PLT 12.38 14 The thought, the doctrine, the right hitherto not affirmed is published in set propositions...
    PLT 12.46 2 A blending of these two-the intellectual perception of truth and the moral sentiment of right-is wisdom.
    PLT 12.46 6 Wishing is castle-building; the dreaming about things agreeable to the senses, but to which we have no right.
    PLT 12.46 11 The revelation of thought takes us out of servitude into freedom. So does the sense of right.
    PLT 12.47 2 A man tries to speak [the truth] and his voice is...rude and chiding. The truth is not spoken but injured. The same thing happens in power to do the right.
    PLT 12.62 7 The measure of mental health is the disposition to find good everywhere, good and order, analogy, health and benefit,-the love of truth, tendency to be in the right...
    Mem 12.108 12 How in the right are children, said Margaret Fuller, to forget name and date and place.
    CInt 12.125 20 What right have you to be better than your neighbor?
    Bost 12.208 10 ...there is yet in every city a certain permanent tone; a tendency to be in the right or in the wrong;...
    Milt1 12.250 11 The lover of [Milton's] genius will always regret that he should [when writing the Defence of the English People] not...have written from the deep convictions of love and right...
    Milt1 12.253 3 We think we have heard the recitation of [Milton's] verses by genius which found in them that which itself would say; recitation which told...that now first was such perception and enjoyment possible; the perception and enjoyment of...his perfect fusion of the classic and the English styles. This is a poet's right;...
    Milt1 12.259 20 ...probably no traveller ever entered that country of history [Italy] with better right to its hospitality [than Milton]...
    Milt1 12.272 27 [Milton] defends the slaying of the king, because a king is a king no longer than he governs by the laws; It would be right to kill Philip of Spain making an inroad into England, and what right the king of Spain hath to govern us at all, the same hath the king Charles to govern tyranically.
    ACri 12.291 18 ...a man has a right to pass...for a worse man than he is, but not for a better.
    MLit 12.313 20 ...the single soul feels its right to be no longer confounded with numbers...
    MLit 12.323 24 ...[Goethe] felt his entire right and duty to stand before and try and judge every fact in Nature.
    EurB 12.371 9 [Tennyson] is...a tasteful bachelor who collects quaint staircases and groined ceilings. We have no right to such superfineness.
    Trag 12.406 17 ...no theory of life can have any right which leaves out of account the values of vice...fear and death.

Right, n. (9)

    DSA 1.121 6 When...[man] attains to say, - I love the Right...then...God is well pleased.
    SR 2.69 7 The soul raised over passion...perceives the self-existence of Truth and Right...
    F 6.28 1 A breath of will blows eternally through the universe of souls in the direction of the Right and Necessary.
    Ill 6.324 22 ...the unities of Truth and of Right are not broken by the disguise.
    Comc 8.161 8 Prince Hal stands by, as the acute understanding, who sees the Right, and sympathizes with it...
    Chr2 10.93 15 ...the sense of Right and Wrong, is alike in all.
    Chr2 10.96 16 ...under the action of this sentiment of the Right, [a man's] heart and mind expand above himself, and above Nature.
    Schr 10.275 14 The hero rises out of all comparison with contemporaries and with ages of men, because he...will oppose all mankind at the call of that private and perfect Right and Beauty in which he lives.
    EWI 11.147 20 The sentiment of Right...pronounces Freedom.

right, v. (4)

    MR 1.231 2 ...it requires more vigor and resources than can be expected of every young man, to right himself in [the employments of commerce];...
    CbW 6.254 20 There is a tendency in things to right themselves...
    Aris 10.47 18 I do not pity the misery of a man underplaced: that will right itself presently...
    MLit 12.329 9 [We can fancy Goethe saying to himself] That all shall right itself in the long Morrow, I may well allow, and my novel [Wilhelm Meister] may wait for the same regeneration.

righteousness, n. (5)

    LS 11.3 1 The Kingdom of God is not meat and drink; but righteousness and peace, and joy in the Holy Ghost.-Romans xiv. 17.
    LS 11.20 20 ...the Apostle well assures us that the kingdom of God is not meat and drink, but righteousness, and peace and joy in the Holy Ghost.
    LS 11.23 9 ...now...Christians must contend that it is...really a duty, to commemorate [Jesus] by a certain form [the Lord's Supper], whether that form be agreeable to their understandings or not. ... Is not this to make men,-to make ourselves,-forget that...not names, but righteousness and love are enjoined;...
    HDC 11.82 25 Two religious societies, of differing creed, dwell together [in Concord] in good understanding, both promoting, we hope, the cause of righteousness and love.
    EWI 11.106 13 ...when [Granville Sharpe] brought the case of George Somerset, another slave, before Lord Mansfield, the slavish decisions were set aside, and equity affirmed. There is a sparkle of God's righteousness in Lord Mansfield's judgment, which does the heart good.

righter, adj. (2)

    LT 1.287 17 ...we think the Genius of this Age more philosophical than any other has been, righter in its aims...
    F 6.44 27 [The great man's] mind is righter than others because he yields to a current so feeble as can be felt only by a needle delicately poised.

rightest, adj. (1)

    Nat2 3.185 22 ...the wary Nature sends a new troop of fairer forms, of lordlier youths...makes them a little wrong-headed in that direction in which they are rightest...

rightful, adj. (5)

    Mrs1 3.124 26 ...only that plenteous nature is rightful master which is the complement of whatever person it converses with.
    Pol1 3.203 20 At last it seemed settled that the rightful distinction was that the proprietors should have more elective franchise than non-proprietors...
    Pol1 3.217 3 ...as the rightful lord who is to tumble all rulers from their chairs, [character's] presence is hardly yet suspected.
    Wsp 6.213 13 There is...a simple, quiet, undescribed, undescribable presence, dwelling very peacefully in us, our rightful lord...
    EWI 11.135 10 ...I turn gladly to the rightful theme, to the bright aspects of the occasion.

rightfully, adv. (3)

    LE 1.158 18 When [the scholar] has seen that [the intellectual power]...is the soul which made the world...he will know that he...may rightfully hold all things subordinate and answerable to it.
    YA 1.388 11 I find no expression...especially in our newspapers, of a high national feeling, no lofty counsels that rightfully stir the blood.
    FSLN 11.241 13 Let the aid of virtue, intelligence and education be cast where they rightfully belong.

righting, v. (2)

    DSA 1.122 27 See how this rapid intrinsic energy worketh everywhere, righting wrongs...
    YA 1.386 3 If any man has a talent for righting wrong...let him in the county-town...put up his sign-board, Mr. Smith, Governor...

rightly, adv. (68)

    Nat 1.35 23 ...every object rightly seen, unlocks a new faculty of the soul.
    Nat 1.45 7 ...in the one thing [the wise man] does rightly, he sees the likeness of all which is done rightly.
    Nat 1.45 8 ...in the one thing [the wise man] does rightly, he sees the likeness of all which is done rightly.
    AmS 1.108 1 ...a man, rightly viewed, comprehendeth the particular natures of all men.
    AmS 1.112 21 There is one man of genius...whose literary value has never yet been rightly estimated; - I mean Emanuel Swedenborg.
    MN 1.211 25 There is no office or function of man but is rightly discharged by this divine method...
    Hist 2.5 9 We, as we read, must...fasten these images to some reality in our secret experience, or we shall learn nothing rightly.
    Cir 2.313 13 Christianity is rightly dear to the best of mankind;...
    Cir 2.314 20 Not through subtle subterranean channels need friend and fact be drawn to their counterpart, but, rightly considered, these things proceed from the eternal generation of the soul.
    Cir 2.320 24 Now for the first time seem I to know any thing rightly.
    Mrs1 3.154 27 ...it seemed as if the instinct of all sufferers drew them to [Osman's] side. And the madness which he harbored he did not share. Is not this to be rich? this only to be rightly rich?
    Nat2 3.180 2 Geology has...taught us to...exchange our Mosaic and Ptolemaic schemes for her large style. We knew nothing rightly, for want of perspective.
    NR 3.242 2 ...rightly every man is a channel through which heaven floweth...
    UGM 4.29 5 We rightly speak of the guardian angels of children.
    PPh 4.47 22 He shall be as a god to me, who can rightly divide and define.
    SwM 4.121 20 ...we must be at the top of our condition to understand any thing rightly.
    SwM 4.127 7 [Swedenborg's Conjugal Love] came near to be the Hymn of Love, which Plato attempted in the Banquet; the love...which, as rightly celebrated, in its genesis, fruition and effect, might well entrance the souls...
    SwM 4.138 15 Euripides rightly said, Goodness and being in the gods are one;/ He who imputes ill to them makes them none./
    MoS 4.171 14 ...though the town and state and way of living, which our counsellor contemplated, might be a very modest or musty prosperity, yet men rightly go for him...
    GoW 4.281 19 If [the writer] can not rightly express himself to-day, the same things subsist and will open themselves to-morrow.
    ET11 5.180 4 ...[the English lords] rightly wear the token of the glebe that gave them birth...
    ET13 5.225 26 Prophet and apostle can only be rightly understood by prophet and apostle.
    ET14 5.241 15 A few generalizations always circulate in the world, whose authors we do not rightly know...
    ET14 5.249 16 But for Coleridge...one would say that in Germany and in America is the best mind in England rightly respected.
    ET16 5.290 18 William of Wykeham's shrine tomb was unlocked for us, and Carlyle took hold of the recumbent statue's marble hands and patted them affectionately, for he rightly values the brave man who built Windsor and this Cathedral and the School here and New College at Oxford.
    F 6.25 9 We rightly say of ourselves, we were born and afterward we were born again...
    Wth 6.112 14 Do your work, respecting the excellence of the work, and not its acceptableness. This is so much economy that, rightly read, it is the sum of economy.
    Bhr 6.189 2 ...you cannot rightly train one to an air and manner, except by making him the kind of man of whom that manner is the natural expression.
    Wsp 6.199 22 Draw, if thou canst, the mystic line,/ Severing rightly [Fate' s] from thine,/ Which is human, which divine./
    Wsp 6.225 25 In every variety of human employment...there are...those who love work, and love to see it rightly done;...
    Wsp 6.230 25 He only is rightly immortal to whom all things are immortal.
    Wsp 6.236 4 [Benedict said] if [the thought] come not spontaneously, it comes not rightly at all.
    Bty 6.303 12 Wordsworth rightly speaks of a light that never was on sea or land, meaning that it was supplied by the observer;...
    Ill 6.313 5 ...we rightly accuse the critic who destroys too many illusions.
    Art2 7.39 13 ...Plato rightly said, Those things which are said to be done by Nature are indeed done by Divine Art.
    WD 7.175 20 No man has learned anything rightly until he knows that every day is Doomsday.
    WD 7.180 23 We must be at the top of our condition to understand anything rightly.
    Boks 7.201 12 Of course a certain outline should be obtained of Greek history, in which the important moments and persons can be rightly set down;...
    Suc 7.293 11 The fame of each discovery rightly attaches to the mind that made the formula which contains all the details...
    PI 8.28 25 The lover is rightly said to fancy the hair, eyes, complexion of the maid.
    PI 8.34 1 If your subject do not appear to you the flower of the world at this moment, you have not rightly chosen it.
    PI 8.42 24 Rightly, poetry is organic.
    PI 8.47 2 I think you will also find a charm heroic, plaintive, pathetic, in these cadences [of common English metres], and be at once set on searching for the words that can rightly fill these vacant beats.
    PI 8.47 14 ...human passion, seizing these constitutional tunes, aims to fill them with appropriate words, or marry music to thought, believing...that for every thought its proper melody or rhyme exists, though the odds are immense against our finding it, and only genius can rightly say the banns.
    Res 8.138 20 ...if you tell me...that man only rightly knows himself as far as he has experimented on things,--I am invigorated...
    PPo 8.244 28 [Hafiz] says,-I batter the wheel of heaven/ When it rolls not rightly by;/ I am not one of the snivellers/ Who fall thereon and die./
    Grts 8.307 15 ...it is only as [a man] feels and obeys [his bias] that he rightly develops and attains his legitimate power in the world.
    Grts 8.310 9 You are rightly fond of certain books or men...
    Aris 10.39 27 ...the basis of all aristocracy must be truth,-the doing what elsewhere is pretended to be done. One would gladly see all our institutions rightly aristocratic in this wise.
    PerF 10.75 14 [Labor] surprises in the perfect form and condition of trees... rightly pruned...
    Edc1 10.132 14 We learn nothing rightly until we learn the symbolical character of life.
    Supl 10.171 17 ...rightly to be great is not to stir without great argument.
    SovE 10.187 15 The civil history of men might be traced by the successive meliorations as marked in higher moral generalizations;...at last came the day when, as the historians rightly tell, the nerves of the world were electrified by the proclamation that all men are born free and equal.
    MoL 10.250 9 [Nature says to the American] One thing you have rightly done. You have offered a patch of land in the wilderness to every son of Adam who will till it.
    Schr 10.265 25 Like [the pearl-diver and the diamond-merchant] [the poet] will joyfully lose days and months...in the profound hope that one restoring, all rewarding, immense success will arrive at last, which will give him at one bound a universal dominion. And rightly;...
    MMEm 10.433 10 Very rightly...the Christian ages, proceeding on a grand instinct, have said: Faith alone, Faith alone.
    LVB 11.91 27 ...the American President and the Cabinet, the Senate and the House of Representatives...are contracting...to drag [the Cherokees]...to a wilderness at a vast distance beyond the Mississippi. And a paper purporting to be an army order fixes a month from this day as the hour for this doleful removal. In the name of God, sir [Van Buren], we ask you if this be so? Do the newspapers rightly inform us?
    FSLC 11.198 7 What shall we say of the functionary by whom the recent rendition [of the Fugitive Slave Law] was made? If he has rightly defined his powers, and has no authority to try the case, but only to prove the prisoner's identity, and remand him, what office is this for a reputable citizen to hold?
    FSLN 11.241 25 It is a potent support and ally to a brave man standing single, or with a few, for the right...to know that better men in other parts of the country...will rightly report him to his own and the next age.
    EPro 11.324 23 ...granting the truth, rightly read, of the historical aphorism, that the people always conquer, it is to be noted that, in the Southern States, the tenure of land and the local laws, with slavery, give the social system not a democratic but an aristocratic complexion;...
    SHC 11.429 17 ...this concourse of friendly company assures me that [the committee] have rightly interpreted your wishes.
    PLT 12.33 24 It does not need to pump your brains and force thought to think rightly.
    PLT 12.46 7 Will is the advance to that which rightly belongs to us...
    PLT 12.55 19 The curses of malignity and despair are important criticism, which must be heeded until [a man] can explain and rightly silence them.
    CW 12.172 22 It requires some geometry in the head to lay [a good garden] out rightly...
    Milt1 12.250 20 What under heaven had...the manner of living of Saumaise...or his niceties of diction, to do with the solemn question whether Charles Stuart had been rightly slain?
    Milt1 12.262 15 [Milton] is rightly dear to mankind...
    WSL 12.348 25 Many of [Landor's sentences] will secure their own immortality in English literature; and this, rightly considered, is no mean merit.

