27. Announcement of August 1, 1844 celebration in Concord on the anniversary of emancipation in the British West Indies (transcribed from the Liberator, July 12, 1844).


To the Friends of Freedom in Middlesex and the neighboring Counties.

All who feel interested in the slave's welfare and the progress of human rights, of whatever sect or sex, age or character, are invited to meet at Concord, on the approaching 1st of August, to celebrate the anniversary of the emancipation of 800,000 slaves in the British West Indies—an event the most note-worthy of modern times, one which appeals to the noblest feelings of the heart; which was stained with no blood, and achieved by no physical strife, but accomplished by the wonder-working power of truth and even-handed justice; which has caused no tears to flow but those of joy, unless the tyrant weeps over victims snatched away; which has proved that obedience to the laws of God is for man's best interest; which has raised thousands from the position of brutes to that of men, and carried the light of knowledge and Christianity to the homes of thousands in the darkness before; and which is, in fact, the crowning glory of Christianity in this age.

   The exercises will commence at 11 o'clock, and will consist of singing by an anti-slavery choir, and an address by RALPH WALDO EMERSON.  At noon, there will be a collation in the woods—tickets 25 cents—and afterwards, addresses by John Pierpont, S.J. May, F. Douglass, Walter Channing, and other distinguished friends of liberty, whose names will be announced in the next Liberator, as well as the place where the meeting is to be held, in Concord.

It is desirable that the friends who propose coming, should send an estimate of the number that will probably attend from their respective towns, that suitable provision may be made.  Please address WM. A. WHITE, Watertown, or Mrs. M.M. BROOKS, Concord.


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