right-minded, adj. (1)

    FRep 11.523 17 The people are right-minded enough on ethical questions...

rightness, n. (1)

    SwM 4.117 18 ...[Correspondence] required such rightness of position that the poles of the eye should coincide with the axis of the world.

Rights, Bill of, Massachuse (1)

    Bost 12.201 17 There is a little formula, couched in pure Saxon...I 'm as good as you be, which contains the essence of the Massachusetts Bill of Rights and of the American Declaration of Independence.

Rights, Bill of, n. (1)

    SMC 11.352 10 ...after the quarrel [American Revolution] began, the Americans took higher ground, and stood for political independence. But in the necessities of the hour, they...winked at a practical exception to the Bill of Rights they had drawn up.

Rights, Eternal, n. (1)

    FSLC 11.178 1 The Eternal Rights,/ Victors over daily wrongs:/ Awful victors, they misguide/ Whom they will destroy/...

rights, n. (62)

    LE 1.164 1 An intimation of these broad rights is familiar in the sense of injury which men feel in the assumption of any man to limit their possible progress.
    Tran 1.356 22 ...[these old guardians] have but one mood on the subject, namely, that Antony is very perverse,-that it is quite as much as Antony can do to assert his rights...
    YA 1.393 16 It is a questionable compensation to the embittered feeling of a proud commoner, the reflection that a fop, who, by the magic of title... plucks from him half the graces and rights of a man, is himself also an aspirant excluded with the same ruthlessness from higher circles...
    YA 1.394 24 ...the system [of English aristocracy] is an invasion of the sentiment of justice and the native rights of men...
    Hsm1 2.262 16 It is but the other day that the brave Lovejoy gave his breast to the bullets of a mob, for the rights of free speech and opinion...
    Cir 2.310 27 When each new speaker [in a conversation] strikes a new light...we seem to recover our rights, to become men.
    Pol1 3.201 10 What the tender poetic youth dreams, and prays, and paints to-day...shall be carried as grievance and bill of rights through conflict and war...
    Pol1 3.201 23 Of persons, all have equal rights, in virtue of being identical in nature.
    Pol1 3.201 26 Whilst the rights of all as persons are equal, in virtue of their access to reason, their rights in property are very unequal.
    Pol1 3.201 27 Whilst the rights of all as persons are equal, in virtue of their access to reason, their rights in property are very unequal.
    Pol1 3.202 6 One man owns his clothes, and another owns a county. This accident...falls unequally, and its rights...are unequal.
    Pol1 3.202 7 Personal rights...demand a government framed on the ratio of the census;...
    Pol1 3.202 17 It seemed fit that Laban and Jacob should have equal rights to elect the officer who is to defend their persons...
    Pol1 3.207 4 The same necessity which secures the rights of person and property against the malignity or folly of the magistrate, determines the form and methods of governing, which are proper to each nation...
    Pol1 3.219 19 [The movement toward self-government] promises a recognition of higher rights than those of personal freedom...
    NER 3.255 24 ...the country is frequently affording solitary examples of resistance to the government, solitary nullifiers, who throw themselves on their reserved rights;...
    NER 3.255 25 ...the country is frequently affording solitary examples of resistance to the government, solitary nullifiers...who have reserved all their rights;...
    ET3 5.34 3 Alfieri thought Italy and England the only countries worth living in; the former because there Nature vindicates her rights...
    ET5 5.82 15 Life [in England] is safe, and personal rights;...
    ET8 5.133 24 The common Englishman is prone to forget a cardinal article in the bill of social rights, that every man has a right to his own ears.
    ET10 5.164 14 The rights of property [in England] nothing but felony and treason can override.
    ET10 5.164 20 Vested rights are awful things...
    ET15 5.270 11 [The London Times's] editors know better than to defend... English vested rights, on abstract grounds.
    SovE 10.187 13 The civil history of men might be traced by the successive meliorations as marked in higher moral generalizations;...bargains of kings with peoples of certain rights to certain classes, then of rights to masses...
    SovE 10.187 14 The civil history of men might be traced by the successive meliorations as marked in higher moral generalizations;...bargains of kings with peoples of certain rights to certain classes, then of rights to masses...
    SovE 10.210 5 ...there are the new conventions of social science, before which the questions of the rights of women...come for a hearing.
    MoL 10.256 19 [Senators and lawyers] read that they might know, did they not? Well, these men [who passed infamous laws] did not know. They blundered; they were utterly ignorant of...the rights of men and women.
    MoL 10.258 13 Slavery is broken, and, if we use our advantage, irretrievably. For such a gain...one generation might well be sacrificed; perhaps it will; that...a new era of equal rights dawn on the universe.
    Thor 10.473 8 The farmers who employed [Thoreau] as a surveyor soon discovered...his knowledge of their lands...which enabled him to tell every farmer more than he knew before of his own farm; so that he began to feel a little as if Mr. Thoreau had better rights in his land than he.
    HDC 11.45 5 I esteem it the happiness of this country that its settlers, whilst they were exploring their granted and natural rights...were united by personal affection.
    HDC 11.46 12 ...Concord and the other plantations found themselves separate and independent of Boston, with certain rights of their own...
    HDC 11.68 12 ...in answer to letters received from the united committees of correspondence...the town [of Concord] say: We cannot possibly view with indifference the...endeavors of the enemies of this...country, to rob us of those rights, that are the distinguishing glory and felicity of this land;...
    HDC 11.68 13 ...We cannot possibly view with indifference the...endeavors of the enemies of this...country, to rob us of those...rights, that we are obliged to no power, under heaven, for the enjoyment of;...
    HDC 11.70 1 ...we will...to the utmost of our power, defend all our rights inviolate to the latest posterity.
    HDC 11.70 14 ...we think it our duty...to return our hearty thanks to the town of Boston, for every rational measure they have taken for the preservation or recovery of our invaluable rights and liberties infringed upon;...
    EWI 11.112 10 The scheme of the Minister...proposed...that on 1st August, 1834, all persons [in the West Indies] now slaves should be entitled to be registered as apprenticed laborers, and to acquire thereby all the rights and privileges of freemen...
    EWI 11.121 12 ...men of all colors have equal rights in law [in Jamaica], and an equal footing in society...
    EWI 11.121 18 It may be asserted...that the former slaves of Jamaica are now as secure in all social rights, as freeborn Britons.
    EWI 11.127 18 It was a stately spectacle, to see the cause of human rights argued with so much patience and generosity...before that powerful people [the English].
    EWI 11.134 5 ...you will not suffer me to forget one eloquent old man [John Quincy Adams]...who singly has defended the freedom of speech, and the rights of the free, against the usurpation of the slave-holder.
    EWI 11.136 8 I was a slave, said the counsel of [George] Somerset, speaking for his client, for I was in America: I am now in a country where the common rights of mankind are known and regarded.
    FSLC 11.197 8 Philadelphia...in this auction of the rights of mankind, rescinded all its legislation against slavery.
    FSLN 11.229 23 ...there are rights which rest on the finest sense of justice...
    TPar 11.292 17 ...the polished and pleasant traitors to human rights...rot and are forgotten...
    ACiv 11.305 21 Congress can...abolish slavery, and pay for such slaves as we ought to pay for. Then the slaves near our armies will come to us; those in the interior will know in a week what their rights are...
    SMC 11.353 13 When the rights of man are recited under any old government, every one of them is a declaration of war.
    EdAd 11.388 20 In hours when it seemed only to need one just word from a man of honor to have vindicated the rights of millions...we have seen the best understandings of New England...say, We are too old to stand for what is called a New England sentiment any longer.
    Koss 11.401 8 ...when the crisis arrives it will find us all instructed beforehand in the rights and wrongs of Hungary...
    Wom 11.416 22 ...the times are marked by the new attitude of Woman; urging, by argument and by association, her rights of all kinds...
    Wom 11.416 24 ...the times are marked by the new attitude of Woman; urging...her rights of all kinds...as the right to education...to equal rights of property...
    Wom 11.416 25 ...the times are marked by the new attitude of Woman; urging...her rights of all kinds...as the right to education...to equal rights in marriage...
    CPL 11.508 2 The intellect reserves all its rights.
    FRep 11.517 18 One hundred years ago the American people attempted to carry out the bill of political rights to an almost ideal perfection.
    FRep 11.517 22 [The American people] are now proceeding...to carry out, not the bill of rights, but the bill of human duties.
    FRep 11.527 4 ...here that same great body [of the people] has arrived at a sloven plenty...the man...understanding his own rights and stiff to maintain them...
    FRep 11.540 19 [The Constitution and the law in America] should be mankind's bill of rights...
    FRep 11.541 16 The genius of the country has marked out our true policy,-opportunity. Opportunity of civil rights...
    PLT 12.37 26 At a moment in our history the mind's eye opens and we become aware...of rights, of duties, of thoughts...
    CL 12.156 5 ...a view from a cliff over a wide country...reinstates us wronged men in our rights.
    Milt1 12.269 5 Questions that involve all social and personal rights were hasting to be decided by the sword...
    Milt1 12.272 14 The events which produced [Milton's tracts on divorce and freedom of the press]...are mere occasions for this philanthropist to blow his trumpet for human rights.
    EurB 12.367 20 Early in life...[Wordsworth] made his election between assuming and defending some legal rights, with the chances of wealth and a position in the world, and the inward promptings of his heavenly genius;...

Rights of Man, French, n. (1)

    RBur 11.440 23 The Confession of Augsburg...the French Rights of Man... are not more weighty documents in the history of freedom than the songs of Burns.

rights, v. (2)

    SR 2.89 13 He who knows that power is inborn...instantly rights himself...
    Milt1 12.262 18 ...in [Milton] humanity rights itself;...

Rights, Woman's, n. (1)

    Mrs1 3.150 11 A certain awkward consciousness of inferiority in the men may give rise to the new chivalry in behalf of Woman's Rights.

right-wrong, n. (1)

    NR 3.245 17 All the universe over, there is but one thing, this old Two-Face... right-wrong, of which any proposition may be affirmed or denied.

rigid, adj. (7)

    SL 2.138 4 The wild fertility of nature is felt in comparing our rigid names and reputations with our fluid consciousness.
    Pol1 3.199 11 Society is an illusion to the young citizen. It lies before him in rigid repose...
    SwM 4.112 17 It is remarkable that this sublime genius [Swedenborg]...in a book [The Animal Kingdom] whose genius is a daring poetic synthesis, claims to confine himself to a rigid experience.
    LLNE 10.353 3 [Fourier's] mistake is that this particular order and series is to be imposed...on all men, and carried into rigid execution.
    HDC 11.78 10 The economy so rigid, which marked [Concord's] earlier history, has all vanished.
    HDC 11.84 21 For splendor, there must be somewhere rigid economy.
    Milt1 12.247 19 The fame of a great man is not rigid and stony like his bust.

rigor, n. (4)

    MR 1.242 25 ...if a man find in himself any strong bias to poetry...that man...respecting the compensations of the Universe, ought to ransom himself from the duties of economy by a certain rigor and privation in his habits.
    YA 1.394 18 That there are mitigations and practical alleviations to this rigor [of English aristocracy], is not an excuse for the rule.
    Hsm1 2.261 16 ...to live with some rigor of temperance...seems to be an asceticism which common good-nature would appoint to those who are at ease and in plenty...
    Mrs1 3.139 2 The same discrimination of fit and fair runs out, if with less rigor, into all parts of life.

rigorous, adj. (2)

    LE 1.175 27 ...we have need of a more rigorous scholastic rule;...
    Wth 6.106 15 Whoever knows what happens in the getting and spending of a loaf of bread and a pint of beer, that no wishing will change the rigorous limits of pints and penny loaves;...knows all of political economy that the budgets of empires can teach him.

rigors, n. (2)

    Comp 2.100 19 The true life and satisfactions of man seem to elude the utmost rigors or felicities of condition...
    NMW 4.242 20 ...those who smarted under the immediate rigors of the new monarch [Napoleon], pardoned them as the necessary severities of the military system which had driven out the oppressor.

rill, n. (6)

    Art1 2.349 27 'T is the privilege of Art/ Thus to play its cheerful part,/ Man in Earth to acclimate/ And bend the exile to his fate,/ And, moulded of one element/ With the days and firmament,/ Teach him on these as stairs to climb/ And live on even terms with Time;/ Whilst upper life the slender rill/ Of human sense doth overfill./
    QO 8.181 2 ...if we knew Rabelais's reading we should see the rill of the Rabelais river.
    PLT 12.51 18 You say thought is a penurious rill. Well, we can wait.
    PLT 12.51 20 Nature having for capital this rill [of thought], drop by drop... she husbands and hives...
    PLT 12.51 21 Nature having for capital this rill [of thought]...this rill and her patience,-she husbands and hives...
    EurB 12.369 10 ...the spirit of literature and the modes of living and the conventional theories of the conduct of life were called in question [by Wordsworth] on wholly new grounds...from the lessons which the country muse taught a stout pedestrian...following a river from its parent rill down to the sea.

rills, n. (1)

    Wth 6.117 7 ...after expense has been fixed at a certain point, then new and steady rills of income, though never so small, being added, wealth begins.

rimed, v. (1)

    Nat 1.18 6 ...every withered stem and stubble rimed with frost, contribute something to the mute music.

rind, n. (1)

    War 11.160 15 The eternal germination of the better has unfolded new powers, new instincts, which were really concealed under this rough and base rind.

rinds, n. (1)

    OS 2.275 3 With each divine impulse the mind rends the thin rinds of the visible and finite...

Ring, Gyge's, n. (1)

    QO 8.186 21 There are many fables which...are said to be agreeable to the human mind. Such are The Seven Sleepers, Gyges's Ring...

ring, n. (25)

    AmS 1.95 11 I...take my place in the ring...
    MN 1.203 13 The embryo does not more strive to be man, than yonder burr of light we call a nebula tends to be a ring, a comet, a globe, and parent of new stars.
    Cir 2.304 2 The life of man is a self-evolving circle, which, from a ring imperceptibly small, rushes on all sides outwards to new and larger circles...
    Chr1 3.95 9 Is there no love, no reverence. Is there never a glimpse of right in a poor slave-captain's mind; and cannot these be supposed available to break or elude or in any manner overmatch the tension of an inch or two of iron ring?
    Mrs1 3.131 19 A sainted soul is always elegant, and, if it will, passes unchallenged into the most guarded ring.
    Nat2 3.180 20 The whole code of [nature's] laws may be written on...the signet of a ring.
    PNR 4.83 7 Whatever [Plato] looks upon discloses a second sense, and ulterior senses. His...love of the apologue, and his apologues themselves;... the ring of Gyges;...
    ET3 5.41 8 The sea, which, according to Virgil's famous line, divided the poor Britons utterly from the world, proved to be the ring of marriage with all nations.
    ET5 5.81 25 ...is it a boxer in the ring, is it a candidate on the hustings, the universe of Englishmen will suspend their judgment until the trial can be had.
    F 6.20 16 ...the ring of necessity is always perched at the top.
    F 6.20 25 So soft and so stanch is the ring of Fate.
    Wth 6.98 1 Every man wishes to see the ring of Saturn...yet how few can buy a telescope!...
    Ctr 6.133 1 The [egotistical] man runs round a ring formed by his own talent...
    CbW 6.260 18 ...what we ask daily, is to be conventional. Supply, most kind gods! this defect...in my fortunes, which puts me a little out of the ring...
    SS 7.1 5 ...[Seyd] Loved harebells nodding on a rock,/ A cabin hung with curling smoke,/ Ring of axe or hum of wheel/ Or gleam which use can paint on steel/...
    SS 7.5 2 [My friend] would have given his soul for the ring of Gyges.
    Cour 7.267 3 In every school there are certain fighting boys;...in every town, bravoes and bullies...patrons of the cock-pit and the ring.
    PPo 8.245 11 ...[Hafiz] abounds in pregnant sentences which might be engraved on a sword-blade and almost on a ring.
    PPo 8.261 3 In the midnight of thy locks,/ I renounce the day;/ In the ring of thy rose-lips,/ My heart forgets to pray./
    Dem1 10.20 20 ...the fabled ring of Gyges...is simply mischievous.
    PerF 10.87 16 The illusion that strikes me as the masterpiece in that ring of illusions which our life is, is the timidity with which we assert our moral sentiment.
    MMEm 10.419 4 I [Mary Moody Emerson] walked to Captain Dexter's. Sick. Promised never to put that ring on.
    War 11.155 26 Bull-baiting, cockpits and the boxer's ring are the enjoyment of the part of society whose animal nature alone has been developed.
    WSL 12.339 25 Before a well-dressed company [Landor] plunges his fingers into a cesspool, as if to expose...the jewels of his ring.
    PPr 12.384 4 It is a costly proof of character that the most renowned scholar of England [Carlyle] should take his reputation in his hand and should descend into the [political] ring;...

ring, v. (5)

    Chr1 3.100 6 Our houses ring with laughter and personal and critical gossip, but it helps little.
    EWI 11.124 9 If any mention was made of homicide, madness, adultery, and intolerable tortures [of negroes], we would let the church-bells ring louder...
    AKan 11.260 8 ...our poor people, led by the nose by these fine words [Union and Democracy]...ring bells and fire cannon, with every new link of the chain which is forged for their limbs by the plotters in the Capitol.
    RBur 11.443 19 ...the hand-organs of the Savoyards in all cities repeat [Burns's songs], and the chimes of bells ring them in the spires.
    ACri 12.297 18 ...[Carlyle] talks flexibly...in loud emphasis, in undertones, then laughs till the walls ring, then calmly moderates...

ringing, adj. (1)

    ET8 5.128 10 The English have...a ringing cheerful voice.

ringing, v. (2)

    Insp 8.287 22 Tie a couple of strings across a board, and set it in your window, and you have an instrument which no artist's harp can rival. It needs no instructed ear;...it has...festal notes ringing out all measures of loftiness.
    FSLC 11.200 19 The words of John Randolph, wiser than he knew, have been ringing ominously in all echoes for thirty years, words spoken in the heat of the Missouri debate.

ringleader, n. (1)

    AKan 11.261 8 ...of Kansas, the President says; Let the complainants go to the courts; though he knows that when the poor plundered farmer comes to the court, he finds the ringleader who has robbed him dismounting from his own horse, and unbuckling his knife to sit as his judge.

ring-leaders, n. (1)

    Res 8.148 1 ...we have noted examples among our orators, who have... handled and controlled, and...converted a malignant mob...by a wit which disconcerted and at last delighted the ring-leaders.

ringlet, n. (1)

    MLit 12.334 25 Nature has not lost one ringlet of her beauty...

ringlets, n. (1)

    Comp 2.92 3 Man's the elm, and Wealth the vine,/ Stanch and strong the tendrils twine:/ Though the frail ringlets thee deceive,/ None from its stock that vine can reave./

rings, n. (4)

    Nat 1.1 1 A subtle chain of countless rings/ The next unto the farthest brings;/...
    OS 2.290 11 The ambitious vulgar show you their spoons and brooches and rings...
    Gts 3.161 9 Rings and other jewels are not gifts...
    PLT 12.17 25 ...the sun is conceived to have made our system by hurling out from itself the outer rings of diffuse ether...

rings, v. (7)

    DL 7.107 4 [The little pilgrim] grows up the ornament and joy of the house, which rings to his glee...
    PI 8.25 13 ...bring [people] Homer's Iliad, and they like that; or the Cid, and that rings well;...
    SA 8.85 25 Why have you statues in your hall, but to teach you that, when the door-bell rings, you shall sit like them.
    HDC 11.62 14 Alas! for [the Indians]-their day is o'er,/ Their fires are out from hill and shore,/ No more for them the wild deer bounds,/ The plough is on their hunting grounds;/ The pale man's axe rings in their woods,/ The pale man's sail skims o'er their floods,/ Their pleasant springs are dry./
    War 11.174 24 If the universal cry for reform of so many inveterate abuses, with which society rings...be an omen to be trusted;...then war has a short day...
    PLT 12.32 19 The air rings with sounds, but only a few vibrations can reach our tympanum.
    AgMs 12.359 22 [Edmund Hosmer's] laugh rings with the sweetness and hilarity of a child;...

Rintherouts, Jenny, n. (1)

    Scot 11.466 14 In his own household and neighbors [Scott] found characters and pets of humble class...came with these into real ties of mutual help and good will. From these originals he drew so genially his... Meg Merrilies, and Jenny Rintherouts...

Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, n. (1)

    ET17 5.295 13 [Wordsworth] thought Rio Janeiro the best place in the world for a great capital city.

riot, n. (8)

    ET10 5.159 6 Iron and steel are very obedient. Whether it were not possible to make a spinner that would not rebel...nor emigrate? At the solicitation of the masters, after a mob and riot at Staley Bridge, Mr. Roberts of Manchester undertook to create this peaceful fellow...
    Wth 6.91 6 ...when one observes in the hotels and palaces of our Atlantic capitals...the riot of the senses...he feels that when a man or a woman is driven to the wall, the chances of integrity are frightfully diminished;...
    PPo 8.246 15 Riot, [Hafiz] thinks, can snatch from the deeply hidden lot the veil that covers it...
    LS 11.13 9 [Early Christian religious feasts] were readily adopted by the Jewish converts...and also by the Pagan converts, whose idolatrous worship had been made up of sacred festivals, and who very readily abused these to gross riot...
    LS 11.14 10 To make [his friends'] enormity plainer, [St. Paul] goes back to the origin of this religious feast [the Lord's Supper] to show what sort of feast that was, out of which this riot of theirs came...
    EWI 11.114 27 On the night of the 31st July [1834], [the negroes of the West Indies] met everywhere at their churches and chapels, and at midnight...on their knees, the silent, weeping assembly became men;...they were wild with joy, but there was no riot, no feasting.
    FRep 11.537 27 [Our civilization] is a wild democracy; the riot of mediocrities and dishonesties and fudges.
    Trag 12.409 12 Hark! what sounds on the night wind...see these marks of stamping feet, of hidden riot.

rioter, n. (1)

    PPo 8.250 8 ...if you mistake [Hafiz] for a low rioter, he turns short on you with verses which express the poverty of sensual joys...

rioters, n. (1)

    Let 12.400 21 It is heartrending to see your [German] poet, your artist, and all who still revere genius, who love and foster the Beautiful. The Good! They...are like the patient Ulysses whilst he sat in the guise of a beggar at his own door, whilst shameless rioters shouted in the hall...

riotous, adj. (3)

    Pow 6.69 9 ...when [the young English] have no wars to breathe their riotous valors in, they seek for travels as dangerous as war...
    OA 7.325 10 We learn the fatal compensations that wait on every act. Then, one after another, this riotous time-destroying crew [of passions] disappear.
    PPo 8.250 23 A saint might lend an ear to the riotous fun of Falstaff;...

riots, n. (1)

    HDC 11.71 15 On the 26th of the month [September, 1774], the whole town [Concord] resolved itself into a committee of safety, to suppress all riots, tumults, and disorders in said town...

rip, v. (1)

    Prd1 2.238 11 ...the sturdiest offender of your peace and of the neighborhood, if you rip up his claims, is as thin and timid as any...

ripe, adj. (21)

    AmS 1.96 16 In some contemplative hour [the new deed] detaches itself from the life like a ripe fruit...
    AmS 1.105 20 They are the kings of the world who...persuade men...that this thing which they do is the apple which the ages have desired to pluck, now at last ripe...
    LT 1.271 22 Nature, literature, science, childhood, appear to us beautiful; but not...the ripe fruit and considered labors of man.
    SL 2.137 12 When the fruit is ripe, it falls.
    Fdsp 2.200 17 [A delicate organization] would be lost if it knew itself before any of the best souls were yet ripe enough to know and own it.
    Prd1 2.228 8 If you believe in the soul, do not clutch at sensual sweetness before it is ripe on the slow tree of cause and effect.
    OS 2.274 4 The things we now esteem fixed shall...detach themselves like ripe fruit from our experience...
    Pt1 3.23 8 [Nature] makes a man; and having brought him to ripe age, she will no longer run the risk of losing this wonder at a blow...
    UGM 4.9 26 In the history of discovery, the ripe and latent truth seems to have fashioned a brain for itself.
    UGM 4.32 7 ...[the heroes of the hour] are such in whom, at the moment of success, a quality is ripe which is then in request.
    MoS 4.153 5 The first [men of ideas] had leaped to conclusions not yet ripe, and say more than is true;...
    NMW 4.256 18 The aristocrat is the democrat ripe and gone to seed;...
    F 6.11 14 Who meets [a man], or who meets [a woman], in the street, sees that they are ripe to be each other's victim.
    PI 8.41 7 These fine fruits of judgment, poesy and sentiment, when...the world is ripe for them, know as well as coarser how to feed and replenish themselves;...
    PC 8.226 20 The ear outgrows the tongue, is sooner ripe and perfect;...
    PerF 10.70 23 The ripe fruit is dropped at last without violence...
    CL 12.151 11 ...the oak and maple are red with the same colors on the new leaf which they will resume in autumn when it is ripe.
    CL 12.152 13 The leaf in our dry climate gets fully ripe...
    CL 12.152 14 The leaf in our dry climate gets fully ripe, and, like the fruit when fully ripe, acquires fine color...
    Bost 12.199 23 What should hinder that this America...the firm shore hid until science and art should be ripe to propose it as a fixed aim...should have its happy ports...
    Let 12.393 26 The sea and the iron road are safer toys for such ungrown people; we are not yet ripe to be birds.

ripen, v. (12)

    AmS 1.94 23 Without [action] thought can never ripen into truth.
    MN 1.206 2 An individual man is a fruit which it cost all the foregoing ages to form and ripen.
    YA 1.380 5 The time is full of good signs. Some of them shall ripen to fruit.
    Fdsp 2.199 9 We snatch at the slowest fruit in the whole garden of God, which many summers and many winters must ripen.
    Int 2.330 7 By trusting [the instinct] to the end, it shall ripen into truth...
    NR 3.238 14 Solitude would ripen a plentiful crop of despots.
    F 6.39 10 Things ripen...
    Farm 7.147 5 Plant fruit-trees by the roadside, and their fruit will never be allowed to ripen.
    WD 7.171 3 ...the treasures which Nature spent itself to amass,--the secular, refined, composite anatomy of man...which the prior races...existed to ripen;...are given immeasurably to all.
    Boks 7.219 13 Friendship should give and take, solitude and time brood and ripen...[the communications of the sacred books].
    EWI 11.103 24 ...the crude element of good in human affairs must work and ripen...
    II 12.84 2 [Men slow in finding their vocation] ripen too slowly than that the determination should appear in this brief life.

ripened, adj. (1)

    SR 2.66 19 Is the parent better than the child into whom he has cast his ripened being?

ripened, v. (14)

    AmS 1.106 20 All the rest behold in the hero or the poet their own green and crude being, - ripened;...
    SL 2.147 8 Our eyes are holden that we cannot see things that stare us in the face, until the hour arrives when the mind is ripened;...
    Hsm1 2.258 17 We have seen or heard of many extraordinary young men who never ripened...
    NR 3.246 9 The rabid democrat, as soon as he is senator and rich man, has ripened beyond the possibility of sincere radicalism...
    NR 3.246 27 We keep a running fire of sarcasm at ignorance and the life of the senses; then goes by, perchance, a fair girl...and...we admire and love her...and say, Lo! a genuine creature of the fair earth, not dissipated or too early ripened by books, philosophy, religion, society, or care!...
    Boks 7.198 11 You find in [Plato] that which you have already found in Homer, now ripened to thought...
    Schr 10.277 18 It is excellent when the individual is ripened to that degree that he touches both the centre and the circumference...
    LLNE 10.352 11 [Fourier] treats man as...something that may be...ripened or retarded...at the will of the leader;...
    EzRy 10.391 24 [Ezra Ripley] showed even in his fireside discourse traits of that pertinency and judgment...which, under a better discipline, might have ripened into a Bentley or a Porson.
    EWI 11.124 22 ...unhappily, most unhappily, gentlemen, man is born with intellect, as well as with a love of sugar; and with a sense of justice, as well as a taste for strong drink. These ripened, as well as those.
    Shak1 11.452 10 [Shakespeare's] birth marked a great wine year when wonderful grapes ripened in the vintage of God...
    PLT 12.18 20 [The perceptions of the soul] are detached from their parent, they pass into other minds; ripened and unfolded by many they hasten to incarnate themselves in action...
    PLT 12.37 18 ...Perception is the armed eye. A civilization has tamed and ripened this savage wit...
    MAng1 12.236 10 Amidst endless annoyances from the envy and interest of the office-holders and agents in the work whom he had displaced, [Michelangelo] steadily ripened and executed his vast ideas.

ripeness, n. (9)

    Tran 1.345 22 In looking at the class of counsel...and at the matronage of the land...one asks, Where are they who represented genius, virtue, the invisible and heavenly world, to these? Are they...taken in early ripeness to the gods...
    Pt1 3.23 13 ...when the soul of the poet has come to ripeness of thought, [nature] detaches and sends away from it its poems or songs...
    PPh 4.46 24 There is a moment in the history of every nation, when...the perceptive powers reach their ripeness...
    Wsp 6.232 1 ...when flowers reach their ripeness, incense exhales from them...
    OA 7.319 14 We postpone our literary work until we have more ripeness and skill to write...
    SovE 10.187 5 The geologic world is chronicled by the growing ripeness of the strata from lower to higher...
    FRep 11.531 26 That repose which is the ornament and ripeness of man is not American.
    PLT 12.26 16 A subject of thought to which we return...from year to year, has always some ripeness of which we can give no account.
    Let 12.396 26 To live solitary and unexpressed is...painful in proportion to one's consciousness of ripeness and equality to the offices of friendship.

ripening, n. (1)

    Fdsp 2.200 16 Bashfulness and apathy are a tough husk in which a delicate organization is protected from premature ripening.

ripening, v. (5)

    Wth 6.108 16 You may not see that the fine pear costs you a shilling, but it costs the community so much. The shilling represents the number of enemies the pear has, and the amount of risk in ripening it.
    Farm 7.149 23 See what the farmer accomplishes by a cart-load of tiles: he alters the climate by letting off water which kept the land cold through constant evaporation...and he deepens the soil, since the discharge of this standing water allows the roots of his plants to penetrate below the surface to the subsoil, and accelerates the ripening of the crop.
    MMEm 10.408 2 [Mary Moody Emerson's] nephew [C. C. Emerson] wrote of her: I am glad the friendship with Aunt Mary is ripening.
    PLT 12.60 7 This premature stop, I know not how, befalls most of us in early youth; as if...the access to rare truths, closed at two or three years in the child, while all the pagan faculties went ripening on to sixty.
    MAng1 12.224 26 After an active and successful service to the city [Florence] for six months, Michael Angelo was informed of a treachery that was ripening within the walls.

ripens, v. (6)

    Comp 2.103 13 Punishment is a fruit that unsuspected ripens with the flower of the pleasure which concealed it.
    Lov1 2.169 2 ...each of [the soul's] joys ripens into a new want.
    ET5 5.94 19 The French Comte de Lauraguais said, No fruit ripens in England but a baked apple;...
    ET13 5.222 27 [The English university] ripens a bishop, and extrudes a philosopher.
    Imtl 8.343 20 ...wherever man ripens, this audacious belief [in immortality] presently appears...
    LLNE 10.357 20 I regard these philanthropists as themselves the effects of the age in which we live, and...the efflorescence of the period and predicting a good fruit that ripens.

riper, adj. (2)

    Shak1 11.450 16 Young men of a contemplative turn carry [Shakespeare's] sonnets in the pocket. With that book, the shade of any tree, a room in any inn, becomes a chapel or oratory in which to sit out their happiest hours. Later they find riper and manlier lessons in the plays.
    Mem 12.91 27 Some fact that had a childish significance to your childhood and was a type in the nursery, when riper intelligence recalls it means more and serves you better as an illustration;...

ripest, adj. (1)

    Edc1 10.126 1 The child shall be taken up by the State, and taught, at the public cost...at last, the ripest results of art and science.

Ripley, Daniel Bliss, n. (1)

    EzRy 10.383 5 [The Ezra Ripleys] had three children: Sarah...Samuel... Daniel Bliss...

Ripley, Ezra, n. (8)

    EzRy 10.381 1 Ezra Ripley was born May 1, 1751 (O. S.)...
    EzRy 10.381 13 Ezra Ripley followed the business of farming till sixteen years of age...
    EzRy 10.381 20 ...[Ezra Ripley's] father agreed with the late Rev. Dr. Forbes of Gloucester...to fit Ezra for college...
    EzRy 10.382 27 Mr. Ripley was ordained minister of Concord November 7, 1778.
    EzRy 10.385 18 The same faith [in particular providence] made what was strong and what was weak in Dr. Ripley and his associates.
    EzRy 10.391 15 Dr. Ripley had many virtues...
    MMEm 10.401 2 [Mary Moody Emerson's] mother had married again,- married the minister who succeeded her husband in the parish at Concord [Dr. Ezra Ripley]...
    MMEm 10.403 24 ...certain expressions, when they marked a memorable state of mind in [Mary Moody Emerson's] experience, recurred to her afterwards, and she would vindicate herself as having said to Dr. Ripley or Uncle Lincoln [Ripley] so and so, at such a period of her life.

Ripley, George, Mr. and Mr (1)

    LLNE 10.341 5 Some time afterwards Dr. Channing opened his mind to Mr. and Mrs. Ripley...

Ripley, George, n. (5)

    LLNE 10.340 12 Dr. Channing took counsel in 1840 with George Ripley, to the point whether it were possible to bring cultivated, thoughtful people together...
    LLNE 10.341 13 Margaret Fuller, George Ripley, Dr. Convers Francis, Theodore Parker, Dr. Hedge, Mr. Brownson, James Freeman Clarke, William H. Channing and many others, gradually drew together...
    LLNE 10.359 19 Mr. George Ripley was the President [of the West Roxbury Association]...
    LLNE 10.361 26 Theodore Parker, the near neighbor of [Brook] farm and the most intimate friend of Mr. Ripley, was a frequent visitor.
    LLNE 10.366 13 No doubt there was in many [at Brook Farm] a certain strength drawn from the fury of dissent. Thus Mr. Ripley told Theodore Parker, There is your accomplished friend---: he would hoe corn all Sunday if I would let him, but all Massachusetts could not make him do it on Monday.

Ripley, Holy, n. (1)

    EzRy 10.395 15 ...in college [Ezra Ripley] was called Holy Ripley.

Ripley, Lincoln, n. (1)

    MMEm 10.403 25 ...certain expressions, when they marked a memorable state of mind in [Mary Moody Emerson's] experience, recurred to her afterwards, and she would vindicate herself as having said to Dr. Ripley or Uncle Lincoln [Ripley] so and so, at such a period of her life.

Ripley, Lydia Kent, n. (1)

    EzRy 10.381 4 [Ezra Ripley] was the fifth of the nineteen children of Noah and Lydia (Kent) Ripley.

Ripley, Noah, n. (1)

    EzRy 10.381 3 [Ezra Ripley] was the fifth of the nineteen children of Noah and Lydia (Kent) Ripley.

Ripley, Samuel, n. (1)

    EzRy 10.383 5 [The Ezra Ripleys] had three children: Sarah...Samuel, born May 11, 1783; Daniel...

Ripley, Sarah, n. (1)

    EzRy 10.383 4 [The Ezra Ripleys] had three children: Sarah...Samuel... Daniel...

Ripley, William, n. (1)

    EzRy 10.381 10 The father [Noah Ripley] was born at Hingham [Connecticut], on the farm purchased by his ancestor, William Ripley, of England...

Ripley's, Ezra, n. (1)

    EzRy 10.387 6 ...I well remember [Ezra Ripley's] his pleading, almost reproachful looks at the sky, when the thunder-gust was coming up to spoil his hay. He...looked at the cloud...and seemed to say, You know me; this field is mine,-Dr. Ripley's,-thine own servant!

Ripon Cathedral, England, n (1)

    ET13 5.215 25 The power of the religious sentiment [in England]...created the religious architecture...Fountains Abbey, Ripon, Beverley and Dundee...

ripple, n. (1)

    DSA 1.145 3 See how nations and races...leave no ripple to tell where they floated or sunk...

ripple, v. (2)

    Nat2 3.172 15 The fall of snowflakes in a still air...the mimic waving of acres of houstonia, whose innumerable florets whiten and ripple before the eye;...these are the music and pictures of the most ancient religion.
    Elo1 7.59 12 For whom the Muses smile upon,/ .../ In his every syllable/ Lurketh nature veritable;/ .../ The forest waves, the morning breaks,/ The pastures sleep, ripple the lakes,/ Leaves twinkle, flowers like persons be/ And life pulsates in rock or tree./

rippled, v. (1)

    Bty 6.301 19 There are faces...so flushed and rippled by the play of thought, that we can hardly find what the mere features really are.

ripples, n. (4)

    Art1 2.363 4 The real value of the Iliad or the Transfiguration is as signs of power; billows or ripples they are of the stream of tendency;...
    NR 3.236 5 ...[the divine man] sees [persons] as...a fleet of ripples which the wind drives over the surface of the water.
    Insp 8.288 6 Perhaps you can recall a delight like [the swell of an Aeolian harp], which spoke to the eye, when you have stood by a lake in the woods in summer, and saw where little flaws of wind whip spots or patches of still water into fleets of ripples...
    CL 12.157 7 Can you bring home...the sedgy ripples of the old Colony ponds?...

rippling, n. (1)

    Insp 8.288 7 Perhaps you can recall a delight like [the swell of an Aeolian harp], which spoke to the eye, when you have stood by a lake in the woods in summer, and saw where little flaws of wind whip spots or patches of still water into fleets of ripples,-so sudden, so slight, so spiritual, that it was more like the rippling of the Aurora Borealis at night than any spectacle of day.

rise, n. (12)

    Nat 1.75 21 It were a wise inquiry...to compare...our daily history with the rise and progress of ideas in the mind.
    DSA 1.140 1 In a large portion of the community, the religious service gives rise to quite other thoughts and emotions.
    MN 1.197 15 ...we can use nature as...the meter of our rise and fall.
    SR 2.89 25 ...a rise of rents...or some other favorable event raises your spirits...
    OS 2.275 11 This is the law of moral and of mental gain. The simple rise as by specific levity not into a particular virtue, but into the region of all the virtues.
    Mrs1 3.150 10 A certain awkward consciousness of inferiority in the men may give rise to the new chivalry in behalf of Woman's Rights.
    NMW 4.249 6 Read [Napoleon's] account, too, of the way in which battles are gained. In all battles a moment occurs when the bravest troops...feel inclined to run. That terror proceeds from a want of confidence in their own courage, and it only requires a slight opportunity, a pretence, to restore confidence to them. The art is, to give rise to the opportunity and to invent the pretence.
    ET15 5.266 24 One hears anecdotes of the rise of [the London Times's] servants, as of the functionaries of the India House.
    Wth 6.102 4 In the city, where money follows...a lucky rise in exchange, [the dollar] comes to be looked on as light.
    Wsp 6.216 18 ...genius takes its rise out of the mountains of rectitude;...
    Ill 6.322 1 A sudden rise in the road shows us the system of mountains...
    SovE 10.195 8 The new saint gloried in infirmities. Who or what was he? His rise and his recovery were vicarious.

rise, v. (58)

    DSA 1.149 6 There are men who rise refreshed on hearing a threat;...
    LE 1.166 12 [The listener] must also rise and say somewhat.
    LE 1.174 7 ...set your habits to a life of solitude; then will the faculties rise fair and full within...
    MN 1.219 17 What brought the pilgrims here? One man says, civil liberty;... and a third discovers that the motive force was plantation and trade. But if the Puritans could rise from the dust they could not answer.
    Con 1.323 11 Those who rise above war, and those who fall below it, it easily discriminates...
    SR 2.72 15 If we cannot at once rise to the sanctities of obedience and faith, let us at least resist our temptations;...
    SR 2.87 13 The same particle does not rise from the valley [of the wave] to the ridge.
    Cir 2.302 8 Our culture is the predominance of an idea which draws after it this train of cities and institutions. Let us rise into another idea; they will disappear.
    Cir 2.307 12 If [my friend] were high enough to slight me, then could I... rise by my affection to new heights.
    Int 2.328 16 You cannot with your best deliberation and heed come so close to any question as your spontaneous glance shall bring you, whilst you rise from your bed...after meditating the matter before sleep on the previous night.
    Pt1 3.12 24 ...I, being myself a novice, am slow in perceiving that [the poet]...is merely bent that I should admire his skill to rise like a fowl or a flying fish...
    Chr1 3.103 5 If your friend has displeased you, you shall not sit down to consider it, for he...has doubled his power to serve you, and ere you can rise up again will burden you with blessings.
    Mrs1 3.123 16 ...in the moving crowd of good society the men of valor and reality...rise to their natural place.
    UGM 4.6 11 I count him a great man who inhabits a higher sphere of thought, into which other men rise with labor and difficulty;...
    PPh 4.49 15 The raptures of prayer and ecstasy of devotion lose all being in one Being. This tendency finds its highest expression...chiefly...in the Vedas, the Bhagavat Geeta, and the Vishnu Purana. Those writings contain little else than this idea, and they rise to pure and sublime strains in celebrating it.
    SwM 4.143 16 ...[Swedenborg] did not rise to the platform of pure genius.
    ET5 5.95 22 In due course, all England will be drained and rise a second time out of the waters.
    ET5 5.98 18 Man in England submits to be a product of political economy. On a bleak moor a mill is built...and men come in as water in a sluice-way, and towns and cities rise.
    ET5 5.100 10 In Parliament, in pulpits, in theatres [in England], when the speakers rise to thought and passion, the language becomes idiomatic;...
    ET10 5.161 12 [The Bank of England] votes an issue of bills, population is stimulated and cities rise;...
    ET10 5.168 27 It is rare to find a merchant who knows...why prices rise or fall...
    ET11 5.173 16 Every man who becomes rich [in England]...does what he can to fortify the nobility, into which he hopes to rise.
    ET13 5.228 22 Religious persons are driven out of the Established Church into sects, which instantly rise to credit and hold the Establishment in check.
    F 6.20 8 If we rise to spiritual culture, the antagonism takes a spiritual form.
    F 6.27 23 I know not whether there be...in the upper region of our atmosphere, a permanent westerly current which carries with it all atoms which rise to that height...
    F 6.44 5 The races of men rise out of the ground preoccupied with a thought which rules them...
    Wsp 6.205 2 ...the religion cannot rise above the state of the votary.
    CbW 6.271 2 Our habit of thought--take men as they rise--is not satisfying;...
    Ill 6.318 5 We begin low with coarse masks and rise to the most subtle and beautiful.
    SS 7.13 16 We sink as easily as we rise, through sympathy.
    Farm 7.147 2 At rare intervals [on the prairie] a thin oak-opening has been spared, and every such section has been long occupied. But the farmer manages to procure wood from far, puts up a rail-fence, and at once the seeds sprout and the oaks rise.
    OA 7.326 6 If [the old lawyer] should on a new occasion rise quite beyond his mark...that, of course, would instantly tell;...
    PI 8.42 27 We sink to rise...
    PI 8.52 14 ...when we rise into the world of thought...speech refines into order and harmony.
    PI 8.54 26 ...the masters sometimes rise above themselves to strains which charm their readers...
    PI 8.56 26 ...[Newton] only shows...that the music must rise to a loftier strain...
    SA 8.92 24 If you rise to frankness and generosity, [people] will respect it now or later.
    PPo 8.237 11 The seven masters of the Persian Parnassus...have ceased to be empty names; and others...promise to rise in Western estimation.
    Insp 8.281 21 ...in writing a letter to a friend we may find that we rise to a thought and to a cordial power of expression that costs no effort...
    Imtl 8.348 16 Here are people who cannot dispose of a day;...and will you offer them rolling ages without end? But this is the way we rise.
    Dem1 10.3 20 Within the sweep of yon encircling wall/ How many a large creation of the night,/ Wide wilderness and mountain, rock and sea,/ Peopled with busy, transitory groups,/ Finds room to rise, and never feels the crowd./
    Dem1 10.8 4 We call the phantoms that rise [in dreams], the creation of our fancy...
    Aris 10.37 14 We like cool people, who...can survive the blow well enough if stock should rise or fall...
    SovE 10.189 27 ...cities rise and fall...
    SovE 10.208 5 ...by humility we rise...
    SovE 10.209 23 [The religious feeling] prepares to rise out of all forms to an absolute justice and healthy perception.
    MoL 10.258 15 Who would not, if it could be made certain that the new morning of universal liberty should rise on our race by the perishing of one generation, who would not consent to die?
    Schr 10.289 8 ...if I could prevail to communicate the incommunicable mysteries, you [scholars] should see...that ever as you ascend your proper and native path, you receive the keys of Nature and history, and rise on the same stairs to science and to joy.
    LLNE 10.331 20 Let [Everett] rise to speak on what occasion soever, a fact had always just transpired which composed, with some other fact well known to the audience, the most pregnant and happy coincidence.
    HDC 11.74 8 ...when the smoke began to rise from the village where the British were burning cannon-carriages and military stores, the Americans resolved to force their way into town.
    FSLN 11.232 12 ...if we are Whigs, let us be Whigs of nature and science, and so for all the necessities. Let us know that, over and above all the musts of poverty and appetite, is the instinct of man to rise...
    SMC 11.367 26 At Fredericksburg we lay eleven hours in one spot without moving, except to rise and fire.
    II 12.81 13 ...the races of men rise out of the ground preoccupied with a thought which rules them...
    CInt 12.114 8 ...when the Roman soldier, at the sack of Syracuse, broke into his study, the philosopher [Archimedes] could not rise from his chair and his diagram...
    CW 12.174 1 If [a thoughtful man] suffer from accident or low spirits, his spirits rise when he enters [his wood-lot].
    Bost 12.198 12 ...no depth of affection that does not rise to a religious sentiment, can bestow that delicacy and grandeur of bearing which belong only to a mind accustomed to celestial conversation.
    MAng1 12.228 11 ...[Michelangelo] told Vasari that he often slept in his clothes [while painting the Sistine Chapel ceiling], both because he was too weary to undress, and because he would rise in the night and go immediately to work.
    ACri 12.298 13 Here has come into the country, three months ago, a History of Friedrich...a book that, one would think, the English people would rise up in a mass to thank [Carlyle] for...

risen, v. (9)

    Con 1.307 27 ...I have risen early and sat late...
    Cir 2.301 17 ...there is always another dawn risen on mid-noon...
    Chr1 3.99 1 ...[the capitalist] is satisfied to read in the quotations of the market that his stocks have risen.
    MoS 4.174 19 In the mount of vision, ere they have yet risen from their knees, [the saints] say, We discover that this our homage and beatitude is partial and deformed...
    ET15 5.263 13 [The London Times] has risen, year by year, and victory by victory, to its present authority.
    War 11.161 11 The star once risen...will mount and mount...
    War 11.168 24 If you have a nation of men who have risen to that height of moral cultivation that they will not declare war or carry arms...you have a nation...of true, great and able men.
    Shak1 11.448 8 Wherever there are men, and in the degree in which they are civil...[Shakespeare] has risen to his place as the first poet of the world.
    Milt1 12.252 2 ...by his own innate worth this man [Milton] has steadily risen in the world's reverence...

riser, n. (1)

    Milt1 12.263 7 [Milton] was...an early riser...

rises, n. (1)

    Supl 10.170 9 The farmers in the region do not call particular summits... mountains, but only them 'ere rises...

rises, v. (43)

    Nat 1.30 26 The moment our discourse rises above the ground line of familiar facts...it clothes itself in images.
    LE 1.166 11 Presently [the listener's] own emotion rises to his lips...
    MN 1.220 27 ...we also can bask in the great morning which rises forever out of the eastern sea...
    LT 1.274 4 [The wealthy man] entertains [the divine]...lodges him; his religion comes home at night, prays, is...sumptuously laid to sleep; rises, is saluted......
    SR 2.64 11 ...the sense of being which in calm hours rises...in the soul, is not diverse from things...
    SL 2.137 3 Our society is encumbered by ponderous machinery, which resembles the endless aqueducts which the Romans built...and which are superseded by the discovery of the law that water rises to the level of its source.
    Hsm1 2.245 17 ...there is in [the elder English dramatists'] plays a certain heroic cast of character and dialogue...wherein the speaker is...on such deep grounds of character, that the dialogue, on the slightest additional incident in the plot, rises naturally into poetry.
    OS 2.277 14 ...in groups where debate is earnest...the company become aware that the thought rises to an equal level in all bosoms...
    Cir 2.304 27 Lo! on the other side rises also a man and draws a circle around the circle we had just pronounced the outline of the sphere.
    Cir 2.322 4 A man, said Oliver Cromwell, never rises so high as when he knows not whither he is going.
    Mrs1 3.127 4 ...the youth finds himself in a more transparent atmosphere, wherein life is a less troublesome game, and not a misunderstanding rises between the players.
    Mrs1 3.129 13 If [aristocracy and fashion] provoke anger in the least favored class, and the excluded majority revenge themselves on the excluding minority by the strong hand and kill them, at once a new class finds itself at the top, as certainly as cream rises in a bowl of milk...
    Mrs1 3.142 25 The painted phantasm Fashion rises to cast a species of derision on what we say.
    MoS 4.169 11 In speaking of [Socrates], for once [Montaigne's] cheek flushes and his style rises to passion.
    GoW 4.264 2 Whatever can be thought can be spoken, and still rises for utterance...
    ET16 5.281 3 ...at the summer solstice, the sun rises exactly over the top of that [astronomical] stone [at Stonehenge]...
    ET16 5.285 19 ...I had been more struck with [a cathedral] of no fame, at Coventry, which rises three hundred feet from the ground...
    Ctr 6.143 9 [The boy] is infatuated for weeks with whist and chess; but presently will find out...that when he rises from the game too long played, he is vacant and forlorn and despises himself.
    Wsp 6.240 15 ...the last lesson of life, the choral song which rises from all elements and all angels, is a voluntary obedience, a necessitated freedom.
    Art2 7.38 4 [Action] rises in thought, to the end that it may uttered and acted.
    DL 7.124 16 ...we soon catch the trick of each man's conversation, and knowing his two or three main facts, anticipate what he thinks of each new topic that rises.
    Clbs 7.250 15 Discourse, when it rises highest...is between two.
    Elo2 8.116 14 When a good man rises in the cold and malicious assembly, you think, Well, sir, it would be more prudent to be silent;...
    Elo2 8.125 15 ...when any orator at the bar or in the Senate rises in his thought, he descends in his language...
    Elo2 8.125 16 ...when [the orator] rises to any height of thought or of passion he comes down to a language level with the ear of all his audience.
    Res 8.149 19 When now and then the vaulted roof [of the Mammoth Cave] rises high overhead...'t is but gloom on gloom.
    PC 8.228 3 If [men in Kansas and California] are made as [the wise man] is...he knows that their joy or resentment rises to the same point as his own.
    PPo 8.261 5 ...sometimes [Hafiz's] love rises to a religious sentiment...
    PerF 10.72 3 When the continent sinks, the opposite continent...rises.
    Edc1 10.132 5 ...in history an idea always overhangs, like the moon, and rules the tide which rises simultaneously in all the souls of a generation.
    Supl 10.177 15 The [Oriental] diver dives a beggar, and rises with the price of a kingdom in his hand.
    SovE 10.185 12 ...presently...[the man down in Nature] is aware that he owes a higher allegiance to do and live as a good member of this universe. In the measure in which he has this sense he...rises to the universal life.
    SovE 10.186 5 ...in mature life the moral element steadily rises in the regard of all reasonable men.
    SovE 10.195 9 The new saint gloried in infirmities. Who or what was he? His rise and his recovery were vicarious. He has fallen in another; he rises in another.
    SovE 10.200 14 ...as the [moral] sentiment purifies and rises, it leaves crowds.
    Schr 10.275 10 The hero rises out of all comparison with contemporaries and with ages of men, because he disesteems old age, and lands, and money, and power...
    HDC 11.84 5 The tone of the [Concord Town] Records rises with the dignity of the event.
    EWI 11.104 18 The blood is moral: the blood is anti-slavery...the stomach rises with disgust, and curses slavery.
    FRep 11.514 4 In our popular politics you may note that each aspirant who rises above the crowd...soon learns that it is by no means by obeying the vulgar weathercock of his party...that real power is gained...
    II 12.86 16 The old Herschel must...draw on his night-cap when the sun rises, and defend his eyes for nocturnal use.
    MAng1 12.216 27 ...in proportion as man rises above the servitude to wealth and a pursuit of mean pleasures, he perceives that what is most real is most beautiful...
    Milt1 12.248 7 There is no name in English literature between [Milton's] age and ours that rises into any approach to his own.
    MLit 12.321 24 With the name of Wordsworth rises to our recollection the name of his contemporary and friend, Walter Savage Landor...

risibility, n. (1)

    Ill 6.314 27 [I knew a humorist who] shocked the company by maintaining that the attributes of God were two,--power and risibility...

rising, adj. (10)

    Nat 1.54 15 ...so their rising senses/ Begin to chase the ignorant fumes that mantle/ Their clearer reason./
    DSA 1.137 6 The faith should blend with the light of rising and of setting suns...
    YA 1.384 21 These rising grounds which command the champaign below, seem to ask for lords...
    Hist 2.18 18 The man who has seen the rising moon break out of the clouds at midnight, has been present like an archangel at the creation of light and of the world.
    ShP 4.193 13 ...so many rising geniuses have enlarged or altered [Elizabethan plays]...that no man can any longer claim copyright in this work of numbers.
    ET1 5.12 3 [Coleridge] had been called the rising star of Unitarianism.
    Elo2 8.109 1 He, when the rising storm of party roared,/ Brought his great forehead to the council board,/ There, while hot heads perplexed with fears the state,/ Calm as the morn the manly patriot sate;/...
    Dem1 10.11 9 ...the atmosphere of a summer morning is filled with innumerable gossamer threads running in every direction, revealed by the beams of the rising sun!
    HDC 11.35 21 A march of a number of families with their stuff, through twenty miles of unknown forest, from a little rising town that had not much to spare...must be laborious to all...
    War 11.175 6 ...if the rising generation can be provoked to think it unworthy to nestle into every abomination of the past...then war has a short day...

Rising, in the Cave, Lady.. (1)

    QO 8.186 23 There are many fables which...are said to be agreeable to the human mind. Such are The Seven Sleepers...the Lady Diving in the Lake and Rising in the Cave...

rising, n. (2)

    War 11.151 3 It has been a favorite study of modern philosophy...to watch the rising of a thought in one man's mind...
    War 11.160 21 Cannot peace be, as well as war? This thought is...the rising of the general tide in the human soul...

rising, v. (13)

    Con 1.314 26 ...rising one morning before day from his bed of moss and dry leaves, [Friar Bernard] gnawed his roots and berries...
    OS 2.270 2 Only [the soul] can inspire whom it will, and behold! their speech shall be lyrical, and sweet, and universal as the rising of the wind.
    SwM 4.141 7 [The scenery and circumstance of the newly parted soul] must be...stabler than mountains, agreeing with...the rising and setting of autumnal stars.
    ET2 5.29 23 ...the registered observations of a few hundred years find [the land] in a perpetual tilt, rising and falling.
    ET2 5.29 26 A rising of the sea, such as has been observed, say an inch in a century, from east to west on the land, will bury all the towns, monuments, bones and knowledge of mankind...
    Art2 7.37 23 Every thought that arises in the mind, in its rising aims to pass out of the mind into act;...
    WD 7.167 13 Hesiod wrote a poem which he called Works and Days... instructing the husbandman at the rising of what constellation he might safely sow...
    OA 7.315 24 [Josiah Quincy's] speech led me to look over at home... Cicero's famous essay [De Senectute]...rising at the conclusion to a lofty strain.
    Insp 8.287 25 Did you never observe, says Gray, while rocking winds are piping loud, that pause...rising upon the ear in a shrill and plaintive note...
    Insp 8.293 5 If the tone of the companion is higher than ours, we delight in rising to it.
    Imtl 8.348 24 ...the man puts off the ignorance and tumultuous passions of youth; proceeding thence puts off the egotism of manhood, and becomes at last a public and universal soul. He is rising to greater heights...
    Imtl 8.348 24 ...the man puts off the ignorance and tumultuous passions of youth; proceeding thence puts off the egotism of manhood, and becomes at last a public and universal soul. He is...rising to realities;...
    War 11.160 22 Cannot peace be, as well as war? This thought is...the rising of the general tide in the human soul,-and rising highest, and first made visible, in the most simple and pure souls...

risings, n. (2)

    EWI 11.100 27 In this cause [emancipation], we must renounce...the risings of pride.
    PLT 12.14 3 I observe with curiosity [the Intellect's] risings and its settings...that I may learn to live with it wisely...

risk, n. (20)

    LT 1.287 13 At the manifest risk of repeating what every other Age has thought of itself, we might say we think the Genius of this Age more philosophical than any other has been...
    YA 1.387 22 In every age of the world there has been a leading nation... whose eminent citizens were willing to stand for the interests of general justice and humanity, at the risk of being called...chimerical and fantastic.
    Lov1 2.173 24 By and by that boy wants a wife, and very truly and heartily will he know where to find a sincere and sweet mate, without any risk such as Milton deplores as incident to scholars and great men.
    Cir 2.308 21 Beware when the great God lets loose a thinker on this planet. Then all things are at risk.
    Pt1 3.23 9 [Nature] makes a man; and having brought him to ripe age, she will no longer run the risk of losing this wonder at a blow...
    ET2 5.27 25 Hour for hour, the risk on a steamboat is greater;...
    Wth 6.108 16 You may not see that the fine pear costs you a shilling, but it costs the community so much. The shilling represents the number of enemies the pear has, and the amount of risk in ripening it.
    Wth 6.109 24 ...we charged threepence a pound for carrying cotton, sixpence for tobacco, and so on; which paid for the risk and loss...
    Ctr 6.134 9 The preservation of the species was a point of such necessity that nature has secured it at all hazards by immensely overloading the passion, at the risk of perpetual crime and disorder.
    Wsp 6.201 6 Some of my friends have complained...that we ran Cudworth' s risk of making...the argument of atheism so strong that he could not answer it.
    Wsp 6.233 13 [A gentleman] found [William of Orange] directing the operation of his gunners, and...the king said, Do you not know, sir, that every moment you spend here is at the risk of your life?
    Wsp 6.233 14 [A gentleman] found [William of Orange] directing the operation of his gunners, and...the king said, Do you not know, sir, that every moment you spend here is at the risk of your life? I run no more risk, replied the gentleman, than your Majesty.
    Boks 7.197 6 ...I will venture, at the risk of inditing a list of old primers and grammars, to count the few books which a superficial reader must thankfully use.
    Cour 7.263 13 [The soldier] sees how much is the risk...
    OA 7.324 25 To insure the existence of the race, [Nature] reinforces the sexual instinct, at the risk of disorder, grief and pain.
    Res 8.151 12 [Taste] should be extended to gardens and grounds, and mainly one thing should be illustrated: that life in the country...wants...an old horse that will stand tied in a pasture half a day without risk...
    FSLC 11.187 27 ...[resistance to the Fugitive Slave Law] is befriending... on our own farms, a man who has taken the risk of being shot...to get away from his driver...
    ACiv 11.304 14 I will only advert to some leading points of the argument [for emancipation], at the risk of repeating the reasons of others.
    FRep 11.523 4 ...one may run a risk once too often.
    Milt1 12.265 20 [Milton] accepts a high impulse at every risk...

risk, v. (4)

    Con 1.304 26 You who...are willing to...risk the indisputable good that exists, for the chance of better, live, move, and have your being in this [society]...
    MoS 4.159 5 ...we ought to secure those advantages which we can command, and not risk them by clutching after the airy and unattainable.
    HDC 11.69 23 ...in conjunction with our brethren in America, we will risk our fortunes, and even our lives, in defence of his majesty, King George the Third, his person, crown and dignity;...
    AsSu 11.247 20 In [the slave state]...man is an animal...spending his days in hunting and practising with deadly weapons to defend himself against his slaves and against his companions brought up in the same idle and dangerous way. Such people...readily risk on every passion a life which is of small value to themselves or to others.

risked, v. (2)

    NMW 4.235 16 [Napoleon] risked every thing and spared nothing...
    AsSu 11.248 5 Many years ago, when Mr. Webster was challenged in Washington to a duel by one of these [Southern] madcaps, his friends came forward with prompt good sense and said such a thing was not to be thought of; Mr. Webster's life...was not to be risked on the turn of a vagabond's ball.

risking, v. (1)

    FRep 11.521 22 The American marches with a careless swagger to the height of power...in his reckless confidence that he can have all he wants, risking all the prized charters of the human race...

risks, n. (8)

    Pt1 3.26 24 ...there is a great public power on which [the intellectual man] can draw, by unlocking, at all risks, his human doors...
    ET2 5.27 22 ...in hurrying over these abysses [of the sea], whatever dangers we are running into, we are certainly running out of the risks of hundreds of miles every day...
    ET2 5.30 24 Jack [Tar] has a life of risks, incessant abuse and the worst pay.
    ET11 5.175 26 ...the duel, which in peace still held [French and English nobles] to the risks of war, diminished the envy that in trading and studious nations would else have pried into their title.
    Pow 6.68 20 [Men of this surcharge of arterial blood] are made...for hair-breadth adventures, huge risks and the joy of eventful living.
    Insp 8.279 5 There are...certain risks in this presentiment of the decisive perception...
    Dem1 10.16 12 As [the young man] comes into manhood he remembers passages and persons that seem...to have been supernaturally deprived of injurious influence on him. His eyes were holden that he could not see. But he learns that such risks he may no longer run.
    Thor 10.472 14 ...[Thoreau] would carry you...even to his most prized botanical swamp,-possibly knowing that you could never find it again, yet willing to take his risks.

risks, v. (2)

    Imtl 8.343 13 [The moral sentiment] risks or ruins property, health, life itself, without hesitation, for its thought...
    War 11.155 8 Nature implants with life...perpetual struggle...to attain to a mastery and the security of a permanent, self-defended being; and to each creature these objects are made so dear that it risks its life continually in the struggle for these ends.

risky, adj. (1)

    MoS 4.167 16 [I seem to hear Montaigne say] Our condition as men is risky and ticklish enough.

rite, n. (16)

    DSA 1.140 20 If no heart warm this rite [the Lord's Supper], the hollow, dry, creaking formality is too plain...
    MR 1.228 25 ...not a kingdom, town, statute, rite, calling, man, or woman, but is threatened by the new spirit.
    Cir 2.304 10 ...it is the inert effort of each thought, having formed itself into a circular wave of circumstance,--as for instance...a religious rite,--to heap itself on that ridge...
    GoW 4.267 8 The fiery reformer embodies his aspiration in some rite or covenant...
    Chr2 10.109 2 When once Selden had said that the priests seemed to him to be baptizing their own fingers, the rite of baptism was getting late in the world.
    LS 11.4 18 ...it is now near two hundred years since the Society of Quakers denied the authority of the rite [the Lord's Supper] altogether...
    LS 11.5 5 ...I was led to the conclusion that Jesus did not intend to establish an institution for perpetual observance when he ate the Passover with his disciples; and further, to the opinion, that it is not expedient to celebrate it as we do. I shall now endeavor to state distinctly my reasons for these two opinions. I. The authority of the rite.
    LS 11.11 5 ...it is not a little singular that we should have preserved this rite [the Lord's Supper] and insisted upon perpetuating one symbolical act of Christ whilst we have totally neglected all others...
    LS 11.11 23 ...if we had found [washing of the feet] an established rite in our churches, on grounds of mere authority, it would have been impossible to have argued against it.
    LS 11.11 26 That rite [washing of the feet] is used by the Church of Rome...
    LS 11.13 17 It was only too probable that among the half-converted Pagans and Jews, any rite, any form, would find favor...
    LS 11.15 19 ...this single expectation of a speedy reappearance of a temporal Messiah...would naturally tend to preserve the use of the rite [the Lord's Supper] when once established.
    LS 11.16 15 But it is said: Admit that the rite [the Lord's Supper] was not designed to be perpetual. What harm doth it?
    LS 11.17 1 You say, every time you celebrate the rite [the Lord's Supper], that Jesus enjoined it;...
    LS 11.22 3 ...although for the satisfaction of others I have labored to show by the history that this rite [the Lord's Supper] was not intended to be perpetual; although I have gone back to weigh the expressions of Paul, I feel that here is the true point of view.
    LS 11.23 19 There remain some practical objections to the ordinance [the Lord's Supper], into which I shall not now enter. There is one on which I had intended to say a few words; I mean the unfavorable relation in which it places that numerous class of persons who abstain from it merely from disinclination to the rite.

rites, n. (13)

    DSA 1.150 1 ...all attempts to project and establish a Cultus with new rites and forms, seem to me vain.
    Tran 1.348 2 ...[Transcendentalists] do not willingly share in the public charities, in the public religious rites...
    Prd1 2.231 25 ...[the finer souls] find beauty in rites and bounds that resist [appetite].
    OS 2.274 12 [The soul] has no dates, nor rites...
    Pt1 3.16 8 It is nature the symbol...which [the coachman or the hunter] worships with coarse but sincere rites.
    ShP 4.190 14 The Church has reared [a great man] amidst rites and pomps, and he carries out the advice which her music gave him, and builds a cathedral needed by her chants and processions.
    SS 7.1 11 ...nor loved [Seyd] less/ Stately lords in palaces/ Princely women hard to please,/ Fenced by form and ceremony,/ Decked by courtly rites and dress/...
    Cour 7.266 19 Plutarch relates that the Pythoness who tried to prophesy without command in the Temple at Delphi, though she performed the usual rites...fell into convulsions and died.
    Chr2 10.107 11 Fifty or a hundred years ago...an exact observance of the Sunday was kept in the houses of laymen as of clergymen. And one sees with some pain the disuse of rites so charged with humanity and aspiration.
    SovE 10.205 3 To a self-denying, ardent church, delighting in rites and ordinances, has succeeded a cold, intellectual race...
    SlHr 10.447 11 It seemed as if the New England church had formed [Samuel Hoar] to be...the lover and assured friend...of its ministers, its rites, and its social reforms.
    HDC 11.31 6 In consequence of [Laud's] famous proclamation setting up certain novelties in the rites of public worship, fifty godly ministers were suspended for contumacy...
    SHC 11.429 13 [The committee] have thought that the taking possession of this field [Sleepy Hollow Cemetery] ought to be marked by a public meeting and religious rites...

Ritter, Letter to [Alexande (1)

    Humb 11.456 7 If a life prolonged to an advanced period bring with it several inconveniences to the individual, there is a compensation in the delight of being able...to see great advances in knowledge develop themselves under our eyes in departments which had long slept in inactivity. Humboldt, Letter to Ritter.

ritual, n. (10)

    DSA 1.130 16 ...[Christianity] is...an exaggeration of...the ritual.
    Mrs1 3.132 1 ...the countryman at a city dinner, believes that there is a ritual according to which every act and compliment must be performed...
    ET11 5.187 7 Politeness is the ritual of society...
    ET13 5.217 23 [The English Church] has the seal of...a ritual marked by the same secular merits, nothing cheap or purchasable.
    Wsp 6.208 1 Here are...even in the decent populations, idolatries wherein the whiteness of the ritual covers scarlet indulgence.
    Comc 8.164 24 In religion, the sentiment is all; the ritual or ceremony indifferent.
    Chr2 10.104 19 Every particular instruction is speedily embodied in a ritual...
    MoL 10.249 7 ...the Church clung to ritual, and the scholar clung to joy...
    Wom 11.411 17 ...I think [women] should magnify their ritual of manners.
    Bost 12.193 9 ...[the savage] goes muttering his rude ritual or mythology, which yet conceals some grand commandment;...

ritualism, n. (1)

    Wsp 6.208 26 In creeds never was such levity; witness...the peacock ritualism...

ritualities, n. (1)

    Chr2 10.108 6 ...So far the religion is now where it should be. Persons...are discriminated according to their aims, and not by these ritualities.

ritualize, v. (1)

    Tran 1.357 12 ...church and old book mumble and ritualize to an unheeding, preoccupied and advancing mind...

rituals, n. (1)

    FRep 11.530 27 We must realize our rhetoric and our rituals.

rival, adj. (5)

    ET4 5.54 13 We must use the popular category...for convenience, and not as exact and final. Otherwise we are presently confounded when the best-settled traits of one race are claimed by some new ethnologist as precisely characteristic of the rival tribe.
    Clbs 7.243 9 It was the Marchioness of Rambouillet who first...piqued the emulation of Cardinal Richelieu to rival assemblies...
    PC 8.217 13 [Culture] raises a rival royalty in a monarchy.
    MoL 10.245 22 A French prophet of our age, Fourier, predicted that one day...the rival portions of humanity would dispute each other's excellence in the manufacture of little cakes.
    Milt1 12.259 13 ...to enlarge and enliven his elegant learning, [Milton] was sent into Italy, where he beheld...the rival works of Raphael, Michael Angelo and Correggio;...

rival, n. (11)

    MN 1.202 10 When we...shorten the sight to look into this court of Louis Quatorze, and see the game that is played there...a gambling table...where the end is ever by some lie or fetch to outwit your rival...one can hardly help asking...whether it be quite worth while to...glut the innocent space with so poor an article.
    SL 2.141 9 [A man] inclines to do something which is easy to him and good when it is done, but which no other man can do. He has no rival.
    Suc 7.294 21 The time your rival spends in dressing up his work for effect... you spend in study and experiments towards real knowledge and efficiency.
    Chr2 10.97 8 In all ages, to all men, [the moral force] saith, I am; and he who hears it feels the impiety of wandering from this revelation to any record or to any rival.
    JBS 11.277 5 ...the best orators who have added their praise to his fame... have one rival who comes off a little better, and that is JOHN BROWN.
    TPar 11.289 21 ...[Theodore Parker] insisted beyond all men in pulpits-I cannot think of one rival-that the essence of Christianity is its practical morals;...
    FRep 11.519 1 ...each aspirant for power vies with his rival which can stoop lowest...
    II 12.85 25 No rival can rival backward.
    Bost 12.205 22 The power of labor which belongs to the English race fell here...into a maritime country made for trade, where was no rival and no envious lawgiver.
    ACri 12.295 3 We cannot...give any account of [Shakespeare's] existence, but only the fact that there was a wonderful symbolizer and expressor, who has no rival in all ages...
    PPr 12.390 6 Carlyle, in his strange, half-mad way, has entered the Field of the Cloth of Gold, and shown a vigor and wealth of resource which has no rival in the tourney-play of these times;...

rival, v. (8)

    Nat 1.19 5 In July, the blue pontederia...swarms with yellow butterflies in continual motion. Art cannot rival this pomp of purple and gold.
    Comp 2.125 23 We do not believe there is any force in to-day to rival or recreate that beautiful yesterday.
    ET11 5.172 6 Palaces, halls, villas, walled parks, all over England, rival the splendor of royal seats.
    Pow 6.56 25 [A strong pulse] is like the climate, which easily rears a crop which no glass, or irrigation, or tillage, or manures can elsewhere rival.
    Wsp 6.218 12 If your eye is on the eternal...your opinions and actions will have a beauty which no learning or combined advantages of other men can rival.
    Insp 8.287 18 Tie a couple of strings across a board, and set it in your window, and you have an instrument which no artist's harp can rival.
    Plu 10.302 16 [Plutarch] disowns any attempt to rival Thucydides;...
    II 12.85 26 No rival can rival backward.

rivalled, v. (2)

    LLNE 10.333 5 In the pulpit...[Everett] gave the reins to his florid, quaint and affluent fancy. Then was exhibited all the richness of a rhetoric which we have never seen rivalled in this country.
    EurB 12.367 13 ...[Wordsworth's] poems evince a power of diction that is no more rivalled by his contemporaries than is his poetic insight.

rivalling, v. (1)

    Milt1 12.260 27 Not imitating but rivalling Shakspeare, [Milton] scattered, in tones of prolonged and delicate melody, his pastoral and romantic fancies;...

rivalry, n. (5)

    ET6 5.111 27 There is a prose in certain Englishmen which exceeds in wooden deadness all rivalry with other countrymen.
    ET14 5.236 11 The union of Saxon precision and Oriental soaring, of which Shakspeare is the perfect example, is shared in less degree by the writers of two centuries. I find not only the great masters out of all rivalry and reach, but the whole writing of the time charged with a masculine force and freedom.
    Elo1 7.83 1 There is always a rivalry between the orator and the occasion...
    Elo1 7.84 11 This rivalry between the orator and the occasion is inevitable...
    Milt1 12.255 24 The genius of France has not...yet culminated in any one head...into such perception of all the attributes of humanity as to entitle it to any rivalry in these lists [with Milton].

rivals, n. (7)

    Comp 2.108 3 ...when the Thasians erected a statue to Theagenes, a victor in the games, one of his rivals went to it by night and endeavored to throw it down...
    ET5 5.90 8 Sir Robert Peel knew the Blue Books by heart. His colleagues and rivals carry Hansard in their heads.
    ET15 5.264 18 ...[the London Times] attacks its rivals by perfecting its printing machinery...
    SS 7.12 26 'T is said the present and the future are always rivals.
    FSLN 11.221 7 ...[Webster] was, without effort, as superior to his most eminent rivals as they were to the humblest;...
    MAng1 12.226 6 [Michelangelo...was proceeding with the work [of rebuilding the Pons Palatinus], when, through the intervention of his rivals, this work was taken from him...
    PPr 12.383 3 It requires great courage in a man of letters to handle the contemporary practical questions; not because he then has all men for his rivals, but because of the infinite entanglements of the problem...

rival's, n. (2)

    ET8 5.135 24 Here [in England] was lately a cross-grained miser [Joseph Turner]...yet as true a worshipper of beauty in form and color as ever existed...and when he saw that the splendor of one of his pictures in the Exhibition dimmed his rival's that hung next it, secretly took a brush and blackened his own.
    Pow 6.59 19 Nothing that [the weaker party] knows will quite hit the mark, whilst all the rival's arrows are good, and well thrown.

rivals, v. (1)

    EWI 11.122 19 ...the Boston merchant rivals his brother of New York;...

rive, v. (3)

    Comp 2.92 13 ...all that Nature made thy own,/ Floating in air or pent in stone,/ Will rive the hills and swim the sea/ And, like thy shadow, follow thee./
    F 6.34 15 ...sometimes the religious principle would get in and...rive every mountain laid on top of it.
    Bty 6.288 14 Thought is the pent air-ball which can rive the planet...

rived, v. (1)

    Pt1 3.1 4 A moody child and wildly wise/ Pursued the game with joyful eyes,/ Which chose, like meteors, their way,/ And rived the dark with private ray/...

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